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Baking Accessibility into Design
Lessons from Crafting an Accessible Design System
• If you give a mouse a
• Stats at scale
• Are we insane?
• Cookie crumbs
(lessons learned)
WCAG 1.0 was published in 1999
How much of this is accessible?
MILLION websites
Home pages failed
Low contrast errors

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Design Like a Pro: Basics of Building Mobile-Responsive HMIs

This document discusses responsive design principles for mobile applications. It covers topics like mobile design patterns, touch optimization, levels of depth, mobile-first design, and content as UI. It also describes common responsive layout patterns like mostly fluid, column drop, layout shifter, tiny tweaks, and off canvas. The document emphasizes that responsive design results in less work, more usability, and enables a mobile-focused mindset when building applications in Ignition 8.

ignitionhmimobile responsive
Application Design - Part 2
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Application Design - Part 2

The second in a bi-weekly series on the elements of application design for developers, engineers, product managers, and visual designers.

user experienceuxixd

The document provides guidance on designing accessible and usable web applications. It discusses defining goals and user requirements, establishing usability requirements, considering disabilities, and addresses design issues like color, wording, layout, widgets, navigation, and accessibility. References on user-centered design and accessibility best practices are also included.

web design
Web stats
websites (2023)
New sites everyday
actively updated
Market share
Of CMS market
share belongs to
Chrome (Web
SAAS Products
Number of users
active users
Suffer from some
form of disability
How much of this is accessible?
pages scanned
Errors per page
Contrast errors

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Heuristics Evaluation - How to Guide.pdf

This guide helps identify potential issues related to navigation, clarity, consistency, and other factors that can affect user experience.

UX Edmonton - Pattern Libraries
UX Edmonton - Pattern LibrariesUX Edmonton - Pattern Libraries
UX Edmonton - Pattern Libraries

This document discusses design patterns and interaction design patterns. It provides information on what patterns are, their basic elements, examples of patterns, and benefits of using patterns such as creating a common language and making systems easier for users to learn. It also discusses building your own pattern library and considerations around using free online pattern libraries versus creating your own custom library.

Usability and Salesforce - Dallas User Group September 2011
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Usability and Salesforce - Dallas User Group September 2011

Dallas Salesforce User Group - September 2011 - and Usability - Matt Lamb and Shell Black

salesforcematt lambusability
Most common accessibility problems
WCAG Failure Type % of home pages
Low contrast text 81.0%
Missing alternative text for images 54.5%
Missing form input labels 48.6%
Empty links 44.6%
Empty buttons 28.2%
Missing document language 17.1%
Accessibility is the extent to which products,
systems, services, environments and facilities can
be used by people from a population with the
widest range of user needs, characteristics and
capabilities to achieve identified goals in identified
contexts of use.
What do we do?
Example of a scan -

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Games Design 2 - Lecture 12 - Usability, Metaphor and Layout

This document discusses various principles of usability, metaphors, and layout in game design. It covers attributes of usability like learnability and satisfaction. It provides examples of interface metaphors like the mouse representing a hand. Layout principles discussed include the rule of thirds and golden ratio for positioning elements, as well as using grids to align elements. The document stresses considering human abilities and designing for consistency and avoiding clutter.

golden ratiousabilitymetaphor
Accessibility in pattern libraries
Accessibility in pattern librariesAccessibility in pattern libraries
Accessibility in pattern libraries

In the old days, many developers looked at complex websites and web applications as a series of individual pages. These days, it’s all about abstracting these pages down to re-usable elements, modules and components which are then documented, designed and built as comprehensive pattern libraries. Pattern libraries can be used as an integral part of the UX, design and front-end development phases. But where should accessibility be included in these different types of pattern libraries? Come on a journey as we explore the pain and glory of baking accessibility into UX, design and front-end pattern libraries.

corePHP Usability Accessibility by Steven Pignataro
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corePHP Usability Accessibility by Steven Pignataro

corePHP Usability Accessibility by Steven Pignataro presentation given at CMS Expo in Denver, December 2008.

