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In the ever-evolving landscape of the marketing and advertising sphere
globally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended its role as a mere
technological shift as it now stands as a strategic imperative. The
groundwork laid over the past few years has paved the way for this
monumental change, and we find ourselves at an inflection point - a
moment not only of progression but of ground-breaking change.
We, at MMA Global, are dedicated to fostering discussions on AI's
integration into marketing at a granular level. This is in line with our
efforts at a Global, Regional and Market Level, where AI is a major focus
for 2024 and several initiatives are under deployment through our MMA’s
AI Leadership Coalition(ALC).
‘MMA State of AI in Marketing’ Indonesia report marks just the beginning
of a comprehensive journey, where we strive to bring global initiatives to
hyper localize and explore critical areas where AI has demonstrated
Our findings from the ‘MMA State of AI in Marketing’ report reveal that
38% of organizations are either in the experimental phase, while 32% are
partially integrated with AI. Not surprisingly, only 16% claim full
integration, indicating the gradual yet transformative journey towards
leveraging AI’s capabilities in shaping the future of digital marketing
strategies. Our State of AI in Marketing survey sought to gauge AI
adoption, readiness for Generative AI (Gen AI), resource availability and
risk assessment to optimize AI integration strategies.
In this inaugural MMA Global Indonesia report, there are several key
highlights from the study that showcase the following:
Key data points of AI adoption and its diverse applications:
• In terms of AI inclusion in marketing plans and processes, 22%
consider it to be a high priority, while 38% rate it as a medium priority.
This indicates that a significant portion of organizations recognize the
importance of AI in their strategies, with a notable proportion actively
integrating AI technologies at a high level to enhance their marketing
• 52% have expressed confidence in AI’s potential to revolutionize
marketing practices, highlighting optimism about its transformative
impact on the industry. Conversely, 10% hold a more reserved
perspective, believing that AI will have a limited impact.
• Data privacy emerged as the most prominent factor with 31%
expressing concerns in this area.
• Cybersecurity also garnered attention, with 22% indicating
apprehension about digital security.
Challenges & Risks of AI adoption and its diverse applications:
• 49% of respondents of the survey highlighted several challenges in
applying AI to content marketing. They struggle with discovering the
right tools for their needs, highlighting the importance of tool selection
in optimizing content marketing efforts.
• 44% express concerns about biased and fabricated answers. These
findings emphasize the need for strong measures to safeguard data,
ensure fairness, and enhance cybersecurity in AI implementation.
• 22% cited a lack of understanding in the adoption of AI in marketing,
along with 17% identifying high costs as a reason. Additionally, 38%
recognize the need for skills training, emphasizing the importance of
upskilling employees to effectively leverage AI technologies in their
marketing executions.
• 4%, which appears to be a minority, express uncertainty about what AI
entails, emphasizing the necessity for educational initiatives to
enhance understanding.
In conclusion, our observations on the conducted survey, show that
industry leaders have recognized the need for AI to be an integral part of
their marketing strategies. We also see that various factors hinder them
from fully implementing the technology. These range from finding the
right tools and adequate training required in the context of data privacy
and cyber security.
In our relentless drive to explore the future's possibilities, MMA Global
Indonesia remains steadfast at the vanguard of innovation in marketing
research. As AI undergoes its evolution, seamlessly integrating into the
marketing and advertising ecosystem, our dedication is resolute in
navigating its development and deployment with careful consideration.
As we collectively navigate towards a future where AI will become the
expected standard rather than a novelty, let us remain vigilant,
envisioning possibilities, and embracing unprecedented innovation to
stay ahead in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.
Shanti Tolani
Country Head and Board of Director
MMA Global Indonesia
Introduction to the Report
The “State of AI in Marketing 2024” report from MMA Global
Indonesia and Kantar Indonesia deep dives into how the industry is
embracing and adapting AI in their Marketing strategies; unpacking
its preparedness, specific areas of development and scaling
In the vibrant landscape of Indonesia's technological advancement,
the acceleration of artificial intelligence (AI) demands a strategic
This entails consolidating knowledge, fostering spaces for idea
exchange, establishing repositories of resources, and conducting risk
assessment forums. The synergy of these elements is pivotal in
propelling Indonesia's AI initiatives forward, laying the foundation
for robust growth and innovation in the field.
