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Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty, Health &
Wellness Survey
Think nutritional supplements and skincare are of interest only
to consumers of a certain age? Think again. According to L.E.K.
Consulting’s third installment of a biennial survey of the healthy
living marketplace, this one focusing on nutrition and skincare,
some 80% of health and wellness (H&W) consumers across
generations — from millennials to baby boomers — are highly
engaged with both categories.
The survey captured insights from more than 1,600 respondents,
representing roughly 77% of the U.S. adult population who
identify with H&W themes, and generated eight key insights across
categories. Together these insights make clear that consumer
interest in nutritional supplements and skincare often lasts a
Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey was written by Alex Evans and Maria Steingoltz,
Managing Directors in L.E.K. Consulting’s Consumer Products practice. Alex is based in Los Angeles and Maria is
based in Chicago.
For more information, contact
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
1. They have the spending to prove it
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey2
On average, consumers spend more
than $100 per month — totaling $1,300
a year — on nutritional supplements
such as vitamins, minerals, herbal and
sports nutrition products, and skincare
products such as creams, lotions and
sunscreens, with a particular emphasis on
semidiscretionary items.
Average annual spend per customer* based on last month’s spend1
Body care and sunscreen
Nutritional supplements and skincare spend by customer type
Personal hand care
Facial skincare
Sports nutrition products
Vitamins, minerals or
herbal supplements
*Outliers beyond $1,000 in the past month were removed
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
2. Crossover spending is significant
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey3
Consumers who primarily shop in one
category also spend more than $450, on
average, in the other category each year.
Nutritional supplements brands, therefore,
don’t want to miss the opportunity
for so-called outer nutrition products,
while beauty brands need to capture
the opportunity for products focused on
“beauty from within.”
Average annual spend per customer* based on last month’s spend1
*Outliers beyond $1,000 in the past month were removed
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
Body care and sunscreen
Nutritional supplements and skincare spend by customer type
Personal hand care
Facial skincare
Sports nutrition products
Vitamins, minerals or
herbal supplements
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
3. Certain generational differences exist
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey4
Unlike spending on nutritional
supplements, which generally increases
with age, skincare spending is much
higher for millennials than for either Gen
Xers or boomers.
Average annual spend per customer* based on last month’s spend1
*Among customers who have spent more than $0 in the past month in the broader category (nutritional supplements,
functional F&B or skincare)
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
Nutritional supplements Skincare
Gen Xers
Boomers Millennials
Gen Xers Boomers
Body care and sunscreen
Facial skincare
Personal hand careVitamins, minerals or
herbal supplements
Sports nutrition products
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
Consumers typically purchase products
in both categories from mass merchants,
Amazon and drugstores — in that order.
The food, drug, mass merchandiser and
convenience stores (FDMC) channel wins
on convenience, while national specialty
channels deliver on quality and trust.
But Amazon has already established
itself as the No. 1 preferred channel for
nutritional supplements, which means
brands have an untapped opportunity
to grow their business with the online
retailer. Amazon Essentials is itself a highly
rated “enthusiast” brand in nutritional
supplements, one that our proprietary
Brand Growth Matrix suggests is also
poised for further growth.
Already the No. 2 preferred channel for
skincare, Amazon appears to also have
significant runway for additional growth
in that category (at the expense, of
course, of the FDMC channel). So, along
with specialty stores, skincare brands need
to invest there as well.
4. Amazon is a force to be reckoned with
Preferred channels by category2
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey
Note: Weighted based on stated spend
*”Other” for nutritional supplements includes workout facilities, convenience stores, nutrition box subscriptions and other, while “other” for skincare
includes convenience stores, personal care subscriptions and other
**.com of stores included in relevant category
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
%FDMC 33% 43%
Healthy grocers
Department stores
Traditional grocers
Specialty nutrition/beauty
and personal care stores
Mass merchants/
Independent distributors
Non-Amazon online**
point change
(skincare vs.
4 2
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
Millennials already lean heavily toward
Amazon for both nutritional supplements
and skincare, so in order to reach that
demographic, brands need to be great
on that channel. In fact, in nutritional
supplements, Amazon is the channel
of choice for both millennials and Gen
Xers. It has not, however, resonated with
boomers for either category — yet. In the
meantime, brands need to play broadly
across channels to reach boomers, via a
mix of FDMC, specialty stores and online.
