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Who’s managing your stuff?
                             Dean Shareski
                                   BLC 10
                               Boston, MA
                                 July 2010
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
anaging it now?
        Wh  o’s m

How do I take more contro

                          a big deal?
         hy i s this such
 Should I sh
            are more o
                      r   less?

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Illuminating Learning Communities Through School Libraries and Makerspaces C...
Illuminating  Learning Communities Through School Libraries and MakerspacesC...Illuminating  Learning Communities Through School Libraries and MakerspacesC...
Illuminating Learning Communities Through School Libraries and Makerspaces C...

This document discusses the creation of makerspaces in libraries to foster collaborative learning. It provides examples of different makerspace programs and activities, such as crafting groups, writing clubs, and idea boxes that allow community input. The document outlines considerations for starting a makerspace, including identifying community needs, building staff support, ensuring safety, and assessing the impact of programs. Tips include verifying skill levels, doing a trial run, and reaching out for help. Makerspaces are presented as a way to support learning through creation, play, and collaboration.

Dating in a Digital World
Dating in a Digital WorldDating in a Digital World
Dating in a Digital World

The document discusses the debate around online dating versus offline dating. It provides perspectives from sources on both sides of the issue. Some of the key points made include: online dating provides convenience and allows people to efficiently find others with shared interests, but it may also discourage commitment and people from putting effort into real-world interactions since there is always another match available online. Ultimately, different people have different preferences for how to meet partners based on their lifestyle and needs.

online dating servicedatingdigital media
2010 student & online behaviors
2010 student & online behaviors2010 student & online behaviors
2010 student & online behaviors

Provided by This presentation was provided for school staff members, students, and school teams to discuss district technology plan development.

•the landscape

• you

• your students

• your institution
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity

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What's So Scary About Social Software?
What's So Scary About Social Software?What's So Scary About Social Software?
What's So Scary About Social Software?

The document discusses various social media platforms and how they can be used by libraries. It provides examples of YouTube and online summer reading programs for collective intelligence and data-driven experiences. Face Your Manga, Meebo, Facebook, Twitter, and Club Penguin are analyzed as examples of how social media allows for self-expression, communication, and rich interactive experiences. Guidelines are provided around safe usage of social networks including creating appropriate usernames and passwords.

Social 101 Facebook
Social 101 FacebookSocial 101 Facebook
Social 101 Facebook

Wanna learn more about Facebook for your business? • Why do people share? • Latest FB Statistics. • What's the value of a "Fan" • What happens after you click "like" • "Edge Rank" What is it, and why you need to care.

trainingfacebooksocial media
Social Learning: What Web 2.0 Can Do For You (and your learners)
Social Learning: What Web 2.0 Can Do For You (and your learners)Social Learning: What Web 2.0 Can Do For You (and your learners)
Social Learning: What Web 2.0 Can Do For You (and your learners)

Presentation for American Society of Training and Development Midlands Chapter in Columbia, SC. September 2009

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
What happens when you google yourself?
Try it
What type of content appears in the first 5 results?

              Persona MIT
First impressions matter
     more than ever

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Biblioteca viva slide share
Biblioteca viva slide shareBiblioteca viva slide share
Biblioteca viva slide share

This document discusses OpenCourseWare (OCW), an international effort by universities and organizations to share educational materials online freely and openly. Over 250 institutions have contributed over 12,000 courses to OCW, including materials like syllabi, lecture notes, assignments, and exams. Content is made available under open licenses to allow for free use, modification, and sharing with proper attribution. The OCW movement has seen over 29 million annual visits to its online materials from a global audience seeking openly available education resources.

Speech powerpoint social networking
Speech powerpoint social networkingSpeech powerpoint social networking
Speech powerpoint social networking

Social networking sites like Twitter and Tumblr allow users to connect and share information online. While social media allows for communication, research shows it can also negatively impact teens' self-image and privacy when not used carefully. Sources discuss popular sites, online safety tips, and studies on the psychological effects of social networking.

social networking
Online dating
Online datingOnline dating
Online dating

Online dating has grown significantly in popularity, with some sites having over 20 million members. However, psychologists note some weaknesses in relying solely on online profiles to find matches and point out that developing a lasting relationship takes ongoing work, not just finding the perfect match through algorithms. While online dating allows for more connections, it also enables greater deception, as studies found people often lie about physical attributes and life details in their profiles. Overall, online dating provides more opportunities for meeting people but developing a committed relationship takes effort regardless of how the couple met initially.

First impressions matter
     more than ever

You can’t
Image:Phebe op de laptop

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Final Arse Talk
Final Arse TalkFinal Arse Talk
Final Arse Talk

The document discusses issues around oversharing personal details online through blogging. It examines cases of bloggers who have experienced notoriety, both positive and negative, from openly writing about their sex lives and relationships. While some used blogging to gain attention and media coverage, others faced backlash and negative consequences for how their openness online impacted job prospects and dating. The document considers how to balance transparency with privacy and avoid potential regrets from oversharing too much information publicly.

Intro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed Schipul
Intro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed SchipulIntro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed Schipul
Intro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed Schipul

Ed Schipul Email: Blog: Flickr: Twitter: Slideshare:

Motivation From Within - Moving Away From Points, Prizes, and Pizza Parties
Motivation From Within - Moving Away From Points, Prizes, and Pizza PartiesMotivation From Within - Moving Away From Points, Prizes, and Pizza Parties
Motivation From Within - Moving Away From Points, Prizes, and Pizza Parties

This document discusses moving away from using extrinsic rewards and punishments with students and instead focusing on creating intrinsic motivation. It summarizes research showing that rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation. The document advocates creating conditions that satisfy students' needs for autonomy, mastery, and purpose. These conditions include building relationships, a growth mindset, student voice and choice, clear expectations and feedback. It suggests moving away from punishment toward teaching and addressing students' unmet needs through logical consequences and restitution. The overall message is that educators should focus on supporting students' internal motivation rather than controlling their behavior.

intrinsic motivationincentivesmotivation
Image:Phebe op de laptop
Image:Phebe op de laptop
Image:Phebe op de laptop
Image:Phebe op de laptop

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Libraries, e-learning, and zombies
Libraries, e-learning, and zombiesLibraries, e-learning, and zombies
Libraries, e-learning, and zombies

This document discusses e-learning tools and how they have evolved over time. It presents a variety of images showing early e-learning examples consisting of basic web pages and content compared to more modern interactive tools and games. The document emphasizes that e-learning should focus on active learning and application of knowledge rather than just content consumption or busy work. Humor is also suggested as a way to help with e-learning.

library libraries elearning e-learning learning
2011 elementary parent workshop
2011 elementary parent workshop2011 elementary parent workshop
2011 elementary parent workshop

Provided by This presentation was provided for elementary school parents to help them understand how they need to be involved, and in control, in their child's online habits.

Blc smartest
Blc smartestBlc smartest
Blc smartest

The document discusses how learning is becoming more networked and less dependent on traditional schools. It argues that the smartest person is no longer an individual, but the collective group or "room". Learning is now social and connected between people around the world. New models of learning leverage the internet to make learning immersive, mobile, collaborative and allow learners to learn from experts anywhere through tools like video chat. The future of learning will be participatory with students learning from each other through sharing ideas online.



Why Is Digital Different?

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Transliteracy and Participatory Practices of Learning: Praxis for Transforma...
Transliteracy and Participatory Practices of Learning:  Praxis for Transforma...Transliteracy and Participatory Practices of Learning:  Praxis for Transforma...
Transliteracy and Participatory Practices of Learning: Praxis for Transforma...

This document discusses the concept of transliteracy and how libraries can help students navigate, evaluate, share, and create information in today's complex digital world. It emphasizes that literacy should be thought of holistically and includes the ability to adapt between mediums. The document suggests framing library work under the lens of participatory librarianship to help facilitate fluidity in roles and collaboration between librarians and students.

Leadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to Libraries
Leadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to LibrariesLeadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to Libraries
Leadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to Libraries

Opening keynote for the 78th Annual Quebec Library Association Conference: Libraries as Learning Places. This presentation covers how libraries must pave the way as leaders in learning and information literacy. Why libraries play a crucial role in education. How to become a champion of 21st century learning and information literacy.

schoollassociation des bibliothcaires du qubecmontreal
Digital Footprints Presentation
Digital Footprints PresentationDigital Footprints Presentation
Digital Footprints Presentation

A session by Jennifer Wagner, Sean Williams, and Dennis Grice on 11/30/10 at St. John's Lutheran in Orange, CA

Why Is Digital Different?

Easily Copied
Why Is Digital Different?

Easily Copied   Instantly Shared
Why Is Digital Different?

Easily Copied   Instantly Shared

Easily Edited
Why Is Digital Different?

Easily Copied   Instantly Shared

                    Viewable by
Easily Edited

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How's it Done? MI SA Conference Workshop
How's it Done? MI SA Conference WorkshopHow's it Done? MI SA Conference Workshop
How's it Done? MI SA Conference Workshop

This deck is from a conference workshop at the Michigan Substance Abuse Conference (09) where we explored stories about how social media is being done in different but related types of organizations. Examples include, The American Red Cross, CADCA, and Northwest Kansas Regional Prevention Center. Handout

The Truth About Internet Safety
The Truth About Internet SafetyThe Truth About Internet Safety
The Truth About Internet Safety

This document is a presentation about internet safety that was given to parents. It discusses the importance of having rules for internet use at home, monitoring children's online activities, and educating children about interacting safely online. It provides statistics about children sharing personal information on social media and recommends steps parents can take to promote safe internet use, such as keeping computers in public spaces, using parental controls, and discussing safe online behavior.

Your Digital Footprint
Your Digital FootprintYour Digital Footprint
Your Digital Footprint

A presentation I gave to high school students about managing and understanding their digital identity

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity

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What Matters Now. Part 2
What Matters Now. Part 2What Matters Now. Part 2
What Matters Now. Part 2

Presentation for Tech Forum Chicago in May 2012. A continuation of ideas explored at the November Tech Forum in Austin.

I just googled you
I just googled youI just googled you
I just googled you

My updated digital identity/reputation management presentation. Presented Oct. 21/2011 for the Saskatchewan Career Education Conference.

identity documentdigitalidentitystudents
Leaders As Narrative Champions
Leaders As Narrative ChampionsLeaders As Narrative Champions
Leaders As Narrative Champions

The document discusses the importance of leaders using narratives and stories. It suggests that narratives are how people best understand and share information. Effective leaders act as narrative champions by sharing stories about their work and experiences. The document provides examples of educational leaders who publicly share their stories and learning experiences to build relationships and engage others.

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity

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Decisions with Disney
Decisions with DisneyDecisions with Disney
Decisions with Disney

Jack is worried that the giant from his grandfather's story may find him because of his digital footprint online. He spends a lot of time online and his mother likes to share photos. Jack asks for help making informed decisions about what he posts so the giant doesn't track him down. He learned that a digital footprint is created by everything done online, including uploading content, visiting websites, and using apps. Location data can also be embedded in photos without realizing it. Jack wants advice on managing his digital footprint safely.

Virtual Branding: How to Effectively Curate Your Online Brand
Virtual Branding: How to Effectively Curate Your Online BrandVirtual Branding: How to Effectively Curate Your Online Brand
Virtual Branding: How to Effectively Curate Your Online Brand

Presented on January 26, 2013 to Cornell University students participating in the 8th Annual Women of Substance Retreat in Syracuse, NY.

personal brandingonline brandingsocial media
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_eSocial Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e

A new course for youth leaders who want to learn about how social media can be used positively. As a youth leader, you may feel the responsibility for helping keep the children that you work with stay safe online, but also want to know how they - and you - can use it to its full advantage. In this day course, developed from Raising Children in a Digital Age (Lion Hudson, 2014), internet scare stories and distorted statistics are put into context, and clear and sensible guidelines are offered. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your hopes, fears and experiences with others in a similar situation, and study examples of how others have used social media successfully with youth. We’ll discuss understanding privacy, permanency, identity, values and relationships in a digital age (including cyber-bullying)

youth leaderschurch of englandsocial media
Google’s not the problem
Try it

Head over to
 choose yourself, a colleague or
      a school you know
Check out the results and share
Become clickable

