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World Quality Report 2012-13
4	Introduction 6	 Executive Summary
The State of
Quality 2012
12	 Quality Budgets: Stepping up
18	 Testing Centers of Excellence:
A growing priority
24	 Mobile Testing:
Behind the curve
30	Cloud: Gathering pace
36	 Quality Assurance Resources:
A question of value
42	 Consumer Products,
Retail, and Distribution:
Mobile and internet commerce
drives sector transformation
44	 Energy & Utilities: Commitment
to improve quality of testing
through increased investment
46	 Financial Services:
Evolving QA – Riding the
transformation wave
48	 High Tech: Increasing focus
on data-driven customer
service delivery
50	 Public Sector: Renewed
focus on efficiency gains
linked to budget reductions
52	 Telecoms, Media, and
Entertainment: Maximizing
assets, unleashing growth,
and transforming to succeed
Country and
Regional Analysis
56	 Australia and New Zealand
58	Brazil
60	China
62	France
64	Germany
66	 The Netherlands
68	 The Nordic Region
70	 North America
72	 United Kingdom
74	 About the Study
10	 40	 54	

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Welcome to the fourth edition of the World Quality Report, which, as in previous
years, has been designed to provide the most comprehensive assessment of the
current state of enterprise application quality and testing practices available
from around the world.
To enhance the quality and relevance of the
data gathered, we increased the number of
interviews to more than 1,550 CFOs, CIOs,
IT directors, and quality assurance (QA)
directors around the globe, all of which were
carried out by phone. We also broadened
our geographical sample, focused more
intently on the ‘enterprise’ market, and
included additional questions reflecting
the significant changes in our technology
landscape, such as the almost ubiquitous
uptake of mobile communications.
Changes taking place in the IT market
increasingly require scalable, robust, and
reliable applications and infrastructure.
Further, the disruptive effects of
cloud computing adoption, increased
mobility, and device proliferation require
organizations to develop applications that
can seamlessly interface with an ever-
broader range of distribution channels and
routes-to-market. Our research is evidence
that a focus on quality management is
increasingly regarded as a strategic value.
While this year’s research confirms many
of the trends from previous editions of
the World Quality Report, there are also a
number of new emerging developments
in the market and an increased pace
of change. For example, since last year,
many readers will have seen corporate
announcements about a growing number
of large-scale enterprise-wide managed
testing service contracts being awarded,
and an increased uptake of Testing as a
Service (TaaS) solutions.
Similarly, many organizations are looking
to develop Testing Centers of Excellence
(TCOEs), which use a standardized testing
methodology, best practices, and tools,
together with a flexible pool of professional
resources to ensure high levels of quality
and risk mitigation across all applications.
Over the last four years, the World Quality
Report, published by the Capgemini
Group and HP, has established itself as
the largest annual survey of application
quality and testing practices, with a growing
reputation as a valuable benchmark for
organizations around the world. The report
is the result of close collaboration between
Capgemini, Sogeti, and HP, both leaders in
our respective fields of outsourced testing
and Application Lifecycle Management
tools, services, and products developed to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
enterprise applications.
We hope you find that the research,
analysis, and commentary contained
in this year’s report both informs your
own testing and quality assurance
decisions and perhaps challenges some
of your current thinking. We also value
your comments and ideas, and invite
you to contact either of us or any of the
contributors to this report regarding any
question you might have concerning testing
and quality assurance.
Finally, we would like to thank all of the
individuals who participated in the research
and gave generously of their time. Without
them, it would not have been possible to
produce the World Quality Report 2012-13.
You can also reach us by sending an email
Michel de Meijer
Senior Vice President, Leader Global Service Line
Testing, Capgemini & Sogeti
Matthew Morgan
Vice President, Hybrid IT and Cloud Product
Marketing, Software, HP
Executive Summary
This is the fourth year that Capgemini, Sogeti, and HP have produced the
World Quality Report. Our aim remains to examine the current trends in
enterprise application quality across different industries and geographies for
the purposes of providing actionable insight for decision making. Our hope is
that readers will learn from our report and apply their new understanding to
improve the effectiveness of Quality Assurance (QA) and testing within their
own organizations.
Executive Summary
Murat Aksu
Vice-President, Global Alliance Executive for HP
Charlie Li
Vice-President, Global Service Line Testing
Our global survey was carried out against
a challenging economic landscape for
organizations of all sizes and sectors.
Many countries continue to experience low,
stagnant, or negative rates of economic
growth, and many governments have
applied harsh austerity measures aimed at
reducing public expenditure. Some sectors,
particularly public and financial services,
are under greater scrutiny to get IT right
the first time and ensure improved value
for money. Social media and the speed by
which information is exchanged are also
changing the way consumers and providers
of applications interact with one another.
Consumers of applications enjoy an
enhanced scrutiny over service providers,
whereas the providers are looking for
ways to respond to the resulting pressure,
while also keeping an eye on a potential
market uptick.
We have focused our research on the
impact of this complex environment on
testing and QA, a discipline that is itself
also undergoing a series of technological
and cultural changes.
Rapidly evolving IT landscape
necessitates innovation in the
QA discipline
Quality Assurance is undergoing a quiet
but steady evolution from in-house
testing generalists to a structured
and efficient discipline, with a greater
influence within the overall application
development lifecycle. We observe
from our survey the emergence of a
multifaceted discipline with an increasing
range of operating models at its disposal,
that enables a streamlined and cost-
effective output that is also aligned with
business needs.
The level of QA and testing investment
has proved to be resilient in adverse
economic environments in most markets,
and has stretched to accommodate an
ever-increasing workload. But now testing
resources need to prove themselves more
effectively and QA teams need to stay
alert to the new disruptive technologies
and ensure their skill levels are attuned to
both market and internal expectations. We
explore these findings in more detail below.
Has QA been caught off guard
by mobility?
As mobile adoption has become almost
ubiquitous in developed markets, the
business imperative for mobile business
is clear. But our study indicates that speed
of adoption and proliferation of handheld
devices, coupled with use of social media,
seem to have caught enterprise testing
by surprise. Organizations may not be giving
mobile the priority it warrants. Only 31%
of respondents across the world currently
test mobile applications – a figure that does
not deviate much from region to region, and
those surveyed readily admit to being ill
equipped for mobile testing. This suggests
that QA has fallen behind the mainstream
mobile curve.
Reasons given are multiple: many report
that they don’t have the ability to test or
effectively certify mobile applications
because of the lack of appropriate tools,
processes, or expertise, and limited access
to the necessary devices. Moreover, the
focus is firmly on efficiency of performance,
cited by 64% of firms, rather than
functionality, usability, or security. Overall,
this argues for an underestimation of the
infrastructure challenges posed by the
mobile era, or an inability to address them.
As today’s mobile users – customers and
employees – expect interaction at their
fingertips, anytime, anywhere, making a
business mobile and “always on” should be
higher up the corporate and IT agenda.
New operating models such as
cloud-based models and Testing
Centers of Excellence have
come of age
Cloud-based models for testing have had a
relatively slow adoption rate, but evidence
from our study of sustained wider-scale
adoption and falling barriers indicates that
organizations are on the verge of much
more extensive use. Testing in a cloud
environment, for example, is growing at a
healthy rate. Some 28% of our respondents
currently use this infrastructure model, a
proportion forecast to rise to 39% by 2015.
Moreover, only 4% say that they will not
use the cloud in some way over the next
three years, down from 31% only two years
ago, a clear indication that testing in the
cloud is set to become a new norm, as
issues surrounding cloud, such as security,
are addressed.
Equally significant is the adoption of other
cloud-based services. Software as a
Service (SaaS) continues to grow; almost
a third (31%) of firms’ testing software is
currently provided on a SaaS basis – up
from 25% last year, and by 2015 we predict
that almost half of firms will use the
on-demand model.
Executive Summary
Testing as a Service (TaaS) – which can
be a combination of cloud-based testing
environment and tools, and on-demand test
execution – is a cost-effective operating
model for ad hoc quality projects and also
for longer-term testing provisioning that
demonstrates similar rates of adoption. We
found that 78% of respondents are planning
to move to TaaS in the next two years, rising
to 89% by 2015. This rapid take-up of TaaS
is fueled by cost-reduction drivers and
its flexibility as a complementary model
to more comprehensive outsourcing or
in-house Testing Centers of Excellence
(TCOEs). So while some still see the security
of the cloud as a continuing threat, their
numbers are dwindling as the advantages
more clearly outweigh the drawbacks.
For TCOEs that have been underutilized
in the past, their time too has arrived.
Undoubtedly an efficient approach to
industrializing testing activity, TCOEs
act as a virtual command center, using a
standardized approach and a flexible pool
of available resources. Our data reveals
that, this year, 60% of respondents plan
on – or are – developing a TCOE, up from
45% last year. In our experience, we see
the concept is now sufficiently advanced
and its benefits more clearly understood:
a TCOE enables organizations to meet the
challenges of the business – speed-to-
market and doing “more for less” – head on.
Can we put a price on quality?
Technological innovations and initiatives are
increasing the workload for ever-stretched
QA teams, but the corresponding QA and
testing budgets appear to be weathering the
economic storms. In 2011, these budgets
were not supporting the challenges faced
in the marketplace, but this year’s survey
finds testing budgets growing at a stronger
rate than last year, with 42% reporting that
budgets had risen over the past 12 months.
While 18% forecast a fall when looking
ahead to 2015, some 53% optimistically
expect budgets to rise, indicating a new
degree of confidence that the business is
more committed to investing in QA.
Moreover, the focus appears to have
shifted from “business as usual” tasks
to investment in transformational
work, to drive enhancements, and
59% of the budget is now spent on
customer-facing applications. So priorities
are changing to support the core areas of
the business that will require an optimized
platform for efficient delivery of testing,
which we regard as a positive step.
For the first time, the World Quality Report
has established a worldwide benchmark
for testing hourly rates, internally
and externally. Firms are paying a global
average hourly rate of around $55 per hour
for in-house testers, compared to $53
for external support – a differential of $2
per hour. Obviously, rates vary greatly from
region to region and can be affected by the
scarcity of available skills in local markets.
Does this represent the price of quality?
Only an individual business can make that
decision, when evaluated against other
prime resources.
Confidence in QA resources
is a concern
While budgets might be in reasonable
shape, confidence in testing resources is
not resounding. A majority of organizations
characterize their internal teams as
“average” at best, in their knowledge of
core testing processes and methodologies,
and not necessarily up to speed with the
latest testing tools and technologies. Their
assessment of external testers is slightly
better, with a third of organizations scoring
their external testers’ knowledge and
abilities as “above average”. But less than
5% of firms are fully confident that their
testers (internal or external) are “best in
class”. Despite initiatives and investment,
especially over the last decade or so, there
are clearly lessons to be learned in terms of
either real or perceived quality of output for
both providers and users of QA.
Simply put, as the competitive landscape
forces organizations to update and optimize
their testing resources and drive down
costs and time-to-market, the overall
quality of testing resources needs to
keep pace or change, to satisfy or exceed
the perceived and increasingly complex
requirements of organizations in the future.
The emergence of a more global
and uniform industry
In our previous surveys, we have focused
attention on the differences between the
major countries or regions surveyed. This
year we notice that while variances still
exist, there is a greater harmonization,
with fewer major differences evidenced
across the globe, at least within the
enterprise markets. One example is
that the proportion of an organization’s
software development lifecycle budget
that is invested in testing, averaged across
the regions, is 18%, with remarkably few
regional variations.
Our perspective is that testing is becoming
less of a regionally facing discipline and
that, led by globally active companies, the
gap between emerging markets and more
traditionally mature markets is narrowing.
This is no doubt a reflection of the rapid
investment in skilled resources and
tools, led by India, that has taken place in
offshore and nearshore countries – China,
South East Asia, South America, and,
more recently, Eastern Europe, Central
America, and parts of Africa. All point
to testing emerging as a more uniform
global discipline.
World Quality Report
For providers and users of QA and testing, we
offer these suggestions on how to apply the
findings of this year’s World Quality Report.
QA needs to be a formalized step
in the application lifecycle
While QA’s status within the IT organization
has improved compared to a decade ago,
we still see instances of the testing function
being considered as an afterthought
or viewed as a roadblock preventing
an application from being deployed
to production. IT can only be as agile or
efficient as its weakest component.
As IT continues to reinvent itself with new
processes, paradigms, and platforms, these
innovations rarely include aspects of QA.
The fact that testing is not being brought
along the journey of reinvention often results
in QA being the bottleneck. Organizations
need to understand the critical role of QA in
the application lifecycle and treat it with the
same respect as its peers.
Mobility should become fully
integrated into testing priorities
We were surprised by the relatively low
level of proactive structured testing
in this increasingly essential area of
business connectivity. We believe that
Executive Summary

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mobile testing needs to be a fully integrated
element of the QA discipline, so that the
mobile strategy of the enterprise takes
testing into account right from the start.
The strategy should consider the objectives
of the business owner, how the mobile
app is delivered, and the target user
for the app whether that be customers,
suppliers, or employees. Organizations
need to accept the paradigm shift brought
about by mobility and embrace the new
notion of quality for mobile apps, which
is a departure from traditional standards
applied to desktop applications.
No doubt, standardization of devices will
ease the complexity over time, but in the
short term, proliferation of smartphone
and mobile devices, the roll-out of 4G,
and use of social media will only continue
to exacerbate the situation. As will the
need to focus on the user experience
and functionality testing as well
as performance. If organizations are to
turn the mobile opportunity into a business
advantage, some will need to “skill up” or
“skill out”.
Evaluate the breadth of cost-effective
operating models to see if it is a good fit
In the quest for greater testing maturity
balanced against return on investment,
organizations have an increasing array of
operating models from which to choose
to achieve their goals. Companies should
first define the business goals they wish
to achieve and then evaluate the myriad
of models against these objectives. Each
model has its advantages and shortcomings,
and corporate culture, appetite for risk, and
need for control versus flexibility all play a
part in determining whether a new operating
model should be adopted and which one.
On the journey from in-house testing
generalists and developers to a
professionalized discipline wanting to
adopt “Shift Left” principles that embed
QA earlier in the traditional software
development lifecycle, organizations should
critically appraise their current set-up and
review how testing in a cloud environment,
cloud-based TaaS, and TCOEs can provide
those critical incremental efficiency and
quality improvements.
Pay closer attention to demonstrating
QA’s business value for the money
Value for money is, of course, subjective,
but what does constitute a good return
on your QA investment? One measure is
investment in QA/testing as a proportion
of the total IT budget, averaging at 18%
across the world. Below 18%, organizations
should examine if they are investing enough
to achieve or sustain the quality required.
Those spending more should review their
operational efficiency.
But more precisely, companies need to
establish specific measures to evaluate
the return on their overall investment,
and testing departments and service
providers need to act “smarter” in their use
of tools, models, and communication to
stakeholders to demonstrate the business
value they provide in order to justify the
proportional spend on QA.
Re-evaluate the diversity of skills required
The perceived quality of testing resources
has a bearing on value for money, and
the unexceptional assessment of ability
needs examination. Over time, we expect
that businesses will be even more
exacting in their expectations of any and
all testing resources when it comes to
complex business-critical applications. All
providers, in-house, contract, and external,
should take notice.
QA has made great strides in becoming a
professional discipline with a distinct career
path and specific skills. But this is a moving
target; testing training at the individual and
team level needs to keep pace with the fast-
changing landscape, and should be properly
funded, rather than being sacrificed under
the pressure of deadlines.
Budgets are currently at a strong level, a
clear recognition of the value of the testing
function to the organization, yet this is
in contrast to the perceived value of the
actual resources. This gap can certainly
be bridged by clearly targeting those skill
areas that are essential to the business.
Our findings in this report indicate that
QA continues to make steady progress
on repositioning itself further up the
business value chain on the journey of
reinvention, emerging from the shadows of
development teams to a value-for-money
and mature discipline. Looking ahead, we
anticipate further strides in the adoption
of “Shift Left” initiatives and greater use of
new models such as crowd sourcing which
leverages knowledge and manpower from
an undefined pool of resources, to improve
value-for-money ratios and timelines. But
greater improvement will not come about
without significant investment – not only
financially, in terms of budgets and skills,
but also culturally.
But organizations will need to exert firm
but flexible control to work across a wider
range of delivery models and technologies.
Budgets will need to work harder to effect
the changes required to respond to a range
of demands from time-to-market, cost
efficiency, and improved quality. And QA will
need to keep up with market expectations,
remaining focused on providing real,
measurable business value.
Executive Summary
State of
12	 Quality Budgets: Stepping up
18	 Testing Centers of Excellence:
A growing priority
24	 Mobile Testing:
Behind the curve
30	Cloud: Gathering pace
36	 Quality Assurance Resources:
A question of value
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Budgets:
Stepping up
“Investment is going to be
focused on those elements
that support our wider
business objectives, as
there is a need for [testing]
and the business side to be
much closer. Decisions need
to be made more quickly and
product development time
is shrinking – we need the
tools and skills to be able
to answer that need.”
A telecommunications business,
The Netherlands
Organizations are trying to balance market uncertainty with the need to
position for eventual growth, as well as tackling the challenges of social media
and mobile technologies. At the operational level, a complex web of factors is
forcing organizations to update and optimize their testing resources and internal
processes to drive reduced time-to-market and lower costs, as well as improve
quality using new beneficial delivery models, such as cloud and TCOEs.
As a result, the QA function and QA budgets, in particular, are under the spotlight,
because to achieve these stretch business targets, organizations need to leverage
their QA capabilities more effectively. This requires a step-up in investment over the
short and medium term, even in times of economic uncertainty.
Indeed, this year’s survey finds testing budgets are expanding at a healthier rate
than the incremental upturn seen in 2011-12, when growth was failing to keep pace
with an increasing workload, due to cost-cutting measures. This positive step
points to a desire among businesses to invest for the future and meet internal and
external demands quickly and effectively.
An upward curve
In general, the survey provides good news regarding QA budgets, given the
economic backdrop. Close to half (42%) of QA budgets have increased over the last
year, with only 11% reporting a decrease. The greatest proportion (44%) saw no
movement either way, but in a time of uncertainty, maintaining the same level of
investment in the quality function is, in itself, a testimony to the importance of QA
to the organization. Overall, this is perhaps a more positive situation than might
have been predicted.
Moreover, this upward curve is expected to continue over the coming three years,
indicating a degree of optimism. A healthy majority (53%) expect their budgets to
rise between now and 2015, while just a fifth (18%) forecast a fall. This seems to be
a universal trend with little variation by region or sector.
