Treatments of Eczema - Overcoming Food Allergies

By: Janet Simpson

Are you one of the 45% of the population who suffer with some kind of food allergy?

The sort of foods that generate allergic reactions range from dairy produce, wheat and peanuts.

The kind of allergic reaction you can suffer includes immediate eruptions of spots, boils and hives, rashes, difficulty swallowing, swelling of eyes, face and tongue, nausea and dizziness.

There are several common reasons for food allergies and intolerances, here are some of the common ones:

Treatments of Eczema - Overcoming Food Allergies #1:

The most common reasons for food intolerance or allergy is eating too much of the same food too often. There are over 150,000 edible food plants available on our planet.

However most people tend to eat between 10 and 20 of these differing plant foods. On average most people eat approximately ten different plant foods on a weekly basis.

But limiting your food intake to this number of foods limits the quantity of nutrients you derive from your food and predisposes you to having an altered immune reactivity to these foods.

Treatments of Eczema - Overcoming Food Allergies #2:

The second most common reason for food intolerance or allergy is the increased number of food additives, preservatives, colouring agents and flavour enhancers.

The ever increasing number of additives has increased the risk of our immune system reacting against them.

Most additives and preservatives are found in pre-packed foods including bread.

The labels of these products should be checked and eliminated completely.

Treatments of Eczema - Overcoming Food Allergies #3:

The third most common reason for food intolerance or allergy is eating too quickly.

If you are continuously on the go, never have time to relax and you find your lifestyle extremely busy, you probably eat your food too quickly too.

As a result your food is only partially digested and any intact protein gets absorbed through the intestinal lining setting up immune reaction.

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