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Why the majority of Data
Science projects never
make it to production?
María de la Fuente
Solutions Architect Manager – Israel Middle East &Africa
María de la Fuente | LinkedIn
AI is poised to
change the world
Projected Business value
creation by AI in 2022
And most
leaders agree
CEOs say AI is a
strategic priority
But AI doesn’t
make it out the door
at most companies
Of Data Science initiatives
never make it to production
Q: Why are these projects struggling?
A: It is mainly because of reliability,
performance and lack of ML end-to-
end tracking mechanism.

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Data Sharing with Snowflake
Data Sharing with SnowflakeData Sharing with Snowflake
Data Sharing with Snowflake

Every day, businesses across a wide variety of industries share data to support insights that drive efficiency and new business opportunities. However, existing methods for sharing data involve great effort on the part of data providers to share data, and involve great effort on the part of data customers to make use of that data. However, existing approaches to data sharing (such as e-mail, FTP, EDI, and APIs) have significant overhead and friction. For one, legacy approaches such as e-mail and FTP were never intended to support the big data volumes of today. Other data sharing methods also involve enormous effort. All of these methods require not only that the data be extracted, copied, transformed, and loaded, but also that related schemas and metadata must be transported as well. This creates a burden on data providers to deconstruct and stage data sets. This burden and effort is mirrored for the data recipient, who must reconstruct the data. As a result, companies are handicapped in their ability to fully realize the value in their data assets. Snowflake Data Sharing allows companies to grant instant access to ready-to-use data to any number of partners or data customers without any data movement, copying, or complex pipelines. Using Snowflake Data Sharing, companies can derive new insights and value from data much more quickly and with significantly less effort than current data sharing methods. As a result, companies now have a new approach and a powerful new tool to get the full value out of their data assets.

share datatransmit datadatabase share
Demystifying Data Warehousing as a Service - DFW
Demystifying Data Warehousing as a Service - DFWDemystifying Data Warehousing as a Service - DFW
Demystifying Data Warehousing as a Service - DFW

This document provides an overview and introduction to Snowflake's cloud data warehousing capabilities. It begins with the speaker's background and credentials. It then discusses common data challenges organizations face today around data silos, inflexibility, and complexity. The document defines what a cloud data warehouse as a service (DWaaS) is and explains how it can help address these challenges. It provides an agenda for the topics to be covered, including features of Snowflake's cloud DWaaS and how it enables use cases like data mart consolidation and integrated data analytics. The document highlights key aspects of Snowflake's architecture and technology.

dwaascloudcloud datawarehouse
A cloud readiness assessment framework
A cloud readiness assessment frameworkA cloud readiness assessment framework
A cloud readiness assessment framework

Cloud computing is an emerging technology that offers opportunities for organisations to hire precisely those ICT services they need (SaaS/PaaS/IaaS). Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) can benefit a lot from software services that are managed in a professional way. Cloud computing enables them to overcome restrictions from low budgets and limited resources for ICT. However, cloud adoption is challenging and requires a clear cloud roadmap. Organisations lack knowledge of cloud computing and are usually challenged by the adoption of cloud services. In most cases, SMEs do not know what aspects they have to take into consideration for a sound decision in favour or against the cloud. A cloud readiness assessment is a general approach to facilitate this decision-making process. The presented study focuses on the development of an assessment framework for cloud services (SaaS) in the domain of enterprise content management (ECM) and social software (ecollaboration).

Data Collection
Analysis Tools
Management Tools
“Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems,” Google NIPS 2015
Only a small fraction of real-world ML systems is composed of the ML code, as shown by the small red box
in the middle. The required surrounding infrastructure is vast and complex.
Hardest Part of ML isn’t ML, it’s Data
How ML Workflow
A typical Machine Learning workflow
Data & ML
Data Scientists time is valuable
Source: CrowdFlower Data Science Report

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Databricks Overview for MLOps

1) Databricks provides a machine learning platform for MLOps that includes tools for data ingestion, model training, runtime environments, and monitoring. 2) It offers a collaborative data science workspace for data engineers, data scientists, and ML engineers to work together on projects using notebooks. 3) The platform provides end-to-end governance for machine learning including experiment tracking, reproducibility, and model governance.

