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Women In Automation
Session 1:
Kick-off your way in RPA and
become a Citizen Developer
System Analyst – Speridian
UiPath MVP 2021+2022
LinkedIn: @anmol-yadav27
YouTube: RPA Evangelist
Associate – JP Morgan Chase
UiPath MVP 2022
UiPath Forum- @lovely.sinha
UiPath Community Manager –
LinkedIn - rohitradhakrishnan1
Anmol Yadav Lovely Sinha Rohit Radhakrishnan
Team Slide
• Introduction to RPA
• Introduction to UiPath
• UiAutomation
• Recording UiInteraction
• Word Automation
• Q&A
Introduction to RPA

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Studio X – Upping Your Productivity through Citizen Development
Studio X – Upping Your Productivity through Citizen DevelopmentStudio X – Upping Your Productivity through Citizen Development
Studio X – Upping Your Productivity through Citizen Development

Join us for an informative session on UiPath's Studio X , the premier toolkit designed to amplify the productivity of business users through automation. We will be reviewing the following topics: • Introduction • Capabilities of Studio • Hands-on Demonstration • Studio X Use Cases • Q&A

Session 1 - Intro to Robotic Process Automation.pdf
Session 1 - Intro to Robotic Process Automation.pdfSession 1 - Intro to Robotic Process Automation.pdf
Session 1 - Intro to Robotic Process Automation.pdf

👉 Check out our full 'Africa Series - Automation Student Developers (EN)' page to register for the full program: In this session, we shall introduce you to the world of automation, the UiPath Platform, and guide you on how to install and setup UiPath Studio on your Windows PC. 📕 Detailed agenda: What is RPA? Benefits of RPA? RPA Applications The UiPath End-to-End Automation Platform UiPath Studio CE Installation and Setup 💻 Extra training through UiPath Academy: Introduction to Automation UiPath Business Automation Platform Explore automation development with UiPath Studio 👉 Register here for our upcoming Session 2 on June 20: Introduction to UiPath Studio Fundamentals:

SE - Lecture 9 n 10 Intro Robotic Process Automation.pptx
SE - Lecture 9 n 10 Intro Robotic Process Automation.pptxSE - Lecture 9 n 10 Intro Robotic Process Automation.pptx
SE - Lecture 9 n 10 Intro Robotic Process Automation.pptx

Robotic process automation (RPA) uses software robots to emulate human actions and automate business processes. UiPath is a leading RPA platform that consists of UiPath Studio for designing automation processes, UiPath Robot for executing processes, and UiPath Orchestrator for managing processes. UiPath is widely used due to its compliance, cost-effectiveness, security, community support, and ability to improve productivity and customer experience. It works by having UiPath agents mediate between servers and clients to communicate information and execute tasks through software robots. RPA is applied to tasks like invoice processing, CRM updating, and appointment scheduling to improve efficiency.

RPA is the technology that enables a software program to mimic human actions
while interacting with computer applications to accomplish required tasks. Some
human interactions that can be automated are:
What is RPA?
Mouse movements and
Keyboard inputs Reading computer screen
It’s not about:
What RPA is not?
A humanoid
It’s not about:
What RPA is not?
It’s not about:
What RPA is not?
Just another cost
saving method

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Unleashing the Power of UiPath: An Introduction to RPA
Unleashing the Power of UiPath:  An Introduction to RPAUnleashing the Power of UiPath:  An Introduction to RPA
Unleashing the Power of UiPath: An Introduction to RPA

This document provides an introduction to robotic process automation (RPA) and the UiPath platform. It defines RPA as using software robots or bots to automate repetitive tasks. The benefits of RPA include increased efficiency from bots working faster and without errors, as well as cost savings from reducing manual labor. UiPath is one of the leading RPA platforms, with tools for creating and deploying bots through a drag-and-drop interface. It also offers centralized management and security controls.

