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Continuous testing for better
app quality & security
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Steven Winter
Founder & Chief Strategist, GuerrillaQA
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Andrew Hoog
CEO & Co-founder, NowSecure
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
● Why deploy more quickly?
● Going fast, achieving quality, & saving money
● What now? Must do’s!
● Continuous testing in practice
● Q & A

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A Risk-Based Mobile App Security Testing Strategy
A Risk-Based Mobile App Security Testing StrategyA Risk-Based Mobile App Security Testing Strategy
A Risk-Based Mobile App Security Testing Strategy

Originally presented on September 19, 2018 Given the volume and velocity of mobile apps, there simply aren’t enough resources to test them all in the same manner. There has to be a better way. NowSecure introduces a new framework to help organizations craft a Risk-Based Mobile App Security Testing strategy. Watch the presentation here:

mobile securitystrategyrisk based strategy
From Tangled Mess to Organized Flow: A Mobile DevSecOps Reference Architecture
From Tangled Mess to Organized Flow: A Mobile DevSecOps Reference ArchitectureFrom Tangled Mess to Organized Flow: A Mobile DevSecOps Reference Architecture
From Tangled Mess to Organized Flow: A Mobile DevSecOps Reference Architecture

Originally Recorded March 18, 2020 DevSecOps enthusiast D.J. Schleen unveils the latest updates to the DevSecOps Reference Architecture, an extensive chart of open-source tools and third-party applications that now includes mobile app pipelines. Join us to score your own copy and learn: + The most popular tools and integrations to automate and scale your pipeline + How and where mobile DevSecOps differs from web + Where to apply dynamic and interactive application security testing to speed app delivery

mobile devsecopsreference architecturedynamic analysis
Mobile Apps & Connected Healthcare: Managing 3rd-Party Mobile App Risk
Mobile Apps & Connected Healthcare: Managing 3rd-Party Mobile App RiskMobile Apps & Connected Healthcare: Managing 3rd-Party Mobile App Risk
Mobile Apps & Connected Healthcare: Managing 3rd-Party Mobile App Risk

Andrew Hoog, founder of NowSecure, gave a presentation on managing third-party mobile app risk in healthcare. He discussed how BYOD and use of personal devices is common in healthcare despite risks. Analysis of top hospitals found on average 89 apps per device, representing over 2 million potential points of risk. Analysis of medical apps found many had significant security issues putting patient data at risk. Hoog advocated for vetting all third-party apps used through tools like NowSecure to identify and remedy security issues in order to better manage third-party mobile app risk.

connected healthcarehealthcare mobile appsmobile app risk
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Why deploy mobile
apps more quickly?
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
The business value of more frequent deployments
Happier customers
New features / improvements increase
customer satisfaction & lead to faster
realization of revenue from new features.
Fix defects faster
Identifying flaws earlier & shortening
the feedback loop leads to less
expensive, faster fixes.
Reduce risk
Smaller deployments include fewer
things that can go wrong, & those
failures are easier to fix
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Pain experienced as a result of infrequent releases
Dissatisfied customers
App users churn due to their perception
that the developer is not responsive with
improvements & new features.
Slower reaction time
Improvements & fixes take longer to
be released, are more expensive, &
leave customers dissatisfied longer.
High-risk, complex deploys
Monolithic releases include more
dependencies & potential failures resulting
in more expensive & time-consuming fixes.
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
What does the ideal look like?
Company Deploy Frequency Deploy Lead Time
Amazon 23,000 / day minutes
Google 5,500 / day minutes
Netflix 500 / day minutes
Facebook 1 / day hours
Twitter 3 / week hours
Typical enterprise Once every 9 months Months or quarters
Kim, Gene. "Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win" 2014.

