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Ph No : (M) 91-9990117830
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• Having 12+ years of working experience in Telecom BSS/OSS, Interconnect Content Revenue Settlement,
Roaming, Order Management ,invoicing, Retail Billing and Mediation system, IN Prepaid Charging using
Ericsson SDP and Tariff Application 4.1.1
• Worked R5 Roaming, Rating; CSG Interconnect, Kennan FX and Comverse One product. HPIUM,
Comptelv6, M6, Clarify.
• Worked on C/C++, PL/SQL, Pro*C Oracle 9i , Sybase ,AR System ( Remedy Tool for CR),Procedure
,Trigger ,TOAD, PVCS, Clear Case, Motorola Processor, SVN,BIP, COM,CAP,IGEN,SIM,PERL ,KSH
• Good understanding of the IBM cloud platform. Also given presentation on the cloud based developed
application in the IBM cloud community.
Telecom Areas
• Telecom Systems ( BTS,BSC,MSC,IN)Switches
• Telecom Systems(ARBOR/KENAN FX Billing &Accounting &SDP whole Sale Billing Support)
• Detail knowledge of Interconnect Billing system, Roaming, Rating, Invoicing and Mediation HP
IUM/Comptel 6 , BI Cognos Integration.
Activities Involved
• Requirement Gathering, System Design, Development, Testing & Implementation.
• Countries visited —SPAIN,AFRICANS COUNTRY
Job Profile
• Working as Business Analyst/Delivery Manager/Solution Architect in IBM India Pvt. Ltd, since Aug’2006.
• Worked as Software Engineer in Sasken Communication Technologies Bangalore, from Dec’2004 to
• Worked as Software Engineer in Larsen & Tourbo (L & T) Infotech Chennai, from March 2004 to
• Worked as Software Engineer in Friends Infotech.Corporation Delhi, from June 2002 to Sept2003
• IBM Blue Mix & cloud training
• PG in Embedded System from CDAC Pune - India (Mar-2004)
• BE in Computer Science from MJP Barely, U.P – India (2002)
Training Attended
• Undergone soft skills training carried out internally in IBM.
• HP IUM/Comptel V6 Mediation /Comverse One Billing and Roaming Training
• CSG Interconnect product training
• Project Management Fundamental IBM certified PM10G and PM54G
1. Airtel India National MNP & Mediation
Client : Airtel India
Role/Responsibility: Solution Architect and Project Manager
• Responsible to manage Comptel Mediation ,CPRS,Interconnect for the many Airtel India AMS projects
• Responsible for leading a project team in delivering solution for the NMNP impacted application
• Leading discussion with impacted application architect and respective project manager.
• Responsible for managing scope, planning, tracking, change control, aspects of the project.
• Responsible for effective communication between the project team and the customer. Provide day to day direction to
the project team and regular project status to the customer.
• Translate customer requirements into formal requirements and design documents, establish specific solutions, and
leading the efforts including programming and testing that culminate in client acceptance of the results.
• Utilize in-depth knowledge of functional and Technical experience in Interconnect, mediation, billing, order
management and business skills to deliver solutions to customer.
Resume of Om Prakash Gupta
Page 1 of 4
• Leading almost 30 impacted application due to NMNP
• Detailed impact analysis with help of respective application architect, project manager and application architect.
• Highlighting the Issue/Risk to customer collected from respective applications.
• Integration solution between NPIT, MCH, IDOC, PACS,CRM,FTA
• Involving application owner and Vendor during client requirement.
As per the government guide line, all the telecom operator has to provide the telecom subscriber for the national
mobile portability. Airtel India provide services to their customers with help of many application like mediation,
provisioning, order management network and billing system. Some of the application is being managed by IBM, Airtel
and third part vendors like comviva, CSG etc.
Duration Mar 2014 to Till Date
Environment PL/SQL, ORACLE, CSG Interconnect v8.0, Microsoft project professional. Comptel Mediation v6
2. IT Transformation for ICT, Roaming Mediation and CPRS in 17 Airtel-African Countries
Client : Airtel-Africa
Role/Responsibility: Solution Architect and Project Manager
• Responsible for leading a project team in delivering solution to our customer in the 17 African countries for the
Mediation, Roaming, Interconnect & Content Partner Settlement Project.