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Budgets

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Base: 1553 Respondents
The majority of organizations
expect testing budgets to rise
between now and 2015
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Budgets
Base: 1,221 respondents
Increasing pressure to
demonstrate results
Budgets may be on the upward trend,
but there is no room for complacency. An
increase in investment will intensify the
focus on QA productivity, a function that is
viewed primarily as a necessary cost base.
Even as testing spend rises, companies
still need to maintain downward pressure
on costs, as the move to consolidation
in TCOEs and on-demand testing via the
cloud both illustrate. Any investment
needs to achieve a return, which means
that continued or intensified scrutiny by
the business units who pay for QA services
is likely, in order to ensure that new
testing resources are optimally deployed
and managed.
One way to ensure budgets are being
spent productively is to effectively
measure the added value of testing
and clearly communicate this to the
business stakeholders. The good news
is that only 15% of organizations do not
have a process to consistently collect and
present their quality KPIs to the business.
The vast majority of organizations are
collecting this data using QA management
or business intelligence products in
the market, or using common office
applications such as Microsoft Excel. In
fact, 56% indicate that they automatically
gather and share metrics using Excel, and
21% collect data manually and use Excel
as a presentation layer. However, while
Excel is universally available and a low-cost
solution, it does not support the richness in
functionality that a professional reporting
and QA management product can provide.
In times of greater business scrutiny, QA
organizations’ best interests will be served
by providing constantly updated business
KPIs that track return on investment.
The magic number for
quality budgets
Testing budgets tend to average out at
around 18% of total spend on organizations’
software development lifecycle, and this
figure seems to extend across all global
regions and industry sectors surveyed.
On balance, this would seem to be the
benchmark proportion of the software
development budget that organizations
need to commit to testing.
Spending much below this level runs the
risk of developing applications that are
inadequate from a quality perspective,
or applications that are outdated before
their release when the QA process takes
too long to bring a product to market
ahead of the competition. Spend too
far above this level, and organizations
may need to question the efficiency of
their QA operations, or ask whether the
additional spend is justified because the
superior application quality contributes
to a commercial competitive edge,
or because it needs to meet highly
stringent governmental regulations
or safety requirements, e.g. public
transportation systems.
Increased focus on
external activities
The areas in which testing investment
is being focused reflect the competitive
pressures organizations feel in an
unpredictable climate. A robust two-fifths
(41%) of testing spend is being dedicated
to transformational work – testing new
applications, as opposed to maintenance
of existing software. This is a positive
indication that, even amid continued global
economic turbulence, firms are continuing
to invest in developing new products
and services.
Similarly, the greater proportion of
testing budgets (59%) are being spent on
customer-facing applications rather than
on internal organizational applications
(41%), a clear focus on external applications
that have a direct impact on sales and
revenue growth. Firms are also boosting
their investment in TCOEs in order
to compress the time-to-market for
new products. Companies, no matter what
sector or region, are investing in innovation
in order to maintain and capture market
share and ultimately drive revenue.
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Budgets
“The problem is increasing
pressure to get things
done yesterday. We have
this conflict between
testing adequately to
our satisfaction and the
testing time expected by
those on the [business] side.
Investment has increased
but then expectation in
speed of delivery has
also increased. It’s not
easy, as the organization
needs to be able to jump
into a much faster testing
mode while maintaining
quality standards.”
A manufacturing
business, Czech
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Budgets
Base: 1553 Respondents
Investment priorities:
current and future
QA investment priorities are largely shaped
by the new market landscape where
organizations must achieve more with fewer
resources, find ways to reduce cost, and
deal with increased competition from both
bricks-and-mortar and online channels.
“My investment going forward will [focus on] bringing my internal teams up
to standard, increasing the level of automation used, and developing greater
efficiencies throughout. Although our testing budget is not separate from
the wider IT budget, the level of monitoring and performance measuring has
increased – we need to justify our costs.”
An automotive business, Brazil 
As a result, organizations are seeing an
imperative to upgrade existing suites
of testing tools. More than half (55%) of
respondents describe the upgrade process
as the budgetary line item receiving the
greatest increase in spend, and in our
opinion this is driven by a desire to move to
newer application lifecycle platforms and
software-on-demand type models.
Looking ahead to 2015, however, priorities
are set to shift from upgrading existing
tools to buying external resource support.
A smaller proportion (44%) of firms still
expect existing tools to be their number one
investment focus three years from now,
but it is secondary to purchasing external
resources to supplement their internal QA
team (46%).
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Budgets

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world are radically reducing spend to
cope with the fallout from the worldwide
economic crisis. Almost half (48%) of public
organizations’ testing budgets increased
from the previous year, the highest
proportion of all sectors studied, with 56%
also predicting an increase between now
and 2015.
Our observation is that public bodies are
investing in consolidating their testing
operations to drive cost efficiencies in
the face of austerity. With a lingering
legacy of failed major IT projects, QA has
to be stepped up to derive more from
existing capabilities and improve testing.
Investment in existing testing tools is seen
as one of the solutions to remedy the failed
IT projects issue. Over half (58%) of Public
Sector entities identify this as the greatest
increase in spend.
Manufacturing firms are the most
optimistic among the sectors, anticipating
an increase in testing budgets three years
from now: 58% expect spend to grow
between now and 2015, against a mean of
53%. Although our experience has shown
that manufacturing firms tend to spend less
on IT overall compared to other sectors, it
is an increase nonetheless. Some 30% of
manufacturers predict that new testing
tools will be the greatest spend in 2015,
compared to 22% on average. CPRD firms
are similarly optimistic in terms of budget
outlook in 2015, with 57% anticipating an
increase, and the sector places the highest
priority on innovation, committing 45% of
spend to new transformational work (all-
sample average 41%).
Energy and Utilities (E&U) is an intriguing
exception in terms of current investment
priorities, spending notably more on both
existing (65%) and new (23%) tools, and
transportation firms are the most keenly
focused on outsourcing. More than half
(52%) see this as the fastest rising area of
spend, compared to a mean of 43%.
In summary, against a gloomy backdrop of
depressed economic activity and relative
financial instability affecting most regions
surveyed, QA budgets have held their
place in the IT overall spend. We believe
this is a somewhat late recognition of the
inherent value of testing and QA in ensuring
robust business-critical applications as
an enabler of commercial growth and
public reputation.
New product development will generate the
need for new testing skills, tools, and devices,
prompting organizations to seek support
from external partners. Investment in new
testing tools will also rise, as new products
and services are introduced to the market.
Some 22% see this as the top spend priority
for 2015, up from 19% at present.
Budgets relatively consistent
across regions
The greatest degree of consensus between
global regions in this year’s report is around
QA budgets. Budget levels hover consistently
around the all-sample mean of 18% of total
software development spend across all but
one of the geographic areas surveyed. The
exception is South America, where testing
takes up some 25% of the budget.
We believe that this is an indication of
targeted South American investment. As
Brazil, in particular, continues to boom
economically and expectations around
application needs are raised, so testing
investment is being enhanced.
The pattern is similarly consistent for budget
increases, with the exception of Asia. Asian
firms appear to benefit from the most
aggressive budget expansion compared to
other regions, as was the case in 2011. Half
of Asian respondents saw an increase in
budget from last year, compared to the global
average of 42%. More still (60%) expect an
increase over the next three years, against an
average of 53%.
The balance of spend between new and
maintenance work also presents a fairly
uniform picture. Here again, South America
is the outlier, where firms are spending
almost half (48%) of testing budget on
transformational work (average 41%).
The same goes for the split between spend on
customer- and employee-facing applications.
South America again goes against the global
trend, being the least externally focused
region, spending only 52% on customer
applications (compared to 59% on average).
Investment priorities
vary by region
When it comes to investment priorities,
there are greater variations between
the regions. Eastern Europe currently has
invested far more in new testing tools (33%)
when compared to other regions and to the
global average (19%). The Nordics and North
America are at the other end of the scale, with
just 15% of firms giving top priority to buying
new tools, although both regions indicate a
focus on upgrading existing tool sets, which
might suggest that they are looking to better
leverage their shelfware and make their
existing investments go further. Southern
European firms are more heavily focused
on upgrading existing tools (63% compared
to 55% on average), perhaps suggesting
that they are maturing from a more manual-
intensive process to incorporate automation.
Looking ahead, Southern Europe will be
increasing its investment in outsourced
testing, with a majority (57%) of firms in
this region viewing this as their main QA
investment priority for 2015, compared to
46% overall. Just over half of respondents
in the UK and Ireland, North America,
and Eastern Europe also expect external
suppliers to receive the lion’s share of their
testing spend three years from now, further
evidence that the global move towards
outsourcing will continue to grow.
Public Sector leads the way
for increased QA budget
The pattern of uniformity around testing
budgets seen between the regions is
repeated across the industries surveyed,
with QA budgets in most sectors fairly
evenly balanced around the average 18%
of total software development spend. The
greatest disparities are in the Consumer
Products, Retail, and Distribution (CPRD)
space (22%), reflecting a higher focus on the
quality of end-user consumer applications,
and Financial Services (FS) at 20%, a
traditionally heavy investor in QA.
The Public Sector, surprisingly, is
experiencing unexpected budget uplifts
at a time when governments around the
48% of public
testing budgets
increased last
year - the highest
proportion of all
sectors studied
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Budgets
Testing Centers
of Excellence: A
growing priority
Consolidation and standardization are continuing
themes for all organizations around the world and
the testing function within these companies is not
immune to these trends. Aided by the emergence
of new delivery models, technologies, and best
practices, organizations are looking to streamline
the way in which their QA function is structured
and run. TCOEs are undoubtedly an efficient approach
to industrializing testing activity. They act as a
virtual command center that uses a standardized
testing methodology, best practices, automation,
metrics, and tools, while managing a flexible pool
of available resources, both internal and external,
to ensure high levels of quality across applications
before deployment and during production. TCOEs
also provide visibility into the level of quality for any
software system or project, helping IT management
make deployment decisions based on business risk.
Growing from a low base
We found that only 6% of companies around the
world have developed QA into a fully functional TCOE.
This number is a significant increase, in terms of
percentage, from last year’s findings (4%), but the
single digit number still reflects a long road ahead for
companies to universally adopt the TCOE model.
One of the key attributes of a TCOE is a centralized
pool of resources that can be leveraged across
multiple projects in an organization. We found that
close to 70% of organizations still rely on elements
of decentralized testing, while more than a quarter
(27%) of them describe their testing function as
“highly decentralized”.
Testing automation, another aspect of a TCOE, is
also scarce, with just 32% of test cases supported
by automation. These figures indicate that companies
continue to perform QA as siloed projects with
minimal opportunity for standardization and sharing
of best practices across the enterprise. Of note, the
greater proportion of automated testing is conducted
offshore, a testament to the growing confidence in
moving this type of testing beyond national borders,
with only 40% being performed onshore.
Flexible resource pools that can ramp up and down
with the changing needs of the company is another
attribute of a TCOE. Our research shows that the
majority of organizations (51%) still run testing as
an in-house function, and only 13% have moved to a
service fully managed by an external provider. With
the exception of North America, QA organizations
have yet to truly embrace the cost benefits
of offshoring. The majority of testing resources (52%)
are still based on home territory.
Reasons for this global discrepancy vary from region
to region. In South America, government-imposed
customs taxes and new rules governing the use
of offshore services discourage the use of this
flexible pool of resources. In Europe, particularly in
continental Europe, the lack of available offshore
resources skilled in the native language hinders the
adoption of an offshore model, although we are now
seeing the UK and Nordics embrace this model at
a faster pace. In other areas of the world, the labor
arbitrage does not yield adequate amounts of return
on investment to warrant an offshoring strategy.
The State of Quality 2012
Testing Centers of Excellence
“[A TCOE] is something I’m
building here; it represents
a significant change in our
approach but one that I
personally believe to
be vital to our business
since I’ve come from an
organization with an
operating testing center.
We know that it can reduce
costs and overall time of
testing practices, and given
the competitive nature of
the market we operate in,
it’s critical to get speed
and costs down whilst
getting quality up. We
believe a TCOE can do this.”
A manufacturing
business, United
The State of Quality 2012
Testing Centers of Excellence
Base: 924 Respondents
The percentage of organizations reporting
that they have no plans to set up a TCOE
has fallen significantly from last year (45%
to 34%), and we predict that this will fall
further over the coming few years as the
TCOE model gains recognition for delivering
performance improvement. This trend begs
the question – what is driving the surge in
interest in industrializing testing activity?
Less cost, more speed
Firms are centralizing their QA
infrastructure in order to reduce time-to-
market, bring down the cost of testing, and
manage testing resources more effectively.
Compressing time-to-market is the primary
reason for TCOE implementation, cited
by 36% of respondents, and especially
those in what might be called the more
An appetite for change
However, we are witnessing a growing
interest in centralizing QA operations.
Survey respondents indicated a significant
trend towards new investment in TCOEs,
guided by the imperatives to reduce time-
to-market and costs, increase quality,
and gain better control of the whole
lifecycle process.
Whilst only 6% of organizations currently
have a fully fledged operational center,
this presents a 50% increase from 2011
(4%) – a small but significant step. On a
positive note, almost two-thirds (60%)
of firms are currently in the process of
building or planning a TCOE, while a third of
these companies (21%) plan to leverage an
outsourced partner.
mature economies. Add to this the 17%
aiming to enhance the agility of their QA
operations, and it is clear that speed is a
key driver of growing TCOE adoption.
In an unpredictable global economy, and
with market and business expectations
focused on producing better products
faster, time-to-market has become
essential in gaining or maintaining
competitive edge and maximizing profits.
As a result, development cycles are
being squeezed, and testing teams have
to do more with less. A TCOE offers the
opportunity to meet these challenges
head on.
Reducing the cost of testing activity is
next on the priority list, identified by just
over a quarter (27%) of organizations,
The State of Quality 2012
Testing Centers of Excellence

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01. The survey found that 92% of respondents have plans to expand the scope of shared services centers by adding new functions like R&D, engineering, quality, and customer service. Many are also looking to offer more services like analytics and automation. 02. While cost reduction was traditionally the main benefit, respondents now see quality, accuracy, and digital transformation as the top value drivers from leveraging shared services. 03. 97% of respondents believe shared services is best placed to drive enterprise-wide digitalization and automation efforts after centralizing and standardizing processes.

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Base: 1221 Respondents
36% 27% 25%
22% 19% 17%
“For us, the move towards a TCOE is part of the
wider union between the business and IT side of
the organization. We now have a much stronger
link between the two, and while that means
we feel more able to understand and answer
demands, it does increase pressure on testing
to be more efficient as a whole – decentralized
testing teams just couldn’t provide that
efficiency and it meant that walls existed
between the teams, whereas shared experience
and best practice are far easier within a
TCOE framework.”
A financial services business, Finland
closely followed by the need to manage hardware,
software, and human resources more efficiently and
productively (25%).
It is interesting to observe that cost – at least for
economies such as North America – is not the
overriding priority. Most organizations have been
focused on cost cutting for many years, and costs
have been pared down to a minimum, with strategies
such as outsourcing delivering benefits. It should
not be a surprise, therefore, that companies in these
regions are now seeking advantages beyond the
purely financial.
These objectives for moving to a TCOE model prompt
us to ask: why has efficiency in meeting time-to-
market deadlines risen to the top of firms’ agendas?
What is different in today’s market environment
that has rendered the decentralized approach less
desirable for the QA function in some instances?
The State of Quality 2012
Testing Centers of Excellence
Based on the survey responses, together
with the experiences of our clients, we
believe there are three key factors at play:
the market environment, rising technology
expectations, and diversity
of delivery models.
1. The market environment
Continuing market unpredictability means
that organizations can ill afford to take
the emphasis away from cost reduction.
Many remain firmly in cost-saving mode
where QA is concerned: some still aim to
shave as much as 30-40% off their current
testing budgets.
This report also notes that QA budgets
are increasing but that more is being
demanded of teams and more complex
developments are requested. So while
budgets are increasing, there is still a need
to control costs.
In parallel, there is considerable pressure
to develop applications and bring them to
market as rapidly as possible. At the same
time, firms also need to focus on innovation
to prepare for an eventual upturn in the
global economy.
2. Rising technology expectations
Intensifying this pressure on application
development is an increasingly
competitive landscape, fuelled by
growing customer demands. Customers
– both internal and external – expect to
access services and purchase products
whenever they want, on whatever device
they choose. To meet this demand for 24/7
availability, there is mounting pressure to
deliver applications as quickly, efficiently,
and cheaply as possible – and this is
particularly evident in the mobile space
where expectations are well advanced and
are most likely going to increase over time.
3. Diversity of delivery models
In response, QA departments are
capitalizing on the efficiency gains
offered by cloud technology, increasingly
outsourcing testing to cloud environments,
and buying resources on demand, to
reduce cost and time to bring applications
to market.
A further step to speed up the development
process is the wider adoption of
Agile methodology. This is currently being
used by over a third of testers (37%),
analysts (34%), and developers (29%). And
encouragingly, three-quarters (75%) of
Agile testing is already being performed
offshore, a situation that seemed unlikely a
few years ago.
Offshore adoption: a key
determinant for TCOE
Centralizing and professionalizing the QA
function undoubtedly presents a valuable
opportunity to save costs in a tough
economic climate. However, motives driving
consolidation are, in part, a function of how
far different regions have already leveraged
the cost benefits of offshoring.
As a rule, markets with greater levels of
offshoring – primarily North America and
the UK – are less focused on cost reduction.
Offshoring has been considered, executed,
and reviewed, and there is little remaining
scope to further squeeze labor arbitrage.
Therefore, other models are being exploited,
such as TCOE, for achieving better quality,
being quicker to market, and more
effectively using resources. Cost is not an
easy win for the more mature markets –
they have to look at other key benefits to
drive more efficient and focused QA.
Conversely, other regions with lower levels
of offshoring remain more keenly focused
on cost reduction. This is understandable,
given that many are in the early stages of
offshoring and thus have more resource
costs to reduce. This difference is reflected
in our survey results.
North America and the UK are the only two
regions where the majority of testers are
located either offshore or nearshore (55%
and 50% respectively). And they are the two
least cost-focused markets: only 15% and
16% of companies cite cost reduction as a
reason for establishing a TCOE.
In South America, by contrast, offshoring
has been far less exploited, and (it should
be noted) in Brazil is actively discouraged
by government policy. Only 38% of testers
in the region are offshored, compared to
48% on average. Here, cost reduction is a
far greater priority for TCOE operations than
elsewhere: more than half of respondents
(54%) identify cost reduction as the primary
driver (compared to just 27% on average).
So as markets mature, cost becomes less
of a driver, and the focus moves towards
reducing time-to-market.
