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Universal apps in Next.js
💣 Problems in React SPAs
💻 What is Next.js
💪 Main features and advantages
😿 And one disadvantage
💔 Alternatives
📚 Resources
Problems with SPAs
SEO is a problem
Problems with SPAs
SEO is a problem
SSR could be hard
Need to fetch initial data on
server and pass it to client 

(redux helps)

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Node.js Express Framework

Learn Node.js framework in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Introduction

React JS - A quick introduction tutorial
React JS - A quick introduction tutorialReact JS - A quick introduction tutorial
React JS - A quick introduction tutorial

This document provides an overview and introduction to React JS. It discusses that React JS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces and reusable UI components. It encourages creation of reusable components that present data that changes over time. The document also covers React JS features, architecture, components, best practices, pros and cons, and provides useful links for examples and environment setup.

react js - a quick introduction tutorialreact jsreactjs
Getting started with Next.js - IM Tech Meetup - Oct 2022.pptx
Getting started with Next.js - IM Tech Meetup - Oct 2022.pptxGetting started with Next.js - IM Tech Meetup - Oct 2022.pptx
Getting started with Next.js - IM Tech Meetup - Oct 2022.pptx

The October 2022 IM Tech Meetup was about Next.js. This presentation was about Getting started with Next.js. Web development framework created by Vercel Open-source Is a React framework that gives you building blocks to create websites and applications As it’s highly connected to Vercel there is a smooth deployment platform with it Acts as a wrapper around the benefits of React and bridges the gap for the browser. As typically React is client side, Next.js helps to pre-render content. One of the most recognised and widely used development frameworks by the community Big brands like TikTok, Nike, Notion, Nintendo etc… are using it Seems like the ‘go to’ item in the tech stack, especially for front-end developers Evolving pretty fast in the market and becoming a strong leader Next/image - Image optimisation and others It’s better for SEO as your HTML is pre-loaded compared to standard reach app

next.jsnextjsstatic generation
Problems with SPAs
SEO is a problem
SSR could be hard
Universal React could be hard
Routing, different context
runs the same code
Problems with SPAs
SEO is a problem
SSR could be hard
Universal React could be hard
Build system and performance
Problems with SPAs
SEO is a problem
SSR could be hard
Universal React could be hard
Build system and performance
Hard to extend
fe. ejecting
Next.js for a rescue
Made by
Quite popular
Well maintained
v5.x.x released recently

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React workshop
React workshopReact workshop
React workshop

Tutorial Videos: Day 1 : Introduction to React, Babel and Webpack Prerequisites of starting the workshop ( Basic understanding of Node & Express ) What is Virtual DOM? What is React and why should we use it? Install and set up React: a-Using create-react-app b-From scratch using Babel and Webpack. We will use Webpack Dev Server. Day 2 : React Basic Concepts Types of Components: Class-based and Functional based Components Use of JSX Parent, Child, and Nested Components Difference between State and Props Create and Handle Routes Component Lifecycle Methods Create a form and handling form inputs Use of arrow functions and Spread Operator Day 3: Advanced Concepts in React Use of Refs What are Higher Order Components( HOC )? How to use HOC Understanding Context in React

React Js Simplified
React Js SimplifiedReact Js Simplified
React Js Simplified

React Js Basic Details and Descriptions Frontend Javascript Library, to make decent SPA The fastest way to build a segregated component based front end for software development.

Reactjs Reactjs

Getting started with the reactjs, basics of reactjs, introduction of reactjs, core concepts of reactjs and comparison with the other libraries/frameworks

javascriptreactjsintroduction of reactjs
Next.js for a rescue
Built on top of:
Next.js for a rescue
📤 Works out of the box & zero config
🕐 Is one dependency (+ react)
🐈 Easy to extend and to revert
Next.js for a rescue
💵 Both production build with server
🆒 and static site export
🚀 Many performance tricks
✂ Code splitting
⚡ Small size
Getting started
npm install next react react-dom
One dependency
Dev server
Production build & server
npx next
npx next build && npx next start

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Next.js introduces a new App Directory structure that routes pages based on files, separates components by whether data is fetched on the server or client, and introduces a new way to fetch data using React Suspense. It also supports server-side rendering, static site generation, incremental static regeneration, internationalization, theming, accessibility and alternative patterns to Context API.