Example of a scan - linkedin
Example of a scan - linkedin
Sample of a WCAG criterion
Controls, Input
If non-text content is a control or accepts user input, then it
has a name that describes its purpose. (Refer to Success
Criterion 4.1.2 for additional requirements for controls and
content that accepts user input.)
Time-Based Media
If non-text content is time-based media, then text
alternatives at least provide descriptive identification of the
non-text content. (Refer to Guideline 1.2 for additional
requirements for media.)
How do you feel?

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Tear Down This Wall! Removing Boundaries to Create an Accessible Website
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Tear Down This Wall! Removing Boundaries to Create an Accessible Website

Presentation at edUi 2017 in Charlottesville, VA. Web accessibility is at the forefront of many minds, but it is difficult to know exactly what to do to make a website compliant with WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 guidelines. There are no hard and fast rules to follow, nor a simple checklist that says, “If you do these 10 things, your website will be accessible.” At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, we have begun work to improve the overall accessibility of our website in a holistic way. Using our WordPress site as the basis, we are investigating ways to improve accessibility, including subscription services like LibGuides, Libraryh3lp chat service, and WordPress plugin Formidable. Using UNC-Chapel Hill Library’s initiatives as an example, we will illustrate what others can do on their own websites to meet WCAG 2.0 requirements and make them more usable for all users. This session will include sharing tips and tricks that we’ve learned along the way, as well as free tools that we have found useful in our work.

edui 2017accessibility
CMS Crash Course!
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CMS Crash Course!

Is your current nonprofit website and Content Management System (CMS) clunky, outdated and hard to navigate? Are you considering a website redesign? Or maybe you heard of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal but would like to learn more? If so, this is the presentation for you. Andy McIlwain (SIDEKICK) discusses how nonprofits can benefit from using a CMS and covers popular CMS options and how they compare side-to-side.

Accessibility in Pattern Libraries
Accessibility in Pattern LibrariesAccessibility in Pattern Libraries
Accessibility in Pattern Libraries

In the old days, many developers looked at complex websites and web applications as a series of individual pages. These days, it’s all about abstracting these pages down to re-usable elements, modules and components which are then documented, designed and built as comprehensive pattern libraries. Pattern libraries can be used as an integral part of the UX, design and front-end development phases. But where should accessibility be included in these different types of pattern libraries? Come on a journey as we explore the pain and glory of baking accessibility into UX, design and front-end pattern libraries.

Biggest issues
• Testing takes 4-8 weeks
• Average number of accessibility
errors 521 per website
• 6-8 Months to start fixing
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results.
~ Albert Einstein
The real problem
• Strong advocacy is increasingly stigmatized. Accessibility
complaints are often portrayed as greedy or unfair.
• Businesses seem to ignore the problem, either out of
indifference, or a vague sense of helplessness.
Is there a better way?

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My presentation at Kent State IAKM
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My presentation at Kent State IAKM

An update to "Applying information architecture to university web sites" for Kent State, April 26, 2007.

Front End Frameworks - are they accessible
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Front End Frameworks - are they accessible

Frameworks like Bootstrap provide accessibility benefits but also risks if not implemented correctly. Common issues include non-semantic elements styled as buttons or headings, confusing screen reader users. Frameworks also may not fully explain interactive elements like dropdowns and modals. Developers must understand fundamentals of accessibility and not rely solely on frameworks being accessible "out of the box".

Uxpin web ui design patterns 2014
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Uxpin web ui design patterns 2014

Web UI Design Patterns and best-practices guide from -- the best online wireframing, UX & product management suite available anywhere.

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Accessible Design Systems
One solution to address the problem of scale
• Address accessibility issues at component level
• Reduce errors at scale
If you give a
mouse a cookie….
• A story of an accessible
design system
Research data
showed the
• Inconsistency in components
• Poor usability
• Poor accessibility
• Low adoption
• Menu bursting at seams
If you give the
design team a
task to redesign
the menu…
They are going to want to
look at the information

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Do you have a website? Do you want to get sued?