5. To reach baby boomers, brands still need to be everywhere
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey6
Preferred channels for nutritional supplements purchases by consumer segment3
Note: Weighted based on stated spend
*”Other” includes workout facilities, convenience stores, nutrition box subscriptions and other
**.com of stores included in relevant category
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
Millennials Gen Xers Boomers
Non-Amazon online**
Traditional grocers
Specialty nutrition stores
Independent distributors
Healthy grocers
Mass merchants/warehouses
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
Skincare consumers, according to our
survey, appear more intentional (“first
destination”) than not with their channels
of choice. Nutritional supplements
consumers, meanwhile, appear to base
their choice of channels more on where
they already shop.
6. Channel selection also varies by category
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey7
Reasons for shopping channels4
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
Nutritional supplements Skincare
I already
shop there
Drugstore National
Drugstore National
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
7. The convenience store channel remains underdeveloped
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey8
In nutritional supplements, our Channel
Power Index rating (% shopped vs. %
preferred) for convenience stores suggests
it’s a strong impulse channel that may be
underdeveloped. The same dynamic likely
exists in skincare, too.
Channel Power Index5
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
Ratio of percentage purchased in past month to percentage selected as preferred retailer
0 2 4 6 8 10 12%
Convenience store
“Nutrition box”
Gym or studio
Healthy grocer
Traditional grocer
Independent distributor
Local health food store
Non-Amazon online
Warehouse club
National specialty
nutrition store
Mass merchant
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
8. What cuts across both nutritional supplements and skincare is personalization
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey9
Personalization can take many forms. For
some, it means a selection of nutritional
supplements tailored to their individual
health needs. For others, it means a
custom skincare program augmented
by a beauty box delivery each month.
Boomers, according to our survey, are only
slightly less likely than either millennials
or Gen Xers to purchase a skincare or
personalized nutritional supplements
program. Both nutritional supplements
and skincare brands need to address
this large — and largely untapped
— personalization opportunity with
compelling, holistic solutions.
Whatever the form, based on stated
interest, the conservatively estimated
market potential for personalized
products tops $6 billion — $3.2 billion
for nutritional supplements and $3.1
billion for skincare. While some of
this would involve a shift in current
spending, consumers did suggest that
personalization would increase their
overall spend in the category, particularly
in nutritional supplements.
Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
Interest in a personalized nutrition program and skincare program6
1 (Not interested at all)
7 (Very interested)
Millennials Gen Xers Boomers
Skincare Nutritional
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
Survey question 6: In the past month, approximately how much have you spent on each of the following goods/services? (N=1,635)
Survey question 34: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to be your preferred retailer type for purchasing nutritional supplements? (N=924)/Survey question 47: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to
be your preferred retailer type for purchasing skincare products? (N=1,242)
Survey question 34: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to be your preferred retailer type for purchasing nutritional supplements? (N=924)
Survey question 35: You indicated that you prefer to purchase your nutritional supplements from [X]. What are the top reasons you choose to purchase nutritional supplements from this type of retailer? (N=924)/Survey question 48: You
indicated that you prefer to purchase your skincare products from [X]. What are the top reasons that you choose to purchase facial skincare, personal hand care, body care or sunscreen from this type of retailer? (N=924)
Survey question 33: In the past month, which of the following retailers have you purchased nutritional supplements from? (N=924)/Survey question 34: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to be your preferred retailer
type for purchasing nutritional supplements? (N=924)
Survey question 38: What is your interest in a personalized nutrition program providing nutrition recommendations specifically tailored for you as an individual? (N=924)/Survey question 51: What is your interest in a personalized skincare
program specifically customized for your skin type and needs? (N=1,242)
2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey
Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis
Executive Insights
About L.E.K. Consulting
L.E.K. Consulting is a global management consulting firm that uses deep industry expertise and rigorous analysis to help business leaders achieve practical results with real
impact. We are uncompromising in our approach to helping clients consistently make better decisions, deliver improved business performance and create greater shareholder
returns. The firm advises and supports global companies that are leaders in their industries — including the largest private- and public-sector organizations, private equity firms,
and emerging entrepreneurial businesses. Founded in 1983, L.E.K. employs more than 1,200 professionals across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. For more information,
go to
L.E.K. Consulting is a registered trademark of L.E.K. Consulting LLC. All other products and
brands mentioned in this document are properties of their respective owners.
