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Building a healthy data ecosystem
around Kafka and Hadoop:
Lessons learned at LinkedIn
Mar 16, 2017
Shirshanka Das, Principal Staff Engineer, LinkedIn
Yael Garten, Director of Data Science, LinkedIn
@shirshanka, @yaelgarten
The Pursuit of #DataScienceHappiness
A original
@yaelgarten @shirshanka
write code
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at Strata!
Three (Naïve) Steps to #DataScienceHappiness
circa 2010
write code
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at Strata!
Three (Naïve) Steps to #DataScienceHappiness
circa 2010
Achieving Data
“… helping everybody to access and understand data .…
breaking down silos… providing access to data when and where
it is needed at any given moment.”
Collect, flow, store as much data as you can
Provide efficient access to data in all its stages of evolution
The forms of data
Key-Value++ Message Bus Fast-OLAP Search Graph Crunchable
Pinot Galene Graph DB
Blob, Data
The forms of data
At RestIn Motion
Graph DBDocument
Blob, Data
The forms of data
At RestIn Motion
O(10) clusters
~1.7 Trillion messages
~450 TB
O(10) clusters
~10K machines
~100 PB
At RestIn Motion
Data Integration
Blob, Data
Data Integration: key requirements
Source, Sink
So, we built
Simplifying Data Integration
Hundreds of TB per day
Thousands of datasets
~30 different source systems
80%+ of data ingest
Open source @
Adopted by LinkedIn, Intel, Swisscom, Prezi, PayPal,
NerdWallet and many more…
Apache incubation under way
Blob, Data
At RestIn Motion
At RestIn Motion
Kafka Hadoop
Samza Jobs
hour +
Distributed Multi-dimensional OLAP
Columnar + indexes
No joins
Latency: low ms to sub-second
Site-facing	Apps Reporting	dashboards Monitoring
Open source.
In production @
LinkedIn, Uber
At RestIn Motion
Data Infra 1.0 for Data Democracy
Query Engines
2010 - now
write code
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at Strata

Data Scientist
PM Designer
We should enable users
to filter connection
suggestions by company
How much do
people utilize
existing filter
Let's see how
users send
Tracking data records user activity
(powers metrics and data products)
Scale fact:

~ 1000 tracking event types, 

~ Hundreds of metrics & data
Tracking data records user activity
tracking data
metric scripts
production code
Tracking Data Lifecycle
TransportProduce Consume
Member facing
data products
Business facing
decision making
Tracking Data Lifecycle & Teams
Product or App teams:
PMs, Developers, TestEng
Infra teams:
Hadoop, Kafka, DWH, ...
Data science teams: 

Analytics, ML Engineers,...
tracking data
metric scripts
production code
Member facing
data products
Business facing
decision making
TransportProduce Consume
How do we calculate a metric: ProfileViews
	Record	1:	
		"memberId"	:	12345,	
		"time"	:	1454745292951,	
		"appName"	:	"LinkedIn",	
		"pageKey"	:	"profile_page",	
		"trackingInfo"	:		
				vid=1214,ps=EDU|EXP|SKIL|	..."	

ProfileViews = sum(PageViewEvent

where pagekey = profile_page

	Record	101:	
		"memberId"	:	12345,	
			"time"	:	1454745292951,	
			"appName"	:	"LinkedIn",	
			"pageKey"	:	"new_profile_page",	
		"trackingInfo"	:		
				vid=1214,ps=EDU|EXP|SKIL|	..."	
or new_profile_page
Ok but
forgot to notifyundesirable
Metrics ecosystem at LinkedIn: 3 yrs ago
Operational Challenges for infra teams
Diminished Trust due to multiple sources of truth
What was causing unhappiness?
1. No contracts: Downstream scripts broke when upstream changed

2. "Naming things is hard": different semantics & conventions in various data Events
(per team) 

--> need to email to figure out what is correct and complete logic to use 

--> inefficient and potentially wrong

3. Discrepant metric logic: 

Duplicate tech allowed for duplicate logic allowed for discrepant metric logic
So how did we solve this?
Data Modeling Tip
Say no to Fragile Formats or Schema-Free
Invest in a mature serialization protocol like Avro, Protobuf, Thrift etc for serializing
your messages to your persistent stores: Kafka, Hadoop, DBs etc.
1. No contracts
2. Naming things is hard
3. Discrepant metric logic
Chose Avro as our format
Sometimes you need a committee
Leads from product and infra teams
Review each new data model
Ensure that it follows our conventions,
patterns and best practices across entire
data lifecycle
1. No contracts
2. Naming things is hard
3. Discrepant metric logic
Data Model Review Committee
Tooling to codify conventions
“Always be reviewing”
Who and What Evolution
Unified Metrics Platform
A single source of truth for all
business metrics at LinkedIn
1. No contracts
2. Naming things is hard
3. Discrepant metric logic
- metrics processing platform as a
- a metrics computation template
- a set of tools and process to
facilitate metrics life-cycle
Central Team,
& Deploy
System JobsCore Metrics
1. iterate
2. create
4. check in
3. review
5,000 metrics daily
Unified Metrics Platform: Pipeline
Metrics Logic
UMP Harness
1. No contracts
2. Naming things is hard
3. Discrepant metric logic
+ Database
+ Other data
Tracking Platform: standardizing production
Schema compatibility
At RestIn Motion
Data Infra + Platforms 2.0
Tracking Platform Unified Metrics Platform (UMP)
Production Consumption
circa 2015
What was still causing unhappiness?
1. Old bad data sticks around (e.g. old mobile app versions)
2. No clear contract for data production - Producers unaware of consumers concerns
3. Never a good time to pay down this tech debt
We started from the bottom.
Product or App teams:
PMs, Developers, TestEng
Infra teams:
Hadoop, Kafka, DWH, ...
Data science teams: 

Analytics, ML Engineers,...
tracking data
metric scripts
production code
Member facing
data products
Business facing
decision making
3. Never a good time to pay down this "data" debt
#victimsOfTheData —> #DataScienceHappiness 

via proactively forging our own data destiny.
Features are waiting to ship to members... some of this stuff is invisible
But what is the cost
of not doing it?
The Big Problem Opportunity in 2015 

Launch a completely rewritten LinkedIn mobile app
		"header"	:	{	
				"memberId"	:	12345,	
				"time"	:	1454745292951,	
				"appName"	:	{	
						"string"	:	"LinkedIn"	
				"pageKey"	:	"profile_page"	
		"trackingInfo"	:	{	
				["Viewee"	:	"23456"],	
We already wanted to move to better data models
		"header"	:	{	
				"memberId"	:	12345,	
				"time"	:	4745292951145,	
				"appName"	:	{	
						"string"	:	"LinkedIn"	
				"pageKey"	:	"profile_page"	
"entityView"	:	{	
					"viewType"	:	"profile-view",	
					"viewerId"	:	“12345”,		
"vieweeId"	:	“23456”,		

1. Keep the old tracking:
a. Cost: producers (try to) replicate it (write bad old code from
b. Save: consumers avoid migrating.

2. Evolve.
a. Cost: time on clean data modeling, and on consumer
migration to new tracking events,
b. Save: pays down data modeling tech debt
There were two options:

1. Keep the old tracking:
a. Cost: producers (try to) replicate it (write bad old code from
b. Save: consumers avoid migrating.

2. Evolve.
a. Cost: time on clean data modeling, and on consumer
migration to new tracking events,
b. Save: pays down data modeling tech debt
How much work would it be?
We pitched it to our Leadership team
Do it!
2. Clear contract did not exist for data production
Producers were unaware of consumers needs, and were "Throwing data over the wall". 

Albeit avro, Schema adherence != Semantics equivalence
user engagement
tracking data


Member facing

data products
Business facing
decision making
#victimsOfTheData —> #DataScienceHappiness, via proactive joint requirements definition
Own the artifact that
feeds the data ecosystem
(and data scientists!)
Data producers
(PM, app developers)
Data consumers 

2a. Ensure dialogue between Producers & Consumers
• Awareness: Train about end-to-end data pipeline, data modeling
• Instill communication & collaborative ownership process between all: a step-by-step
playbook for who & how to develop and own tracking
2b. Standardized core data entities
• Event types and names: Page, Action, Impression
• Framework level client side tracking: views, clicks, flows
• For all else (custom) - guide when to create a new Event