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Top OSS for Mobile AppSec Testing: The Latest on R2 and FRIDA
Top OSS for Mobile AppSec Testing: The Latest on R2 and FRIDATop OSS for Mobile AppSec Testing: The Latest on R2 and FRIDA
Top OSS for Mobile AppSec Testing: The Latest on R2 and FRIDA

From the creators behind top mobile tools R2 and FRIDA, get the inside scoop on the R2 and FRIDA OSS projects. Led by NowSecure Research Team including David Weinstein, Ole André and Pancake (Sergi Àlvarez), this webinar speaks to our favorite mobile AST OSS projects. Peek behind the curtain on these tools, check out on their latest updates, and learn about potential future enhancements.

ossmobile app security testingjailbreak detection
What attackers know about your mobile apps that you don’t: Banking & FinTech
What attackers know about your mobile apps that you don’t: Banking & FinTechWhat attackers know about your mobile apps that you don’t: Banking & FinTech
What attackers know about your mobile apps that you don’t: Banking & FinTech

Our threat research team spends every waking moment reverse-engineering and cracking mobile apps and devices to help organizations reduce mobile risk. Originally presented on October 24, 2017, mobile security expert and NowSecure founder Andrew Hoog explains the attacker’s point-of-view, what attackers are looking for in mobile banking or financial services apps, and what makes your mobile app an appetizing target. He then provides tips for deploying a mobile app security testing program to ensure you proactively plug security holes, squash privacy leaks, and fill compliance gaps in your mobile apps.

mobile app securitymobile attack surfacemobile app hack
Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Bar Associations
Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Bar AssociationsCybersecurity Fundamentals for Bar Associations
Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Bar Associations

The document discusses cybersecurity fundamentals for bar associations. It covers why cybersecurity is important, how to conduct an asset-based risk assessment, common attack vectors like phishing and ransomware, and frameworks and best practices like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. It also provides examples of vulnerabilities found on a local bar association's web server and outlines five practical cybersecurity tips for organizations, such as patching systems, using strong authentication, encrypting data, and outsourcing security functions.

cybersecurityfundamentalsbar associations
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
How frequently are others deploying?
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Where are you in your journey? First steps
Automate what
testing you can
Take advantage of
Continuous Integration
Shift security &
performance testing left
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
You can go fast, achieve
quality, & save money
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Earlier testing & remediation prevents technical debt
Requirements /
Coding Integration /
System /
Production /
Source: National Institute of Standards & Technology
The cost for fixing
vulnerabilities is
30xhigher after an app
has been deployed

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Solving for Compliance: Mobile app security for banking and financial services
Solving for Compliance: Mobile app security for banking and financial servicesSolving for Compliance: Mobile app security for banking and financial services
Solving for Compliance: Mobile app security for banking and financial services

Mobile apps fall in scope for a number of regulatory requirements that govern the banking and financial services industries, such as: guidelines from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA), New York State cybersecurity requirements for financial services companies, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and more. Luckily, a repeatable mobile app security assessment program and standardized reporting go a long way in both achieving compliance objectives and securing mobile apps and data. Originally presented on August 22, 2017, NowSecure Security Solutions Engineer Brian Lawrence explains: -- How and where exactly mobile apps fall in scope for various compliance regimes -- Mobile app security issues financial institutions must identify and fix for compliance purposes -- How assessment reports can be used to demonstrate due diligence

mobile app securitymobile bankingfinancial services
Mobile App Crashworthiness - Securing Vehicle-to-Device (V2D) Interfaces and ...
Mobile App Crashworthiness - Securing Vehicle-to-Device (V2D) Interfaces and ...Mobile App Crashworthiness - Securing Vehicle-to-Device (V2D) Interfaces and ...
Mobile App Crashworthiness - Securing Vehicle-to-Device (V2D) Interfaces and ...