Snowflake Overview
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Snowflake Overview

Organizations are struggling to make sense of their data within antiquated data platforms. Snowflake, the data warehouse built for the cloud, can help.

data warehousingdata warehousedata sharehouse
Solution deck capgemini cloud assessment
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Solution deck capgemini cloud assessment

Capgemini Cloud Assessment is a Cloud agnostic, vendor aware methodology that focuses on low risk, high return business transformation. Additionally, it reduces TCO and provides an early view of ROI. This closed loop assessment leverages pre-built accelerators such as ROI calculators, risk models and portfolio analyzers utilizing our deep partner ecosystem. We deliver an end state architecture, business case and deployment roadmap in just six to eight weeks.

cloud readinesssalesforceassessment
Data Scientists time is valuable
Source: CrowdFlower Data Science Report
Data Lake
The data is not ready for data science & ML
The majority of these projects are failing due to
unreliable data!
Data Science & ML
• Recommendation Engines
• Risk, Fraud Detection
• IoT & Predictive Maintenance
• Genomics & DNA Sequencing
ML Lifecycle is Manual, Inconsistent
and Disconnected
● Ad hoc approach to track
● Very hard to reproduce
Prep Data
● Multiple tightly coupled
deployment options
● Different monitoring approach
for each framework
Build Model Deploy Model
● Low level integrations for
Data and ML
● Difficult to track data used
for a model
Nothing last forever
”Change is the only constant in life¨-Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher
One of the main assumptions when creating a model is that future data will
be similar to past data used to build the model
Models exists in a dynamic and continually changing environment, when
this environment change, the performance of the model will change too

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Getting Started with Delta Lake on Databricks

In this session, we'll cover how with delta lake we can store the data and tables in databricks in an optimized way

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1. What are the different Master Data Management (MDM) architectures? 2. How can you identify the correct Master Data subject areas & tooling for your MDM initiative? 3. A reference architecture for MDM. 4. Selection criteria for MDM tooling.

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Demystifying Data Warehouse as a Service
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Demystifying Data Warehouse as a Service

Snowflake's Kent Graziano talks about what makes a data warehouse as a service and some of the key features of Snowflake's data warehouse as a service.

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This means…Model Drifting is expected!
ML Models will lose their predictive power over time
CONCEPT DRIFT  properties of the dependent variable(s) change(s)
DATA DRIFT  properties of the independent variable(s) change(s)
ML Lifecycle and Challenges
Tuning Model Mgmt
Raw Data ETL Train
Featurize Score/Serve
Batch + Realtime
Alert, Debug
Hyper-p. search
Remote Cloud
Project Mgmt
(scale teams)
(Airflow, Jobs)
push to prod
Update Features
Production Logs
Zoo of Ecosystem Frameworks
Collaboration Scale Governance
Q: How we are going to solve these
MLOps: What, why, how?
WHAT: Set of practices for
collaboration and communication
between data scientists and
operations professionals
WHY: Aims to improve the delivery of
machine learning models by
combining the processes of design,
development, testing, and delivery
into a singular process.
● Shortening development cycles, and as a
result, decreasing time to market
● Improving collaboration between teams
across all levels of technical expertise
● Increasing reliability, performance,
scalability, and security of ML systems
● Streamlining operational and governance
● Increasing return on investment of ML

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MLOps Using MLflow
MLOps Using MLflowMLOps Using MLflow
MLOps Using MLflow

MLflow is an MLOps tool that enables data scientist to quickly productionize their Machine Learning projects. To achieve this, MLFlow has four major components which are Tracking, Projects, Models, and Registry. MLflow lets you train, reuse, and deploy models with any library and package them into reproducible steps. MLflow is designed to work with any machine learning library and require minimal changes to integrate into an existing codebase. In this session, we will cover the common pain points of machine learning developers such as tracking experiments, reproducibility, deployment tool and model versioning. Ready to get your hands dirty by doing quick ML project using mlflow and release to production to understand the ML-Ops lifecycle.

How a Semantic Layer Makes Data Mesh Work at Scale
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How a Semantic Layer Makes Data Mesh Work at Scale

Data Mesh is a trending approach to building a decentralized data architecture by leveraging a domain-oriented, self-service design. However, the pure definition of Data Mesh lacks a center of excellence or central data team and doesn’t address the need for a common approach for sharing data products across teams. The semantic layer is emerging as a key component to supporting a Hub and Spoke style of organizing data teams by introducing data model sharing, collaboration, and distributed ownership controls. This session will explain how data teams can define common models and definitions with a semantic layer to decentralize analytics product creation using a Hub and Spoke architecture. Attend this session to learn about: - The role of a Data Mesh in the modern cloud architecture. - How a semantic layer can serve as the binding agent to support decentralization. - How to drive self service with consistency and control.

