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Walk this way:
Online content platform migration
experiences and collaboration
Matthew Ragucci, Wiley
Xiaoyan Song, North Carolina State University
Athena Hoeppner, University of Central Florida
Meet the Presenters
Matthew Ragucci
Associate Director of Product Marketing
Xiaoyan Song
Electronic Resource Librarian
North Carolina State University
Athena Hoeppner
Discovery Services Librarian
University Central Florida Libraries
• Introductions
• Publisher migration experience
• Librarian migration experience
• Content Platform Migration working group
• Timeline and next steps
Wiley’s platform perspective
Publisher migration experience

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UKSG webinar: Making scholarly communication great again. Do institutional re...
UKSG webinar: Making scholarly communication great again. Do institutional re...UKSG webinar: Making scholarly communication great again. Do institutional re...
UKSG webinar: Making scholarly communication great again. Do institutional re...

It is not new to say that the scholarly communication system is sick. One way to put it is that the publishers have built a paywall around the papers written by our faculty and make us librarians pay for it. For years, Open Access via the green and gold route have been touted as a joint solution. To this end, as academic librarians, we focused on building institutional repositories and getting open access mandates. However, recently, many prominent members of the open access community have begun to express doubts about the viability of institutional repositories as a solution given the lack of success. Some, like Stevan Harnad self-dubbed “Open Access Archivangelist” for Green Open access, claim to have given up, while others, like Eric Van de Velde, suggest that we rethink other ways to accomplish Green Open access beyond just institutional repositories. In this webinar, we will summarise all the arguments and attempt to give a librarian’s point of view about the future of IRs.

UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...
UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...
UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...

This session will comprise a talk with a panel of speakers looking at KBART: seven years later (since the publication of the first set of recommendations up to today). The panel will discuss the changes on the e-resources metadata landscape, the benefits of KBART and the challenges of its implementation. Today poor metadata in the electronic resources supply chain is still a problem. The panel will use practical examples to explain how metadata creation, consumption and usage are marked by the constant requirement of finding the balance between available resources (technical and human) and end user discoverability needs. The KBART Standing Committee sees the implementation of KBART recommendations as a community effort from a range of stakeholders (content providers, knowledge bases, link resolvers and librarians).

Community Practices in Authority Work
Community Practices in Authority WorkCommunity Practices in Authority Work
Community Practices in Authority Work

Finding the time and resources to do all the ongoing authority work you'd like to do is nearly impossible! Join our co-presenters to hear about their local best practices for developing sustainable authority work processes.

librariesauthority control
Wiley Platform Timeline
2008 2010 2016 2018 2020
Wiley acquires
Launch of
Wiley Online Library
Wiley acquires
WOL moves to
BRO moves
to WOL
ACSESS titles
move to WOL
Wiley Online Library migration to Literatum
• Move from homegrown to known product
• A long time coming…
• Cross-team collaboration required
• Leveraged external relationships
• Communications cadence and planning
• Hard cutover (less room for error)
Data exchange experience
• Redirects proved essential
(preferably in perpetuity)
• New linking for vendors
OpenURL parameters
KBART files
MARC records
Chapter and article-level metadata
• Proxy stanza updates
• CrossRef refresh
• Usage data (remained until 2019)
 Migration hub site
 Global email campaign
 Thorough technical FAQ
 Brief checklist
 URL Crosswalk document
 Trained support staff

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UKSG Conference 2016 Breakout Session - Discovery and linking integrity – do ...