Public organizations seem to be leading
the way in TCOE adoption, because, along
with Telecoms, Media, and Entertainment
(TME), they can claim the lowest proportion
of organizations with no plans to implement
a TCOE (30%). They have also experienced
the steepest drop in this proportion – down
markedly from 59% last year.
This is likely being driven by the cost
reduction imperative that is behind many
organizations’ TCOE plans. With spending
austerity being implemented by many
governments, public bodies are being asked
to do more with less, while maintaining
service levels and quality. As an efficiency
driver, an onshore TCOE is a compelling
model, particularly as offshoring is a
political anathema to many countries.
For other sectors, the imperative
is responding faster to consumer
expectations, changing market demands,
and time-to-market. Two-thirds (66%) of
CPRD respondents now operate a testing
center, or plan to – significantly up from
41% last year. Streamlining of supply chains
and application testing would appear to
be complementary. And this upturn is also
true of the FS industry, where adoption is up
from 58% to 69% .
Finally the High Tech sector, which includes
aerospace and defense companies,
appears to be closing down internal centers
in favor of an outsourced model, as time-to-
market is a major issue in this sector. The
sector had a remarkably high proportion
of in-house facilities up and running last
year (17% compared to an overall average
of just 4%), while only 8% planned to
work with a third party. This year, the
tables have turned. Just 6% now have
their own TCOE, while 17% plan to use an
outsourced partner.
This year’s data indicates that TCOEs are
gaining traction, with growing levels of
adoption across the board. As a flexible
model, it offers significant advantages
and opportunities to fully leverage
existing resources.
The State of Quality 2012
Testing Centers of Excellence
Base: 1553 Respondents
Percentage of offshoring compared to cost
reduction as A reason for TCOE FIGURE 6
55% 50% 50%15% 16% 44%
49% 49% 43%29% 25% 32%
36% 38% 42%29% 54% 20%
Percentage of testers
offshore or nearshore
Percentage of respondents citing cost
reduction as reason for TCOE
48% 27%
Organizations are turning to TCOEs to
consolidate their QA operations in response
to market pressures, technology demands,
and emerging models of testing delivery
The State of Quality 2012
Testing Centers of Excellence
Mobile Testing:
Behind the curve
Mobile has certainly changed the game
for enterprise IT. Organizations around
the world now need to deliver continuous
access, anytime and anywhere, to
thousands of employees and millions
of customers, over a bewildering array
of devices.
Due to cost pressures, firms are no longer
willing to pay for, and thus control, their
employees’ mobile-access devices, leading
to a bring-your-own-device culture. The
situation is further exacerbated because
organizations are unwilling or unable
to support the proliferation of personal
devices such as smartphones and tablets
being used at work by employees. However,
as the prevalence of non-company
approved devices becomes mainstream
and employees demand access to the
flexibility and productivity that mobile
offers, IT departments are now being
forced to embrace this as the new reality
and address the unique challenges of this
paradigm shift.
Mobile has also turned IT security
inside out. A firm’s entire infrastructure
can no longer be tucked safely behind a
virtual private network and firewall. What’s
more, employees are prepared to download
and try out apps on mobile devices with a
latitude they would not consider acceptable
on a desktop or laptop.
In addition, the need for mobility has
reset expectations of what constitutes
application quality. With traditional
software, users expect flawless
functionality first and foremost, but mobile
users are seeking convenience. They expect
robust performance and usability on the
move, and are more inclined to tolerate the
occasional glitch along the way, as long as
the application performs well and is user-
friendly. QA teams may need to rethink
their testing strategies and priorities
desktop application. Performance is far
ahead of functionality (cited by 48%)
on firms’ priority list for mobile testing.
Security, a perennial concern where mobile
is concerned, is a priority for less than
a fifth (18%) of organizations. This does
not mean that companies are no longer
concerned with security, but rather that
the perspective on security has changed
with the bring-your-own-device culture
and method of disseminating apps. Unlike
with traditional desktops, companies
cannot control what apps are installed on
personal devices, so the concept of security
is shifting from a denial of access to the
protection of sensitive data and ability to
wipe clean certain apps or data.
Even lower on the radar is the certification
of applications, cited by just 14%, despite
high levels of inconsistency in the quality of
mobile apps on different operating systems.
Specialist partners are
plugging the gap
The number one criterion when selecting
external partners to assist with mobile
testing is the capacity to test across several
networks, identified by almost two-thirds
(62%) of organizations. This reflects the
need to ensure coverage, as businesses
seek partners who can deliver testing in a
variety of environments.
Interestingly, cost reduction is less of a
consideration (cited by only 25%), despite
being high on the list of factors driving both
cloud and TCOE adoption. This may be due
to a number of factors: mobile applications
are relatively cheap to produce, the focus
is on managing risk rather than cost,
and firms’ need to address their lack of
readiness and expertise where mobile QA
is concerned.
as the mobile era adds a further level of
complexity to users’ needs, demands,
and expectations.
Underprepared and ill equipped
Our research suggests that organizations
may not be giving mobile the priority
it deserves. Only 31% of respondents
currently test mobile applications, and
those surveyed readily admit to being ill
equipped for mobile testing. This suggests
that QA has fallen behind the mobile curve.
A troubling two-thirds of organizations
(65%) do not have the right tools to test
mobile applications, and equally concerning
is the 52% who do not have access to the
required devices. It would appear that
organizations either do not have a good
grasp of the infrastructure challenges
posed by the mobile era or are unable to
address these new demands. Meanwhile,
a third of organizations lack the testing
methodologies and processes (34%) and
specialist expertise (29%) necessary to
effectively certify mobile applications.
Performance is the key
to success
Organizations that are conducting mobile
testing seem to be working towards a
different set of quality standards as
compared to traditional testing. The
primary focus is on the application’s
performance rather than its functionality.
Efficiency of performance was identified as
a focus for mobile testing activity by almost
two-thirds (64%) of firms.
The usual priorities – such as functionality
and security – are being pushed lower
down the scale as companies place more
emphasis on the demands of end-users
on mobile platforms, which are different
from the demands of a traditional
The State of Quality 2012
Mobile Testing

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Base: 485 Respondents
Base: 485 Respondents
19% 18%
The State of Quality 2012
Mobile Testing
Percentage of respondents testing mobile
applications, by region FIGURE 9
Base: 1553 Respondents
Regional variations
We might expect the strongest emphasis
on QA in the mobile arena to be seen in
Asia in particular, as smartphone and
tablet penetration are accelerating at a
blistering pace in China. But the distinction
between East and West economies is not
clear-cut. Indeed, in Asia, the proportion
of organizations conducting mobile testing
sits at 30%, close to the all-sample average
of 31%.
Regions with traditionally high levels of
mobile adoption, with the exception of Asia,
have – unsurprisingly – the highest levels
of mobile testing. Over one-third of firms
in Australia and New Zealand, the Nordics,
and Southern and Western Europe currently
test mobile applications.
Regions displaying lower levels of mobile
testing include Eastern Europe and the UK
and Ireland, where only a fifth of businesses
carry out mobile testing, and just a quarter
do so in North and South America.
The State of Quality 2012
Mobile Testing
Greatest challenge when
testing mobile applications
and devices
Base: 485 Respondents
Asian challenges
The explosion of the mobile market in Asia is
reflected in the QA challenges and priorities faced
by organizations in the area. A greater percentage
of Asian firms confirm they faced the common
mobile challenges as compared to all the companies
on average.
Asian firms also place much more emphasis on
portability and compatibility across devices when
conducting mobile testing. Portability is identified
as a priority by 58% of businesses in this region,
compared to less than half (46%) on average.
Compatibility is cited by almost as many (55%),
compared to less than a third (31%) overall.
This focus might be driven by the far wider selection
of devices available to users in the region. In China,
for example, mobile customers can choose from
just about any handset available worldwide. In the
US and Europe, networks offer only the handsets
for which they have contractual arrangements
with manufacturers. As a result, the choice available
to customers is far more limited.
Performance versus functionality
Elsewhere, the emphasis on application performance
is particularly acute in the UK and Ireland (75%),
against an average of 64%. This could be due to
its being a more mature market where end-users
demand more from their mobile apps. Consider the
landscape a decade ago, when having a browser on a
mobile device was touted as a new feature, whereas
today these same users want apps that are tailored
for specific needs. The opposite is the case in South
America and Eastern Europe, where only around half
of organizations focus on performance.
Instead, South American firms are focused primarily
on functionality, and more than four-fifths identify
this as a priority, compared to just under half overall.
Mobile security is also a heightened concern in
the region, cited by 30% against an 18% average.
Eastern European businesses are even more worried
about security (36%), and are equally concerned
with application certification (compared to just 14%
on average).
The State of Quality 2012
Mobile Testing
Sector perspectives
A look at mobile testing by industry throws up some
surprising results. Firstly, it is Manufacturing firms,
rather than those from more consumer-facing
industries, that are most likely to conduct mobile
testing (37% compared to 31% on average).
We might expect the TME sector to be most at ease
with mobile technology. However, their QA demands
are uniquely complex, comprising the need to test
networks, equipment, and billing systems, among
others that are applicable only to TME firms. As a
result, just 30% of firms in the technology-intensive
TME space currently test mobile applications,
equal to the all-sample mean. Some 62% lack the
necessary tools to test mobile applications. This is
only slightly better than average (65%), and almost
one-third (32%) lack in-house expertise, compared
to just 29% overall. Perhaps this is due to the TME
providers focusing their QA efforts on the mobile
infrastructure and leaving the testing of mobile
devices to the handset manufacturers.
Public Sector organizations (27%) are the slowest
to adopt mobile testing. This may not be quite so
surprising in a sector not traditionally viewed as
a leader in technological innovation. But it does
present a major issue in an era when citizens
increasingly expect to interact while on the move
with public service providers, just as they do with
commercial brands.
“It’s an area of our business that typifies how things are changing,
in my opinion. The guys in marketing say ‘we need a mobile app’; sales
or product execs agree and then send it across to development and
testing to push it through in half the time we might actually need.
It’s not going away either. More and more of our business is done
online [in general] so it’s something we need to get hold of and
understand quickly.”
A retail business, United Kingdom
Public bodies are also the least focused on
performance, although this is still their greatest area
of priority, cited by more than half of organizations
(53% compared to 64% average). The sector places
a higher emphasis than average on security and user
experience, in line with their public responsibilities.
Despite its reputation for innovation, the FS
industry faces some of the most acute mobile
testing challenges. Almost three-quarters (72%)
of FS firms lack the right tools, compared to 65%
on average, and 38% lack mobile testing expertise,
against 29% overall. Financial firms are the most
acutely concerned about application performance
with 72% citing this as a priority.
User-friendliness is an understandable priority for
the CPRD space. Ease of use and the user interface
are a focus for 50% of CPRD firms (compared to 36%
on average).
Mobile is certainly having a significant impact on the
QA function and it seems that QA has been slow to
react to the expectations from within the business.
We would expect swift reassessment of testing
priorities and increased investment over the coming
year to handle the rush of mobile applications either
in-house or with specialist providers.
The State of Quality 2012
Mobile Testing

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Base: 485 Respondents
greatest challenge when testing mobile
applications or devices, by sector FIGURE 12
63% 50% 27% 23% 27% 20%
63% 43% 40% 20% 26% 31% 62% 35% 50% 12% 23% 12% 66% 64% 22% 26% 22% 17% 62% 62% 30% 32% 12% 16%
64% 51% 40% 30% 13% 19%
59% 56% 41% 22% 7% 26% 68% 42% 32% 29% 29% 23% 72% 50% 36% 38% 21% 14%
TESTING PROCESS/METHOD Not enough time to test
No mobile testing experts
Do not have in-house testing
Base: 1553 Respondents
Percentage of respondents who test mobile
applications or devices, by sector FIGURE 11
The State of Quality 2012
Mobile Testing
Cloud: Gathering pace
“The cloud is something that has become a significant
priority for our organizational direction in the
Information Technology Department. With regards
to testing, it’s opening up a way of turning on and
off a stream of new skills and abilities in a way that
is both fast and cost-effective when we need them.
We can reach out and get exactly what we need
without delay.”
A financial services business, The Netherlands
Cloud computing continues to generate a
significant amount of attention as almost
every market forecast indicates exponential
growth in this area. Within this climate,
cloud adoption in QA is also gathering
momentum, because the business case is
resoundingly clear. As more applications
are being hosted in the cloud, the necessity
for testing in cloud environments is
growing apace. And organizations are
seizing the benefits that the cloud offers
by buying services on demand and getting
access to physical resources more quickly
and cheaply to cut QA spend.
Cloud coverage on the rise
The extent to which businesses and their
QA function are now embracing the cloud
marks a step up from the evolutionary
progress revealed in last year’s report.
Our research shows that almost a quarter
(22%) of software applications are now
hosted in the cloud. This is expected to rise
even further to a third (32%) by 2015, an
indication of the acceptance of cloud as
part of the mainstream of IT infrastructure.
Testing in the cloud is also expanding at a
correspondingly healthy rate. Some 28% of
testing now occurs in a cloud environment,
a proportion forecast to rise to 39% by 2015.
Only two years ago, some 31% of companies
declared they would not test via the cloud
over the next three years, and this has
now dwindled to just 4%, a clear indication
that testing in the cloud is becoming the
new norm.
28% of testing currently
occurs in a cloud
environment, and
is set to rise to 39%
by 2015
The State of Quality 2012
Base: 1,553 respondents
Base: 1,553 respondents
NOW 2015
22% 32%
NOW 2015
28% 39%
The State of Quality 2012
“We experience peaks and troughs in our testing program, so TaaS
provides a certain degree of flexibility. While some applications may
be run of the mill, some may have more ad hoc requirements that
push us to meet unique or temporary needs. TaaS allows us to do
this without the burden of great cost or adding to project time.”
A retail business, Denmark
Rising demand for on-demand services
As QA professionals become more comfortable with the cloud as a
testing platform, organizations are increasingly capitalizing on the
on-demand benefits it provides.
Companies that are accustomed to using cloud-based
infrastructures are now demanding similarly flexible offerings for
their software licenses in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS),
where costs incurred are matched against actual usage.
Organizations are
increasingly capitalizing
on the on-demand
benefits of the cloud
Almost a third (31%) of firms’ testing software is currently provided
on a SaaS basis – compared to only a quarter (25%) last year. This
is expected to reach close to half (43%) by 2015. Furthermore,
some 30% of firms had no SaaS arrangements in place for testing
software in 2011; this has fallen to just 8% this year.
Throwing caution to the cloud?
Conventional wisdom dictates that lingering doubts over the cloud
and, in particular, its perceived lack of security would discourage
organizations from migrating their most business-critical IT
infrastructure to the cloud. Contrary to this assumption, our
survey reveals a growing tendency to test critical applications in
cloud environments.
In fact, organizations are actually testing more critical applications
(61%) – both internal and external – than non-critical software
(39%) in the cloud. However, it is worth noting that internal software
accounts for two-thirds of these critical applications, and external
software just a third.
Testing as a Service
Although starting from a low base, firms are also increasingly
treating the testing activity as an on-demand utility, giving rise to
the term Testing as a Service (TaaS) – the delivery of application
testing services on a pay-per-use model, using cloud-based test
environments and software tools. While only 11% of businesses
currently use TaaS arrangements, almost four-fifths (78%) plan to
introduce the concept, and almost half (47%) will do so within the
next 12 months. By 2015, only 11% will have no TaaS arrangements, a
pointer to how ubiquitous this delivery model will have become.
An opportunity to reduce cost
When asked about the benefits of TaaS, respondents were emphatic
in their enthusiasm. The most highly-anticipated benefits from TaaS
arrangements were reduced cost, identified by 58% of businesses,
and more effective management of testing resources (cited by 49%).
By contrast, reduced time-to-market (the main driver for TCOE
consolidation) only ranks third (42%), and improved quality is even
less of a focus, mentioned by just 24%.
The cost driver is clearly important when assessing TaaS services,
as the focus is on how to reduce, for example, licensing costs, to pay
only for what is used, as opposed to improvement in quality that can
be achieved through other means.
So why would organizations view cloud-based TaaS as a greater
cost-saving opportunity than consolidation, as provided by TCOEs?
TaaS offers the chance to bring down costs that have already
been heavily optimized and the greater portion of testing spend
goes towards resource costs. In mature markets, this element has
already been drastically reduced by successive waves of offshoring
and restructuring. And in developing markets, low labor costs are
a given.
So, adopting a cloud utility service model presents a rare
opportunity to further squeeze costs by paying only for what is
needed when it is needed, as opposed to high investment in often
dormant technology. TaaS also provides increased flexibility in
servicing and pricing and the ability to quickly scale up or down as
required for ad hoc or ongoing projects.
The State of Quality 2012

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Base: 1553 Respondents
Base: 1553 Respondents
The State of Quality 2012
Low hurdles to entry
Encouragingly, as adoption has increased,
the cloud in general is now seen as a far
greater opportunity than a risk. The potential
challenges associated with cloud-based
operations provoked far less response
among respondents than the benefits, so
the gains clearly outweigh the pitfalls.
The benefits of
QA activity
clearly outweigh
the pitfalls
This can be seen most sharply in the halving
of levels of concern over last year’s biggest
worry – security. Predictably, back in 2011,
more than half (55%) of organizations saw
security as the most acute risk associated
with using a cloud environment. This year,
taking TaaS as an example of a general
increased ease with using cloud-based
delivery, security came only third on the
list of the challenges anticipated when
adopting TaaS. Even the starkest current
challenge – loss of control over total testing
spend – is troubling the minds of less than a
third (32%) of companies.
Yet, despite the overall enthusiasm, these
concerns about loss of control over spend
signal a continuing concern and confusion
about the cloud generally. In our experience,
there is little reason to lose control of
testing spend, as this can be prevented
through robust governance, spend metrics,
and service-level agreements.
Perhaps this anxiety is a legacy of poor
outsourcing experiences, where contracts
have exceeded cost estimates. Or it may
reflect persistent economic instability:
unable to reliably forecast market demand,
businesses are struggling to calculate an
accurate assessment of the scale of their
testing requirements. Whatever the reason,
we would encourage organizations to look
to the benefits of this new model of testing
service provision, as the concerns can
be managed.
Mature markets drive
on-demand provision
Last year’s report found emerging
economies had the most aggressive
plans to migrate QA activity to the cloud.
In 2012, we see this leveling off, as cloud
penetration in developing regions begins to
catch up with that of mature markets.