Roy Rumaner and Devin S. Olson join forces at Collabsphere 2018 to explain some of the legal issues you must deal with regarding Website Accessibility

website accessibilitydesign thinkinglegal issues
Intranet navigation governance
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A presentation on how to define the governance on the site structure and its menus for an intranet managed by many different teams

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A Journey Through Islamic Architecture.pdf

Islamic architecture is a vast and rich field that spans centuries and continents, reflecting the diversity and unity of Islamic culture.

If they look at the
• They are going to find
• Redundancies
• Incoherent arrangement
• Inconsistent taxonomy
If they look at
bad IA…
They are going to want to
make it better.
This is where our story begins
It all started with menu redesign
• Some things that were in the
menu really belonged as a
functionality on a page
• Some things that were non-
discoverable on the page
really belonged in the menu.

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A visual identity is the heart and soul of a place, embodying its unique character and heritage. By carefully preserving this essence, we can ensure that new elements blend seamlessly, honoring the past while embracing the future.

Glasgow University degree Certificate
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Glasgow University degree Certificate

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If the design team
starts brainstorming
They are going to ideate for
a whole new design
• Manual evaluation of
• Usability testing with people
using assistive technology
• Automated scanning
Lesson 1.
Understand the
• Current UI Frameworks /
• Most used UI components
• Current state of UI components
We thoroughly audited
the whole app

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Most popular
• React - This was ours
• Angular
• Ember
• Vue
High-level understanding of React
Built-in Accessibility: React has some built-in tools and best practices that encourage
accessibility. For example, React provides warnings in the development mode if certain
accessibility practices are not followed.
• JSX: Encourages the use of accessible HTML elements and attributes.
• React ARIA: React supports the use of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet
Applications) roles and properties.
Developer Responsibility: Developers need to actively implement and test for
accessibility. This includes:
• Using semantic HTML and ARIA roles.
• Managing keyboard navigation and focus states.
• Ensuring that interactive elements are accessible.
• Using tools like eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to enforce accessibility rules in React code.
Lesson 2.
Create Project
• Analyze the audit
• Find most used components
• Make a list
• Create arbitrary timelines for
• Design
• Accessibility requirements
• Development
• Testing
When you start
creating a
project plan
You will soon realize that you
need a governance

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A book on strategy design.

Fall/winter Trend forcasting 2025 ppt .pdf
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I forcast some fashion trends of f/w 25 in this presentation.

Surface Analysis Civil 3D using different tools
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Surface Analysis Civil 3D using different tools

Civil 3D Surface

civil 3d surface
Lesson 3.
model of the
design system
• Centralized
• Federated
• Hybrid
• Community
When you start
thinking about
the governance
You will naturally need to
think about the actual
physical management of it.
Lesson 4.
• Where is it going to live?
• When is it going to be
maintained and updated?
• How many products in your
• Versioning
Lesson 5.
Cross functional
Design is never ever ever a solo act. It is always always always a
cross-functional collaborative effort. Designs created in isolation
are almost guaranteed to fail.

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Design Impulse: Boost the power of design
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Design Impulse: Boost the power of design

Professional design drives turnover, return, and growth. How to strengthen the power of design in your domain? The key is to introduce, specialize, and organize critical capabilities. Design capacity thus becomes a strategic advantage: valuable, unique, and organized. Cases from construction, manufacturing, and servicing provide proof. Achieve your ambition faster with our subject expertise. Call on us for instruction, support, or execution. Request a free quick scan* to start. *) Ask for our conditions.



Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model SafeMahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe
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Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9711199012 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

To create
To bring in
To propose
solutions to
design and
To prioritize
the work
and send it
into the
To use it
for their
To guide
Who does what?
Lesson 6.
Writing requirements
• Plan the creation and
• Define ‘done’
• Communicate, communicate,
• Execute
Lesson 7. Start with Tokens
Input controls
Navigational Components
Informational Components
Types of UI components

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social media
Karol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe
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Karol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

Karol Bagh @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

Gender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design Ideologies
Gender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design IdeologiesGender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design Ideologies
Gender Equity in Architecture: Cultural Anthropology in Design Ideologies

This PowerPoint presentation offers a comparative analysis between a female and a male architect, focusing on their ideologies, approaches, concepts, and interpretations for a mixed-use building project. This study prompts a reconsideration of architectural inspiration and priorities, advocating for gender equity and cultural anthropology in architectural design.

gender equity in architecturecultural anthropologyarchitectural priorities
Design Phase
1.Contrast and Visibility
1.Ensure the button has a high contrast ratio with the background (minimum
4.5:1 for normal text, 3:1 for large text).
2.Use distinguishable colors for the button text and background.
2.Size and Click Area
1.Make the button large enough to be easily clickable (minimum of 44x44
2.Ensure there is adequate spacing around the button to prevent accidental
3.Label and Instructions
1.Use clear and descriptive text for the button label (e.g., “Submit,” “Learn
2.Avoid using generic labels like “Click Here.”
4.Focus Indicator
1.Design a visible focus indicator (e.g., outline or border) for when the button is
tabbed to or clicked on.
5. Zoom /Mobile view
Development Phase
1.Semantic HTML
1.Use the correct HTML element (<button>, <input type="button">, or <a> with
role="button") for the button.
2.Ensure the button is focusable using tabindex if necessary.
2.ARIA Attributes
1.Use ARIA roles and properties appropriately (e.g., aria-label, aria-pressed for
toggle buttons).
3.Keyboard Accessibility
1.Ensure the button is fully operable via keyboard (using Enter and Space keys).
2.Verify the focus order is logical and intuitive.
4.State Indication
1.Default State
2. Hover State
3. Focus State
4. Active State
5. Disabled State (ensure it is correctly indicated)
6. Visited State (for Links Acting as Buttons)
7. Pressed State (for Toggle Buttons)
5.Screen Reader Compatibility
1.Test the button with screen readers to ensure it conveys the correct
2.Include accessible names and descriptions where necessary.
Example of Button
Lesson 8. It’s a product
Lesson 9. Huge benefits
What was the effort?
2 Qs
time taken
of total
development effort

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Swapnali Thakar
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Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENGPortfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG

The Ukrainian and German journalist Rostyslav Kasyanenko has dedicated himself to genealogical research and heraldry. Originally Ukrainian, now living in Munich (Bavaria) he working in Ukrainian Free University (Est. 1921) as archivist. Curator of Heraldic Teams, Member of Ukrainian Heraldry Society (UHS) R.Kasyanenko is Deviser of the Family and Municipal Coat of Arms and Author of the exhibition concept project: “Maritime flags and arms of the Black Sea countries vs. Mediterranean: what has changed in 175 years?” Author of scientific articles (2023-24): Parallels between the meaning of Symbol and Myth according to Hryhorii Skovoroda and heraldic systems Heraldry as a marker of evolution of national identity in Ukraine and Slovakia: from the Princely era to the "Spring of Nations" (XI-XIX centuries) Historical parallels in the formation of national awareness in Ukraine and Slovakia in modern times (1848-1992) Proto-heraldry of Kievan Rus': dynastic symbols of the Princely era, and how does the Palatine Lion relate to this? Symbols of the House of Romanovyches: the Bavarian influence in Ukrainian heraldry Participant of Scientific Conferences (2023-24): - XXХІІІ Heraldic Conference of the Ukrainian Heraldry Society, October 13, 2023, Lviv - International Conference “Slovak-Ukrainian Relations in the Field of Language, Literature, and Culture in Slovakia and the Central European Space”, University of Prešov, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty of Arts, 18-20.10.2023 - International Conference „The Past, Present, and Future of Heraldry: Universality and Interdisciplinarity“, Vilnius, 12-13.06.24 - International Conference "Coats of Arms as Weapons – Heraldic Symbols in Political, Dynastic, Military, and Legal Conflicts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period”, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. According to the heraldist, he has worked with many heraldic artists over the years. However, he developed the ideas for all the coats of arms himself, except for his own. The case of the Kasyanenko (from the Shovkoplias clan) family coat of arms — featuring an audacious Cossack riding a rhinoceros — deserves special attention. "After all, one could talk about one's own crest, just like one's ancestors, for an eternity," he says.