Within this context, this report aims to offer a comprehensive
diagnosis of AI opportunities within Indonesia. By delving into the
intricacies of AI deployment and its multifaceted implications, it
endeavors to inspire stakeholders to forge ahead with their AI
strategies. Through insightful analysis and actionable insights, the
report seeks to empower decision-makers across industries to
harness the transformative potential of AI, driving sustainable
development and competitive advantage.
One notable trend observed within Indonesia's AI landscape is the
prevailing confidence and positive sentiment surrounding generative AI.
This innovative subset of AI technology holds tremendous promise,
inspiring optimism and enthusiasm among industry players. As
organizations dive deeper into the realm of generative AI, they are
increasingly recognizing its potential to revolutionize processes, enhance
productivity, and unlock new avenues of growth.
Navigating the complexities of generative AI necessitates collaborative
efforts and strategic partnerships. The majority of organizations within
Indonesia are actively seeking alliances with AI experts and technology
providers. By leveraging collective expertise and resources, these
partnerships aim to accelerate AI adoption, optimize operations, and stay
ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital ecosystem.
The influence of AI extends far beyond operational enhancements,
encompassing broader objectives such as elevating customer experience,
driving innovation, and improving costs. As organizations embrace AI
technologies, they stand poised to revolutionize their interactions with
customers, foster a culture of innovation, and achieve greater efficiencies
across various facets of their operations. In this transformative journey, the
leadership of company CEOs and boards emerges as a critical driving
force, shaping the strategic direction and priorities of generative AI
initiatives within organizations.
Of marketers agree that AI predictions
are a great way to test creatives they
wouldn’t otherwise measure
Kantar – APAC Media Reactions 2023
1 out of 3
Marketers believe AI Based Media and
Creative predictions, are more likely to
measure Attention
Kantar – APAC Media Reactions 2023
Of marketers have a positive attitude
towards the possibilities of Generative AI
Kantar – APAC Media Reactions 2023
Government will always support the
development of AI in Indonesia
Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics
Nezar Patria
Industry Outlook on AI - APAC
AI for Marketing is in Experimentation Phase
In Experimentation Phase
Partially Integrated
Fully Integrated
Not Adopted
Don't know
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. Has your organization adopted AI in its marketing strategies?
AI Technology for Marketing has been Modestly Integrated
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. How would you rate the level of inclusion of AI technology in your company’s marketing plan and processes?
Very High
Training and Effective Understanding are the Top
Challenges for AI Inclusion and Adoption in Marketing
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. What according to you are the top challenges for AI inclusion and adoption in Marketing?
Requires skill & training
AI is not effectively understood
Still expensive to consider
Not enough evidence
to support benefit of AI
Creative Optimization and Production of Content and
Creative Assets Constitute the Top 2 Use Cases for AI
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Measurement & Attribution
Media Allocation
New Product/Service Development
Customer Experience & Journey Orchestration
Customer Insights & Analytics
Production of Content & Creative Assets
Creative Optimization
Haven't Started Exploring Testing Scaling Don't know
Q. Please describe the specific marketing use cases where AI is currently explored or applied in your organization.
AI is mostly implemented for Chatbots, Personalized
Recommendations and Content Creation
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. Which AI tools are you using in marketing?
Personalized Recommendations
AI-driven Content Creation
Automated Campaigns
Pioneering Generative AI: Respondents claim to be
Actively Exploring generative AI use cases
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Stage 1 - Awareness: No active use yet; our focus is on
learning and understanding its potential applications and
how it might fit into our operations.
Stage 4 - Expansion: Expanding its use across operations
after seeing success in initial projects; building a
dedicated team or individual responsible for overseeing
our generative AI initiatives.
Stage 2 - Exploration: Actively exploring use cases,
conducting preliminary research and pilots, and
experimenting with generative AI tools.
Stage 3 - Early Adoption: Starting to implement
generative AI in specific areas, working on larger pilot
projects, building internal capabilities, and starting to see
the initial benefits.