As indicated earlier, as an example of cloud
adoption, companies are increasingly
looking to TaaS as a means of cost
reduction and process efficiency. How is
this reflected at a regional level? Plans
show little variation between the global
regions in the immediate term. For the most
part, the more mature markets are driving
on-demand uptake, with a high percentage
of firms already adopting or planning to use
TaaS services. Only 3% of North American
firms have no plans to use TaaS, with a
similar figure of just 5% in Western Europe.
In Asia, only 7% do not anticipate TaaS in
their future.
Yet this jumps to almost half (46%) in
Eastern Europe and nearly a third (29%)
in South America with no TaaS plans.
However, looking ahead, South America
is predicting a significant change, with
respondents expecting almost half (46%)
of testing to be cloud based by 2015,
compared to the 39% global average.
For all regions, reduced cost is the primary
benefit of TaaS, and taking into account
better resource management, efficiency
is the secondary driver for TaaS adoption.
Emerging markets are particularly focused
on cost reduction – seven in 10 Asian and
South American businesses identify this as
the primary benefit of TaaS, compared to
58% across the whole survey.
Sector leaders and laggards
Turning to the sectors, testing in the
cloud is being led by the IT-intensive TME
sector, where 31% of testing activity is
currently cloud-based, followed by FS at
30%, compared to the 28% sector average.
Both the TME and FS sectors are driven
by technology and have traditionally been
early adopters. Late adopters, with only
a quarter of testing in the cloud, include
E&U (25%) and Manufacturing industries
(24%). These two sectors tend to view IT
as an enabler rather than a driver, and
traditionally have spent less on IT.
The pattern is repeated when it comes
to leveraging TaaS. Only 6% of TME
respondents and 8% of FS companies have
no plans to use TaaS, compared to 11%
overall. Public Sector organizations are also
embracing on-demand testing, with only 7%
having no TaaS plans in place.
By contrast, some 30% of manufacturers
are disregarding the on-demand testing
provision altogether, as are 16% of E&U
firms, and, as in last year’s survey, CPRD
businesses are slow adopters – currently
17% have no plans for TaaS.
Small firms reluctant to adopt
Organizations of all sizes are integrating
cloud technology into their QA operations.
Businesses are investing in the cloud to
modernize and optimize IT infrastructures,
while small businesses look to take
advantage of its flexibility in order to
circumvent the need for costly IT set-up.
Large, medium, and small firms are all
running approximately 28% of testing
activity in cloud environments. Likewise, all
three groups forecast this to rise to around
39% by 2015.
However, smaller firms are much more
reluctant to conduct testing on demand.
Almost a quarter (23%) have no plans to
use TaaS, compared to just 6% of large and
medium-sized organizations. Again, this may
be driven by the fear that testing costs will
spiral out of control or by a lack of awareness
of the true benefits that TaaS can offer.
More small businesses (35%) identify this
as a challenge than their corporate (30%) or
medium-sized (31%) counterparts.
Our research shows that the move towards
a cloud-based infrastructure, supported by
offerings such as TaaS, continues to grow
across companies of all sizes. Organizations
are primarily looking to achieve a more
cost-effective and efficient means for QA
through a flexible, agile, on-demand model.
We expect that this trend will accelerate
as the cloud matures and competitive
pressures force non-adopters to reconsider
their position.
The State of Quality 2012
“We are moving more
of our testing into
the cloud, but it’s
always going to be
problematic for us.
National legislation
restricts the nature
of data that can be
stored and accessed
outside the country;
therefore we are
currently limited as
to what exactly can
be done via the cloud.”
A manufacturing
business, Germany
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Assurance
Resources: A question
of value
In an increasingly digitized era, the ability to
monitor and assess the quality of software
applications is critical to an organization’s
operations – not to mention its reputation.
So confidence in the quality of QA resources
to deliver on this priority is essential. Our
data shows that this, unfortunately, is not
always the case.
Our study finds that organizations consider
their internal QA resources to be “average”
overall, which we believe is of some concern
given the increasing importance being
placed on testing. On balance, companies
believe that they can secure slightly better
quality resources via external partners than
by hiring internally.
One contributing factor could be that,
historically, testing has not been viewed as
a well-defined professional career across
the world, although it is gratifying to see
much evidence of this now changing. In
developed countries, QA is becoming a
recognized and dedicated profession,
commanding increased salaries
commensurate with the level of expertise
and experience. In the less-developed
markets, there is often a limited number of
trained resources available, which is driving
the need to use external expertise, often at
a premium to internal cost structures.
A fine balancing act between
internal and external
The majority of organizations (59%)
characterize their internal QA teams as
“average” in their QA knowledge and not
necessarily up to speed with the latest
testing tools and technologies. External
resources fare better with slightly fewer
companies (52%) describing external
testers in the same way. More significantly,
only 4-5% of firms are confident that their
resources (internal or external) are best
in class.
However, when apportioning high praise,
companies express more confidence
in outsourced resources than their
own employees. A third of firms (33%)
score their external teams’ knowledge and
abilities a 4 or 5 (with 5 being the highest);
less than a quarter (24%) score internal
resource as highly.
This may reflect the fact that many external
testers work for service providers whose
business model is to offer large-scale
professional teams of resources designed
to elevate a company’s existing capabilities.
It may also reflect an increasing desire
among certain economies to increase
the level of QA skills they can offer to the
global community.
Our study found minimal regional
differences in confidence levels, which
may reflect the fact that in the more
mature markets, expectations are higher
and the need to outsource greater, while
in the emerging markets, expectations are
lower and the available talent is starting
to come through. Whichever the case, it is
clear that there is room for improvement
in the skill levels of QA resources, if they
are to meet the exacting demands being
placed on them.
A question of value
Internal QA resources, while rated lower in
terms of knowledge, are marginally more
expensive, which is to be expected, as
organizations seek external outsourced
skills predominantly to reduce costs. Firms
are paying a global average hourly rate of
US$54.58 for internal resources, compared
to US$52.62 for external support.
Although this weighted average is not
designed to be exact, the comparison
is revealing, as it would indicate that
organizations are getting more value
from outsourced support, because they
are paying less per hour for a resource
that is more highly regarded, although
the difference is small. This is potentially
the case in economies where there is a
greater number of available testers, and
outsource providers compete on cost
against in-house teams.
However, these figures need to be viewed
in context. Hourly rates naturally vary
greatly by geography, and price needs to be
considered alongside the value that firms
perceive they are getting for their investment.
Regional perceptions
Indeed, regional comparisons paint a
contrasting picture, divided broadly along
market maturity lines. While there is
general agreement across the regions that
external resources are more effective, there
are wide disparities between how much
each region is paying for both external and
internal support.
In developed regions, there is a price
premium on internal testing capacity. North
American firms, for example, are paying
around 20% per hour more for internal than
external resources. We believe this reflects
the increased standing of QA resources
in North American organizations and the
salaries they can command.
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Assurance Resources

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Base: 1553 Respondents
Ranking of external and internal testing resources
(scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is highest) FIGURE 17
0% 19%
“Outsourced testing will always be an important
option, but how we source those testers does
tend to depend on project or cost, rather than
any specific predefined rules. We used to use
India-based suppliers a lot more than we do
today, but the cost benefits were not balanced
by our internal client satisfaction feedback.”
A financial services business, Australia
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Assurance Resources
Average hourly rate (US$) for external and internal testers FIGURE 18
Base: 1553 Respondents
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Assurance Resources
As we have seen, North America is the most
highly outsourced region, with businesses
having transferred large proportions of their
QA to lower-cost, offshore labor markets.
As a result, they are paying well below the
average for external support, and balancing
this by paying a relative premium for high
quality in-house experts.
Yet interestingly the quality rating does
not differ by much between the two
sets of resources. This may indicate a
pragmatic approach from North American
organizations in assessing both sets of
resources on a relative value-for-money
basis, balanced by availability constraints.
This indicates a mature and measured
approach in North America.
In emerging economies such as South
America and Eastern Europe, however, the
reverse is true. In these areas, QA is a less-
developed, less-professionalized field; in
some organizations, it may barely exist as
a recognized function at all. As a result,
dedicated external resources are more
highly prized, and so come at a premium.
South American companies pay around
30% more for external than internal teams;
in Eastern Europe, the disparity is around
25%. The conclusion is clear – emerging
markets may not immediately be saving
costs by using external expertise, but
judging by the recognition of the skills of
external resources, companies are buying
an enhanced quality of output.
Sector perceptions
One industry that does recognize the
price premium and value of experienced
QA resources is clearly FS. The industry
is paying a hefty premium for internal
support: $62.18 per hour compared to the
$54.58 average. The FS sector is, of course,
a unique, complex, and highly regulated
domain, requiring very specific functionality
expertise in addition to generic QA skills.
Not surprisingly, this rare combination of
skills pushes up the cost of QA capability
for the industry.
Manufacturing companies are the most
satisfied overall with the quality of their
QA resource. Just over a third (34%)
of manufacturers score their internal
resource a 4 or 5, compared to the overall
average of 23%. Almost two in five (38%)
rate their external support highly (average
33%). It may be that the importance the
sector places on ensuring the quality
of its production output extends to its
software applications, resulting in a greater
appreciation of technical ability.
At the other end of the scale, only around a
quarter of Public Sector organizations rate
their internal (21%) or external (28%) QA
resources highly. This might be a reflection
of constrained local pay scales, or
complexity of large-scale legacy systems,
meaning that quality may be more difficult
to achieve.
Two sectors – where a breakdown in quality
could have dramatic consequences – rely on
external expertise to compensate for a lack
of confidence in their in-house resource.
The Health and Life Sciences businesses
and E&U have the lowest confidence in their
internal teams: only a fifth of firms in these
industries rate them highly, yet, by contrast,
external resources in both are given a
relative vote of confidence. Around twice as
many organizations in these industries rate
external providers highly.
Paying the price?
Experienced QA experts – both in-house
and third party – possess a rare
combination of highly technical abilities:
business domain expertise, business
process analysis skills and development,
scripting, and testing capabilities, and
up-to-date QA knowledge, to name a few.
In our experience, when it comes to paying
the price for that expertise, organizations
often have unrealistic expectations. Some
may be unwilling to pay the higher cost for
highly qualified, experienced professionals;
others may be restrained from doing so by
budgetary considerations.
Value for money is undoubtedly subjective.
Getting the balance right between in-house
and external teams, factoring in technical
and business knowledge and relative
costs, is challenging and requires constant
monitoring and investment.
“I’d love to be able to professionalize our testing function – give people a
career and the pay to match and they’ll stick with you. But the reality is quite
the opposite. Testing is seen as a ‘necessary evil’ in many organizations. This
means organizations never give [testers] the proper attention [they] deserve
and we end up buying external experts who may have the skills, but not
necessarily the intimate knowledge of our business.”
A financial services business, United Kingdom
The State of Quality 2012
Quality Assurance Resources
42	 Consumer Products,
Retail, and Distribution:
Mobile and internet commerce
drives sector transformation
44	 Energy & Utilities: Commitment
to improve quality of testing
through increased investment
46	 Financial Services:
Evolving QA – Riding the
transformation wave
48	 High Tech: Increasing focus
on data-driven customer
service delivery
50	 Public Sector: Renewed
focus on efficiency gains
linked to budget reductions
52	 Telecoms, Media, and
Entertainment: Maximizing
assets, unleashing growth,
and transforming to succeed

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The document discusses emerging technologies and their impact on businesses over the next 3-5 years based on research by Accenture. It identifies 5 technology trends that will be essential for business success: 1) Intelligent Automation using AI to automate tasks, 2) Liquid Workforce to build a flexible workforce, 3) Platform Economy using platforms for business model innovation, 4) Predictable Disruption from digital ecosystems, and 5) Digital Trust to strengthen customer relationships through ethics and security. The research involved input from experts and a global survey of over 3,100 business and IT executives.

sector analysis
The Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution (CPRD) sector
represents a large and diverse group of companies, including
consumer products manufacturers, retailers, distributors (such as
logistics companies, postal systems, trucking), and transportation
(including airlines, airports, and rail operators). Organizations
in each of these sub-sectors have distinct technology needs.
However, they are all part of the broader consumer value chain and
therefore need to be extremely responsive to the changes in demand
coming from the end consumer. And that consumer is increasingly
empowered by technology.
Given the growing importance of technology enablement during
the shopping journey – from awareness and choosing, through the
transaction, and to delivery and service – the CPRD sector today
is more focused on mobile and internet commerce. As a result, we
expect to see an increase in testing needs for transformational
projects, cloud testing, and Testing as a Service (TaaS), as well as
growth in adoption of Testing Centers of Excellence (TCOEs).
CPRD companies report investing more in QA/testing than the overall
market and other sectors, with 22% of total IT budget going toward
the testing function. Last year, 35% of respondents in the CPRD
sector said their QA budgets had increased over the previous two
years; this year, 41% say it has increased and 57% say they expect to
see this increase again by 2015.
This indicates that companies are continuing to invest in QA/
testing in order to stay competitive and meet the high expectations
of consumers. In the growing, interconnected world of consumers
and customers, failure is quickly and easily communicated, so
companies cannot afford to provide less than perfect products/
services to customers.
A high 45% of CPRD respondents say their testing activities are
with new or transformational projects, which reflects the need for
innovation in this sector. Asked in which areas of QA the greatest
increase in spending has occurred, 51% of companies say it is on
internal professional testing resources, 45% on more investment in
existing tools, and 44% on external outsourced resources.
Retail, and
Mobile and internet
commerce drives sector
By	 Bernard Helders
Global Leader
Consumer Products & Retail Sector
	 Etienne Cartigny
Senior Test Manager
	 Rashmi Singh
Senior Manager
sector analysis
Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution
Interestingly, when asked to look ahead to 2015 and where they
thought the greatest area of investment would be, the top answer
(48%) was in using external outsourced resources – perhaps
reflecting the need for more specialized and specific resources
required to test leading-edge services and products, such as
mobile commerce.
Across all sectors and respondents this year, our survey saw the
continuing growth of the adoption of TCOEs. This is also reflected in
the CPRD sector, but it is clear that organizations in other sectors are
taking a slightly different path. While only 6% of CPRD respondents
say their in-house TCOE is already fully functional (on par with
the overall figure study-wide), a further 25% say they are already
developing or planning to develop an internal TCOE over the next
two years. This compares to 40% of the overall survey.
The difference is apparent in the percentage of organizations
planning to use a third-party company with a TCOE capability;
35% of all surveyed CPRD firms (compared to 21% overall) say they
are taking this TCOE route. The scope of their ideal TCOE is broad,
but executing performance testing (50%) and providing Program
Management Office services (44%) are top capabilities. The key
benefit in adopting a TCOE for CPRD sector firms is reducing time-to-
market and reducing costs.
The growth in the impact of the cloud continues to change the way
organizations approach multiple areas of their operations, and
this is no different for CPRD firms. Respondents say 21% of their
applications are currently cloud based, with an expected figure of
32% by 2015. Indeed, our survey suggests that the percentage of
testing in a cloud-based test environment will rise by almost 50%
by 2015 – suggesting CPRD firms are keen to exploit this growing
methodology for their testing function.
Asked about TaaS offered by a third party, just 9% of CPRD
respondents say they already use it, but 45% say they will within the
next year, and a further 28% within the next two years. With 59% of
respondents seeing reduced costs and 48% seeing better resource
management as key benefits, TaaS appears to deliver distinct
advantages for an organization’s testing. The survey also sees a
predicted increase in the use of Software as a Service (SaaS) for QA/
testing software licenses between now and 2015, no doubt part of
the broader move towards the cloud.
Some 34% of CPRD respondents say that their organizations
currently test mobile applications and devices, slightly higher than
the overall figure of 31%. Given the growing importance of mobile
and internet commerce, consumer/customer mobile communication
and associated services, it is hardly surprising that this is an area of
expected growth, particularly for the CPRD sector. However, it comes
with new and additional QA/testing requirements, which many
organizations are finding challenging.
So while organizations that test mobile applications focus on
efficiency, performance, and functionality, there are shortcomings
in those testing processes. Some 63% of CPRD firms say they don’t
have the right tools to test, and a further 50% say they don’t have
the devices readily available to test. Indeed, when asked about their
key criteria for selecting an outsourced mobile testing resource,
60% of respondents say the capacity to test their application on
several networks would be most important. A further 40% say
the key criterion is enabling their development team to focus
on development.
With the economy likely to remain challenging over the next
year or so, CPRD companies will continue to explore new ways
to stay competitive, while remaining innovative and attractive to
budget-minded customers. New developments in mobile and web
commerce will continue to offer new routes for the sector to exploit,
but it must do so from a position of assurance and knowledge, as
consumers are unlikely to be loyal should they be disappointed.
The rising and positive investment in QA/testing is no guarantee of
success, of course. Investing in the right skills, tools, and experience
will be essential to ensure that the challenges of remaining
innovative and competitive are balanced with those of ensuring the
levels of quality demanded by customers.
sector analysis
Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution
This year’s World Quality Report
surveyed firms in the energy and
natural resources sectors: oil
and gas; public and private utility
companies; and those involved in
large-scale chemicals production.
In most parts of the world, the Energy and Utilities (E&U) sector
continues to undergo major structural transformation with the
liberalization of consumer electricity and gas retail markets.
Utilities firms are constantly looking at how new technologies such
as smart metering and smart grids can help to improve operational
efficiencies as well as differentiate their service offering in a
largely price-driven, commoditized market characterized by high
customer churn. Consistently high oil and gas prices over the past
few years have opened up new areas of exploration taking advantage
of new drilling technologies.
Most E&U firms also face increased regulatory and public scrutiny
regarding their ongoing operations and investments made in
renewable technologies. At the point of consumption, smart
metering should lead to greater collaboration with other sectors,
such as telecommunications carriers and service providers.
However, IT functions within E&U companies struggle to keep pace
with market change and face increasingly limited budgets, part
of which is spent trying to maintain antiquated legacy systems,
leaving little to spend on innovative product lines that support
new customer interaction models and leverage up-and-coming
technologies, as is reflected in our findings.
Energy and Utility organizations say that their testing budget has
remained largely static this year, with 51% indicating that their
budget is the same as last year. However, some 37% of respondents
in this sector say their budget has increased to some extent, and just
8% record a decline. Respondents are somewhat more upbeat when
considering how their budget will change between now and 2015,
with 54% believing it will increase. This continuing commitment to
improving the quality of testing through investment in both internal
and external resources is characteristic of the E&U sector.
