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Introducing the new
We just made data testing
No programming needed
Automate your
Data Warehouse & Big Data Testing
and Reap the Benefits
*available for download on August 3, 2015
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New York (HQ), Atlanta,
Philadelphia, Phoenix
Strategic Partners:
IBM, Microsoft, HP,
Oracle, Teradata,
HortonWorks, Cloudera,
RTTS is the leading provider of software & data quality
for critical business systems
“70% of enterprises have either deployed or are planning to
deploy big data projects and programs this year”
– analyst firm IDG
“46% of companies cite data quality as a barrier for adopting
Business Intelligence products.”
- InformationWeek
“Poor data quality is a primary reason for 40% of all business
initiatives failing to achieve their targeted benefits.”
- analyst firm Gartner
Data Quality Issues
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2 Prevalent DataTesting Strategies
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1) Stare & Compare
2) Minus Queries

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Data Warehousing in Pharma: How to Find Bad Data while Meeting Regulatory Req...
Data Warehousing in Pharma: How to Find Bad Data while Meeting Regulatory Req...Data Warehousing in Pharma: How to Find Bad Data while Meeting Regulatory Req...
Data Warehousing in Pharma: How to Find Bad Data while Meeting Regulatory Req...

In the U.S., pharmaceutical firms must meet electronic record-keeping regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The regulation is Title 21 CFR Part 11, commonly known as Part 11. Part 11 requires regulated firms to implement controls for software and systems involved in processing many forms of data as part of business operations and product development. Enterprise data warehouses are used by the pharmaceutical and medical device industries for storing data covered by Part 11. QuerySurge, the only test tool designed specifically for automating the testing of data warehouses and the ETL process, is the market leader in testing data warehouses used by Part 11-governed companies. For more on QuerySurge and Pharma, please visit

query surgepart 11 testingpharmaceutical qa
Data Warehouse Testing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Data Warehouse Testing in the Pharmaceutical IndustryData Warehouse Testing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Data Warehouse Testing in the Pharmaceutical Industry

In the U.S., pharmaceutical firms and medical device manufacturers must meet electronic record-keeping regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The regulation is Title 21 CFR Part 11, commonly known as Part 11. Part 11 requires regulated firms to implement controls for software and systems involved in processing many forms of data as part of business operations and product development. Enterprise data warehouses are used by the pharmaceutical and medical device industries for storing data covered by Part 11 (for example, Safety Data and Clinical Study project data). QuerySurge, the only test tool designed specifically for automating the testing of data warehouses and the ETL process, has been effective in testing data warehouses used by Part 11-governed companies. The purpose of QuerySurge is to assure that your warehouse is not populated with bad data. In industry surveys, bad data has been found in every database and data warehouse studied and is estimated to cost firms on average $8.2 million annually, according to analyst firm Gartner. Most firms test far less than 10% of their data, leaving at risk the rest of the data they are using for critical audits and compliance reporting. QuerySurge can test up to 100% of your data and help assure your organization that this critical information is accurate. QuerySurge not only helps in eliminating bad data, but is also designed to support Part 11 compliance. Learn more at

pharmaceutical testingcfr part 11testing
Completing the Data Equation: Test Data + Data Validation = Success
Completing the Data Equation: Test Data + Data Validation = SuccessCompleting the Data Equation: Test Data + Data Validation = Success
Completing the Data Equation: Test Data + Data Validation = Success

Completing the Data Equation In this presentation, we tackle 2 major challenges to assuring your data quality: 1) Test Data Generation 2) Data Validation We illustrate how GenRocket and QuerySurge, used in conjunction, can solve these challenges. Also see how they can be easily integrated into your Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery pipeline. Session Overview - Primary challenges organizations are facing with their data projects - Key success factors for data validation & testing - How to setup a workflow around test data generation and data validation using GenRocket & QuerySurge - How to automate this workflow in your CI/CD DataOps pipeline to see the video, go to

