SlideShare a Scribd company logo
■ High-throughput, low-latency pub/sub
messaging system with strong durability
■ Kafka API compatible
■ Project started in 2017. Core devs have
low-latency, distributed systems, and storage
■ Source Available (BSL). All development and
issue tracking done on github
■ Focused on performance, safety, and operational
What is Redpanda?
A new kind of streaming platform
Similarities with Apache Kafka
Same high level concepts, same protocol
■ Producers, Consumers
■ Namespaces, Topics, and Partitions
■ Brokers: Leaders, and Followers
■ Transactions
■ Schema Registry
■ HTTP Proxy
Redpanda integrates with the existing Kafka ecosystem -
clients, streaming frameworks, KafkaConnect, etc.
Differences from Apache Kafka
Modernized distributed log implementation
■ Operational simplicity
■ Faster, safer, more reliable
○ Raft protocol
○ Direct IO Management (No Pagecache)
○ C++ / Seastar
○ Transactions
■ Enhancements
○ Shadow Indexing
○ WASM / Data Policies

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Clickhouse Capacity Planning for OLAP Workloads, Mik Kocikowski of CloudFlare
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Presented on December ClickHouse Meetup. Dec 3, 2019 Concrete findings and "best practices" from building a cluster sized for 150 analytic queries per second on 100TB of http logs. Topics covered: hardware, clients (http vs native), partitioning, indexing, SELECT vs INSERT performance, replication, sharding, quotas, and benchmarking.

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ClickHouse clusters depend on ZooKeeper to handle replication and distributed DDL commands. In this Altinity webinar, we’ll explain why ZooKeeper is necessary, how it works, and introduce the new built-in replacement named ClickHouse Keeper. You’ll learn practical tips to care for ZooKeeper in sickness and health. You’ll also learn how/when to use ClickHouse Keeper. We will share our recommendations for keeping that happy as well.

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All About JSON and ClickHouse - Tips, Tricks and New Features-2022-07-26-FINA...

JSON is the king of data formats and ClickHouse has a plethora of features to handle it. This webinar covers JSON features from A to Z starting with traditional ways to load and represent JSON data in ClickHouse. Next, we’ll jump into the JSON data type: how it works, how to query data from it, and what works and doesn’t work. JSON data type is one of the most awaited features in the 2022 ClickHouse roadmap, so you won’t want to miss out. Finally, we’ll talk about Jedi master techniques like adding bloom filter indexing on JSON data.

■ 100% CLI driven via rpk
■ No reliance on external systems, no JVM.
■ Single binary includes broker, HTTP proxy, schema
■ Automatic leader and partition balancing
■ Auto-tune kernel parameters, auto-detect
underlying hardware
■ Native Prometheus + Grafana integration
■ Docker image, Kubernetes controller, Terraform +
Ansible templates available
Operational Simplicity
Easy to operate out of the box; no need for enterprise tooling
● Requires odd number of replicas
● Each partition is a Raft group with r members
(where r = replication factor)
● No reliance on external systems (no Zookeeper)
● Single fault domain — just one distributed
system protocol
● Able to ride out slowness in individual replicas
○ Leader can ack to producer once majority of
replicas (including the leader) have responded
Widely used, mathematically proven distributed consensus protocol
Raft – modern consensus protocol
● Async programming model (via
futures & promises). Requires no
locks, minimizes I/O blocking.
● Thread-per-core architecture
reduces context switching costs,
preserves cache lines
“An open source C++ framework
for high performance server
applications on modern hardware.”
Seastar framework
~2ms average latency, ~100ms at p99.999
Benchmark vs Kafka
500 MB/s workload on 3 brokers

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CDC Stream Processing with Apache Flink
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An instant world requires instant decisions at scale. This includes the ability to digest and react to changes in real-time. Thus, event logs such as Apache Kafka can be found in almost every architecture, while databases and similar systems still provide the foundation. Change Data Capture (CDC) has become popular for propagating changes. Nevertheless, integrating all these systems, which often have slightly different semantics, can be a challenge. In this talk, we highlight what it means for Apache Flink to be a general data processor that acts as a data integration hub. Looking under the hood, we demonstrate Flink's SQL engine as a changelog processor that ships with an ecosystem tailored to processing CDC data and maintaining materialized views. We will discuss the semantics of different data sources and how to perform joins or stream enrichment between them. This talk illustrates how Flink can be used with systems such as Kafka (for upsert logging), Debezium, JDBC, and others.