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Sharing is Accountability
Sharing is AccountabilitySharing is Accountability
Sharing is Accountability

This document discusses the importance of sharing and accountability in professional learning communities. It argues that sharing allows educators to connect with each other and learn from one another. When educators share their work openly online, it fosters collaboration, reflection on teaching practices, and continuous learning and improvement. However, oversharing can also bring risks, so educators must find the right balance of autonomy, connections, and transparency that works for their situation. Overall, creating a culture of trust and open sharing holds educators mutually accountable in a natural way.

The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)

Keynote presentation for Keene State College Faculty Technology Showcase (Feb 19, 2011). Join the Revolution! Audio available at

Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.
Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.
Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.

Day session with those from York Diocese, working with youth - digital culture and issues to think about.

digital literaciesdiocese of yorkyouth leaders

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
Google Alerts

                                  Image: ilustra-respondendo

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Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information InteractionsTaxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

information architectureuser experienceinteraction design
Digital footprints final
Digital footprints finalDigital footprints final
Digital footprints final

This document discusses digital footprints and the impact of online navigation. It begins by defining a digital footprint as content online that is traceable back to an individual, such as photos, videos, posts, etc. It notes that digital footprints can be permanent and influence opinions. Several statistics are presented, such as 81% of kids under 2 having some online presence, and what personal information teens share online. The document also discusses laws and guidelines around protecting kids online, including COPPA, CIPA, and the importance of open communication between parents and children regarding internet use and safety.

digital footprint
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...

Dylan Wilbanks presented at HighEdWeb 2010 after working in higher education web roles for 10 years. He shared 10 lessons learned over that time. The first was to focus on mission over statements. The second was to love users as yourself by being relentless about improving the web and world for them. The third was to understand your audience, as prospective students should be the top priority. He also learned to use data strategically, find allies to push back on processes, have secret projects but ensure other work gets done, teach others, leverage community help, and love rather than be bitter about higher education.

higher educationweb educationhighedweb2010
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
What’s the difference?
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity

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Forms are boring
Forms are boringForms are boring
Forms are boring

This document is a series of tweets by @mrjoe about designing web forms. Some of the key points made include: 1) @mrjoe has conducted over 500 user research sessions and sees a lot of frustration with forms. Common problems include unclear field labels, required fields not marked, and difficulty interacting with form elements. 2) Psychological cues can encourage more honest responses from users, like adding an image of eyes to imply watching. Simplicity is best, like replacing drag and drop with clearly labeled buttons. 3) Many HTML5 form elements are problematic for users and go against principles of good design, such as small click targets, unnecessary JavaScript interactions, and fields that don't clearly communicate their purpose or constraints.

user experience designuser experienceweb design and development
Your Digital Stomping Ground
Your Digital Stomping GroundYour Digital Stomping Ground
Your Digital Stomping Ground

This document summarizes a presentation given at the PASCD Preservice Teacher Symposium on managing your digital footprint and using social media professionally. It defines key terms like digital footprint and social media. It discusses how to determine your own digital footprint and the perils of inappropriate social media use, like teachers who have lost their jobs. The presentation provides tips on using privacy settings, branding yourself online, and thinking before posting to help present a professional image.

profilefireddigitial footprint
Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?
Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?
Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?

This document discusses the impact of social media and online connections on learning. It argues that social media allows learning to occur outside the traditional boundaries of time and place through open sharing and feedback. However, some argue that this type of open learning lacks structure and academic rigor. The document advocates for using social media to openly share one's learning, engage in professional development with other educators, and focus on learning missions rather than strict curriculum. Overall, it presents social media as expanding opportunities for learning beyond the classroom.

technologysocial networkingeducation
Is your Identity worth $10?
Try it

what domains are available to you?

