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State of the Internet Operating System

                           Tim O’Reilly

                          Web 2.0 Expo
                      San Francisco, CA
                            May 5, 2010
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
“Major Strasser has been shot...
Round up the usual suspects”
   Lightweight startups
   Advertising based business models
   Crowdsourcing
   Social Media
   ....
The Internet as Platform
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
Web 2.0   Internet Operating System

 “You keep using that word. I do not think it
 means what you think it means.”
Just what does it mean?
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
“Ask yourself for a moment, what is the
operating system of a Google or Bing
search? What is the operating system of a
mobile phone call? What is the operating
system of maps and directions on your
phone? What is the operating system of a
An application that
depends on cooperating
cloud data services:

- Location
- Search
- Speech recognition
- Live Traffic
- Imagery
 The good: My address
  book is populated with
  info from Facebook
 The bad: My phone
  knows my real social
  graph better than
  Facebook does
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
The Yelp Monocle
 Find cafes nearby.
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
“I’m an inventor.
 I became interested in
 long term trends
 because an invention
 has to make sense in the
 world in which it is
 finished, not the world in
 which it is started.”
             -Ray Kurzweil
 1997 - Open source advocates need to be thinking
  about the internet, not about Linux
 2000 - The network really is the computer - an
  early look at “the programmable web”
 2002 - What do Napster, Seti@Home, and Web
  services all have in common?
 2003 - The Open Source Paradigm Shift - how
  commodity software will lead to new sources of
 2005 - What is Web 2.0? Lock-in will come through
  network effects in data
 2009 - Web Squared - Sensor nets and collective
 2010 - Smart phones as Internet OS clients
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
“When attractive profits disappear at one
stage in the value chain because a product
becomes modular and commoditized, the
opportunity to earn attractive profits with
proprietary products will usually emerge
at an adjacent stage.
                  - Clayton Christenson
“In the future, being a developer on
someone’s platform will mean being hosted
on their infrastructure.”

- Debra Chrapaty, VP Windows Live (2006)
It’s crunch time.
Don’t take the open web for granted.
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
“one of the real wake-up calls was the
way that Wall Street firms moved from
being brokers to being active players
"trading for their own account." ...over
time, Wall Street "firms began to trade
against their clients for their own account,
such that now, the direct investment
activities of a firm like Goldman Sachs
dwarf their activities on behalf of outside
customers," I thought, whither Google,
Yahoo! and Amazon?”
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
“ecology teaches us that it takes a web of
cooperating species to create a truly rich
environment. Each of us depends on
thousands, if not millions, of other
organisms, each pursuing its own selfish
goals, yet somehow weaving a
cooperative web that, for the most part,
benefits all. I believe that open source has
many parallels to a functioning ecology.
Each developer builds for his own use,
and that of his friends, but also makes it
easy for collateral benefits to accrue to
others he or she doesn't know.”
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
Who Owns What
Chart Title?


Infrastructure As a Service
Storage                            —   —
Computation                        —   —
Hosted SaaS Apps                   —
Media access
Music                                  —
Video                                  —
Books                          —   —   —   —   —
Web Content                            —
Photos                         —   —                —
Advertising                    —   —
Maps & Directions              —   —   —
Real Time Location Detection   —   —
Calendaring/Scheduling         —
Social Graph                   —   —
Email                          —       —
Voice                          —       —
Chat                           —       —
Video                          —       —
Sensor Management
Speech Recognition             —       —
Image Recognition                      —   —   —
Mobile Device OS                       —
Mobile Device Hardware                 —
Web Browser                    —       —

  Strong o ering
  Medium o ering
  Getting started
— Not on the board yet
 The front-end device to beat
 Rich media subsystems (music, video, books)
 An app ecosystem that is the Web’s first real rival
  as a platform
 A new monetization engine for developers
 Total aesthetic control and a vision of world
 Boatloads of cash

