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PostgreSQL and Benchmarks
Jignesh Shah – Staff Engineer,
ISV Engineering, Sun Microsystems Inc
PostgreSQL East Conference March 2008
About Me
• Working with Sun Microsystems for about 7 1/2 years
> Primarily responsibility at Sun is to make ISV and Open Source
Community Software applications work better on Solaris
• Prior to Sun worked as ERP Consultant
• Worked with various databases (DB2 UDB, PostgreSQL,
MySQL, Progress OpenEdge, Oracle)
• Worked with various ERP (QAD, Lawson) and CRM
(Dispatch-1), etc
• Previous responsibilities also included : Low Cost BIDW
• Industry Standard Benchmarks
> SPECjAppServer2004™
> EAStress2004

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How does PostgreSQL work with disks: a DBA's checklist in detail. PGConf.US 2015
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How does PostgreSQL work with disks: a DBA's checklist in detail. PGConf.US 2015

This document discusses how PostgreSQL works with disks and provides recommendations for disk subsystem monitoring, hardware selection, and configuration tuning to optimize performance. It explains that PostgreSQL relies on disk I/O for reading pages, writing the write-ahead log (WAL), and checkpointing. It recommends monitoring disk utilization, IOPS, latency, and I/O wait. The document also provides tips for choosing hardware like SSDs or RAID configurations and configuring the operating system, file systems, and PostgreSQL to improve performance.

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5 Steps to PostgreSQL Performance
5 Steps to PostgreSQL Performance5 Steps to PostgreSQL Performance
5 Steps to PostgreSQL Performance

This document provides an overview of five steps to improve PostgreSQL performance: 1) hardware optimization, 2) operating system and filesystem tuning, 3) configuration of postgresql.conf parameters, 4) application design considerations, and 5) query tuning. The document discusses various techniques for each step such as selecting appropriate hardware components, spreading database files across multiple disks or arrays, adjusting memory and disk configuration parameters, designing schemas and queries efficiently, and leveraging caching strategies.

• SPECjAppServer2004 is the current version
• Review by SPEC required before publishing the result (published on
• Metric is JOPS = jAppServer Operations Per Second
• Fine workload to use to measure impacts of database from one version to another (rather
than compare systems, operating systems and/or other databases)
SPECjAppServer2004 Characteristics
• J2EE Application with Database Backend
• Response times do depend on Database
Performance among other things
• Not a micro benchmark for Database but not
exhaustive also
• Typical Single row queries/updates/inserts
• No stored procedures
• Mostly highlighting performance combining J2EE
and database performance together
PostgreSQL's SPECjAppServer2004
PostgreSQL's SPECjAppServer2004
• Two published SPECjAppServer2004 result using
Glassfish and PostgreSQL 8.2 on Solaris
> 778.14 JOPS with Glassfish v1
> 813.73 JOPS with Glassfish v2
• PostgreSQL is in top category in terms of overall
low price and price/performance
Mandatory Disclosure:
SPECjAppServer2004 JOPS@standard
Sun Fire X4200 M2 (4 chips, 8 cores) - 813.73 SPECjAppServer2004 JOPS@Standard
Sun Fire X4200 M2 (6 chips, 12cores) - 778.14 SPECjAppServer2004 JOPS@Standard
SPEC, SPECjAppServer reg tm of Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All results from as of Jan 8,2008

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Learning postgresql
Learning postgresqlLearning postgresql
Learning postgresql

Learning postgresql, Chapter 1: Getting started with postgresql Remarks This section provides an overview of what postgresql is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within postgresql, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for postgresql is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.

Apache Calcite Tutorial - BOSS 21
Apache Calcite Tutorial - BOSS 21Apache Calcite Tutorial - BOSS 21
Apache Calcite Tutorial - BOSS 21

Apache Calcite is a dynamic data management framework. Think of it as a toolkit for building databases: it has an industry-standard SQL parser, validator, highly customizable optimizer (with pluggable transformation rules and cost functions, relational algebra, and an extensive library of rules), but it has no preferred storage primitives. In this tutorial, the attendees will use Apache Calcite to build a fully fledged query processor from scratch with very few lines of code. This processor is a full implementation of SQL over an Apache Lucene storage engine. (Lucene does not support SQL queries and lacks a declarative language for performing complex operations such as joins or aggregations.) Attendees will also learn how to use Calcite as an effective tool for research.

apache calcitequery processingquery optimization
PostgreSQL Conf Parameters
Used in SPECjAppServer2004 (v8.2)
temp_buffers = 1000
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
wal_sync_method = fdatasync
full_page_writes = off
wal_buffers = 2300
commit_delay = 10
checkpoint_segments = 256
enable_seqscan = off
random_page_cost = 1.5
cpu_tuple_cost = 0.001
cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.0005
cpu_operator_cost = 0.00025
effective_cache_size = 40GB
stats_start_collector = off
default_transaction_isolation = read committed
deadlock_timeout = 1000
• EAStress2004 is RESEARCH mode of SPECjAppServer2004
• No review from SPEC required
• Metric of EAStress2004 (HASOPM) is not equivalent and hence should not be compared to
metric of SpecJAppServer2004 (JOPS)
• Fine workload to use to measure impacts of database from one version to another (rather
than compare systems, operating systems and/or other databases)
EAStress2004 Characteristics
• In lot of ways subset to SPECjAppServer2004 but
not equivalent as SPECjAppserver2004 has more
added workload tasks
• Has potential to be put into regression test suite for
• Stresses IO, Scalability, Response times

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Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL
Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQLBuilding a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL
Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL

Spark SQL works very well with structured row-based data. Vectorized reader and writer for parquet/orc can make I/O much faster. It also used WholeStageCodeGen to improve the performance by Java JIT code. However Java JIT is usually not working very well on utilizing latest SIMD instructions under complicated queries. Apache Arrow provides columnar in-memory layout and SIMD optimized kernels as well as a LLVM based SQL engine Gandiva. These native based libraries can accelerate Spark SQL by reduce the CPU usage for both I/O and execution.

Improving SparkSQL Performance by 30%: How We Optimize Parquet Pushdown and P...
Improving SparkSQL Performance by 30%: How We Optimize Parquet Pushdown and P...Improving SparkSQL Performance by 30%: How We Optimize Parquet Pushdown and P...
Improving SparkSQL Performance by 30%: How We Optimize Parquet Pushdown and P...

The document discusses optimizations made to Spark SQL performance when working with Parquet files at ByteDance. It describes how Spark originally reads Parquet files and identifies two main areas for optimization: Parquet filter pushdown and the Parquet reader. For filter pushdown, sorting columns improved statistics and reduced data reads by 30%. For the reader, splitting it to first filter then read other columns prevented loading unnecessary data. These changes improved Spark SQL performance at ByteDance without changing jobs.

PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World
PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized WorldPostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World
PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World

This document discusses PostgreSQL high availability in a containerized environment. It begins with an overview of containers and their advantages like lower footprint and density. It then covers enterprise needs for high availability like recovery time objectives. Common approaches to PostgreSQL high availability are discussed like replication, shared storage, and using projects like Patroni and Stolon. Modern trends with containers are highlighted like separating data and binaries. Kubernetes is presented as a production-grade orchestrator that can provide horizontal scaling and self-healing capabilities. The discussion concludes with challenges of multi-region deployments and how service discovery with Consul can help address those challenges.

PostgreSQL's EAStress2004
EAStress2004 HASOPM – Hundreds of Application Server Operations Per Minute
SPEC, SPECjAppServer reg tm of Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation.
PostgreSQL 8.2 (32-bit)
PostgreSQL 8.3 (64-bit)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
EAStress2004 with PostgreSQL
EAStress Metric (HASOPM)
46% improvement just by
changing the database
underneath it
Highlights database
performance impact to
Differences between 8.3/8.2:
• 64-bit vs 32-bit
• sync_commit=false
• Higher shared_buffers
**Missing data point with 8.3
(32-bit) which could have
been very helpful
PostgreSQL Conf Parameters
Used in EAStress2004 (v8.3)
temp_buffers = 8MB
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
wal_sync_method = fdatasync
full_page_writes = off
wal_buffers = 2500
commit_delay = 10
checkpoint_segments = 256
enable_seqscan = off
random_page_cost = 1.5
cpu_tuple_cost = 0.001
cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.0005
cpu_operator_cost = 0.00025
effective_cache_size = 4GB
default_transaction_isolation = read committed
deadlock_timeout = 1000
TPC-E Highlights
● Complex schema
● Referential Integrity
● Less partitionable
● Increase # of trans
● Transaction Frames
● Non-primary key access
to data
● Data access
requirements (RAID)
● Complex transaction
Extensive foreign key
● TPC provided core

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The slides explain how shuffle works in Spark and help people understand more details about Spark internal. It shows how the major classes are implemented, including: ShuffleManager (SortShuffleManager), ShuffleWriter (SortShuffleWriter, BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter, UnsafeShuffleWriter), ShuffleReader (BlockStoreShuffleReader).

