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And Client Side
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
WordPress developer at
and the co-founder of
My first install of WordPress was
0.7 and been a user &
developer since
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
Who is this guy?
Why build Web Applications
with WordPress?
Why not?
How to use
WP as a faux
MVC to build a
S.P.A powered by

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WordPress Multilingual: WordCamp Antwerp 2016

This document discusses considerations for creating multilingual WordPress sites. It covers content-related considerations like original content versus translation and using in-house versus external translators. Developer considerations include localizing everything and following WordPress codex guidelines. Structural considerations involve UI language, plugins/themes, and URL structure. Different solutions for multilingual WordPress are presented, such as using separate installations for each language or having all languages in a single post. The document recommends checking plugin/theme compatibility and consulting support if unsure about the right solution for a given site.

Phonegap Day 2016: Ember/JS & Hybrid Apps Tips
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Phonegap Day 2016: Ember/JS & Hybrid Apps Tips

Talk about general profiling & performance for Hybrid Applications, as well as some Ember specific tips. For Cordova + PhoneGap. Presented on Jan 29 2016 at PhoneGap Day in Salt Lake City.

BP101: A Modernized Workflow w/ Domino/XPages
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BP101: A Modernized Workflow w/ Domino/XPages

Extending on some of the themes of front-end heavy application development, this session covered the higher order themes of development workflow automation, revolving around the concepts of modern web app development from a full stack perspective.

Very nice!
WP as a MVC?
Deals with the database (save data)
Deals with what people see (view data)
Deals with logic in between (data logic)
Decoupling the functionality from the view
Client Side?
Client = Browser / Visitor
What is the fastest file a web server
can serve?
PHP is the language behind WordPress and
most themes you see use it exclusively,
but PHP renders HTML server-side
Client: Sends request for index.php
Server: Processes PHP code turning it into HTML.
Returns full HTML

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Out of the box, ASP.NET can do a lot of amazing things. The tools and framework have grown to make mundane tasks, such as minification, simple to implement. Many times by using the framework as we were taught, opportunities to optimize pass us by. The reality is that underneath the covers, there is a whole world of easy tweaks we can implement to help ASP.NET perform at its peak. In this presentation, we will walk through a slew of tweaks used to make ASP.NET perform in the best way possible. You will leave with a checklist of tasks that will instantly improve the performance of your web application!

asp.netweb developmentweb dev
Welcome to the World of WordPress
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Welcome to the World of WordPress

An overview of the WordPress ecosystem for new users that includes a discussion of and, how plugins fit in, Coder Talk DeCoded: A guide for humans and two bonus slides - questions to ask your WordPress developer and resources for more information.

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Using WordPress as a Headless CMS
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Using WordPress as a Headless CMS

In this presentation, I'll show you how to use WordPress' REST API to unlock WordPress' hidden potential by using it as a Headless CMS and connect it to a React front-end. React out at:

wordpressreactweb development
What if you could pass the rendering
process to the client?
Client: Sends request for template.html
Server: Returns template.html
Client: Renders & Displays template.html
While rendering request to server for data (JSON)
Benefits of Loading Client Side
Less load on the server
Can handle more visitors simultaneously
CDN all template files
Easier to cache JS and HTML
VERY Scalable
AJAX - can transform your UI
Single Page Application
S.P.A's allow you to change views and load data, without
actually refreshing the page.
Utilizing AJAX, you can load pages on the fly seamlessly.
Code Example: Server Side Loop
//list all posts - this is PHP & HTML
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<article class="postWrapper">
<h3 class="page_title text-center">
<a href=“<?php the_permalink(); ?>” class="content">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php the_content(); ?>

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ASP.NET MVC From The Ground Up

This document provides an overview of ASP.NET MVC from the ground up by Kevin Griffin. It introduces Kevin and his background, outlines the agenda which includes explaining what MVC is, its core components like controllers, views and models, and demonstrates building an MVC application from scratch. The presentation also discusses MVC routing, action results, adding views, HTML helpers and using models to bind data to views.

