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The life cycle model that is adopted for a project will
have a big impact on the testing that is carried out.
Testing does not exist in isolation; test activities are
highly related to software development activities. It
will define the what, where, and when of our planned
testing, influence regression testing, and largely
determine which test techniques to use.
Before discussing the V-model, we will
look at the model which came before it.
The waterfall model was one of the
earliest models to be designed. It has a
natural timeline where tasks are
executed in a sequential fashion. We
start at the top of the waterfall with a
feasibility study and flow down through
the various project tasks finishing with
implementation into the live
environment. Design flows through into
development, which in turn flows into
build, and finally on into test.
Although variants of the V-model exist, a common type of V-model uses four
test levels. The four test levels used, each with their own objectives, are:
 component testing: searches for defects in and verifies the functioning of
software components (e.g. modules, programs, objects, classes etc.) that are
separately testable;
 integration testing: tests interfaces between components, interactions to
different parts of a system such as an operating system, file system and
hard ware or interfaces between systems;
 system testing: concerned with the behavior of the whole system/product
as defined by the scope of a development project or product. The main
focus of system testing is verification against specified requirements;
 acceptance testing: validation testing with respect to user needs, require
ments, and business processes conducted to determine whether or not to
accept the system.

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This document discusses different types of software testing including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing, functional testing, non-functional testing, user interface testing, usability testing, accessibility testing, localization testing, performance testing, load testing, stress testing, compatibility testing, cross-browser testing, security testing, negative testing, re-testing, and regression testing. It provides details on the purpose and goals of each testing type.

software testing types
Building a software testing environment
Building a software testing environmentBuilding a software testing environment
Building a software testing environment

This document discusses building a software testing environment. It emphasizes that senior management is responsible for creating an environment conducive to effective and efficient testing. This involves addressing topics like management's risk appetite, the role of testing, testing policies, support provided, and resources allocated. It also discusses developing a testing strategy that identifies test factors and phases to reduce risks. The strategy is represented as a test factor/test phase matrix that maps risks to development phases. Overall, the document provides guidance on how management can support testing and stresses the importance of a structured, risk-based approach.

software testingsoftware testing environment

The document outlines the software testing life cycle (STLC) which is a systematic and planned process for testing software. The STLC includes requirement analysis to define what will be tested, test planning to identify activities, resources and schedules, test case development to detail test cases and data, test execution to run test cases and log results, and test cycle closure to generate reports and complete testing.

Note that the types of work products mentioned in Figure 2.2 on the left
side of the V-model are just an illustration. In practice they come under
many different names. References for generic work products include the
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMi) or the 'Software life cycle
processes' from ISO/IEC 12207.
Iterative Life Cycles
Not all life cycles are sequential. There are also iterative or incremental life
cycles where, instead of one large development time line from beginning
to end, we cycle through a number of smaller self-contained life cycle
phases for the same project. As with the V-model, there are many variants
of iterative life cycles.
A common feature of iterative approaches is that the
delivery is divided into increments or builds with each
increment adding new functionality. The initial increment
will contain the infrastructure required to support the initial
build functionality. The increment produced by an iteration
may be tested at several levels as part of its development.
Subsequent increments will need testing for the new
functionality, regression testing of the existing functionality,
and integration testing of both new and existing parts.
Regression testing is increasingly important on all iterations
after the first one. This means that more testing will be
required at each subsequent delivery phase which must be
allowed for in the project plans.
 Rapid Application Development
Rapid Application Development (RAD) is
formally a parallel development of functions and
subsequent integration.

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The document discusses software testing. It defines testing as demonstrating that errors are not present and establishing confidence that a program works as intended. The objectives of testing are to find the greatest number of errors with reasonable effort. Testing reveals errors, checks requirements and quality. It contributes to higher quality software and lower costs. Testing is done by examining design, requirements, code, interfaces and functionality. Verification checks that the product is built correctly while validation checks it meets customer needs. Test cases are planned sequences of actions and inputs with expected results to find errors. Good test cases have a high chance of finding errors and provide useful information. Other topics covered include test scenarios, suites, cycles, techniques like black box and white box testing, and factors

The RAD development process encourages active customer
feedback. The customer gets early visibility of the product,
can provide feedback on the design and can decide, based on
the existing functionality, whether to proceed with the
development, what functionality to include in the next
delivery cycle or even to halt the project if it is not delivering
the expected value. An early business-focused solution in the
market place gives an early return on investment (ROI) and
can provide valuable marketing information for the business.
Validation with the RAD development process is thus an
early and major activity.
 Agile development
Extreme Programming (XP) is currently one of the most well-known
agile development life cycle models. (See [Agile] for ideas behind this
approach.) The methodology claims to be more human friendly than
traditional development methods. Some characteristics of XP are:
 It promotes the generation of business stories to define the functionality.
 It demands an on-site customer for continual feedback and to define and
carry out functional acceptance testing .
 It promotes pair programming and shared code ownership amongst the
 It states that component test scripts shall be written before the code is
written and that those tests should be automated.
 It states that integration and testing of the code shall happen several times
a day.
 It states that we always implement the simplest solution to meet today's
 In summary, whichever life cycle model is being used,
there are several characteristics of good testing:
 for every development activity there is a corresponding
testing activity;
 each test level has test objectives specific to that level;
 the analysis and design of tests for a given test level
should begin during the corresponding development
 testers should be involved in reviewing documents as
soon as drafts are avail able in the development cycle.
Testing Within A Life Cycle Model
 Graham (2011). ISTQB-Fondation of Software
Testing. London: Cengage Learning EMEA.

