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Formulas and Life Hacks
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SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
A little about me…
• Salesforce MVP: 2010 – Present
• Power of Us Hub Hall of Fame: 2019
• Trailhead Ranger 2019
• Community College Drop-Out: 1985 - Present
• Self-Taught Salesforce Admin since 2003
• World Record Holder
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SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
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SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks

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Data Exploration with Apache Drill: Day 2
Data Exploration with Apache Drill: Day 2Data Exploration with Apache Drill: Day 2
Data Exploration with Apache Drill: Day 2

Study after study shows that data scientists and analysts spend between 50% and 90% of their time preparing their data for analysis. Using Drill, you can dramatically reduce the time it takes to go from raw data to insight. This course will show you how. The course material for this presentation are available at

data sciencesqlapache drill
Multidimensional Data Analysis with Ruby (sample)
Multidimensional Data Analysis with Ruby (sample)Multidimensional Data Analysis with Ruby (sample)
Multidimensional Data Analysis with Ruby (sample)

This document discusses using Ruby to perform multidimensional data analysis on relational databases. It introduces Mondrian, an open-source OLAP engine that allows for multidimensional analysis on top of SQL databases using the MDX query language. A new Ruby gem called mondrian-olap will integrate Mondrian and provide a Ruby DSL and ActiveRecord-like query interface for defining OLAP schemas and performing analytical queries on relational data in a simpler way than SQL. Examples show how to write multidimensional queries in MDX and the Ruby interface to analyze sales data across dimensions like time, products, and customers.

Do You Have the Time
Do You Have the TimeDo You Have the Time
Do You Have the Time

This presentations shows how to create a time/date dimension for PowerPivot from the date data in your fact table. I also shows the DAX functions that you can use to add columns to the fact table or a separate dimension table.

The Power of One
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
• Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
• Using Formula Fields for Dynamic Report Filters
• The Ultimate Parent Account
• Dynamically Count Days Until Opportunity CloseDate for Reports and Dashboards
• How to test Validation Rule Formula Logic
Nobody has ever gotten Rabies by
clicking these.
They will not bite you!!!
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
The FormulaEditor,wherethe magic happens...
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
The FormulaEditor,wherethe magic happens...

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Here are the algorithms in pseudocode: 1. Find largest number of unknown set: - Read first number and assign to largest - Read next number - If number is greater than largest, assign it to largest - Repeat step 2 until no more numbers - Output largest 2. Find average of numbers: - Read number of elements n - Initialize sum = 0 - Initialize i = 0 - Repeat while i < n - Read element at array[i] - Add element to sum - Increment i - Calculate average = sum / n - Output average


Here are the algorithms in pseudocode: 1. Find largest number of unknown set: - Read first number and assign to largest - Read next number - If number is greater than largest, assign it to largest - Repeat step 2 until no more numbers - Output largest 2. Find average of numbers: - Read number of elements n - Initialize sum = 0 - Initialize i = 0 - Repeat while i < n - Read element at array[i] - Add element to sum - Increment i - Calculate average = sum / n - Output average

Empowerment Technology Lesson 4
Empowerment Technology Lesson 4Empowerment Technology Lesson 4
Empowerment Technology Lesson 4

This document discusses how spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets can be used to account for expenses and determine if a product's estimated sale price will be profitable. It provides an example of using Excel to calculate the total cost of ingredients for a milk tea product and compare it to the estimated sale price to see if it will earn a profit. The document also demonstrates how Excel formulas like SUM, subtraction, COUNTIF, and AVERAGEIF can be used to analyze survey data about a product to help evaluate its potential success in the target market.

SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
The FormulaEditor,wherethe magic happens...
Using Basic Math to simplify Complex
Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
Business Requirement
Prevent user from changing the Opportunity Stage to a
previous Opportunity Stage (without dying of Carpal Tunnel
Use a Validation Rule to evaluate current Opportunity Stage
and compare it to the previous Opportunity Stage
Fields Referenced
Opportunity: StageName
Functions and Operators Used
The ISPICKVAL Function:
Determines if the valueof a picklistfield is equal to a text literal you specify.
Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
IF(ISPICKVAL( Alexa.Whats_it_like_outside__c,
"Zombies"),"RUN!!!" ,
IF(ISPICKVAL(Alexa. Whats_it_like_outside__c,
"Hot"), "Go to the beach",
IF(ISPICKVAL(Alexa. Whats_it_like_outside__c,
"Warm"),"Go hiking",
IF(ISPICKVAL(Alexa. Whats_it_like_outside__c,
“Snowing"), "Build a snowman",
“Watch Netflix"))))

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CARTO en 5 Pasos: del Dato a la Toma de Decisiones [CARTO]
CARTO en 5 Pasos: del Dato a la Toma de Decisiones [CARTO]CARTO en 5 Pasos: del Dato a la Toma de Decisiones [CARTO]
CARTO en 5 Pasos: del Dato a la Toma de Decisiones [CARTO]

En este webinar repasamos - mediante una demostración con el mercado de Real Estate de Los Angeles como ejemplo - cada uno de los cinco pasos que la plataforma de CARTO sigue para una toma de decisiones eficaz basada en los datos. Watch it now at:

cartolocation intelligencedata science
Hello my name is DAX
Hello my name is DAXHello my name is DAX
Hello my name is DAX

Learn the basics of how to use DAX in PowerPivot to create new columns, join tables, and define new aggregate measures.

Dynamic date parameters in bi report
Dynamic date parameters in bi reportDynamic date parameters in bi report
Dynamic date parameters in bi report

This document discusses default date parameter options for business intelligence reports. It lists several date expressions that can be used to dynamically set the default "AsOfDate" or date range parameters, such as the current date, next day, last day of the month, start of the current year, and more. Examples of how each expression would appear are also provided.

dynamic date parameters in bi report
The CASE Function:
Checks a given expression against a series of values. If the expression is equal to a
value, returns the corresponding result. If it is not equal to any values, it returns the else
Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
CASE(Alexa.Whats_it_like_outside__c ,
"Zombies", "RUN!!!",
"Hot", "Go to the beach",
"Warm", "Go hiking",
“Snowing", "Build a snowman" ,
“Watch Netflix")
Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
CASE(StageName ,
"Qualification", 1 ,
"Needs Analysis", 2 ,
"Value Proposition", 3 ,
"Proposal/Price Quote", 4 ,
"Negotiation/Review", 5 ,
"Closed - Won", 6 ,
"Closed - Lost", 6 ,
0 )
"Qualification", 1 ,
"Needs Analysis", 2 ,
"Value Proposition", 3 ,
"Proposal/Price Quote", 4 ,
"Negotiation/Review", 5 ,
"Closed - Won", 6 ,
"Closed - Lost", 6 ,
0 )
Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
Use a Formula to evaluate the Multi-Picklist field and return a
numeric value for each item selected and sum the numeric values
Datatype = Formula
Result = Number
Functions and Operators Used
Need to get the count of items selected
from an Multi-Picklist field on the
Opportunity to get the item count per Sales
Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
Custom Field
Datatype = Formula
Result = Number
Formula =
IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Multi"), 1, 0 ) +
IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Picklist"), 1, 0 ) +
IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Fields"), 1, 0 ) +
IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Royally"), 1, 0 ) +
IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Suck"), 1, 0 )

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BAS 150 Lesson 2 Lecture
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BAS 150 Lesson 2 Lecture

This document provides an overview of SAS Visual Programmer (VP) and walks through an example of analyzing retail store data without coding. It explains that VP allows analysts to visually map out the logical data flow from raw data to actionable insights. The example demonstrates importing retail store data, sorting and filtering it to find the highest selling and highest profit items, and presenting the results in charts for the CEO. The learning objectives are to effectively use VP, import data into it, and create different types of charts.

Set Analyse OK.pdf
Set Analyse OK.pdfSet Analyse OK.pdf
Set Analyse OK.pdf

This document provides an in-depth reference on set analysis in QlikView. It begins by acknowledging that set analysis is a difficult subject, even for experienced users. The document then covers key aspects of set analysis syntax, including identifiers, operators, modifiers, and element lists. It provides many examples of how to use set analysis to filter charts and calculations based on specific field selections. The goal is to serve as a complete cheat sheet for set analysis in QlikView, with definitions, examples, and tips for effectively using this complex topic.

Top 10 excel analytic tests to minimize fraud and process risks
Top 10 excel analytic tests to minimize fraud and process risksTop 10 excel analytic tests to minimize fraud and process risks
Top 10 excel analytic tests to minimize fraud and process risks

The document provides an overview of a webinar on the top 10 Excel analytic tests to minimize fraud and process risks. It discusses stratifying data, codifying data to run round numbers, identifying duplicate payments, calculating average days payable outstanding, conducting vendor background checks and geomapping, analyzing general ledger entries that don't net to zero, analyzing enterers and approvers, identifying the other side of revenue entries, applying Benford's Law and digital analysis, and using red flag and textual analytics. The webinar demonstrates how to automate audit steps into Excel analytics using a case study and applies the analytics across the audit lifecycle.

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Easy Dynamic Report Filters
Using $User to create dynamic Reports and List Views
Evaluate the CreatedBy User.Idfield and compare it
to the current User.Idto return a simple True/False
Datatype = Formula
Result = Checkbox
Fields Referenced
Function Used
Dynamically show in a single List View or Report, all
activities that were created by the user logged in,
not just activities that were owned by them
Users caneasily see activities that are owned by
them with the ‘My Activities’ list view
Using $User to create dynamic Reports and List Views
Custom Field
Datatype = Formula
Result = Checkbox
$User.Id = CreatedById
Using $User to create dynamic Reports and List Views

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Getting power bi
Getting power biGetting power bi
Getting power bi

This document provides an overview of Power BI and discusses various features and considerations for building effective data models and reports. It begins with an introduction to Power BI Desktop and its capabilities compared to other Power BI options. The document then covers topics like building a data warehouse, learning SQL and DAX, creating measures and relationships, and best practices for mapping and self-service BI. It concludes with instructions for a Power BI demo. In 3 sentences or less: This document provides guidance on getting started with Power BI, discusses key skills needed like data warehousing and DAX, and includes a demo for exploring Power BI functionality through a sample model and report.