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This document discusses building event streaming architectures using Scylla and Confluent Kafka. It provides an overview of Scylla and how it can be used with Kafka at Numberly. It then discusses change data capture (CDC) in Scylla and how to stream data from Scylla to Kafka using Kafka Connect and the Scylla source connector. The Kafka Connect framework and connectors allow capturing changes from Scylla tables in Kafka topics to power downstream applications and tasks.

Shadow Indexing
Shadow Indexing provides infinite data
retention by archiving log segments to
cloud object store
● Provides access to archived log
entries via the same consumer API
● 99.999999999% (11 9’s) durability
within seconds
● Global availability of read-replicas
(cross region replication under 15m)
● Archived data can serve as a backup
for disaster recovery
Unify historical and real-time streaming
Producers /
Shadow Indexing
Workload isolation with analytical clusters
One or more analytical
clusters may be
provisioned to serve data
from the object store
without impacting
operational SLAs
Producers /
Redpanda Transforms
● Coprocessors allow for custom logic
adjacent (core-local) to the data
● Run WASM bytecode as a sidecar process;
embedded V8 under active development
● Can benefit potentially 60% of streaming
● Sample use cases: data validation, data
transformation, data masking, message
routing, fine grained access control,
projection & filter pushdown, ...
Custom Server-Side Functions
Clickhouse and Kafka
■ Uses librdkafka as the Kafka client
○ Most of the configs from librdkafka can be placed in
config.xml in the <kafka> attribute
■ Settings for the demo:
○ kafka_max_wait_ms - set in user.xml
■ 0 to wait always
○ auto_offset_reset - set in config.xml
■ smallest - when no consumer group offset
information is present go with the smallest offset

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Joins in Kafka Streams and ksqlDB are a killer-feature for data processing and basic join semantics are well understood. However, in a streaming world records are associated with timestamps that impact the semantics of joins: welcome to the fabulous world of _temporal_ join semantics. For joins, timestamps are as important as the actual data and it is important to understand how they impact the join result. In this talk we want to deep dive on the different types of joins, with a focus of their temporal aspect. Furthermore, we relate the individual join operators to the overall ""time engine"" of the Kafka Streams query runtime and explain its relationship to operator semantics. To allow developers to apply their knowledge on temporal join semantics, we provide best practices, tip and tricks to ""bend"" time, and configuration advice to get the desired join results. Last, we give an overview of recent, and an outlook to future, development that improves joins even further.

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From webinar on December 3, 2019 New users of ClickHouse love the speed but may run into a few surprises when designing applications. Column storage turns classic SQL design precepts on their heads. This talk shares our favorite tricks for building great applications. We'll talk about fact tables and dimensions, materialized views, codecs, arrays, and skip indexes, to name a few of our favorites. We'll show examples of each and also reserve time to handle questions. Join us to take your next step to ClickHouse guruhood! Speaker Bio: Robert Hodges is CEO of Altinity, which offers enterprise support for ClickHouse. He has over three decades of experience in data management spanning 20 different DBMS types. ClickHouse is his current favorite. ;)

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Welcome to a live session of our popular introduction to ClickHouse application development. The talk explains what ClickHouse is and how to install it. We then work through the basics of inserting and selecting data, followed by tips on how to maximize the legendary performance of ClickHouse. You’ll get everything you need to get started on your own application, including some time at the end for questions.

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This is the way

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Redpanda and ClickHouse

  • 1. And
  • 2. ■ High-throughput, low-latency pub/sub messaging system with strong durability guarantees ■ Kafka API compatible ■ Project started in 2017. Core devs have low-latency, distributed systems, and storage backgrounds ■ Source Available (BSL). All development and issue tracking done on github ■ Focused on performance, safety, and operational simplicity What is Redpanda? A new kind of streaming platform
  • 3. Similarities with Apache Kafka Same high level concepts, same protocol ■ Producers, Consumers ■ Namespaces, Topics, and Partitions ■ Brokers: Leaders, and Followers ■ Transactions ■ Schema Registry ■ HTTP Proxy Redpanda integrates with the existing Kafka ecosystem - clients, streaming frameworks, KafkaConnect, etc.
  • 4. Differences from Apache Kafka Modernized distributed log implementation ■ Operational simplicity ■ Faster, safer, more reliable ○ Raft protocol ○ Direct IO Management (No Pagecache) ○ C++ / Seastar ○ Transactions ■ Enhancements ○ Shadow Indexing ○ WASM / Data Policies
  • 5. ■ 100% CLI driven via rpk ■ No reliance on external systems, no JVM. ■ Single binary includes broker, HTTP proxy, schema registry ■ Automatic leader and partition balancing ■ Auto-tune kernel parameters, auto-detect underlying hardware ■ Native Prometheus + Grafana integration ■ Docker image, Kubernetes controller, Terraform + Ansible templates available Operational Simplicity Easy to operate out of the box; no need for enterprise tooling
  • 6. ● Requires odd number of replicas ● Each partition is a Raft group with r members (where r = replication factor) ● No reliance on external systems (no Zookeeper) ● Single fault domain — just one distributed system protocol ● Able to ride out slowness in individual replicas ○ Leader can ack to producer once majority of replicas (including the leader) have responded Widely used, mathematically proven distributed consensus protocol Raft – modern consensus protocol
  • 7. ● Async programming model (via futures & promises). Requires no locks, minimizes I/O blocking. ● Thread-per-core architecture reduces context switching costs, preserves cache lines “An open source C++ framework for high performance server applications on modern hardware.” Seastar framework
  • 8. ~2ms average latency, ~100ms at p99.999 Benchmark vs Kafka 500 MB/s workload on 3 brokers
  • 9. 9 Shadow Indexing Shadow Indexing provides infinite data retention by archiving log segments to cloud object store ● Provides access to archived log entries via the same consumer API ● 99.999999999% (11 9’s) durability within seconds ● Global availability of read-replicas (cross region replication under 15m) ● Archived data can serve as a backup for disaster recovery Unify historical and real-time streaming Producers / Consumers
  • 10. 10 Shadow Indexing Workload isolation with analytical clusters One or more analytical clusters may be provisioned to serve data from the object store without impacting operational SLAs Producers / Consumers Consumers (read-only) Consumers (read-only) OPERATIONAL CLUSTER ANALYTICAL CLUSTERS
  • 11. 11 Redpanda Transforms ● Coprocessors allow for custom logic adjacent (core-local) to the data ● Run WASM bytecode as a sidecar process; embedded V8 under active development ● Can benefit potentially 60% of streaming workloads ● Sample use cases: data validation, data transformation, data masking, message routing, fine grained access control, projection & filter pushdown, ... Custom Server-Side Functions
  • 12. Clickhouse and Kafka ■ Uses librdkafka as the Kafka client ○ Most of the configs from librdkafka can be placed in config.xml in the <kafka> attribute ■ Settings for the demo: ○ kafka_max_wait_ms - set in user.xml ■ 0 to wait always ○ auto_offset_reset - set in config.xml ■ smallest - when no consumer group offset information is present go with the smallest offset available
  • 14. Try Redpanda Code Check out the source: Blog Read about Redpanda from our blogs: Slack Join the community Slack channel: Meet Set a 1:1 meeting to discuss your use case This is the way