Page View
Control Interaction
2c. Created clear maintainable data production contracts
Tracking specification with monitoring and alerting for adherence: 

clear, visual, consistent contract
Need tooling to support culture and process shift - "Always be tooling"

Tracking specification Tool
1. Old bad data sticks around
"header" : {
"memberId" : 12345,
"time" : 1454745292951,
"appName" : {
"string" : "LinkedIn"
"pageKey" :
"trackingInfo" : {
["vieweeID" : "23456"],
"header" : {
"memberId" : 12345,
"time" : 4745292951145,
"appName" : {
"string" : "LinkedIn"
"pageKey" : "profile_page"
"entityView" : {
"viewType" : "profile-view",
"viewerId" : “12345”,
"vieweeId" : “23456”,
How do we handle old and new?
Producers Consumers
The Big Challenge
load “/data/tracking/PageViewEvent” using AvroStorage()
(Pig scripts)
My Raw Data
Our scripts were doing ….
My Raw Data
My Data API
We need “microservices" for Data
The Database community solved this
decades ago...
We built Dali to solve this
A Data Access Layer for Linkedin
Abstract away underlying physical details to allow users to
focus solely on the logical concerns
Logical Tables + Views
Logical FileSystem
Producers Consumers
Job Seeker App
LinkedIn App
Dali: Implementation Details in Context
Dali FileSystem
Processing Engine
(MR, Spark)
Dali Datasets (Tables+Views)
Dataflow APIs
(MR, Spark,
Query Layers
(Pig, Hive,
Dali CLI
Data Catalog
Git + Artifactory
View Def +
Data Source
Data Sink
load ‘/data/tracking/PageViewEvent’
using AvroStorage();
load ‘tracking.UnifiedProfileView’ using
One small step for a script
A Few Hard Problems
Views and UDFs
Mapping to Hive metastore entities
Development lifecycle
Git as source of truth
Gradle for build
LinkedIn tooling integration for deployment
State of the world today
Pretty much all new UMP metrics use Dali
data sources
At Rest
Now brewing: Dali on Kafka
Can we take the same
views and run them
seamlessly on Kafka as
Stream Data
Standard streaming API-s
- Samza System Consumer
- Kafka Consumer
What’s next for Dali?
Selective materialization
Open source
Hive is an implementation detail, not a long term bet
Dali: When are we done dreaming?
At RestIn Motion
At RestIn Motion
Data Infra + Platforms 3.0
Tracking Platform Unified Metrics Platform (UMP)
DaliDr Elephant WhereHows
circa 2017
Did we succeed? We just handled another huge rewrite!
write code
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at Strata
Three (Naïve) Steps to #DataScienceHappiness
Basic data
for data democracy
Platforms, Process
to standardize
produce + consume

Tech + process

to sustain
healthy data
Our Journey towards #DataScienceHappiness
Tracking, UMP
2013 ->
Kafka, Hadoop,
Gobblin, Pinot
2010 -> 2015 ->
The Pursuit of #DataScienceHappiness
A original
@yaelgarten @shirshanka
Thank You!
to be continued…

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Strata 2017 (San Jose): Building a healthy data ecosystem around Kafka and Hadoop: Lessons learned at LinkedIn