React Components Lifecycle | React Tutorial for Beginners | ReactJS Training ...
React Components Lifecycle | React Tutorial for Beginners | ReactJS Training ...React Components Lifecycle | React Tutorial for Beginners | ReactJS Training ...
React Components Lifecycle | React Tutorial for Beginners | ReactJS Training ...

This Edureka tutorial on React Components will help you in understanding the fundamentals of components in ReactJS. This tutorial helps you learn the following topics: 1. React Components 2. Props 3. State 4. Flow Of Stateless & Stateful Component 5. Lifecycle Of Component

react tutorialreact jswhat is react
Node js Introduction
Node js IntroductionNode js Introduction
Node js Introduction

Node.js is an open source JavaScript runtime environment used to build real-time web applications. The document introduces Node.js, the npm package manager, the Express web application framework, and how to connect a Node.js application to MongoDB. Key points covered include Node.js being single-threaded and event-driven, using npm to install and use packages locally or globally, Express providing features for building web apps and APIs, and using modules like Mongoose to connect a Node app to MongoDB.

node jsnpmmongodb
Project structure
Next resolves
/ route by default
Project structure
One view = one file
Next resolves /blog
Project structure
Overrides default
error page
Project structure
Overrides default
document structure

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React js - The Core Concepts
React js - The Core ConceptsReact js - The Core Concepts
React js - The Core Concepts

The document discusses React's virtual DOM and how it allows for more efficient DOM updates compared to directly manipulating the real DOM. It explains that the virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of the real DOM that allows React to calculate efficient DOM changes before applying them to the real DOM. This avoids unnecessary re-renders and improves performance. It also describes how React uses a diff algorithm and DOM traversal with breadth-first search to determine the minimal number of operations needed to transform the virtual DOM before updating the real DOM in a batched way.

react jsjavascriptfacebook
React Server Side Rendering with Next.js
React Server Side Rendering with Next.jsReact Server Side Rendering with Next.js
React Server Side Rendering with Next.js

In this talk, Jamie will demonstrate some core principles of a minimalist React framework called Next.js - We’ll also learn why SEO isn’t the only benefit of Server Side Rendering in React.

reactjsjavascriptweb development
React js programming concept
React js programming conceptReact js programming concept
React js programming concept

Provide the primary concept about react js and redux. How react js is integrated with redux to solve the `sate management` for react js application.

react jsreduxjavascript
Project structure
Static files are
served from here
Project structure
Extend babel
Set config and
extend f.e webpack
Sample page
Just a React component
Sample page
Special Next lifecycle method

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React Native allows developers to build mobile apps using React with native platform capabilities. It uses native components instead of web views, making apps feel and perform like native ones. The document discusses what React Native is, how to set up a development environment, build a basic app, add libraries, handle common errors, and React Native fundamentals like components, styles, layout, events, and touch handling.

react nativemobile development
Introduction to React JS
Introduction to React JSIntroduction to React JS
Introduction to React JS

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses virtual DOM which improves performance and can render on both client and server. React encourages a component-based approach where UI is broken into independent reusable pieces that accept external data through properties. Components manage their own state which allows the UI to update over time in response to user input. This makes React code more predictable and easier to debug than traditional two-way data binding.

reactjsreactuser experience
React js
React jsReact js
React js

React js is a JavaScript library created by Facebook in 2013 for building user interfaces and rendering UI components. It uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the real DOM and allow building of reusable UI components. React code can be written directly in HTML or using JSX syntax and by setting up a React app with Node.js and NPM. Components are the building blocks of React and can be class or function based. Props and state allow passing data to components and re-rendering components on state changes.

Sample page
You can detect client or server
You can get access to

request and response!
Sample page
I’m a thunk 🐘
Redux needs init on every page
Store is injected to method
Initial data fetching done
before render
Extending base HTML
Added styled-components
Extending Webpack

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The document provides an overview of React including its introduction, prerequisites, installation, fundamentals, components, life cycle, routing, hooks, Redux, projects, testing, comparison to Angular, and tips for React developers. It discusses key React concepts such as JSX, props, state, events, DOM, and virtual DOM.