The document provides an overview of the methodology for optimal individual sales allocation and forecasting for Astra Honda Motor. It involves several steps: 1) dealer-level forecasting, 2) allocation of the total forecast to dealers, 3) secondary forecasting at the dealer-level, and 4) validation and adjustment of the allocation and forecasts. It also discusses data preparation involving 32 variables related to customer and sales data. The goal is to optimize sales allocation and forecasts for individual dealers.

data scientist
Intro to Financial Modeling - EI
Intro to Financial Modeling - EIIntro to Financial Modeling - EI
Intro to Financial Modeling - EI

This document provides an introduction to financial modeling. It defines financial modeling as creating a model that answers key questions about the potential size, growth and requirements of a business. It discusses two common methodologies for financial modeling - top-down modeling based on market share assumptions, and bottom-up modeling based on measurable inputs like customer acquisition costs, churn rates and customer lifetime value. The document provides examples of calculations that can be included in a financial model to project metrics like revenue, expenses, profits and customer counts. It recommends setting up standard tabs in an Excel model for inputs, market factors, revenue, staffing, costs, capital expenditures, debt and summary financials.

eastside incubatorstartupsfinancial modeling
Dynamic Month to Date Filter
Create a dynamic report of the Month to
Date Saless for opportunity trend analysis.
Use a Formula to evaluate Close Date (Number)
and compare to Current Day(Number)
Datatype = Formula
Result = Checkbox
Fields Referenced
Functions Used
DAY( )
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Functions Used
Returns the current date: YYYY-MM-DD
TODAY() = 2020-05-07
TODAY() = 2020-05-08
The next day…
TODAY() = 2020-05-09
Dynamic Month to Date Filter
CloseDate = 2019-12-25
DAY( CloseDate ) = 25
TODAY() = 2020-05-07
DAY( TODAY() ) = 7
Functions Used
DAY( Date )
Returns the day of the month, a number
between 1 and 31
Returns the current date YYYY-MM-DD
Dynamic Month to Date Filter
TODAY() = 2020-05-07
DAY( TODAY() ) = 7
CloseDate: 2019-07-04
Result = ✔ TRUE
CloseDate: 2020-03-31
Result = ⃞ FALSE
Custom Field
Datatype = Formula
Result = Checkbox
DAY( CloseDate )

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Machine Learning with Azure and Databricks Virtual Workshop
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Machine Learning with Azure and Databricks Virtual Workshop

Join CCG and Microsoft for a hands-on demonstration of Azure’s machine learning capabilities. During the workshop, we will: - Hold a Machine Learning 101 session to explain what machine learning is and how it fits in the analytics landscape - Demonstrate Azure Databricks’ capabilities for building custom machine learning models - Take a tour of the Azure Machine Learning’s capabilities for MLOps, Automated Machine Learning, and code-free Machine Learning By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the tools you need to begin your own journey to AI.

by CCG
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Building a semantic/metrics layer using Calcite
Building a semantic/metrics layer using CalciteBuilding a semantic/metrics layer using Calcite
Building a semantic/metrics layer using Calcite

A semantic layer, also known as a metrics layer, lies between business users and the database, and lets those users compose queries in the concepts that they understand. It also governs access to the data, manages data transformations, and can tune the database by defining materializations. Like many new ideas, the semantic layer is a distillation and evolution of many old ideas, such as query languages, multidimensional OLAP, and query federation. In this talk, we describe the features we are adding to Calcite to define business views, query measures, and optimize performance. A talk given at Community over Code, the annual conference of the Apache Software Foundation, in Halifax, NS, on 9th October, 2023.

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NPS_Presentation_V3.pptx it is regarding National pension scheme

Data & Finanace

Dynamic Month to Date Filter
Dynamic Month to Date Filter
Create a dynamic “Year to Date” report
to compare the Opportunity Pipeline for
the current year to the same period in
previous years.
Use a Formula to evaluate Opportunity
Close Date Day of the Year, and
compare it to Current Day of the Year.
Functions and Operators Used
Datatype = Formula
Result = Checkbox
Dynamic Year-To-Date Report Filter
Report on Year-to-Date
Functions Used
Returns the current date
YEAR( Date )
Returns the year of a date, a number between 1900 and 9999
Creates a date value from a Year (YYYY), Month (MM), and Day(DD) numeric values

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Victoria University degree offer diploma Transcript

特殊工艺完全按照原版制作【微信:A575476】【(Victoria毕业证)维多利亚大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(Victoria毕业证)维多利亚大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(Victoria毕业证)维多利亚大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(Victoria毕业证)维多利亚大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(Victoria毕业证)维多利亚大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Yogita Mehra Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Yogita Mehra Top Model SafeMahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Yogita Mehra Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Yogita Mehra Top Model Safe

Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Yogita Mehra Top Model Safe

Report on Year-to-Date
Duration: ( End_Date - Start_Date )
Age: ( TODAY() - BirthDate )
Day of the Year: ( TODAY() - 2020-01-01 )
Day the Opportunity Closed: ( CloseDate - YYYY-01-01 )
Calculate the Day of the Year (anyyear)
Count the number of days from January1st to that Date, by subtracting the Earlier Date from the
Later Date.
Report on Year-to-Date
TODAY() = 2020-05-07
YEAR( TODAY() ) = 2020
YEAR(CloseDate) = 2018, 2019, 2020…
DATE(YEAR(TODAY()) , 01 , 01 ) = 2020-01-01
DATE(YEAR(CloseDate) , 01 , 01 ) = CloseDate: 2018-12-31 = 2018-01-01
CloseDate: 2019-07-14 = 2019-01-01
CloseDate: 2020-04-01 = 2020-01-01
Report on Year-to-Date
Year to Date (Day)
Datatype = Formula
Result = Checkbox
( 2018/02/15– 2018/01/01 ) = Day 46
( 2020/05/07– 2020/01/01 ) = Day 128
Result = ✔ TRUE
( CloseDate - DATE(YEAR(CloseDate), 01, 01)))
( TODAY() - DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 01, 01)))
( 2018/11/30– 2018/01/01 ) = Day 334
( 2020/05/07– 2020/01/01 ) = Day 128
Result = ⃞ FALSE
Report on Year-to-Date

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Niagara College  degree offer diploma TranscriptNiagara College  degree offer diploma Transcript
Niagara College degree offer diploma Transcript

原版制作【微信:A575476】【(NC毕业证)尼亚加拉学院毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(NC毕业证)尼亚加拉学院毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(NC毕业证)尼亚加拉学院毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(NC毕业证)尼亚加拉学院毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(NC毕业证)尼亚加拉学院毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Lajpat Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe
Lajpat Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model SafeLajpat Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe
Lajpat Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe

Lajpat Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe

Report on Year-to-Date
The Ultimate Parent Account
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
We need to display the Opportunity Sales Pipeline
of an entire Corporation that spans multiple Parent
and Subsidiary Accounts across several tiers of
Parent and Subsidiary Accounts.
the Standard Parent Account Field only goes up 1
Level and returns the name of the Account 1 Level
above that Account. It also displays a blank value
if there is no Parent of that Account.
The Problem:
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
= ?

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Daryaganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model Safe
Daryaganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model SafeDaryaganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model Safe
Daryaganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model Safe

Daryaganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model Safe

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The "Ultimate” Parent Account
Create a custom Formula Field on the Account Object that will return the
name of the Top Parent Account in the Account Hierarchy, no matter where in
the Account Hierarchy the current Account is located
What if the Account IS the Parent Account?
What if the Account has NO Parent Account?
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
Create a custom Formula(Text) Field on the Account
Object that will return the name of the Top Parent Account
in the Account Hierarchy, no matter where in the Account
Hierarchy the current Account is located (even if there is no
Account Hierarchy)
Datatype = Formula
Result = Text
Fields and Functions
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
Deepak Anand
“The G.O.A.T.”
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
The Solution:
Use the Insert Field button to navigate through the
Parent Account > lookup field into the Parent
Account record.
Then navigate through the Parent Account >
lookup field into the next Parent Account record…

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University of Toronto degree offer diploma Transcript
University of Toronto  degree offer diploma TranscriptUniversity of Toronto  degree offer diploma Transcript
University of Toronto degree offer diploma Transcript

学历认证补办制【微信:A575476】【(UofT毕业证)多伦多大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张,特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业��杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(UofT毕业证)多伦多大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(UofT毕业证)多伦多大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(UofT毕业证)多伦多大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(UofT毕业证)多伦多大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

iot paper presentation FINAL EDIT by kiran.pptx
iot paper presentation FINAL EDIT by kiran.pptxiot paper presentation FINAL EDIT by kiran.pptx
iot paper presentation FINAL EDIT by kiran.pptx


The "Ultimate” Parent Account
BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name,
BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name,
BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Parent.Name,
BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Name,
BLANKVALUE( Parent.Name,
Name ) ) ) ) )
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
The "Ultimate” Parent Account

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Cómo hemos implementado semántica de "Exactly Once" en nuestra base de datos ...
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Cómo hemos implementado semántica de "Exactly Once" en nuestra base de datos ...

Los sistemas distribuidos son difíciles. Los sistemas distribuidos de alto rendimiento, más. Latencias de red, mensajes sin confirmación de recibo, reinicios de servidores, fallos de hardware, bugs en el software, releases problemáticas, timeouts... hay un montón de motivos por los que es muy difícil saber si un mensaje que has enviado se ha recibido y procesado correctamente en destino. Así que para asegurar mandas el mensaje otra vez.. y otra... y cruzas los dedos para que el sistema del otro lado tenga tolerancia a los duplicados. QuestDB es una base de datos open source diseñada para alto rendimiento. Nos queríamos asegurar de poder ofrecer garantías de "exactly once", deduplicando mensajes en tiempo de ingestión. En esta charla, te cuento cómo diseñamos e implementamos la palabra clave DEDUP en QuestDB, permitiendo deduplicar y además permitiendo Upserts en datos en tiempo real, añadiendo solo un 8% de tiempo de proceso, incluso en flujos con millones de inserciones por segundo. Además, explicaré nuestra arquitectura de log de escrituras (WAL) paralelo y multithread. Por supuesto, todo esto te lo cuento con demos, para que veas cómo funciona en la práctica.

The "Ultimate” Parent Account
The "Ultimate” Parent Account
Formulas and Life Hacks
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Identify upcoming open Opportunities and revenue, and expired, lapsed Opportunities and revenue using
standard Opportunity Reports (without having to Manually update the Report Filters every time you run
the Report)
Dynamically calculate the number of days between the Current Date and the Opportunity Close Date
Dynamically CountDays Until Close

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Laxmi Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Yogita Mehra Top Model Safe

SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Functions and Fields Used
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Custom Field
Datatype = Formula
Result = Number
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
IsClosed = TRUE,
CloseDate - TODAY() )
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
IsClosed = TRUE,
CloseDate - TODAY() )
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
IsClosed = TRUE
Result = NULL
CloseDate = 2020-05-15
Result = 8
CloseDate = 2020-05-01
Result = - 6

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Greater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂Glamorous sonam Mehra Top Model Safe

Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Pro Tip:
Always create a List View
or a Report that displays
your Formula Input Fields
side-by-side with your
Formula Field results
No matter how simple the
Formula is, or how good
you think you are
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Grab your favorite Opportunity
Opportunity Status: Open
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Bucket the Values by the Ranges you
<= -90
> -90 to -60
> -60 to -30
> -30 to 0
> 0 to 30
> 30 to 60
> 60 to 90
> 90

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Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Dynamically CountDays Until Close
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks

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Formulas and Life Hacks
Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
The Problem:
The "Check Syntax" button in the Formula Editor only tests the Syntax of a Formula, not the Formula Logic.
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
For example both ( A + B ) / C and A + ( B / C ) are Syntactically correct, but they will return completely
different (and potentially bad) results.
So how do we test our Validation Rule Formula Logic?
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
Formulas for the EverydayAdmin
Custom Field
Validation Rule Test
Datatype = Formula
Result = Checkbox
The Solution:
Checkboxes are Boolean, just like Validation Rules. They’re either TRUE, or FALSE, a 0 or a 1, Wax on, Wax
Formula Result
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
Validation Rule:
Prevent users from creating or editing an Opportunity
in an Open Stage with a Close Date prior to the current
Stage = Closed Won / Closed Lost
Result: ✔ PASS
Stage <> Closed Won / Closed Lost
Close Date >= TODAY()
Result: ✔ PASS
Stage <> Closed Won / Closed Lost
Close Date < TODAY()
Result: x ⃞ FAIL
Functions and Fields Used

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Formulas for the EverydayAdmin
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY() ,
IsClosed = FALSE
Formulas for the EverydayAdmin
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY() ,
IsClosed = FALSE
Formulas for the EverydayAdmin
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY() ,
NOT(ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Won")),
NOT(ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Lost")),
Formulas for the EverydayAdmin
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY() ,
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won",
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost"

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Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY()
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won"
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost"
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Formula Result
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY() ,
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won",
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost"
CloseDate < TODAY()
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won"
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost"

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Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY() ,
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won",
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost"
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
CloseDate < TODAY()
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won"
TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost"
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks

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Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
A few caveats.
Some Formula Functions that work in Validation Rule Formulas are not available in Formula fields (so you
can’t use this trick to test every Validation Rule Formula.
Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
“Sorry Baby,I had to crash that Honda” - Butch Coolidge, Pulp Fiction
But wait, there’s MORE!!!
Bonus: SteveMo's CustomFormulaField Mix Tape
SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
SteveMo's Custom Formula Field Mix Tape
Download link:
Password: UoweB33R
* Possible Side Effects include:Dry mouth,Drowsiness,Insomnia,Delusions ofGrandeur ,Walking
on Sunshine, Password Resets,DisdaintowardsUsers.
** If you experience a Conference Call or Meetinglasting4 or more hours,contact a Salesforce
Recruiter and find a better place to work.

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SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
Bonus: SteveMo's CustomFormulaField Mix Tape
You get all the hits!
• Days Until Close
• Validation Rule Test
• Days Since Close
• The Ultimate ParentAccount
• MTD Close Date
• YTD Close Date
• Close Date (Quarter)
• The Power of One
• Plus more!!!
Formulas for the EverydayAdmin
Bonus: SteveMo's CustomFormulaField Mix Tape
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Steve mo's formulas and life hacks   frankfurt de 2020-05-07

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Steve mo's formulas and life hacks frankfurt de 2020-05-07

  • 1. SteveMo’s Formulas and Life Hacks Frankfurt DE 05.07.2020
  • 2. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks A little about me… • Salesforce MVP: 2010 – Present • Power of Us Hub Hall of Fame: 2019 • Trailhead Ranger 2019 • Community College Drop-Out: 1985 - Present • Self-Taught Salesforce Admin since 2003 • World Record Holder
  • 3. Safe Harbor Statement SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 4. Pro-Rated % of BusinessDays Remaining SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 5. The Power of One SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 6. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks • Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas • Using Formula Fields for Dynamic Report Filters • The Ultimate Parent Account • Dynamically Count Days Until Opportunity CloseDate for Reports and Dashboards • How to test Validation Rule Formula Logic • FABULOUS PRIZES!!!
  • 7. Nobody has ever gotten Rabies by clicking these. They will not bite you!!! SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks The FormulaEditor,wherethe magic happens...
  • 8. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks The FormulaEditor,wherethe magic happens...
  • 9. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks The FormulaEditor,wherethe magic happens...
  • 10. Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas
  • 11. Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas Business Requirement Prevent user from changing the Opportunity Stage to a previous Opportunity Stage (without dying of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). Solution Use a Validation Rule to evaluate current Opportunity Stage and compare it to the previous Opportunity Stage Fields Referenced Opportunity: StageName Functions and Operators Used CASE PRIORVALUE <
  • 12. The ISPICKVAL Function: Determines if the valueof a picklistfield is equal to a text literal you specify. Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas IF(ISPICKVAL( Alexa.Whats_it_like_outside__c, "Zombies"),"RUN!!!" , IF(ISPICKVAL(Alexa. Whats_it_like_outside__c, "Hot"), "Go to the beach", IF(ISPICKVAL(Alexa. Whats_it_like_outside__c, "Warm"),"Go hiking", IF(ISPICKVAL(Alexa. Whats_it_like_outside__c, “Snowing"), "Build a snowman", “Watch Netflix"))))
  • 13. The CASE Function: Checks a given expression against a series of values. If the expression is equal to a value, returns the corresponding result. If it is not equal to any values, it returns the else result. Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas CASE(Alexa.Whats_it_like_outside__c , "Zombies", "RUN!!!", "Hot", "Go to the beach", "Warm", "Go hiking", “Snowing", "Build a snowman" , “Watch Netflix")
  • 14. Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas CASE(StageName , "Qualification", 1 , "Needs Analysis", 2 , "Value Proposition", 3 , "Proposal/Price Quote", 4 , "Negotiation/Review", 5 , "Closed - Won", 6 , "Closed - Lost", 6 , 0 ) < CASE(PRIORVALUE(StageName), "Qualification", 1 , "Needs Analysis", 2 , "Value Proposition", 3 , "Proposal/Price Quote", 4 , "Negotiation/Review", 5 , "Closed - Won", 6 , "Closed - Lost", 6 , 0 )
  • 15. Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas Solution Use a Formula to evaluate the Multi-Picklist field and return a numeric value for each item selected and sum the numeric values CustomField Datatype = Formula Result = Number Functions and Operators Used IF INCLUDES +Problem Need to get the count of items selected from an Multi-Picklist field on the Opportunity to get the item count per Sales Rep
  • 16. Using Basic Math to simplify Complex Formulas Custom Field Datatype = Formula Result = Number Formula = IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Multi"), 1, 0 ) + IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Picklist"), 1, 0 ) + IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Fields"), 1, 0 ) + IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Royally"), 1, 0 ) + IF(INCLUDES(Multi_Picklist__c, "Suck"), 1, 0 )
  • 18. Using $User to create dynamic Reports and List Views Solution Evaluate the CreatedBy User.Idfield and compare it to the current User.Idto return a simple True/False result. CustomField Datatype = Formula Result = Checkbox Fields Referenced CreatedById $User.Id Function Used = Problem Dynamically show in a single List View or Report, all activities that were created by the user logged in, not just activities that were owned by them Users caneasily see activities that are owned by them with the ‘My Activities’ list view
  • 19. Using $User to create dynamic Reports and List Views Custom Field Datatype = Formula Result = Checkbox Formula $User.Id = CreatedById
  • 20. Using $User to create dynamic Reports and List Views
  • 21. Dynamic Month to Date Filter Problem Create a dynamic report of the Month to Date Saless for opportunity trend analysis. Solution Use a Formula to evaluate Close Date (Number) and compare to Current Day(Number) CustomField Datatype = Formula Result = Checkbox Fields Referenced CloseDate Functions Used DAY( ) TODAY() <=
  • 22. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Functions Used TODAY( ) Returns the current date: YYYY-MM-DD Examples TODAY() = 2020-05-07 Tomorrow… TODAY() = 2020-05-08 The next day… TODAY() = 2020-05-09
  • 23. Dynamic Month to Date Filter Examples CloseDate = 2019-12-25 DAY( CloseDate ) = 25 TODAY() = 2020-05-07 DAY( TODAY() ) = 7 Functions Used DAY( Date ) Returns the day of the month, a number between 1 and 31 TODAY() Returns the current date YYYY-MM-DD
  • 24. Dynamic Month to Date Filter TODAY() = 2020-05-07 DAY( TODAY() ) = 7 CloseDate: 2019-07-04 Result = ✔ TRUE CloseDate: 2020-03-31 Result = ⃞ FALSE Custom Field Datatype = Formula Result = Checkbox Formula DAY( CloseDate ) <= DAY( TODAY() )
  • 25. Dynamic Month to Date Filter
  • 26. Dynamic Month to Date Filter
  • 27. Requirement Create a dynamic “Year to Date” report to compare the Opportunity Pipeline for the current year to the same period in previous years. Solution Use a Formula to evaluate Opportunity Close Date Day of the Year, and compare it to Current Day of the Year. Functions and Operators Used Datatype = Formula Result = Checkbox TODAY() YEAR DATE( YYYY , MM , DD ) <= Dynamic Year-To-Date Report Filter
  • 28. Report on Year-to-Date Functions Used TODAY() Returns the current date YEAR( Date ) Returns the year of a date, a number between 1900 and 9999 DATE( YYYY , MM , DD ) Creates a date value from a Year (YYYY), Month (MM), and Day(DD) numeric values
  • 29. Report on Year-to-Date Duration: ( End_Date - Start_Date ) Age: ( TODAY() - BirthDate ) Day of the Year: ( TODAY() - 2020-01-01 ) Day the Opportunity Closed: ( CloseDate - YYYY-01-01 ) Calculate the Day of the Year (anyyear) Count the number of days from January1st to that Date, by subtracting the Earlier Date from the Later Date.
  • 30. Report on Year-to-Date TODAY() = 2020-05-07 YEAR( TODAY() ) = 2020 YEAR(CloseDate) = 2018, 2019, 2020… DATE(YEAR(TODAY()) , 01 , 01 ) = 2020-01-01 DATE(YEAR(CloseDate) , 01 , 01 ) = CloseDate: 2018-12-31 = 2018-01-01 CloseDate: 2019-07-14 = 2019-01-01 CloseDate: 2020-04-01 = 2020-01-01
  • 31. Report on Year-to-Date CustomField: Year to Date (Day) Datatype = Formula Result = Checkbox Formula: ( 2018/02/15– 2018/01/01 ) = Day 46 <= ( 2020/05/07– 2020/01/01 ) = Day 128 Result = ✔ TRUE ( CloseDate - DATE(YEAR(CloseDate), 01, 01))) <= ( TODAY() - DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 01, 01))) ( 2018/11/30– 2018/01/01 ) = Day 334 <= ( 2020/05/07– 2020/01/01 ) = Day 128 Result = ⃞ FALSE
  • 35. The "Ultimate” Parent Account We need to display the Opportunity Sales Pipeline of an entire Corporation that spans multiple Parent and Subsidiary Accounts across several tiers of Parent and Subsidiary Accounts. But… the Standard Parent Account Field only goes up 1 Level and returns the name of the Account 1 Level above that Account. It also displays a blank value if there is no Parent of that Account. The Problem:
  • 36. The "Ultimate” Parent Account = ?
  • 37. The "Ultimate” Parent Account Create a custom Formula Field on the Account Object that will return the name of the Top Parent Account in the Account Hierarchy, no matter where in the Account Hierarchy the current Account is located But… What if the Account IS the Parent Account? or What if the Account has NO Parent Account?
  • 38. The "Ultimate” Parent Account Solution Create a custom Formula(Text) Field on the Account Object that will return the name of the Top Parent Account in the Account Hierarchy, no matter where in the Account Hierarchy the current Account is located (even if there is no Account Hierarchy) CustomField Datatype = Formula Result = Text Fields and Functions BLANKVALUE Parent.Name
  • 39. The "Ultimate” Parent Account Deepak Anand “The G.O.A.T.”
  • 40. The "Ultimate” Parent Account The Solution: Use the Insert Field button to navigate through the Parent Account > lookup field into the Parent Account record. Then navigate through the Parent Account > lookup field into the next Parent Account record…
  • 41. The "Ultimate” Parent Account BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name, BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name, BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Parent.Name, BLANKVALUE( Parent.Parent.Name, BLANKVALUE( Parent.Name, Name ) ) ) ) ) Formula:
  • 47. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Dynamically CountDays Until Close
  • 48. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Requirement: Identify upcoming open Opportunities and revenue, and expired, lapsed Opportunities and revenue using standard Opportunity Reports (without having to Manually update the Report Filters every time you run the Report) How?: Dynamically calculate the number of days between the Current Date and the Opportunity Close Date Dynamically CountDays Until Close
  • 49. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Functions and Fields Used IF IsClosed TODAY() Dynamically CountDays Until Close
  • 50. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Dynamically CountDays Until Close IsClosed TRUE or FALSE IsWon TRUE or FALSE
  • 51. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Custom Field Datatype = Formula Result = Number Dynamically CountDays Until Close Formula IF( IsClosed = TRUE, NULL , CloseDate - TODAY() )
  • 52. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks IF( IsClosed = TRUE, NULL , CloseDate - TODAY() ) Dynamically CountDays Until Close IsClosed = TRUE Result = NULL CloseDate = 2020-05-15 Result = 8 CloseDate = 2020-05-01 Result = - 6
  • 53. Dynamically CountDays Until Close SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Pro Tip: Always create a List View or a Report that displays your Formula Input Fields side-by-side with your Formula Field results No matter how simple the Formula is, or how good you think you are
  • 54. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Grab your favorite Opportunity Report. Select: Opportunity Status: Open Dynamically CountDays Until Close
  • 55. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Dynamically CountDays Until Close
  • 56. Dynamically CountDays Until Close SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Bucket the Values by the Ranges you want <= -90 > -90 to -60 > -60 to -30 > -30 to 0 > 0 to 30 > 30 to 60 > 60 to 90 > 90
  • 57. Dynamically CountDays Until Close SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 58. Dynamically CountDays Until Close SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 59. Dynamically CountDays Until Close SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 60. Dynamically CountDays Until Close SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 61. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic
  • 62. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks The Problem: The "Check Syntax" button in the Formula Editor only tests the Syntax of a Formula, not the Formula Logic. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic For example both ( A + B ) / C and A + ( B / C ) are Syntactically correct, but they will return completely different (and potentially bad) results. So how do we test our Validation Rule Formula Logic?
  • 63. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic Formulas for the EverydayAdmin Custom Field Validation Rule Test Datatype = Formula Result = Checkbox The Solution: Checkboxes are Boolean, just like Validation Rules. They’re either TRUE, or FALSE, a 0 or a 1, Wax on, Wax off. Formula Result ✔ TRUE = FAIL ⃞ FALSE = PASS
  • 64. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic Validation Rule: Prevent users from creating or editing an Opportunity in an Open Stage with a Close Date prior to the current date. Stage = Closed Won / Closed Lost Result: ✔ PASS Stage <> Closed Won / Closed Lost Close Date >= TODAY() Result: ✔ PASS Stage <> Closed Won / Closed Lost Close Date < TODAY() Result: x ⃞ FAIL StageName CloseDate TODAY() Functions and Fields Used
  • 65. Formulas for the EverydayAdmin Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic AND( CloseDate < TODAY() , IsClosed = FALSE )
  • 66. Formulas for the EverydayAdmin Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic AND( CloseDate < TODAY() , IsClosed = FALSE )
  • 67. Formulas for the EverydayAdmin Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic AND( CloseDate < TODAY() , OR( NOT(ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Won")), NOT(ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Lost")), ) )
  • 68. Formulas for the EverydayAdmin Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic AND( CloseDate < TODAY() , OR( TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won", TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost" ) )
  • 69. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic CloseDate < TODAY() && ( TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won" || TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost" )
  • 70. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Formula Result ✔ TRUE = FAIL ⃞ FALSE = PASS
  • 71. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 72. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic AND( CloseDate < TODAY() , OR( TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won", TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost" ) ) CloseDate < TODAY() && ( TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won" || TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost" )
  • 73. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 74. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic AND( CloseDate < TODAY() , TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won", TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost" )
  • 75. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic CloseDate < TODAY() && TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Won" && TEXT(StageName) <> "Closed - Lost"
  • 76. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Result ✔ TRUE = FAIL ⃞ FALSE = PASS
  • 77. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks
  • 78. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks A few caveats. Some Formula Functions that work in Validation Rule Formulas are not available in Formula fields (so you can’t use this trick to test every Validation Rule Formula. Admin LifeHack: Using Checkboxesto test Validation Rule FormulaLogic • ISNEW • ISCHANGED • PRIORVALUE • VLOOKUP “Sorry Baby,I had to crash that Honda” - Butch Coolidge, Pulp Fiction
  • 80. Bonus: SteveMo's CustomFormulaField Mix Tape SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks SteveMo's Custom Formula Field Mix Tape Download link: Password: UoweB33R * Possible Side Effects include:Dry mouth,Drowsiness,Insomnia,Delusions ofGrandeur ,Walking on Sunshine, Password Resets,DisdaintowardsUsers. ** If you experience a Conference Call or Meetinglasting4 or more hours,contact a Salesforce Recruiter and find a better place to work.
  • 81. SteveMo's Formulas and Life Hacks Bonus: SteveMo's CustomFormulaField Mix Tape You get all the hits! Including: • Days Until Close • Validation Rule Test • Days Since Close • The Ultimate ParentAccount • MTD Close Date • YTD Close Date • Close Date (Quarter) • The Power of One • Plus more!!!
  • 82. Formulas for the EverydayAdmin Bonus: SteveMo's CustomFormulaField Mix Tape #RapinoePose!
  • 83. Additional Resources Create Reports and Dashboards for Sales and Marketing Managers Track key business information for your stakeholders with reports and dashboards. Reports & Dashboards for Lightning Experience Visualize key business metrics in real-time using Lightning Experience. Sales Reports for Lightning Experience Set up reports and dashboards for your sales managers, reps, and execs. Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist