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Top 20 Things
Do all the Time
Successful People
by @BrianKSullivan
Successful Unsuccessful
Journey is a straight line.Journey is an irregular spiral.
Successful Unsuccessful
Transactional viewpoint.Transformational viewpoint.
Successful Unsuccessful
Blame others.Compliment others.

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How to Build the Perfect Team - Having the right people in place is essential to accomplishing your goals and building your business. Follow these tips from Nancy Butler, business coach and award-winning author of Above All Else, to assemble the perfect high-performing team.

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MOTIVATE YOURSELF-- eyes on goal...
MOTIVATE YOURSELF-- eyes on goal...MOTIVATE YOURSELF-- eyes on goal...
MOTIVATE YOURSELF-- eyes on goal...

This document provides tips for motivating yourself. It discusses that motivation is the fuel that drives you towards your goals. Some key points made include: - Motivation cures discouragement and pushes you past obstacles towards victory. It shows you the direction when lost. - Tips for self-motivation include setting goals, developing gratitude, spending time with supportive people, exercising, and avoiding negativity. - Staying motivated requires an optimistic mindset, continuous learning, making positive networks, and reviewing motivational images. It's important to challenge yourself and avoid laziness.

motivate yourselfmotivationget rid of negative thoughts
Brian Tracy 18 Ways To Program The Mind For Success
Brian Tracy   18 Ways To Program The Mind For SuccessBrian Tracy   18 Ways To Program The Mind For Success
Brian Tracy 18 Ways To Program The Mind For Success

This document outlines 18 ways to program the mind for success. It discusses laws like the law of expectations, law of attraction, and law of accumulation. It recommends visualizing goals clearly with emotion, setting specific financial goals, only associating with positive people, and reflecting on goals daily. The overall message is that controlling thoughts and focusing them on your desires can help you achieve success through accumulation and manifestation over time.

Successful Unsuccessful
Think they know it all.Always learning.
Student Mr. Know-It-All
Successful Unsuccessful
Enjoy destination only.Enjoy destination & journey.
Successful Unsuccessful
Takes credit from others.Give credit to others.
Successful Unsuccessful
Talks about people.Talks about ideas.

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Be a successful person

This document provides advice for becoming a successful man. It recommends being respectful of yourself and others, participating in competitions as a student, clearing any doubts, not judging others, focusing on your strengths, setting goals and working hard to achieve them, taking care of your health and not procrastinating. It also stresses the importance of consistency, determination, and persevering through failures as keys to success. Overall, the document offers general life advice focused on self-improvement, respecting others, finding passion and purpose, and maintaining a strong work ethic.

be a successful personmotivationabout life
Do You Have Fixed or a Growth Mindset
Do You Have Fixed or a Growth MindsetDo You Have Fixed or a Growth Mindset
Do You Have Fixed or a Growth Mindset

Mindsets are your beliefs and they affect your life and your success in business and your life. Do you let failure or success define your life, or do you view them as opportunities? Do you view your qualities carved in stone and that you will have to prove yourself over and over and over or that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life.  Do you view your life as a test or as a journey.

8 Habits Of Successful People
8  Habits Of  Successful  People8  Habits Of  Successful  People
8 Habits Of Successful People

The document outlines 8 habits of successful people: 1. Goal setting - Deciding what success means and having a target to work towards. 2. Planning - Making complete plans for how to succeed and what actions to take, even if plans change. 3. Acting - Taking action on plans and opportunities instead of waiting. 4. Learning from failures - Failing at least once to learn lessons to avoid mistakes and keep progressing. 5. Adjusting - Updating plans with new lessons learned to progress most efficiently. 6. Moving forward - Having courage to try again after failure using knowledge gained. 7. Improving - Continually seeking knowledge and believing there is always more to

Successful Unsuccessful
Feedback is failure.Failure is feedback.
F =
F =
Successful Unsuccessful
Secretly hopes they fail.Wants other to succeed.
Successful Unsuccessful
All or Nothing Thinking.Complex, Nuanced Thinking.
Successful Unsuccessful
Horde information.Share information.

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Successful in life
Successful in lifeSuccessful in life
Successful in life

This presentation provides tips on how to become successful in life. It advises thinking big without neglecting small starts. It also recommends finding something you love to do, maintaining a positive attitude, and being willing to work hard. Finally, it suggests believing in your ability to succeed and concentrating wholeheartedly on your studies, work, play, and prayers.