• Deliver new and complex high quality solutions to clients in response to varying business requirements
• Documentation of architecture design to various levels of detail using the prescribed templates and standards.
• Responsible for managing scope, planning, tracking, change control, aspects of the project.
• Translate customer requirements into formal requirements and design documents, establish specific solutions, and
leading the efforts including programming and testing that culminate in client acceptance of the results.
• Utilize in-depth knowledge of functional and Technical experience in Interconnect, Content Revenue share settlement,
Mediation, Roaming and other leading-edge products and technology in conjunction with industry and business skills
to deliver solutions to customer.
• Preparing/helping the system functional specification and technical specification document for interconnect,
Roaming, Mediation
• Development of architecture for Interconnect and Content Partner Revenue settlement application infrastructure
solutions for production server and disaster recovery for all 17 African countries.
• Create the deployment plan with all the installation instruction & conduct the reviews before deployment
• Preparing weekly report, Issue/Risk for team and sending to Client as well as our senior manager
• Managing the all the project process, team along with Vendor
• Involving application owner, Network team and Vendors during client requirement for the business solution.
• Part of Vendor product finalization for the Interconnect, Roaming, Mediation and CPRS.
• Deciding the OS (Linux, IBM AIX) for the countries on the basis of application performance and customer volume.
• Integration solution between Mediation downstream, Upstream, Roaming, MACH, CPRS/Interconnect and BI Cognos
for 17 countries.
Currently, Airtel own 17 African country and Airtel decided to implement same as India Airtel to reduce AMS and
operation cost. All the 17 country are having indusial operation and AMS team.
These countries are having separate interconnect product like Basset lab, TAB and old version of Intec Interconnect.
We have planned to have single Intec Interconnect V8.0 product to do functionality of all the 17 countries. This project
support Core Interconnect Automatic reconciliation, Financial Managment, Report Management modules. I deployed
all 17 Africans countries. For Content partner settlement project, CSG CPRS product is being used. The VBR,
Enhance rating and FM module is being used for the CPRS. ERP integration is being done with Interconnect and
CPRS for partner invoicing
Duration July 2010 to Mar 2014
Environment PL/SQL, AIX, Clear Case, ORACLE, CSG Interconnect v8.0, Microsoft project professional. IME
Mediation, Comviva Roaming
3. Billing Transformation for Mobistar On Comverse One
Client : Mobistar & OLU Belgium
Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst
• Prepared the system functional specification and technical specification document for Roaming,
Rating and invoice module
• Client interaction for the business understanding, business requirement and vendor management.
• Roaming and Rating Configuration to achieve business requirement as per A14 Roaming agreement.
Resume of Om Prakash Gupta
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Comverse One: The Comverse One product is a new version of Kennan FX. The Comverse One product does billing
for both prepaid and post paid whereas Kennan FX does for prepaid billing. IBM is in agreement with Mobistart to
transform the Mobistar and OLU prepaid, service delivery and post billing application on the Comverse One product It
was divided into the two module service delivery and billing. Roaming is divided in three part System manger, Data
Manager, Rating manager. Business ask are for roaming transformation in R5.
Duration Dec 2009 to July 2010
Environment PL/SQL, Solaris, Remedy, SVN, Clear Case, Comverse One 3.5, Team forge, IGEN, CITRIX,
ORACLE, SVN, Comverse R5 Roaming
4. Title: Oracle M6 – Telemedia (Airtel) Integration stack
Client: Airtel
Organization: IBM India Ltd
Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst
• Requirement gathering from client and writing BRD.
• Providing technical and business solutions to client as per requirements and writing SOW.
• Managing team, coordinating and tracking work with in the team
• Mentoring junior resource in the team
• Code reviews and coding complex business logics.
• Identifying and mitigating potential project challenges proactively
• Ensuring on-time and quality delivery of project deliverables as per project schedule
Platform: AIX.
Software/Tools: WebLogic Workshop 8.1, MetaSolv M6, EAI, Web Services, Java/J2ee.
Duration: Jun 2008 – Dec -2009.
