Eczema Diet - Recognise Food Allergies

By: Janet Simpson

I discovered recently that there are several main reasons why people develop food allergies.

If you suffer with eczema, it is more than likely that you have an allergy to either foods, creams, household substances or chemicals.

You will know if you suffer from an allergy because when you come into contact with that food, cream, substance or chemical you suffer an allergic reaction.

The most common allergic reactions include

-difficulty in swallowing

-swelling of the face, eyes, and tongue

-breaking out in a rash

-developing an itchy fit

Eczema Diet - Recognise Food Allergies #1

If you have suffered any of the above reactions it might be due to excessive eating of additives.

The number of new colourings, flavour enhancers, additives and preservatives is ever increasing. These substances bring about the risk of the immune system reacting against them.

A large number of these substances are found in pre-packaged foods including some bread.

It is important that you reduce the number of substances you take in on a daily basis.

Read the labels on your packaged foods and aim to dramatically reduce your consumption of additives.

Eczema Diet - Recognise Food Allergies #2

If you have suffered any of the above reactions it might have been because of your intestinal ecology.

Your intestinal lining is coated and contains over 400 species of micro-organism or intestinal flora, both good and bad.

In fact the bacteria in your colon can weigh in the region of 3lbs!

This bacteria is very important as is acts as the front line for immune defence.

When there is good bacteria balance, nutrient absorption is improved and the elimination of unwanted matter and toxin is improved.

It is important that you rebalance your bacteria if you are suffering an imbalance.

Eczema Diet - Recognise Food Allergies #3

If you have suffered any of the above reactions it might be because you eat too quickly.

When your food is wolfed down, it does not get broken down correctly.

The stomach acids and digestive enzymes cannot digest the food correctly. Any proteins that are still intact get absorbed through the intestinal lining setting up for an immune reaction. This can eventually lead to the development of food intolerance.

Eat your food slowly and chew as many times as you can.

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