Introduction to UiPath licensing model
Introduction to UiPath licensing modelIntroduction to UiPath licensing model
Introduction to UiPath licensing model

- Introduction to UiPath licensing model - The UiPath product suite - From products to personas – UiPath 2020 licensing changes - Community offerings – Cloud & On-prem - Cloud, On-prem offerings and transition options

RPA Summer School EMEA APAC Studio Session 1.pdf
RPA Summer School EMEA APAC Studio Session 1.pdfRPA Summer School EMEA APAC Studio Session 1.pdf
RPA Summer School EMEA APAC Studio Session 1.pdf

Welcome to our kick-off session for the RPA Summer School program Studio track! In this session we will provide you with the tools and information needed to go smoothly through our following 3 sessions. We will address the introduction into RPA and UiPath Studio technology. 🦸🏽‍♀️🦸🏻‍♂️Target audience: RPA curious with tech backgrounds 👉 technical analysts, seasoned StudioX users, developers, comfy with tech tools 📕 Agenda: What is RPA Overview of the Platform Focus Task Capture/Orchestrator Real world use Cases Benefits of RPA Studio Overview Quick automation Demo (Calculator, Amazon) Homework: access the exercise pack for the demo used and automate Introduction to upcoming session 2,3,4 - give context Installing Studio from Community Automation Cloud Quick intro on how to the sign up for the community edition and install (Demo) Wrap up and prep for session 2 (installing studio and have it ready) Your trainers: 👩🏽‍💻 Divyashree Muddagangaiah, UiPath MVP 2022, ABBYY and RPA-UiPath Consultant @Datum Cybertech India 👨🏻‍💻 Frank Schikora, UiPath MVP 2022, Chief Digital Officer @Roboyo 👨🏻‍💻 Stefano Negro, UiPath MVP 2022, RPA Tech Lead @BSP Consultant

Here are some of the tasks that can be easily handled over to Robots
What can software robots do?
Log into any
Move files and folders
Extract content from
documents, PDFs,
emails and forms
Scrape data from the
Open emails and
Make calculations
Read and write to
The major advantages of RPA adoption by a business are:
Benefits of RPA
Reduced Cost of
Process Execution
Easier Scaling
Improved Regulatory
Execution Speed
Processes that are simple, structured and can be easily mimicked by a machine
are best suited for RPA.
Processes best-suited for RPA
Repetitive Rule-based Structured
Some examples where RPA is deployed in businesses departments today are:
Use of RPA in Business
• Process-to-pay
• Order-to-cash
• Record-to-report
• Server & app monitoring
• Routine maintenance &
• Payroll
• Onboarding & offboarding
Supply Chain
• Inventory management
• Invoice & contract
Client Services
• Address change
• Scheduling
• Accounts/Reports
• Account Creation
& Update
• Order Creation &
• Work Order

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RPA is a technology that enables software programs called robots to mimic human actions like mouse clicks and keyboard inputs to automate repetitive tasks. Some common uses of RPA include processing invoices, data entry, and report generation. The document discusses the UiPath platform which is made up of Studio for designing workflows visually, Orchestrator for deploying and managing robots, and robots that can operate attended by a human or unattended. It provides examples of RPA jobs and discusses the growth of the RPA market and talent shortage. The document aims to introduce RPA and the UiPath platform.

RPA in a Day
RPA in a Day RPA in a Day
RPA in a Day

The document provides instructions for a virtual RPA training workshop. It outlines: 1. There will be an instructor and TAs to provide help. A separate troubleshooting meeting will be hosted for hands-on help. 2. Polls will be used to track lab completion status in real time. Participants should vote after completing each lab. 3. Questions that can wait should be typed in the chat. Immediate questions should be raised by unmuting. 4. The agenda includes an introduction to RPA, creating first desktop flows, advanced topics like unattended flows, and a closing Q&A session. Participants are asked to follow rules like muting and not sharing the meeting link.

rpa power automate
🌺 Women in Automation Series: Intro to Studio ▶ Session 1
🌺 Women in Automation Series: Intro to Studio ▶ Session 1🌺 Women in Automation Series: Intro to Studio ▶ Session 1
🌺 Women in Automation Series: Intro to Studio ▶ Session 1

In this session we kick-start your journey as a woman RPA Developer, by introducing you to RPA and UiPath Studio. From women in RPA, to any woman developer wishing to step into RPA. 🧙‍♀️ Your trainer: Maria Irimias, UiPath MVP, Service Delivery Manager & Solution Architect Maria has begun her software development journey 15 years ago. She carefully built her expertise in programming languages that stood the test of time, like .NET, and more recently accepted the challenges of RPA technology. Starting with 2021, Maria was chosen as UiPath MVP – the highest distinction within UiPath Community, as an acknowledgement of her RPA expertise and her status of RPA advocate and high community contributor. 🌺 About this event: What is RPA (explain RPA technology) Why RPA (explain technological benefits) Why RPA as a career Platform overview Small automation demo Install Studio demo