• Bharti-Airtel Limited and IBM had initiated the BSS transformation to achieve end-to-end Order Management
Solution (OMS) for Bharti Airtel’s Fixed line & Broadband business using Oracle Communications MetaSolv M6
solution as the core integration system. The M6 based solution is integrated using IBM AQ MQ ESB platform, Web
Services and socket interfaces with existing IT applications like Oracle CRM Order Entry, Kenan FX Billing, GIS
(Geographic Information System), Number Management System, Work Force Management System and Switch via
Compute Mediation.
5. IN Prepaid Charging Vodafone Spain
Client: Vodafone Spain
Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst
• Detailed requirement gathering and Interaction with customer for clarification.
• Preparation of the business requirement ,micro, macro document and follow up for sign off
• Unit and System Testing & Resolving Acceptance Testing Issues.
• Plan and tariff configuration for the many project.
IBM is managing the Vodafone Spain prepaid rating system Ericsson SDP and Tariff Management Application
for catalogue, tariff configuration and simulate the call to test the configuration to validate the scenario for the prepaid.
Duration Dec 2007 to Jun-2008
Environment Ericsson SDP and Tariff Management Application 4.1.1, Microsoft Excel and XML
6. HP IUM Mediation Data Migration & Clarify AMS projects
Client : Vodafone Spain
Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst
• Involved in integrating Business Logic as per the client requirement.
• Prepared Low Level Design doc, Operational Manual for mediation integration.
• Client requirement, feasibility, Design, Implementation, Code Review, Unit Testing, Supporting team
• Understanding of IN network for mediation, Reverse engineering for the existing code developed by local LD team.
IBM is managing the Vodafone Spain mediation system using HPIUM product. It is a usage mediation and
management platform for wire line and wireless data services with deployment at over 80 service providers worldwide.
IUM collects, aggregates, and correlates usage data from across your network and IP services infrastructure & presents
the data in an open, user-configurable format
Duration Dec 2006 to Dec 2007
Environment PL/SQL, C /C++, PRO *C, JAVA, Solaris, Remedy, PVCS, Clear Case, KSH
Resume of Om Prakash Gupta
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7. Interconnect Billing System
Client : Vodafone Spain
Role/Responsibility: Lead
• Client requirement, feasibility, Design, Implementation, Code Review, Unit Testing, Supporting team
IBM is managing the Vodafone Spain billing system. IBM developed the Intra/Fintra application to do the wholesale
Interconnect billing, Reconciliation, Reprising, Reprocessing for the Vodafone Spain Operators. This application
receives the CDRs from Mediation and sent the summary to data ware house.
Duration Aug 2006 to Dec 2006
Environment Sybase, C/C++, PRO *C Solaris, Remedy, PVCS, Clear Case, KSH
Common Services for Control Node Platform ( BaseOS)
Client: Nortel
Role/Responsibility: Team Member
• Design, implementation, client requirement, Code Review, Unit Testing.
Sasken are managing the Nortel Network BTS ,BSC switch and Base OS is one of the core application for the
managing the control node platform application like SM,mesaaging etc which was main responsible to allocating the
hardware for the for a call establishment.The hardware are running on different operating system AIX,Vx
works,Linux,Sun Solaris which are responsible to provide common services for common platform for the control
Node platform applications which is main application of the BSC.
Duration Dec 2004 to AUG 2006
Job Management Partner
Client: Hitachi
Role/Responsibility: Team Member
• Design, implementation client requirement, Code Review, Unit Testing.
JP1 is a product of Hitachi having JP1base, JP1console , JP1view and JP1 scope . L &T Infotech manage this product .
Travel Management System
Client: Red Heard Car Rental, Dehradun
Role/Responsibility: Team Member
• client requirement ,design ,implemenetation,Testing,Code Review
The Project was to fulfill the requirement of the client. I worked on booking module, invoice
CDAC Pune Project (2004)
Name :Hard Real Time Data Switch
Language : AVR8515
Description : It sends packet from one PC to another PC and two ports A and C. if packet is not
received within specified time, then packet will be discarded.
BE Project (2002)
Name : Berkley Socket Programming using client server model.
Language : C, Linux
Description : As per the project any file from any department (in college or organization) can be
accessed as well as transferred to other department.