 Weaknesses in the data subsystems that will drive
  many future apps
 A seeming failure even to understand the
  importance of these data subystems. Witness
 Richest and most complete data subsystems of any of
  the players
    – Search, Advertising, Maps and Directions, Speech Recognition,
      Automated Translation, Image Recognition, Video,
      Communications (email, messaging), Payment
 A front-end device play
 A rich mobile app ecosystem
 A monetization engine for developers
 Unparalleled experience in algorithmic intelligence
 Sophisticated strategic use of open source and open
 Boatloads of cash

 Weaknesses
    – The new anti-trust target
    – Trying to own too much of the pie
 Many of the same data assets as Google
   – Search, Advertising, Maps and Directions, Speech
     Recognition, Automated Translation, Image
     Recognition, Video, Communications (email,
     messaging), Payment
 As the underdog, a willingness to partner.
  Microsoft is no longer the one trying to own it all
 Boatloads of cash

 Weaknesses:
   – Number two to Google in all the data subsystems
   – Way out of the game in mobile devices (but coming
   – The “strategy tax” from legacy businesses
   The leader in cloud computing infrastructure
   The leader in the “thing graph”
   Fabulous payment subsystem
   Deep data and algorithmic intelligence capabilities
    - but not tied to their monetization engine

 Weaknesses
    – Far less cash than rivals
    – Weaker device play
    – Strategy tax issues
 “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog
  knows one big thing.” -Archilochus
 A platform strategy of adding value to other sites
 A platform and monetization engine for developers
 Deep data and algorithmic competencies

 Weaknesses:
  – None that aren’t being turned into strengths by
Everyone is stronger than anyone
   Search: Google, Microsoft
   Maps: Google, Microsoft, Nokia,Yelp, Foursquare
   Speech: Nuance, Google, Microsoft
   Social Graph: Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft,
    Google, Yahoo, Verizon, ATT...
   Payment: Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Google, Apple
   Cloud infrastructure: Amazon, VMware, Microsoft,
    Google, Rackspace
   Smartphones: Apple, Nokia, Google, RIM...
   Device Operating Systems: Apple, Google,
    Microsoft, Nokia, RIM...
State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10
Create more value than you capture
For more information
 The Open Source Paradigm Shift (2003)
 What is Web 2.0? (2005)
 Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On (2009)
 Government as a Platform (2010)
 Ongoing commentary

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State of the Internet Operating System: Web2 expo10