[GeekTalk#2] Takaaki Mizuno - Api Url Design
[GeekTalk#2] Takaaki Mizuno - Api Url Design[GeekTalk#2] Takaaki Mizuno - Api Url Design
[GeekTalk#2] Takaaki Mizuno - Api Url Design

The document discusses best practices for designing URLs for web APIs. It recommends using nouns in plural form for resources, HTTP methods as verbs, and embedding the major version number in the URL for versioning. It also suggests using "me" or "self" for authenticated user resources, and specifying the data format using query parameters or HTTP headers rather than file extensions. The document emphasizes that API design should follow REST principles when possible but also consider practical solutions. Well-designed URLs can make APIs more usable and intuitive for developers.

Client Vs. Server Rendering
Client Vs. Server RenderingClient Vs. Server Rendering
Client Vs. Server Rendering

Client or Server Rendering Showing the newest trend of hybrid rendering polymorphic like react.js phantom.js, single page application, David Amend

Living on the client side
Code Example: Client Side Loop
(using AngularJS)
//list all posts - this is HTML
<article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” >
<h3 class="page_title text-center">
<a href=“/coh/#/post/{{post.ID}}” class="content">
AngularJS - the important bits
<article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” >
The NG-REPEAT repeats through posts and lets you use the post object
Use the post object contains all the individual post data, and you
display it with {{..}}
AngularJS - the important bits
<?php the_title(); ?>
PHP AngularJS Template
<?php the_content(); ?> {{post.title}}
<?php the_permalink(); ?> {{}}

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Getting seo performance in angular meteor with ngmeta Advance SEO with Client Side Rendering. Learn basic SEO components that tie into Javascript crawability. Enjoy!

1 pluginable laravel cms
1 pluginable laravel cms1 pluginable laravel cms
1 pluginable laravel cms

This presentation for Pluginable Laravel CMS​ is presented by Amarin Boonkirt (Ta), DevOps Engineer at Netway Communication​, to introduce Laravel and RVsitebuilder to Thai Developers. Free license is available for Developers, at IF you would like to learn more, please visit

Way of the Future
Way of the FutureWay of the Future
Way of the Future

With the performance gains promised by HHVM and PHP 7, WordPress site admins are living in pretty exciting times. The PHP world at large is in a proverbial space race, and every WordPress site will (eventually) benefit. But early adopters and folks who manage their own servers shouldn’t be the only ones who get early access to these face melting bumps in speed. In this talk, I’ll be introducing you to things you can do to get your code ready for these next generation hosting environments. And we’ll cover where you can host your code once it’s ready. If you’re interested in attending this talk, a passing familiarity with the command line helps, but isn’t a hard requirement.

wordpresshhvmphp 7
// Factory
app.factory('Posts', function($resource){
return $resource(MyAjax.resturl+’/posts/:id, {
update: {method: 'PUT'}
// Controller
function ListCtrl($scope, $http, Posts){
$scope.posts = Posts.query();
Powering the Angular
WP-API Response Example
ID: 1
content: '<p>Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!</p>',
title: 'Hello world!',
status: 'publish',
author : {..},
ID: 10,
content: '<p>Testing Another Post! Yay!</p>',
title: 'I don't know',
WordPress and Client Side Web Applications WCTO
Case Study:

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ASP.NET Core introduces a new project structure that is totally modular, uses Bower for package management, and allows for a faster development cycle. It runs on a new .NET Execution Environment and is cross-platform, supporting non-Windows environments. ASP.NET Core also chooses editors and tools, improves on MVC and Web API, uses inversion of control, and allows developing web applications on Mac and Linux.

Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for building single-page web applications using MVC architecture. It allows developers to build applications with less code through features like handlebars templates. Ember.js makes building JavaScript apps simple by handling tasks like routing and simplifying common patterns. Developers can learn to use Ember.js through their comprehensive guides on the website, which cover everything from basics to advanced concepts. The framework is open source, free to use, and can be downloaded from their website.