Q. Which of the following best describes the current stage of generative AI application in your organization?
Generative AI Influence: Elevate Customer Experience,
Drive Innovation, Improve Costs
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. What facets of your business would Generative AI impact?
Customer Experience
Driving Innovation
Cost Reduction
Revenue acceleration
Navigating Generative AI: Majority of Organizations are
Looking for Partnerships and Alliances
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. How do you envision executing your organization's strategy in the context of Generative AI?
Partnering with external tech
Developing In-house capabilities e.g.
model development, resources etc.
Exploring Strategic Alliances
Strong Confidence and Positive Sentiment around
Generative AI
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
AI will significantly enhance marketing capabilities
but won't replace human creativity and expertise.
AI will revolutionize marketing practices and create
new opportunities.
AI will have a limited impact on marketing, and
traditional approaches will remain dominant.
Unsure/No opinion
Q. When considering the broader implications of generative AI, please indicate your level of optimism or pessimism
regarding its impact on each of the following.
Company CEOs and the Board have the most influence in
driving Generative AI Strategy
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Board; 23%
CEO; 23%
CIO; 4%
COO; 6%
CDO; 3%
CTO; 9%
Unsure; 21%
Other; 11%
Q. Who has the most influence in driving your organization's Generative AI strategy?
AI Challenges in Content Marketing
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. What areas of AI application in content marketing do you struggle with?
Discovering the right tools to me
Using prompts to cull out desired
Unable to use the tools available
Unsure about what AI is
Ethical Implications of using AI in Marketing
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Yes; 69%
No; 7%
Unsure; 24%
Q. Is your organization aware of the potential ethical implications of using AI in marketing?
Risk Mitigation – Precautionary Strategies Underway
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Yes; 34%
No; 17%
Don't know;
Q. Has your organization developed strategies to address AI-related risks?
Main Concerns in Generative AI Adoption
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. Which risk worries you the most when it comes to Generative AI adoption?
Data privacy
Biased responses
Fabricated answers
Availability of Tailored AI Training for Marketing Teams
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Planning to offer
Don't know
Q. Does your organization offer training programs on AI for marketing personnel?
Resources Relied on to Stay Updated with AI in Marketing
Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105)
Q. Which resources do you rely on for staying updated with AI in marketing?
Workshops and
Training Courses
Industry Reports
Peer Discussions
Industry Events
Key Insights
Positive opinions of AI is driving
exploration and early adoption
9 out of 10 industry leads have
favorable opinions about AI, resulting in
65% in exploratory and early adoption
Stage 1 -
Stage 2 -
Stage 3 -
Stage 4 -
AI will significantly enhance marketing
capabilities but won't replace human creativity
and expertise.
AI will revolutionize marketing practices and
create new opportunities.
AI will have a limited impact on marketing, and
traditional approaches will remain dominant.
Unsure/No opinion
Key Insights
The industry is ready for AI acceleration
63% of industry leads rate their level of
AI inclusion in Marketing plans as
medium and low, highlighting the
growth potential.
62% of companies are offering or
planning to offer AI training
Very High
Planning to offer
Don't know
Key Insights
The industry requires structured
education programs and resource sharing
38% mentioned the need for skills
training, 22% do not yet fully
comprehend AI, and 49% mentioned
they struggle discovering the right AI
tools for content marketing.
Requires skill & training
AI is not effectively understood
Still expensive to consider
Not enough evidence to support
benefit of AI
Discovering the right tools to me
Using prompts to cull out desired
Unable to use the tools available
Unsure about what AI is
Comprised of over 800-member companies
globally and 15 regional offices, the MMA is the
only marketing trade association that brings
together the full ecosystem of marketers, martech
and media companies working collaboratively to
architect the future of marketing, while relentlessly
delivering growth today. Led by CMOs, the MMA
helps marketers lead the imperative for marketing
change – in ways that enable future breakthroughs
while optimizing current activities.
The MMA is committed to science and
questioning and believes that creating marketing
impact is steeped in constructively challenging
the status quo encouraging business leaders to
aggressively adopt proven, peer-driven and
scientific best practices, without compromise. The
MMA invests millions of dollars in rigorous
research to enable marketers with unassailable
truth and actionable tools. By enlightening,
empowering and enabling marketers, the MMA
shapes future success, while also propelling
business growth.
