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Top 5 Java Performance Metrics,
Tips & Tricks
Steven Haines, Java Expert and Author
• Introduction
• Top 5 Performance Metrics to capture in Java
• Business Transactions
• External Dependencies
• Caching Strategy
• Garbage Collection
• Application Topology
• Performance Monitoring Tips & Tricks
• Questions and Answers
About the Speakers
Steven Haines
• Author of two Java programming books and a
Java performance management book, over 500
articles, and a dozen white papers
• Former Java instructor at the University of
California, Irvine (UCI)
• Spent the better part of the last 6 years working
as an architect on Walt Disney World’s
MyMagic+ and other Disney initiatives
Anand Akela
• Director, Product Marketing, AppDynamics
Why is performance so important?
• Cost to business
• Cost to reputation
• Sleepless nights…
Top 5 Performance Metrics to capture
• There are so many metrics and so many different
strategies to interpret them so how do we get the
biggest bang for our efforts?
• This presentation reviews strategies for identifying
performance issues in your application

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UEMB210: Software Delivery: Best Practices
UEMB210: Software Delivery: Best PracticesUEMB210: Software Delivery: Best Practices
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The document provides an overview of best practices for software delivery, including: - Components like distribution packages, bundles, distribution servers, and rollout projects. - Delivery methods like self-organizing multicast where machines select a multicast domain representative to distribute files. - Settings for urgency, efficiency, and agent settings to control delivery. - Architectures using sources, replicators, and preferred servers to store and replicate content across sites.

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A lot of businesses that never before considered themselves as “technology companies” are now faced with digital modernization imperatives that force them to rethink their application and infrastructure architecture. On the path to becoming a digital, on-demand provider, development speed is the ultimate competitive advantage.

Top 5 performance metrics to capture
#1 Business Transactions
• Business Transactions (BTs) capture real users
interacting with your application
• Capture requests from an entry-point
• Web request, Servlet, Struts Action, Spring MVC
Controller, message on a message queue, etc.
• Follow the request through the container
• Identify exit-points through which the request
goes to another container
• Web service call, RMI, JDBC, JMS, etc.
• Instrument every container and correlate BT
segments from each container into the holistic BT
Business Transactions
• Baselines: measure what “normal” is and
determine whether or not your business
transactions are behaving “normally”
• Baseline Types
• Response times over a period of time
• Response times based on hour of day
• Response times based on hour of day and day of week
• Response times based on hour of day and day of

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Baseline Alerts
#2 External Dependencies
• An external dependency is any system with
which your application interacts to accomplish its
business goal
• Web services, Databases (SQL and NoSQL), Legacy
Systems, Caches, Key/Value Stores, etc.
• Differentiate between applications problems and
dependency problems
• If your dependencies are not automatically
identified by your APM solution, configure them!
#3 Caching Strategy
• It is always faster to serve an object from
memory than it is to make a network call to
retrieve data from a dependent source
• IMHO, people that do not like caching are not
configuring them properly
• Two types of errors
• Loading too much data into your cache
• Not properly sizing the cache
Cache Thrashing

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[About This Webinar] Streaming data systems, so called Fast Data, promise accelerated access to information, leading to new innovations and competitive advantages. These systems, however, aren’t just faster versions of Big Data; they force architecture changes to meet new demands for reliability and dynamic scalability, more like microservices. This means new challenges for your organization. Whereas a batch job might run for hours, a stream processing application might run for weeks or months. This raises the bar for making these systems resilient against traffic spikes, hardware and network failures, and so forth. The good news is that there is a strong history of facing these demands in the world of microservices. In this webinar by Dr. Dean Wampler, VP of Fast Data Architecture at Lightbend, Inc., we will cut through the buzz around Fast Data and explore how to successfully exploit this new opportunity for innovation in how your organization leverages data. Specifically, Dean will review: * The business justification for transitioning from batch-oriented big data to stream-oriented fast data * The architectural and organizational changes that streaming systems require to meet their higher demands for reliability, resiliency, dynamic scalability, etc. * How some of these requirements can be met by leveraging what your organization already knows about microservice architectures

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#4 Garbage Collection
• Garbage collection has been and continues to be the
biggest component of poor JVM performance
• It removed the notion of manual memory management
and eliminated traditional memory leaks, but at the cost
of sometimes cumbersome garbage collection processes
• Different JVMs have different strategies that each
introduce their own set of benefits and challenges
• Understanding how garbage collection works will help you tune it
• For this discussion we’ll review the Sun JVM
Reachability Test
Minor and Major GCs
Minor Collection Major Collection
#5 Application Topology
• With the advent of the cloud, applications can
now be elastic in nature: your application
environment can grow and shrink to meet your
user demand
• Take inventory of your servers and ensure that
your environment is sized optimally
• Too many servers means a higher cloud cost and
wasted resources
• Too few servers means that servers will be
overburdened and your business transactions will

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Performance Monitoring
Tips & Tricks
Business Transaction Optimization
• It is important to capture the business
transactions that are important to you
• Properly name BTs to match your business processes
• Filter out the BTs that are not important
• Capture BTs properly
• Default behavior may not match your business needs
• If your URLs are complex then tell AppDynamics how
to interpret them
• If you have a central controller that differentiates
functionality by payload then configure it as such
• Etc.
Snapshot Tuning
• Snapshots are invaluable in helping you identify the root
cause of your performance problems; they give you a
trace through your entire business transaction with
associated response times
• Default snapshot configuration samples threads every
• If you do not need this level of granularity then increasing the
interval will reduce overhead at the cost of granularity
• Slow transactions are configured to capture up to 5
samples per minute for 5 minutes
• If you typically only examine two or three snapshots then turn this
Threshold Tuning
• Thresholds control when alerts are raised and
when snapshots are triggered
• Three types of thresholds:
• Static SLA
• Standard Deviation
• Percentage
• Choose and configure the strategy that meets
your business needs

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Tier Management
• AppDynamics measures and evaluates
performance at the business transaction level as
well as at the segment level
• Segments are defined by the tiers that
implement them and are transitioned via exit-
• Standard protocols are available out-of-the-box
• If you have non-standard communication
protocols then you need to tell AppDynamics
when your code is leaving a tier
• Many times, when performance issues occur,
contextual information can provide you with
much needed debug content
• AppDynamics allows you to capture
• HTTP Headers
• JMS Properties
• HTTP Query Parameters
• Method Parameter Values
Intelligent Container Recycling
• As applications are moving to the cloud, your
infrastructure is changing
• Smart deployment strategies allow you add
servers to and remove servers from your
environment to meet user demand
• Cycle your virtual machines or containers
• Shutdown your oldest machines first so that virtual
machines have short lives
• Anecdotal example: eliminating garbage collection
through smart recycling!
• Performance is a measurable concern
• We reviewed 5 metrics to capture to help us identify
performance problems
• We reviewed tips-and-tricks for configuring
AppDynamics for optimal performance troubleshooting

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Today’s Monitoring: Many Silo-ed Tools
issues are reported by
end users
issues require 5+ people-
hour to resolve
* Survey response from 302 IT
professionals conducted by EMA
enterprises have 10+
monitoring tools.
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
More than 100
Q: how many enterprise monitoring/mgmt products would you estimate your IT org owns?*
AppDynamics Unified Monitoring
One Solution : One UI, One Data Platform, One Install
Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 26
Industry-first application-centric Unified monitoring platform
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27
 Business transaction-centric
 Role-relevant views for quick
 One Unified Platform - Easy to
deploy and Use, Flexible
 Comprehensive Application
Infrastructure Support
Key Focus Areas of Unified Monitoring
AppDynamics Unified Monitoring Pays off for Paychex
Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 28
Challenges Benefits
Why AppDynamics?
• Tool consolidation – replaced 5 tools with
• Improved capacity-planning capabilities
• Increased troubleshooting efficiency and staff
• Too many monitoring tools and many of them
didn’t meet expectations
• Lack of deep visibility into the application
• Existing monitoring tools couldn’t support the
continuous delivery model with 3 code releases
per week
• Quickly drill down into performance data to troubleshoot
• Integration with enterprise logging and management tools
• Exceptional training and technical support
“AppDynamics replaced 5 tools we once used to try to troubleshoot application problems.
Today, everyone goes to AppDynamics to quickly determine the root cause of the issue.”
- Jason Briggs, Monitoring Engineering Manager, Paychex

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Join us in Vegas for our annual user conference,
- Free training for all attendees
- Exclusive access to AppDynamics executives and engineers
- A sneak peek at our roadmap and announcements about new features
- Keynotes from industry innovators
- Information-packed breakout sessions from users in the trenches
- Peer-to-peer networking
Learn more and register now at
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Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 31
Thank You

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Monitoring of production is critical, but what you choose to monitor has a direct impact on the culture of a software development organization. At CDK Global, we focus on the end-user experience, and prioritize monitoring of their interactions with our applications. This has a direct effect of driving the culture within CDK of delivering customer delight as we continuously evolve our platform to provide world class services. Making architectural changes of legacy applications is critical, but comes with risk that the unanticipated will happen. CDK utilizes AppDynamics to monitor key application performance metrics first, to ensure refactoring work is a benefit to our clients and sets the stage for the next evolution of our platform. Key takeaways: o Drive customer delight by focusing on the end-user experience in all steps of the development process o Company culture has far reaching impact; carefully choose where to focus monitoring attention to build the culture you desire o Software architectural evolution comes with risk; guarantee that all changes benefit the end-user by monitoring key performance metrics before you begin any major technology change For more information, go to:

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Top 5 Java Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks

  • 1. Top 5 Java Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks Steven Haines, Java Expert and Author
  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • Top 5 Performance Metrics to capture in Java applications • Business Transactions • External Dependencies • Caching Strategy • Garbage Collection • Application Topology • Performance Monitoring Tips & Tricks • Questions and Answers
  • 3. About the Speakers Steven Haines • Author of two Java programming books and a Java performance management book, over 500 articles, and a dozen white papers • Former Java instructor at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) • Spent the better part of the last 6 years working as an architect on Walt Disney World’s MyMagic+ and other Disney initiatives Anand Akela • Director, Product Marketing, AppDynamics
  • 4. Introduction Why is performance so important? • Cost to business • Cost to reputation • Sleepless nights… Top 5 Performance Metrics to capture • There are so many metrics and so many different strategies to interpret them so how do we get the biggest bang for our efforts? • This presentation reviews strategies for identifying performance issues in your application
  • 5. Top 5 performance metrics to capture
  • 6. #1 Business Transactions • Business Transactions (BTs) capture real users interacting with your application • Capture requests from an entry-point • Web request, Servlet, Struts Action, Spring MVC Controller, message on a message queue, etc. • Follow the request through the container • Identify exit-points through which the request goes to another container • Web service call, RMI, JDBC, JMS, etc. • Instrument every container and correlate BT segments from each container into the holistic BT
  • 8. Baselines • Baselines: measure what “normal” is and determine whether or not your business transactions are behaving “normally” • Baseline Types • Response times over a period of time • Response times based on hour of day • Response times based on hour of day and day of week • Response times based on hour of day and day of month
  • 10. #2 External Dependencies • An external dependency is any system with which your application interacts to accomplish its business goal • Web services, Databases (SQL and NoSQL), Legacy Systems, Caches, Key/Value Stores, etc. • Differentiate between applications problems and dependency problems • If your dependencies are not automatically identified by your APM solution, configure them!
  • 11. #3 Caching Strategy • It is always faster to serve an object from memory than it is to make a network call to retrieve data from a dependent source • IMHO, people that do not like caching are not configuring them properly • Two types of errors • Loading too much data into your cache • Not properly sizing the cache
  • 13. #4 Garbage Collection • Garbage collection has been and continues to be the biggest component of poor JVM performance • It removed the notion of manual memory management and eliminated traditional memory leaks, but at the cost of sometimes cumbersome garbage collection processes • Different JVMs have different strategies that each introduce their own set of benefits and challenges • Understanding how garbage collection works will help you tune it • For this discussion we’ll review the Sun JVM
  • 15. Minor and Major GCs Minor Collection Major Collection
  • 16. #5 Application Topology • With the advent of the cloud, applications can now be elastic in nature: your application environment can grow and shrink to meet your user demand • Take inventory of your servers and ensure that your environment is sized optimally • Too many servers means a higher cloud cost and wasted resources • Too few servers means that servers will be overburdened and your business transactions will suffer
  • 18. Business Transaction Optimization • It is important to capture the business transactions that are important to you • Properly name BTs to match your business processes • Filter out the BTs that are not important • Capture BTs properly • Default behavior may not match your business needs • If your URLs are complex then tell AppDynamics how to interpret them • If you have a central controller that differentiates functionality by payload then configure it as such • Etc.
  • 19. Snapshot Tuning • Snapshots are invaluable in helping you identify the root cause of your performance problems; they give you a trace through your entire business transaction with associated response times • Default snapshot configuration samples threads every 10ms • If you do not need this level of granularity then increasing the interval will reduce overhead at the cost of granularity • Slow transactions are configured to capture up to 5 samples per minute for 5 minutes • If you typically only examine two or three snapshots then turn this down
  • 20. Threshold Tuning • Thresholds control when alerts are raised and when snapshots are triggered • Three types of thresholds: • Static SLA • Standard Deviation • Percentage • Choose and configure the strategy that meets your business needs
  • 21. Tier Management • AppDynamics measures and evaluates performance at the business transaction level as well as at the segment level • Segments are defined by the tiers that implement them and are transitioned via exit- points • Standard protocols are available out-of-the-box • If you have non-standard communication protocols then you need to tell AppDynamics when your code is leaving a tier
  • 22. Context… • Many times, when performance issues occur, contextual information can provide you with much needed debug content • AppDynamics allows you to capture • HTTP Headers • JMS Properties • HTTP Query Parameters • Method Parameter Values
  • 23. Intelligent Container Recycling • As applications are moving to the cloud, your infrastructure is changing • Smart deployment strategies allow you add servers to and remove servers from your environment to meet user demand • Cycle your virtual machines or containers intelligently • Shutdown your oldest machines first so that virtual machines have short lives • Anecdotal example: eliminating garbage collection through smart recycling!
  • 24. Summary • Performance is a measurable concern • We reviewed 5 metrics to capture to help us identify performance problems • We reviewed tips-and-tricks for configuring AppDynamics for optimal performance troubleshooting in-enterprise-applications/
  • 25. Today’s Monitoring: Many Silo-ed Tools 33% issues are reported by end users 77% issues require 5+ people- hour to resolve * Survey response from 302 IT professionals conducted by EMA 65% enterprises have 10+ monitoring tools. 0% 1% 13% 21% 22% 15% 9% 6% 3% 10% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 0 1 2-5 6-10 11-25 26-40 41-50 50-75 76-100 More than 100 Q: how many enterprise monitoring/mgmt products would you estimate your IT org owns?*
  • 26. AppDynamics Unified Monitoring One Solution : One UI, One Data Platform, One Install Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 26 Industry-first application-centric Unified monitoring platform
  • 27. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27  Business transaction-centric management  Role-relevant views for quick troubleshooting  One Unified Platform - Easy to deploy and Use, Flexible Deployment  Comprehensive Application Infrastructure Support Key Focus Areas of Unified Monitoring
  • 28. AppDynamics Unified Monitoring Pays off for Paychex Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 28 Challenges Benefits Why AppDynamics? • Tool consolidation – replaced 5 tools with AppDynamics • Improved capacity-planning capabilities • Increased troubleshooting efficiency and staff prioritization • Too many monitoring tools and many of them didn’t meet expectations • Lack of deep visibility into the application infrastructure • Existing monitoring tools couldn’t support the continuous delivery model with 3 code releases per week • Quickly drill down into performance data to troubleshoot issues • Integration with enterprise logging and management tools • Exceptional training and technical support “AppDynamics replaced 5 tools we once used to try to troubleshoot application problems. Today, everyone goes to AppDynamics to quickly determine the root cause of the issue.” - Jason Briggs, Monitoring Engineering Manager, Paychex
  • 29. Join us in Vegas for our annual user conference, AppSphere! - Free training for all attendees - Exclusive access to AppDynamics executives and engineers - A sneak peek at our roadmap and announcements about new features - Keynotes from industry innovators - Information-packed breakout sessions from users in the trenches - Peer-to-peer networking Learn more and register now at
  • 30. Q&A
  • 31. Sign-up for your Free Trial today! Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 31