How to build a Mobile API or HTML 5 app in 5 minutes
How to build a Mobile API or HTML 5 app in 5 minutesHow to build a Mobile API or HTML 5 app in 5 minutes
How to build a Mobile API or HTML 5 app in 5 minutes

Robert gave a talk about how LightSwitch can help developers build mobile APIs and HTML5 apps faster by automating common development tasks and boring code, allowing them to focus on adding unique value. LightSwitch is a tool that streamlines creating the technical requirements for apps so they can be developed more quickly, connecting to data sources like SQL Server and exposing them through OData for mobile and HTML5 clients.

visual studio 2013visual studiovisual studio lightswitch
WordPress for:
User Creation

User Authentication

Custom Post Types

Data Storage
S.P.A for:
WebRTC - Video

Firebase - Text Chat

User Dashboard

User Profiles
Awesome Resources
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
WP-API on GitHub
AngularJS WP Theme
AngularJS For WP Plugin
Community Built WP App with AngularJS
Thank You
Find me online:
Twitter: @royboy789
Github: @royboy789
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |

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WordPress and Client Side Web Applications WCTO

  • 1. 1 WordPress And Client Side Applications Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
  • 2. WordPress developer at Disney and the co-founder of My first install of WordPress was 0.7 and been a user & developer since Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 | Who is this guy?
  • 3. Why build Web Applications with WordPress? Why not?
  • 4. How to use WP as a faux MVC to build a Client-Side S.P.A powered by WP-API
  • 6. WP as a MVC? MODEL - Deals with the database (save data) VIEW - Deals with what people see (view data) CONTROLLER - Deals with logic in between (data logic) Decoupling the functionality from the view
  • 7. Client Side? Client = Browser / Visitor POP QUIZ What is the fastest file a web server can serve?
  • 8. PHP is the language behind WordPress and most themes you see use it exclusively, but PHP renders HTML server-side SERVERCLIENT Client: Sends request for index.php Server: Processes PHP code turning it into HTML. Returns full HTML
  • 9. What if you could pass the rendering process to the client? SERVERCLIENT Client: Sends request for template.html Server: Returns template.html Client: Renders & Displays template.html While rendering request to server for data (JSON)
  • 10. Benefits of Loading Client Side Less load on the server Can handle more visitors simultaneously CDN all template files Easier to cache JS and HTML VERY Scalable AJAX - can transform your UI
  • 11. Single Page Application S.P.A's allow you to change views and load data, without actually refreshing the page. Utilizing AJAX, you can load pages on the fly seamlessly.
  • 12. Code Example: Server Side Loop <?php //list all posts - this is PHP & HTML while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <article class="postWrapper"> <h3 class="page_title text-center"> <a href=“<?php the_permalink(); ?>” class="content"> <?php the_title(); ?> </a> </h3> <?php the_content(); ?> </article> <?php endwhile; ?>
  • 13. Living on the client side
  • 14. Code Example: Client Side Loop (using AngularJS) //list all posts - this is HTML <article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” > <h3 class="page_title text-center"> <a href=“/coh/#/post/{{post.ID}}” class="content"> {{post.title}} </a> </h3> {{post.content}} </article>
  • 15. AngularJS - the important bits <article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” > … </article> {{post.XXXXXX}} The NG-REPEAT repeats through posts and lets you use the post object Use the post object contains all the individual post data, and you display it with {{..}}
  • 16. AngularJS - the important bits <?php the_title(); ?> PHP AngularJS Template {{post.title}} <?php the_content(); ?> {{post.title}} <?php the_permalink(); ?> {{}}
  • 17. // Factory app.factory('Posts', function($resource){ return $resource(MyAjax.resturl+’/posts/:id, { update: {method: 'PUT'} }); }); // Controller function ListCtrl($scope, $http, Posts){ $scope.posts = Posts.query(); }); Powering the Angular
  • 18. WP-API Response Example /posts { ID: 1 content: '<p>Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!</p>', title: 'Hello world!', status: 'publish', author : {..}, ... }, { ID: 10, content: '<p>Testing Another Post! Yay!</p>', title: 'I don't know', ... }...
  • 21. WordPress for: User Creation
 User Authentication
 Custom Post Types
 Data Storage S.P.A for: WebRTC - Video
 Firebase - Text Chat
 User Dashboard
 User Profiles
  • 22. Awesome Resources Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 | WP-API on GitHub CodingOfficeHours AngularJS WP Theme AngularJS For WP Plugin Community Built WP App with AngularJS
  • 23. Thank You Find me online: Twitter: @royboy789 Github: @royboy789 Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |