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The Customer Journey,
Digital Transformation,
and You
Jason Bloomberg
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC
About Jason Bloomberg
• President of
industry analyst
firm Intellyx
• Latest
book The Agile
• Recently published the Agile Digital
Transformation Roadmap poster
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC2
What is Digital?
Customer preferences & behavior
drive technology choices
Range of technology touchpoints is exploding
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC3
What about
Internal organizational change is necessary
to maintain focus on the customer in today’s
digital world
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC4

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Engagement Banking Strategy by Michael Degnan
Engagement Banking Strategy by Michael DegnanEngagement Banking Strategy by Michael Degnan
Engagement Banking Strategy by Michael Degnan

This document discusses engagement banking, which uses technology to achieve both customer intimacy and scale. It emphasizes using customer data and insights to provide personalized experiences across channels. The four pillars of engagement banking are outlined as next generation online banking, multi-channel experiences, digital customer acquisition, and digital communities. Key aspects include strong user experience design, data-driven products, and treating channels as agnostic to provide a unified customer experience.

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Digital Banking Essentials
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Digital Banking Essentials

Digital banking is a multi-year journey that requires transforming how banks interact with customers in the digital age. It involves changes across five key areas: leadership, customer experience, information, operational model, and workforce. The transformation is driven by changes in customer behavior, technology innovation, and an increasingly competitive landscape that now includes technology companies and startups in addition to other banks. To succeed, banks must start with improving the customer experience and leverage new technologies to develop a deeper understanding of customers.

digital banking
Online Banking 2.0 by Feature Banking Magazine
Online Banking 2.0 by Feature Banking MagazineOnline Banking 2.0 by Feature Banking Magazine
Online Banking 2.0 by Feature Banking Magazine

Since online banking became mainstream, the web has moved on. Jouk Pleiter of Backbase tells Future Banking how new thinking and technology is helping innovative banks set the pace of change.

online bankingbackbasemobile
What is Digital
• Customer pressures
driving technological and
organizational change in
• Enterprises rethinking:
– How they serve
– The role IT plays
– How they build & manage
– How they innovate
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC5
Digital Transformation
What are you transforming?
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC6
Digital Transformation =
Business Transformation
All of the
The Customer Experience
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC7
The Customer Journey
• Pre-sale: navigating
the funnel
• The conversion
• Post-sale
– Customer support
– Warranty support
– Cross-sell and upsell
• End of life
– Future owners
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC8

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2015 IT Roadmap_Driving_Business_Success_v31
2015 IT Roadmap_Driving_Business_Success_v312015 IT Roadmap_Driving_Business_Success_v31
2015 IT Roadmap_Driving_Business_Success_v31

Supplementing my other Slideshare post re: "2014 Customer Decision Journey", this October 2014 presentation for IT professionals, examines what lies beyond Cloud, Analytics, Mobile, and Social for 2015. Essentially, McKinsey, Harvard, Gartner, and others concur that in an Internet of Things hyper-connected world.... 2015 and beyond is all about using technology to bring unique value and competitive advantage on a humanly personal, customer-centric, demographic-of-one basis. This presentation examines the McKinsey / Harvard Customer Decision Journey / Digital Customer Journey model as it has evolved over the past 6 years, and delves into best practices as promoted by McKinsey, Harvard, Gartner and others, for how IT should and must respond. This is tutorial research summarizing a large quantity of McKinsey, Harvard, and Gartner papers and research presentations. I provide it in PowerPoint format so that all may benefit. In the same way as others have so generously shared their knowledge and material with me, now I am doing the same for all of you. My only request is that you always give me full accreditation as the author of this summary research and presentation. This material was first presented to the Suncoast Technology Forum, Sarasota, Florida, USA, on Tuesday October 21, 2014. John Sing, Sarasota, FL, USA October 21, 2014

digital marketingjohn singinfrastructure
Digital bank
Digital bankDigital bank
Digital bank

Digital banking involves transforming banks internally to focus on data, user experience, and personalization. New technologies and business models are disrupting traditional banking by empowering new market players, changing customer behavior and expectations. Customers now demand ubiquitous, relevant, and contextual interactions on mobile. To succeed, banks must redefine their roles around data management and open APIs, and stop thinking of channels as separate from the core bank. The future of banking lies in analyzing big data to generate personalized offers for each unique customer.