datadata managementdataversity
MLOps Virtual Event | Building Machine Learning Platforms for the Full Lifecycle
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MLOps Virtual Event | Building Machine Learning Platforms for the Full Lifecycle

This document summarizes a webinar on building machine learning platforms. It discusses how operating ML models is complex, requiring tasks like monitoring performance, handling data drift, and ensuring governance and security. It then outlines common components of ML platforms, including data management, model management, and code/deployment management. The webinar will demonstrate how different organizations handle these components and include demos from four companies. It will also cover Databricks' approach to providing an ML platform that integrates various tools and simplifies the full ML lifecycle from data preparation to deployment.

mlflowmlopsmachine learning
MLOps vs DevOps
when it comes to continuous integration of source control, unit testing, integration testing, and
continuous delivery of the software module or the package
Continuous Integration (CI) is no longer only about testing and validating code and components, but also
testing and validating data, data schemas, and models
Continuous Deployment (CD) is no longer about a single software package or service, but a system (an ML
training pipeline) that should automatically deploy another service (model prediction service) or roll back
changes from a model
Continuous Testing (CT) is a new property, unique to ML systems, that’s concerned with automatically
retraining and serving the models
Tactics for
Successful & Scalable ML in production
● Align business needs & ML Objectives
● Involve right personas
● Lean into the cloud
● Break the silos & support cross-colaboration
● Architect with operations in mind
● Invest & Leverage MLOps
How do we bring it
together at
End-to-End Data Science and ML on
End-to-End ML Lifecycle
ML Runtime and
Data Science Workspace
Prep Data Build Model Deploy/Monitor Model

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Ml ops on AWS
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Ml ops on AWS

The document provides information about an experienced machine learning solutions architect. It includes details about their experience and qualifications, including 12 AWS certifications and over 6 years of AWS experience. It also discusses their vision for MLOps and experience producing machine learning models at scale. Their role at Inawisdom as a principal solutions architect and head of practice is mentioned.

Learn to Use Databricks for Data Science
Learn to Use Databricks for Data ScienceLearn to Use Databricks for Data Science
Learn to Use Databricks for Data Science

Data scientists face numerous challenges throughout the data science workflow that hinder productivity. As organizations continue to become more data-driven, a collaborative environment is more critical than ever — one that provides easier access and visibility into the data, reports and dashboards built against the data, reproducibility, and insights uncovered within the data.. Join us to hear how Databricks’ open and collaborative platform simplifies data science by enabling you to run all types of analytics workloads, from data preparation to exploratory analysis and predictive analytics, at scale — all on one unified platform.

Databricks Delta Lake and Its Benefits
Databricks Delta Lake and Its BenefitsDatabricks Delta Lake and Its Benefits
Databricks Delta Lake and Its Benefits

Delta Lake, an open-source innovations which brings new capabilities for transactions, version control and indexing your data lakes. We uncover how Delta Lake benefits and why it matters to you. Through this session, we showcase some of its benefits and how they can improve your modern data engineering pipelines. Delta lake provides snapshot isolation which helps concurrent read/write operations and enables efficient insert, update, deletes, and rollback capabilities. It allows background file optimization through compaction and z-order partitioning achieving better performance improvements. In this presentation, we will learn the Delta Lake benefits and how it solves common data lake challenges, and most importantly new Delta Time Travel capability.

* apache spark

 *big data


High level Architecture
Unified Analytics Platform
Data Science, Model Training, Test and Selection
ML Runtime
Databricks Runtime
Model Deployment& Monitoring
to the cloud...
to the edge...
ETL / Data Processing
Tracking Projects Models
End to end ML lifecycle
Connectors and APIs
for a wide variety of

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Why do the majority of Data Science projects never make it to production?

