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Maximizing Performance
with SPDY & SSL
(June 2014)
Billy Hoffman @zoompf
What Is SPDY?
• “Speedy”
• Next Gen Web Protocol
– Created by Google in 2009
– Basis of HTTP/2 spec
• Designed for speed
• Familiar Request/Response model
– Largely abstracted away
– Much improved plumbing
– Extra features
Massive Browser Support
Massive Server Support
Cast of Characters
• X.509 Certificate
• Cryptography (asymmetric & symmetric)
• SPDY encapsulates HTTP requests
– Single Multiplexed stream
• Transmits contents over SSL channel
Mapping To Frames
Breaking To Streams
Multiplexing Streams
HTTP Pipelining Revisited
Additional Features
• Server Push!
• Header Compression
• Body Compression
• Better use of TCP connections
• Better upgrade approach
Today’s Focus
• Setting the Stage for SPDY
– Can speak SSL with a server
– Can create a valid SSL connection
– Client and Server agree to use SPDY
• Optimizing SPDY
– Optimizing SSL
– Optimizing SPDY
– Avoiding optimizations that hurt SPDY
• Tools to help
SSL Connectivity
• Hostname resolves
• IP is reachable
• Web server is listening on SSL port
• Web server understands SSL
• Web server knows which site you want
– Shared Hosting and SNI
Listener on 443 is speaking SSL?
Creating a Valid SSL connection
• Agreement on
crypto algorithms
• X.509 certificate is
X.509 Cert: Correct Domain?
X.509 Cert: Valid Time Period?
X.509 Cert: Is it Trusted?
X.509 Cert: Is it Trusted?
• Do I trust the issuer?
– If not, was it signed by someone I trust?
• Has it been revoked?
– CRL lists
– Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
Agreeing to Use SPDY
• Client tells server it supports SPDY
• Server tells client it supports SPDY
• Client sends SPDY over SSL
• Else, falls back to HTTP over SSL
SSL Handshake
Microsoft Technet: Host
Announcing SPDY support in the
SSL Handshake
Microsoft Technet: Host
ClientHello with Extension 13172
ServerHello with NPN
Review: Speaking SPDY
• Client resolves and connects to SSL port
• Client announces SPDY support inside
• Server announces SPDY support in
• Client validates X.509 cert, finalized SSL
• SPDY conversation happens
The SSL Tarpits
• SSL handshake requires 2 round trips
• Certificates can be large
• Certificates need to be validated
• Keys can be too large
• Algorithms can be slow
• Revocation
The SSL Handshake is Costly!
Microsoft Technet: Host
Resume SSL Session
• Avoid regenerating keys
• Avoid unneeded trips
• 2 methods
Microsoft Technet: Host
• Both sides keep state/cache
• Reuse based on id
• Widely supported
Microsoft Technet: Host
sessionid: 3a8a…
Big cache of
all ids given
out, and
Session Identifiers
• Client stores “Magic Ticket”
• RFC 5077, optional
• No IIS support
Microsoft Technet: Host
Encrypted summary of
keys/ciphers, signed by
summary is
valid, uses
Session Tickets
SSL False Start
False Start: Not Gone
• “The Failure of False Start”
• Chrome still does it!
– Desktop and mobile
• Any server that supports NPN! (with
forward secure)
– Any server with SPDY support…
– Or SSL + NPN, but only announces HTTP/1.1!
Minimize the Certificate Chain
OCSP Validation causes delays
OCSP Stapling
• Good in theory, bad in practice
• Browsers are moving away from OSCP
Heartbleed Ruined The Dream
• OCSP doesn’t
• DoS targets
• We can’t do this
Oversized Asymmetric Keys
• 1024 is fine
• 2048 for banks
• Anything more is
Cipher Order/Choice Matters
• RC4 is the best
• Unless on a
machine with AES-
– Intel i7, Xeons,
some AMD
– Not most virtual
• First match wins
Amazon EC2
• Partnered with Intel
• Stop using M1!
Is SSL really helping you?