Introduction to UiPath
The UiPath Suite has three core components, which are are:
UiPath Platform
Execute workflows and
Control, manage and
monitor the robots
Design automation
workflows visually, with
minimal use of code
Deploy Execute
Studio Orchestrator
Citizen developers are non-technical persons who learn how
to automate and want to use their skills to create simple
automations for themselves or theirs departments, in order to
make more time for higher-value work.
What are Citizen Developers?
What can Citizen Developers do?
● learn how to build and run robots to make their work lives better
● automate the everyday work they do
● learn about products that improve your automation experience:
UiPath Assistant, UiPath StudioX, and UiPath Automation Hub
● take part in knowledge-sharing sessions and groundbreaking
With UiPath StudioX, business users get a no-code platform to automate their
tasks. Everyone benefits from more robots doing the repetitive, boring parts of
UiPath StudioX

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Women in Automation - Intro to Studio Session 1
Women in Automation - Intro to Studio Session 1Women in Automation - Intro to Studio Session 1
Women in Automation - Intro to Studio Session 1

With this very first product training session we kick off the RPA Developer thread of the program and get you started with UiPath Studio in a completely assisted and supportive manner by our very own UiPath MVPs. From women in RPA to all the women who wish to step into the automation world. 🌺 About this event: What is RPA (explain RPA technology) Why RPA (explain technological benefits) Why RPA as a career Platform overview Small automation demo Install Studio demo Q&A Gather your courage and curiosity, and join us on March 9th!! 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼 👩‍🏫 Your UiPath MVP trainers: Maria Irimias, UiPath MVP, Service Delivery Manager, (Romania) Nadia Ghoufa, UiPath MVP, RPA Tech Lead, Talan (France)

Workday Community Session Final.pptx
Workday Community Session Final.pptxWorkday Community Session Final.pptx
Workday Community Session Final.pptx

The document provides an agenda for an event on extending HR and Finance experiences with UiPath and Workday technology integrations. The agenda includes: 1. An introduction by the community manager 2. An overview of the UiPath and Workday technical integration and use cases in HR and Finance 3. A live walkthrough of Workday setup, configuring the Workday activity pack, and simple/advanced Workday operation demos 4. Q&A The event will last 1.5 hours and include opportunities for networking, a Menti quiz, and UiPath prizes. The presentation will demonstrate how to build automations using pre-packaged UiPath activities for Workday that connect to Workday

Session 2023-11.pptx
Session 2023-11.pptxSession 2023-11.pptx
Session 2023-11.pptx

The document summarizes the agenda and key topics from a UiPath Community Geneva chapter reboot session held on November 2nd, 2023. The agenda included an introduction, announcements about new UiPath products like Forward VI and Autopilot, highlights of the 23.10 product release including new features for process mining, communications mining, and SAP testing, and a discussion around themes or use cases members would like to see covered in future sessions. Members provided suggested future session topics such as document understanding, test automation, citizen development strategies, process mining strategies for small/medium organizations, automation governance best practices, and AI-enabled automation in finance.

1. Sign up for your UiPath Automation Cloud account:
Link: >> option on the right side >> sign up for UiPath Automation Cloud
for community
2. Download UiPath StudioX:
Once inside the Automation Cloud click on the first blue button Download UiPath Studio
3. Run the UiPath Studio installer
4. Sign into UiPath Automation Cloud from UiPath Studio
5. Choose the UiPath StudioX profile
Install UiPath StudioX and Plugins
UiPath StudioX main features or Scenarios
Native integration to Microsoft Office
Microsoft Outlook, Outlook 365, and
Gmail plus special SAP support
Fully functional project
templates for a quick start
A Project Notebook that lets you
apply your Excel knowledge to
Simple scheduling of runs without
re-opening UiPath StudioX, by using
UiPath Assistant
Scenarios that show you best
practices for automating common
Intuitive error handling so you can
skip, retry, or stop if your robot gets
stuck (hey, it happens)
Introduction to
User Interface (UI)

