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Aug 8 2013
What‘s new in Neo4j 2.0
Michael Hunger, Neo Technology
@mesirii | @neo4j
Neo4j 2.0.0-M04 released today!
Neo4j 2.0
Why 2.0?

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This document discusses Cassandra and the Datastax Academy. It provides examples of companies using Cassandra as infrastructure including ING, Netflix, Sony, and Microsoft. It also discusses the increasing SQL support in Cassandra, such as user defined functions, materialized views, and secondary indexes. The document notes that skills in Cassandra are in high demand but difficult to find. It promotes the Datastax Academy as a free solution to this problem, offering self-paced courses, instructor-led training, and O'Reilly certification to boost careers.

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The N1QL is a developer favorite because it’s SQL for JSON. Developer’s life is going to get easier with the upcoming N1QL features. We have exciting features in many areas including language to performance, indexing to search, and tuning to transactions. This session will preview new the features for both new and advanced users.

(0.x) --> (1.x) --> (2.x)
• 0.x was about embedded java
• 1.x introduced indexes, the server and REST
• 2.x ease of use, big data, cloud
which means a focus on...
This guy
Focus on Cypher
• Cypher, a carefully crafted language for working with graphs
• Declarative, friendly, easy to read and write
• One language, used everywhere
• REST for management, Java for extensions
What is new in 2.0?

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Dapper.NET is a micro-ORM that provides simple methods for querying and mapping data from databases. It allows for CRUD operations, batch inserts, stored procedures, views, and transaction support. Dapper is lightweight, with a single file and less than 700 lines of code. It provides fast and pure SQL functionality by enriching IDbCommand with extension methods. Queries can map results to POCOs or dynamic objects. Additional extensions like Dapper Contrib provide more advanced features.
Introducing: Node Labels
No Schema is good
Some Structure is helpful
• Simply: a label identifies a set of nodes
• Nodes can have multiple labels
• Find nodes by label
• Constrain properties and values
(lightweight, optional schema)
• A simple idea, with powerful applications
Introducing Node Labels
How to use labels?

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使用 Elasticsearch 及 Kibana 進行巨量資料搜尋及視覺化-曾書庭
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Labels - how to use?
• To identify nodes
• To categorize, tag
• To represent types
• To avoid confusion
• For special nodes (domain specific reference nodes)
Labels - rules of thumb
• Use a label to make queries easier to read & write
• And to improve performance through indexing
• Start with anything you might've put in a legacy index
• Use lightly, as few labels as needed
Find friends who like cheese
MATCH (p:Person)-[:FRIENDS]->(friend:Person),
(friend) -[:LIKE]-> (thing:Thing)
WHERE = "Max De Marzi"
AND thing:Food AND = "Cheese"
RETURN thing, labels(thing);
Schema Indexing
• Indexes for labels, based on a property
• Simple lookups for now
• Unique indexing coming soon
• Full-text, other special indexes in planning
CREATE INDEX ON :Person(name)
MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE = „Max“

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12.3.16 JS Lab. Upcoming events: Сегодня уже в порядке вещей писать на языках компилируемых в JavaScript. В свете возрастающей популярности функционального программирования разработчики активно смотрят в сторону молодых и перспективных языков. LISP был изобретен почти 60 лет назад, он дал начало функциональному программированию. Благодаря ему мы знаем о garbage collection, функциях высшего порядка, рекурсии и многом другом. В наше время LISP вернулся в виде языка Clojure и его диалекта ClojureScript. Из этого доклада вы узнаете о том, что такое ClojureScript и что ему есть предложить современному разработчику веб-интерфейсов.


The document discusses new features in iOS 5 including blocks, Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). Blocks allow performing operations asynchronously similar to JavaScript callbacks. GCD improves concurrency by executing tasks on background threads. ARC simplifies memory management by automatically releasing objects no longer in use.

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MERGE operation
• a combination of MATCH + CREATE
• replaces CREATE UNIQUE (currently still limited)
• attempts to MATCH, with specified properties and labels
• if match fails, new graph data is created
• optional sub-clauses for handling ON CREATE, and ON MATCH
MERGE (p:Person { name:'Charlie Sheen', age:10 })
ON CREATE p SET p.created = timestamp()
Hands-On Cypher
• Migrate Cineasts dataset to use Labels
• Show MATCH on Labels and Properties (+ profile)
• Add an Index on :Person(name) :Movie(title)
• Show MATCH on Labels and Properties (+ profile)
• Show MERGE with a user
Anything else?
• Breaking changes to some APIs (read CHANGES.txt)
• Migration of "legacy" indexes (stop STARTing)
• Mandatory transactions for all DB interactions
• Improving installers (in progress)
• Changing everything to be "all Cypher, all the time"

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Standard 10gen "What's new in MongoDB" 2.4 delivered at an enthusiastic MongoDB user group in Copenhagen.