How serendipitous is discovery for users? Like many a teenager, OpenURL linking can behave inappropriately. What can we do to smooth out the bumps on the road and what other tools are available? This breakout session will walk swiftly through linking to discovery targets, from OpenURL 0.1/1.0, to Index-Enhanced Direct Linking, Link 2.0 and beyond …

Knowledge Bases: The Heart of Resource Management
Knowledge Bases: The Heart of Resource ManagementKnowledge Bases: The Heart of Resource Management
Knowledge Bases: The Heart of Resource Management

This session will discuss the knowledge base metadata lifecycle, current and upcoming metadata standards, and the effect that knowledge bases have on discovery and e-resource management. The presenters will look at ways knowledge bases can be leveraged to create downstream tools for resource management and discovery. The session will also provide different perspectives on knowledge bases, including from librarians and product managers, as well as a discussion of the NISO's KBART Automation recommended practice and what this could mean for knowledge bases in the future. The session will also include a conversation regarding how leveraging knowledge bases can aid librarians in improving resource discovery within their own libraries and ultimately decrease the amount of time spent on metadata workflows. Through this presentation, we also aim to improve communication between the library community and metadata providers and creators. Elizabeth Levkoff Derouchie, Metadata Librarian for Serials & Electronic Resources, Samford University Library Beth Ashmore, Associate Head, Acquisitions & Discovery (Serials), North Carolina State University Eric Van Gorden, Product Manager, EBSCO

2015 NISO Forum: The Future of Library Resource Discovery
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Next Steps and Recommendations for Future Work of NISO's Discovery to Delivery Committee Scott Bernier, Senior Vice President, Marketing, EBSCO

• Rolling launch date
• Finding the “right” person(s)
• Meeting all stakeholder needs
• Post-migration troubleshooting
• Did we do it right?
NC State University Libraries perspective
Library migration experience
Migrations at NC State Libraries
Start with Getting Notified
 Direct emails from publishers
 Listserves
 Notification from knowledge base
(KB) vendor
 Emails forwarded from
 Issues reported by patrons

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NASIG 2016: CORAL User Group Meeting
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NASIG 2016: CORAL User Group Meeting

The document summarizes announcements from the 2016 NASIG CORAL User Group meeting. It provides information on the steering committee and web committee members and notes their upcoming plans. These include merged repositories, a comprehensive roadmap, governance documents, new collaboration tools, and software updates. It also outlines new features and additions from SirsiDynix, such as fund code creation and import options, resource import updates, and helpful links in the licensing module.

Smarter Data for Smarter Libraries
Smarter Data for Smarter LibrariesSmarter Data for Smarter Libraries
Smarter Data for Smarter Libraries

This document discusses how libraries can leverage data from their collections to support new research and discovery. It outlines several initiatives that treat library collections as data, including the Library of Congress labs and a project exploring computationally-driven research. The document also discusses OCLC's work analyzing institutional repository data through its Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal (RAMP) and making data more interoperable through support of the IIIF standard for sharing images and metadata.

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This document discusses challenges related to curating and providing access to open access collections. It outlines the author's institution's response which involves curating and vetting open access resources using a rubric. Some things that are working well include continued ingestion and discoverability. Areas for improvement include increasing automation for metadata and tracking usage. Going forward, the author proposes fully integrating open access into digital library collections and exploring additional access points, while continuing to focus on metadata and tracking for open access resources.

niso webinaropen accesscollection development
Assess the Impact
 When is it happening?
 What resources will be
 Will they be redirected
 What actions to take?
Take Applicable Actions
 Update MARC
 Communicate with
vendors to update
Take Applicable Actions
 Update EZProxy
 Seek further clarification from
Take Applicable Actions
 Download usage
 Set up new administration accounts
 Inform public service librarians with
changes impacting our users
 Coordinate with internal colleagues
to update discovery systems and

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ALA 2016 NISO Standards Update Link Origin Tracking
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ALA 2016 NISO Standards Update Link Origin Tracking

This talk focused on the status of the NISO Link Origin Tracking Initiative, given at the NISO Standards Update at ALA Annual Conference 2016. The presenter was Nettie Lagace of NISO

link origin trackingala 2016niso update
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This presentation by Judith Coffey Russell, Dean of University Libraries, University of Florida and Alicia Wise, Director of Universal Access, Elsevier describes expanding access to publications by University of Florida authors through the university's institutional repository using ScienceDirect supplied data and links. See the webcast at

university of floridainstitutional repositorysciencedirect
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Presenter: Andrew Kelly, Cataloging & E-Resources Librarian, Paul Smith's College This poster has two accompanying handouts: and