digitaldigital strategybanking
Challenges for the Future of Retail Banking
Challenges for the Future of Retail BankingChallenges for the Future of Retail Banking
Challenges for the Future of Retail Banking

Digital transformation in retail banking is a thriving and complex phenomenon. We at Designit try to make sense of it by identifying leading trends in three deeply interdependent categories: new enabling technologies, new customer expectations, and new strategic trends. The future holds uncertainty and promise, but some immediate actions are patently necessary for banks that want to stay relevant in an increasingly dynamic scenario.

strategic designdesigntrend
Mobile ‘Moments’
• People interact with
devices when and
where they have a
• Devices & apps must
be context-sensitive
– Where is user in
customer journey?
– Physical location of user?
– Environmental context of
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC9
• NOT the same as Multichannel
– Interact via different channels at different times
• From user perspective, single channel with
multiple touchpoints
– Bringing phones into stores
– Social media while watching TV
– Ubiquitous mobile
– Many other
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC10
Omnichannel Beyond
• Healthcare
– Patient journey
leads to
• Human resources
– Employee journey
from recruiting to
onboarding to
employee support
• E-Government
– Citizen-centered digital initiatives
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC11
Raising the Bar on
Customer Service
• Customer service now
integral to journey
– Not a silo
• Empower reps to solve
• Give reps access to all
information they need
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC12
Customer service is part of
omnichannel experience

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Building the 10x better bank
Building the 10x better bankBuilding the 10x better bank
Building the 10x better bank

Building the 10x better bank, by @joukpleiter & @jelmerdejong Slides of the November 11, 2015 webinar 'Omni-channel banking & the digital transformation roadmap'. In this webinar, Jouk Pleiter and Jelmer de Jong of Backbase will talk about building the 10-times-better bank. The financial services market is going through many changes. New challengers have appeared and are looking for a slice of the market. In addition, customers are more demanding and more informed, expecting convenience and simplicity when it comes to financial services, particularly online and via mobile devices. People love digital services such as Netflix, Amazon, and Uber because they’re easy to use and deliver great customer experiences. They deliver 10 times more convenience and better customer experiences than the status quo, and are therefore winning the market. It’s only a matter of time before the 10-times-better bank is founded, a thought that's on the radar of every banker. In this webinar, we outline the journey of creating the 10-times-better bank, providing a detailed analysis of how banks can begin their digital journey, with a strong focus on five main points: 1) new competitors in banking: the disrupters 2) customer experience: the key ingredients 3) omni-channel and the changing channel mix 4) mobile's impact on online sales and share of wallet 5) regaining control in the era of digitization

backbasemobile bankingdigital banking
Understanding Electronic Commerce
Understanding Electronic CommerceUnderstanding Electronic Commerce
Understanding Electronic Commerce Your customers are demanding new ways to accept payments. Do you understand the difference between credit card transactions (including debit and EBT) and ACH transactions? What about check conversion flows and gift vs. loyalty programs? Join us for an overview of the payments industry including a discussion of payment methods, major players, and what you need to know to develop the proper solution for your customer.

The Future of Omni-Channel Banking
The Future of Omni-Channel BankingThe Future of Omni-Channel Banking
The Future of Omni-Channel Banking

In this webinar we are looking at omni-channel banking experiences. Today's consumer has several channels they can use to interact with their bank, and they want to use all of them. Financial institutions can, and should, communicate with their customers across all channels, not just one or two. A single platform with a rich customer experience layer makes it possible to create omni-channel strategies that use all channels and meet the needs of the 'connected consumer'. Real omni-channel banking is about more than a brand being available on a variety of touchpoints, it is about creating a multi-faceted, unified customer experience. Backbase's CEO and co-founder, Jouk Pleiter along with Global Head of Marketing, Jelmer de Jong, will discuss the latest strategies and best practices to help your bank successfully deliver a truly omni-channel banking experience. Topics include: - Best practices for creating an omni-channel Bank experience - Strengthening the brand by combining offline and online - The future of distribution: The hybrid approach - Next steps - How to continuously improve your omni-channel experience