  • 1. Why the majority of Data Science projects never make it to production?
  • 2. María de la Fuente Solutions Architect Manager – Israel Middle East &Africa @Databricks María de la Fuente | LinkedIn
  • 3. AI is poised to change the world $3.9T Projected Business value creation by AI in 2022 And most leaders agree 83% CEOs say AI is a strategic priority But AI doesn’t make it out the door at most companies Of Data Science initiatives never make it to production 87%
  • 4. Q: Why are these projects struggling? A: It is mainly because of reliability, performance and lack of ML end-to- end tracking mechanism.
  • 5. ML Code Configuration Data Collection Data Verification Feature Extraction Machine Resource Management Analysis Tools Process Management Tools Serving Infrastructure Monitoring “Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems,” Google NIPS 2015 Only a small fraction of real-world ML systems is composed of the ML code, as shown by the small red box in the middle. The required surrounding infrastructure is vast and complex. Hardest Part of ML isn’t ML, it’s Data
  • 7. A typical Machine Learning workflow Data Preparation Feature Engineering Model Training Model Evaluation Model Deployment Model Tuning Model Consumption Data Ingestion Users Data & ML Engineers
  • 8. Data Scientists time is valuable Source: CrowdFlower Data Science Report
  • 9. Data Scientists time is valuable Source: CrowdFlower Data Science Report
  • 10. Data Lake The data is not ready for data science & ML The majority of these projects are failing due to unreliable data! Data Science & ML • Recommendation Engines • Risk, Fraud Detection • IoT & Predictive Maintenance • Genomics & DNA Sequencing
  • 11. ML Lifecycle is Manual, Inconsistent and Disconnected ● Ad hoc approach to track experiments ● Very hard to reproduce experiments Prep Data ● Multiple tightly coupled deployment options ● Different monitoring approach for each framework Build Model Deploy Model ● Low level integrations for Data and ML ● Difficult to track data used for a model
  • 12. Nothing last forever ”Change is the only constant in life¨-Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher 12 One of the main assumptions when creating a model is that future data will be similar to past data used to build the model HOWEVER, Models exists in a dynamic and continually changing environment, when this environment change, the performance of the model will change too
  • 13. This means…Model Drifting is expected! 13 ML Models will lose their predictive power over time CONCEPT DRIFT  properties of the dependent variable(s) change(s) DATA DRIFT  properties of the independent variable(s) change(s)
  • 14. ML Lifecycle and Challenges Delta Tuning Model Mgmt Raw Data ETL Train Featurize Score/Serve Batch + Realtime Monitor Alert, Debug Deploy AutoML, Hyper-p. search Experiment Tracking Remote Cloud Execution Project Mgmt (scale teams) Model Exchange Data Drift Model Drift Orchestration (Airflow, Jobs) A/B Testing CI/CD/Jenkins push to prod Feature Repository Lifecycle mgmt. Retrain Update Features Production Logs Zoo of Ecosystem Frameworks Collaboration Scale Governance
  • 15. Q: How we are going to solve these problems?
  • 16. MLOps: What, why, how? WHAT: Set of practices for collaboration and communication between data scientists and operations professionals WHY: Aims to improve the delivery of machine learning models by combining the processes of design, development, testing, and delivery into a singular process. ● Shortening development cycles, and as a result, decreasing time to market ● Improving collaboration between teams across all levels of technical expertise ● Increasing reliability, performance, scalability, and security of ML systems ● Streamlining operational and governance processes ● Increasing return on investment of ML projects
  • 17. MLOps vs DevOps SAME SAME… when it comes to continuous integration of source control, unit testing, integration testing, and continuous delivery of the software module or the package …BUT DIFFERENT Continuous Integration (CI) is no longer only about testing and validating code and components, but also testing and validating data, data schemas, and models Continuous Deployment (CD) is no longer about a single software package or service, but a system (an ML training pipeline) that should automatically deploy another service (model prediction service) or roll back changes from a model Continuous Testing (CT) is a new property, unique to ML systems, that’s concerned with automatically retraining and serving the models
  • 18. Tactics for Successful & Scalable ML in production ● Align business needs & ML Objectives ● Involve right personas ● Lean into the cloud ● Break the silos & support cross-colaboration ● Architect with operations in mind ● Invest & Leverage MLOps
  • 19. How do we bring it together at Databricks?
  • 20. End-to-End Data Science and ML on AutoML End-to-End ML Lifecycle ML Runtime and Environments Batch Scoring Online Serving Data Science Workspace Prep Data Build Model Deploy/Monitor Model Open, pluggable architecture
  • 21. High level Architecture Unified Analytics Platform Data Science, Model Training, Test and Selection APIs Jobs Models Notebooks Dashboards ML Runtime Databricks Runtime BI Tool Connectors Model Deployment& Monitoring to the cloud... to the edge... ETL / Data Processing Bronze Gold DB Connect Tracking Projects Models End to end ML lifecycle Registry Connectors and APIs for a wide variety of differentsources... File DB/DW