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The one solution to all the mess in the cloud!
What is Syncitall?
• Syncitall basically provides a common interface for most common
cloud storages. The aim of the project is to sync all the data present in
your favourite cloud storages. This project presently merges three
cloud storages namely:
1. Google Drive
2. OneDrive
3. Dropbox
• Entire project is coded in python. Graphical interface has been
provided using PyQt4.
Why Syncitall?
Considering the increase in number of online drives but for all ,a
different account and comparatively smaller offered storage
individually, this program is an effort to solve problems of multiple
storage and no universal access to them. One more problem being
faced is the limit of size of file to be uploaded. Combining the spaces of
different drives can solve this purpose.
The Basics

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Presented by: Peter Zaitsev Presented at the All Things Open 2021 Raleigh, NC, USA Raleigh Convention Center Abstract: Cloud brought many innovations - one of them is inexpensive, scalable and sometimes secure Distributed Storage options. In this presentation we will talk about distributed storage Options modern clouds offers ranging from elastic block devices and object storage to sophisticated transactional data stores. We will discuss the benefits and new architecture options such distibuted storage systems enable as well as the challenges pitfals you need to be aware about.

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This document provides an overview and agenda for a Docker and cloud native training. It introduces Brian Christner as the trainer and his background. It then covers various cloud native topics that will be discussed including containers, microservices, DevOps, and orchestration. The remainder of the document demonstrates Docker concepts hands-on and discusses container architecture, portability, and monitoring. It also briefly explores future directions like serverless and concludes by providing additional Docker resources.

Built in NM - Meetup Talk - CTL Labs
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Built in NM - Meetup Talk - CTL Labs

Meetup Presentation for Built in NM on July 13, 2015.

Application Program Interface(API)
• The very basic element of the project is the API.
• Every cloud storage provides APIs for development purposes. APIs
provide functionality like:
1. Upload and download files from cloud storage.
2. Delete files from cloud storage.
3. Retrieve information regarding quota, shared data etc.
• APIs need to be authenticated before use. Users have to provide their
username and password for the corresponding cloud service to
authenticate APIs.
• Authorization is the process of retrieving authorization token in
exchange of username and password.
• Authorization token is a simple string of numbers and letters. It is
used as a password to avail various API services.
• All the cloud services used in this project use the same standard of
authorization namely OAUTH 2.0.
Steps of authorization
1. The very first step involved retrieving authorization URL. This step
requires the developer to provide Client ID, Client Secret, scope,
api_key etc. The developer gets this information from developer
consoles of respective cloud services.
2. In the second step, the user has to provide his username and
password to get authorization token.
3. The authorization token is fed to the application. The user can now
use the APIs
The difficulty with authorization
Although quite an easy process, the authorization process, the
authorization process is a hindrance in the smooth working of program.
Therefore, the whole authorization process is automated using

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This document discusses innovation with open source tools and application modernization. It begins by outlining the challenges of cloud migration versus modernization. It then covers how applications have shifted from monolithic to microservices architectures using containers and Kubernetes. Various scenarios for containerization and app modernization are presented, including lift-and-shift, microservices, machine learning, and serverless architectures. Microsoft Azure tools that can help with containerization, Kubernetes management, DevOps, and app modernization are also described. The document emphasizes that open source tools and containers allow developers to innovate faster while Azure services provide security, management and governance.

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This document discusses how RTI International, a non-profit research institute, uses Docker to help improve various software products and tools. It describes several projects including CFS Analytics, a crime analysis tool; Crosstab Builder, a statistical analysis tool; and Public Health Microsimulations. For each, it explains how Docker helps allow for scalability, platform independence, security, and reproducibility. Overall, it conveys that Docker helps RTI International build reliable software and facilitate scientific analysis to work towards improving conditions for humanity.