© 2018 L.E.K. Consulting LLC
About the Authors
Alex Evans, CFA, is a Managing Director and Partner in L.E.K. Consulting’s
Los Angeles office. Alex focuses on consumer-facing sectors encompassing
both retail and media. He specializes in a diverse set of verticals including
health and wellness, direct selling, specialty retail, sports, television, film
and OTT/DTC digital services. Alex advises corporate and private equity
clients on a range of issues, including corporate strategy, new business
development, channel strategy, pricing/promotion strategy, international
expansion, organizational structure, profit improvement and M&A.
Maria Steingoltz is a Managing Director and Partner in L.E.K. Consulting’s
Chicago office. Maria is focused on the Retail and Consumer Products
practices, with a special focus on food and beverage as well as on beauty
and personal care. She advises clients on a range of strategic issues, including
growth strategy, new market entry, customer-centric strategy, pricing,
consumer segmentation and M&A.

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Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey

  • 1. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Think nutritional supplements and skincare are of interest only to consumers of a certain age? Think again. According to L.E.K. Consulting’s third installment of a biennial survey of the healthy living marketplace, this one focusing on nutrition and skincare, some 80% of health and wellness (H&W) consumers across generations — from millennials to baby boomers — are highly engaged with both categories. The survey captured insights from more than 1,600 respondents, representing roughly 77% of the U.S. adult population who identify with H&W themes, and generated eight key insights across categories. Together these insights make clear that consumer interest in nutritional supplements and skincare often lasts a lifetime. Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey was written by Alex Evans and Maria Steingoltz, Managing Directors in L.E.K. Consulting’s Consumer Products practice. Alex is based in Los Angeles and Maria is based in Chicago. For more information, contact
  • 2. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights 1. They have the spending to prove it 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey2 On average, consumers spend more than $100 per month — totaling $1,300 a year — on nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, herbal and sports nutrition products, and skincare products such as creams, lotions and sunscreens, with a particular emphasis on semidiscretionary items. Average annual spend per customer* based on last month’s spend1 0 200 400 800 1,000 1,200 $1,400 Body care and sunscreen Nutritional supplements and skincare spend by customer type Personal hand care Facial skincare Sports nutrition products Vitamins, minerals or herbal supplements Skincare Nutritional supplements 1,278 253 156 216 188 465 Nutrition customer Skincare customer 302 159 335 220 352 1,368 *Outliers beyond $1,000 in the past month were removed Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018)
  • 3. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights 2. Crossover spending is significant 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey3 Consumers who primarily shop in one category also spend more than $450, on average, in the other category each year. Nutritional supplements brands, therefore, don’t want to miss the opportunity for so-called outer nutrition products, while beauty brands need to capture the opportunity for products focused on “beauty from within.” Average annual spend per customer* based on last month’s spend1 *Outliers beyond $1,000 in the past month were removed Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018) 0 200 400 800 1,000 1,200 $1,400 Body care and sunscreen Nutritional supplements and skincare spend by customer type Personal hand care Facial skincare Sports nutrition products Vitamins, minerals or herbal supplements Skincare Nutritional supplements 1,278 253 156 216 188 465 Nutrition customer Skincare customer 335 220 352 1,368 302 159
  • 4. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights 3. Certain generational differences exist 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey4 Unlike spending on nutritional supplements, which generally increases with age, skincare spending is much higher for millennials than for either Gen Xers or boomers. Average annual spend per customer* based on last month’s spend1 *Among customers who have spent more than $0 in the past month in the broader category (nutritional supplements, functional F&B or skincare) Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018) 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 $1,200 0 300 600 900 $1,200 Nutritional supplements Skincare Millennials 567 Gen Xers 677 Boomers Millennials 1,197 Gen Xers Boomers Body care and sunscreen Facial skincare Personal hand careVitamins, minerals or herbal supplements Sports nutrition products 244 323 222 455 657 128 529 543 260 394 1,072 387 264 421 768 222 166 380