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HOT Understanding this important update optimization
HOT Understanding this important update optimizationHOT Understanding this important update optimization
HOT Understanding this important update optimization

In this session we dive deep into HOT (Heap Only Tuple) update optimization. Utilizing this optimization can result in improved writes rates, less index bloat and reduced vacuum effort but to enable PostgreSQL to use this optimization may require changing your application design and database settings. We will examine how the number of indexes, frequency of updates, fillfactor and vacuum settings can influence when HOT will be utilized and what benefits you may be able to gain.

Patroni - HA PostgreSQL made easy
Patroni - HA PostgreSQL made easyPatroni - HA PostgreSQL made easy
Patroni - HA PostgreSQL made easy

This document discusses Patroni, an open-source tool for managing high availability PostgreSQL clusters. It describes how Patroni uses a distributed configuration system like Etcd or Zookeeper to provide automated failover for PostgreSQL databases. Key features of Patroni include manual and scheduled failover, synchronous replication, dynamic configuration updates, and integration with backup tools like WAL-E. The document also covers some of the challenges of building automatic failover systems and how Patroni addresses issues like choosing a new master node and reattaching failed nodes.

TPC-E Sample Setup
System Under Test
Driver Tier A Tier B
Database Server
App. Server
App. Server
App. Server
Driver and
Tier A
System Under Test
Driver Tier A Tier B
Database ServerDatabase Server
App. ServerApp. Server
App. ServerApp. Server
App. ServerApp. Server
Driver and
Tier A
Image From:
TPC-E Characteristics
• Brokerage House workload
• Scale factor in terms of active customers to be used
dependent on target performance (roughly Every 1K
customer = 7.1GB raw data to be loaded)
• Lots of Constraints and Foreign keys
• Business logic (part of system) can be implemented
via Stored Procedures or other mechanisms
• Can be used to stress multiple features of database:
Random IO reads/writes, Index performance, stored
procedure performance, response times, etc
How PostgreSQL is behaving right
now with TPC-E?
• Setup process very slow with PostgreSQL
• Table with few rows hot for update (Broker)
• High Random reads which blocks (trade and
• Adding index hurts trade update performance and
less index hurts trade lookup performance
• More contention if client streams are increased
even slightly resulting in drop in performance
How PostgreSQL is behaving right
now with TPC-E?
• With some work, it could be possible to publish a
competitive TPC-E with PostgreSQL

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PostgreSQL HA
PostgreSQL   HAPostgreSQL   HA
PostgreSQL HA

A look at what HA is and what PostgreSQL has to offer for building an open source HA solution. Covers various aspects in terms of Recovery Point Objective and Recovery Time Objective. Includes backup and restore, PITR (point in time recovery) and streaming replication concepts.

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The columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache Arrow
The columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache ArrowThe columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache Arrow
The columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache Arrow

The Hadoop ecosystem has standardized on columnar formats—Apache Parquet for on-disk storage and Apache Arrow for in-memory. With this trend, deep integration with columnar formats is a key differentiator for big data technologies. Vertical integration from storage to execution greatly improves the latency of accessing data by pushing projections and filters to the storage layer, reducing time spent in IO reading from disk, as well as CPU time spent decompressing and decoding. Standards like Arrow and Parquet make this integration even more valuable as data can now cross system boundaries without incurring costly translation. Cross-system programming using languages such as Spark, Python, or SQL can becomes as fast as native internal performance. In this talk we’ll explain how Parquet is improving at the storage level, with metadata and statistics that will facilitate more optimizations in query engines in the future. We’ll detail how the new vectorized reader from Parquet to Arrow enables much faster reads by removing abstractions as well as several future improvements. We will also discuss how standard Arrow-based APIs pave the way to breaking the silos of big data. One example is Arrow-based universal function libraries that can be written in any language (Java, Scala, C++, Python, R, ...) and will be usable in any big data system (Spark, Impala, Presto, Drill). Another is a standard data access API with projection and predicate push downs, which will greatly simplify data access optimizations across the board. Speaker Julien Le Dem, Principal Engineer, WeWork

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Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15
Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15
Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15

This talk explores PostgreSQL 15 enhancements (along with some history) and looks at how they improve developer experience (MERGE and SQL/JSON), optimize support for backups and compression, logical replication improvements, enhanced security and performance, and more.

• Industry Standard TPC Benchmark
• Data Warehousing / Decision Support
• Simulates ad hoc environment where there is little
pre-knowledge of the queries
• Simple Schema
> 8 Tables
> 3NF, not Star
• Different scale factors: 100GB, 300GB, 1000GB,
• 22 queries
• 2 refresh functions (insert, delete)
• Single-stream component . . . power
• Multi-stream component . . . throughput
• Ad-hoc enforced by implemention rules
> Indexes only on primary key, foreign key and date
How PostgreSQL Behaves
• Power run actually runs a single stream of queries
> Since PostgreSQL can only use one core for query, it is
difficult to use the capabilities of multi-core systems.
• For research purposes, its useful to see how
PostgreSQL performs even in single stream

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PostgreSQL Database Slides
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PostgreSQL Database Slides

This document provides an introduction and overview of PostgreSQL, including its history, features, installation, usage and SQL capabilities. It describes how to create and manipulate databases, tables, views, and how to insert, query, update and delete data. It also covers transaction management, functions, constraints and other advanced topics.

PostgreSQL performance improvements in 9.5 and 9.6
PostgreSQL performance improvements in 9.5 and 9.6PostgreSQL performance improvements in 9.5 and 9.6
PostgreSQL performance improvements in 9.5 and 9.6

The document summarizes performance improvements in PostgreSQL versions 9.5 and 9.6. Some key improvements discussed include optimizations to sorting, hash joins, BRIN indexes, parallel query processing, aggregate functions, checkpoints, and freezing. Performance tests on sorting, hash joins, and parallel queries show significant speedups from these changes, such as faster sorting times and better scalability with parallel queries.

How PostgreSQL Behaves
• Current runs indicate that without right index(es) it is
hard for PostgreSQL Optimizer to suggest good
> However index on such huge tables are slow to create, plus you
can never guess the next index required (in realworld BIDW)
> COPY took 02:12:06 while INDEX creations took 11:33:47
> Commercial databases have figured good ways to just live with few
index for this type of workload
• Range Partitioning, Table Partitioning, Clustering
are more important
> Hard to provide single logical view of partitioned table for
inserts/updates. Plus very hard to setup table partitioning which can
be compliant with run rules
How PostgreSQL Behaves
• Query profiles without range-partitioning or Clustering but
with many indexes:
> Queries which are user CPU(core) bound = 1,7,8,12,13,15,19,21
> Queries which are user+sys CPU (core bound)= 2,3,11,15,18
> Queries which are suspiciously idle = 9,17, 20, 22
> Queries return 0 rows immediately = 4, 5, 6,10,14
Summary/Next Step
• Good overall status with SPECjAppServer2004 and EAStress
• EAStress good load for regression testing
• TPC-E with PostgreSQL has room for improvements.
> Highlights hot contention with BROKER table
> Need to work with community to see if it is a schema
problem or some inherent problem in PostgreSQL
• TPC-H with PostgreSQL will require more detailed
> Figure out problems with broken queries
> Optimizer plan key to performance
> Need to work with community
• Performance and Benchmark Team, Sun
> Vince Carbone (TPC-H)
> Glenn Fawcett (TPC-E)
> John Fowler Jr
• ISV- Engineering, Sun
> Tom Daly (SpecJAppServer / EAStress )

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PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World
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PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World

This document discusses high availability for PostgreSQL in a containerized environment. It outlines typical enterprise requirements for high availability including recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives. Shared storage-based high availability is described as well as the advantages and disadvantages of PostgreSQL replication. The use of Linux containers and orchestration tools like Kubernetes and Consul for managing containerized PostgreSQL clusters is also covered. The document advocates for using PostgreSQL replication along with services and self-healing tools to provide highly available and scalable PostgreSQL deployments in modern container environments.

PostgreSQL and Linux Containers
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PostgreSQL and Linux Containers

This document provides an overview of Linux containers and Docker containers. It begins with definitions of containers and their advantages over virtual machines. It describes early implementations of containers like chroot, Jails, and Zones. It explains the underlying kernel technologies like cgroups and namespaces that enable Linux containers. It provides instructions for using LXC and systemd-nspawn to deploy basic containers. It then focuses on Docker containers, covering installation, images, volumes, and best practices for running applications like PostgreSQL in Docker containers.

PostgreSQL 9.6 Performance-Scalability Improvements
PostgreSQL 9.6 Performance-Scalability ImprovementsPostgreSQL 9.6 Performance-Scalability Improvements
PostgreSQL 9.6 Performance-Scalability Improvements

These are the slides used by Dilip Kumar of EnterpriseDB for his presentation at pgDay Asia 2016, Singpaore. He talked about scalability and performance improvements in PostgreSQL v9.6, which is expected to be released in Dec/2016 - Jan/2017.

More Information
• PostgreSQL Question: <>
• Blogs on PostgreSQL
> Josh Berkus:
> Jignesh Shah:
> Tom Daly:
> Robert Lor:
• PostgreSQL on Solaris Wiki:
• OpenSolaris databases community:
Q & A
Backup Slides/
Additional Information
TPC-E Scaling Design
● DBMS size and metric scales with the number of emulated
customers in the database
● Transactions designed for consistent scaling; independent of
● Transactions designed to access “any row, any where”.
Increases cross-node & cross schema communications.
● “Any customer emulation�� - Any driver can emulate any
customer at any time, and possibly the same customer
simultaneously across drivers.
● All results are comparable

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Best Practices of HA and Replication of PostgreSQL in Virtualized Environments
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Best Practices of HA and Replication of PostgreSQL in Virtualized Environments

This document discusses best practices for high availability (HA) and replication of PostgreSQL databases in virtualized environments. It covers enterprise needs for HA, technologies like VMware HA and replication that can provide HA, and deployment blueprints for HA, read scaling, and disaster recovery within and across datacenters. The document also discusses PostgreSQL's different replication modes and how they can be used for HA, read scaling, and disaster recovery.

TPC-H in MongoDB
TPC-H in MongoDBTPC-H in MongoDB
TPC-H in MongoDB

This document discusses benchmarking TPC-H queries in MongoDB compared to MySQL. It introduces MongoDB and describes setting up the TPC-H data by embedding all tables into a single MongoDB collection. Six sample queries are presented and run using Map-Reduce and the Aggregation Framework. Benchmark results show MongoDB performing worse than MySQL on all queries due to data conversion difficulties and MongoDB's immature Aggregation Framework. The document concludes that while MongoDB is suitable for some applications, it is not well-suited to complex queries like those in TPC-H due to its lack of standard query language and server-side processing abilities.

mongodbnosqldatabase management system
SFPUG - DVDStore Performance Benchmark and PostgreSQL
SFPUG - DVDStore Performance Benchmark and PostgreSQLSFPUG - DVDStore Performance Benchmark and PostgreSQL
SFPUG - DVDStore Performance Benchmark and PostgreSQL

How to set DVDStore benchmark kit with PostgreSQL

Customer Broker Market
TPC-E Transaction Overview
● Broker Volume – Total potential volume for a subset of brokers of
all Trades in a given sector for a specific customer tier – Single
● Customer Position – Reports the current market value for each
account of a customer – Single Frame
● Security Detail – Returns all information pertaining to a specific
security; financial, news, stock performance ... - Single Frame
● Trade Status – Status of the most recent trade for a customer –
Single Frame
● Market Watch – Calculates the percentage change in value of the
market capitalization for a set of securities – Multiple Independent
Single Frames
TPC-E Transaction Overview – Con't
Trade Lookup – Return all information relating to a specific trade
determined by either: 1) trade-id, or 2) customer-id and a timestamp –
Multiple Independent Frames
● Trade-Update – Same as Trade-Lookup, but modifies the data returned,
i.e. “Settle cash transactions” - Multiple Independent Frames
● Trade Order – Request to buy/sell a quantity of a security for a customer
account either via a market or limit order – Single Multi Frame
● Trade Result – The completion of a confirmed Trade Order from the
“Market” - Single Multi Frame Transaction
● Market Feed – Update the last traded values for a security from the
“ticker” (Market Exchange Emulator) – Single Multi Frame Transaction
TPC-E Reported Metrics
● Primary Metrics
● tpsE : qualified throughput metric; total number of
Trade-Result transactions completed in the
measurement interval divided by the measurement
interval in seconds
● $/tpsE : Total 3 year cost divided by the throughput
● Additional Reported Metric
● # of processors, cores and threads
● Durability Redundancy Level
● Database Recovery Time

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OLTP Performance Benchmark Review
OLTP Performance Benchmark ReviewOLTP Performance Benchmark Review
OLTP Performance Benchmark Review

The document provides an overview of various OLTP performance benchmarks including pgbench, sysbench, dbt2, BenchmarkSQL, and DVDStore. It discusses the benchmarks' workloads and metrics. It also outlines the development of new benchmarks like TPC-V and how ensuring they run well on PostgreSQL would benefit the open source database.

Introduction to PgBench
Introduction to PgBenchIntroduction to PgBench
Introduction to PgBench

This document provides an introduction to pgbench, which is a benchmarking tool for PostgreSQL. It discusses pgbench's history and origins, how to generate databases of different scales for testing, the database schema and scripting language used, and how to run standard, read-only, and custom tests. The author also analyzes results from tests at different database scales and number of clients, discusses warm vs. cold cache performance, and provides tips for thorough benchmarking.

The Great Debate: PostgreSQL vs MySQL
The Great Debate: PostgreSQL vs MySQLThe Great Debate: PostgreSQL vs MySQL
The Great Debate: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

This document summarizes a presentation comparing PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. It outlines the strengths and weaknesses of each, including PostgreSQL's strong advanced features and flexible licensing but lack of integrated replication, and MySQL's replication capabilities but immature security and programming models. It also discusses common application types for each database and provides an overview of the EnterpriseDB company.

by EDB
TPC-H Reporting Requirements
● Scale factor, e.g., @1000GB
● Composite performance metric QphH
● Price/performance . . . $/ QphH
● System availability date
● Results at different scale factors are not
comparable . . . per TPC
TPC-H Reported Metric
● Primary Metrics
● Composite Metric (QphH@size)
● Composite of Power and Throughput metric
● Price/Performance Metric ($/QphH@size)
● Secondary Metrics
● Power Numerical Quantity (QppH@size)
● How fast a single stream of queries perform
● Throughput Numerical Quantity(QthH@size)
● How fast multiple stream of queries perform

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PostgreSQL and Benchmarks

  • 1. PostgreSQL and Benchmarks Jignesh Shah – Staff Engineer, ISV Engineering, Sun Microsystems Inc PostgreSQL East Conference March 2008
  • 2. About Me • Working with Sun Microsystems for about 7 1/2 years > Primarily responsibility at Sun is to make ISV and Open Source Community Software applications work better on Solaris • Prior to Sun worked as ERP Consultant • Worked with various databases (DB2 UDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Progress OpenEdge, Oracle) • Worked with various ERP (QAD, Lawson) and CRM (Dispatch-1), etc • Previous responsibilities also included : Low Cost BIDW
  • 3. Agenda • Industry Standard Benchmarks > SPECjAppServer2004™ > EAStress2004 > TPC-E > TPC-H
  • 5. SPECjAppServer2004 • SPECjAppServer2004 is the current version • Review by SPEC required before publishing the result (published on • Metric is JOPS = jAppServer Operations Per Second • Fine workload to use to measure impacts of database from one version to another (rather than compare systems, operating systems and/or other databases)
  • 6. SPECjAppServer2004 Characteristics • J2EE Application with Database Backend • Response times do depend on Database Performance among other things • Not a micro benchmark for Database but not exhaustive also • Typical Single row queries/updates/inserts • No stored procedures • Mostly highlighting performance combining J2EE and database performance together
  • 8. PostgreSQL's SPECjAppServer2004 Performance • Two published SPECjAppServer2004 result using Glassfish and PostgreSQL 8.2 on Solaris > 778.14 JOPS with Glassfish v1 > 813.73 JOPS with Glassfish v2 • PostgreSQL is in top category in terms of overall low price and price/performance Mandatory Disclosure: SPECjAppServer2004 JOPS@standard Sun Fire X4200 M2 (4 chips, 8 cores) - 813.73 SPECjAppServer2004 JOPS@Standard Sun Fire X4200 M2 (6 chips, 12cores) - 778.14 SPECjAppServer2004 JOPS@Standard SPEC, SPECjAppServer reg tm of Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All results from as of Jan 8,2008
  • 9. PostgreSQL Conf Parameters Used in SPECjAppServer2004 (v8.2) shared_buffers=3500MB temp_buffers = 1000 work_mem=100MB maintenance_work_mem = 512MB wal_sync_method = fdatasync full_page_writes = off wal_buffers = 2300 commit_delay = 10 checkpoint_segments = 256 enable_seqscan = off random_page_cost = 1.5 cpu_tuple_cost = 0.001 cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.0005 cpu_operator_cost = 0.00025 effective_cache_size = 40GB stats_start_collector = off default_transaction_isolation = read committed deadlock_timeout = 1000
  • 11. EAStress2004 • EAStress2004 is RESEARCH mode of SPECjAppServer2004 • No review from SPEC required • Metric of EAStress2004 (HASOPM) is not equivalent and hence should not be compared to metric of SpecJAppServer2004 (JOPS) • Fine workload to use to measure impacts of database from one version to another (rather than compare systems, operating systems and/or other databases)
  • 12. EAStress2004 Characteristics • In lot of ways subset to SPECjAppServer2004 but not equivalent as SPECjAppserver2004 has more added workload tasks • Has potential to be put into regression test suite for PostgreSQL • Stresses IO, Scalability, Response times
  • 13. PostgreSQL's EAStress2004 Performance EAStress2004 HASOPM – Hundreds of Application Server Operations Per Minute SPEC, SPECjAppServer reg tm of Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. PostgreSQL 8.2 (32-bit) PostgreSQL 8.3 (64-bit) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 EAStress2004 with PostgreSQL EAStress Metric (HASOPM) 46% improvement just by changing the database underneath it Highlights database performance impact to EAStress Differences between 8.3/8.2: • 64-bit vs 32-bit • sync_commit=false • Higher shared_buffers **Missing data point with 8.3 (32-bit) which could have been very helpful
  • 14. PostgreSQL Conf Parameters Used in EAStress2004 (v8.3) shared_buffers=8000MB temp_buffers = 8MB work_mem=1MB maintenance_work_mem = 512MB wal_sync_method = fdatasync full_page_writes = off wal_buffers = 2500 commit_delay = 10 checkpoint_segments = 256 synchronous_commit=false enable_seqscan = off random_page_cost = 1.5 cpu_tuple_cost = 0.001 cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.0005 cpu_operator_cost = 0.00025 effective_cache_size = 4GB update_process_title=off default_transaction_isolation = read committed deadlock_timeout = 1000
  • 15. TPC-E
  • 16. TPC-E Highlights ● Complex schema ● Referential Integrity ● Less partitionable ● Increase # of trans ● Transaction Frames ● Non-primary key access to data ● Data access requirements (RAID) ● Complex transaction queries ● Extensive foreign key relationships ● TPC provided core components
  • 17. TPC-E Sample Setup System Under Test Driver Tier A Tier B Data Data Data Database Server App. Server App. Server App. Server Mandatory Network between Driver and Tier A Network System Under Test Driver Tier A Tier B DataData DataData DataData Database ServerDatabase Server App. ServerApp. Server App. ServerApp. Server App. ServerApp. Server Mandatory Network between Driver and Tier A Network Image From:
  • 18. TPC-E Characteristics • Brokerage House workload • Scale factor in terms of active customers to be used dependent on target performance (roughly Every 1K customer = 7.1GB raw data to be loaded) • Lots of Constraints and Foreign keys • Business logic (part of system) can be implemented via Stored Procedures or other mechanisms • Can be used to stress multiple features of database: Random IO reads/writes, Index performance, stored procedure performance, response times, etc
  • 19. How PostgreSQL is behaving right now with TPC-E? • Setup process very slow with PostgreSQL • Table with few rows hot for update (Broker) • High Random reads which blocks (trade and trade_history) • Adding index hurts trade update performance and less index hurts trade lookup performance • More contention if client streams are increased even slightly resulting in drop in performance
  • 20. How PostgreSQL is behaving right now with TPC-E? • With some work, it could be possible to publish a competitive TPC-E with PostgreSQL
  • 21. TPC-H
  • 22. TPC-H • Industry Standard TPC Benchmark • Data Warehousing / Decision Support • Simulates ad hoc environment where there is little pre-knowledge of the queries • Simple Schema > 8 Tables > 3NF, not Star
  • 23. TPC-H • Different scale factors: 100GB, 300GB, 1000GB, 3000GB • 22 queries • 2 refresh functions (insert, delete) • Single-stream component . . . power • Multi-stream component . . . throughput • Ad-hoc enforced by implemention rules > Indexes only on primary key, foreign key and date colums.
  • 24. How PostgreSQL Behaves • Power run actually runs a single stream of queries > Since PostgreSQL can only use one core for query, it is difficult to use the capabilities of multi-core systems. • For research purposes, its useful to see how PostgreSQL performs even in single stream
  • 25. How PostgreSQL Behaves • Current runs indicate that without right index(es) it is hard for PostgreSQL Optimizer to suggest good plans. > However index on such huge tables are slow to create, plus you can never guess the next index required (in realworld BIDW) > COPY took 02:12:06 while INDEX creations took 11:33:47 > Commercial databases have figured good ways to just live with few index for this type of workload • Range Partitioning, Table Partitioning, Clustering are more important > Hard to provide single logical view of partitioned table for inserts/updates. Plus very hard to setup table partitioning which can be compliant with run rules
  • 26. How PostgreSQL Behaves • Query profiles without range-partitioning or Clustering but with many indexes: > Queries which are user CPU(core) bound = 1,7,8,12,13,15,19,21 > Queries which are user+sys CPU (core bound)= 2,3,11,15,18 > Queries which are suspiciously idle = 9,17, 20, 22 > Queries return 0 rows immediately = 4, 5, 6,10,14
  • 27. Summary/Next Step • Good overall status with SPECjAppServer2004 and EAStress • EAStress good load for regression testing • TPC-E with PostgreSQL has room for improvements. > Highlights hot contention with BROKER table > Need to work with community to see if it is a schema problem or some inherent problem in PostgreSQL • TPC-H with PostgreSQL will require more detailed investigation > Figure out problems with broken queries > Optimizer plan key to performance > Need to work with community
  • 28. Acknowledgements • Performance and Benchmark Team, Sun > Vince Carbone (TPC-H) > Glenn Fawcett (TPC-E) > John Fowler Jr • ISV- Engineering, Sun > Tom Daly (SpecJAppServer / EAStress )
  • 29. More Information • PostgreSQL Question: <> • Blogs on PostgreSQL > Josh Berkus: > Jignesh Shah: > Tom Daly: > Robert Lor: • PostgreSQL on Solaris Wiki: • OpenSolaris databases community:
  • 30. Q & A
  • 32. TPC-E Scaling Design ● DBMS size and metric scales with the number of emulated customers in the database ● Transactions designed for consistent scaling; independent of architecture ● Transactions designed to access “any row, any where”. Increases cross-node & cross schema communications. ● “Any customer emulation” - Any driver can emulate any customer at any time, and possibly the same customer simultaneously across drivers. ● All results are comparable
  • 34. TPC-E Transaction Overview ● Broker Volume – Total potential volume for a subset of brokers of all Trades in a given sector for a specific customer tier – Single Frame ● Customer Position – Reports the current market value for each account of a customer – Single Frame ● Security Detail – Returns all information pertaining to a specific security; financial, news, stock performance ... - Single Frame ● Trade Status – Status of the most recent trade for a customer – Single Frame ● Market Watch – Calculates the percentage change in value of the market capitalization for a set of securities – Multiple Independent Single Frames
  • 35. TPC-E Transaction Overview – Con't ● Trade Lookup – Return all information relating to a specific trade determined by either: 1) trade-id, or 2) customer-id and a timestamp – Multiple Independent Frames ● Trade-Update – Same as Trade-Lookup, but modifies the data returned, i.e. “Settle cash transactions” - Multiple Independent Frames ● Trade Order – Request to buy/sell a quantity of a security for a customer account either via a market or limit order – Single Multi Frame Transaction ● Trade Result – The completion of a confirmed Trade Order from the “Market” - Single Multi Frame Transaction ● Market Feed – Update the last traded values for a security from the “ticker” (Market Exchange Emulator) – Single Multi Frame Transaction
  • 36. TPC-E Reported Metrics ● Primary Metrics ● tpsE : qualified throughput metric; total number of Trade-Result transactions completed in the measurement interval divided by the measurement interval in seconds ● $/tpsE : Total 3 year cost divided by the throughput metric ● Additional Reported Metric ● # of processors, cores and threads ● Durability Redundancy Level ● Database Recovery Time
  • 37. TPC-H Reporting Requirements ● Scale factor, e.g., @1000GB ● Composite performance metric QphH ● Price/performance . . . $/ QphH ● System availability date ● Results at different scale factors are not comparable . . . per TPC
  • 38. TPC-H Reported Metric ● Primary Metrics ● Composite Metric (QphH@size) ● Composite of Power and Throughput metric ● Price/Performance Metric ($/QphH@size) ● Secondary Metrics ● Power Numerical Quantity (QppH@size) ● How fast a single stream of queries perform ● Throughput Numerical Quantity(QthH@size) ● How fast multiple stream of queries perform