Get Off The Drugs - You Dont Need Zoloft For Insomnia

By: Dynamichealthtips
Proper sleep is vital to our health. Some people vary in the number of hours they need for a good nights rest, but can you imagine how it feels to not be able to sleep at all? This condition is called insomnia and it affects one in three people every year. Insomnia is very debilitating because it usually makes you stressed, irritable, and tired all the time.

Although there are a lot of causes of insomnia, depression is one of the most prominent causes leaving many patients needing to treat the depression in order to get rid of the insomnia. Many people quickly turn to medications such as Zoloft to try to solve this problem, and it is necessary for some, but many people do not need medication, as depression and insomnia can be helped naturally.

What Are Other Causes Of Insomnia?

There are many causes of insomnia and other sleep conditions. They range from alcoholism to menopause.

One of the most common causes of insomnia is stress. Unfortunately stress is also a negative side effect of having insomnia so you can imagine the viscous cycle you can get yourself into. To alleviate this problem learn some stress management and breathing techniques to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

Poor sleep habits also cause insomnia. For example someone who goes to bed at nine o'clock one night and midnight the next is more prone to get insomnia than someone who follows a regular sleep pattern.

The use of drugs and alcohol may also cause insomnia. This is particularly true if the drugs are stimulants and when alcohol is used excessively and/or often. Because smoking is also a stimulant, it also falls under this category, and may cause insomnia as well. Doctors now suggest that not exercising enough is also a possible cause of insomnia.

Other causes of insomnia include chronic illnesses. Illnesses such as diabetes or other health problems that caused things like chronic pain may cause insomnia. Menopause and breathing problems can also contribute to insomnia.

Treating Depression and Insomnia with Zoloft

One of the main causes of insomnia is depression and anxiety. Both of these causes of insomnia are treated with Zoloft at times. Using Zoloft to treat insomnia does not necessarily treat the insomnia itself, however, as the insomnia is actually a symptom of the deeper problem, depression.

Symptoms of depression include:
* Insomnia
* Feelings of sadness
* Hopelessness or emptiness
* Lack of energy
* Difficulty focusing
* Appetite changes
* Crying often or easily
* Thoughts of suicide

Each of these symptoms, including insomnia, is usually treated with Zoloft and similar medications, depending on what a person's doctor feels is best for them. However, Zoloft itself also has side effects that can adversely affect some people.

That is the viscous cycle that many medications put you in. They try to help one problem but cause another.

I will agree that extreme cases of insomnia may require Zoloft, but many people who are suffering from a lack of sleep can do several natural things to improve the quality of rest they receive. For one, you can learn meditation and breathing techniques that can help you relax before bedtime and help alleviate any depression you may have.

You can also learn about the importance of water and how it plays into your energy, mood, and sleep. If you want to avoid depression, insomnia, and Zoloft you also should try to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
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