  • 5. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights Consumers typically purchase products in both categories from mass merchants, Amazon and drugstores — in that order. The food, drug, mass merchandiser and convenience stores (FDMC) channel wins on convenience, while national specialty channels deliver on quality and trust. But Amazon has already established itself as the No. 1 preferred channel for nutritional supplements, which means brands have an untapped opportunity to grow their business with the online retailer. Amazon Essentials is itself a highly rated “enthusiast” brand in nutritional supplements, one that our proprietary Brand Growth Matrix suggests is also poised for further growth. Already the No. 2 preferred channel for skincare, Amazon appears to also have significant runway for additional growth in that category (at the expense, of course, of the FDMC channel). So, along with specialty stores, skincare brands need to invest there as well. 4. Amazon is a force to be reckoned with Preferred channels by category2 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Note: Weighted based on stated spend *”Other” for nutritional supplements includes workout facilities, convenience stores, nutrition box subscriptions and other, while “other” for skincare includes convenience stores, personal care subscriptions and other **.com of stores included in relevant category Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018) 5 0 40 60 80 100% 20 10 30 50 70 90 %FDMC 33% 43% Nutritional supplements Skincare Other* Healthy grocers Department stores Traditional grocers Specialty nutrition/beauty and personal care stores Mass merchants/ warehouses Amazon Physicians Independent distributors Non-Amazon online** Drugstores (6) Percentage point change (skincare vs. nutrition) (6) N/A 0 (1) (2) (6) N/A 0 +2 +8 10 4 2 1 4 6 4 14 15 22 25 4 7 4 4 6 16 23 28 2
  • 6. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights Millennials already lean heavily toward Amazon for both nutritional supplements and skincare, so in order to reach that demographic, brands need to be great on that channel. In fact, in nutritional supplements, Amazon is the channel of choice for both millennials and Gen Xers. It has not, however, resonated with boomers for either category — yet. In the meantime, brands need to play broadly across channels to reach boomers, via a mix of FDMC, specialty stores and online. 5. To reach baby boomers, brands still need to be everywhere 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey6 Preferred channels for nutritional supplements purchases by consumer segment3 Note: Weighted based on stated spend *”Other” includes workout facilities, convenience stores, nutrition box subscriptions and other **.com of stores included in relevant category Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018) Millennials Gen Xers Boomers Other* Non-Amazon online** Traditional grocers Specialty nutrition stores Amazon Independent distributors Healthy grocers Drugstores Mass merchants/warehouses 40 20 60 80 100% 0 6 8 5 17 23 34 2 3 2 2 13 5 4 7 3 17 20 29 1 17 5 4 6 17 13 30 6
  • 7. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights Skincare consumers, according to our survey, appear more intentional (“first destination”) than not with their channels of choice. Nutritional supplements consumers, meanwhile, appear to base their choice of channels more on where they already shop. 6. Channel selection also varies by category 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey7 Reasons for shopping channels4 Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018) Nutritional supplements Skincare I already shop there First destination Mass merchant Drugstore National specialty Traditional grocery Online 0 20 40 60% Mass merchant Drugstore National specialty Traditional grocery Online 15 6 21 18 25 30 42 18 4 41 37 17 27 40 50 10 4 77 21
  • 8. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights 7. The convenience store channel remains underdeveloped 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey8 In nutritional supplements, our Channel Power Index rating (% shopped vs. % preferred) for convenience stores suggests it’s a strong impulse channel that may be underdeveloped. The same dynamic likely exists in skincare, too. Channel Power Index5 Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018) Ratio of percentage purchased in past month to percentage selected as preferred retailer 0 2 4 6 8 10 12% Convenience store “Nutrition box” subscription Gym or studio Healthy grocer Traditional grocer Independent distributor Local health food store Non-Amazon online Warehouse club Drugstore National specialty nutrition store Amazon Mass merchant 11.5 4.3 4.8 5.9 3.7 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.1 3.0 1.8 1.9 2.1