Energy &
Commitment to improve
quality of testing through
increased investment
By	 Perry Stoneman
Utilities Global Sector Leader
	 Willem-Jan Van Der Meer
Senior Test Consultant
sector analysis
Energy & Utilities

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World Quality Report 2012-13

  • 3. 4 Introduction 6 Executive Summary The State of Quality 2012 12 Quality Budgets: Stepping up 18 Testing Centers of Excellence: A growing priority 24 Mobile Testing: Behind the curve 30 Cloud: Gathering pace 36 Quality Assurance Resources: A question of value sector analysis 42 Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution: Mobile and internet commerce drives sector transformation 44 Energy & Utilities: Commitment to improve quality of testing through increased investment 46 Financial Services: Evolving QA – Riding the transformation wave 48 High Tech: Increasing focus on data-driven customer service delivery 50 Public Sector: Renewed focus on efficiency gains linked to budget reductions 52 Telecoms, Media, and Entertainment: Maximizing assets, unleashing growth, and transforming to succeed Country and Regional Analysis 56 Australia and New Zealand 58 Brazil 60 China 62 France 64 Germany 66 The Netherlands 68 The Nordic Region 70 North America 72 United Kingdom 74 About the Study 10 40 54 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 3 CONTENTS
  • 4. Introduction 4 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13  Introduction
  • 5. Welcome to the fourth edition of the World Quality Report, which, as in previous years, has been designed to provide the most comprehensive assessment of the current state of enterprise application quality and testing practices available from around the world. To enhance the quality and relevance of the data gathered, we increased the number of interviews to more than 1,550 CFOs, CIOs, IT directors, and quality assurance (QA) directors around the globe, all of which were carried out by phone. We also broadened our geographical sample, focused more intently on the ‘enterprise’ market, and included additional questions reflecting the significant changes in our technology landscape, such as the almost ubiquitous uptake of mobile communications. Changes taking place in the IT market increasingly require scalable, robust, and reliable applications and infrastructure. Further, the disruptive effects of cloud computing adoption, increased mobility, and device proliferation require organizations to develop applications that can seamlessly interface with an ever- broader range of distribution channels and routes-to-market. Our research is evidence that a focus on quality management is increasingly regarded as a strategic value. While this year’s research confirms many of the trends from previous editions of the World Quality Report, there are also a number of new emerging developments in the market and an increased pace of change. For example, since last year, many readers will have seen corporate announcements about a growing number of large-scale enterprise-wide managed testing service contracts being awarded, and an increased uptake of Testing as a Service (TaaS) solutions. Similarly, many organizations are looking to develop Testing Centers of Excellence (TCOEs), which use a standardized testing methodology, best practices, and tools, together with a flexible pool of professional resources to ensure high levels of quality and risk mitigation across all applications. Over the last four years, the World Quality Report, published by the Capgemini Group and HP, has established itself as the largest annual survey of application quality and testing practices, with a growing reputation as a valuable benchmark for organizations around the world. The report is the result of close collaboration between Capgemini, Sogeti, and HP, both leaders in our respective fields of outsourced testing and Application Lifecycle Management tools, services, and products developed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise applications. We hope you find that the research, analysis, and commentary contained in this year’s report both informs your own testing and quality assurance decisions and perhaps challenges some of your current thinking. We also value your comments and ideas, and invite you to contact either of us or any of the contributors to this report regarding any question you might have concerning testing and quality assurance. Finally, we would like to thank all of the individuals who participated in the research and gave generously of their time. Without them, it would not have been possible to produce the World Quality Report 2012-13. You can also reach us by sending an email to: or Michel de Meijer Senior Vice President, Leader Global Service Line Testing, Capgemini & Sogeti Matthew Morgan Vice President, Hybrid IT and Cloud Product Marketing, Software, HP WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 5 Introduction
  • 6. Executive Summary This is the fourth year that Capgemini, Sogeti, and HP have produced the World Quality Report. Our aim remains to examine the current trends in enterprise application quality across different industries and geographies for the purposes of providing actionable insight for decision making. Our hope is that readers will learn from our report and apply their new understanding to improve the effectiveness of Quality Assurance (QA) and testing within their own organizations. 6 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 Executive Summary
  • 7. Murat Aksu Vice-President, Global Alliance Executive for HP Capgemini Charlie Li Vice-President, Global Service Line Testing Capgemini Our global survey was carried out against a challenging economic landscape for organizations of all sizes and sectors. Many countries continue to experience low, stagnant, or negative rates of economic growth, and many governments have applied harsh austerity measures aimed at reducing public expenditure. Some sectors, particularly public and financial services, are under greater scrutiny to get IT right the first time and ensure improved value for money. Social media and the speed by which information is exchanged are also changing the way consumers and providers of applications interact with one another. Consumers of applications enjoy an enhanced scrutiny over service providers, whereas the providers are looking for ways to respond to the resulting pressure, while also keeping an eye on a potential market uptick. We have focused our research on the impact of this complex environment on testing and QA, a discipline that is itself also undergoing a series of technological and cultural changes. Rapidly evolving IT landscape necessitates innovation in the QA discipline Quality Assurance is undergoing a quiet but steady evolution from in-house testing generalists to a structured and efficient discipline, with a greater influence within the overall application development lifecycle. We observe from our survey the emergence of a multifaceted discipline with an increasing range of operating models at its disposal, that enables a streamlined and cost- effective output that is also aligned with business needs. The level of QA and testing investment has proved to be resilient in adverse economic environments in most markets, and has stretched to accommodate an ever-increasing workload. But now testing resources need to prove themselves more effectively and QA teams need to stay alert to the new disruptive technologies and ensure their skill levels are attuned to both market and internal expectations. We explore these findings in more detail below. Has QA been caught off guard by mobility? As mobile adoption has become almost ubiquitous in developed markets, the business imperative for mobile business is clear. But our study indicates that speed of adoption and proliferation of handheld devices, coupled with use of social media, seem to have caught enterprise testing by surprise. Organizations may not be giving mobile the priority it warrants. Only 31% of respondents across the world currently test mobile applications – a figure that does not deviate much from region to region, and those surveyed readily admit to being ill equipped for mobile testing. This suggests that QA has fallen behind the mainstream mobile curve. Reasons given are multiple: many report that they don’t have the ability to test or effectively certify mobile applications because of the lack of appropriate tools, processes, or expertise, and limited access to the necessary devices. Moreover, the focus is firmly on efficiency of performance, cited by 64% of firms, rather than functionality, usability, or security. Overall, this argues for an underestimation of the infrastructure challenges posed by the mobile era, or an inability to address them. As today’s mobile users – customers and employees – expect interaction at their fingertips, anytime, anywhere, making a business mobile and “always on” should be higher up the corporate and IT agenda. New operating models such as cloud-based models and Testing Centers of Excellence have come of age Cloud-based models for testing have had a relatively slow adoption rate, but evidence from our study of sustained wider-scale adoption and falling barriers indicates that organizations are on the verge of much more extensive use. Testing in a cloud environment, for example, is growing at a healthy rate. Some 28% of our respondents currently use this infrastructure model, a proportion forecast to rise to 39% by 2015. Moreover, only 4% say that they will not use the cloud in some way over the next three years, down from 31% only two years ago, a clear indication that testing in the cloud is set to become a new norm, as issues surrounding cloud, such as security, are addressed. Equally significant is the adoption of other cloud-based services. Software as a Service (SaaS) continues to grow; almost a third (31%) of firms’ testing software is currently provided on a SaaS basis – up from 25% last year, and by 2015 we predict that almost half of firms will use the on-demand model. WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 7 Executive Summary
  • 8. Testing as a Service (TaaS) – which can be a combination of cloud-based testing environment and tools, and on-demand test execution – is a cost-effective operating model for ad hoc quality projects and also for longer-term testing provisioning that demonstrates similar rates of adoption. We found that 78% of respondents are planning to move to TaaS in the next two years, rising to 89% by 2015. This rapid take-up of TaaS is fueled by cost-reduction drivers and its flexibility as a complementary model to more comprehensive outsourcing or in-house Testing Centers of Excellence (TCOEs). So while some still see the security of the cloud as a continuing threat, their numbers are dwindling as the advantages more clearly outweigh the drawbacks. For TCOEs that have been underutilized in the past, their time too has arrived. Undoubtedly an efficient approach to industrializing testing activity, TCOEs act as a virtual command center, using a standardized approach and a flexible pool of available resources. Our data reveals that, this year, 60% of respondents plan on – or are – developing a TCOE, up from 45% last year. In our experience, we see the concept is now sufficiently advanced and its benefits more clearly understood: a TCOE enables organizations to meet the challenges of the business – speed-to- market and doing “more for less” – head on. Can we put a price on quality? Technological innovations and initiatives are increasing the workload for ever-stretched QA teams, but the corresponding QA and testing budgets appear to be weathering the economic storms. In 2011, these budgets were not supporting the challenges faced in the marketplace, but this year’s survey finds testing budgets growing at a stronger rate than last year, with 42% reporting that budgets had risen over the past 12 months. While 18% forecast a fall when looking ahead to 2015, some 53% optimistically expect budgets to rise, indicating a new degree of confidence that the business is more committed to investing in QA. Moreover, the focus appears to have shifted from “business as usual” tasks to investment in transformational work, to drive enhancements, and 59% of the budget is now spent on customer-facing applications. So priorities are changing to support the core areas of the business that will require an optimized platform for efficient delivery of testing, which we regard as a positive step. For the first time, the World Quality Report has established a worldwide benchmark for testing hourly rates, internally and externally. Firms are paying a global average hourly rate of around $55 per hour for in-house testers, compared to $53 for external support – a differential of $2 per hour. Obviously, rates vary greatly from region to region and can be affected by the scarcity of available skills in local markets. Does this represent the price of quality? Only an individual business can make that decision, when evaluated against other prime resources. Confidence in QA resources is a concern While budgets might be in reasonable shape, confidence in testing resources is not resounding. A majority of organizations characterize their internal teams as “average” at best, in their knowledge of core testing processes and methodologies, and not necessarily up to speed with the latest testing tools and technologies. Their assessment of external testers is slightly better, with a third of organizations scoring their external testers’ knowledge and abilities as “above average”. But less than 5% of firms are fully confident that their testers (internal or external) are “best in class”. Despite initiatives and investment, especially over the last decade or so, there are clearly lessons to be learned in terms of either real or perceived quality of output for both providers and users of QA. Simply put, as the competitive landscape forces organizations to update and optimize their testing resources and drive down costs and time-to-market, the overall quality of testing resources needs to keep pace or change, to satisfy or exceed the perceived and increasingly complex requirements of organizations in the future. The emergence of a more global and uniform industry In our previous surveys, we have focused attention on the differences between the major countries or regions surveyed. This year we notice that while variances still exist, there is a greater harmonization, with fewer major differences evidenced across the globe, at least within the enterprise markets. One example is that the proportion of an organization’s software development lifecycle budget that is invested in testing, averaged across the regions, is 18%, with remarkably few regional variations. Our perspective is that testing is becoming less of a regionally facing discipline and that, led by globally active companies, the gap between emerging markets and more traditionally mature markets is narrowing. This is no doubt a reflection of the rapid investment in skilled resources and tools, led by India, that has taken place in offshore and nearshore countries – China, South East Asia, South America, and, more recently, Eastern Europe, Central America, and parts of Africa. All point to testing emerging as a more uniform global discipline. World Quality Report recommendations For providers and users of QA and testing, we offer these suggestions on how to apply the findings of this year’s World Quality Report. QA needs to be a formalized step in the application lifecycle While QA’s status within the IT organization has improved compared to a decade ago, we still see instances of the testing function being considered as an afterthought or viewed as a roadblock preventing an application from being deployed to production. IT can only be as agile or efficient as its weakest component. As IT continues to reinvent itself with new processes, paradigms, and platforms, these innovations rarely include aspects of QA. The fact that testing is not being brought along the journey of reinvention often results in QA being the bottleneck. Organizations need to understand the critical role of QA in the application lifecycle and treat it with the same respect as its peers. Mobility should become fully integrated into testing priorities We were surprised by the relatively low level of proactive structured testing in this increasingly essential area of business connectivity. We believe that 8 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 Executive Summary
  • 9. mobile testing needs to be a fully integrated element of the QA discipline, so that the mobile strategy of the enterprise takes testing into account right from the start. The strategy should consider the objectives of the business owner, how the mobile app is delivered, and the target user for the app whether that be customers, suppliers, or employees. Organizations need to accept the paradigm shift brought about by mobility and embrace the new notion of quality for mobile apps, which is a departure from traditional standards applied to desktop applications. No doubt, standardization of devices will ease the complexity over time, but in the short term, proliferation of smartphone and mobile devices, the roll-out of 4G, and use of social media will only continue to exacerbate the situation. As will the need to focus on the user experience and functionality testing as well as performance. If organizations are to turn the mobile opportunity into a business advantage, some will need to “skill up” or “skill out”. Evaluate the breadth of cost-effective operating models to see if it is a good fit In the quest for greater testing maturity balanced against return on investment, organizations have an increasing array of operating models from which to choose to achieve their goals. Companies should first define the business goals they wish to achieve and then evaluate the myriad of models against these objectives. Each model has its advantages and shortcomings, and corporate culture, appetite for risk, and need for control versus flexibility all play a part in determining whether a new operating model should be adopted and which one. On the journey from in-house testing generalists and developers to a professionalized discipline wanting to adopt “Shift Left” principles that embed QA earlier in the traditional software development lifecycle, organizations should critically appraise their current set-up and review how testing in a cloud environment, cloud-based TaaS, and TCOEs can provide those critical incremental efficiency and quality improvements. Pay closer attention to demonstrating QA’s business value for the money Value for money is, of course, subjective, but what does constitute a good return on your QA investment? One measure is investment in QA/testing as a proportion of the total IT budget, averaging at 18% across the world. Below 18%, organizations should examine if they are investing enough to achieve or sustain the quality required. Those spending more should review their operational efficiency. But more precisely, companies need to establish specific measures to evaluate the return on their overall investment, and testing departments and service providers need to act “smarter” in their use of tools, models, and communication to stakeholders to demonstrate the business value they provide in order to justify the proportional spend on QA. Re-evaluate the diversity of skills required The perceived quality of testing resources has a bearing on value for money, and the unexceptional assessment of ability needs examination. Over time, we expect that businesses will be even more exacting in their expectations of any and all testing resources when it comes to complex business-critical applications. All providers, in-house, contract, and external, should take notice. QA has made great strides in becoming a professional discipline with a distinct career path and specific skills. But this is a moving target; testing training at the individual and team level needs to keep pace with the fast- changing landscape, and should be properly funded, rather than being sacrificed under the pressure of deadlines. Budgets are currently at a strong level, a clear recognition of the value of the testing function to the organization, yet this is in contrast to the perceived value of the actual resources. This gap can certainly be bridged by clearly targeting those skill areas that are essential to the business. Conclusion Our findings in this report indicate that QA continues to make steady progress on repositioning itself further up the business value chain on the journey of reinvention, emerging from the shadows of development teams to a value-for-money and mature discipline. Looking ahead, we anticipate further strides in the adoption of “Shift Left” initiatives and greater use of new models such as crowd sourcing which leverages knowledge and manpower from an undefined pool of resources, to improve value-for-money ratios and timelines. But greater improvement will not come about without significant investment – not only financially, in terms of budgets and skills, but also culturally. But organizations will need to exert firm but flexible control to work across a wider range of delivery models and technologies. Budgets will need to work harder to effect the changes required to respond to a range of demands from time-to-market, cost efficiency, and improved quality. And QA will need to keep up with market expectations, remaining focused on providing real, measurable business value. WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 9 Executive Summary
  • 10. The State of Quality 2012 12 Quality Budgets: Stepping up 18 Testing Centers of Excellence: A growing priority 24 Mobile Testing: Behind the curve 30 Cloud: Gathering pace 36 Quality Assurance Resources: A question of value 10 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 11. WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 11 The State of Quality 2012
  • 12. Quality Budgets: Stepping up “Investment is going to be focused on those elements that support our wider business objectives, as there is a need for [testing] and the business side to be much closer. Decisions need to be made more quickly and product development time is shrinking – we need the tools and skills to be able to answer that need.” A telecommunications business, The Netherlands Organizations are trying to balance market uncertainty with the need to position for eventual growth, as well as tackling the challenges of social media and mobile technologies. At the operational level, a complex web of factors is forcing organizations to update and optimize their testing resources and internal processes to drive reduced time-to-market and lower costs, as well as improve quality using new beneficial delivery models, such as cloud and TCOEs. As a result, the QA function and QA budgets, in particular, are under the spotlight, because to achieve these stretch business targets, organizations need to leverage their QA capabilities more effectively. This requires a step-up in investment over the short and medium term, even in times of economic uncertainty. Indeed, this year’s survey finds testing budgets are expanding at a healthier rate than the incremental upturn seen in 2011-12, when growth was failing to keep pace with an increasing workload, due to cost-cutting measures. This positive step points to a desire among businesses to invest for the future and meet internal and external demands quickly and effectively. An upward curve In general, the survey provides good news regarding QA budgets, given the economic backdrop. Close to half (42%) of QA budgets have increased over the last year, with only 11% reporting a decrease. The greatest proportion (44%) saw no movement either way, but in a time of uncertainty, maintaining the same level of investment in the quality function is, in itself, a testimony to the importance of QA to the organization. Overall, this is perhaps a more positive situation than might have been predicted. Moreover, this upward curve is expected to continue over the coming three years, indicating a degree of optimism. A healthy majority (53%) expect their budgets to rise between now and 2015, while just a fifth (18%) forecast a fall. This seems to be a universal trend with little variation by region or sector. The State of Quality 2012 Quality Budgets 12 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 13. INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED SLIGHTLY STAYED THE SAME DECREASED SLIGHTLY DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY NO BUDGET TO TEST Base: 1553 Respondents 2015NOW 8%3% 8% 45% 10% 26% 36% 6%3%4% 7% 44% CHANGE IN TESTING BUDGETS FROM LAST YEAR, AS COMPARED TO NOW AND IN 2015 FIGURE 1 The majority of organizations expect testing budgets to rise between now and 2015 The State of Quality 2012 Quality Budgets WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 13