coat of armsheraldrywappen
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UXPA 2024- Baking Accessibility into Design.pdf

  • 1. Baking Accessibility into Design Lessons from Crafting an Accessible Design System
  • 2. Agenda • If you give a mouse a cookie… • Stats at scale • Are we insane? • Cookie crumbs (lessons learned)
  • 3. 1999 WCAG 1.0 was published in 1999
  • 4. How much of this is accessible? 1 MILLION websites scanned 95.9% Home pages failed WCAG AA 81% Low contrast errors
  • 5. Web stats 1.13 BILLION websites (2023) 252,000 New sites everyday 200 MILLION actively updated
  • 6. Market share 62.7% Of CMS market share belongs to Wordpress 65.12% Chrome (Web browser) 30,800+ SAAS Products today
  • 7. Number of users 5.35 BILLION active users 15% Suffer from some form of disability
  • 8. How much of this is accessible? 3 MILLION web pages scanned 30 Errors per page 79% Contrast errors
  • 9. Most common accessibility problems WCAG Failure Type % of home pages Low contrast text 81.0% Missing alternative text for images 54.5% Missing form input labels 48.6% Empty links 44.6% Empty buttons 28.2% Missing document language 17.1%
  • 10. Accessibility is the extent to which products, systems, services, environments and facilities can be used by people from a population with the widest range of user needs, characteristics and capabilities to achieve identified goals in identified contexts of use.
  • 11. What do we do?
  • 12. Example of a scan -
  • 13. Example of a scan - linkedin
  • 14. Example of a scan - linkedin
  • 15. Sample of a WCAG criterion Controls, Input If non-text content is a control or accepts user input, then it has a name that describes its purpose. (Refer to Success Criterion 4.1.2 for additional requirements for controls and content that accepts user input.) Time-Based Media If non-text content is time-based media, then text alternatives at least provide descriptive identification of the non-text content. (Refer to Guideline 1.2 for additional requirements for media.)
  • 16. How do you feel?
  • 17. Overwhelm! Biggest issues • Testing takes 4-8 weeks • Average number of accessibility errors 521 per website • 6-8 Months to start fixing
  • 18. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein
  • 19. The real problem • Strong advocacy is increasingly stigmatized. Accessibility complaints are often portrayed as greedy or unfair. • Businesses seem to ignore the problem, either out of indifference, or a vague sense of helplessness. Training Time Cost
  • 20. Is there a better way? Perhaps…
  • 21. Accessible Design Systems One solution to address the problem of scale • Address accessibility issues at component level • Reduce errors at scale
  • 22. If you give a mouse a cookie…. • A story of an accessible design system
  • 23. Research data showed the following • Inconsistency in components • Poor usability • Poor accessibility • Low adoption • Menu bursting at seams
  • 24. If you give the design team a task to redesign the menu… They are going to want to look at the information architecture
  • 25. If they look at the information architecture… • They are going to find • Redundancies • Incoherent arrangement • Inconsistent taxonomy
  • 26. If they look at bad IA… They are going to want to make it better.
  • 27. This is where our story begins It all started with menu redesign
  • 28. Navigation Nonsense Revealed • Some things that were in the menu really belonged as a functionality on a page • Some things that were non- discoverable on the page really belonged in the menu.
  • 29. If the design team starts brainstorming They are going to ideate for a whole new design
  • 30. Accessibility research • Manual evaluation of accessibility • Usability testing with people using assistive technology • Automated scanning
  • 31. Lesson 1. Understand the technology • Current UI Frameworks / technologies • Most used UI components • Current state of UI components
  • 33. Most popular frameworks • React - This was ours • Angular • Ember • Vue
