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Students and Educators:
Let SPJ help guide the way

The Society of Professional Journalists understands that changes in the industry have forced educators to rethink and revise curricula. They are being asked — or required — to help students learn about everything that’s new while still teaching the reporting and writing skills that serve as the foundation of journalism. Institutions of higher learning are breaking their budgets to keep up with new software, new hardware and new gadgets. The job of a journalism educator is more demanding than ever before.

Just know that you are not alone. And the Society of Professional Journalists is there to help.

By becoming a member of SPJ:

— We can connect you with experts in reporting, writing, ethics, diversity, freedom of expression, open government, freelancing and, yes, media technology.

— We provide a chance for your students to work alongside our professional members. This is because our students are full members, complete with the same benefits as our professional members. (Two students even serve on our national board of directors.)

— We keep students updated on the industry through local and regional professional development programs, and publications such as our weekly e-newsletter “SPJ Leads” and our member magazine “Quill.”

— We connect your students to the organization with the best-known journalism code of ethics in the world. (It’s been translated into 11 languages.)

The best way for SPJ to serve your students is for your school to start a campus chapter. This would encourage your students to work together to provide locally relevant, SPJ-sponsored programming that will enhance their education. It is easy to set up a campus chapter; you can find out how by visiting this page.

If a campus chapter isn’t something you can do right now, we ask that you still encourage your students to join SPJ. This will give them an opportunity to network with other student and professional members. And if you have a professional chapter nearby, your students may be able to join their group.

Joining is easy and affordable; students pay only $37.50 for annual dues (cheaper than most textbooks) or $100 for a four-year membership if the student is a freshman or sophomore. You can learn more about becoming an SPJ member, and download applications, by following this link.

Your school can also show its dedication to journalism is by joining SPJ as a collegiate institutional member. In doing so, your school will demonstrate to students (and parents) its commitment to producing the best journalists possible. For just $400 a year, your school can join SPJ as a Collegiate Institutional Member. Please share this information with your journalism department leaders.

Our Collegiate Institutional Members receive:

— Your name on SPJ.org’s Collegiate Institutional Membership page that links to your school’s Web site.

— A subscription to Quill Magazine.

— A $5 discount on individual memberships for students and professionals from your school. This benefit will help you in building a chapter on your campus.

— A complimentary entry in SPJ’s Mark of Excellence Contest, which honors the best in student journalism from across the country.

— A framed copy of SPJ’s Code of Ethics and several pocket-sized copies of the Code.

— A complimentary convention registration to SPJ’s National Convention (a savings of nearly $200).

The best part is your school doesn’t need to have a campus SPJ chapter to become a Collegiate Institutional Member. And it’s one of the easiest ways to expose your students to the largest journalism organization in the country.

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