Where is the ‘app’?
• Mobile app only
one element in
customer journey
• Customer
interactions cross
change over time
• The ‘app’ must
encompass all of
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC13
Three Dimensions of
Digital Diversity
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC14
• Front to back
– End-to-end from the
customer to the systems
of record
• Breadth of interaction
– Diversity of customer
touchpoints and form
• Depth of community
– Broad ecosystems of
vendors and services
Customer Needs Begin
with the Device
• Enterprises must connect devices to back-end
• Must perform every time, in real-time
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC15
Everything is in flux
Digital Fragmentation
Few, well-understood
user interfaces
IT governed &
managed apps
Service interfaces
from SOA effort
Explosion of types of
Hybrid, cloud-centric
Rogue IT & mobile app
The API economy
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC16
The Old Days Today

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Designing the future bank for the digital era
Designing the future bank for the digital eraDesigning the future bank for the digital era
Designing the future bank for the digital era

The document discusses Banco Sabadell's strategy to transform into a digital bank for the future. It focuses on three key areas: 1) Mobile banking, with Banco Sabadell being pioneers in developing mobile apps. Mobile usage has increased conversions and activity. 2) Social media customer service and brand journalism. 3) Developing a new customer relationship model centered around conversations rather than transactions, using mobile and social channels to engage customers across all touchpoints. The goal is to create a more humanized, simple and integrated banking experience for customers.

efmabanco sabadelldigital
Digital Banking Trends in 2014
Digital Banking Trends in 2014Digital Banking Trends in 2014
Digital Banking Trends in 2014

In this webinar we will take a look at the key trends that are set to shape tomorrow's bank. First off we'll be discussing some of the trends that were emerging towards the end of last year, such as omni-channel banking. Then we'll move on to how these trends are likely to develop, how IT and business teams can work together to meet them head on, and exactly what banks need to do to create the type of personal and relevant experiences that lead to greater ROIs.

bank 2.0 portalomni-channel bankingomni-channel

My Next Bank Sydney 2013 Presentation on 11/21/13 showing the best global mobile and online banking examples.

bankingmobilebank marketing strategy
• Personalization
– User-driven user
• Segmentation
– Grouping users by
• Individualization
– Segmentation &
personalization with
segments of one
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC17
• From screen
requirements to use
cases to customer
• Today’s customer
stories cover the entire
customer journey
• Customer preferences
& behavior
– Always in flux
– Varies from person to
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC18
Rethinking Business
• Treating the
customer journey
as a business
– Moment-driven
– Unique to each
– Context-sensitive
– Inherently dynamic
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC19
Rise of Self-Service IT
• Rise of the
– Citizen integrator
– Citizen data
– Citizen developer
• IT empowering
self-service across
the board
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC20
‘Employee journey’ as customer

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Traditional PFM Is Dead. Welcome to the New World of Digital Money Management

There is a fundamental shift occurring due to digital disruption in the financial services industry. Large banks are spending upwards of $500 million a year on mobile alone, global fintech investment grew 201% between 2013 and 2014 and up to half of the world’s banks will disappear through the cracks caused by digital. Accenture believes with all of these changes, combined with deleveraging and squeezed margins, 30 percent of traditional banking revenues will be at risk by 2020. Now the only way for financial institutions to grow is to increase share of wallet by providing extraordinary value to customers and beating the competition.

by MX
banksmobile bankingcredit union
Addiko Bank Digital Transformation Experience - Microsoft Sinergija 18
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Addiko Bank Digital Transformation Experience - Microsoft Sinergija 18

Addiko Bank Digital Transformation Experience drive with Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform to achieve better customer engagement, employee productivity and transform operations and products.