test datadata qualitydata validation
DataTesting Strategy #1: Stare & Compare
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• Review Mapping Document (business rules, data flow mapping, data movement requirements)
• Write Tests in SQL editor
• Execute 2 Tests: 1 at Source & 1 at Target
• Dump results to 2 Excel files
• Compare results by eye (Stare & Compare)
Difficulty with Stare & Compare:
Impossible to visually compare millions/billions of data sets visually.
Current QuerySurge customer has:
• a single test with 100 million rows
• 200 columns
• = 20 billion data sets
• the client has > 7,000 total tests
Data Tester’s Current Process
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MINUS QUERIES subtract one result set from another result set to show difference
Comment: MINUS QUERIES need to be executed 2x (Source MINUS Target; Target MINUS Source)
Result sets may not be accurate when dealing with duplicate rows of data
No historical data from past testing – audit and regulatory issues
Processing of minus queries puts pressure on the servers
Double execution means 2x testing time and resource utilization
Potential for false positives (bad data could exist on both sides of an ETL leg)
DataTesting Strategy #2: Minus Queries
Minus Query #1: Table_1 MINUS Table_2
Minus Query #2: Table_2 MINUS Table_1
Result Set #1
Result Set #2
Write 2 MINUS queries
in SQL editor
MINUS queries 2x
DataTesting Strategies
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a fundamental issue with the 2 Strategies:
Assumption that all team members understand
and can write SQL code
What is QuerySurge™?
the collaborative
Data Testing solution that
finds bad data & provides
a holistic view of your
data’s health
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Whitepaper: Volume Testing Thick Clients and Databases
Whitepaper:  Volume Testing Thick Clients and DatabasesWhitepaper:  Volume Testing Thick Clients and Databases
Whitepaper: Volume Testing Thick Clients and Databases

Even in the current age of cloud computing there are still endless benefits of developing thick client software: non-dependency on browser version, offline support, low hosting fees, and utilizing existing end user hardware, to name a few. It's more than likely that your organization is utilizing at least a few thick client applications. Now consider this: as your user base grows, does your think client's back-end server need to grow as well? How quickly? How do you ensure that you provide the correct amount of additional capacity without overstepping and unnecessarily eating into your profits? The answer is volume testing. Read how RTTS does this with IBM Rational Performance Tester.

ibm rationalrttsvolume testing
QuerySurge Slide Deck for Big Data Testing Webinar
QuerySurge Slide Deck for Big Data Testing WebinarQuerySurge Slide Deck for Big Data Testing Webinar
QuerySurge Slide Deck for Big Data Testing Webinar

This is a slide deck from QuerySurge's Big Data Testing webinar. Learn why Testing is pivotal to the success of your Big Data Strategy . Learn more at The growing variety of new data sources is pushing organizations to look for streamlined ways to manage complexities and get the most out of their data-related investments. The companies that do this correctly are realizing the power of big data for business expansion and growth. Learn why testing your enterprise's data is pivotal for success with big data, Hadoop and NoSQL. Learn how to increase your testing speed, boost your testing coverage (up to 100%), and improve the level of quality within your data warehouse - all with one ETL testing tool. This information is geared towards: - Big Data & Data Warehouse Architects, - ETL Developers - ETL Testers, Big Data Testers - Data Analysts - Operations teams - Business Intelligence (BI) Architects - Data Management Officers & Directors You will learn how to: - Improve your Data Quality - Accelerate your data testing cycles - Reduce your costs & risks - Provide a huge ROI (as high as 1,300%)

mongodboracleibm db2
Iron Mountain: Fueling Big Testing with Big Data - SiriusDecisions 2013
Iron Mountain: Fueling Big Testing with Big Data - SiriusDecisions 2013Iron Mountain: Fueling Big Testing with Big Data - SiriusDecisions 2013
Iron Mountain: Fueling Big Testing with Big Data - SiriusDecisions 2013

Let’s face it: marketing is in a big data bubble. Everyone is talking about data: big data, data analytics, and big data analytics. At the root of all this data mania in marketing is the very real revolution that’s shaping more data-driven organizations. Big data is finally opening the door to the executive suite for a more hybrid creative-analytical method. The key question data raises is how do we use it to not only know more about our customers, but to directly grow our business in significant ways? Iron Mountain has the answer: broadly embrace testing and controlled experimentation as the new “operating system” of marketing. The answer to big data’s potential is big testing.