Visit us at:
About MMA
The information contained in “State of AI in Marketing 2023”
(Report) would serve as an educational tool to understand the role
of AI in marketing better while equipping you with information that
leads to stable, safe, and optimal AI strategies.
The information contained herein is purely for reference purposes
only and we assert that no business or investment decisions be
made solely based on the information presented in the Report. If
any such decisions are made based on the contents of the Report,
the same shall be entirely at the cost and consequences of the
decision maker alone. The information provided herein is on “as is”
basis and is based on data sourced from, or provided, by third
parties or publicly available resources, for which prior express
consents have been obtained. While reasonable endeavours have
been made to present accurate data in the Report, no
representation or warranty, express or implied, is made or claimed
as to its accuracy, completeness, correctness or merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose.
Accordingly, MMA Global India including its directors, subsidiaries,
associates, and employees shall not be in any way responsible for
any loss or damage that may be caused to any person from any
error in the information, views and opinions expressed in the
Report. The logos, trademarks , and any other marks used in the
Report belong to their respective owners and have been
reproduced in this Report with their prior permission. The
contents of this Report are confidential in nature and without
prejudice. No part of the Report may be divulged to any third
party, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, photocopying, mechanical, recording or otherwise
without our prior express written consent. Appropriate express
written consent be sought from various publishers/ individuals
who have been quoted in the Report prior to
borrowing/using/quoting their content. The views expressed in
the Report are based on the information available to us as of the
date of the Report and are subject to change from time to time
without notice. We do not accept the responsibility to update this
Report nor do we accept any liability arising from the use of this
Report in any manner whatsoever.

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  • 2. Foreword In the ever-evolving landscape of the marketing and advertising sphere globally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended its role as a mere technological shift as it now stands as a strategic imperative. The groundwork laid over the past few years has paved the way for this monumental change, and we find ourselves at an inflection point - a moment not only of progression but of ground-breaking change. We, at MMA Global, are dedicated to fostering discussions on AI's integration into marketing at a granular level. This is in line with our efforts at a Global, Regional and Market Level, where AI is a major focus for 2024 and several initiatives are under deployment through our MMA’s AI Leadership Coalition(ALC). ‘MMA State of AI in Marketing’ Indonesia report marks just the beginning of a comprehensive journey, where we strive to bring global initiatives to hyper localize and explore critical areas where AI has demonstrated effectiveness. Our findings from the ‘MMA State of AI in Marketing’ report reveal that 38% of organizations are either in the experimental phase, while 32% are partially integrated with AI. Not surprisingly, only 16% claim full integration, indicating the gradual yet transformative journey towards leveraging AI’s capabilities in shaping the future of digital marketing strategies. Our State of AI in Marketing survey sought to gauge AI adoption, readiness for Generative AI (Gen AI), resource availability and risk assessment to optimize AI integration strategies. In this inaugural MMA Global Indonesia report, there are several key highlights from the study that showcase the following: Key data points of AI adoption and its diverse applications: • In terms of AI inclusion in marketing plans and processes, 22% consider it to be a high priority, while 38% rate it as a medium priority. This indicates that a significant portion of organizations recognize the importance of AI in their strategies, with a notable proportion actively integrating AI technologies at a high level to enhance their marketing efforts. • 52% have expressed confidence in AI’s potential to revolutionize marketing practices, highlighting optimism about its transformative impact on the industry. Conversely, 10% hold a more reserved perspective, believing that AI will have a limited impact. • Data privacy emerged as the most prominent factor with 31% expressing concerns in this area. • Cybersecurity also garnered attention, with 22% indicating apprehension about digital security.