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Disruption in Banking: The Era of Digitisation
Disruption in Banking: The Era of DigitisationDisruption in Banking: The Era of Digitisation
Disruption in Banking: The Era of Digitisation

This document discusses the disruption in banking due to changing customer behavior and the rise of digital banking. It notes that customers are increasingly shifting to digital banking for convenience. Small fintech startups are also gaining prominence by disrupting traditional lending and wealth management. The document outlines two key focus points for digital transformation in 2015 - pursuing an omni-channel delivery model to provide a seamless customer experience across channels, and controlling an organization's digital strategy through a customer-centric platform that empowers customers, business units and IT.

backbasefintechjelmer de jong
The Dual Role of ‘No-
Code’ Platforms
• Citizen developers as business
– What are requirements for citizen
– What are citizen development
• Citizen developers building apps for
business users
– Challenges of governance &
– How to avoid shadow IT issues
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC21
‘No-Code’: ‘Citizen Developers’ build
enterprise apps with little or no IT support
Raising ‘Requirements’ &
‘Processes’ Up a Level
• Requirements for
flexibility & customer
• Processes for
changing processes
• Enterprise
architecture focusing
on agility
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC22
Become a Software-
Driven Organization
• Customer-driven,
• We must
sufficiently abstract
the technology to
support changing
customer demands
& other market
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC23
Make Change a Core
• Digital Transformation
doesn’t have a
“final state”
• Business agility is
the goal
– Better able to deal
with change overall
• Requires:
– Customer focus
– Agile organization
– Abstracted infrastructure
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC24

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Banking on innovation by Raja Teh Maimunah
Banking on innovation by Raja Teh MaimunahBanking on innovation by Raja Teh Maimunah
Banking on innovation by Raja Teh Maimunah

This document discusses the evolution of digital and online banking over the past 20 years. It notes that 400 million people, or 25% of the global internet population, were banking online as of 2013. The top 5 mobile payment markets by volume in 2015 are identified. The document also discusses how technology and innovation have changed banking, with local banks branding their online platforms. It provides an example of the customer journey at Hong Leong Bank, noting how mobility now plays a fundamental role. Specific initiatives by Hong Leong Bank to expand digital capabilities and develop online banking products are also summarized.

Backbase banking automation bulletin coverage
Backbase banking automation bulletin coverageBackbase banking automation bulletin coverage
Backbase banking automation bulletin coverage

Every problem has an opportunity: while challenger banks are thriving, incumbents are sourcing open banking capabilities to catch up. In the Banking Automation Bulletin, VP of Strategy Tim Rutten shares his thoughts on how incumbents can develop the best

Removing roadblocks to digital transformation
Removing roadblocks to digital transformationRemoving roadblocks to digital transformation
Removing roadblocks to digital transformation

Enterprises across all industries are in the midst of difficult, bet-the-company changes called digital transformation. Such transformation comes with the risk that slow, traditionally run IT organizations can’t keep up with the faster, customer-facing digital efforts. How can IT adapt? Join Jason Bloomberg from Intellyx and OutSystems to learn how to bridge the gap between the ‘old’ way of doing IT and the ‘new,’ more innovative and customer-focused approach that digital efforts require. You will learn how to empower self-service app development and resolve issues with shadow IT.

digital transformationlow-coderapid application development
The Core Business Goal
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC25
Jason Bloomberg
President, Intellyx
Send email NOW to to
download this presentation
Thank You!
Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC

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The customer journey, digital transformation, and you