  • 14. SPEND ON EMPLOYEE- VERSUS CUSTOMER-FACING APPLICATIONS, AND TRANSFORMATIONAL VERSUS MAINTENANCE WORK FIGURE 2 Base: 1,221 respondents CUSTOMER FACING EMPLOYEE FACING 41% 59% VS MAINTENANCE WORK NEW TRANSFORMATIONAL WORK 41% 59% VS Increasing pressure to demonstrate results Budgets may be on the upward trend, but there is no room for complacency. An increase in investment will intensify the focus on QA productivity, a function that is viewed primarily as a necessary cost base. Even as testing spend rises, companies still need to maintain downward pressure on costs, as the move to consolidation in TCOEs and on-demand testing via the cloud both illustrate. Any investment needs to achieve a return, which means that continued or intensified scrutiny by the business units who pay for QA services is likely, in order to ensure that new testing resources are optimally deployed and managed. One way to ensure budgets are being spent productively is to effectively measure the added value of testing and clearly communicate this to the business stakeholders. The good news is that only 15% of organizations do not have a process to consistently collect and present their quality KPIs to the business. The vast majority of organizations are collecting this data using QA management or business intelligence products in the market, or using common office applications such as Microsoft Excel. In fact, 56% indicate that they automatically gather and share metrics using Excel, and 21% collect data manually and use Excel as a presentation layer. However, while Excel is universally available and a low-cost solution, it does not support the richness in functionality that a professional reporting and QA management product can provide. In times of greater business scrutiny, QA organizations’ best interests will be served by providing constantly updated business KPIs that track return on investment. The magic number for quality budgets Testing budgets tend to average out at around 18% of total spend on organizations’ software development lifecycle, and this figure seems to extend across all global regions and industry sectors surveyed. On balance, this would seem to be the benchmark proportion of the software development budget that organizations need to commit to testing. Spending much below this level runs the risk of developing applications that are inadequate from a quality perspective, or applications that are outdated before their release when the QA process takes too long to bring a product to market ahead of the competition. Spend too far above this level, and organizations may need to question the efficiency of their QA operations, or ask whether the additional spend is justified because the superior application quality contributes to a commercial competitive edge, or because it needs to meet highly stringent governmental regulations or safety requirements, e.g. public transportation systems. Increased focus on external activities The areas in which testing investment is being focused reflect the competitive pressures organizations feel in an unpredictable climate. A robust two-fifths (41%) of testing spend is being dedicated to transformational work – testing new applications, as opposed to maintenance of existing software. This is a positive indication that, even amid continued global economic turbulence, firms are continuing to invest in developing new products and services. Similarly, the greater proportion of testing budgets (59%) are being spent on customer-facing applications rather than on internal organizational applications (41%), a clear focus on external applications that have a direct impact on sales and revenue growth. Firms are also boosting their investment in TCOEs in order to compress the time-to-market for new products. Companies, no matter what sector or region, are investing in innovation in order to maintain and capture market share and ultimately drive revenue. The State of Quality 2012 Quality Budgets 14 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 15. “The problem is increasing pressure to get things done yesterday. We have this conflict between testing adequately to our satisfaction and the testing time expected by those on the [business] side. Investment has increased but then expectation in speed of delivery has also increased. It’s not easy, as the organization needs to be able to jump into a much faster testing mode while maintaining quality standards.” A manufacturing business, Czech Republic The State of Quality 2012 Quality Budgets WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 15
  • 16. MORE INVESTMENT IN EXISTING TESTING TOOLS Base: 1553 Respondents AREAS OF GREATEST INCREASE IN SPEND: NOW AND IN 2015 FIGURE 3 INTERNAL PROFESSIONAL TESTING RESOURCES EXTERNAL OUTSOURCED RESOURCES TEST ENVIRONMENTS/ INFRASTRUCTURE NEW TESTING TOOLS QA BUDGET IS NOT INCREASING NOW 2015 55% 44% NOW 201544% 46% NOW 201546% 43% NOW 201539% 39% NOW 2015 19% 22% NOW 2015 12% 13% Investment priorities: current and future QA investment priorities are largely shaped by the new market landscape where organizations must achieve more with fewer resources, find ways to reduce cost, and deal with increased competition from both bricks-and-mortar and online channels. “My investment going forward will [focus on] bringing my internal teams up to standard, increasing the level of automation used, and developing greater efficiencies throughout. Although our testing budget is not separate from the wider IT budget, the level of monitoring and performance measuring has increased – we need to justify our costs.” An automotive business, Brazil  As a result, organizations are seeing an imperative to upgrade existing suites of testing tools. More than half (55%) of respondents describe the upgrade process as the budgetary line item receiving the greatest increase in spend, and in our opinion this is driven by a desire to move to newer application lifecycle platforms and software-on-demand type models. Looking ahead to 2015, however, priorities are set to shift from upgrading existing tools to buying external resource support. A smaller proportion (44%) of firms still expect existing tools to be their number one investment focus three years from now, but it is secondary to purchasing external resources to supplement their internal QA team (46%). The State of Quality 2012 Quality Budgets 16 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 17. world are radically reducing spend to cope with the fallout from the worldwide economic crisis. Almost half (48%) of public organizations’ testing budgets increased from the previous year, the highest proportion of all sectors studied, with 56% also predicting an increase between now and 2015. Our observation is that public bodies are investing in consolidating their testing operations to drive cost efficiencies in the face of austerity. With a lingering legacy of failed major IT projects, QA has to be stepped up to derive more from existing capabilities and improve testing. Investment in existing testing tools is seen as one of the solutions to remedy the failed IT projects issue. Over half (58%) of Public Sector entities identify this as the greatest increase in spend. Manufacturing firms are the most optimistic among the sectors, anticipating an increase in testing budgets three years from now: 58% expect spend to grow between now and 2015, against a mean of 53%. Although our experience has shown that manufacturing firms tend to spend less on IT overall compared to other sectors, it is an increase nonetheless. Some 30% of manufacturers predict that new testing tools will be the greatest spend in 2015, compared to 22% on average. CPRD firms are similarly optimistic in terms of budget outlook in 2015, with 57% anticipating an increase, and the sector places the highest priority on innovation, committing 45% of spend to new transformational work (all- sample average 41%). Energy and Utilities (E&U) is an intriguing exception in terms of current investment priorities, spending notably more on both existing (65%) and new (23%) tools, and transportation firms are the most keenly focused on outsourcing. More than half (52%) see this as the fastest rising area of spend, compared to a mean of 43%. In summary, against a gloomy backdrop of depressed economic activity and relative financial instability affecting most regions surveyed, QA budgets have held their place in the IT overall spend. We believe this is a somewhat late recognition of the inherent value of testing and QA in ensuring robust business-critical applications as an enabler of commercial growth and public reputation. New product development will generate the need for new testing skills, tools, and devices, prompting organizations to seek support from external partners. Investment in new testing tools will also rise, as new products and services are introduced to the market. Some 22% see this as the top spend priority for 2015, up from 19% at present. Budgets relatively consistent across regions The greatest degree of consensus between global regions in this year’s report is around QA budgets. Budget levels hover consistently around the all-sample mean of 18% of total software development spend across all but one of the geographic areas surveyed. The exception is South America, where testing takes up some 25% of the budget. We believe that this is an indication of targeted South American investment. As Brazil, in particular, continues to boom economically and expectations around application needs are raised, so testing investment is being enhanced. The pattern is similarly consistent for budget increases, with the exception of Asia. Asian firms appear to benefit from the most aggressive budget expansion compared to other regions, as was the case in 2011. Half of Asian respondents saw an increase in budget from last year, compared to the global average of 42%. More still (60%) expect an increase over the next three years, against an average of 53%. The balance of spend between new and maintenance work also presents a fairly uniform picture. Here again, South America is the outlier, where firms are spending almost half (48%) of testing budget on transformational work (average 41%). The same goes for the split between spend on customer- and employee-facing applications. South America again goes against the global trend, being the least externally focused region, spending only 52% on customer applications (compared to 59% on average). Investment priorities vary by region When it comes to investment priorities, there are greater variations between the regions. Eastern Europe currently has invested far more in new testing tools (33%) when compared to other regions and to the global average (19%). The Nordics and North America are at the other end of the scale, with just 15% of firms giving top priority to buying new tools, although both regions indicate a focus on upgrading existing tool sets, which might suggest that they are looking to better leverage their shelfware and make their existing investments go further. Southern European firms are more heavily focused on upgrading existing tools (63% compared to 55% on average), perhaps suggesting that they are maturing from a more manual- intensive process to incorporate automation. Looking ahead, Southern Europe will be increasing its investment in outsourced testing, with a majority (57%) of firms in this region viewing this as their main QA investment priority for 2015, compared to 46% overall. Just over half of respondents in the UK and Ireland, North America, and Eastern Europe also expect external suppliers to receive the lion’s share of their testing spend three years from now, further evidence that the global move towards outsourcing will continue to grow. Public Sector leads the way for increased QA budget The pattern of uniformity around testing budgets seen between the regions is repeated across the industries surveyed, with QA budgets in most sectors fairly evenly balanced around the average 18% of total software development spend. The greatest disparities are in the Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution (CPRD) space (22%), reflecting a higher focus on the quality of end-user consumer applications, and Financial Services (FS) at 20%, a traditionally heavy investor in QA. The Public Sector, surprisingly, is experiencing unexpected budget uplifts at a time when governments around the 48% of public organizations’ testing budgets increased last year - the highest proportion of all sectors studied The State of Quality 2012 Quality Budgets WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 17
  • 18. Testing Centers of Excellence: A growing priority Consolidation and standardization are continuing themes for all organizations around the world and the testing function within these companies is not immune to these trends. Aided by the emergence of new delivery models, technologies, and best practices, organizations are looking to streamline the way in which their QA function is structured and run. TCOEs are undoubtedly an efficient approach to industrializing testing activity. They act as a virtual command center that uses a standardized testing methodology, best practices, automation, metrics, and tools, while managing a flexible pool of available resources, both internal and external, to ensure high levels of quality across applications before deployment and during production. TCOEs also provide visibility into the level of quality for any software system or project, helping IT management make deployment decisions based on business risk. Growing from a low base We found that only 6% of companies around the world have developed QA into a fully functional TCOE. This number is a significant increase, in terms of percentage, from last year’s findings (4%), but the single digit number still reflects a long road ahead for companies to universally adopt the TCOE model. One of the key attributes of a TCOE is a centralized pool of resources that can be leveraged across multiple projects in an organization. We found that close to 70% of organizations still rely on elements of decentralized testing, while more than a quarter (27%) of them describe their testing function as “highly decentralized”. Testing automation, another aspect of a TCOE, is also scarce, with just 32% of test cases supported by automation. These figures indicate that companies continue to perform QA as siloed projects with minimal opportunity for standardization and sharing of best practices across the enterprise. Of note, the greater proportion of automated testing is conducted offshore, a testament to the growing confidence in moving this type of testing beyond national borders, with only 40% being performed onshore. Flexible resource pools that can ramp up and down with the changing needs of the company is another attribute of a TCOE. Our research shows that the majority of organizations (51%) still run testing as an in-house function, and only 13% have moved to a service fully managed by an external provider. With the exception of North America, QA organizations have yet to truly embrace the cost benefits of offshoring. The majority of testing resources (52%) are still based on home territory. Reasons for this global discrepancy vary from region to region. In South America, government-imposed customs taxes and new rules governing the use of offshore services discourage the use of this flexible pool of resources. In Europe, particularly in continental Europe, the lack of available offshore resources skilled in the native language hinders the adoption of an offshore model, although we are now seeing the UK and Nordics embrace this model at a faster pace. In other areas of the world, the labor arbitrage does not yield adequate amounts of return on investment to warrant an offshoring strategy. The State of Quality 2012 Testing Centers of Excellence 18 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 19. “[A TCOE] is something I’m building here; it represents a significant change in our approach but one that I personally believe to be vital to our business since I’ve come from an organization with an operating testing center. We know that it can reduce costs and overall time of testing practices, and given the competitive nature of the market we operate in, it’s critical to get speed and costs down whilst getting quality up. We believe a TCOE can do this.” A manufacturing business, United Kingdom The State of Quality 2012 Testing Centers of Excellence WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 19
  • 20. Base: 924 Respondents PLANS FOR A TESTING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FIGURE 4 PLAN TO DEVELOP INTERNALLY MANAGED TCOE WITHIN THE NEXT 2 YEARS PLAN TO USE A THIRD-PARTY COMPANY WITH A TCOE CAPABILITY IN-HOUSE TCOE STARTED WITHIN LAST 2 YEARS, BUT NOT YET FULLY OPERATIONAL IN-HOUSE TCOE IS FULLY OPERATIONAL NO PLANS IN PLACE 34% 24% 21% 15% 6% The percentage of organizations reporting that they have no plans to set up a TCOE has fallen significantly from last year (45% to 34%), and we predict that this will fall further over the coming few years as the TCOE model gains recognition for delivering performance improvement. This trend begs the question – what is driving the surge in interest in industrializing testing activity? Less cost, more speed Firms are centralizing their QA infrastructure in order to reduce time-to- market, bring down the cost of testing, and manage testing resources more effectively. Compressing time-to-market is the primary reason for TCOE implementation, cited by 36% of respondents, and especially those in what might be called the more An appetite for change However, we are witnessing a growing interest in centralizing QA operations. Survey respondents indicated a significant trend towards new investment in TCOEs, guided by the imperatives to reduce time- to-market and costs, increase quality, and gain better control of the whole lifecycle process. Whilst only 6% of organizations currently have a fully fledged operational center, this presents a 50% increase from 2011 (4%) – a small but significant step. On a positive note, almost two-thirds (60%) of firms are currently in the process of building or planning a TCOE, while a third of these companies (21%) plan to leverage an outsourced partner. mature economies. Add to this the 17% aiming to enhance the agility of their QA operations, and it is clear that speed is a key driver of growing TCOE adoption. In an unpredictable global economy, and with market and business expectations focused on producing better products faster, time-to-market has become essential in gaining or maintaining competitive edge and maximizing profits. As a result, development cycles are being squeezed, and testing teams have to do more with less. A TCOE offers the opportunity to meet these challenges head on. Reducing the cost of testing activity is next on the priority list, identified by just over a quarter (27%) of organizations, The State of Quality 2012 Testing Centers of Excellence 20 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 21. Base: 1221 Respondents EXPECTED BENEFITS FROM IMPLEMENTING A TESTING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FIGURE 5 REDUCED COST BETTER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HW/SW AND PEOPLE) BETTER QUALITY STANDARDIZED TRACKING OF PROJECTS THROUGH METRICS REDUCED TIME-TO-MARKET IMPROVED QA AGILITY TO SUPPORT BUSINESS OBJECTIVES 36% 27% 25% 22% 19% 17% “For us, the move towards a TCOE is part of the wider union between the business and IT side of the organization. We now have a much stronger link between the two, and while that means we feel more able to understand and answer demands, it does increase pressure on testing to be more efficient as a whole – decentralized testing teams just couldn’t provide that efficiency and it meant that walls existed between the teams, whereas shared experience and best practice are far easier within a TCOE framework.” A financial services business, Finland closely followed by the need to manage hardware, software, and human resources more efficiently and productively (25%). It is interesting to observe that cost – at least for economies such as North America – is not the overriding priority. Most organizations have been focused on cost cutting for many years, and costs have been pared down to a minimum, with strategies such as outsourcing delivering benefits. It should not be a surprise, therefore, that companies in these regions are now seeking advantages beyond the purely financial. These objectives for moving to a TCOE model prompt us to ask: why has efficiency in meeting time-to- market deadlines risen to the top of firms’ agendas? What is different in today’s market environment that has rendered the decentralized approach less desirable for the QA function in some instances? The State of Quality 2012 Testing Centers of Excellence WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 21
  • 22. Based on the survey responses, together with the experiences of our clients, we believe there are three key factors at play: the market environment, rising technology expectations, and diversity of delivery models. 1. The market environment Continuing market unpredictability means that organizations can ill afford to take the emphasis away from cost reduction. Many remain firmly in cost-saving mode where QA is concerned: some still aim to shave as much as 30-40% off their current testing budgets. This report also notes that QA budgets are increasing but that more is being demanded of teams and more complex developments are requested. So while budgets are increasing, there is still a need to control costs. In parallel, there is considerable pressure to develop applications and bring them to market as rapidly as possible. At the same time, firms also need to focus on innovation to prepare for an eventual upturn in the global economy. 2. Rising technology expectations Intensifying this pressure on application development is an increasingly competitive landscape, fuelled by growing customer demands. Customers – both internal and external – expect to access services and purchase products whenever they want, on whatever device they choose. To meet this demand for 24/7 availability, there is mounting pressure to deliver applications as quickly, efficiently, and cheaply as possible – and this is particularly evident in the mobile space where expectations are well advanced and are most likely going to increase over time. 3. Diversity of delivery models In response, QA departments are capitalizing on the efficiency gains offered by cloud technology, increasingly outsourcing testing to cloud environments, and buying resources on demand, to reduce cost and time to bring applications to market. A further step to speed up the development process is the wider adoption of Agile methodology. This is currently being used by over a third of testers (37%), analysts (34%), and developers (29%). And encouragingly, three-quarters (75%) of Agile testing is already being performed offshore, a situation that seemed unlikely a few years ago. Offshore adoption: a key determinant for TCOE implementation Centralizing and professionalizing the QA function undoubtedly presents a valuable opportunity to save costs in a tough economic climate. However, motives driving consolidation are, in part, a function of how far different regions have already leveraged the cost benefits of offshoring. As a rule, markets with greater levels of offshoring – primarily North America and the UK – are less focused on cost reduction. Offshoring has been considered, executed, and reviewed, and there is little remaining scope to further squeeze labor arbitrage. Therefore, other models are being exploited, such as TCOE, for achieving better quality, being quicker to market, and more effectively using resources. Cost is not an easy win for the more mature markets – they have to look at other key benefits to drive more efficient and focused QA. Conversely, other regions with lower levels of offshoring remain more keenly focused on cost reduction. This is understandable, given that many are in the early stages of offshoring and thus have more resource costs to reduce. This difference is reflected in our survey results. North America and the UK are the only two regions where the majority of testers are located either offshore or nearshore (55% and 50% respectively). And they are the two least cost-focused markets: only 15% and 16% of companies cite cost reduction as a reason for establishing a TCOE. In South America, by contrast, offshoring has been far less exploited, and (it should be noted) in Brazil is actively discouraged by government policy. Only 38% of testers in the region are offshored, compared to 48% on average. Here, cost reduction is a far greater priority for TCOE operations than elsewhere: more than half of respondents (54%) identify cost reduction as the primary driver (compared to just 27% on average). So as markets mature, cost becomes less of a driver, and the focus moves towards reducing time-to-market. Sectors Public organizations seem to be leading the way in TCOE adoption, because, along with Telecoms, Media, and Entertainment (TME), they can claim the lowest proportion of organizations with no plans to implement a TCOE (30%). They have also experienced the steepest drop in this proportion – down markedly from 59% last year. This is likely being driven by the cost reduction imperative that is behind many organizations’ TCOE plans. With spending austerity being implemented by many governments, public bodies are being asked to do more with less, while maintaining service levels and quality. As an efficiency driver, an onshore TCOE is a compelling model, particularly as offshoring is a political anathema to many countries. For other sectors, the imperative is responding faster to consumer expectations, changing market demands, and time-to-market. Two-thirds (66%) of CPRD respondents now operate a testing center, or plan to – significantly up from 41% last year. Streamlining of supply chains and application testing would appear to be complementary. And this upturn is also true of the FS industry, where adoption is up from 58% to 69% . Finally the High Tech sector, which includes aerospace and defense companies, appears to be closing down internal centers in favor of an outsourced model, as time-to- market is a major issue in this sector. The sector had a remarkably high proportion of in-house facilities up and running last year (17% compared to an overall average of just 4%), while only 8% planned to work with a third party. This year, the tables have turned. Just 6% now have their own TCOE, while 17% plan to use an outsourced partner. This year’s data indicates that TCOEs are gaining traction, with growing levels of adoption across the board. As a flexible model, it offers significant advantages and opportunities to fully leverage existing resources. The State of Quality 2012 Testing Centers of Excellence 22 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 23. Base: 1553 Respondents Percentage of offshoring compared to cost reduction as A reason for TCOE FIGURE 6 NORTH AMERICA UK AND IRELAND NORDICS 55% 50% 50%15% 16% 44% WESTERN EUROPE SOUTHERN EUROPE EASTERN EUROPE 49% 49% 43%29% 25% 32% ASIA SOUTH AMERICA AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND 36% 38% 42%29% 54% 20% GLOBAL AVERAGE Percentage of testers offshore or nearshore Percentage of respondents citing cost reduction as reason for TCOE 48% 27% Organizations are turning to TCOEs to consolidate their QA operations in response to market pressures, technology demands, and emerging models of testing delivery The State of Quality 2012 Testing Centers of Excellence WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 23