  • 1. Building a healthy data ecosystem around Kafka and Hadoop: Lessons learned at LinkedIn Mar 16, 2017 Shirshanka Das, Principal Staff Engineer, LinkedIn Yael Garten, Director of Data Science, LinkedIn @shirshanka, @yaelgarten
  • 2. The Pursuit of #DataScienceHappiness A original @yaelgarten @shirshanka
  • 3. Achieve Data Democracy Data Scientists write code Unleash Insights Share Learnings at Strata! Three (Naïve) Steps to #DataScienceHappiness circa 2010
  • 4. Achieve Data Democracy Data Scientists write code Unleash Insights Share Learnings at Strata! Three (Naïve) Steps to #DataScienceHappiness circa 2010
  • 5. Achieving Data Democracy “… helping everybody to access and understand data .… breaking down silos… providing access to data when and where it is needed at any given moment.” Collect, flow, store as much data as you can Provide efficient access to data in all its stages of evolution
  • 6. The forms of data Key-Value++ Message Bus Fast-OLAP Search Graph Crunchable Espresso Venice Pinot Galene Graph DB Document DB DynamoDB Azure Blob, Data Lake Storage
  • 7. The forms of data At RestIn Motion Espresso Venice Pinot Galene Graph DBDocument DB DynamoDB Azure Blob, Data Lake Storage
  • 8. The forms of data At RestIn Motion Scale O(10) clusters ~1.7 Trillion messages ~450 TB Scale O(10) clusters ~10K machines ~100 PB
  • 9. At RestIn Motion SFTPJDBCREST Data Integration Azure Blob, Data Lake Storage
  • 10. Data Integration: key requirements Source, Sink Diversity Batch + Streaming Data Quality So, we built
  • 11. SFTP JDBC REST Simplifying Data Integration @LinkedIn Hundreds of TB per day Thousands of datasets ~30 different source systems 80%+ of data ingest Open source @ Adopted by LinkedIn, Intel, Swisscom, Prezi, PayPal, NerdWallet and many more… Apache incubation under way SFTP Azure Blob, Data Lake Storage
  • 15. Kafka Hadoop Samza Jobs Pinot minutes hour + Distributed Multi-dimensional OLAP Columnar + indexes No joins Latency: low ms to sub-second Query Engines
  • 16. Site-facing Apps Reporting dashboards Monitoring Open source. In production @ LinkedIn, Uber
  • 17. At RestIn Motion Processing Frameworks Data Infra 1.0 for Data Democracy Query Engines 2010 - now
  • 19. How does LinkedIn build data- driven products? 
 Data Scientist PM Designer Engineer We should enable users to filter connection suggestions by company How much do people utilize existing filter capabilities? Let's see how users send connection invitations today.
  • 20. Tracking data records user activity InvitationClickEvent()
  • 21. (powers metrics and data products) InvitationClickEvent() Scale fact:
 ~ 1000 tracking event types, 
 ~ Hundreds of metrics & data products Tracking data records user activity
  • 22. user engagement tracking data metric scripts production code Tracking Data Lifecycle TransportProduce Consume Member facing data products Business facing decision making
  • 23. Tracking Data Lifecycle & Teams Product or App teams: PMs, Developers, TestEng Infra teams: Hadoop, Kafka, DWH, ... Data science teams: 
 Analytics, ML Engineers,... user engagement tracking data metric scripts production code Member facing data products Business facing decision making TransportProduce Consume Members Execs
  • 24. How do we calculate a metric: ProfileViews PageViewEvent Record 1: { "memberId" : 12345, "time" : 1454745292951, "appName" : "LinkedIn", "pageKey" : "profile_page", "trackingInfo" : “Viewee=1214,lnl=f,nd=1,o=1214, ^SP=pId-'pro_stars',rslvd=t,vs=v, vid=1214,ps=EDU|EXP|SKIL| ..." } Metric: 
 ProfileViews = sum(PageViewEvent
 where pagekey = profile_page
 ) PageViewEvent Record 101: { "memberId" : 12345, "time" : 1454745292951, "appName" : "LinkedIn", "pageKey" : "new_profile_page", "trackingInfo" : "viewee_id=1214,lnl=f,nd=1,o=1214, ^SP=pId-'pro_stars',rslvd=t,vs=v, vid=1214,ps=EDU|EXP|SKIL| ..." } or new_profile_page Ok but forgot to notifyundesirable
  • 25. Metrics ecosystem at LinkedIn: 3 yrs ago Operational Challenges for infra teams Diminished Trust due to multiple sources of truth
  • 26. What was causing unhappiness? 1. No contracts: Downstream scripts broke when upstream changed
 2. "Naming things is hard": different semantics & conventions in various data Events (per team) 