+ How do vulnerable mobile apps and insecure V2D communications put drivers and manufacturers at risk? + Applying crashworthiness and safety ratings concepts to mobile app and connected car cybersecurity + How to manage mobile app security defects and vulnerabilities in the connected car and mobile app development process

Why Depending On Malware Prevention Alone Is No Longer An Option
Why Depending On Malware Prevention Alone Is No Longer An Option Why Depending On Malware Prevention Alone Is No Longer An Option
Why Depending On Malware Prevention Alone Is No Longer An Option

Over the last few years Seculert and other leading security companies have discovered many advanced malwares lurking on company networks that have gone undetected by standard advanced threat prevention solutions. Enterprises are now realizing that they need to find alternative solutions to protect their network. Learn why depending on malware prevention alone is no longer an option. Join Seculert’s CTO Aviv Raff for an in-depth webinar. Aviv Raff will address: - How recent malware such as Dexter and Shamoon entered company networks despite their APT prevention systems - How Seculert discovered Shamoon - Why your peers are moving to malware detection instead of prevention - How Big Data is an indispensable tool to fight Advanced Persistent Threats Raff is responsible for the fundamental research and design of Seculert’s core technology. Don’t miss out on hearing from the expert.

malware detectionmalwarenetwork security
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
The cost of fixing a P1 mobile bug in production
Case Study
Team Hours
Detection & communication 20
Verification 16
Fix 40
Build, test, certify the fix 60
Customer acceptance 40
Post-publish verification 20
Total hours 196
As well as
● Loss of client & app user confidence
● Negative app ratings
● Derailment of feature development & release
In total costs
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Automation pays for itself with repeatability
Manual Testing
Automated Testing
Time /
Time Savings
© Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Development / Integration Staging Production
Dev Team
Build & Unit
Trigger Approval
Engineer QA DevOps
© Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Development / Integration Staging Production
Dev Team
Build & Unit
Trigger Approval
Engineer QA DevOps
Shift security & performance
Testing to the left

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Cutting out the middleman: Man-in-the-middle attacks and prevention for mobil...
Cutting out the middleman: Man-in-the-middle attacks and prevention for mobil...Cutting out the middleman: Man-in-the-middle attacks and prevention for mobil...
Cutting out the middleman: Man-in-the-middle attacks and prevention for mobil...

A mobile app that’s vulnerable to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks can allow an attacker to capture, view, and modify sensitive traffic sent and received between the app and backend servers. At NowSecure, Michael Krueger and Tony Ramirez spend their days performing penetration tests on Android and iOS apps, which include exploiting MITM vulnerabilities and helping developers fix them. These slides are from a 30-minute webinar with Michael & Tony about MITM attacks on mobile apps and how to prevent them that will cover: -- Identifying man-in-the-middle vulnerabilities in mobile apps -- How to execute a mobile man-in-the-middle attack -- Right and wrong ways to implement certificate validation and certificate pinning

mitmman in the middle attackcertificate validation
Splunk Discovery Day Dubai 2017 - Security Keynote
Splunk Discovery Day Dubai 2017 - Security KeynoteSplunk Discovery Day Dubai 2017 - Security Keynote
Splunk Discovery Day Dubai 2017 - Security Keynote

This document discusses Splunk's security vision, strategy, and platform. It outlines Splunk's positioning as a leader in security information and event management. It describes Splunk's security portfolio and how the platform can be used to prevent, detect, respond to and predict security threats. It also provides examples of how Splunk has helped customers in various industries improve their security operations and gain insights from security and other machine data.

splunkdisco17splunk discovery daydiscoverydaydubai2017
How To [relatively] Secure your Web Applications
How To [relatively] Secure your Web ApplicationsHow To [relatively] Secure your Web Applications
How To [relatively] Secure your Web Applications

This is the materials for BSSN Focus Discussion Group about how to (relatively) securing the web applications infrastructure

web securitypenetration testingpen-tester
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
CI + CT = !!
Continuous Integration
Continuous Testing
Productivity multiplier
● Sets the stage for “set-it-and-forget-it” deployment
● Deliver higher quality code at lower risk in less time
● “Parallelizes” testing
○ Security, regression, performance, etc.
○ Simultaneously
● Repurpose test scripts
○ Write once
○ Use everywhere
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
What now?
Must do’s!
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
1. Agree & commit to improving
Must do’s!
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Must do’s!
1. Agree & commit to improving
2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front