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RPA Developer Kickstarter Slide - Day 1.pptx
RPA Developer Kickstarter Slide - Day 1.pptxRPA Developer Kickstarter Slide - Day 1.pptx
RPA Developer Kickstarter Slide - Day 1.pptx

The document outlines an 18-day RPA Developer Kickstarter program with the goal of helping participants become RPA Developers. It includes an introductory schedule with 15 sessions taught by over 20 industry experts on topics such as UiPath architecture, variables, control flow, automation, error handling, and best practices. Participants must attend all sessions, complete assignments, and can get support through an online forum. The program instructs on installing UiPath Studio and building a first robot. It aims to provide learning support and opportunities to connect participants with the UiPath community.

RPA M2.pdf
RPA M2.pdfRPA M2.pdf
RPA M2.pdf

The document provides information about the UiPath RPA platform and examples of using its recorder tool. It discusses: 1. The core components of UiPath including UiPath Studio for designing processes, UiPath Robot for automating tasks, and UiPath Orchestrator for managing processes. 2. Examples of using the UiPath recorder to automate emptying the trash folder in Gmail and emptying the recycle bin. 3. Creating a basic UiPath process that opens a browser, scrapes text from a web page, writes it to the output panel and a Notepad file.

Automation Vidyalaya - Introduction to RPA & UiPath.pptx
Automation Vidyalaya - Introduction to RPA & UiPath.pptxAutomation Vidyalaya - Introduction to RPA & UiPath.pptx
Automation Vidyalaya - Introduction to RPA & UiPath.pptx

The document provides an introduction to robotic process automation (RPA) and UiPath. It discusses what RPA is, the types of RPA bots, benefits of RPA, and common RPA tools and leaders in the market. It also introduces UiPath, the leading RPA software vendor, describing its core components, platform, and community ecosystem. The document guides users on installing UiPath Studio and accessing reusable components on the UiPath Marketplace.

Getting familiar with StudioX
activities for UI automation
Create your FIRST BOT using
Web Automation
Download link to Practice exercises :

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Ui path online training ppt
Ui path online training pptUi path online training ppt
Ui path online training ppt

As we have been gone through lot of technologies for the past few generations, we can boast ourself now because we are achieving our dream of decades. AUTOMATION which means not by humans but collaborated with humans, Associated with humans you can call it as per your wish..!! Henceforth humans will become masters for robots and rule their slaves. In order to become a good master we must prove our aspiration in terms of practical knowledge and reputable trainings. Let’s move on to the one of the future holding training called UiPath online training.

How to integrate UiPath into your Microsoft environment
How to integrate UiPath into your Microsoft environmentHow to integrate UiPath into your Microsoft environment
How to integrate UiPath into your Microsoft environment

This session is for users that want to learn how to natively integrate with Microsoft technologies like Microsoft Teams. In this session you will hear from UiPath experts on: The Microsoft Technologies that can be integrated with using native integrations. An overview of Activity packs and UiPath Native Apps for Microsoft products. How to enable technical users to connect Microsoft and UiPath platforms with each other and how to enable business users to seamlessly run automations.

UiPath Document Understanding_Day 2.pptx
UiPath Document Understanding_Day 2.pptxUiPath Document Understanding_Day 2.pptx
UiPath Document Understanding_Day 2.pptx

The document discusses UiPath's Document Understanding capabilities. It provides an overview of document understanding, the different types of documents that can be processed, and the approaches to document processing including rule-based and model-based. It describes the key components of UiPath's Document Understanding framework including loading taxonomy, document classification, data extraction, validation, and GenAI capabilities. It also includes a case study example of using document understanding to process 7000 invoices per month.

Congratulations !
You have built your first BOT.
And you have your first Unicorn Name too! :)
Automate Faster : Recording UI
Download link to Practice exercises :
• The second method of automating User Interfaces is using the Web/App
Recorder feature
• Adding activities for all the actions you perform within User Interfaces can
become quite time-consuming. Let's see how you can record your actions on
the screen and translate them into StudioX activities.
Using the Web/App Recorder feature
Cool! Can I use the Recorder an all applications?
The Recorder works only on automating User Interfaces. It will not work for tasks involving
Excel, Outlook, Word, or files and folders automation, where you still need to add the activities
one by one.
STEP1 : Open StudioX and download project file
STEP2 : Install browser extension in StudioX
STEP3 : Record automation steps and Run the project
DEMO : Generate a strong password

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The document is an introduction to a series on document understanding presented by Mukesh Kala. It discusses what documents are, different types of documents including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured documents. It then covers topics like rule-based and model-based data extraction, optical character recognition, challenges in document understanding, and the document understanding framework which involves taxonomy, digitization, classification, extraction, validation, and training steps.


This document outlines a presentation about enhancing UiPath Apps with real-time communication capabilities. The agenda includes an overview of UiPath products and apps, a problem in healthcare with high patient volumes and lack of collaboration, and a proposed solution design using UiPath Apps, an AI bot, and a chat sync bot to allow real-time analysis and discussion of patient reports. A live demo of the proposed solution is included on the agenda.

UiPath Community_Process Mining.pdf
UiPath Community_Process Mining.pdfUiPath Community_Process Mining.pdf
UiPath Community_Process Mining.pdf

Rajaneesh Balakrishnan presents on effective business process management using UiPath Process Mining. The presentation covers identifying processes using process mining, process mining components and capabilities, and the steps to create a process mining application. Process mining can be used to discover the as-is and to-be states of a process like order to cash to identify automation opportunities using UiPath.

What more can be automated with UI
(Desktop application)
Download link to Practice exercises :
Before session start!!
1. Check StudioX needed add-ins for this session
Ensure no MS Excel file is open, then use…
Home > Tools > Excel Add-in
1. Download Exercise Packs for Word automation:
What is Word Automation ?
As a business user, you most likely work with Word templates.
Let's see how StudioX can help reduce your workload by enabling
you to automate tedious and repetitive Word-based activities.
StudioX Word Automation offers a number of activities that
automate the tasks you usually perform when working with Word

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Automation Suite PPT (2).pptx
Automation Suite PPT (2).pptxAutomation Suite PPT (2).pptx
Automation Suite PPT (2).pptx

The document provides instructions for installing the UiPath Automation Suite in a multi-node air-gapped environment. It discusses prerequisites like hardware sizing, disk partitioning, DNS and SQL database configuration, and generating certificates. It then demonstrates downloading required files, creating installation folders, running the installer interactive script to generate a cluster configuration file, and using that file to set up the first machine and join additional nodes to complete the cluster installation.

UiPath Community_Automation Business Analysts.pptx
UiPath Community_Automation Business Analysts.pptxUiPath Community_Automation Business Analysts.pptx
UiPath Community_Automation Business Analysts.pptx

The document discusses implementing robotic process automation (RPA) in businesses. It outlines how to identify processes suitable for RPA, such as rule-based processes with low exceptions and repetitive tasks. The roles and responsibilities of a business analyst in RPA implementation are also examined, including creating current and future state process maps. Finally, the document provides examples of business processes that can be automated across several industries using RPA.

Generative AI.pptx
Generative AI.pptxGenerative AI.pptx
Generative AI.pptx

Here is a draft email: Subject: Automate key processes in automotive manufacturing with UiPath Dear Tom, My name is Ed Challis from UiPath. I understand from our mutual connection that you are the Automation Program Manager at BMW, focusing on implementing robotic process automation (RPA). I wanted to share how some of our automotive manufacturing customers are leveraging UiPath to drive efficiencies in their operations. Specifically: Quality inspection automation: One customer automated visual inspections on the production line to reduce defects and speed up issue resolution. This helped improve quality standards. Supply chain management: Another customer automated PO matching, invoice processing and inventory management across their suppliers globally. This

What can you automate?
Examples of Word documents that are usually prepared using
the same template include… resumes, letters, brochures,
reports, etc
Word Automation basically involves the use of Word templates, which will
have placeholders for text, hyperlinks, images, tables, charts, etc.
A given template can be used to prepare a number (few to very many) of
Word documents, which can be remain in Word format or saved as PDF.
How do I use it?
Update a Word template Resume_Template.docx using data from the
“ResumeData.xlsx" file
Demo Exercise #1
UiPath Website

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Role of a Solution Architect-1.pptx
Role of a Solution Architect-1.pptxRole of a Solution Architect-1.pptx
Role of a Solution Architect-1.pptx

The role of a Solution Architect in automation is to act as an interface between the business and technology teams. They must understand both the business goals and the technical capabilities in order to effectively design automation solutions. Key responsibilities of a Solution Architect include defining the architecture, overseeing the full lifecycle from design to deployment, ensuring solutions align with standards, and providing guidance to development teams. They aim to achieve reusability, maintainability and scalability through practices like modular component-based design and integration between systems. Continuous improvement is also important through monitoring performance, analyzing results, and implementing changes.

Integration Service - Power and Govern API-based connection sharing.pptx
Integration Service - Power and Govern API-based connection sharing.pptxIntegration Service - Power and Govern API-based connection sharing.pptx
Integration Service - Power and Govern API-based connection sharing.pptx

The document discusses UiPath Integration Service and its capabilities for API integration and connection sharing. It provides an overview of Integration Service and introduces new features of folder awareness and connection sharing. The presentation agenda includes an overview, live demo of creating folders and connections and assigning roles, and a Q&A. The demo will show how to create and manage folders and connections, share connections between users and robots, and build and deploy processes using personal and shared connections.

Intro to MP.pptx
Intro to MP.pptxIntro to MP.pptx
Intro to MP.pptx

UiPath Marketplace is an online repository that contains over 1,500 reusable automation assets created by UiPath and third-party developers. These assets include custom activities, connectors, templates, solutions, and ready-to-use automations. The Marketplace aims to help users develop automations more quickly and efficiently. Publishers can list their automation content on the Marketplace to expand their reach, build their portfolio, and become a trusted source. They must follow publishing guidelines and can earn security certifications to validate the quality of their listings. The Marketplace integration with UiPath products also helps expose listings to potential users.

Browse to
Enter code : 7335 7762
Chance to win UiPath Swag
Goodbye & glad to meet YOU 
Stay close and see you in next
session on March 11, 14:00 PM GMT

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UiPath Studiox session I

  • 1. Women In Automation Session 1: Kick-off your way in RPA and become a Citizen Developer
  • 2. 2 System Analyst – Speridian Technologies UiPath MVP 2021+2022 LinkedIn: @anmol-yadav27 YouTube: RPA Evangelist Associate – JP Morgan Chase UiPath MVP 2022 LinkedIn-lovelysinha UiPath Forum- @lovely.sinha UiPath Community Manager – APAC LinkedIn - rohitradhakrishnan1 Anmol Yadav Lovely Sinha Rohit Radhakrishnan Team Slide
  • 3. 3 Agenda • Introduction to RPA • Introduction to UiPath • UiAutomation • Recording UiInteraction • Word Automation • Q&A
  • 5. 5 RPA is the technology that enables a software program to mimic human actions while interacting with computer applications to accomplish required tasks. Some human interactions that can be automated are: What is RPA? Mouse movements and clicks Keyboard inputs Reading computer screen
  • 6. 6 It’s not about: What RPA is not? A humanoid robot
  • 7. 7 It’s not about: What RPA is not? Human replacement
  • 8. 8 It’s not about: What RPA is not? Just another cost saving method
  • 9. 9 Here are some of the tasks that can be easily handled over to Robots What can software robots do? Log into any application Move files and folders Extract content from documents, PDFs, emails and forms Scrape data from the web Open emails and attachments Make calculations Read and write to databases
  • 10. 10 The major advantages of RPA adoption by a business are: Benefits of RPA Reduced Cost of Process Execution Easier Scaling Improved Regulatory Compliance Enhanced Accuracy Increased Execution Speed
  • 11. 11 Processes that are simple, structured and can be easily mimicked by a machine are best suited for RPA. Processes best-suited for RPA Repetitive Rule-based Structured
  • 12. 12 Some examples where RPA is deployed in businesses departments today are: Use of RPA in Business Finance • Process-to-pay • Order-to-cash • Record-to-report IT • Server & app monitoring • Routine maintenance & monitoring HR • Payroll • Onboarding & offboarding Supply Chain • Inventory management • Invoice & contract management Client Services • Address change • Scheduling appointments Accounting • Accounts/Reports Reconciliation • Account Creation & Update Operations • Order Creation & Update • Work Order Request
  • 14. 14 The UiPath Suite has three core components, which are are: UiPath Platform Execute workflows and instructions Control, manage and monitor the robots Design automation workflows visually, with minimal use of code Deploy Execute Robot Studio Orchestrator
  • 15. 15 Citizen developers are non-technical persons who learn how to automate and want to use their skills to create simple automations for themselves or theirs departments, in order to make more time for higher-value work. What are Citizen Developers? What can Citizen Developers do? ● learn how to build and run robots to make their work lives better ● automate the everyday work they do ● learn about products that improve your automation experience: UiPath Assistant, UiPath StudioX, and UiPath Automation Hub ● take part in knowledge-sharing sessions and groundbreaking discussions
  • 16. 16 With UiPath StudioX, business users get a no-code platform to automate their tasks. Everyone benefits from more robots doing the repetitive, boring parts of work. UiPath StudioX
  • 17. 17 1. Sign up for your UiPath Automation Cloud account: Link: >> option on the right side >> sign up for UiPath Automation Cloud for community 2. Download UiPath StudioX: Once inside the Automation Cloud click on the first blue button Download UiPath Studio 3. Run the UiPath Studio installer 4. Sign into UiPath Automation Cloud from UiPath Studio 5. Choose the UiPath StudioX profile Resources: • Install UiPath StudioX and Plugins
  • 18. 18 UiPath StudioX main features or Scenarios Native integration to Microsoft Office Microsoft Outlook, Outlook 365, and Gmail plus special SAP support Fully functional project templates for a quick start A Project Notebook that lets you apply your Excel knowledge to automation Simple scheduling of runs without re-opening UiPath StudioX, by using UiPath Assistant Scenarios that show you best practices for automating common actions Intuitive error handling so you can skip, retry, or stop if your robot gets stuck (hey, it happens)
  • 20. 20
  • 21. Getting familiar with StudioX activities for UI automation
  • 22. 22
  • 23. Create your FIRST BOT using Web Automation Download link to Practice exercises :
  • 24. 24
  • 25. 25 Congratulations ! You have built your first BOT. And you have your first Unicorn Name too! :)
  • 26. Automate Faster : Recording UI Interactions Download link to Practice exercises :
  • 27. 27 • The second method of automating User Interfaces is using the Web/App Recorder feature • Adding activities for all the actions you perform within User Interfaces can become quite time-consuming. Let's see how you can record your actions on the screen and translate them into StudioX activities. Using the Web/App Recorder feature Cool! Can I use the Recorder an all applications? The Recorder works only on automating User Interfaces. It will not work for tasks involving Excel, Outlook, Word, or files and folders automation, where you still need to add the activities one by one.
  • 28. 28 STEP1 : Open StudioX and download project file STEP2 : Install browser extension in StudioX STEP3 : Record automation steps and Run the project DEMO : Generate a strong password
  • 29. What more can be automated with UI (Desktop application) Download link to Practice exercises : Before session start!!
  • 30. 30
  • 31. 31 1. Check StudioX needed add-ins for this session Ensure no MS Excel file is open, then use… Home > Tools > Excel Add-in 1. Download Exercise Packs for Word automation: Resources
  • 32. 32 What is Word Automation ? As a business user, you most likely work with Word templates. Let's see how StudioX can help reduce your workload by enabling you to automate tedious and repetitive Word-based activities. StudioX Word Automation offers a number of activities that automate the tasks you usually perform when working with Word templates.
  • 33. 33 What can you automate? Examples of Word documents that are usually prepared using the same template include… resumes, letters, brochures, reports, etc Word Automation basically involves the use of Word templates, which will have placeholders for text, hyperlinks, images, tables, charts, etc. A given template can be used to prepare a number (few to very many) of Word documents, which can be remain in Word format or saved as PDF.
  • 34. How do I use it?
  • 35. 35 Update a Word template Resume_Template.docx using data from the “ResumeData.xlsx" file Demo Exercise #1
  • 37. 37 Browse to Enter code : 7335 7762 Chance to win UiPath Swag
  • 38. Goodbye & glad to meet YOU  Stay close and see you in next session on March 11, 14:00 PM GMT ●