Node.js Express
Node.js  ExpressNode.js  Express
Node.js Express

The document discusses Node.js and Express.js concepts for building web servers and applications. It includes examples of creating HTTP servers, routing requests, using middleware, handling errors, templating with views and layouts, and separating code into models and routes.

North east user group tour
North east user group tourNorth east user group tour
North east user group tour

This document summarizes an upcoming tour by Kevin Schroeder of Zend Technologies to discuss various topics including: - An introduction to Kevin and what he does at Zend - An overview of Zend products like Zend Framework and Zend Server - A discussion of performance, scalability, and queuing in PHP applications - A demonstration of using the Zend Server job queue to asynchronously process tasks - Considerations for deploying PHP applications in different environments like development, testing, staging, and production

Extending babel
Some Extras
Some Extras
Dynamic components
Disadvantage - routing
/ resolves to pages/index.js
/blog resolves to pages/blog.js
/blog?post=my-post resolves to pages/blog.js
/blog/my-post doesn’t resolve

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Isomorphic React Applications: Performance And Scalability
Isomorphic React Applications: Performance And ScalabilityIsomorphic React Applications: Performance And Scalability
Isomorphic React Applications: Performance And Scalability

Isomorphic React applications allow code to run on both the client and server, improving performance and scalability. Server-side rendering builds HTML on the server so the page loads immediately before JavaScript loads. This improves the user experience but requires loading data asynchronously. Caching pre-rendered components and separating rendering can improve performance. Progressive rendering and Facebook's BigPipe technique can further optimize loading. Performance can also be improved through code optimizations like using direct React files and load balancing with multiple server instances.

isomorphic appsnode.jsreact
PHP North-East - Automated Deployment
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This document discusses building a simple automated deployment platform with PHP and Linux. It describes taking a website offline for manual upgrades, which is time-consuming and error-prone. The document then outlines techniques for automating the deployment process, including exporting code from version control, applying file permissions and configuration changes, backing up and patching databases, running unit tests, and using symlinks to swap environments. It emphasizes the need for rollback capabilities and managing multiple environments like staging and production. The goal is to provide techniques for small teams and startups to continuously and reliably deploy updates.

Automated Deployment
Automated DeploymentAutomated Deployment
Automated Deployment

This document discusses building a simple automated deployment platform with PHP and Linux. It describes taking a website offline for manual upgrades, which is time-consuming and error-prone. The document then outlines techniques for automating the deployment process, including exporting code from version control, applying file permissions and configuration changes, backing up and patching databases, running unit tests, and using symlinks to swap environments. It emphasizes the need for rollback capabilities and managing multiple environments like staging and production. The goal is to provide techniques for small teams and startups to continuously and reliably deploy updates.

user groupphpphpne
Disadvantage - routing
/ resolves to pages/index.js
/blog resolves to pages/blog.js
/blog?post=my-post resolves to pages/blog.js
/blog/my-post doesn’t resolve
Custom server & routes
Walmart’s Electrode
Alibaba’s beidou

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ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison
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ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison

This document summarizes a meetup comparing Angular2 and React frameworks. It provides overviews of both frameworks, including their histories, core concepts, and differences. Some key points covered include React's use of a virtual DOM for efficient updates, Angular2's focus on being a full development platform, and both frameworks' growing communities and adoption. The meetup agenda also included rounds for comparing the frameworks and a Q&A panel discussion.

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The complete-beginners-guide-to-react dyrr
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The complete-beginners-guide-to-react dyrr

This document provides an overview and introduction to React.js, including: - React uses components and states, with components being reusable parts of the interface and states allowing components to re-render when data changes. - JSX allows embedding XML-like syntax in JavaScript and makes code more readable. - Props are used to pass data between parent and child components, while state stores internal data of a component that may change. - The document provides examples of building a simple component to track saves or favorites of a home listing as state, and discusses organizing data flow through components.

javascriptguide to jsguide to javascript
Scaling 101 test
Scaling 101 testScaling 101 test
Scaling 101 test

The document provides an overview of scaling principles for web applications, beginning with optimizing a single server application and progressing to more advanced architectures involving load balancing, multiple web/application servers, and multiple database servers. It discusses profiling applications to identify bottlenecks, various caching and optimization strategies, Apache configuration for handling load, and links to additional resources on related topics.

Thx bye

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