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Mobile Security: 2016 Wrap-Up and 2017 Predictions
Mobile Security: 2016 Wrap-Up and 2017 PredictionsMobile Security: 2016 Wrap-Up and 2017 Predictions
Mobile Security: 2016 Wrap-Up and 2017 Predictions

Daniel Kandel, VP of R&D at Skycure, gave a presentation reviewing mobile security trends in 2016 and predictions for 2017. In 2016, there was an increasing focus on attacking iOS devices and more targeted attack types. Various malware incidents occurred, such as Accessibility Clickjacking and HummingBad. In 2017, mobile attacks are predicted to grow more sophisticated using zero-day exploits. Mobile corporate espionage is also expected to increase. Organizations will need diversified mobile security strategies that can protect both managed and unmanaged devices from these evolving threats.

mobile securitybyodmobile threat defense
Deception in Cyber Security (League of Women in Cyber Security)
Deception in Cyber Security (League of Women in Cyber Security)Deception in Cyber Security (League of Women in Cyber Security)
Deception in Cyber Security (League of Women in Cyber Security)

Presented on August 23, 2017 at the League of Women in Cyber Security meetup ( his talk will provide an intro to honeypots and their benefits, an intro to deception in cyber security, and an overview of HoneyPy and HoneyDB.

cyber securityhoneydbhoneypot
Webinar: A deep dive on ransomware
Webinar: A deep dive on ransomwareWebinar: A deep dive on ransomware
Webinar: A deep dive on ransomware

Learn about how ransomware works in this slide deck. To view the on-demand webinar in its entirety, click here:

web securitycloud securityransomware
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Must do’s!
1. Agree & commit to improving
2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front
3. Agree on test coverage
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Must do’s!
1. Agree & commit to improving
2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front
3. Agree on Test Coverage
4. Measure, measure, measure
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Must do’s!
1. Agree & commit to improving
2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front
3. Agree on Test Coverage
4. Measure, measure, measure
5. Plan for test script maintenance
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Continuous testing in practice

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[OWASP Poland Day] Embedding security into SDLC + GDPR
[OWASP Poland Day] Embedding security into SDLC + GDPR[OWASP Poland Day] Embedding security into SDLC + GDPR
[OWASP Poland Day] Embedding security into SDLC + GDPR

This document discusses embedding security into the software development lifecycle (SDLC) in light of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It outlines why security in the SDLC is important to identify and fix vulnerabilities early. The document introduces the OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) as a framework to implement best practices for security in the SDLC. It maps GDPR requirements to the domains covered by SAMM to show how the two reinforce each other and how organizations can improve SDLC security practices to comply with GDPR.

Cyber intro 2017_hebrew
Cyber intro 2017_hebrew Cyber intro 2017_hebrew
Cyber intro 2017_hebrew

This document discusses the digital revolution and cyber threats in the world. It notes that while life has improved in many ways due to technological advances, cyber attacks pose new risks and challenges. The document outlines various cyber attack vectors like attacks on cars, infrastructure and IoT devices. It argues that consolidated, proactive security across networks, cloud and mobile devices is needed to stay ahead of evolving threats. Check Point Software is presented as a leader in cyber security that provides such a holistic prevention-oriented approach through its unified security platform.

Add Security Testing Tools to Your Delivery Pipeline
Add Security Testing Tools to Your Delivery PipelineAdd Security Testing Tools to Your Delivery Pipeline
Add Security Testing Tools to Your Delivery Pipeline

Gene Gotimer is a senior architect at Coveros, Inc. who presented on adding security testing tools to the delivery pipeline. He discussed how security is often neglected until late in the process, forcing teams to choose between fixing issues and delaying release or accepting security risks. Gotimer argued for incorporating security testing earlier in the pipeline using various tools to detect obvious security problems and make it easier to find less obvious issues through repeated testing as code is improved. This allows developing better security processes and releasing more securely without delays.

© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Case study: Value realized in just a few hours
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Steven’s experience at scale
From 4 months to Nightly
© Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.
Scaling your automated testing based on maturity
Small Medium Enterprise
● Leverage open-source tools
● Build CI environment
● Create a basic smoke test
● Expand test coverage
● Leverage cloud platform services
● Plug security & performance
testing into CI
● Create smoke tests for each
feature (not the entire app)
● Prioritize by feature’s
success / risk
● Pick the top three & go!
Let’s talk
+1 312.878.1100
+1 415.763.TEST
Subscribe to #MobSec5 - a collection of the week’s mobile
news that matters -

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Integrating Automated Testing into DevOps
Integrating Automated Testing into DevOpsIntegrating Automated Testing into DevOps
Integrating Automated Testing into DevOps

This document provides information about a presentation titled "Integrating Automated Testing into DevOps" given by Jeff Payne of Coveros, Inc. It includes biographical information about Jeff Payne, an agenda for the presentation, and content that will be covered, including definitions of DevOps, common DevOps terminology, automated testing for continuous integration and continuous delivery, environments for testing, common tools used, and demos of automated testing.

Transforming Product Development in the Cloud (ENT306) - AWS re:Invent 2018
Transforming Product Development in the Cloud (ENT306) - AWS re:Invent 2018Transforming Product Development in the Cloud (ENT306) - AWS re:Invent 2018
Transforming Product Development in the Cloud (ENT306) - AWS re:Invent 2018

The document discusses how cloud computing is transforming product development by enabling design thinking, agile teaming, DevOps, and achieving organizational flow. It provides examples of how companies are developing products faster and scaling ideas quickly using AWS services like EC2, Lambda, and Fargate. Microservices, two-pizza teams, and continuous testing allow Amazon to rapidly adapt based on customer feedback.

amazonawsreinvent2018enterprise & hybrid
Transforming Product Development - AWS Transformation Day 2018: Detroit
Transforming Product Development - AWS Transformation Day 2018: DetroitTransforming Product Development - AWS Transformation Day 2018: Detroit
Transforming Product Development - AWS Transformation Day 2018: Detroit

Many enterprises who are embarking on a journey to the cloud view this effort as an opportunity to transform their operations and development practices. DevOps, agile software development, and design thinking are the popular methodologies that are being used to create a more customer-centric mindset and speed up the delivery of new products & features. This session breaks down the essential components of each methodology and provides best practices on navigating the challenges that are commonly encountered when adopting these methods during a cloud migration. About the event AWS Transformation Day is designed for enterprise organizations migrating to the cloud to become more responsive, agile and innovative, while staying secure and compliant. Join us for this one-day event and we’ll share our experiences of helping enterprise customers accelerate the pace of migration and adoption of strategic services. Who should attend? This event is recommended for IT and business leaders who are looking to create sustainable benefits and a competitive advantage by using the AWS Cloud. CIOs, CTOs, CISOs, CDOs, CFOs, IT leaders and IT professionals, enterprise developers, business decision makers, and finance executives.

awsamazon web servicescloud computing

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Shifting left: Continuous testing for better app quality and security