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Estudio34 Presents Will critchlow the future of linkbuilding in LinkLove2013
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Estudio34 Presents Will critchlow the future of linkbuilding in LinkLove2013

Will, como manda la tradición cerró la sesión anunciando que este 5 aniversario sería el último de Linklove como conferencia y que podremos disfrutar de esta innovación en la siguiente secuencia de SearchLove 2014

search engine marketinglinkbuildingsearch engine optimization
What's Your Unfair Advantage?
What's Your Unfair Advantage?What's Your Unfair Advantage?
What's Your Unfair Advantage?

The document discusses the importance of joy, play, and fun in learning. It references several studies and experts that found joyful and playful learning to be more effective, humane, and child-appropriate than rigid, outcomes-focused education. The document suggests that creating fun videos or projects with students, even if just for the joy of it, can have educational benefits and help students develop important skills despite not being tied to strict curricular outcomes. It questions whether teachers will be remembered for their ability to foster joy in learning or merely their expectations and standards.

When The Answer is Both
When The Answer is BothWhen The Answer is Both
When The Answer is Both

The document discusses several dichotomies in education such as procedural vs conceptual learning in math, protecting students vs giving them freedom, efficiency vs delight, and focusing on weaknesses vs strengths. It suggests that the answer to these issues is often "both" and highlights the importance of balancing different priorities in education to best serve students. Several images and quotes are included that discuss cultivating joy in learning, preparing students for unknown future problems, and investing in student strengths.

When does your
digital identity/profile

                                          8043 300@
                              m/ph otos/4

                                                          become a
                                                   marketable asset?
Your Students
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
drunken pirate

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From Storytelling to StoryMaking
From Storytelling to StoryMakingFrom Storytelling to StoryMaking
From Storytelling to StoryMaking

The document discusses how new communication tools have changed storytelling and enabled new forms of sharing stories and information through hashtags, memes, remixes, and other creative works. It suggests curriculum should focus more on student creation using these tools rather than just consumption, and that students should document and show their learning through video, slides, and other multimedia instead of just paper. Fostering creativity through remixing, storifying, and memes can unleash new forms of learning. Going through education without creating videos would be like going without writing. Play and imagination are important for helping students make sense of constant change. Failure in experimenting with possibilities provides valuable learning. Short, creative works like six-word stories show powerful ideas can

New Culture of Leaders
New Culture of LeadersNew Culture of Leaders
New Culture of Leaders

The document discusses how leadership has changed over time and ways leadership can impact culture. It suggests leadership has shifted from a top-down model to being more collaborative and empowering others. Several speakers share ideas like intentionally showing vulnerability, building relationships over just sharing information, focusing on gratitude, and making the workplace a place people want to be through small acts of positivity. The overall message is that leadership should focus on empowering others and building an open, supportive culture through both words and actions.

Personal and Personalized Learning
Personal and Personalized LearningPersonal and Personalized Learning
Personal and Personalized Learning

A brief look at the differences between the two ideas and the implications for teachers and students. Presented online for Kennesaw University in Georgia

Gaming the Data
Gaming the Data
It’s not all bad
It’s not all bad

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That's So Fake: Exploring Critical Literacy
That's So Fake: Exploring Critical LiteracyThat's So Fake: Exploring Critical Literacy
That's So Fake: Exploring Critical Literacy

This document discusses critical literacy and evaluating the credibility of online information. It explores how to determine whether online content is real or fake by examining the intent, checking sources, understanding different perspectives, and using fact-checking tools. Developing critical literacy involves being discerning, reflective, and analytical rather than attacking or undermining others. The importance is discussed of maintaining an open mind and realizing that there is often more to every story.

Better Presentations
Better Presentations Better Presentations
Better Presentations

This document provides tips for improving presentations from boring to engaging. It suggests that the best presentations are prepared and enthusiastic, keep the audience engaged with humor and mixed media, and find compelling images. The worst presentations are unprepared, read slides full of heavy text, lack energy, and overload the audience with information. Overall, the document advocates for storytelling techniques, thoughtful design, using available technology like cameras, and sharing resources to enhance presentations.