 --> need to email to figure out what is correct and complete logic to use 
 --> inefficient and potentially wrong
 3. Discrepant metric logic: 
 Duplicate tech allowed for duplicate logic allowed for discrepant metric logic So how did we solve this?
  • 27. Data Modeling Tip Say no to Fragile Formats or Schema-Free Invest in a mature serialization protocol like Avro, Protobuf, Thrift etc for serializing your messages to your persistent stores: Kafka, Hadoop, DBs etc. 1. No contracts 2. Naming things is hard 3. Discrepant metric logic Chose Avro as our format
  • 28. Sometimes you need a committee Leads from product and infra teams Review each new data model Ensure that it follows our conventions, patterns and best practices across entire data lifecycle 1. No contracts 2. Naming things is hard 3. Discrepant metric logic Data Model Review Committee (DMRC) Tooling to codify conventions “Always be reviewing” Who and What Evolution
  • 29. Unified Metrics Platform A single source of truth for all business metrics at LinkedIn 1. No contracts 2. Naming things is hard 3. Discrepant metric logic - metrics processing platform as a service - a metrics computation template - a set of tools and process to facilitate metrics life-cycle Central Team, Relevant Stakeholders Sandbox Metric Definition Code Repo Build & Deploy System JobsCore Metrics Job Metric Owner 1. iterate 2. create 4. check in 3. review 5,000 metrics daily
  • 30. Unified Metrics Platform: Pipeline Metrics Logic Raw Data Pinot UMP Harness Incremental Aggregate Backfill Auto-join Raptor dashboards HDFS Aggregated Data Experiment Analysis Machine Learning Anomaly Detection HDFS Ad-hoc 1. No contracts 2. Naming things is hard 3. Discrepant metric logic Tracking + Database + Other data
  • 31. Tracking Platform: standardizing production Schema compatibility Time Audit KafkaClient-side Tracking Tracking Frontend Services Tools
  • 32. Query Engines At RestIn Motion Processing Frameworks Data Infra + Platforms 2.0 Pinot Tracking Platform Unified Metrics Platform (UMP) Production Consumption circa 2015
  • 33. What was still causing unhappiness? 1. Old bad data sticks around (e.g. old mobile app versions) 2. No clear contract for data production - Producers unaware of consumers concerns 3. Never a good time to pay down this tech debt We started from the bottom.
  • 34. Product or App teams: PMs, Developers, TestEng Infra teams: Hadoop, Kafka, DWH, ... Data science teams: 
 Analytics, ML Engineers,... user engagement tracking data metric scripts production code Member facing data products Business facing decision making Members Execs 3. Never a good time to pay down this "data" debt #victimsOfTheData —> #DataScienceHappiness 
 via proactively forging our own data destiny. Features are waiting to ship to members... some of this stuff is invisible But what is the cost of not doing it?
  • 35. The Big Problem Opportunity in 2015 
 Launch a completely rewritten LinkedIn mobile app
  • 36. PageViewEvent { "header" : { "memberId" : 12345, "time" : 1454745292951, "appName" : { "string" : "LinkedIn" "pageKey" : "profile_page" }, }, "trackingInfo" : { ["Viewee" : "23456"], ... } } We already wanted to move to better data models ProfileViewEvent { "header" : { "memberId" : 12345, "time" : 4745292951145, "appName" : { "string" : "LinkedIn" "pageKey" : "profile_page" }, }, "entityView" : { "viewType" : "profile-view", "viewerId" : “12345”, "vieweeId" : “23456”, }, } viewee_ID
  • 37. 
 1. Keep the old tracking: a. Cost: producers (try to) replicate it (write bad old code from scratch), b. Save: consumers avoid migrating.
 2. Evolve. a. Cost: time on clean data modeling, and on consumer migration to new tracking events, b. Save: pays down data modeling tech debt There were two options:
  • 38. 
 1. Keep the old tracking: a. Cost: producers (try to) replicate it (write bad old code from scratch), b. Save: consumers avoid migrating.
 2. Evolve. a. Cost: time on clean data modeling, and on consumer migration to new tracking events, b. Save: pays down data modeling tech debt How much work would it be? #DataScienceHappiness
  • 39. We pitched it to our Leadership team Do it! CTOCEO
  • 40. 2. Clear contract did not exist for data production Producers were unaware of consumers needs, and were "Throwing data over the wall". 
 Albeit avro, Schema adherence != Semantics equivalence user engagement tracking data metric 
 scripts production
 code Member facing
 data products Business facing decision making #victimsOfTheData —> #DataScienceHappiness, via proactive joint requirements definition Own the artifact that feeds the data ecosystem (and data scientists!) Data producers (PM, app developers) Data consumers 
  • 41. 2a. Ensure dialogue between Producers & Consumers • Awareness: Train about end-to-end data pipeline, data modeling • Instill communication & collaborative ownership process between all: a step-by-step playbook for who & how to develop and own tracking
  • 42. 2b. Standardized core data entities • Event types and names: Page, Action, Impression • Framework level client side tracking: views, clicks, flows • For all else (custom) - guide when to create a new Event
 Navigation Page View Control Interaction
  • 43. 2c. Created clear maintainable data production contracts Tracking specification with monitoring and alerting for adherence: 
 clear, visual, consistent contract Need tooling to support culture and process shift - "Always be tooling"
 Tracking specification Tool
  • 44. 1. Old bad data sticks around PageViewEvent { "header" : { "memberId" : 12345, "time" : 1454745292951, "appName" : { "string" : "LinkedIn" "pageKey" : "profile_page" }, }, "trackingInfo" : { ["vieweeID" : "23456"], ... } } ProfileViewEvent { "header" : { "memberId" : 12345, "time" : 4745292951145, "appName" : { "string" : "LinkedIn" "pageKey" : "profile_page" }, }, "entityView" : { "viewType" : "profile-view", "viewerId" : “12345”, "vieweeId" : “23456”, }, }
  • 45. How do we handle old and new? PageViewEvent ProfileViewEvent Producers Consumers old new Relevance Analytics
  • 46. The Big Challenge load “/data/tracking/PageViewEvent” using AvroStorage() (Pig scripts) My Raw Data Our scripts were doing ….
  • 47. My Raw Data My Data API We need “microservices" for Data
  • 48. The Database community solved this decades ago... Views!
  • 49. We built Dali to solve this A Data Access Layer for Linkedin Abstract away underlying physical details to allow users to focus solely on the logical concerns Logical Tables + Views Logical FileSystem
  • 52. Dali: Implementation Details in Context Dali FileSystem Processing Engine (MR, Spark) Dali Datasets (Tables+Views) Dataflow APIs (MR, Spark, Scalding) Query Layers (Pig, Hive, Spark) Dali CLI Data Catalog Git + Artifactory View Def + UDFs Dataset Owner Data Source Data Sink
  • 53. From load ‘/data/tracking/PageViewEvent’ using AvroStorage(); To load ‘tracking.UnifiedProfileView’ using DaliStorage(); One small step for a script
  • 54. A Few Hard Problems Versioning Views and UDFs Mapping to Hive metastore entities Development lifecycle Git as source of truth Gradle for build LinkedIn tooling integration for deployment
  • 55. State of the world today ~300 views Pretty much all new UMP metrics use Dali data sources ProfileViews MessagesSent Searches InvitationsSent ArticlesRead JobApplications ... At Rest Data Processing Frameworks
  • 56. Now brewing: Dali on Kafka Can we take the same views and run them seamlessly on Kafka as well? Stream Data Standard streaming API-s - Samza System Consumer - Kafka Consumer
  • 57. What’s next for Dali? Selective materialization Open source Hive is an implementation detail, not a long term bet
  • 58. Dali: When are we done dreaming? At RestIn Motion Data Processing Frameworks Dali
  • 59. Query Engines At RestIn Motion Processing Frameworks Data Infra + Platforms 3.0 Pinot Tracking Platform Unified Metrics Platform (UMP) DaliDr Elephant WhereHows circa 2017
  • 60. Did we succeed? We just handled another huge rewrite! #DataScienceHappiness
  • 62. Basic data infrastructure for data democracy Platforms, Process to standardize produce + consume Evangelize investing
 in #DataScience Happiness Tech + process
 to sustain healthy data ecosystem Our Journey towards #DataScienceHappiness Dali, Dialogue 2015-> Tracking, UMP DMRC 2013 -> Kafka, Hadoop, Gobblin, Pinot 2010 -> 2015 ->
  • 63. The Pursuit of #DataScienceHappiness A original @yaelgarten @shirshanka Thank You! to be continued…