  • 24. Mobile Testing: Behind the curve Mobile has certainly changed the game for enterprise IT. Organizations around the world now need to deliver continuous access, anytime and anywhere, to thousands of employees and millions of customers, over a bewildering array of devices. Due to cost pressures, firms are no longer willing to pay for, and thus control, their employees’ mobile-access devices, leading to a bring-your-own-device culture. The situation is further exacerbated because organizations are unwilling or unable to support the proliferation of personal devices such as smartphones and tablets being used at work by employees. However, as the prevalence of non-company approved devices becomes mainstream and employees demand access to the flexibility and productivity that mobile offers, IT departments are now being forced to embrace this as the new reality and address the unique challenges of this paradigm shift. Mobile has also turned IT security inside out. A firm’s entire infrastructure can no longer be tucked safely behind a virtual private network and firewall. What’s more, employees are prepared to download and try out apps on mobile devices with a latitude they would not consider acceptable on a desktop or laptop. In addition, the need for mobility has reset expectations of what constitutes application quality. With traditional software, users expect flawless functionality first and foremost, but mobile users are seeking convenience. They expect robust performance and usability on the move, and are more inclined to tolerate the occasional glitch along the way, as long as the application performs well and is user- friendly. QA teams may need to rethink their testing strategies and priorities desktop application. Performance is far ahead of functionality (cited by 48%) on firms’ priority list for mobile testing. Security, a perennial concern where mobile is concerned, is a priority for less than a fifth (18%) of organizations. This does not mean that companies are no longer concerned with security, but rather that the perspective on security has changed with the bring-your-own-device culture and method of disseminating apps. Unlike with traditional desktops, companies cannot control what apps are installed on personal devices, so the concept of security is shifting from a denial of access to the protection of sensitive data and ability to wipe clean certain apps or data. Even lower on the radar is the certification of applications, cited by just 14%, despite high levels of inconsistency in the quality of mobile apps on different operating systems. Specialist partners are plugging the gap The number one criterion when selecting external partners to assist with mobile testing is the capacity to test across several networks, identified by almost two-thirds (62%) of organizations. This reflects the need to ensure coverage, as businesses seek partners who can deliver testing in a variety of environments. Interestingly, cost reduction is less of a consideration (cited by only 25%), despite being high on the list of factors driving both cloud and TCOE adoption. This may be due to a number of factors: mobile applications are relatively cheap to produce, the focus is on managing risk rather than cost, and firms’ need to address their lack of readiness and expertise where mobile QA is concerned. as the mobile era adds a further level of complexity to users’ needs, demands, and expectations. Underprepared and ill equipped Our research suggests that organizations may not be giving mobile the priority it deserves. Only 31% of respondents currently test mobile applications, and those surveyed readily admit to being ill equipped for mobile testing. This suggests that QA has fallen behind the mobile curve. A troubling two-thirds of organizations (65%) do not have the right tools to test mobile applications, and equally concerning is the 52% who do not have access to the required devices. It would appear that organizations either do not have a good grasp of the infrastructure challenges posed by the mobile era or are unable to address these new demands. Meanwhile, a third of organizations lack the testing methodologies and processes (34%) and specialist expertise (29%) necessary to effectively certify mobile applications. Performance is the key to success Organizations that are conducting mobile testing seem to be working towards a different set of quality standards as compared to traditional testing. The primary focus is on the application’s performance rather than its functionality. Efficiency of performance was identified as a focus for mobile testing activity by almost two-thirds (64%) of firms. The usual priorities – such as functionality and security – are being pushed lower down the scale as companies place more emphasis on the demands of end-users on mobile platforms, which are different from the demands of a traditional The State of Quality 2012 Mobile Testing 24 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 26. Percentage of respondents testing mobile applications, by region FIGURE 9 Base: 1553 Respondents 24% 38% 22% 38% 37% 21% 26% 30% 39% EASTERN EUROPE SOUTHERN EUROPE SOUTH AMERICA NORDICSWESTERN EUROPE AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND NORTH AMERICA ASIA UK AND IRELAND Regional variations We might expect the strongest emphasis on QA in the mobile arena to be seen in Asia in particular, as smartphone and tablet penetration are accelerating at a blistering pace in China. But the distinction between East and West economies is not clear-cut. Indeed, in Asia, the proportion of organizations conducting mobile testing sits at 30%, close to the all-sample average of 31%. Regions with traditionally high levels of mobile adoption, with the exception of Asia, have – unsurprisingly – the highest levels of mobile testing. Over one-third of firms in Australia and New Zealand, the Nordics, and Southern and Western Europe currently test mobile applications. Regions displaying lower levels of mobile testing include Eastern Europe and the UK and Ireland, where only a fifth of businesses carry out mobile testing, and just a quarter do so in North and South America. The State of Quality 2012 Mobile Testing 26 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 27. 18% 65% 52% 29% 26% 79% 58% 34% Greatest challenge when testing mobile applications and devices FIGURE 10 Base: 485 Respondents DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TOOLS TO TEST DO NOT HAVE THE DEVICES READILY AVAILABLE NO MOBILE TESTING EXPERTS AVAILABLE NOT ENOUGH TIME TO TEST ALL RESPONDENTS ASIA Asian challenges The explosion of the mobile market in Asia is reflected in the QA challenges and priorities faced by organizations in the area. A greater percentage of Asian firms confirm they faced the common mobile challenges as compared to all the companies on average. Asian firms also place much more emphasis on portability and compatibility across devices when conducting mobile testing. Portability is identified as a priority by 58% of businesses in this region, compared to less than half (46%) on average. Compatibility is cited by almost as many (55%), compared to less than a third (31%) overall. This focus might be driven by the far wider selection of devices available to users in the region. In China, for example, mobile customers can choose from just about any handset available worldwide. In the US and Europe, networks offer only the handsets for which they have contractual arrangements with manufacturers. As a result, the choice available to customers is far more limited. Performance versus functionality Elsewhere, the emphasis on application performance is particularly acute in the UK and Ireland (75%), against an average of 64%. This could be due to its being a more mature market where end-users demand more from their mobile apps. Consider the landscape a decade ago, when having a browser on a mobile device was touted as a new feature, whereas today these same users want apps that are tailored for specific needs. The opposite is the case in South America and Eastern Europe, where only around half of organizations focus on performance. Instead, South American firms are focused primarily on functionality, and more than four-fifths identify this as a priority, compared to just under half overall. Mobile security is also a heightened concern in the region, cited by 30% against an 18% average. Eastern European businesses are even more worried about security (36%), and are equally concerned with application certification (compared to just 14% on average). The State of Quality 2012 Mobile Testing WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 27
  • 28. Sector perspectives A look at mobile testing by industry throws up some surprising results. Firstly, it is Manufacturing firms, rather than those from more consumer-facing industries, that are most likely to conduct mobile testing (37% compared to 31% on average). We might expect the TME sector to be most at ease with mobile technology. However, their QA demands are uniquely complex, comprising the need to test networks, equipment, and billing systems, among others that are applicable only to TME firms. As a result, just 30% of firms in the technology-intensive TME space currently test mobile applications, equal to the all-sample mean. Some 62% lack the necessary tools to test mobile applications. This is only slightly better than average (65%), and almost one-third (32%) lack in-house expertise, compared to just 29% overall. Perhaps this is due to the TME providers focusing their QA efforts on the mobile infrastructure and leaving the testing of mobile devices to the handset manufacturers. Public Sector organizations (27%) are the slowest to adopt mobile testing. This may not be quite so surprising in a sector not traditionally viewed as a leader in technological innovation. But it does present a major issue in an era when citizens increasingly expect to interact while on the move with public service providers, just as they do with commercial brands. “It’s an area of our business that typifies how things are changing, in my opinion. The guys in marketing say ‘we need a mobile app’; sales or product execs agree and then send it across to development and testing to push it through in half the time we might actually need. It’s not going away either. More and more of our business is done online [in general] so it’s something we need to get hold of and understand quickly.” A retail business, United Kingdom Public bodies are also the least focused on performance, although this is still their greatest area of priority, cited by more than half of organizations (53% compared to 64% average). The sector places a higher emphasis than average on security and user experience, in line with their public responsibilities. Despite its reputation for innovation, the FS industry faces some of the most acute mobile testing challenges. Almost three-quarters (72%) of FS firms lack the right tools, compared to 65% on average, and 38% lack mobile testing expertise, against 29% overall. Financial firms are the most acutely concerned about application performance with 72% citing this as a priority. User-friendliness is an understandable priority for the CPRD space. Ease of use and the user interface are a focus for 50% of CPRD firms (compared to 36% on average). Mobile is certainly having a significant impact on the QA function and it seems that QA has been slow to react to the expectations from within the business. We would expect swift reassessment of testing priorities and increased investment over the coming year to handle the rush of mobile applications either in-house or with specialist providers. The State of Quality 2012 Mobile Testing 28 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 29. Base: 485 Respondents greatest challenge when testing mobile applications or devices, by sector FIGURE 12 CONSUMER PRODUCTS, RETAIL, AND DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION ENERGY AND UTILITIES FINANCIAL SERVICES MANUFACTURING HIGH TECH HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES TELECOMS, MEDIA, AND ENTERTAINMENT PUBLIC SECTOR 63% 50% 27% 23% 27% 20% 63% 43% 40% 20% 26% 31% 62% 35% 50% 12% 23% 12% 66% 64% 22% 26% 22% 17% 62% 62% 30% 32% 12% 16% 64% 51% 40% 30% 13% 19% 59% 56% 41% 22% 7% 26% 68% 42% 32% 29% 29% 23% 72% 50% 36% 38% 21% 14% DO NOT HAVE THE DEVICES READILY AVAILABLE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TESTING PROCESS/METHOD Not enough time to test No mobile testing experts available Do not have in-house testing environment DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TOOLS TO TEST Base: 1553 Respondents Percentage of respondents who test mobile applications or devices, by sector FIGURE 11 27%PUBLIC SECTOR 37%MANUFACTURING 35%ENERGY AND UTILITIES 35%HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES 34%CONSUMER PRODUCTS, RETAIL, AND DISTRIBUTION 31%TRANSPORTATION 31%FINANCIAL SERVICES 30%HIGH TECH 30%TELECOMS, MEDIA, AND ENTERTAINMENT The State of Quality 2012 Mobile Testing WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 29
  • 30. Cloud: Gathering pace “The cloud is something that has become a significant priority for our organizational direction in the Information Technology Department. With regards to testing, it’s opening up a way of turning on and off a stream of new skills and abilities in a way that is both fast and cost-effective when we need them. We can reach out and get exactly what we need without delay.” A financial services business, The Netherlands Cloud computing continues to generate a significant amount of attention as almost every market forecast indicates exponential growth in this area. Within this climate, cloud adoption in QA is also gathering momentum, because the business case is resoundingly clear. As more applications are being hosted in the cloud, the necessity for testing in cloud environments is growing apace. And organizations are seizing the benefits that the cloud offers by buying services on demand and getting access to physical resources more quickly and cheaply to cut QA spend. Cloud coverage on the rise The extent to which businesses and their QA function are now embracing the cloud marks a step up from the evolutionary progress revealed in last year’s report. Our research shows that almost a quarter (22%) of software applications are now hosted in the cloud. This is expected to rise even further to a third (32%) by 2015, an indication of the acceptance of cloud as part of the mainstream of IT infrastructure. Testing in the cloud is also expanding at a correspondingly healthy rate. Some 28% of testing now occurs in a cloud environment, a proportion forecast to rise to 39% by 2015. Only two years ago, some 31% of companies declared they would not test via the cloud over the next three years, and this has now dwindled to just 4%, a clear indication that testing in the cloud is becoming the new norm. 28% of testing currently occurs in a cloud environment, and is set to rise to 39% by 2015 The State of Quality 2012 Cloud 30 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 31. PERCENTAGE OF APPLICATIONS HOSTED IN THE CLOUD, NOW AND 2015 FIGURE 13 Base: 1,553 respondents PERCENTAGE OF TESTING CONDUCTED IN THE CLOUD, NOW AND 2015 FIGURE 14 Base: 1,553 respondents NOW 2015 22% 32% NOW 2015 28% 39% The State of Quality 2012 Cloud WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 31
  • 32. “We experience peaks and troughs in our testing program, so TaaS provides a certain degree of flexibility. While some applications may be run of the mill, some may have more ad hoc requirements that push us to meet unique or temporary needs. TaaS allows us to do this without the burden of great cost or adding to project time.” A retail business, Denmark Rising demand for on-demand services As QA professionals become more comfortable with the cloud as a testing platform, organizations are increasingly capitalizing on the on-demand benefits it provides. Companies that are accustomed to using cloud-based infrastructures are now demanding similarly flexible offerings for their software licenses in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS), where costs incurred are matched against actual usage. Organizations are increasingly capitalizing on the on-demand benefits of the cloud Almost a third (31%) of firms’ testing software is currently provided on a SaaS basis – compared to only a quarter (25%) last year. This is expected to reach close to half (43%) by 2015. Furthermore, some 30% of firms had no SaaS arrangements in place for testing software in 2011; this has fallen to just 8% this year. Throwing caution to the cloud? Conventional wisdom dictates that lingering doubts over the cloud and, in particular, its perceived lack of security would discourage organizations from migrating their most business-critical IT infrastructure to the cloud. Contrary to this assumption, our survey reveals a growing tendency to test critical applications in cloud environments. In fact, organizations are actually testing more critical applications (61%) – both internal and external – than non-critical software (39%) in the cloud. However, it is worth noting that internal software accounts for two-thirds of these critical applications, and external software just a third. Testing as a Service Although starting from a low base, firms are also increasingly treating the testing activity as an on-demand utility, giving rise to the term Testing as a Service (TaaS) – the delivery of application testing services on a pay-per-use model, using cloud-based test environments and software tools. While only 11% of businesses currently use TaaS arrangements, almost four-fifths (78%) plan to introduce the concept, and almost half (47%) will do so within the next 12 months. By 2015, only 11% will have no TaaS arrangements, a pointer to how ubiquitous this delivery model will have become. An opportunity to reduce cost When asked about the benefits of TaaS, respondents were emphatic in their enthusiasm. The most highly-anticipated benefits from TaaS arrangements were reduced cost, identified by 58% of businesses, and more effective management of testing resources (cited by 49%). By contrast, reduced time-to-market (the main driver for TCOE consolidation) only ranks third (42%), and improved quality is even less of a focus, mentioned by just 24%. The cost driver is clearly important when assessing TaaS services, as the focus is on how to reduce, for example, licensing costs, to pay only for what is used, as opposed to improvement in quality that can be achieved through other means. So why would organizations view cloud-based TaaS as a greater cost-saving opportunity than consolidation, as provided by TCOEs? TaaS offers the chance to bring down costs that have already been heavily optimized and the greater portion of testing spend goes towards resource costs. In mature markets, this element has already been drastically reduced by successive waves of offshoring and restructuring. And in developing markets, low labor costs are a given. So, adopting a cloud utility service model presents a rare opportunity to further squeeze costs by paying only for what is needed when it is needed, as opposed to high investment in often dormant technology. TaaS also provides increased flexibility in servicing and pricing and the ability to quickly scale up or down as required for ad hoc or ongoing projects. The State of Quality 2012 Cloud 32 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 34. Low hurdles to entry Encouragingly, as adoption has increased, the cloud in general is now seen as a far greater opportunity than a risk. The potential challenges associated with cloud-based operations provoked far less response among respondents than the benefits, so the gains clearly outweigh the pitfalls. The benefits of cloud-based QA activity clearly outweigh the pitfalls This can be seen most sharply in the halving of levels of concern over last year’s biggest worry – security. Predictably, back in 2011, more than half (55%) of organizations saw security as the most acute risk associated with using a cloud environment. This year, taking TaaS as an example of a general increased ease with using cloud-based delivery, security came only third on the list of the challenges anticipated when adopting TaaS. Even the starkest current challenge – loss of control over total testing spend – is troubling the minds of less than a third (32%) of companies. Yet, despite the overall enthusiasm, these concerns about loss of control over spend signal a continuing concern and confusion about the cloud generally. In our experience, there is little reason to lose control of testing spend, as this can be prevented through robust governance, spend metrics, and service-level agreements. Perhaps this anxiety is a legacy of poor outsourcing experiences, where contracts have exceeded cost estimates. Or it may reflect persistent economic instability: unable to reliably forecast market demand, businesses are struggling to calculate an accurate assessment of the scale of their testing requirements. Whatever the reason, we would encourage organizations to look to the benefits of this new model of testing service provision, as the concerns can be managed. Mature markets drive on-demand provision Last year’s report found emerging economies had the most aggressive plans to migrate QA activity to the cloud. In 2012, we see this leveling off, as cloud penetration in developing regions begins to catch up with that of mature markets. As indicated earlier, as an example of cloud adoption, companies are increasingly looking