(Om Prakash Gupta)
Resume of Om Prakash Gupta
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Mohan dhawle


  • 1. OM PRAKASH GUPTA DELHI Ph No : (M) 91-9990117830 Email : Summary • Having 12+ years of working experience in Telecom BSS/OSS, Interconnect Content Revenue Settlement, Roaming, Order Management ,invoicing, Retail Billing and Mediation system, IN Prepaid Charging using Ericsson SDP and Tariff Application 4.1.1 • Worked R5 Roaming, Rating; CSG Interconnect, Kennan FX and Comverse One product. HPIUM, Comptelv6, M6, Clarify. • Worked on C/C++, PL/SQL, Pro*C Oracle 9i , Sybase ,AR System ( Remedy Tool for CR),Procedure ,Trigger ,TOAD, PVCS, Clear Case, Motorola Processor, SVN,BIP, COM,CAP,IGEN,SIM,PERL ,KSH Script, JAVA ,JAVA SCRIPT,JS NODE,REST API • Good understanding of the IBM cloud platform. Also given presentation on the cloud based developed application in the IBM cloud community. Telecom Areas • Telecom Systems ( BTS,BSC,MSC,IN)Switches • Telecom Systems(ARBOR/KENAN FX Billing &Accounting &SDP whole Sale Billing Support) • Detail knowledge of Interconnect Billing system, Roaming, Rating, Invoicing and Mediation HP IUM/Comptel 6 , BI Cognos Integration. Activities Involved • Requirement Gathering, System Design, Development, Testing & Implementation. • Countries visited —SPAIN,AFRICANS COUNTRY Job Profile • Working as Business Analyst/Delivery Manager/Solution Architect in IBM India Pvt. Ltd, since Aug’2006. • Worked as Software Engineer in Sasken Communication Technologies Bangalore, from Dec’2004 to Aug’2006. • Worked as Software Engineer in Larsen & Tourbo (L & T) Infotech Chennai, from March 2004 to NOV’2004 • Worked as Software Engineer in Friends Infotech.Corporation Delhi, from June 2002 to Sept2003 • IBM Blue Mix & cloud training Qualifications • PG in Embedded System from CDAC Pune - India (Mar-2004) • BE in Computer Science from MJP Barely, U.P – India (2002) Training Attended • Undergone soft skills training carried out internally in IBM. • HP IUM/Comptel V6 Mediation /Comverse One Billing and Roaming Training • CSG Interconnect product training • Project Management Fundamental IBM certified PM10G and PM54G Projects 1. Airtel India National MNP & Mediation Client : Airtel India Role/Responsibility: Solution Architect and Project Manager • Responsible to manage Comptel Mediation ,CPRS,Interconnect for the many Airtel India AMS projects • Responsible for leading a project team in delivering solution for the NMNP impacted application • Leading discussion with impacted application architect and respective project manager. • Responsible for managing scope, planning, tracking, change control, aspects of the project. • Responsible for effective communication between the project team and the customer. Provide day to day direction to the project team and regular project status to the customer. • Translate customer requirements into formal requirements and design documents, establish specific solutions, and leading the efforts including programming and testing that culminate in client acceptance of the results. • Utilize in-depth knowledge of functional and Technical experience in Interconnect, mediation, billing, order management and business skills to deliver solutions to customer. Resume of Om Prakash Gupta Page 1 of 4
  • 2. • Leading almost 30 impacted application due to NMNP • Detailed impact analysis with help of respective application architect, project manager and application architect. • Highlighting the Issue/Risk to customer collected from respective applications. • Integration solution between NPIT, MCH, IDOC, PACS,CRM,FTA • Involving application owner and Vendor during client requirement. Description As per the government guide line, all the telecom operator has to provide the telecom subscriber for the national mobile portability. Airtel India provide services to their customers with help of many application like mediation, provisioning, order management network and billing system. Some of the application is being managed by IBM, Airtel and third part vendors like comviva, CSG etc. Duration Mar 2014 to Till Date Environment PL/SQL, ORACLE, CSG Interconnect v8.0, Microsoft project professional. Comptel Mediation v6 2. IT Transformation for ICT, Roaming Mediation and CPRS in 17 Airtel-African Countries Client : Airtel-Africa Role/Responsibility: Solution Architect and Project Manager • Responsible for leading a project team in delivering solution to our customer in the 17 African countries for the Mediation, Roaming, Interconnect & Content Partner Settlement Project. • Deliver new and complex high quality solutions to clients in response to varying business requirements • Documentation of architecture design to various levels of detail