  • 3. Challenges & Risks of AI adoption and its diverse applications: • 49% of respondents of the survey highlighted several challenges in applying AI to content marketing. They struggle with discovering the right tools for their needs, highlighting the importance of tool selection in optimizing content marketing efforts. • 44% express concerns about biased and fabricated answers. These findings emphasize the need for strong measures to safeguard data, ensure fairness, and enhance cybersecurity in AI implementation. • 22% cited a lack of understanding in the adoption of AI in marketing, along with 17% identifying high costs as a reason. Additionally, 38% recognize the need for skills training, emphasizing the importance of upskilling employees to effectively leverage AI technologies in their marketing executions. • 4%, which appears to be a minority, express uncertainty about what AI entails, emphasizing the necessity for educational initiatives to enhance understanding. In conclusion, our observations on the conducted survey, show that industry leaders have recognized the need for AI to be an integral part of their marketing strategies. We also see that various factors hinder them from fully implementing the technology. These range from finding the right tools and adequate training required in the context of data privacy and cyber security. In our relentless drive to explore the future's possibilities, MMA Global Indonesia remains steadfast at the vanguard of innovation in marketing research. As AI undergoes its evolution, seamlessly integrating into the marketing and advertising ecosystem, our dedication is resolute in navigating its development and deployment with careful consideration. As we collectively navigate towards a future where AI will become the expected standard rather than a novelty, let us remain vigilant, envisioning possibilities, and embracing unprecedented innovation to stay ahead in the ever-evolving marketing landscape. Foreword Shanti Tolani Country Head and Board of Director MMA Global Indonesia
  • 4. Introduction to the Report The “State of AI in Marketing 2024” report from MMA Global Indonesia and Kantar Indonesia deep dives into how the industry is embracing and adapting AI in their Marketing strategies; unpacking its preparedness, specific areas of development and scaling potential. In the vibrant landscape of Indonesia's technological advancement, the acceleration of artificial intelligence (AI) demands a strategic approach. This entails consolidating knowledge, fostering spaces for idea exchange, establishing repositories of resources, and conducting risk assessment forums. The synergy of these elements is pivotal in propelling Indonesia's AI initiatives forward, laying the foundation for robust growth and innovation in the field. Within this context, this report aims to offer a comprehensive diagnosis of AI opportunities within Indonesia. By delving into the intricacies of AI deployment and its multifaceted implications, it endeavors to inspire stakeholders to forge ahead with their AI strategies. Through insightful analysis and actionable insights, the report seeks to empower decision-makers across industries to harness the transformative potential of AI, driving sustainable development and competitive advantage. One notable trend observed within Indonesia's AI landscape is the prevailing confidence and positive sentiment surrounding generative AI. This innovative subset of AI technology holds tremendous promise, inspiring optimism and enthusiasm among industry players. As organizations dive deeper into the realm of generative AI, they are increasingly recognizing its potential to revolutionize processes, enhance productivity, and unlock new avenues of growth. Navigating the complexities of generative AI necessitates collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships. The majority of organizations within Indonesia are actively seeking alliances with AI experts and technology providers. By leveraging collective expertise and resources, these partnerships aim to accelerate AI adoption, optimize operations, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital ecosystem. The influence of AI extends far beyond operational enhancements, encompassing broader objectives such as elevating customer experience, driving innovation, and improving costs. As organizations embrace AI technologies, they stand poised to revolutionize their interactions with customers, foster a culture of innovation, and achieve greater efficiencies across various facets of their operations. In this transformative journey, the leadership of company CEOs and boards emerges as a critical driving force, shaping the strategic direction and priorities of generative AI initiatives within organizations.
  • 5. 56% Of marketers agree that AI predictions are a great way to test creatives they wouldn’t otherwise measure Kantar – APAC Media Reactions 2023 1 out of 3 Marketers believe AI Based Media and Creative predictions, are more likely to measure Attention Kantar – APAC Media Reactions 2023 62% Of marketers have a positive attitude towards the possibilities of Generative AI Kantar – APAC Media Reactions 2023 Indonesian Government will always support the development of AI in Indonesia Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria Industry Outlook on AI - APAC
  • 6. AI for Marketing is in Experimentation Phase 38% 32% 16% 11% 3% In Experimentation Phase Partially Integrated Fully Integrated Not Adopted Don't know Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. Has your organization adopted AI in its marketing strategies?