The 8 traits successful people have in common
The 8 traits successful people have in commonThe 8 traits successful people have in common
The 8 traits successful people have in common

This document outlines 8 traits that are common among successful people: passion, work, focus, push, ideas, improve, serve, and persist. It discusses each trait in detail, providing examples and strategies. For passion, it emphasizes finding what you love and exploring many paths. For work, it promotes working very hard and having fun doing so. For focus, it recommends concentrating by eliminating distractions. The document stresses the importance of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, getting ideas by observing problems, improving constantly, serving others with value, and persisting through failures, mistakes, criticism, and rejections.

Positive Self Motivation
Positive Self MotivationPositive Self Motivation
Positive Self Motivation

This document discusses positive self-motivation by changing one's mindset to be more positive, setting goals, and increasing confidence in achieving those goals. It notes how positivity lifts one up and focuses on opportunities and solutions, leading to action, while negativity pulls one down and focuses on limitations and problems, leading to inaction. It outlines assessing one's current lack of motivation, identifying areas for improvement, implementing action plans using the SMART approach, and following up to review progress and make corrections.

Successful Unsuccessful
Exudes anger.Exudes joy.
Successful Unsuccesful
Defensive.Open to Suggestions.
Successful Unsuccessful
Sense of entitlement.Sense of gratitude.
Successful Unsuccessful
Imperfections = Curses.Imperfections = Gifts.

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Positive Attitude
Positive AttitudePositive Attitude
Positive Attitude

This document discusses the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. It defines attitude as a pattern of thinking that is reflected in one's behavior. Having a positive attitude can result in improved relationships, greater opportunities for success, and increased productivity. The document provides tips for cultivating a positive attitude, such as believing you are in control of your life, living with purpose and emotional clarity, practicing gratitude, and helping others.

How to be successful in any aspect of life! What high achievers doing differe...
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The document discusses various attributes and habits of successful people such as focusing on the most important 20% of tasks, taking responsibility for results, setting goals, believing in themselves, and being persistent and determined. It emphasizes that success requires action and hard work, and that one must take steps towards their goals every day through habits like reading, listening to audio programs, and visualizing success.

motivation; inspiration; success; successful peopl
Developing the Growth Mindset
Developing the Growth MindsetDeveloping the Growth Mindset
Developing the Growth Mindset

This document discusses developing a growth mindset. It defines a growth mindset as a belief that basic abilities can be developed through effort, in contrast to a fixed mindset which sees abilities as innate talents. It describes characteristics of each mindset, such as how those with a growth mindset embrace challenges and see effort as the path to mastery, while those with a fixed mindset avoid challenges and believe effort is fruitless. The document provides tips for developing a growth mindset, such as viewing challenges as opportunities and replacing notions of "failing" with "learning".

Successful Unsuccessful
Blame others.Accept responsibility.
Successful Unsuccessful
Very, Very Rigid.Flexible and Adaptable.
I love it
when a plan
comes together
(especially mine).
Plan A,
Plan B,
Plan C,
Plan D
Successful Unsuccessful
Watch movies everyday.Read everyday.
Successful Unsuccessful

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Becoming A Positive Thinker
Becoming A Positive ThinkerBecoming A Positive Thinker
Becoming A Positive Thinker

The document discusses the power of positive thinking and how to develop a positive mindset. It defines positive thinking as expecting good outcomes and making creative choices, even when facts seem negative. The benefits of positive thinking include improved mood, physical health, relationships, and progress toward goals. Tips for overcoming negative thoughts include affirming positive beliefs about oneself, avoiding comparisons, spending time with positive people, and accepting failure as part of success.

positive thinkingpower of positive thinking auther mrs najm-un-nis
Growth Mindset
Growth MindsetGrowth Mindset
Growth Mindset

There are two types of mindsets - a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Those with a fixed mindset believe their abilities are innate and cannot change, while those with a growth mindset believe their abilities can be developed through effort and practice. A growth mindset is associated with a willingness to learn, putting in effort even when tasks are difficult, and believing that failure provides an opportunity to improve one's abilities. Adopting a growth mindset means focusing on learning from mistakes and challenges rather than feelings of innate ability.

growth mindsetneuronsbecoming smarter
Mindset for Achievement: How to Boost Achievement and Fulfillment Through Min...
Mindset for Achievement: How to Boost Achievement and Fulfillment Through Min...Mindset for Achievement: How to Boost Achievement and Fulfillment Through Min...
Mindset for Achievement: How to Boost Achievement and Fulfillment Through Min...

Carol Dweck at BayCHI, May 11, 2010: Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success—a simple idea that makes all the difference. In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. Dweck's research also shows that praising intelligence can harm motivation by creating a fixed mindset. People also tend to believe that talent alone creates success—without effort. They're wrong. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports.

Successful Unsuccessful
Fears change.Embraces change.
Bonus Tip
Successful people
are surrounded by other
Successful people.
by @BrianKSullivan

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