post-click marketingion interactivea/b testing
• Reduce your costs & risks
• Improve your data quality
• Accelerate your testing cycles
• Share information with your team
with QuerySurge™ you can:
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• Provides huge ROI (i.e. 1,300%)*
*based on client’s calculation of Return on Investment
the QuerySurge advantage
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Automate the entire testing cycle
 Automate kickoff, tests, comparison, auto-emailed results
Create Tests easily with no SQL programming
 ensures minimal time & effort to create tests / obtain results
Test across different platforms
 data warehouse, Hadoop, NoSQL, database, flat file, XML
Collaborate with team
 Data Health dashboard, shared tests & auto-emailed reports
Verify more data & do it quickly
 verifies up to 100% of all data up to 1,000 x faster
Integrate for Continuous Delivery
 Integrates with most Build, ETL & QA management software
Finding Bad Data
 QS pulls data from data sources
 QS pulls data from target data store
 QS compares data quickly
 QS generates reports, audit trails
Reports, Data Health Dashboard
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Source Data
Target Data
QuerySurge™ Architecture
Installs on...
Connects to…
…or any other JDBC compliant data source
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Flat Files

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What is a Data Warehouse and How Do I Test It?
What is a Data Warehouse and How Do I Test It?What is a Data Warehouse and How Do I Test It?
What is a Data Warehouse and How Do I Test It?

ETL Testing: A primer for Testers on Data Warehouses, ETL, Business Intelligence and how to test them. Are you hearing and reading about Big Data, Enterprise Data Warehouses (EDW), the ETL Process and Business Intelligence (BI)? The software markets for EDW and BI are quickly approaching $22 billion, according to Gartner, and Big Data is growing at an exponential pace. Are you being tasked to test these environments or would you like to learn about them and be prepared for when you are asked to test them? RTTS, the Software Quality Experts, provided this groundbreaking webinar, based upon our many years of experience in providing software quality solutions for more than 400 companies. You will learn the answer to the following questions: • What is Big Data and what does it mean to me? • What are the business reasons for a building a Data Warehouse and for using Business Intelligence software? • How do Data Warehouses, Business Intelligence tools and ETL work from a technical perspective? • Who are the primary players in this software space? • How do I test these environments? • What tools should I use? This slide deck is geared towards:  QA Testers  Data Architects  Business Analysts  ETL Developers  Operations Teams  Project Managers ...and anyone else who is (a) new to the EDW space, (b) wants to be educated in the business and technical sides and (c) wants to understand how to test them.

software testingdata qualitydata warehousing
Test Automation for Data Warehouses
Test Automation for Data Warehouses Test Automation for Data Warehouses
Test Automation for Data Warehouses

This document discusses challenges and opportunities in automating testing for data warehouses and BI systems. It notes that while BI projects have adopted agile methodologies, testing has not. Large and diverse data volumes make testing nearly infinite test cases difficult. It proposes a testing lifecycle and V-model for BI systems. Automating complex functional tests, SQL validation, reconciliation, and test data generation can help address challenges by shortening regression cycles and enabling continuous testing. Various automation tools are discussed, including how they can validate ETL processes and reporting integrity. Automation can help complete testing and ensure data quality, compliance, and performance.

testingdata warehousingautomation
the Data World Distilled
the Data World Distilledthe Data World Distilled
the Data World Distilled

Bill Hayduk is the founder and CEO of QuerySurge, a software division that provides data integration and analytics solutions, with headquarters in New York; QuerySurge was founded in 1996 and has grown to serve Fortune 1000 customers through partnerships with technology companies and consulting firms. The document discusses the data and analytics marketplace and provides an overview of concepts like data warehousing, ETL, BI, data quality, data testing, big data, Hadoop, and NoSQL.

data integrationetl testingetl
- functional testing
- regression testing
- result analysis
Developers / DBAs
- unit testing
- result analysis
Data Analysts
- review, analyze data
- verify mapping failures
Operations teams
- monitoring
- result analysis
- oversight
- result analysis
Share information on the
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built by
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From a recent poll1 of:
• Big Data Experts
• Data Warehouse Architects
• Solution Architects
• ETL Architects
Recent Survey: Data Experts
Consensus Answer:
80% of data columns have no transformation at all
Our Question: What % of columns in your Data Warehouse
have no transformations at all?
1Poll conducted by RTTS on targeted LinkedIn groups
Why is this important?
Fast and Easy.
No programming needed.
built by
QuerySurge™ Modules
Compare by Table, Column & Row
• Perform 80% of all data tests
•Automatically generates SQL code
• Opens up testing to novice & non-
technical team members
• Speeds up testing for skilled SQL coders
• provides a huge Return-On-Investment

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Testing Big Data: Automated Testing of Hadoop with QuerySurge
Testing Big Data: Automated  Testing of Hadoop with QuerySurgeTesting Big Data: Automated  Testing of Hadoop with QuerySurge
Testing Big Data: Automated Testing of Hadoop with QuerySurge

Are You Ready? Stepping Up To The Big Data Challenge In 2016 - Learn why Testing is pivotal to the success of your Big Data Strategy. According to a new report by analyst firm IDG, 70% of enterprises have either deployed or are planning to deploy big data projects and programs this year due to the increase in the amount of data they need to manage. The growing variety of new data sources is pushing organizations to look for streamlined ways to manage complexities and get the most out of their data-related investments. The companies that do this correctly are realizing the power of big data for business expansion and growth. Learn why testing your enterprise's data is pivotal for success with big data and Hadoop. Learn how to increase your testing speed, boost your testing coverage (up to 100%), and improve the level of quality within your data - all with one data testing tool.

etl testing toolsbig data testingetl testing
Hadoop testing workshop - july 2013
Hadoop testing workshop - july 2013Hadoop testing workshop - july 2013
Hadoop testing workshop - july 2013

This document summarizes a Hadoop testing workshop agenda. The agenda covers testing fundamentals like unit tests, integration tests, and performance tests. It discusses why testing is important for catching bugs early and allowing for easy development. Specific best practices and examples are provided for writing unit tests for MapReduce jobs using MRUnit. Integration testing techniques using MiniMRCluster and MiniDFSCluster are also covered. The document concludes with suggestions for profiling and benchmarking performance as well as diagnosing issues using Hadoop APIs.

unit testingapache hadoopmapreduce
How to Test Big Data Systems | QualiTest Group
How to Test Big Data Systems | QualiTest GroupHow to Test Big Data Systems | QualiTest Group
How to Test Big Data Systems | QualiTest Group

Big Data is perceived as a huge amount of data and information but it is a lot more than this. Big Data may be said to be a whole set of approach, tools and methods of processing large volumes of unstructured as well as structured data. The three parameters on which Big Data is defined i.e. Volume, Variety and Velocity describes how you have to process an enormous amount of data in different formats at different rates. QualiTest is the world’s second largest pure play software testing and QA company. Testing and QA is all that we do! visit us at:

systemssoftware testinghadoop
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QuerySurge™ Modules
3 Types of Data Comparison Wizards:
The also provide you with automated features for:
o filtering (‘Where’ clause) and
o sorting (‘Order By’ clause)
Column-Level Comparison:
This is great for Big Data stores and Data Warehouses where tables will have some columns
containing transformations and some columns with no transformations. Many tables and
columns can be compared simultaneously and quickly.
Table-Level Comparison:
This comparator is great for Data Migrations and Database Upgrades with no
transformations at all. Many tables can be compared simultaneously and quickly.
Row Count Comparison:
Great for all - Big Data stores, Data Warehouses, Data Migrations and Database Upgrades.
Many tables and rows can be compared simultaneously and quickly.
Tests the columns that have no
transformations, which means it tests
approximately 80% of your data store without
you writing any SQL code
Big data, data warehouses
Value added:
novice or non-technical: no coding needed,
productive immediately
experienced user: saves time
built by
built by
Verifies data loads when no
transformation occurs
data migrations, upgrades
Value added:
novice or non-technical:
no coding needed
experienced user:
saves time
built by