  • 7. AI Technology for Marketing has been Modestly Integrated Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. How would you rate the level of inclusion of AI technology in your company’s marketing plan and processes? 25% 38% 22% 7% 1% 7% Low Medium High Very High Existential Unsure
  • 8. Training and Effective Understanding are the Top Challenges for AI Inclusion and Adoption in Marketing Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. What according to you are the top challenges for AI inclusion and adoption in Marketing? 38% 22% 17% 14% 9% Requires skill & training AI is not effectively understood Still expensive to consider Not enough evidence to support benefit of AI Other
  • 9. Creative Optimization and Production of Content and Creative Assets Constitute the Top 2 Use Cases for AI Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) 34% 37% 40% 36% 35% 31% 30% 21% 18% 23% 29% 23% 27% 25% 17% 19% 12% 11% 25% 24% 30% Measurement & Attribution Media Allocation New Product/Service Development Customer Experience & Journey Orchestration Customer Insights & Analytics Production of Content & Creative Assets Creative Optimization Haven't Started Exploring Testing Scaling Don't know Q. Please describe the specific marketing use cases where AI is currently explored or applied in your organization. 11% 5% 11% 7% 11% 6% 18% 9% 18% 7% 17% 10% 20% 9%
  • 10. AI is mostly implemented for Chatbots, Personalized Recommendations and Content Creation Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. Which AI tools are you using in marketing? 27% 24% 23% 18% 8% Chatbots Personalized Recommendations AI-driven Content Creation Automated Campaigns Other
  • 11. Pioneering Generative AI: Respondents claim to be Actively Exploring generative AI use cases Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Stage 1 - Awareness: No active use yet; our focus is on learning and understanding its potential applications and how it might fit into our operations. 25% 43% 22% 10% Stage 4 - Expansion: Expanding its use across operations after seeing success in initial projects; building a dedicated team or individual responsible for overseeing our generative AI initiatives. Stage 2 - Exploration: Actively exploring use cases, conducting preliminary research and pilots, and experimenting with generative AI tools. Stage 3 - Early Adoption: Starting to implement generative AI in specific areas, working on larger pilot projects, building internal capabilities, and starting to see the initial benefits. Q. Which of the following best describes the current stage of generative AI application in your organization?
  • 12. Generative AI Influence: Elevate Customer Experience, Drive Innovation, Improve Costs Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. What facets of your business would Generative AI impact? 26% 26% 26% 19% 3% Customer Experience Driving Innovation Cost Reduction Revenue acceleration Other
  • 13. Navigating Generative AI: Majority of Organizations are Looking for Partnerships and Alliances Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. How do you envision executing your organization's strategy in the context of Generative AI? 34% 29% 26% 10% 1% Partnering with external tech providers Developing In-house capabilities e.g. model development, resources etc. Exploring Strategic Alliances Acquisitions Other
  • 14. Strong Confidence and Positive Sentiment around Generative AI Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) 52% 34% 10% 3% 1% AI will significantly enhance marketing capabilities but won't replace human creativity and expertise. AI will revolutionize marketing practices and create new opportunities. AI will have a limited impact on marketing, and traditional approaches will remain dominant. Unsure/No opinion Other Q. When considering the broader implications of generative AI, please indicate your level of optimism or pessimism regarding its impact on each of the following.
  • 15. Company CEOs and the Board have the most influence in driving Generative AI Strategy Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Board; 23% CEO; 23% CIO; 4% COO; 6% CDO; 3% CTO; 9% Unsure; 21% Other; 11% Q. Who has the most influence in driving your organization's Generative AI strategy?
  • 16. AI Challenges in Content Marketing Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. What areas of AI application in content marketing do you struggle with? 49% 32% 10% 5% 4% Discovering the right tools to me Using prompts to cull out desired outcomes Unable to use the tools available Other Unsure about what AI is
  • 17. Ethical Implications of using AI in Marketing Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Yes; 69% No; 7% Unsure; 24% Q. Is your organization aware of the potential ethical implications of using AI in marketing?
  • 18. Risk Mitigation – Precautionary Strategies Underway Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Yes; 34% In-progress; 29% No; 17% Don't know; 20% Q. Has your organization developed strategies to address AI-related risks?
  • 19. Main Concerns in Generative AI Adoption Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. Which risk worries you the most when it comes to Generative AI adoption? 31% 23% 22% 21% 3% Data privacy Biased responses Cybersecurity Fabricated answers Other
  • 20. Availability of Tailored AI Training for Marketing Teams Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) 32% 23% 30% 15% Yes No Planning to offer Don't know Q. Does your organization offer training programs on AI for marketing personnel?
  • 21. Resources Relied on to Stay Updated with AI in Marketing Source: State of AI in Marketing 2024 (Jan’ 24 – Feb’ 24, n=105) Q. Which resources do you rely on for staying updated with AI in marketing? 22% 21% 21% 19% 15% 2% Workshops and Seminars Training Courses Industry Reports Peer Discussions Industry Events Other
  • 22. Key Insights 1 Positive opinions of AI is driving exploration and early adoption 9 out of 10 industry leads have favorable opinions about AI, resulting in 65% in exploratory and early adoption stage 25% 43% 22% 10% Stage 1 - Awareness Stage 2 - Exploration Stage 3 - Early… Stage 4 - Expansion 52% 34% 10% 3% 1% AI will significantly enhance marketing capabilities but won't replace human creativity and expertise. AI will revolutionize marketing practices and create new opportunities. AI will have a limited impact on marketing, and traditional approaches will remain dominant. Unsure/No opinion Other
  • 23. Key Insights 2 The industry is ready for AI acceleration 63% of industry leads rate their level of AI inclusion in Marketing plans as medium and low, highlighting the growth potential. 62% of companies are offering or planning to offer AI training 25% 38% 22% 7% 1% 7% Low Medium High Very High Existensial Unsure 32% 30% 23% 15% Yes Planning to offer No Don't know
  • 24. Key Insights 3 The industry requires structured education programs and resource sharing 38% mentioned the need for skills training, 22% do not yet fully comprehend AI, and 49% mentioned they struggle discovering the right AI tools for content marketing. 38% 22% 17% 14% 9% Requires skill & training AI is not effectively understood Still expensive to consider Not enough evidence to support benefit of AI Other 49% 32% 10% 5% 4% Discovering the right tools to me Using prompts to cull out desired outcomes Unable to use the tools available Other Unsure about what AI is
  • 25. Comprised of over 800-member companies globally and 15 regional offices, the MMA is the only marketing trade association that brings together the full ecosystem of marketers, martech and media companies working collaboratively to architect the future of marketing, while relentlessly delivering growth today. Led by CMOs, the MMA helps marketers lead the imperative for marketing change – in ways that enable future breakthroughs while optimizing current activities. The MMA is committed to science and questioning and believes that creating marketing impact is steeped in constructively challenging the status quo encouraging business leaders to aggressively adopt proven, peer-driven and scientific best practices, without compromise. The MMA invests millions of dollars in rigorous research to enable marketers with unassailable truth and actionable tools. By enlightening, empowering and enabling marketers, the MMA shapes future success, while also propelling business growth. Visit us at: councils/indonesia About MMA
  • 26. The information contained in “State of AI in Marketing 2023” (Report) would serve as an educational tool to understand the role of AI in marketing better while equipping you with information that leads to stable, safe, and optimal AI strategies. The information contained herein is purely for reference purposes only and we assert that no business or investment decisions be made solely based on the information presented in the Report. If any such decisions are made based on the contents of the Report, the same shall be entirely at the cost and consequences of the decision maker alone. The information provided herein is on “as is” basis and is based on data sourced from, or provided, by third parties or publicly available resources, for which prior express consents have been obtained. While reasonable endeavours have been made to present accurate data in the Report, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made or claimed as to its accuracy, completeness, correctness or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Accordingly, MMA Global India including its directors, subsidiaries, associates, and employees shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused to any person from any error in the information, views and opinions expressed in the Report. The logos, trademarks , and any other marks used in the Report belong to their respective owners and have been reproduced in this Report with their prior permission. The contents of this Report are confidential in nature and without prejudice. No part of the Report may be divulged to any third party, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, mechanical, recording or otherwise without our prior express written consent. Appropriate express written consent be sought from various publishers/ individuals who have been quoted in the Report prior to borrowing/using/quoting their content. The views expressed in the Report are based on the information available to us as of the date of the Report and are subject to change from time to time without notice. We do not accept the responsibility to update this Report nor do we accept any liability arising from the use of this Report in any manner whatsoever. Disclaimer