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This document provides an overview of GraphAware and Spring Data Neo4j 4 for building graph applications. It discusses features like object graph mapping, repositories, transactions, and configuration. Entities like Character, Team, and Comic are modeled as nodes and relationships. Repositories provide querying and SDN is configured via Java configuration or properties. GraphAware provides support, documentation, and examples to help developers build graph applications like superheroes.

graphconnect europe 2016graphconnectneo4j
Cypher Changes: Properties
• no schema -> what happens when properties don‘t exist
• has(n.prop) AND n.prop=“Foobar“
• there was syntactic sugar n.prop! and n.prop?
• now n.prop returns NULL covers n.prop! =“Foobar“
• explicit expression for n.prop? = „Foobar“
WHERE = „Chris“
AND (not( OR“Andres“)
Cypher Changes: REMOVE
• consistent remove operations of labels and properties
• you REMOVE attributes (properties, labels)
• and DELETE elements (nodes, relationships)
REMOVE n:People
DELETE relationship
Cypher Changes: Separators
• grammar has to be unambiguous
• extract(n in nodes:Foo)???
• confuse colon from label and collection function separator
• exchanged colon for pipe
EXTRACT (n in nodes |
FILTER (n in nodes | =~ „And.*“)
FOREACH (v in names | CREATE ( {name: v} ))

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This webinar covered Neo4j 1.9.1, 2.0 features and hands-on demonstrations. Key highlights included: - Neo4j 1.9.1 improvements to high availability, operations and Cypher performance. - Neo4j 2.0 introduces node labels for improved querying and indexing, transactional Cypher via REST, and a focus on using Cypher everywhere. - Hands-on sessions demonstrated migrating data to use labels, indexing, transactional HTTP endpoint, and other new 2.0 features.

graph databasehaneo4j
Mandatory Transactions
• we had optional transactions for reads
• Issues:
• In which context do I read?
• Do I read what I read?
• Which changes do I see?
• NOW: Mandatory Transactions for reads and writes!
• only affects embedded API
• Cypher and REST-API take care of their transactions
• begin, commit, or rollback a transaction
• transaction as RESTful resource
• issue multiple statements per request
• multiple requests per transaction
• compact response format
• some driver already support it (neography, jdbc)
Transactional Cypher
Hands-On 2.0
• Show Transactional HTTP-Endpoint
• POST initial statements, look at result, check currently running tx in
• POST another create statement to the tx
• POST a new read statement to a new tx that shows isolation
• DELETE second transaction
• POST to COMMIT resource
What is new in 2.0?
• It's all about Cypher, starting with
• Labels, the first significant change in over 12 years
• Mix in schema indexing
• Then transactional REST, new clauses, functions
• A fresh Web UI that is Cypher-focused

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The openCypher Project - An Open Graph Query Language
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We want to present the openCypher project, whose purpose is to make Cypher available to everyone – every data store, every tooling provider, every application developer. openCypher is a continual work in progress. Over the next few months, we will move more and more of the language artifacts over to GitHub to make it available for everyone. openCypher is an open source project that delivers four key artifacts released under a permissive license: (i) the Cypher reference documentation, (ii) a Technology compatibility kit (TCK), (iii) Reference implementation (a fully functional implementation of key parts of the stack needed to support Cypher inside a data platform or tool) and (iv) the Cypher language specification. We are also seeking to make the process of specifying and evolving the Cypher query language as open as possible, and are actively seeking comments and suggestions on how to improve the Cypher query language. The purpose of this talk is to provide more details regarding the above-mentioned aspects. We want to present the openCypher project, whose purpose is to make Cypher available to everyone – every data store, every tooling provider, every application developer. openCypher is a continual work in progress. Over the next few months, we will move more and more of the language artifacts over to GitHub to make it available for everyone. openCypher is an open source project that delivers four key artifacts released under a permissive license: (i) the Cypher reference documentation, (ii) a Technology compatibility kit (TCK), (iii) Reference implementation (a fully functional implementation of key parts of the stack needed to support Cypher inside a data platform or tool) and (iv) the Cypher language specification. We are also seeking to make the process of specifying and evolving the Cypher query language as open as possible, and are actively seeking comments and suggestions on how to improve the Cypher query language. The purpose of this talk is to provide more details regarding the above-mentioned aspects.

sqlsparqlproperty graph
What's New in Neo4j 2.0 - Andreas Kollegger @ GraphConnect Boston + Chicago 2013
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This document summarizes the key new features in Neo4j 2.0, including labels, schema indexing, the MERGE operation, and transactional Cypher. Labels allow nodes to be identified and queried by type. Schema indexing improves performance. MERGE combines matching and creating behavior. Transactions make Cypher requests more robust. The focus is on further developing Cypher as a graph query language.