 Not always receive migration notice
 Challenge to identify records in ILS not coming from KB
 Problems with older contents
 Affected resources used by classes
 Migration during peak usage period
Our Wish
Seamless transition with minimal interruption to our users
CPM Working Group
How the Work Group Came To
• NISO Information Policy and Analysis Topic
Committee sought ideas for new working
• Kim and Athena members of IPA
• Duke U Press migrated
platforms in Nov. 2017

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The OCLC Research Library Partnership
The OCLC Research Library PartnershipThe OCLC Research Library Partnership
The OCLC Research Library Partnership

Presented at the OCLC Research Library Partnership meeting by Senior Program Officer, Karen Smith-Yoshimura and hosted by the University of Sydney in Sydney, NSW Australia, 17 February 2017. This meeting provided an opportunity for Research Library Partners to touch base with each other on issues of common concern and explore possible areas of future engagement with the OCLC Research Library Partnership and OCLC Research.

oclc researchoclc research library partnership
2015 NISO Forum: The Future of Library Resource Discovery
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Opening Keynote Presentation: The Future of Library Resource Discovery Marshall Breeding, Independent Library Consultant

Library Assessment Toolkit & Dashboard Scoping Research Final Report and Path...
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Library Assessment Toolkit & Dashboard Scoping Research Final Report and Path...

Athenaeum21 is pleased to announce the public release of “Library Assessment Toolkit & Dashboard Scoping Research Final Report and Path Forward." The report is the culmination of a six-month research project in collaboration with the University Library of the University of California, Davis; the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford; and the Staats und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen, Germany. The research project examined how libraries currently assess their resources and services, and areas of opportunity to streamline and visualize library performance through a common and customizable set of key performance indicators (KPIs) and dashboard modules. The research team interviewed library assessment leaders and practitioners across diverse institutions and geographies, and reviewed the current landscape of technology, tools, and services addressing their needs. [Click and drag to move] ​​ The report concludes that "the majority of library managers approach assessment and evaluation in an ad hoc and reactive manner as questions arise. Managers spend valuable time manually collecting, cleaning, and normalizing data from diverse systems, and then perform one-time or static interpretations. The library managers that we interviewed during our research felt that the availability of a toolkit and dashboard could free them to probe and interpret more data, think more strategically, and develop more meaningful questions about measuring and evaluating library performance. While the scoping research focused on the performance of research libraries, the proposed toolkit and dashboard framework could be adopted and customized by any type of library, including smaller college and university libraries, community college libraries, and public libraries. Institutionalizing the project through sponsorship by an appropriate body or syndicate of libraries would help assure its extensibility nationally and internationally."

library analyticslibrary systems and serviceslibrary management
1 every 5-10 years
Content Platform Vendors:
5-10 per year
10+ per year and
(librarians reported over
content platforms
2016 to 2019.)
So Many Migrations
Alastair Rae / CC BY-SA (
Finding Participants
Develop a recommended practice to help
standardize the processes and provide
provide recommendations to improve
communications before, during and after
during and after migrations.
The Work Item
Geese flying in a row. Good Free Photos.
Investigate the state of migrations
• Interviews / Surveys /
Literature review
• Vendor communications and
• Timelines / Cycles / Decisions
L. Shyamal / Public domain.

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Bishop 2

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This talk was provided by Brian Lowe of Ontocale SRL during the NISO Virtual Conference, Using Open Source in Your Institution, held on February 17, 2016

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ER&L 2020 - When the grass is greener
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ER&L 2020 - When the grass is greener

Despite tedious preparation by librarians, publishers, and vendors, content platform migrations are rarely seamless. The NISO Content Platform Migration Working Group was formed to address these stakeholder challenges. This session will feature librarian and publisher migration perspectives and close with the Working Group’s plans for improving this experience.