Rethinking digital citizenship
Rethinking digital citizenshipRethinking digital citizenship
Rethinking digital citizenship

The document discusses digital citizenship and establishing residency online. It encourages individuals to claim their online presence by purchasing a domain name, which serves as establishing a home base on the internet. The document also discusses the importance of contributing to online communities and thinking carefully before reposting or retweeting content online. Maintaining privacy and understanding how personal information flows are also addressed as important aspects of digital citizenship.

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity

            IT’S NOT GIVING

THAT PUTS KID AT RISK.                                              IT’S NOT HAVING A



“Why are we so obsessed with the registered sex offender side of the puzzle when

troubled kids are right in front of us?                                                        Why
are we so obsessed with the Internet side of the puzzle when so many more kids are abused in their

own homes? I feel like this whole conversation has turned into a distraction.

and time is being spent focusing on the
things that people fear rather than the
very real and known risks that kids
face.         This breaks my heart.”

                                                                                   danah boyd

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Real or fake?
Real or fake?Real or fake?
Real or fake?

This document discusses critical literacy and exploring whether information is real or fake. It talks about critical literacy as an approach to teaching that helps people challenge assumptions and become careful consumers of information. It provides examples of fake websites, misleading photos, and clickbait headlines. It suggests being aware of an author's intent and perspective, and that there is often more to a story. Developing critical thinking skills is important for evaluating online information.

Discovery Education Free Resources
Discovery Education Free ResourcesDiscovery Education Free Resources
Discovery Education Free Resources

This document welcomes the reader and provides information about free resources and Google integrations from Discovery Education. It shares links to the Discovery Education community page, blog, website and videos. It also provides brief biographies of Alexander Graham Bell, Walt Disney, Harriet Tubman, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Links are included to additional Discovery Education programs, events, and resources.

The Story of STEM
The Story of STEMThe Story of STEM
The Story of STEM

The document discusses Dean Shareski's presentation on STEM education at the STEM Academy TCEA conference in Austin, Texas on February 1, 2016. It introduces Dean and provides his contact information. It then asks attendees to find an image and write a 6-word story about STEM using science, technology, engineering, or math terms and share it online. The presentation aims to show the beauty in STEM and make it appealing to more than just "geeks."

“I want my
kids to be

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity

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Engaging Learners with Technology
Engaging Learners with TechnologyEngaging Learners with Technology
Engaging Learners with Technology

The document discusses engaging students with technology and rethinking education. It addresses how technology can support literacy, community, and assessment. Some key ideas include using technology to personalize learning, connect students in multiple ways, and make assessment a conversation rather than just scores on a spreadsheet. The role of joy in education is also discussed.

Is Sharing a Moral Imperative?
Is Sharing a Moral Imperative?Is Sharing a Moral Imperative?
Is Sharing a Moral Imperative?

This document discusses the idea of sharing and its importance in education. It presents arguments that sharing ideas gained from experience and reflection can provide important insights, and that restricting opportunities for teachers to exercise professional judgment can be problematic. It also suggests that experimentation in teaching should be part of everyday practice, and that creating cultures of trust and sharing can help build accountability. A number of online resources and examples of sharing work are provided.

Myth busting and the Nigerian Prince
Myth busting and the Nigerian PrinceMyth busting and the Nigerian Prince
Myth busting and the Nigerian Prince

Presentation on critical literacy for the Fall Virtcon 2015 for Discovery Education. October 24, 2015

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
Your Institution

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Airing of grievances
Airing of grievancesAiring of grievances
Airing of grievances

The document discusses concerns around an overemphasis on "rigor" in education. It notes that rigor is often valued highly in schools but questions what outcomes we really want for students. It also raises the point that joy in learning should be an end in itself, not just a means to achieving better test scores. The document advocates for balancing preparation for future careers and college with appreciating learning in the present. It questions some of the messages students receive about passion and their future.

Interactiv 15: From So What to Now What?
Interactiv 15: From So What to Now What?Interactiv 15: From So What to Now What?
Interactiv 15: From So What to Now What?

1) The document discusses frameworks for exploring and implementing new technologies in education. It provides perspectives from a 26-year educator on technologies like the telephone, computers, and the internet. 2) Several quotes are presented that historically doubted new technologies like books, the telephone, computers, and the internet. The document advocates being open-minded about new technologies and discussing tradeoffs. 3) Key ideas discussed are digital dualism, the importance of play, embracing failure for learning, and focusing on what new technologies enable rather than just consuming them. The summary encourages moving beyond initial skepticism of technologies to consider their educational potential.

The Great Canadian Educator
The Great Canadian EducatorThe Great Canadian Educator
The Great Canadian Educator

This document summarizes the keynote presentation "What's Your Unfair Advantage?" given by Dean Shareski at the ConnectED 2015 conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The presentation discusses how teaching is an art rather than just content delivery. It encourages teachers to find their "unfair advantage," such as being an interesting person or caring deeply for students, to excel and feel fulfilled in their work. A number of teachers from across Canada are then profiled who exemplify bringing passion and care to their teaching practice.

Try it

What are the search results of your
         How many hits?
    What are others saying?
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You don’t control the message now

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Whatever Happened to Joy?
Whatever Happened to Joy? Whatever Happened to Joy?
Whatever Happened to Joy?

This document summarizes Dean Shareski's presentation titled "Whatever Happened to Joy?" at the Convergence 2015 conference in Raleigh, NC on April 8, 2015. The presentation discusses creating a joyful learning environment for students and questions whether joy should be measured as an important part of education. It also addresses challenges in prioritizing joy over standardized test scores and curriculum standards.

Rethinking digital citizenship
Rethinking digital citizenshipRethinking digital citizenship
Rethinking digital citizenship

This document summarizes Dean Shareski's presentation at the Convergence 2015 conference in Raleigh, NC on April 8, 2015. The presentation focused on rethinking digital citizenship and covered topics such as mapping personal internet usage, establishing an online presence through owning a domain name, engaging in civil discourse online, evaluating the credibility of information found online, understanding privacy and information flows on social media, and maintaining a private versus public online identity. Key guidelines discussed for becoming a digital citizen included establishing an online home, making contributions online, and engaging in moral and civic responsibilities on the internet.

Future classrooms
Future classroomsFuture classrooms
Future classrooms

The document discusses the changing landscape of education and the classroom of the future. It notes that there is more access to information than ever before through technology, which is both an opportunity and disruption for schools. It argues that schools need to rethink how they approach literacy, community, the role of teachers, and experimentation in order to better prepare students. Flexible thinking and lifelong learning are emphasized over standardized tests and rigid structures.

You probably never did

You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity
Allow Constituents a Voice

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Allow Constituents a Voice
Allow Constituents a Voice
Allow Constituents a Voice
Allow Constituents a Voice

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Allow Constituents a Voice
Allow Constituents a Voice
Tell Stories
Give them places to Share

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Give them places to Share
Give them places to Share
Give them places to Share
Give them places to Share

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Give them places to Share
Give them places to Share
Give them places to Share
Give them places to Share

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Let them share
Go Mobile
Work Side by Side

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Paul Signorelli
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Illuminating Learning Communities Through School Libraries and Makerspaces C...
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Speech powerpoint social networking
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Hack the Hood
Intro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed Schipul
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Ed Schipul
Motivation From Within - Moving Away From Points, Prizes, and Pizza Parties
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Chris Wejr
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2011 elementary parent workshop
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Dean Shareski
Transliteracy and Participatory Practices of Learning: Praxis for Transforma...
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Buffy Hamilton
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Lori Reed

What's hot (20)

2013 04-18--library community-partnerships--ala
2013 04-18--library community-partnerships--ala2013 04-18--library community-partnerships--ala
2013 04-18--library community-partnerships--ala
2011 msparents
2011 msparents2011 msparents
2011 msparents
Illuminating Learning Communities Through School Libraries and Makerspaces C...
Illuminating  Learning Communities Through School Libraries and MakerspacesC...Illuminating  Learning Communities Through School Libraries and MakerspacesC...
Illuminating Learning Communities Through School Libraries and Makerspaces C...
Dating in a Digital World
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2010 student & online behaviors
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Social 101 Facebook
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Social Learning: What Web 2.0 Can Do For You (and your learners)
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Social Learning: What Web 2.0 Can Do For You (and your learners)
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Speech powerpoint social networking
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Online dating
Final Arse Talk
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Intro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed Schipul
Intro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed SchipulIntro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed Schipul
Intro to Social Media and Personal Brands by Ed Schipul
Motivation From Within - Moving Away From Points, Prizes, and Pizza Parties
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Libraries, e-learning, and zombies
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Libraries, e-learning, and zombies
2011 elementary parent workshop
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2011 elementary parent workshop
Blc smartest
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Blc smartest
Transliteracy and Participatory Practices of Learning: Praxis for Transforma...
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Transliteracy and Participatory Practices of Learning: Praxis for Transforma...
Leadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to Libraries
Leadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to LibrariesLeadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to Libraries
Leadership in 21st Century Learning: A Call to Libraries

Similar to You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity

Digital Footprints Presentation
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Digital Footprints Presentation
How's it Done? MI SA Conference Workshop
How's it Done? MI SA Conference WorkshopHow's it Done? MI SA Conference Workshop
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LaDonna Coy
The Truth About Internet Safety
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The Truth About Internet Safety
Jessica Punke
Your Digital Footprint
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Your Digital Footprint
Dean Shareski
What Matters Now. Part 2
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What Matters Now. Part 2
Dean Shareski
I just googled you
I just googled youI just googled you
I just googled you
Dean Shareski
Leaders As Narrative Champions
Leaders As Narrative ChampionsLeaders As Narrative Champions
Leaders As Narrative Champions
Dean Shareski
Decisions with Disney
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Decisions with Disney
Virtual Branding: How to Effectively Curate Your Online Brand
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Elizabeth (Liz) Ngonzi
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_eSocial Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e
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Bex Lewis
Sharing is Accountability
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Sharing is Accountability
Dean Shareski
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
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The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
Alan Levine
Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.
Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.
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Bex Lewis
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
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Samantha Starmer
Digital footprints final
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10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
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Dylan Wilbanks
Forms are boring
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Forms are boring
Joe Leech
Your Digital Stomping Ground
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Kristin Bittner
Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?
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Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?
Dean Shareski
Estudio34 Presents Will critchlow the future of linkbuilding in LinkLove2013
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William Renedo

Similar to You or Google? Who Controls Your Identity (20)

Digital Footprints Presentation
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Digital Footprints Presentation
How's it Done? MI SA Conference Workshop
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How's it Done? MI SA Conference Workshop
The Truth About Internet Safety
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The Truth About Internet Safety
Your Digital Footprint
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Your Digital Footprint
What Matters Now. Part 2
What Matters Now. Part 2What Matters Now. Part 2
What Matters Now. Part 2
I just googled you
I just googled youI just googled you
I just googled you
Leaders As Narrative Champions
Leaders As Narrative ChampionsLeaders As Narrative Champions
Leaders As Narrative Champions
Decisions with Disney
Decisions with DisneyDecisions with Disney
Decisions with Disney
Virtual Branding: How to Effectively Curate Your Online Brand
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Virtual Branding: How to Effectively Curate Your Online Brand
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_eSocial Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e
Social Media for Youth Leaders, May 2014, for @c_of_e
Sharing is Accountability
Sharing is AccountabilitySharing is Accountability
Sharing is Accountability
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)
Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.
Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.
Social Media Training for Youth Leaders, for York Diocese, November 2014.
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information InteractionsTaxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Digital footprints final
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Digital footprints final
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
Forms are boring
Forms are boringForms are boring
Forms are boring
Your Digital Stomping Ground
Your Digital Stomping GroundYour Digital Stomping Ground
Your Digital Stomping Ground
Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?
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Why Is Social Such a Big Deal?
Estudio34 Presents Will critchlow the future of linkbuilding in LinkLove2013
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Estudio34 Presents Will critchlow the future of linkbuilding in LinkLove2013

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