  • 1. The Customer Journey, Digital Transformation, and You Jason Bloomberg President @theebizwizard Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC
  • 2. About Jason Bloomberg • President of industry analyst firm Intellyx • Latest book The Agile Architecture Revolution • Recently published the Agile Digital Transformation Roadmap poster Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC2
  • 3. What is Digital? Customer preferences & behavior drive technology choices Range of technology touchpoints is exploding Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC3 PhotoCredit:RevolWeb
  • 4. What about Transformation? Internal organizational change is necessary to maintain focus on the customer in today’s digital world Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC4 PhotoCredit:Pascal
  • 5. What is Digital Transformation? • Customer pressures driving technological and organizational change in companies • Enterprises rethinking: – How they serve customers – The role IT plays – How they build & manage teams – How they innovate Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC5 PhotoCredit:LouisK.
  • 6. Digital Transformation What are you transforming? Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC6 Digital Transformation = Business Transformation Customer Experience Technology Internal Organization All of the Above
  • 8. The Customer Journey • Pre-sale: navigating the funnel • The conversion • Post-sale – Customer support – Warranty support – Cross-sell and upsell • End of life – Future owners Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC8 PhotoCredit:KatieLips
  • 9. Mobile ‘Moments’ • People interact with devices when and where they have a need • Devices & apps must be context-sensitive – Where is user in customer journey? – Physical location of user? – Environmental context of user? Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC9 PhotoCredit:MaurizioCostanzo
  • 10. Omnichannel • NOT the same as Multichannel – Interact via different channels at different times • From user perspective, single channel with multiple touchpoints – Bringing phones into stores – Social media while watching TV – Ubiquitous mobile payments – Many other examples Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC10 PhotoCredit:DanielIversen
  • 11. Omnichannel Beyond Retail • Healthcare – Patient journey leads to patient-centered care • Human resources – Employee journey from recruiting to onboarding to employee support • E-Government – Citizen-centered digital initiatives Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC11 PhotoCredit:NECCorporationofAmerica
  • 12. Raising the Bar on Customer Service • Customer service now integral to journey – Not a silo • Empower reps to solve problems • Give reps access to all information they need Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC12 PhotoCredit:StateFarm Customer service is part of omnichannel experience
  • 13. Where is the ‘app’? • Mobile app only one element in customer journey • Customer interactions cross touchpoints, change over time • The ‘app’ must encompass all of these Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC13 PhotoCredit:MichaelCoghlan
  • 14. Three Dimensions of Digital Diversity Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC14 PhotoCredit:AlexM. • Front to back – End-to-end from the customer to the systems of record • Breadth of interaction – Diversity of customer touchpoints and form factors • Depth of community – Broad ecosystems of vendors and services
  • 15. Customer Needs Begin with the Device • Enterprises must connect devices to back-end technology • Must perform every time, in real-time Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC15 Everything is in flux PhotoCredit:WilliamMurphy
  • 16. Digital Fragmentation Few, well-understood user interfaces Centralized middleware IT governed & managed apps Service interfaces from SOA effort Explosion of types of touchpoints Hybrid, cloud-centric integration Rogue IT & mobile app explosion The API economy Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC16 The Old Days Today
  • 17. Individualization • Personalization – User-driven user experience elements • Segmentation – Grouping users by demographic criteria • Individualization – Segmentation & personalization with segments of one Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC17 PhotoCredit:sanoop
  • 18. Customer ‘Requirements’? • From screen requirements to use cases to customer stories • Today’s customer stories cover the entire customer journey • Customer preferences & behavior – Always in flux – Varies from person to person Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC18 PhotoCredit:RobBixby
  • 19. Rethinking Business Processes • Treating the customer journey as a business process – Moment-driven – Unique to each individual – Context-sensitive – Inherently dynamic Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC19 PhotoCredit:medea_material
  • 20. Rise of Self-Service IT • Rise of the ‘citizen’ – Citizen integrator – Citizen data analyst – Citizen developer • IT empowering self-service across the board Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC20 ‘Employee journey’ as customer journey PhotoCredit:SalimVirji
  • 21. The Dual Role of ‘No- Code’ Platforms • Citizen developers as business users – What are requirements for citizen development? – What are citizen development processes? • Citizen developers building apps for business users – Challenges of governance & compliance – How to avoid shadow IT issues Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC21 ‘No-Code’: ‘Citizen Developers’ build enterprise apps with little or no IT support PhotoCredit:RandenPederson
  • 22. Raising ‘Requirements’ & ‘Processes’ Up a Level • Requirements for flexibility & customer centricity • Processes for changing processes • Enterprise architecture focusing on agility Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC22 PhotoCredit:Jes
  • 23. Become a Software- Driven Organization • Customer-driven, software- empowered • We must sufficiently abstract the technology to support changing customer demands & other market pressures Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC23 PhotoCredit:SteveJurvetson
  • 24. Make Change a Core Competency • Digital Transformation doesn’t have a “final state” • Business agility is the goal – Better able to deal with change overall • Requires: – Customer focus – Agile organization – Abstracted infrastructure Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC24 PhotoCredit:woodleywonderworks
  • 25. The Core Business Goal Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC25 Agile Digital Transformation
  • 26. Jason Bloomberg President, Intellyx @theebizwizard Send email NOW to to download this presentation Thank You! Copyright © 2016, Intellyx, LLC