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Avoiding Deadlocks in Neo4j on
- Mahesh Chaudhari, Cesar Arevalo &
Brian Roy

Introduction to the Z-Platform
Problems caused by Deadlocks
Locks and Deadlocks in Neo4j
Avoidance using Bipartite graphs
Full Entity

n of Profiles



Nodes & Edges
Neo4j Graph


Source Datasets
Deadlocks in Z-Platform
• Creating relationships is one of the most time
consuming processes
• Log analysis reveals deadlocks among batch
transactions and retry-mechanism takes time
• Dependent on how nodes and relationships are
grouped together
• Batch size is dependent on the size of the JSON
block sent to the server
• Time required to build relationships and resolve
deadlocks is in the order of seconds

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Locks in Neo4j
• Create a Node n1  Write Lock on Node n1
• Update a Node n1  Write Lock on Node n1
but read available on Node n1
• Create a Relationship r1 between nodes n1
and n2  Write Locks on relationship r1, n1
and n2

Deadlocks across processes





• Processes: P1 and P2
• Nodes: A, B, C, D
• Relationships: R1, R2, R3, R4



No Deadlocks





No Deadlocks















Possibility of Deadlock




Deadlocks across Transactions
• Transactions are also like separate processes
but in a single thread or multiple threads
• Deadlocks occur across transactions
– Two concurrent transactions need write locks on
the same node n1
– In two concurrent transactions, T1 has write lock
on node n1 and waiting on write lock on node n2
whereas T2 has write lock on n2 and is waiting for
write lock on node n1
– Transactions of varying sizes
Concurrent Transactions Deadlocks












No Deadlocks

Possibility of Deadlock


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This presentation about Apache Spark covers all the basics that a beginner needs to know to get started with Spark. It covers the history of Apache Spark, what is Spark, the difference between Hadoop and Spark. You will learn the different components in Spark, and how Spark works with the help of architecture. You will understand the different cluster managers on which Spark can run. Finally, you will see the various applications of Spark and a use case on Conviva. Now, let's get started with what is Apache Spark. Below topics are explained in this Spark presentation: 1. History of Spark 2. What is Spark 3. Hadoop vs Spark 4. Components of Apache Spark 5. Spark architecture 6. Applications of Spark 7. Spark usecase What is this Big Data Hadoop training course about? The Big Data Hadoop and Spark developer course have been designed to impart an in-depth knowledge of Big Data processing using Hadoop and Spark. The course is packed with real-life projects and case studies to be executed in the CloudLab. What are the course objectives? Simplilearn’s Apache Spark and Scala certification training are designed to: 1. Advance your expertise in the Big Data Hadoop Ecosystem 2. Help you master essential Apache and Spark skills, such as Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, machine learning programming, GraphX programming and Shell Scripting Spark 3. Help you land a Hadoop developer job requiring Apache Spark expertise by giving you a real-life industry project coupled with 30 demos What skills will you learn? By completing this Apache Spark and Scala course you will be able to: 1. Understand the limitations of MapReduce and the role of Spark in overcoming these limitations 2. Understand the fundamentals of the Scala programming language and its features 3. Explain and master the process of installing Spark as a standalone cluster 4. Develop expertise in using Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) for creating applications in Spark 5. Master Structured Query Language (SQL) using SparkSQL 6. Gain a thorough understanding of Spark streaming features 7. Master and describe the features of Spark ML programming and GraphX programming Who should take this Scala course? 1. Professionals aspiring for a career in the field of real-time big data analytics 2. Analytics professionals 3. Research professionals 4. IT developers and testers 5. Data scientists 6. BI and reporting professionals 7. Students who wish to gain a thorough understanding of Apache Spark Learn more at

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At Databricks, we have a unique view into over a hundred different companies trying out Spark for development and production use-cases, from their support tickets and forum posts. Having seen so many different workflows and applications, some discernible patterns emerge when looking at common performance and scalability issues that our users run into. This talk will discuss some of these common common issues from an engineering and operations perspective, describing solutions and clarifying misconceptions.

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Sequential Asynchronous Transactions


. n edges




. n edges





No Deadlocks








. n edges

No Deadlock


Deadlocks Detection and Avoidance
• Deadlocks Detection
– Only possible at run-time
– Recovery from deadlock is either to abort or retry

• Deadlocks Avoidance
– Reorder the operations to lower or eliminate the
likelihood of deadlocks
• Graph Clustering Algorithms: Most of them require
knowledge of entire graph

Clustering Relationships  Bipartite Graphs
Bipartite Graphs
• Given a Graph G with Vertices V and Edges
E, then graph G is a bipartite graph such that
vertices V can be partitioned into two
independent sets V1 and V2.








Creating Bipartite Graphs
• Use two colors to color each node such that
no two adjacent nodes have the same color.