Introduction to Neo4j and .Net
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Complex hierarchical relationships between entities can only be mapped with difficulty in a relational database and demanding queries are usually quite slow. Graph databases are optimized for exactly these kinds of relationships and can provide high-performance results even with huge amounts of data. Moreover, not only the entities that are stored in the database, have attributes, but also their relationships. Queries can look at entities as well as their relationships. Get to know the basics of graph databases, using Neo4j as an example, and see how it is used C# projects.

cypherdotnetgraph database
Thanks :)
MATCH (you)-[:HAVE]->(q:Question)
RETURN q.text
@neo4j or @mesirii to keep in touch

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Webinar: What's new in Neo4j 2.0

  • 1. Webinar Aug 8 2013 What‘s new in Neo4j 2.0 Michael Hunger, Neo Technology @mesirii | @neo4j
  • 2. BIG NEWS Neo4j 2.0.0-M04 released today!
  • 5. (0.x) --> (1.x) --> (2.x) • 0.x was about embedded java • 1.x introduced indexes, the server and REST • 2.x ease of use, big data, cloud which means a focus on...
  • 7. Focus on Cypher • Cypher, a carefully crafted language for working with graphs • Declarative, friendly, easy to read and write • One language, used everywhere • REST for management, Java for extensions
  • 8. What is new in 2.0?
  • 11. • Simply: a label identifies a set of nodes • Nodes can have multiple labels • Find nodes by label • Constrain properties and values (lightweight, optional schema) • A simple idea, with powerful applications Introducing Node Labels NoSQL GraphDB Database Awesome!
  • 12. How to use labels?
  • 13. Labels - how to use? • To identify nodes • To categorize, tag • To represent types • To avoid confusion • For special nodes (domain specific reference nodes)
  • 14. Labels - rules of thumb • Use a label to make queries easier to read & write • And to improve performance through indexing • Start with anything you might've put in a legacy index • Use lightly, as few labels as needed
  • 15. Find friends who like cheese MATCH (p:Person)-[:FRIENDS]->(friend:Person), (friend) -[:LIKE]-> (thing:Thing) WHERE = "Max De Marzi" AND thing:Food AND = "Cheese" RETURN thing, labels(thing);
  • 16. Schema Indexing • Indexes for labels, based on a property • Simple lookups for now • Unique indexing coming soon • Full-text, other special indexes in planning CREATE INDEX ON :Person(name) MATCH (p:Person) WHERE = „Max“ RETURN p
  • 17. MERGE operation • a combination of MATCH + CREATE • replaces CREATE UNIQUE (currently still limited) • attempts to MATCH, with specified properties and labels • if match fails, new graph data is created • optional sub-clauses for handling ON CREATE, and ON MATCH MERGE (p:Person { name:'Charlie Sheen', age:10 }) ON CREATE p SET p.created = timestamp() RETURN p
  • 18. Hands-On Cypher • Migrate Cineasts dataset to use Labels • Show MATCH on Labels and Properties (+ profile) • Add an Index on :Person(name) :Movie(title) • Show MATCH on Labels and Properties (+ profile) • Show MERGE with a user
  • 19. Demo
  • 20. Anything else? • Breaking changes to some APIs (read CHANGES.txt) • Migration of "legacy" indexes (stop STARTing) • Mandatory transactions for all DB interactions • Improving installers (in progress) • Changing everything to be "all Cypher, all the time"
  • 21. Cypher Changes: Properties • no schema -> what happens when properties don‘t exist • has(n.prop) AND n.prop=“Foobar“ • there was syntactic sugar n.prop! and n.prop? • now n.prop returns NULL covers n.prop! =“Foobar“ • explicit expression for n.prop? = „Foobar“ WHERE = „Chris“ AND (not( OR“Andres“)
  • 22. Cypher Changes: REMOVE • consistent remove operations of labels and properties • you REMOVE attributes (properties, labels) • and DELETE elements (nodes, relationships) REMOVE REMOVE n:People DELETE node DELETE relationship
  • 23. Cypher Changes: Separators • grammar has to be unambiguous • extract(n in nodes:Foo)??? • confuse colon from label and collection function separator • exchanged colon for pipe EXTRACT (n in nodes | FILTER (n in nodes | =~ „And.*“) FOREACH (v in names | CREATE ( {name: v} ))
  • 24. Demo
  • 25. Mandatory Transactions • we had optional transactions for reads • Issues: • In which context do I read? • Do I read what I read? • Which changes do I see? • NOW: Mandatory Transactions for reads and writes! • only affects embedded API • Cypher and REST-API take care of their transactions
  • 26. • begin, commit, or rollback a transaction • transaction as RESTful resource • issue multiple statements per request • multiple requests per transaction • compact response format • some driver already support it (neography, jdbc) Transactional Cypher
  • 27. Hands-On 2.0 • Show Transactional HTTP-Endpoint • POST initial statements, look at result, check currently running tx in server-info • POST another create statement to the tx • POST a new read statement to a new tx that shows isolation • DELETE second transaction • POST to COMMIT resource
  • 28. What is new in 2.0? • It's all about Cypher, starting with • Labels, the first significant change in over 12 years • Mix in schema indexing • Then transactional REST, new clauses, functions • A fresh Web UI that is Cypher-focused
  • 29. Thanks :) MATCH (you)-[:HAVE]->(q:Question) RETURN q.text @neo4j or @mesirii to keep in touch