using the prescribed templates and standards. • Responsible for managing scope, planning, tracking, change control, aspects of the project. • Translate customer requirements into formal requirements and design documents, establish specific solutions, and leading the efforts including programming and testing that culminate in client acceptance of the results. • Utilize in-depth knowledge of functional and Technical experience in Interconnect, Content Revenue share settlement, Mediation, Roaming and other leading-edge products and technology in conjunction with industry and business skills to deliver solutions to customer. • Preparing/helping the system functional specification and technical specification document for interconnect, Roaming, Mediation • Development of architecture for Interconnect and Content Partner Revenue settlement application infrastructure solutions for production server and disaster recovery for all 17 African countries. • Create the deployment plan with all the installation instruction & conduct the reviews before deployment • Preparing weekly report, Issue/Risk for team and sending to Client as well as our senior manager • Managing the all the project process, team along with Vendor • Involving application owner, Network team and Vendors during client requirement for the business solution. • Part of Vendor product finalization for the Interconnect, Roaming, Mediation and CPRS. • Deciding the OS (Linux, IBM AIX) for the countries on the basis of application performance and customer volume. • Integration solution between Mediation downstream, Upstream, Roaming, MACH, CPRS/Interconnect and BI Cognos for 17 countries. Description Currently, Airtel own 17 African country and Airtel decided to implement same as India Airtel to reduce AMS and operation cost. All the 17 country are having indusial operation and AMS team. These countries are having separate interconnect product like Basset lab, TAB and old version of Intec Interconnect. We have planned to have single Intec Interconnect V8.0 product to do functionality of all the 17 countries. This project support Core Interconnect Automatic reconciliation, Financial Managment, Report Management modules. I deployed all 17 Africans countries. For Content partner settlement project, CSG CPRS product is being used. The VBR, Enhance rating and FM module is being used for the CPRS. ERP integration is being done with Interconnect and CPRS for partner invoicing Duration July 2010 to Mar 2014 Environment PL/SQL, AIX, Clear Case, ORACLE, CSG Interconnect v8.0, Microsoft project professional. IME Mediation, Comviva Roaming 3. Billing Transformation for Mobistar On Comverse One Client : Mobistar & OLU Belgium Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst • Prepared the system functional specification and technical specification document for Roaming, Rating and invoice module • Client interaction for the business understanding, business requirement and vendor management. • Roaming and Rating Configuration to achieve business requirement as per A14 Roaming agreement. Resume of Om Prakash Gupta Page 2 of 4
  • 3. Description Comverse One: The Comverse One product is a new version of Kennan FX. The Comverse One product does billing for both prepaid and post paid whereas Kennan FX does for prepaid billing. IBM is in agreement with Mobistart to transform the Mobistar and OLU prepaid, service delivery and post billing application on the Comverse One product It was divided into the two module service delivery and billing. Roaming is divided in three part System manger, Data Manager, Rating manager. Business ask are for roaming transformation in R5. Duration Dec 2009 to July 2010 Environment PL/SQL, Solaris, Remedy, SVN, Clear Case, Comverse One 3.5, Team forge, IGEN, CITRIX, ORACLE, SVN, Comverse R5 Roaming 4. Title: Oracle M6 – Telemedia (Airtel) Integration stack Client: Airtel Organization: IBM India Ltd Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst • Requirement gathering from client and writing BRD. • Providing technical and business solutions to client as per requirements and writing SOW. • Managing team, coordinating and tracking work with in the team • Mentoring junior resource in the team • Code reviews and coding complex business logics. • Identifying and mitigating potential project challenges proactively • Ensuring on-time and quality delivery of project deliverables as per project schedule Platform: AIX. Software/Tools: WebLogic Workshop 8.1, MetaSolv M6, EAI, Web Services, Java/J2ee. Duration: Jun 2008 – Dec -2009. Description: • Bharti-Airtel Limited and IBM had initiated the BSS transformation to achieve end-to-end Order Management Solution (OMS) for Bharti Airtel’s Fixed line & Broadband business using Oracle Communications MetaSolv M6 solution as the core integration system. The M6 based solution is integrated using IBM AQ MQ ESB platform, Web Services and socket interfaces with existing IT applications like Oracle CRM Order Entry, Kenan FX Billing, GIS (Geographic Information System), Number Management System, Work Force Management System and Switch via Compute Mediation. 