  • 34. High-level understanding of React Built-in Accessibility: React has some built-in tools and best practices that encourage accessibility. For example, React provides warnings in the development mode if certain accessibility practices are not followed. • JSX: Encourages the use of accessible HTML elements and attributes. • React ARIA: React supports the use of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles and properties. Developer Responsibility: Developers need to actively implement and test for accessibility. This includes: • Using semantic HTML and ARIA roles. • Managing keyboard navigation and focus states. • Ensuring that interactive elements are accessible. • Using tools like eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to enforce accessibility rules in React code.
  • 35. Lesson 2. Create Project Plan • Analyze the audit • Find most used components • Make a list • Create arbitrary timelines for • Design • Accessibility requirements • Development • Testing
  • 36. When you start creating a project plan You will soon realize that you need a governance framework.
  • 37. Lesson 3. Governance model of the design system • Centralized • Federated • Hybrid • Community
  • 38. When you start thinking about the governance You will naturally need to think about the actual physical management of it.
  • 39. Lesson 4. Front-end architecture • Where is it going to live? • When is it going to be maintained and updated? • How many products in your portfolio? • Versioning
  • 40. Lesson 5. Cross functional Design is never ever ever a solo act. It is always always always a cross-functional collaborative effort. Designs created in isolation are almost guaranteed to fail.
  • 41. Design To create pragmatic designs and document a11y requiremen ts Research To bring in any insights from usability testing existing products with assistive devices. Engineering To propose practical solutions to design and a11y problems Product To prioritize the work and send it into the pipeline Marketing To use it for their designs and enhance company image Accessibility Experts To guide accessibility throughout Who does what?
  • 42. Lesson 6. Writing requirements • Plan the creation and implementation • Define ‘done’ • Communicate, communicate, communicate • Execute
  • 43. Lesson 7. Start with Tokens
  • 44. Input controls Navigational Components Informational Components Containers Types of UI components
  • 45. Design Phase 1.Contrast and Visibility 1.Ensure the button has a high contrast ratio with the background (minimum 4.5:1 for normal text, 3:1 for large text). 2.Use distinguishable colors for the button text and background. 2.Size and Click Area 1.Make the button large enough to be easily clickable (minimum of 44x44 pixels). 2.Ensure there is adequate spacing around the button to prevent accidental clicks. 3.Label and Instructions 1.Use clear and descriptive text for the button label (e.g., “Submit,” “Learn More”). 2.Avoid using generic labels like “Click Here.” 4.Focus Indicator 1.Design a visible focus indicator (e.g., outline or border) for when the button is tabbed to or clicked on. 5. Zoom /Mobile view Development Phase 1.Semantic HTML 1.Use the correct HTML element (<button>, <input type="button">, or <a> with role="button") for the button. 2.Ensure the button is focusable using tabindex if necessary. 2.ARIA Attributes 1.Use ARIA roles and properties appropriately (e.g., aria-label, aria-pressed for toggle buttons). 3.Keyboard Accessibility 1.Ensure the button is fully operable via keyboard (using Enter and Space keys). 2.Verify the focus order is logical and intuitive. 4.State Indication 1.Default State 2. Hover State 3. Focus State 4. Active State 5. Disabled State (ensure it is correctly indicated) 6. Visited State (for Links Acting as Buttons) 7. Pressed State (for Toggle Buttons) 5.Screen Reader Compatibility 1.Test the button with screen readers to ensure it conveys the correct information. 2.Include accessible names and descriptions where necessary. Example of Button
  • 46. Lesson 8. It’s a product
  • 47. Lesson 9. Huge benefits
  • 48. What was the effort? 90% components 2 Qs time taken 13% of total development effort
  • 50. What if? 62.7% WordPress market share 65.12 Chrome (Web browser) 30,800+ SAAS
  • 51. Stay in touch! Swapnali Thakar Accredited UX Professional #010304001, CPACC
  • 52. Thank you! Have a purposeful day ahead!