to TaaS as a means of cost reduction and process efficiency. How is this reflected at a regional level? Plans show little variation between the global regions in the immediate term. For the most part, the more mature markets are driving on-demand uptake, with a high percentage of firms already adopting or planning to use TaaS services. Only 3% of North American firms have no plans to use TaaS, with a similar figure of just 5% in Western Europe. In Asia, only 7% do not anticipate TaaS in their future. Yet this jumps to almost half (46%) in Eastern Europe and nearly a third (29%) in South America with no TaaS plans. However, looking ahead, South America is predicting a significant change, with respondents expecting almost half (46%) of testing to be cloud based by 2015, compared to the 39% global average. For all regions, reduced cost is the primary benefit of TaaS, and taking into account better resource management, efficiency is the secondary driver for TaaS adoption. Emerging markets are particularly focused on cost reduction – seven in 10 Asian and South American businesses identify this as the primary benefit of TaaS, compared to 58% across the whole survey. Sector leaders and laggards Turning to the sectors, testing in the cloud is being led by the IT-intensive TME sector, where 31% of testing activity is currently cloud-based, followed by FS at 30%, compared to the 28% sector average. Both the TME and FS sectors are driven by technology and have traditionally been early adopters. Late adopters, with only a quarter of testing in the cloud, include E&U (25%) and Manufacturing industries (24%). These two sectors tend to view IT as an enabler rather than a driver, and traditionally have spent less on IT. The pattern is repeated when it comes to leveraging TaaS. Only 6% of TME respondents and 8% of FS companies have no plans to use TaaS, compared to 11% overall. Public Sector organizations are also embracing on-demand testing, with only 7% having no TaaS plans in place. By contrast, some 30% of manufacturers are disregarding the on-demand testing provision altogether, as are 16% of E&U firms, and, as in last year’s survey, CPRD businesses are slow adopters – currently 17% have no plans for TaaS. Small firms reluctant to adopt Organizations of all sizes are integrating cloud technology into their QA operations. Businesses are investing in the cloud to modernize and optimize IT infrastructures, while small businesses look to take advantage of its flexibility in order to circumvent the need for costly IT set-up. Large, medium, and small firms are all running approximately 28% of testing activity in cloud environments. Likewise, all three groups forecast this to rise to around 39% by 2015. However, smaller firms are much more reluctant to conduct testing on demand. Almost a quarter (23%) have no plans to use TaaS, compared to just 6% of large and medium-sized organizations. Again, this may be driven by the fear that testing costs will spiral out of control or by a lack of awareness of the true benefits that TaaS can offer. More small businesses (35%) identify this as a challenge than their corporate (30%) or medium-sized (31%) counterparts. Our research shows that the move towards a cloud-based infrastructure, supported by offerings such as TaaS, continues to grow across companies of all sizes. Organizations are primarily looking to achieve a more cost-effective and efficient means for QA through a flexible, agile, on-demand model. We expect that this trend will accelerate as the cloud matures and competitive pressures force non-adopters to reconsider their position. The State of Quality 2012 Cloud 34 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 35. “We are moving more of our testing into the cloud, but it’s always going to be problematic for us. National legislation restricts the nature of data that can be stored and accessed outside the country; therefore we are currently limited as to what exactly can be done via the cloud.” A manufacturing business, Germany The State of Quality 2012 Cloud WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 35
  • 36. Quality Assurance Resources: A question of value In an increasingly digitized era, the ability to monitor and assess the quality of software applications is critical to an organization’s operations – not to mention its reputation. So confidence in the quality of QA resources to deliver on this priority is essential. Our data shows that this, unfortunately, is not always the case. Our study finds that organizations consider their internal QA resources to be “average” overall, which we believe is of some concern given the increasing importance being placed on testing. On balance, companies believe that they can secure slightly better quality resources via external partners than by hiring internally. One contributing factor could be that, historically, testing has not been viewed as a well-defined professional career across the world, although it is gratifying to see much evidence of this now changing. In developed countries, QA is becoming a recognized and dedicated profession, commanding increased salaries commensurate with the level of expertise and experience. In the less-developed markets, there is often a limited number of trained resources available, which is driving the need to use external expertise, often at a premium to internal cost structures. A fine balancing act between internal and external The majority of organizations (59%) characterize their internal QA teams as “average” in their QA knowledge and not necessarily up to speed with the latest testing tools and technologies. External resources fare better with slightly fewer companies (52%) describing external testers in the same way. More significantly, only 4-5% of firms are confident that their resources (internal or external) are best in class. However, when apportioning high praise, companies express more confidence in outsourced resources than their own employees. A third of firms (33%) score their external teams’ knowledge and abilities a 4 or 5 (with 5 being the highest); less than a quarter (24%) score internal resource as highly. This may reflect the fact that many external testers work for service providers whose business model is to offer large-scale professional teams of resources designed to elevate a company’s existing capabilities. It may also reflect an increasing desire among certain economies to increase the level of QA skills they can offer to the global community. Our study found minimal regional differences in confidence levels, which may reflect the fact that in the more mature markets, expectations are higher and the need to outsource greater, while in the emerging markets, expectations are lower and the available talent is starting to come through. Whichever the case, it is clear that there is room for improvement in the skill levels of QA resources, if they are to meet the exacting demands being placed on them. A question of value Internal QA resources, while rated lower in terms of knowledge, are marginally more expensive, which is to be expected, as organizations seek external outsourced skills predominantly to reduce costs. Firms are paying a global average hourly rate of US$54.58 for internal resources, compared to US$52.62 for external support. Although this weighted average is not designed to be exact, the comparison is revealing, as it would indicate that organizations are getting more value from outsourced support, because they are paying less per hour for a resource that is more highly regarded, although the difference is small. This is potentially the case in economies where there is a greater number of available testers, and outsource providers compete on cost against in-house teams. However, these figures need to be viewed in context. Hourly rates naturally vary greatly by geography, and price needs to be considered alongside the value that firms perceive they are getting for their investment. Regional perceptions Indeed, regional comparisons paint a contrasting picture, divided broadly along market maturity lines. While there is general agreement across the regions that external resources are more effective, there are wide disparities between how much each region is paying for both external and internal support. In developed regions, there is a price premium on internal testing capacity. North American firms, for example, are paying around 20% per hour more for internal than external resources. We believe this reflects the increased standing of QA resources in North American organizations and the salaries they can command. The State of Quality 2012 Quality Assurance Resources 36 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 37. Base: 1553 Respondents INTERNAL Ranking of external and internal testing resources (scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is highest) FIGURE 17 EXTERNAL 5% 0% 19% 59% 17% 4% 29% 52% 14% 1% THEY ARE KNOWLEDGEABLE IN TESTING METHODOLOGY. THEY ARE BEST IN CLASS ACROSS THE TESTING INDUSTRY AND THE TESTING ACTIVITIES RUN SMOOTHLY THEY ARE AVERAGE IN THEIR KNOWLEDGE. THEY KNOW ENOUGH TO PERFORM THE JOB, BUT THEY MAY NOT BE UP TO SPEED ON THE LATEST TESTING TECHNOLOGIES THEY DO NOT EXECUTE THE TESTING ACTIVITIES EFFICIENTLY AND MANY DEFECTS ESCAPE THEIR DETECTION. THEY DO NOT HAVE DEFINED TESTING PROCESSES AND ARE NOT USING TESTING TECHNOLOGY EFFECTIVELY 5 4 3 2 1 “Outsourced testing will always be an important option, but how we source those testers does tend to depend on project or cost, rather than any specific predefined rules. We used to use India-based suppliers a lot more than we do today, but the cost benefits were not balanced by our internal client satisfaction feedback.” A financial services business, Australia The State of Quality 2012 Quality Assurance Resources WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 37
  • 38. $47 Average hourly rate (US$) for external and internal testers FIGURE 18 NORTH AMERICA UK AND IRELAND NORDICS WESTERN EUROPE SOUTHERN EUROPE EASTERN EUROPE ASIA SOUTH AMERICA AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND GLOBAL AVERAGE $32 Base: 1553 Respondents $41 $30 $23 $48 $41 $68 $68 $40 $51 $48 $58 $57 $85 $44 $36 $55 $53 INTERNAL EXTERNAL $66 The State of Quality 2012 Quality Assurance Resources 38 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 39. As we have seen, North America is the most highly outsourced region, with businesses having transferred large proportions of their QA to lower-cost, offshore labor markets. As a result, they are paying well below the average for external support, and balancing this by paying a relative premium for high quality in-house experts. Yet interestingly the quality rating does not differ by much between the two sets of resources. This may indicate a pragmatic approach from North American organizations in assessing both sets of resources on a relative value-for-money basis, balanced by availability constraints. This indicates a mature and measured approach in North America. In emerging economies such as South America and Eastern Europe, however, the reverse is true. In these areas, QA is a less- developed, less-professionalized field; in some organizations, it may barely exist as a recognized function at all. As a result, dedicated external resources are more highly prized, and so come at a premium. South American companies pay around 30% more for external than internal teams; in Eastern Europe, the disparity is around 25%. The conclusion is clear – emerging markets may not immediately be saving costs by using external expertise, but judging by the recognition of the skills of external resources, companies are buying an enhanced quality of output. Sector perceptions One industry that does recognize the price premium and value of experienced QA resources is clearly FS. The industry is paying a hefty premium for internal support: $62.18 per hour compared to the $54.58 average. The FS sector is, of course, a unique, complex, and highly regulated domain, requiring very specific functionality expertise in addition to generic QA skills. Not surprisingly, this rare combination of skills pushes up the cost of QA capability for the industry. Manufacturing companies are the most satisfied overall with the quality of their QA resource. Just over a third (34%) of manufacturers score their internal resource a 4 or 5, compared to the overall average of 23%. Almost two in five (38%) rate their external support highly (average 33%). It may be that the importance the sector places on ensuring the quality of its production output extends to its software applications, resulting in a greater appreciation of technical ability. At the other end of the scale, only around a quarter of Public Sector organizations rate their internal (21%) or external (28%) QA resources highly. This might be a reflection of constrained local pay scales, or complexity of large-scale legacy systems, meaning that quality may be more difficult to achieve. Two sectors – where a breakdown in quality could have dramatic consequences – rely on external expertise to compensate for a lack of confidence in their in-house resource. The Health and Life Sciences businesses and E&U have the lowest confidence in their internal teams: only a fifth of firms in these industries rate them highly, yet, by contrast, external resources in both are given a relative vote of confidence. Around twice as many organizations in these industries rate external providers highly. Paying the price? Experienced QA experts – both in-house and third party – possess a rare combination of highly technical abilities: business domain expertise, business process analysis skills and development, scripting, and testing capabilities, and up-to-date QA knowledge, to name a few. In our experience, when it comes to paying the price for that expertise, organizations often have unrealistic expectations. Some may be unwilling to pay the higher cost for highly qualified, experienced professionals; others may be restrained from doing so by budgetary considerations. Value for money is undoubtedly subjective. Getting the balance right between in-house and external teams, factoring in technical and business knowledge and relative costs, is challenging and requires constant monitoring and investment. “I’d love to be able to professionalize our testing function – give people a career and the pay to match and they’ll stick with you. But the reality is quite the opposite. Testing is seen as a ‘necessary evil’ in many organizations. This means organizations never give [testers] the proper attention [they] deserve and we end up buying external experts who may have the skills, but not necessarily the intimate knowledge of our business.” A financial services business, United Kingdom The State of Quality 2012 Quality Assurance Resources WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 39
  • 40. sector analysis 42 Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution: Mobile and internet commerce drives sector transformation 44 Energy & Utilities: Commitment to improve quality of testing through increased investment 46 Financial Services: Evolving QA – Riding the transformation wave 48 High Tech: Increasing focus on data-driven customer service delivery 50 Public Sector: Renewed focus on efficiency gains linked to budget reductions 52 Telecoms, Media, and Entertainment: Maximizing assets, unleashing growth, and transforming to succeed 40 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13
  • 41. WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 41 sector analysis
  • 42. The Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution (CPRD) sector represents a large and diverse group of companies, including consumer products manufacturers, retailers, distributors (such as logistics companies, postal systems, trucking), and transportation (including airlines, airports, and rail operators). Organizations in each of these sub-sectors have distinct technology needs. However, they are all part of the broader consumer value chain and therefore need to be extremely responsive to the changes in demand coming from the end consumer. And that consumer is increasingly empowered by technology. Given the growing importance of technology enablement during the shopping journey – from awareness and choosing, through the transaction, and to delivery and service – the CPRD sector today is more focused on mobile and internet commerce. As a result, we expect to see an increase in testing needs for transformational projects, cloud testing, and Testing as a Service (TaaS), as well as growth in adoption of Testing Centers of Excellence (TCOEs). CPRD companies report investing more in QA/testing than the overall market and other sectors, with 22% of total IT budget going toward the testing function. Last year, 35% of respondents in the CPRD sector said their QA budgets had increased over the previous two years; this year, 41% say it has increased and 57% say they expect to see this increase again by 2015. This indicates that companies are continuing to invest in QA/ testing in order to stay competitive and meet the high expectations of consumers. In the growing, interconnected world of consumers and customers, failure is quickly and easily communicated, so companies cannot afford to provide less than perfect products/ services to customers. A high 45% of CPRD respondents say their testing activities are with new or transformational projects, which reflects the need for innovation in this sector. Asked in which areas of QA the greatest increase in spending has occurred, 51% of companies say it is on internal professional testing resources, 45% on more investment in existing tools, and 44% on external outsourced resources. Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution Mobile and internet commerce drives sector transformation By Bernard Helders Global Leader Consumer Products & Retail Sector Capgemini Etienne Cartigny Senior Test Manager Capgemini Rashmi Singh Senior Manager Capgemini 42 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 sector analysis Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution
  • 43. Interestingly, when asked to look ahead to 2015 and where they thought the greatest area of investment would be, the top answer (48%) was in using external outsourced resources – perhaps reflecting the need for more specialized and specific resources required to test leading-edge services and products, such as mobile commerce. Across all sectors and respondents this year, our survey saw the continuing growth of the adoption of TCOEs. This is also reflected in the CPRD sector, but it is clear that organizations in other sectors are taking a slightly different path. While only 6% of CPRD respondents say their in-house TCOE is already fully functional (on par with the overall figure study-wide), a further 25% say they are already developing or planning to develop an internal TCOE over the next two years. This compares to 40% of the overall survey. The difference is apparent in the percentage of organizations planning to use a third-party company with a TCOE capability; 35% of all surveyed CPRD firms (compared to 21% overall) say they are taking this TCOE route. The scope of their ideal TCOE is broad, but executing performance testing (50%) and providing Program Management Office services (44%) are top capabilities. The key benefit in adopting a TCOE for CPRD sector firms is reducing time-to- market and reducing costs. The growth in the impact of the cloud continues to change the way organizations approach multiple areas of their operations, and this is no different for CPRD firms. Respondents say 21% of their applications are currently cloud based, with an expected figure of 32% by 2015. Indeed, our survey suggests that the percentage of testing in a cloud-based test environment will rise by almost 50% by 2015 – suggesting CPRD firms are keen to exploit this growing methodology for their testing function. Asked about TaaS offered by a third party, just 9% of CPRD respondents say they already use it, but 45% say they will within the next year, and a further 28% within the next two years. With 59% of respondents seeing reduced costs and 48% seeing better resource management as key benefits, TaaS appears to deliver distinct advantages for an organization’s testing. The survey also sees a predicted increase in the use of Software as a Service (SaaS) for QA/ testing software licenses between now and 2015, no doubt part of the broader move towards the cloud. Some 34% of CPRD respondents say that their organizations currently test mobile applications and devices, slightly higher than the overall figure of 31%. Given the growing importance of mobile and internet commerce, consumer/customer mobile communication and associated services, it is hardly surprising that this is an area of expected growth, particularly for the CPRD sector. However, it comes with new and additional QA/testing requirements, which many organizations are finding challenging. So while organizations that test mobile applications focus on efficiency, performance, and functionality, there are shortcomings in those testing processes. Some 63% of CPRD firms say they don’t have the right tools to test, and a further 50% say they don’t have the devices readily available to test. Indeed, when asked about their key criteria for selecting an outsourced mobile testing resource, 60% of respondents say the capacity to test their application on several networks would be most important. A further 40% say the key criterion is enabling their development team to focus on development. With the economy likely to remain challenging over the next year or so, CPRD companies will continue to explore new ways to stay competitive, while remaining innovative and attractive to budget-minded customers. New developments in mobile and web commerce will continue to offer new routes for the sector to exploit, but it must do so from a position of assurance and knowledge, as consumers are unlikely to be loyal should they be disappointed. The rising and positive investment in QA/testing is no guarantee of success, of course. Investing in the right skills, tools, and experience will be essential to ensure that the challenges of remaining innovative and competitive are balanced with those of ensuring the levels of quality demanded by customers. WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 43 sector analysis Consumer Products, Retail, and Distribution
  • 44. This year’s World Quality Report surveyed firms in the energy and natural resources sectors: oil and gas; public and private utility companies; and those involved in large-scale chemicals production. In most parts of the world, the Energy and Utilities (E&U) sector continues to undergo major structural transformation with the liberalization of consumer electricity and gas retail markets. Utilities firms are constantly looking at how new technologies such as smart metering and smart grids can help to improve operational efficiencies as well as differentiate their service offering in a largely price-driven, commoditized market characterized by high customer churn. Consistently high oil and gas prices over the past few years have opened up new areas of exploration taking advantage of new drilling technologies. Most E&U firms also face increased regulatory and public scrutiny regarding their ongoing operations and investments made in renewable technologies. At the point of consumption, smart metering should lead to greater collaboration with other sectors, such as telecommunications carriers and service providers. However, IT functions within E&U companies struggle to keep pace with market change and face increasingly limited budgets, part of which is spent trying to maintain antiquated legacy systems, leaving little to spend on innovative product lines that support new customer interaction models and leverage up-and-coming technologies, as is reflected in our findings. Energy and Utility organizations say that their testing budget has remained largely static this year, with 51% indicating that their budget is the same as last year. However, some 37% of respondents in this sector say their budget has increased to some extent, and just 8% record a decline. Respondents are somewhat more upbeat when considering how their budget will change between now and 2015, with 54% believing it will increase. This continuing commitment to improving the quality of testing through investment in both internal and external resources is characteristic of the E&U sector. Energy & Utilities Commitment to improve quality of testing through increased investment By Perry Stoneman Utilities Global Sector Leader Capgemini Willem-Jan Van Der Meer Senior Test Consultant Sogeti 44 WORLD QUALITY REPORT 2012-13 sector analysis Energy & Utilities