5. IN Prepaid Charging Vodafone Spain Client: Vodafone Spain Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst • Detailed requirement gathering and Interaction with customer for clarification. • Preparation of the business requirement ,micro, macro document and follow up for sign off • Unit and System Testing & Resolving Acceptance Testing Issues. • Plan and tariff configuration for the many project. Description IBM is managing the Vodafone Spain prepaid rating system Ericsson SDP and Tariff Management Application for catalogue, tariff configuration and simulate the call to test the configuration to validate the scenario for the prepaid. Duration Dec 2007 to Jun-2008 Environment Ericsson SDP and Tariff Management Application 4.1.1, Microsoft Excel and XML 6. HP IUM Mediation Data Migration & Clarify AMS projects Client : Vodafone Spain Role/Responsibility: Business Analyst • Involved in integrating Business Logic as per the client requirement. • Prepared Low Level Design doc, Operational Manual for mediation integration. • Client requirement, feasibility, Design, Implementation, Code Review, Unit Testing, Supporting team • Understanding of IN network for mediation, Reverse engineering for the existing code developed by local LD team. Description IBM is managing the Vodafone Spain mediation system using HPIUM product. It is a usage mediation and management platform for wire line and wireless data services with deployment at over 80 service providers worldwide. IUM collects, aggregates, and correlates usage data from across your network and IP services infrastructure & presents the data in an open, user-configurable format Duration Dec 2006 to Dec 2007 Environment PL/SQL, C /C++, PRO *C, JAVA, Solaris, Remedy, PVCS, Clear Case, KSH Resume of Om Prakash Gupta Page 3 of 4
  • 4. 7. Interconnect Billing System Client : Vodafone Spain Role/Responsibility: Lead • Client requirement, feasibility, Design, Implementation, Code Review, Unit Testing, Supporting team Description IBM is managing the Vodafone Spain billing system. IBM developed the Intra/Fintra application to do the wholesale Interconnect billing, Reconciliation, Reprising, Reprocessing for the Vodafone Spain Operators. This application receives the CDRs from Mediation and sent the summary to data ware house. Duration Aug 2006 to Dec 2006 Environment Sybase, C/C++, PRO *C Solaris, Remedy, PVCS, Clear Case, KSH Common Services for Control Node Platform ( BaseOS) Client: Nortel Role/Responsibility: Team Member • Design, implementation, client requirement, Code Review, Unit Testing. .Description Sasken are managing the Nortel Network BTS ,BSC switch and Base OS is one of the core application for the managing the control node platform application like SM,mesaaging etc which was main responsible to allocating the hardware for the for a call establishment.The hardware are running on different operating system AIX,Vx works,Linux,Sun Solaris which are responsible to provide common services for common platform for the control Node platform applications which is main application of the BSC. Duration Dec 2004 to AUG 2006 Environment Vxworks, LINUX, SOLARIS, C, AIX, KSH SCRIPTIING, CLEARCASE Job Management Partner Client: Hitachi Role/Responsibility: Team Member • Design, implementation client requirement, Code Review, Unit Testing. Description JP1 is a product of Hitachi having JP1base, JP1console , JP1view and JP1 scope . L &T Infotech manage this product . Environment C, WINDOWS, CLEAR QUEST Travel Management System Client: Red Heard Car Rental, Dehradun Role/Responsibility: Team Member • client requirement ,design ,implemenetation,Testing,Code Review Description The Project was to fulfill the requirement of the client. I worked on booking module, invoice Module. Environment VISUAL BASIC 6, SQLSERVER 7.0 CDAC Pune Project (2004) Name :Hard Real Time Data Switch Language : AVR8515 Description : It sends packet from one PC to another PC and two ports A and C. if packet is not received within specified time, then packet will be discarded. BE Project (2002) Name : Berkley Socket Programming using client server model. Language : C, Linux Description : As per the project any file from any department (in college or organization) can be accessed as well as transferred to other department. (Om Prakash Gupta) Resume of Om Prakash Gupta Page 4 of 4