Sleep Deprivation Definition

By: Leonard Garrett

Millions of people deal with sleep deprivation which simply put is just a loss of sleep. Sometimes our daily schedules do not allow us to get enough sleep. This affects our lives if done over a period of time. We begin to accomplish much
less during the day then we do if we get enough sleep.

Surveys say that nearly 47 million Americans face sleep problems that can be considered sleep deprivation. The most common problems from sleep deprivation are:

&bull Memory Lost - You may forget what you need to do and details on how to accomplish what you need to do.

&bull Energy Lost - When you lost energy your body cannot function properly. You begin to slow down and become unable to perform certain tasks.

&bull Mental Alertness - This is one of the largest risk factors from sleep deprivation. You become unable to focus on tasks which can in some cases be detrimental to your safety.

&bull Emotions - You begin to experience mood swings. You may also become hyper sensitive or completely

&bull Health - You may begin to experience heads,
dizziness or blurred visions.

All of the affects above can contribute to a high risk factor. If you experience any of these affects don't ignore them. Visit this site for information on getting a good night sleep.

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