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Non-Bipartite Graphs










Algorithm to generate Graph




• Create all the nodes
• Create batches of
relationships among
the same colored
• Create batches of
relationships across
the two colors
Algorithm in Z-Platform
• Batch of relationships R = {r1, r2, r3….. rn} :
– each r is a triplet {src, dest, props} where src and dest
are nodes and props is a set of key-value pairs

• Color the nodes based on each relationship with
two colors
• Mark the conflicting edges where both the src
and dest nodes are of the same color
• Batch these relationships together in a single
• Start grouping the remaining edges such that no
two batches have any node in common
Performance – Test Setup

JDK 1.7
Neo4j Java Binding Rest API
Neo4j Enterprise Server 1.9
Batch size (configurable) : 2000
Test Program that generates random nodes
(max 1000) and relationships (max 10,000)
• Huge file that contains 10,226 nodes and
39,564,960 relationships (5 GB)

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ORC files were originally introduced in Hive, but have now migrated to an independent Apache project. This has sped up the development of ORC and simplified integrating ORC into other projects, such as Hadoop, Spark, Presto, and Nifi. There are also many new tools that are built on top of ORC, such as Hive’s ACID transactions and LLAP, which provides incredibly fast reads for your hot data. LLAP also provides strong security guarantees that allow each user to only see the rows and columns that they have permission for. This talk will discuss the details of the ORC and Parquet formats and what the relevant tradeoffs are. In particular, it will discuss how to format your data and the options to use to maximize your read performance. In particular, we’ll discuss when and how to use ORC’s schema evolution, bloom filters, and predicate push down. It will also show you how to use the tools to translate ORC files into human-readable formats, such as JSON, and display the rich metadata from the file including the type in the file and min, max, and count for each column.

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Performance – Creating Nodes
Time in seconds for Nodes
Time in Secs







• 10,226 Nodes: 5.07 seconds
• Average Time for 2000 Nodes: 0.99 seconds ~ 1 second
• Each Node has 11 properties
Performance – Creating Relationships
Time in Seconds for relationships

Time in Secs

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87

• 1,74,000 Relationships created in 47.16 seconds
• Average Time for 2000 relationships: 0.54 seconds
• Number of relationships per second: 3,689
Performance – Creating 39 Million Relationships

• 39,564,960 Relationships in : 10,573.56 seconds (2 hrs 56 mins 13 seconds)
• Average Time for 2000 relationships: 0.53 seconds
• Number of relationships per second: 3,741
Graph Visualized in the Neo4j 2.0


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Slides cover Spark core concepts of Apache Spark such as RDD, DAG, execution workflow, forming stages of tasks and shuffle implementation and also describes architecture and main components of Spark Driver. The workshop part covers Spark execution modes , provides link to github repo which contains Spark Applications examples and dockerized Hadoop environment to experiment with

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Introduction: This workshop will provide a hands-on introduction to Apache Spark using the HDP Sandbox on students’ personal machines. Format: A short introductory lecture about Apache Spark components used in the lab followed by a demo, lab exercises and a Q&A session. The lecture will be followed by lab time to work through the lab exercises and ask questions. Objective: To provide a quick and short hands-on introduction to Apache Spark. This lab will use the following Spark and Apache Hadoop components: Spark, Spark SQL, Apache Hadoop HDFS, Apache Hadoop YARN, Apache ORC, and Apache Ambari User Views. You will learn how to move data into HDFS using Spark APIs, create Apache Hive tables, explore the data with Spark and Spark SQL, transform the data and then issue some SQL queries. Pre-requisites: Registrants must bring a laptop that can run the Hortonworks Data Cloud. Speaker: Robert Hryniewicz, Developer Advocate, Hortonworks

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Future Work
• Test performance over the network using Amazon EC2
servers to mimic real world setup
• Single threaded application  multi-threaded to see if
better performance
– More complex algorithm to batch relationships together
– Analyze if the complexity is worth the performance

• Vary multiple factors:
– Batch size : 1000 to 4000
– Properties (relationship descriptors) : 2 – 20

• Dispatcher Pattern to facilitate the single point distribution
of nodes and relationships to threads/Transactions

• Deadlocks in general are time consuming and
difficult to detect and prevent
• Use of graph coloring to partition graph into
conflicting and non-conflicting edges
• Successful prototype tests shows significant
improvement in building relationships varying
from small number to a very large number

Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari
Sr. Software Engineer
+1 602 524 0610
Contact Information
Sven Junkergård

Brian Roy

Director of Technology
+1 415 503 7412

Director of Platform Engineering & Architect
+1 415 663 6919

Zephyr Health Inc.
589 Howard St. 3rd Flr.
San Francisco, California 94105


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  • 1. Avoiding Deadlocks in Neo4j on Z-Platform - Mahesh Chaudhari, Cesar Arevalo & Brian Roy
  • 2. Outline • • • • • • Introduction to the Z-Platform Problems caused by Deadlocks Locks and Deadlocks in Neo4j Avoidance using Bipartite graphs Performance Conclusion 2
  • 3. Full Entity Profiles Z-Platform Sparse Representatio n of Profiles MongoDB Database Json Documents Nodes & Edges Neo4j Graph Database Z-Platform Source Datasets 3
  • 4. Deadlocks in Z-Platform • Creating relationships is one of the most time consuming processes • Log analysis reveals deadlocks among batch transactions and retry-mechanism takes time • Dependent on how nodes and relationships are grouped together • Batch size is dependent on the size of the JSON block sent to the server • Time required to build relationships and resolve deadlocks is in the order of seconds 4
  • 5. Locks in Neo4j • Create a Node n1  Write Lock on Node n1 • Update a Node n1  Write Lock on Node n1 but read available on Node n1 • Create a Relationship r1 between nodes n1 and n2  Write Locks on relationship r1, n1 and n2 5
  • 6. Deadlocks across processes A B P1 C D • Processes: P1 and P2 • Nodes: A, B, C, D • Relationships: R1, R2, R3, R4 P2 R1 A No Deadlocks B R4 A C B R2 No Deadlocks C R1 R1 A P1 P1 A B P1 R3 A R3 D P2 A D P2 Possibility of Deadlock D R2 C Deadlock 6 P2 D
  • 7. Deadlocks across Transactions • Transactions are also like separate processes but in a single thread or multiple threads • Deadlocks occur across transactions – Two concurrent transactions need write locks on the same node n1 – In two concurrent transactions, T1 has write lock on node n1 and waiting on write lock on node n2 whereas T2 has write lock on n2 and is waiting for write lock on node n1 – Transactions of varying sizes 7
  • 9. Sequential Asynchronous Transactions Deadlocks A E B . . n edges . F A T1 E B A . . n edges . F D T1 E C No Deadlocks D T2 A T1 D T2 A F . . n edges . B No Deadlock Deadlock 9 T2
  • 10. Deadlocks Detection and Avoidance • Deadlocks Detection – Only possible at run-time – Recovery from deadlock is either to abort or retry • Deadlocks Avoidance – Reorder the operations to lower or eliminate the likelihood of deadlocks • Graph Clustering Algorithms: Most of them require knowledge of entire graph Clustering Relationships  Bipartite Graphs 10
  • 11. Bipartite Graphs • Given a Graph G with Vertices V and Edges E, then graph G is a bipartite graph such that vertices V can be partitioned into two independent sets V1 and V2. V1 A V2 A E D C C D E B B 11
  • 12. Creating Bipartite Graphs • Use two colors to color each node such that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. 1 2 A V1 V2 A E D C C D E B B 12
  • 14. Algorithm to generate Graph V1 V2 A D C E B • Create all the nodes • Create batches of relationships among the same colored nodes • Create batches of relationships across the two colors 14
  • 15. Algorithm in Z-Platform • Batch of relationships R = {r1, r2, r3….. rn} : – each r is a triplet {src, dest, props} where src and dest are nodes and props is a set of key-value pairs • Color the nodes based on each relationship with two colors • Mark the conflicting edges where both the src and dest nodes are of the same color • Batch these relationships together in a single batch • Start grouping the remaining edges such that no two batches have any node in common 15
  • 16. Performance – Test Setup • • • • • JDK 1.7 Neo4j Java Binding Rest API Neo4j Enterprise Server 1.9 Batch size (configurable) : 2000 Test Program that generates random nodes (max 1000) and relationships (max 10,000) • Huge file that contains 10,226 nodes and 39,564,960 relationships (5 GB) 16
  • 17. Performance – Creating Nodes Time in seconds for Nodes 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Time in Secs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 10,226 Nodes: 5.07 seconds • Average Time for 2000 Nodes: 0.99 seconds ~ 1 second • Each Node has 11 properties 17
  • 18. Performance – Creating Relationships Time in Seconds for relationships 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Time in Secs 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 • 1,74,000 Relationships created in 47.16 seconds • Average Time for 2000 relationships: 0.54 seconds • Number of relationships per second: 3,689 18
  • 19. Performance – Creating 39 Million Relationships • 39,564,960 Relationships in : 10,573.56 seconds (2 hrs 56 mins 13 seconds) • Average Time for 2000 relationships: 0.53 seconds • Number of relationships per second: 3,741 19
  • 20. Graph Visualized in the Neo4j 2.0 20
  • 21. Future Work • Test performance over the network using Amazon EC2 servers to mimic real world setup • Single threaded application  multi-threaded to see if better performance – More complex algorithm to batch relationships together – Analyze if the complexity is worth the performance improvement • Vary multiple factors: – Batch size : 1000 to 4000 – Properties (relationship descriptors) : 2 – 20 • Dispatcher Pattern to facilitate the single point distribution of nodes and relationships to threads/Transactions 21
  • 22. Conclusion • Deadlocks in general are time consuming and difficult to detect and prevent • Use of graph coloring to partition graph into conflicting and non-conflicting edges • Successful prototype tests shows significant improvement in building relationships varying from small number to a very large number 22
  • 23. Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari Sr. Software Engineer +1 602 524 0610 23
  • 24. Contact Information Sven Junkergård Brian Roy Director of Technology +1 415 503 7412 Director of Platform Engineering & Architect +1 415 663 6919 Zephyr Health Inc. 589 Howard St. 3rd Flr. San Francisco, California 94105 +1.415.529.7649 24

Editor's Notes

  1. 11 Properties on each node and 11 properties on each edge.