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Variables, Arguments, control flow
activities and String Operations
• A workflow represents a small piece of automation that you can take and re-
use in your projects. It is basically your canvas, the place where you design
and work with all the UiPath Studio activities and it defines the flow of your
automation. Hence the name, workflow.
Types of Workflows:
• Sequences
• Flowcharts
• State Machines
• Global Exception Handler
• Variables are containers that can hold multiple data entries
(values) of the same data type.
For example, EmailAddress can be a variable that holds the
values like,
etc one at a time of execution.
• Variables help us pass data from one activity to another.
Advancing with any programming would be hardly possible
without using variables.
• Name - The variable's name is its unique ID and it defines the
way it is displayed and used
• Type - It defines what kind of data can be stored in the
variable, type must be declared when it has been created.
• Default Value – Initial value of the variable, if none of the Other
value has been assigned it will consider default value for the
• Scope – Global and Local are the two scope which defines the
visibility of the variable in workflow. the scope of a variable
cannot exceed the workflow in which it was defined
Properties of Variable

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This our kick-off session for the RPA Summer School program. In this session we will provide you with the tools and information needed to go smoothly through our following 3 sessions. We will address the introduction into RPA and UiPath StudioX technology. 18:00 Hello & welcome to RPA Summer School 18:05 Introduction to RPA technology and processes 18:35 Introduction to UiPath StudioX: download, install, features 18:55 Small automation demo using StudioX 19:00 Interaction and Q&A 19:20 Academy follow-up and examples.

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Familiarization with UiPath Studio.pptx
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Familiarization with UiPath Studio.pptx

UiPath Studio is a tool that allows users to design complex automated workflows for application integration, administrative tasks, and business processes. It offers both attended and unattended robots. The attended robot allows for real-time user supervision, while the unattended robot can run automated tasks without human intervention 24/7. UiPath Studio uses different design types, including sequences, flowcharts, and state machines to build automated processes. Users can leverage resources like the UiPath Academy, documentation, and community forums to learn skills and find solutions for their automation needs.

• From Variable Panel
• From Expression
• From the properties Panel
Sample Demo
More Details :
Creating of Variables
• Arguments are very similar to variables:
• They store data dynamically
• They have the same data types
• They support the same methods and properties
• The difference is that they pass data between workflows, and they
have an additional property for this – the direction.
• Arguments have specific directions: In, Out, and In/Out. These tell
the Robot where the information stored in them is supposed to go
Creating of Arguments
• From Argument Panel
• From Expression
• From the properties Panel
Sample Demo
More Details:
• Control flow - is the order in which activities are executed or evaluated in a
software project.
• Control flow is enacted with two concepts such as Sequence and flowchart.
• Control flow statements -
The activities and methods used to define the decisions to be made during the
execution of a workflow.
The most common control flow statements are If, While, Do While, For
Each, Switch, and Parallel. We will focus on them one by one.
Control flow and its statements

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This document provides an overview and examples of different flow control activities in UiPath including Assign, If, While, Do While, For Each, Break, and Switch. It explains what each activity is used for and includes examples of how to use each one to control the flow of an automation process. Screenshots and step-by-step instructions are provided for creating automations using several of these activities.

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** Python Certification Training: ** This Edureka PPT on Exception Handling Tutorial covers all the important aspects of making use and working with Exceptions using Python. It establishes all of the concepts like explaining why we need exception handling, the process of exception handling and how to go about using it practically. Agenda Why need Exception Handling? What is Exception Handling? Process of Exception Handling Coding with Python Try and Except block in Python The else clause The finally clause Summary Python Tutorial Playlist: Blog Series: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:

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the If statement is comprised from the elements you would expect it to be:
• The Condition that is verified (with 2 potential outcomes – true or false).
• The Then branch - the set of actions to be executed when the condition is true.
• The Else branch - the set of actions to be executed when the condition is false.
What is different is that, based on the chosen type of layout, there are 2
corresponding activities that fulfill the If statement role:
• The If activity in sequences.
• The Flow Decision activity in flowcharts.
More details :
• Loops are repetitions of a set of operations based on a given condition. In UiPath, the most
• loops are: Do While, While and For Each.
• Do while : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is
evaluated after each execution of the statements.
• While : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is evaluated
before each execution of the statements.
The key difference between Do While and While is that for Do While, the activities contained
within it are executed at least once.
• For each : It performs an activity or a series of activities on each element of an input
This is very useful in data processing. Consider an Array of integers. For Each would enable the
robot to check whether each numeric item fulfills a certain condition.
• Loops are repetitions of a set of operations based on a given condition. In UiPath, the most
• loops are: Do While, While and For Each.
• Do while : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is
evaluated after each execution of the statements.
• While : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is evaluated
before each execution of the statements.
The key difference between Do While and While is that for Do While, the activities contained
within it are executed at least once.
• For each : It performs an activity or a series of activities on each element of an input
This is very useful in data processing. Consider an Array of integers. For Each would enable the
robot to check whether each numeric item fulfills a certain condition.
• It is a type of control flow statement that executes a set of activities out of
multiple, based on the value of a specific expression.
• In other words, we use it instead of an If statement when we need at least 3
potential courses of action.
• This is done through the condition, which is not Boolean like in the case of If
statement, but multiple.
• More details : //

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Exceptions indicate problems during program execution and can be handled to allow programs to continue running or notify users. There are different levels where exceptions can occur including hardware, operating systems, languages, and within programs. Exception handling uses try, catch, and throw blocks. A try block encloses code that could throw an exception. If an exception occurs, control transfers to the matching catch block. The catch block handles the exception to resolve it. Exceptions not caught will terminate the program.

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#uipathcommunity #hyperautomation
Create two workflows
1. main
2. Age calculator(calculate the age based on DOB)
In main Take name and DOB from the user using Input dialogue box: Create
variable – Name, DOB and age.
In Age calculator create 2 arguments In – DOB, Out – Age.
Come back to Main check if the age is < 18 – display “’Name’+ is a teenager”
if the age is 17<25<60 display “’Name’ + is in adulthood”
age>60 display “’Name’_ is in old age”.
To enhance this you can take teen, adult and old as a string and consider them
as cases in switch and display the message inside your switch case.
Problem statement
Thank You
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Variables Arguments and control flow_UiPath.ppt

  • 1. Variables, Arguments, control flow activities and String Operations ~Divyashree
  • 2. 2 • A workflow represents a small piece of automation that you can take and re- use in your projects. It is basically your canvas, the place where you design and work with all the UiPath Studio activities and it defines the flow of your automation. Hence the name, workflow. Types of Workflows: • Sequences • Flowcharts • State Machines • Global Exception Handler Workflows
  • 3. 3 • Variables are containers that can hold multiple data entries (values) of the same data type. For example, EmailAddress can be a variable that holds the values like, etc one at a time of execution. • Variables help us pass data from one activity to another. Advancing with any programming would be hardly possible without using variables. Variables
  • 4. 4 • Name - The variable's name is its unique ID and it defines the way it is displayed and used • Type - It defines what kind of data can be stored in the variable, type must be declared when it has been created. • Default Value – Initial value of the variable, if none of the Other value has been assigned it will consider default value for the execution. • Scope – Global and Local are the two scope which defines the visibility of the variable in workflow. the scope of a variable cannot exceed the workflow in which it was defined Properties of Variable
  • 5. 5 • From Variable Panel • From Expression • From the properties Panel Sample Demo More Details : managing-variables Creating of Variables
  • 6. 6 • Arguments are very similar to variables: • They store data dynamically • They have the same data types • They support the same methods and properties • The difference is that they pass data between workflows, and they have an additional property for this – the direction. • Arguments have specific directions: In, Out, and In/Out. These tell the Robot where the information stored in them is supposed to go Arguments
  • 7. 7 Creating of Arguments • From Argument Panel • From Expression • From the properties Panel Sample Demo More Details: arguments
  • 8. 8 • Control flow - is the order in which activities are executed or evaluated in a software project. • Control flow is enacted with two concepts such as Sequence and flowchart. • Control flow statements - The activities and methods used to define the decisions to be made during the execution of a workflow. The most common control flow statements are If, While, Do While, For Each, Switch, and Parallel. We will focus on them one by one. Control flow and its statements
  • 9. 9 the If statement is comprised from the elements you would expect it to be: • The Condition that is verified (with 2 potential outcomes – true or false). • The Then branch - the set of actions to be executed when the condition is true. • The Else branch - the set of actions to be executed when the condition is false. What is different is that, based on the chosen type of layout, there are 2 corresponding activities that fulfill the If statement role: • The If activity in sequences. • The Flow Decision activity in flowcharts. More details : IF
  • 10. 10 • Loops are repetitions of a set of operations based on a given condition. In UiPath, the most important. • loops are: Do While, While and For Each. • Do while : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is evaluated after each execution of the statements. • While : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is evaluated before each execution of the statements. The key difference between Do While and While is that for Do While, the activities contained within it are executed at least once. • For each : It performs an activity or a series of activities on each element of an input collection. This is very useful in data processing. Consider an Array of integers. For Each would enable the robot to check whether each numeric item fulfills a certain condition. Loops
  • 11. 11 • Loops are repetitions of a set of operations based on a given condition. In UiPath, the most important. • loops are: Do While, While and For Each. • Do while : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is evaluated after each execution of the statements. • While : It executes a specific sequence while a condition is met. The condition is evaluated before each execution of the statements. The key difference between Do While and While is that for Do While, the activities contained within it are executed at least once. • For each : It performs an activity or a series of activities on each element of an input collection. This is very useful in data processing. Consider an Array of integers. For Each would enable the robot to check whether each numeric item fulfills a certain condition. Loops
  • 12. 12 • It is a type of control flow statement that executes a set of activities out of multiple, based on the value of a specific expression. • In other words, we use it instead of an If statement when we need at least 3 potential courses of action. • This is done through the condition, which is not Boolean like in the case of If statement, but multiple. • More details : // Switch
  • 14. 14 Create two workflows 1. main 2. Age calculator(calculate the age based on DOB) In main Take name and DOB from the user using Input dialogue box: Create variable – Name, DOB and age. In Age calculator create 2 arguments In – DOB, Out – Age. Come back to Main check if the age is < 18 – display “’Name’+ is a teenager” if the age is 17<25<60 display “’Name’ + is in adulthood” age>60 display “’Name’_ is in old age”. To enhance this you can take teen, adult and old as a string and consider them as cases in switch and display the message inside your switch case. Problem statement
  • 16. 16 ➤ Social Media Links To Connect 👉 YouTube : 👉 LinkedIn : 👉 Twitter :