Presentation for git jira and linux
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Presentation for git jira and linux

Linux is an open source operating system that manages hardware and resources. It includes commands like ls, mkdir, cat, touch, cp, cd, mv, pwd, whereis, whatis, which, man, uname, sudo, su, history, passwd, date, cal, clear. Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes to files. Common git commands include git init, git clone, git log, git diff, git status, git add, git commit. Jira is a project management tool that helps track issues, bugs, tasks and projects. It allows issue tracking, reporting, custom workflows, and integrates with other tools through APIs and add-ons.

• Selenium automates browsers. Primarily, it is for automating web
applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just
that. Boring web-based administration tasks can also be automated
as well.
• Selenium has the support of some of the largest browser vendors
who have taken (or are taking) steps to make Selenium a native part
of their browser. It is also the core technology in countless other
browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks.
Graphic User Interface
• The GUI in the project is provided using PyQt4.
• PyQt is one of the two most popular Python bindings for the Qt cross-
platform GUI/XML/SQL C++ framework.
What is Qt?
• Qt is an independent technology for cross-platform development.
• It creates connected devices, Uis and applications that run anywhere
on any device, on any operating system at any time.
File Splitting
• What if we want to upload a file that is bigger than the size of any
individual cloud storage? This where combining of cloud storages
comes into use.
• Whenever a large file is being uploaded, the program recursively
splits the file and uploads accordingly to various cloud storages. It
allows us to upload large files.

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Many engineers are confused about how a cloud-native API gateway relates to Kubernetes Ingress or a Service load balancer. This talk will unravel this confusion. An API gateway is at the core of how APIs are managed, secured and presented within any web-based system. Although the technology has been in use for many years, it has not always kept pace with recent developments within the cloud-native space. Join the expert to experts Daniel Bryant in uncovering the evolution of API gateways over the past ten years and how the original problems they were solving have shifted in relation to cloud-native technologies and workflow. Current challenges of using an API gateway within Kubernetes: scaling the developer workflow, and supporting multiple architecture styles and protocols In this talk, you'll learn: How the evolution of API gateways looks Strategies for exposing Kubernetes services and APIs at the edge of your system A brief guide to the (potential) future of cloud-native API gateways

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Qovery is a platform that combines Kubernetes, cloud providers, and simplicity to deploy applications. They use DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS) due to its easy setup, integration of autoscaling, and helpful documentation. Some challenges of DOKS include keeping Kubernetes versions compatible and fully automating minor upgrades, but DOKS deploys faster than competitors and is easier to upgrade. Qovery has contributed open source projects to DOKS and hopes to continue partnering with DigitalOcean.

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OSCON 2014 - Crash Course in Open Source Cloud Computing

This crash course is designed to give an overview of cloud computing architecture and the open source software that can be used to deploy and manage a cloud computing environment. Topics to be discussed in this session will include virtualization (KVM, LXC, and Xen Project), orchestration (Apache CloudStack, Eucalyptus, Open Nebula, and OpenStack), and storage (GlusterFS, Ceph, and others). The talk will also provide insight into how to deliver Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and what technologies can be used to compliment this evolving cloud computing paradigm. Systems administrators and IT generalists will leave the discussion with a general overview of the options at their disposal to effectively build and manage their own cloud computing environments using free and open source software and understand the capabilities and benefits of a host of technologies.

A glipse of the Project
• The program starts with a welcome screen which asks for the cloud
storages we want to sync.
• After the user has entered the required information, the user is
redirected to main window which contains all the files present in
cloud storages. The main window consists of:
1. Home: This is the main screen where all the files and folders present in the
cloud are shown. We can move the files, delete them or download them.
2. Trash: The deleted files are stored in trash. These files cannot be accessed.
Welcome Screen
Main Window
Future Plans
This project can be further developed. We want to make a windows
app which is compatible in both windows phone, tab and pc

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Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes can schedule containers across a cluster of nodes, provide basic health checking and recovery of containers, and expose containers to the internet. Some key aspects include using microservices, container orchestration, continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD), and deployment automation.