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'Architecture Testing: Wrongly Ignored!' by Peter Zimmerer'Architecture Testing: Wrongly Ignored!' by Peter Zimmerer
'Architecture Testing: Wrongly Ignored!' by Peter Zimmerer

State-of-the-art testing approaches typically include different testing levels like reviews, unit testing, component testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. There is also common sense that typically unit testing is done by developers (they are responsible to check the quality of their units at least to some extent) and system testing is done by professional independent testers. But, who is responsible to adequately test the architecture which is one of the key artifacts in developing and maintaining flexible, powerful, and sustainable products and systems? History has shown that too many project failures and troubles are caused by deficiencies in the architecture.Furthermore, what does the term architecture testing mean and why is this term seldom used? To answer these questions, Peter describes what architecture testing is all about and explains a list of pragmatic practices and experiences to implement it successfully. He offers practical advice on the required tasks and activities as well as the needed involvement, contributions, and responsibilities of software architects in the area of testing – because a close cooperation between testers and architects is the key to drive and sustain a culture of prevention rather than detection across the lifecycle. Finally, if we claim to be in pursuit of quality then adequate architecture testing is not only a lever for success but a necessity. And this results not only in better quality but also speeds up development by facilitating change and decreasing maintenance efforts.

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Software Testing IntroductionSoftware Testing Introduction
Software Testing Introduction

This document provides an introduction to software testing. It discusses software engineering and the software development life cycle (SDLC). The phases of the SDLC include problem definition, requirement analysis, planning, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Testing goals are to prevent and discover bugs. Different levels of testing include unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. The document also discusses testing concepts like the pesticide paradox, dichotomies between testing and debugging, and whether complete testing is possible.

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Testing is the process of identifying bugs and ensuring software meets requirements. It involves executing programs under different conditions to check specification, functionality, and performance. The objectives of testing are to uncover errors, demonstrate requirements are met, and validate quality with minimal cost. Testing follows a life cycle including planning, design, execution, and reporting. Different methodologies like black box and white box testing are used at various levels from unit to system. The overall goal is to perform effective testing to deliver high quality software.


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  • 2.  The life cycle model that is adopted for a project will have a big impact on the testing that is carried out. Testing does not exist in isolation; test activities are highly related to software development activities. It will define the what, where, and when of our planned testing, influence regression testing, and largely determine which test techniques to use. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MODELS
  • 3.  V-model Before discussing the V-model, we will look at the model which came before it. The waterfall model was one of the earliest models to be designed. It has a natural timeline where tasks are executed in a sequential fashion. We start at the top of the waterfall with a feasibility study and flow down through the various project tasks finishing with implementation into the live environment. Design flows through into development, which in turn flows into build, and finally on into test.
  • 4.  Although variants of the V-model exist, a common type of V-model uses four test levels. The four test levels used, each with their own objectives, are:  component testing: searches for defects in and verifies the functioning of software components (e.g. modules, programs, objects, classes etc.) that are separately testable;  integration testing: tests interfaces between components, interactions to different parts of a system such as an operating system, file system and hard ware or interfaces between systems;  system testing: concerned with the behavior of the whole system/product as defined by the scope of a development project or product. The main focus of system testing is verification against specified requirements;  acceptance testing: validation testing with respect to user needs, require ments, and business processes conducted to determine whether or not to accept the system. Continue…
  • 5.  Continue… Note that the types of work products mentioned in Figure 2.2 on the left side of the V-model are just an illustration. In practice they come under many different names. References for generic work products include the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMi) or the 'Software life cycle processes' from ISO/IEC 12207.
  • 6.  Iterative Life Cycles Not all life cycles are sequential. There are also iterative or incremental life cycles where, instead of one large development time line from beginning to end, we cycle through a number of smaller self-contained life cycle phases for the same project. As with the V-model, there are many variants of iterative life cycles.
  • 7.  A common feature of iterative approaches is that the delivery is divided into increments or builds with each increment adding new functionality. The initial increment will contain the infrastructure required to support the initial build functionality. The increment produced by an iteration may be tested at several levels as part of its development. Subsequent increments will need testing for the new functionality, regression testing of the existing functionality, and integration testing of both new and existing parts. Regression testing is increasingly important on all iterations after the first one. This means that more testing will be required at each subsequent delivery phase which must be allowed for in the project plans. Continue…
  • 8.   Rapid Application Development Rapid Application Development (RAD) is formally a parallel development of functions and subsequent integration. Continue…
  • 9.  The RAD development process encourages active customer feedback. The customer gets early visibility of the product, can provide feedback on the design and can decide, based on the existing functionality, whether to proceed with the development, what functionality to include in the next delivery cycle or even to halt the project if it is not delivering the expected value. An early business-focused solution in the market place gives an early return on investment (ROI) and can provide valuable marketing information for the business. Validation with the RAD development process is thus an early and major activity. Continue…
  • 10.   Agile development Extreme Programming (XP) is currently one of the most well-known agile development life cycle models. (See [Agile] for ideas behind this approach.) The methodology claims to be more human friendly than traditional development methods. Some characteristics of XP are:  It promotes the generation of business stories to define the functionality.  It demands an on-site customer for continual feedback and to define and carry out functional acceptance testing .  It promotes pair programming and shared code ownership amongst the developers.  It states that component test scripts shall be written before the code is written and that those tests should be automated.  It states that integration and testing of the code shall happen several times a day.  It states that we always implement the simplest solution to meet today's problems. Continue…
  • 11.   In summary, whichever life cycle model is being used, there are several characteristics of good testing:  for every development activity there is a corresponding testing activity;  each test level has test objectives specific to that level;  the analysis and design of tests for a given test level should begin during the corresponding development activity;  testers should be involved in reviewing documents as soon as drafts are avail able in the development cycle. Testing Within A Life Cycle Model
  • 12.   Graham (2011). ISTQB-Fondation of Software Testing. London: Cengage Learning EMEA. Bibliography