Review related standards and organizations
• TRANSFER Code of Practice
• KBART/KBART Automation
• DOI/Crossref
• Authentication
ABCEditer / CC BY-SA (
Stakeholder Perspectives and Experiences
• Publishers
• Content platform providers
• Libraries
• Other technology providers
Creative Commons Zero - CC0.
Planned Deliverables
NPS graphic/ S. Sparhawk..
• Recommendations for publishers and
vendors to ensure migration addresses
librarians’ and end users’ needs
• Communication plan
• Checklists for publishers, vendors and
• Glossary of key terms
General Timeline *
Appointment of Working Group Participants April – May 2019
Approval of Charge and Initial Work Plan May – June 2019
Information Gathering June – October 2019
Write Initial Draft October 2019 – July 2020
Comment Period August 2020
Completion of Final Draft September – October 2020
Publication and Promotion October – December 2020
* Dates subject to change

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AMIGOS 2021 - Oh the Places You'll Go: Improving the Content Platform Migrati...

Online content has become the norm in modern libraries, with a large percentage of our collection hosted on vendor-controlled web-based content platforms. Content platforms provide tools for searching, viewing and interacting with content, and may provide a variety of additional functionality. Vendors continuously strive to improve their platforms and periodically transition from one platform to another. While new platforms can improve user experience, expand and hone functionality, and increase security, the migrations involve a lot of work and can be disruptive, affecting end-users, librarians, publishers and service vendors.

CIL 2020 - Bringing Collections to the Screen
CIL 2020 - Bringing Collections to the ScreenCIL 2020 - Bringing Collections to the Screen
CIL 2020 - Bringing Collections to the Screen

Our NGA library speakers discuss their procedures and challenges in providing digitized content from their collections via the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), an initiative led by the world's leading research libraries. It is an open source, community-driven technology that aims to provide application programming interfaces (APIs) that support viewing, comparing, manipulating, and annotating images from a variety of repositories. The NGA Library made the decision to implement IIIF alongside its new library system, Ex Libris. Alma and Primo VE products, and our speakers discuss the technical procedures required to integrate the IIIF APIs with the Primo VE discovery client and Alma, the cloudbased library services platform. Members of the NISO Content Platform Migration workgroup discuss their recommended practices document to guide publishers, platform vendors, and librarians through content migrations. Hear about the problems encountered in migrations and the recommendations to make them progress smoothly.

Steinle "Content Platform Migrations Working Group Update"
Steinle "Content Platform Migrations Working Group Update"Steinle "Content Platform Migrations Working Group Update"
Steinle "Content Platform Migrations Working Group Update"

The Content Platform Migrations Working Group was formed to address the increasing number of platform migrations in the publishing and library communities. With publishers migrating every 5-10 years, content platform vendors migrating 5-10 times per year, and librarians experiencing over 10 migrations per year, there is a lack of coordination and communication between stakeholders. The working group aims to develop recommended practices to standardize migration processes and improve communications before, during, and after migrations through stakeholder interviews, guidelines, checklists, and a communications plan to minimize disruptions to users.

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Walk this way: Online content platform migration experiences and collaboration