  • 1. Shifting left: Continuous testing for better app quality & security
  • 2. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Connect Twitter: @NowSecureMobile | @GuerrillaQA — Subscribe to #MobSec5, our weekly mobile security news digest — Web: |
  • 3. Steven Winter Founder & Chief Strategist, GuerrillaQA © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Andrew Hoog CEO & Co-founder, NowSecure
  • 4. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Contents ● Why deploy more quickly? ● Going fast, achieving quality, & saving money ● What now? Must do’s! ● Continuous testing in practice ● Q & A
  • 5. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Why deploy mobile apps more quickly?
  • 6. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. The business value of more frequent deployments Happier customers New features / improvements increase customer satisfaction & lead to faster realization of revenue from new features. Fix defects faster Identifying flaws earlier & shortening the feedback loop leads to less expensive, faster fixes. Reduce risk Smaller deployments include fewer things that can go wrong, & those failures are easier to fix
  • 7. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Pain experienced as a result of infrequent releases Dissatisfied customers App users churn due to their perception that the developer is not responsive with improvements & new features. Slower reaction time Improvements & fixes take longer to be released, are more expensive, & leave customers dissatisfied longer. High-risk, complex deploys Monolithic releases include more dependencies & potential failures resulting in more expensive & time-consuming fixes.
  • 8. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. What does the ideal look like? Company Deploy Frequency Deploy Lead Time Amazon 23,000 / day minutes Google 5,500 / day minutes Netflix 500 / day minutes Facebook 1 / day hours Twitter 3 / week hours Typical enterprise Once every 9 months Months or quarters Kim, Gene. "Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win" 2014.
  • 9. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. How frequently are others deploying?
  • 10. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Where are you in your journey? First steps Automate what testing you can Take advantage of Continuous Integration Shift security & performance testing left
  • 11. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. You can go fast, achieve quality, & save money
  • 12. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Earlier testing & remediation prevents technical debt Requirements / Architecture Coding Integration / Component Testing System / Acceptance Testing Production / Post-Release Source: National Institute of Standards & Technology The cost for fixing vulnerabilities is 30xhigher after an app has been deployed
  • 13. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. The cost of fixing a P1 mobile bug in production Case Study Team Hours Detection & communication 20 Verification 16 Fix 40 Build, test, certify the fix 60 Customer acceptance 40 Post-publish verification 20 Total hours 196 As well as ● Loss of client & app user confidence ● Negative app ratings ● Derailment of feature development & release $35K In total costs
  • 14. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Automation pays for itself with repeatability Manual Testing Automated Testing Releases Time / Effort Time Savings
  • 15. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Development / Integration Staging Production Dev Team Version Control Build & Unit Tests Automated Acceptance Tests Release User Acceptance Tests Check-in Check-in Check-in Trigger Trigger Trigger Trigger Trigger Approval Approval Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Engineer QA DevOps
  • 16. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Development / Integration Staging Production Dev Team Version Control Build & Unit Tests Automated Acceptance Tests Release User Acceptance Tests Check-in Check-in Check-in Trigger Trigger Trigger Trigger Trigger Approval Approval Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Engineer QA DevOps Shift security & performance Testing to the left
  • 17. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. CI + CT = !! Continuous Integration + Continuous Testing = Productivity multiplier ● Sets the stage for “set-it-and-forget-it” deployment ● Deliver higher quality code at lower risk in less time ● “Parallelizes” testing ○ Security, regression, performance, etc. ○ Simultaneously ● Repurpose test scripts ○ Write once ○ Use everywhere
  • 18. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. What now? Must do’s!
  • 19. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. 1. Agree & commit to improving Must do’s!
  • 20. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Must do’s! 1. Agree & commit to improving 2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front
  • 21. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Must do’s! 1. Agree & commit to improving 2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front 3. Agree on test coverage
  • 22. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Must do’s! 1. Agree & commit to improving 2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front 3. Agree on Test Coverage 4. Measure, measure, measure
  • 23. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Must do’s! 1. Agree & commit to improving 2. Plan testing & automation scripting up front 3. Agree on Test Coverage 4. Measure, measure, measure 5. Plan for test script maintenance
  • 24. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Continuous testing in practice
  • 25. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Case study: Value realized in just a few hours
  • 26. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Steven’s experience at scale From 4 months to Nightly
  • 27. © Copyright 2016 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information. Scaling your automated testing based on maturity Small Medium Enterprise ● Leverage open-source tools ● Build CI environment ● Create a basic smoke test ● Expand test coverage ● Leverage cloud platform services ● Plug security & performance testing into CI ● Create smoke tests for each feature (not the entire app) ● Prioritize by feature’s success / risk ● Pick the top three & go!
  • 28. Let’s talk NowSecure +1 312.878.1100 @NowSecureMobile GuerrillaQA +1 415.763.TEST @GuerrillaQA Subscribe to #MobSec5 - a collection of the week’s mobile news that matters -