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They’re both recruiters sourcing for a Director of Finance role.
Let’s see how their experiences differ…
Rachel uses
LinkedIn Recruiter.
Fred uses for free.
Discover the world’s best talent
Fred and Rachel’s searches begin in a similar way.
They enter “director AND finance” in the search field.
Let’s review their experiences from there…
Fred’s search is limited by the reach of his extended
Greater New York City Area
Finance Director at Beta Inc.
Little Rock, Arkansas Area
Associate Director of Finance at Water Corp.
San Francisco Bay Area
Director, Finance at Smith Company
Fred’s search is limited by the reach of his extended
Rachel’s search taps into the entire network of
364M+ professionals on LinkedIn, including those
outside her extended network.
Houston, Texas Area
Director of Finance at Acme Company
Finance & Accounting Director at Jones Holding
Greater Boston Area
San Francisco Bay Area
Senior Director, Finance at McMurray & Co.
Greater New York City Area
Finance Director at Beta Inc.
Little Rock, Arkansas Area
Associate Director of Finance at Water Corp.
San Francisco Bay Area
Director, Finance at Smith Company
Fred can search for candidates until he reaches the
monthly commercial use limit.
Fred can search for candidates until he reaches the
monthly commercial use limit.
Rachel has unlimited access to all members on
Houston, Texas Area
Director of Finance at Acme Company
Finance & Accounting Director at Jones Holding
Greater Boston Area
San Francisco Bay Area
Senior Director, Finance at McMurray & Co.
Next, Fred and Rachel filter their results to a more manageable list.
They’re looking for someone who:
1. Lives in San Francisco
2. Has 6-10 years of professional experience
3. Works in the software industry
4. Has been in their role for more than one year
Fred uses basic filters to refine his search by industry
and location, but must review profiles individually to
see years of experience and years in current role.
Fred must filter through
6,608 profiles to find the
right candidate.
Fred uses basic filters to refine his search by industry
and location, but must review profiles individually to
see years of experience and years in current role.
Rachel uses Recruiter’s 20+ advanced search filters*
to narrow her results to only those professionals who
fit her criteria.
*Advanced search filters include function, seniority, company size, years in
current position, company follower, custom filters, and more.
Fred must filter through
6,608 profiles to find the
right candidate.
Rachel narrows
her search to a
much smaller list.
Fred can create up to 3 saved searches and set
alerts on a weekly basis. Since he works on 3+
searches at one time, he must prioritize his alerts.
3 saved searches
Weekly alerts
Fred can create up to 3 saved searches and set
alerts on a weekly basis. Since he works on 3+
searches at one time, he must prioritize his alerts.
Rachel can create up to 50 saved searches and set
alerts on a daily basis. New candidates for all of her
projects are automatically delivered to her inbox.
3 saved searches
Weekly alerts
50 saved searches
Daily alerts
Engage candidates at scale
Once Fred and Rachel have identified the best candidates,
they take differing approaches to outreach.
Fred can reach only his first-degree connections via
connections only
Fred can reach only his first-degree connections via
Rachel can contact any member on LinkedIn with
150 monthly InMail credits.
connections only
Any member on
Fred sends InMails one-at-a-time. He must start
each new InMail from scratch.
Fred sends InMails one-at-a-time. He must start
each new InMail from scratch.
Rachel can save templates for InMails she sends
frequently. One-to-many messaging lets her send
InMails to up to 25 candidates at once.
Tory Barnes
Rachel Westing
Recruiter, Talent Inc.
Organize candidate activity in one place
As Fred and Rachel continue their Director of Finance searches,
they manage their candidate pipelines in very different ways.
Fred uses an Excel spreadsheet to track candidates
for each search.
Fred uses an Excel spreadsheet to track candidates
for each search.
Rachel stays organized with Recruiter’s smart
projects, which automatically update candidates’
statuses as they move through the search process.
Linda Yi
Greg Jones
Jeff Stephens
Jim Toth
Fred and his teammates lack visibility. Occasionally,
Fred reaches out to a candidate who has recently
been contacted by another team member.
Hi Fred,
Thank you for thinking of me. However, I spoke to one of your colleagues last
week and mentioned that I am not looking to make a move at this time as my
children just started in high school.
Thanks and kind regards,
Fred Howell
Fred and his teammates lack visibility. Occasionally,
Fred reaches out to a candidate who has recently
been contacted by another team member.
Rachel avoids duplication of efforts: her team has
visibility into colleagues’ projects, notes and
communication history with candidates.
Hi Fred,
Thank you for thinking of me. However, I spoke to one of your colleagues last
week and mentioned that I am not looking to make a move at this time as my
children just started in high school.
Thanks and kind regards,
Fred Howell
Fred does not have a system for keeping track of
quality candidates. Whenever he gets a new req,
he’s starting from scratch.
Fred does not have a system for keeping track of
quality candidates. Whenever he gets a new req,
he’s starting from scratch.
Rachel uses Talent Pipeline in Recruiter to track and
manage her pipeline of candidates, regardless of
their source.
Finance, accounting, CFA, CPA
Rachel Westing – Recruiter at Talent Inc. Finance Accounting
Discover the world’s
best talent
Engage candidates
at scale
Organize candidate activity
in one place
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Recruiting on LinkedIn: Free vs. LinkedIn Recruiter

  • 2. EXPERIENCE THE NEXT LEVEL OF RECRUITING WITH LINKEDIN FIND CONTACT MANAGE Discover the world’s best talent Engage candidates at scale Organize candidate activity in one place
  • 3. MEET FRED AND RACHEL. They’re both recruiters sourcing for a Director of Finance role. Let’s see how their experiences differ… Rachel uses LinkedIn Recruiter. Fred uses for free.
  • 5. Fred and Rachel’s searches begin in a similar way. They enter “director AND finance” in the search field. Let’s review their experiences from there…
  • 6. FIND MORE OF THE WORLD’S PROFESSIONALS Fred’s search is limited by the reach of his extended network. Fred FREE Greater New York City Area Finance Director at Beta Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas Area Associate Director of Finance at Water Corp. San Francisco Bay Area Director, Finance at Smith Company
  • 7. FIND MORE OF THE WORLD’S PROFESSIONALS Fred’s search is limited by the reach of his extended network. Rachel’s search taps into the entire network of 364M+ professionals on LinkedIn, including those outside her extended network. Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Houston, Texas Area Director of Finance at Acme Company Finance & Accounting Director at Jones Holding Greater Boston Area San Francisco Bay Area Senior Director, Finance at McMurray & Co. Greater New York City Area Finance Director at Beta Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas Area Associate Director of Finance at Water Corp. San Francisco Bay Area Director, Finance at Smith Company
  • 8. SEARCH AND VIEW PROFILES WITHOUT LIMITS Fred can search for candidates until he reaches the monthly commercial use limit. Fred FREE Fred,
  • 9. SEARCH AND VIEW PROFILES WITHOUT LIMITS Fred can search for candidates until he reaches the monthly commercial use limit. Rachel has unlimited access to all members on LinkedIn. Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Fred, Houston, Texas Area Director of Finance at Acme Company Finance & Accounting Director at Jones Holding Greater Boston Area San Francisco Bay Area Senior Director, Finance at McMurray & Co.
  • 10. Next, Fred and Rachel filter their results to a more manageable list. They’re looking for someone who: 1. Lives in San Francisco 2. Has 6-10 years of professional experience 3. Works in the software industry 4. Has been in their role for more than one year
  • 11. SAVE TIME BY REVIEWING FEWER PROFILES Fred uses basic filters to refine his search by industry and location, but must review profiles individually to see years of experience and years in current role. Fred FREE Fred must filter through 6,608 profiles to find the right candidate.
  • 12. SAVE TIME BY REVIEWING FEWER PROFILES Fred uses basic filters to refine his search by industry and location, but must review profiles individually to see years of experience and years in current role. Rachel uses Recruiter’s 20+ advanced search filters* to narrow her results to only those professionals who fit her criteria. *Advanced search filters include function, seniority, company size, years in current position, company follower, custom filters, and more. Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Fred must filter through 6,608 profiles to find the right candidate. Rachel narrows her search to a much smaller list.
  • 13. SOURCE WHILE YOU SLEEP WITH SAVED SEARCH ALERTS Fred can create up to 3 saved searches and set alerts on a weekly basis. Since he works on 3+ searches at one time, he must prioritize his alerts. Fred FREE 3 saved searches Weekly alerts
  • 14. SOURCE WHILE YOU SLEEP WITH SAVED SEARCH ALERTS Fred can create up to 3 saved searches and set alerts on a weekly basis. Since he works on 3+ searches at one time, he must prioritize his alerts. Rachel can create up to 50 saved searches and set alerts on a daily basis. New candidates for all of her projects are automatically delivered to her inbox. Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER 3 saved searches Weekly alerts 50 saved searches Daily alerts
  • 16. Once Fred and Rachel have identified the best candidates, they take differing approaches to outreach.
  • 17. REACH ANY CANDIDATE ON LINKEDIN Fred FREE Fred can reach only his first-degree connections via InMail. First-degree connections only
  • 18. REACH ANY CANDIDATE ON LINKEDIN Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Fred can reach only his first-degree connections via InMail. Rachel can contact any member on LinkedIn with 150 monthly InMail credits. First-degree connections only Any member on LinkedIn
  • 19. SAVE TIME WITH TEMPLATES AND BULK MESSAGING Fred FREE Fred sends InMails one-at-a-time. He must start each new InMail from scratch.
  • 20. SAVE TIME WITH TEMPLATES AND BULK MESSAGING Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Fred sends InMails one-at-a-time. He must start each new InMail from scratch. Rachel can save templates for InMails she sends frequently. One-to-many messaging lets her send InMails to up to 25 candidates at once. Finance Tory Barnes Rachel Westing Recruiter, Talent Inc.
  • 22. As Fred and Rachel continue their Director of Finance searches, they manage their candidate pipelines in very different ways.
  • 23. STAY ORGANIZED WITH PROJECTS Fred uses an Excel spreadsheet to track candidates for each search. Fred FREE
  • 24. STAY ORGANIZED WITH PROJECTS Fred uses an Excel spreadsheet to track candidates for each search. Rachel stays organized with Recruiter’s smart projects, which automatically update candidates’ statuses as they move through the search process. Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Linda Yi Ran… Greg Jones Mont… Jeff Stephens Up… Jim Toth
  • 25. KEEP YOUR TEAM ON THE SAME PAGE Fred and his teammates lack visibility. Occasionally, Fred reaches out to a candidate who has recently been contacted by another team member. Fred FREE Hi Fred, Thank you for thinking of me. However, I spoke to one of your colleagues last week and mentioned that I am not looking to make a move at this time as my children just started in high school. Thanks and kind regards, RJ ! Fred Howell
  • 26. KEEP YOUR TEAM ON THE SAME PAGE Fred and his teammates lack visibility. Occasionally, Fred reaches out to a candidate who has recently been contacted by another team member. Rachel avoids duplication of efforts: her team has visibility into colleagues’ projects, notes and communication history with candidates. Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Hi Fred, Thank you for thinking of me. However, I spoke to one of your colleagues last week and mentioned that I am not looking to make a move at this time as my children just started in high school. Thanks and kind regards, RJ ! Fred Howell
  • 27. PIPELINE TALENT TO STAY AHEAD OF THE GAME Fred FREE Fred does not have a system for keeping track of quality candidates. Whenever he gets a new req, he’s starting from scratch.
  • 28. PIPELINE TALENT TO STAY AHEAD OF THE GAME Fred FREE Rachel RECRUITER Fred does not have a system for keeping track of quality candidates. Whenever he gets a new req, he’s starting from scratch. Rachel uses Talent Pipeline in Recruiter to track and manage her pipeline of candidates, regardless of their source. Finance, accounting, CFA, CPA Rachel Westing – Recruiter at Talent Inc. Finance Accounting CFA CPA
  • 29. EXPERIENCE THE NEXT LEVEL OF RECRUITING WITH LINKEDIN FIND CONTACT MANAGE Discover the world’s best talent Engage candidates at scale Organize candidate activity in one place
  • 30. To learn more, visit