ADDO 2020: "The past, present, and future of cloud native API gateways"
ADDO 2020: "The past, present, and future of cloud native API gateways"ADDO 2020: "The past, present, and future of cloud native API gateways"
ADDO 2020: "The past, present, and future of cloud native API gateways"

An API gateway is at the core of how APIs are managed, secured, and presented within any web-based system. Although the technology has been in use for many years, it has not always kept pace with recent developments within the cloud native space, and many engineers are confused about how a cloud native API gateway relates to Kubernetes Ingress or a Service load balancer. Join this session to learn about: The evolution of API gateways over the past ten years, and how the original problems they were solving have shifted in relation to cloud native technologies and workflow Current challenges of using an API gateway within Kubernetes: scaling the developer workflow; and supporting multiple architecture styles and protocols Strategies for exposing Kubernetes services and APIs at the edge of your system A brief guide to the (potential) future of cloud native API gateways

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Cloud Native & Docker

This presentation was presented to the Fachhochschule Bern. The course was part of the Master program and we covered the topics of Cloud Native & Docker

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  • 1. Syncitall The one solution to all the mess in the cloud!
  • 2. What is Syncitall? • Syncitall basically provides a common interface for most common cloud storages. The aim of the project is to sync all the data present in your favourite cloud storages. This project presently merges three cloud storages namely: 1. Google Drive 2. OneDrive 3. Dropbox • Entire project is coded in python. Graphical interface has been provided using PyQt4.
  • 3. Why Syncitall? Considering the increase in number of online drives but for all ,a different account and comparatively smaller offered storage individually, this program is an effort to solve problems of multiple storage and no universal access to them. One more problem being faced is the limit of size of file to be uploaded. Combining the spaces of different drives can solve this purpose.
  • 5. Application Program Interface(API) • The very basic element of the project is the API. • Every cloud storage provides APIs for development purposes. APIs provide functionality like: 1. Upload and download files from cloud storage. 2. Delete files from cloud storage. 3. Retrieve information regarding quota, shared data etc. • APIs need to be authenticated before use. Users have to provide their username and password for the corresponding cloud service to authenticate APIs.
  • 6. Authorization • Authorization is the process of retrieving authorization token in exchange of username and password. • Authorization token is a simple string of numbers and letters. It is used as a password to avail various API services. • All the cloud services used in this project use the same standard of authorization namely OAUTH 2.0.
  • 7. Steps of authorization 1. The very first step involved retrieving authorization URL. This step requires the developer to provide Client ID, Client Secret, scope, api_key etc. The developer gets this information from developer consoles of respective cloud services. 2. In the second step, the user has to provide his username and password to get authorization token. 3. The authorization token is fed to the application. The user can now use the APIs
  • 8. The difficulty with authorization Although quite an easy process, the authorization process, the authorization process is a hindrance in the smooth working of program. Therefore, the whole authorization process is automated using Selenium.
  • 9. Selenium • Selenium automates browsers. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can also be automated as well. • Selenium has the support of some of the largest browser vendors who have taken (or are taking) steps to make Selenium a native part of their browser. It is also the core technology in countless other browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks.
  • 10. Graphic User Interface • The GUI in the project is provided using PyQt4. • PyQt is one of the two most popular Python bindings for the Qt cross- platform GUI/XML/SQL C++ framework.
  • 11. What is Qt? • Qt is an independent technology for cross-platform development. • It creates connected devices, Uis and applications that run anywhere on any device, on any operating system at any time.
  • 12. File Splitting • What if we want to upload a file that is bigger than the size of any individual cloud storage? This where combining of cloud storages comes into use. • Whenever a large file is being uploaded, the program recursively splits the file and uploads accordingly to various cloud storages. It allows us to upload large files.
  • 13. A glipse of the Project • The program starts with a welcome screen which asks for the cloud storages we want to sync. • After the user has entered the required information, the user is redirected to main window which contains all the files present in cloud storages. The main window consists of: 1. Home: This is the main screen where all the files and folders present in the cloud are shown. We can move the files, delete them or download them. 2. Trash: The deleted files are stored in trash. These files cannot be accessed.
  • 16. Future Plans This project can be further developed. We want to make a windows app which is compatible in both windows phone, tab and pc