  • 1. State of the Internet Operating System Tim O’Reilly Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco, CA May 5, 2010
  • 3. “Major Strasser has been shot... Round up the usual suspects”
  • 4. Lightweight startups  Advertising based business models  Crowdsourcing  Social Media  ....
  • 5. The Internet as Platform
  • 7. Web 2.0 Internet Operating System “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
  • 8. Just what does it mean?
  • 13. “Ask yourself for a moment, what is the operating system of a Google or Bing search? What is the operating system of a mobile phone call? What is the operating system of maps and directions on your phone? What is the operating system of a tweet?”
  • 14. An application that depends on cooperating cloud data services: - Location - Search - Speech recognition - Live Traffic - Imagery
  • 15.  The good: My address book is populated with info from Facebook  The bad: My phone knows my real social graph better than Facebook does
  • 17. The Yelp Monocle  Find cafes nearby.
  • 19. “I’m an inventor. I became interested in long term trends because an invention has to make sense in the world in which it is finished, not the world in which it is started.” -Ray Kurzweil
  • 20.  1997 - Open source advocates need to be thinking about the internet, not about Linux  2000 - The network really is the computer - an early look at “the programmable web”  2002 - What do Napster, Seti@Home, and Web services all have in common?  2003 - The Open Source Paradigm Shift - how commodity software will lead to new sources of lock-in  2005 - What is Web 2.0? Lock-in will come through network effects in data  2009 - Web Squared - Sensor nets and collective intelligence  2010 - Smart phones as Internet OS clients
  • 24. “When attractive profits disappear at one stage in the value chain because a product becomes modular and commoditized, the opportunity to earn attractive profits with proprietary products will usually emerge at an adjacent stage. - Clayton Christenson
  • 25. “In the future, being a developer on someone’s platform will mean being hosted on their infrastructure.” - Debra Chrapaty, VP Windows Live (2006)
  • 27. Don’t take the open web for granted.
  • 29. “one of the real wake-up calls was the way that Wall Street firms moved from being brokers to being active players "trading for their own account." ...over time, Wall Street "firms began to trade against their clients for their own account, such that now, the direct investment activities of a firm like Goldman Sachs dwarf their activities on behalf of outside customers," I thought, whither Google, Yahoo! and Amazon?”
  • 37. “ecology teaches us that it takes a web of cooperating species to create a truly rich environment. Each of us depends on thousands, if not millions, of other organisms, each pursuing its own selfish goals, yet somehow weaving a cooperative web that, for the most part, benefits all. I believe that open source has many parallels to a functioning ecology. Each developer builds for his own use, and that of his friends, but also makes it easy for collateral benefits to accrue to others he or she doesn't know.”
  • 42. Who Owns What Chart Title? Other Infrastructure As a Service Storage — — Computation — — Hosted SaaS Apps — Media access Music — Video — Books — — — — — Web Content — Photos — — — Monetization Advertising — — Payment Location Maps & Directions — — — Real Time Location Detection — — Calendaring/Scheduling — Social Graph — — Communications Email — — Voice — — Chat — — Video — — Sensor Management Speech Recognition — — Image Recognition — — — Mobile Device OS — Mobile Device Hardware — Web Browser — — Strong o ering Medium o ering Getting started — Not on the board yet
  • 43. Apple  The front-end device to beat  Rich media subsystems (music, video, books)  An app ecosystem that is the Web’s first real rival as a platform  A new monetization engine for developers  Total aesthetic control and a vision of world domination  Boatloads of cash  Weaknesses in the data subsystems that will drive many future apps  A seeming failure even to understand the importance of these data subystems. Witness MobileMe
  • 44. Google  Richest and most complete data subsystems of any of the players – Search, Advertising, Maps and Directions, Speech Recognition, Automated Translation, Image Recognition, Video, Communications (email, messaging), Payment  A front-end device play  A rich mobile app ecosystem  A monetization engine for developers  Unparalleled experience in algorithmic intelligence  Sophisticated strategic use of open source and open standards  Boatloads of cash  Weaknesses – The new anti-trust target – Trying to own too much of the pie
  • 45. Microsoft  Many of the same data assets as Google – Search, Advertising, Maps and Directions, Speech Recognition, Automated Translation, Image Recognition, Video, Communications (email, messaging), Payment  As the underdog, a willingness to partner. Microsoft is no longer the one trying to own it all  Boatloads of cash  Weaknesses: – Number two to Google in all the data subsystems – Way out of the game in mobile devices (but coming back!) – The “strategy tax” from legacy businesses
  • 46. Amazon  The leader in cloud computing infrastructure  The leader in the “thing graph”  Fabulous payment subsystem  Deep data and algorithmic intelligence capabilities - but not tied to their monetization engine  Weaknesses – Far less cash than rivals – Weaker device play – Strategy tax issues
  • 47. Facebook  “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” -Archilochus  A platform strategy of adding value to other sites  A platform and monetization engine for developers  Deep data and algorithmic competencies  Weaknesses: – None that aren’t being turned into strengths by partnering
  • 48. Everyone is stronger than anyone  Search: Google, Microsoft  Maps: Google, Microsoft, Nokia,Yelp, Foursquare  Speech: Nuance, Google, Microsoft  Social Graph: Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Verizon, ATT...  Payment: Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Google, Apple  Cloud infrastructure: Amazon, VMware, Microsoft, Google, Rackspace  Smartphones: Apple, Nokia, Google, RIM...  Device Operating Systems: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nokia, RIM...
  • 50. Create more value than you capture
  • 51. For more information  The Open Source Paradigm Shift (2003)  What is Web 2.0? (2005)  Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On (2009)  Government as a Platform (2010)  Ongoing commentary

Editor's Notes

  1. Vizzini: Inconceivable! Inigo Montoya...
  2. Let’s do a little forward-looking speculation about image recognition.