• SSL doesn’t “secure” your website
– Prevents eavesdropping, tampering
– Not XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection, Unpatched/out-
of-date software, RCE, LFI, etc.
• Consider: NULL-MD5, NULL-SHA
• SSL with no encryption
“Does this really matter?”
• Seriously?
• 1024 more bytes in key?
• 2 more kilobytes in the X.509 cert?
• Accidently using AES-256?
• Really?
“Does this really matter?”
SPDY Optimization
• SPDY only works over SSL
• Ensure that all your traffic if over SSL
• HTTP 301 direct for http: to https:
– Add a cache-control header!
• HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
– Like the browser’s cache, but for protocol
access. Make (semi) far future
– Wide support (>90% of SPDY capable
Avoid These Optimizations
• Domain Sharding
– Hack to request multiplexing, not needed
– Hurts SPDY by spreading requests out
• JavaScript CDNs
– These are a horrible blight on the web!
SSL Labs
Now on Github, GPL licensed!
SSL/SPDY Optimization Check List
• Website responds over SSL/443
• Website has NPN extension (even without
SPDY for False Start)
• X.509 certificate is valid
• X.509 chain is short
• SSL Asymmetric keys are <= 2048
• Cipher is fast! (RC-4, AES-128 if supports
dedicated instructions)
SSL/SPDY Optimization Check List
• SSL session resumption is enabled (both
identifiers and tickets)
• No SSL compression
• Website is using latest version of SPDY
• HTTP permanently (301) redirects to
HTTPS (including cache header)
• HTTPS sends HTTP Strict Transport
Security header
Great Resources
• Ivan Ristic (
• Adam Langley (
• Mark Nottingham (
• Qualys SSL Labs (
• SPDYCheck (
Free Performance Assessment
Maximizing Performance
with SPDY & SSL
Billy Hoffman @zoompf

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Maximizing SPDY and SSL Performance (June 2014)

  • 1. Maximizing Performance with SPDY & SSL (June 2014) Billy Hoffman @zoompf
  • 2. What Is SPDY? • “Speedy” • Next Gen Web Protocol – Created by Google in 2009 – Basis of HTTP/2 spec • Designed for speed • Familiar Request/Response model – Largely abstracted away – Much improved plumbing – Extra features
  • 5. Cast of Characters • TCP • HTTP • SSL • X.509 Certificate • Cryptography (asymmetric & symmetric) • SPDY
  • 7. HTTP/SPDY/SSL Sandwich • SPDY encapsulates HTTP requests – Single Multiplexed stream • Transmits contents over SSL channel
  • 12. Additional Features • Server Push! • Header Compression • Body Compression • Better use of TCP connections • Better upgrade approach
  • 13. Today’s Focus • Setting the Stage for SPDY – Can speak SSL with a server – Can create a valid SSL connection – Client and Server agree to use SPDY • Optimizing SPDY – Optimizing SSL – Optimizing SPDY – Avoiding optimizations that hurt SPDY • Tools to help
  • 15. SSL Connectivity • Hostname resolves • IP is reachable • Web server is listening on SSL port • Web server understands SSL • Web server knows which site you want – Shared Hosting and SNI
  • 16. Listener on 443 is speaking SSL?
  • 17. Creating a Valid SSL connection • Agreement on crypto algorithms • X.509 certificate is valid
  • 19. X.509 Cert: Valid Time Period?
  • 20. X.509 Cert: Is it Trusted?
  • 21. X.509 Cert: Is it Trusted? • Do I trust the issuer? – If not, was it signed by someone I trust? • Has it been revoked? – CRL lists – Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
  • 22. Agreeing to Use SPDY • Client tells server it supports SPDY • Server tells client it supports SPDY • Client sends SPDY over SSL • Else, falls back to HTTP over SSL
  • 23. SSL Handshake Microsoft Technet: Host TLS/SSL Works
  • 24. Announcing SPDY support in the SSL Handshake Microsoft Technet: Host TLS/SSL Works + Ext:13172/A LPN + NPN/ALPN + Ext:13172/ALPN
  • 27. Review: Speaking SPDY • Client resolves and connects to SSL port • Client announces SPDY support inside ClientHello • Server announces SPDY support in ServerHello • Client validates X.509 cert, finalized SSL connection • SPDY conversation happens
  • 29. The SSL Tarpits • SSL handshake requires 2 round trips • Certificates can be large • Certificates need to be validated • Keys can be too large • Algorithms can be slow • Revocation
  • 30. The SSL Handshake is Costly! Microsoft Technet: Host TLS/SSL Works
  • 31. Resume SSL Session • Avoid regenerating keys • Avoid unneeded trips • 2 methods Microsoft Technet: Host TLS/SSL Works
  • 32. • Both sides keep state/cache • Reuse based on id • Widely supported Microsoft Technet: Host TLS/SSL Works sessionid: 3a8a… Big cache of all ids given out, and associated keys/ciphers Session Identifiers
  • 33. • Client stores “Magic Ticket” • RFC 5077, optional • No IIS support Microsoft Technet: Host TLS/SSL Works Encrypted summary of keys/ciphers, signed by server Verifies summary is valid, uses values Session Tickets
  • 35. False Start: Not Gone • “The Failure of False Start” • Chrome still does it! – Desktop and mobile • Any server that supports NPN! (with forward secure) – Any server with SPDY support… – Or SSL + NPN, but only announces HTTP/1.1!
  • 38. OCSP Stapling • Good in theory, bad in practice • Browsers are moving away from OSCP
  • 39. Heartbleed Ruined The Dream • OCSP doesn’t scale • DoS targets • We can’t do this well
  • 40. Oversized Asymmetric Keys • 1024 is fine • 2048 for banks • Anything more is overkill
  • 41. Cipher Order/Choice Matters • RC4 is the best • Unless on a machine with AES- NI – Intel i7, Xeons, some AMD – Not most virtual machines!!! • First match wins
  • 42. Amazon EC2 • Partnered with Intel • Stop using M1!
  • 43. Is SSL really helping you? • SSL doesn’t “secure” your website – Prevents eavesdropping, tampering – Not XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection, Unpatched/out- of-date software, RCE, LFI, etc. • Consider: NULL-MD5, NULL-SHA • SSL with no encryption
  • 44. “Does this really matter?” • Seriously? • 1024 more bytes in key? • 2 more kilobytes in the X.509 cert? • Accidently using AES-256? • Really?
  • 45. “Does this really matter?”
  • 46. SPDY Optimization • SPDY only works over SSL • Ensure that all your traffic if over SSL • HTTP 301 direct for http: to https: – Add a cache-control header! • HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) – Like the browser’s cache, but for protocol access. Make (semi) far future – Wide support (>90% of SPDY capable browsers)
  • 47. Avoid These Optimizations • Domain Sharding – Hack to request multiplexing, not needed – Hurts SPDY by spreading requests out • JavaScript CDNs – These are a horrible blight on the web! – libraries-caching.html – boilerplate/pull/1327
  • 48. TOOLS
  • 51. Now on Github, GPL licensed!
  • 52. SSL/SPDY Optimization Check List • Website responds over SSL/443 • Website has NPN extension (even without SPDY for False Start) • X.509 certificate is valid • X.509 chain is short • SSL Asymmetric keys are <= 2048 • Cipher is fast! (RC-4, AES-128 if supports dedicated instructions)
  • 53. SSL/SPDY Optimization Check List • SSL session resumption is enabled (both identifiers and tickets) • No SSL compression • Website is using latest version of SPDY • HTTP permanently (301) redirects to HTTPS (including cache header) • HTTPS sends HTTP Strict Transport Security header
  • 54. Great Resources • Ivan Ristic ( • Adam Langley ( • Mark Nottingham ( • Qualys SSL Labs ( • SPDYCheck (
  • 56. Maximizing Performance with SPDY & SSL Billy Hoffman @zoompf