  • 1. Walk this way: Online content platform migration experiences and collaboration Matthew Ragucci, Wiley Xiaoyan Song, North Carolina State University Athena Hoeppner, University of Central Florida
  • 2. Meet the Presenters Matthew Ragucci Associate Director of Product Marketing Wiley Xiaoyan Song Electronic Resource Librarian North Carolina State University Athena Hoeppner Discovery Services Librarian University Central Florida Libraries @athenahoeppner
  • 3. Agenda • Introductions • Publisher migration experience • Librarian migration experience • Content Platform Migration working group • Timeline and next steps
  • 5. Wiley Platform Timeline 2008 2010 2016 2018 2020 Wiley acquires Blackwell Launch of Wiley Online Library Wiley acquires Atypon WOL moves to Literatum BRO moves to WOL ACSESS titles move to WOL
  • 6. Wiley Online Library migration to Literatum • Move from homegrown to known product • A long time coming… • Cross-team collaboration required • Leveraged external relationships • Communications cadence and planning • Hard cutover (less room for error)
  • 7. Data exchange experience • Redirects proved essential (preferably in perpetuity) • New linking for vendors OpenURL parameters KBART files MARC records Chapter and article-level metadata • Proxy stanza updates • CrossRef refresh • Usage data (remained until 2019)
  • 8. Resources  Migration hub site  Global email campaign  Thorough technical FAQ  Brief checklist  URL Crosswalk document  Trained support staff
  • 9. Challenges • Rolling launch date • Finding the “right” person(s) • Meeting all stakeholder needs • Post-migration troubleshooting • Did we do it right?
  • 10. NC State University Libraries perspective Library migration experience
  • 11. Migrations at NC State Libraries
  • 12. Start with Getting Notified  Direct emails from publishers  Listserves �� Notification from knowledge base (KB) vendor  Emails forwarded from colleagues  Issues reported by patrons
  • 13. Assess the Impact  When is it happening?  What resources will be impacted?  Will they be redirected permanently?  What actions to take?
  • 14. Take Applicable Actions  Update MARC records  Communicate with vendors to update metadata/linking
  • 15. Take Applicable Actions  Update EZProxy  Seek further clarification from publishers
  • 16. Take Applicable Actions  Download usage  Set up new administration accounts  Inform public service librarians with changes impacting our users  Coordinate with internal colleagues to update discovery systems and tools
  • 17. Snags  Not always receive migration notice  Challenge to identify records in ILS not coming from KB  Problems with older contents  Affected resources used by classes  Migration during peak usage period
  • 18. Our Wish Seamless transition with minimal interruption to our users
  • 20. How the Work Group Came To Be • NISO Information Policy and Analysis Topic Committee sought ideas for new working groups • Kim and Athena members of IPA • Duke U Press migrated platforms in Nov. 2017
  • 21. Publishers: 1 every 5-10 years Content Platform Vendors: 5-10 per year Librarians: 10+ per year and (librarians reported over content platforms 2016 to 2019.) So Many Migrations Alastair Rae / CC BY-SA ( billed_quelea_flocking_at_waterhole.jpg
  • 23. Develop a recommended practice to help standardize the processes and provide provide recommendations to improve communications before, during and after during and after migrations. The Work Item Geese flying in a row. Good Free Photos.
  • 24. Investigate the state of migrations • Interviews / Surveys / Literature review • Vendor communications and checklists • Timelines / Cycles / Decisions L. Shyamal / Public domain.
  • 25. Review related standards and organizations • TRANSFER Code of Practice • KBART/KBART Automation • DOI/Crossref • Authentication • Usage (COUNTER & SUSHI) ABCEditer / CC BY-SA (
  • 26. Stakeholder Perspectives and Experiences • Publishers • Content platform providers • Libraries • Other technology providers Creative Commons Zero - CC0.
  • 27. Planned Deliverables NPS graphic/ S. Sparhawk.. • Recommendations for publishers and vendors to ensure migration addresses librarians’ and end users’ needs • Communication plan • Checklists for publishers, vendors and librarians • Glossary of key terms
  • 28. Timeline General Timeline * Appointment of Working Group Participants April – May 2019 Approval of Charge and Initial Work Plan May – June 2019 Information Gathering June – October 2019 Write Initial Draft October 2019 – July 2020 Comment Period August 2020 Completion of Final Draft September – October 2020 Publication and Promotion October – December 2020 * Dates subject to change