  • 9. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights 8. What cuts across both nutritional supplements and skincare is personalization 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey9 Personalization can take many forms. For some, it means a selection of nutritional supplements tailored to their individual health needs. For others, it means a custom skincare program augmented by a beauty box delivery each month. Boomers, according to our survey, are only slightly less likely than either millennials or Gen Xers to purchase a skincare or personalized nutritional supplements program. Both nutritional supplements and skincare brands need to address this large — and largely untapped — personalization opportunity with compelling, holistic solutions. Whatever the form, based on stated interest, the conservatively estimated market potential for personalized products tops $6 billion — $3.2 billion for nutritional supplements and $3.1 billion for skincare. While some of this would involve a shift in current spending, consumers did suggest that personalization would increase their overall spend in the category, particularly in nutritional supplements. Source: L.E.K. Beauty, Health & Wellness Consumer Survey (February 2018) Interest in a personalized nutrition program and skincare program6 0 100% 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 (Not interested at all) 3 5 7 (Very interested) 2 4 6 Nutritional supplements Skincare Millennials Gen Xers Boomers Nutritional supplements Skincare Nutritional supplements Skincare 2 38 20 23 10 3 3 39 19 19 10 5 4 5 36 19 24 8 5 3 5 31 22 21 11 4 5 8 21 13 16 14 7 7 23 25 16 13 15 7 11 13
  • 10. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights 10 Endnotes 1 Survey question 6: In the past month, approximately how much have you spent on each of the following goods/services? (N=1,635) 2 Survey question 34: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to be your preferred retailer type for purchasing nutritional supplements? (N=924)/Survey question 47: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to be your preferred retailer type for purchasing skincare products? (N=1,242) 3 Survey question 34: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to be your preferred retailer type for purchasing nutritional supplements? (N=924) 4 Survey question 35: You indicated that you prefer to purchase your nutritional supplements from [X]. What are the top reasons you choose to purchase nutritional supplements from this type of retailer? (N=924)/Survey question 48: You indicated that you prefer to purchase your skincare products from [X]. What are the top reasons that you choose to purchase facial skincare, personal hand care, body care or sunscreen from this type of retailer? (N=924) 5 Survey question 33: In the past month, which of the following retailers have you purchased nutritional supplements from? (N=924)/Survey question 34: Which of the following type of retailer do you consider to be your preferred retailer type for purchasing nutritional supplements? (N=924) 6 Survey question 38: What is your interest in a personalized nutrition program providing nutrition recommendations specifically tailored for you as an individual? (N=924)/Survey question 51: What is your interest in a personalized skincare program specifically customized for your skin type and needs? (N=1,242) 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey
  • 11. Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey Analysis Executive Insights About L.E.K. Consulting L.E.K. Consulting is a global management consulting firm that uses deep industry expertise and rigorous analysis to help business leaders achieve practical results with real impact. We are uncompromising in our approach to helping clients consistently make better decisions, deliver improved business performance and create greater shareholder returns. The firm advises and supports global companies that are leaders in their industries — including the largest private- and public-sector organizations, private equity firms, and emerging entrepreneurial businesses. Founded in 1983, L.E.K. employs more than 1,200 professionals across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. For more information, go to L.E.K. Consulting is a registered trademark of L.E.K. Consulting LLC. All other products and brands mentioned in this document are properties of their respective owners. © 2018 L.E.K. Consulting LLC About the Authors Alex Evans, CFA, is a Managing Director and Partner in L.E.K. Consulting’s Los Angeles office. Alex focuses on consumer-facing sectors encompassing both retail and media. He specializes in a diverse set of verticals including health and wellness, direct selling, specialty retail, sports, television, film and OTT/DTC digital services. Alex advises corporate and private equity clients on a range of issues, including corporate strategy, new business development, channel strategy, pricing/promotion strategy, international expansion, organizational structure, profit improvement and M&A. Maria Steingoltz is a Managing Director and Partner in L.E.K. Consulting’s Chicago office. Maria is focused on the Retail and Consumer Products practices, with a special focus on food and beverage as well as on beauty and personal care. She advises clients on a range of strategic issues, including growth strategy, new market entry, customer-centric strategy, pricing, consumer segmentation and M&A. 11