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A data driven etl test framework sqlsat madison
A data driven etl test framework sqlsat madisonA data driven etl test framework sqlsat madison
A data driven etl test framework sqlsat madison

This document provides an overview and summary of a SQL Saturday event on automated database testing. It discusses: 1. The presenter's background and their company Protegra which focuses on Agile and Lean practices. 2. The learning objectives of the presentation which are around why and how to automate database testing using tools like tSQLt and SQLtest. 3. A comparison of Waterfall and Agile methodologies with a focus on how Agile lends itself better to test automation. 4. A demonstration of setting up and running simple tests using tSQLt to showcase how it can automate database testing and make it easier compared to traditional methods.

How to Automate your Enterprise Application / ERP Testing
How to Automate your  Enterprise Application / ERP TestingHow to Automate your  Enterprise Application / ERP Testing
How to Automate your Enterprise Application / ERP Testing

This document discusses automating enterprise application and data warehouse testing using QuerySurge. It begins with an introduction to QuerySurge and its modules for automating data interface testing. These modules allow testing across different data sources with no coding required. The document then covers data maturity models and how QuerySurge can help improve testing processes. It demonstrates how QuerySurge can automate testing to gain full coverage while decreasing testing time. In conclusion, it discusses how QuerySurge provides value through increased testing efficiency and data quality.

erpcrmsap testing
Automate data warehouse etl testing and migration testing the agile way
Automate data warehouse etl testing and migration testing the agile wayAutomate data warehouse etl testing and migration testing the agile way
Automate data warehouse etl testing and migration testing the agile way

Data Warehouse, ETL & Migration projects are exposed to huge financial risks due to lack of QA automation. At iCEDQ, we suggest the agile rules based testing approach for all data integration projects.

etltest driven developmentqa
Verify that the amount of rows from the
source match the amount from the target
Big data, data warehouse, data
migration, database upgrades, data
Value added:
novice: no coding needed
experienced user: saves time
built by
built by
all QuerySurge™ Modules
Design Library
SchedulingDeep-Dive Reporting
Run Dashboard
Query Wizards
Data Health Dashboard
Design Library
• Create custom Query Pairs (source & target SQLs)
• Great for team members skilled with SQL
QuerySurge™ Modules
 Build groups of Query Pairs
 Schedule Test Runs for:
• immediately
• at a specific date/time
• automatically after build or
ETL process
built by
Deep-Dive Reporting
 Examine and automatically
email test results
Run Dashboard
 View real-time execution
 Analyze real-time results
QuerySurge™ Modules
built by

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Testing Big Data: Automated ETL Testing of Hadoop
Testing Big Data: Automated ETL Testing of HadoopTesting Big Data: Automated ETL Testing of Hadoop
Testing Big Data: Automated ETL Testing of Hadoop

Learn why testing your enterprise's data is pivotal for success with Big Data and Hadoop. See how to increase your testing speed, boost your testing coverage (up to 100%), and improve the level of quality within your data warehouse - all with one ETL testing tool.

Oracle Real Application Testing: A Business Case
Oracle Real Application Testing: A Business CaseOracle Real Application Testing: A Business Case
Oracle Real Application Testing: A Business Case

This document presents a business case for adopting Real Application Testing (RAT) to test upgrades and patches for a large insurance company's data warehousing system. It estimates that using RAT could reduce testing labor hours by 41% and yield a payback period of less than 12 months due to savings in upgrade costs, monthly patching costs, and production support costs. Adopting RAT could potentially provide even greater savings if it was used to test all 53 applications in the system or reduce issues across all patch upgrades.

oracle real application testing a business case
QuerySurge AI webinar
QuerySurge AI webinarQuerySurge AI webinar
QuerySurge AI webinar

Slide deck of our webinar about QuerySurge AI, a new paradigm that provides a radical shift in ETL testing by leveraging artificial intelligence through its no-code low-code solution. During this webinar, we covered the following topics, showcasing the features of QuerySurge AI: - How to utilize QuerySurge AI to fully automate the test development process - How to quickly convert data mapping documents with complex logic transformations from plain text into data validation tests in the data store’s native SQL with little to no human intervention - How QuerySurge AI automatically injects these tests into QuerySurge folders, ready for execution - How quickly these test can be run to completion The Goal - Gain valuable insights into how QuerySurge AI can benefit your organization, including: - A dramatic reduction in test development time through artificial intelligence - Reduced skillset needed for test creation -A massive increase in ROI For more information on QuerySurge AI, go to

querysurgequery surgeartificial intelligence
QuerySurge Test Management Connectors
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 Drive QuerySurge execution from your Test Management Solution
 Outcome results (Pass/Fail/etc.) are returned from QuerySurge to your Test Management Solution
 Results are linked in your Test Management Solution so that you can click directly into detailed QuerySurge
• HP ALM (Quality Center)
• Microsoft Team Foundation Server
• IBM Rational Quality Manager
Integration with leading
Test Management Solutions
License Types:
 Full User
 Participant User (i.e. read-only)
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License Model for:
 own QuerySurgeTM, pay annual maintenance
 use QuerySurgeTM for set period (12 months)
8/18/2015 27
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Training Courses
Data Warehouse Testing
• Data Warehouse & ETL Testing Fundamentals (1 day)
• Fundamentals of QuerySurge (1 day)
• Introduction to SQL for QuerySurge (1 day)
• Advanced SQL techniques for QuerySurge (1 day)
Big Data Testing
• Big Data And ETL Testing Fundamentals
• Introduction To Big Data Testing Using Hive And HQL
RTTS, the software quality experts (and developer of QuerySurge), provides consulting
solutions to the challenges of Big Data & Data Warehouse / ETL Testing
• Jumpstart 2-week program – combines training courses, mentoring, consulting
• Staff Augmentation – add additional RTTS resources to your team
• Outsourcing - RTTS can perform all testing, including planning, design, execution
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• Live Chat through QuerySurge or web site
• Email support through Zendesk
• Yammer Network
• Webex sessions
• Phone support

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Deliver Trusted Data by Leveraging ETL Testing
Deliver Trusted Data by Leveraging ETL TestingDeliver Trusted Data by Leveraging ETL Testing
Deliver Trusted Data by Leveraging ETL Testing

We explore how extract, transform and load (ETL) testing with SQL scripting is crucial to data validation and show how to test data on a large scale in a streamlined manner with an Informatica ETL testing tool.

etl testingverticadata extraction
Resume sailaja
Resume sailajaResume sailaja
Resume sailaja

Sailaja Prasad Mohanty is a software test engineer with 3 years of experience in testing data warehouses and reporting tools. He has worked on projects involving Teradata, SAP HANA, Vertica, and Tableau. His skills include test automation using Selenium, Protractor, Python and Java. He is proficient in test data management tools like CA TDM and performance testing tools like JMeter. He is currently working as a test engineer at Infosys where he performs data warehouse testing, requirement gathering, test automation, and knowledge transfer.

Copy of Alok_Singh_CV
Copy of Alok_Singh_CVCopy of Alok_Singh_CV
Copy of Alok_Singh_CV

Alok Singh is seeking challenging assignments in Business Intelligence/Data warehousing. He has nearly 7 years of experience in BI/DW, ETL, data integration, and data warehousing solution design. He is proficient in SQL, ETL tools like Informatica and SSIS, and visualization tools like QlikView and Tableau. He has experience designing and developing ETL solutions, requirements gathering, and data analysis. His past roles include positions at Technologia, Subex, and Reliance Communications where he worked on projects involving Teradata, Oracle, billing systems, and fraud detection. He has a bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunications.

(1) Trial in the Cloud of QuerySurgeTM, including self-learning
tutorial that works with sample data for 3 days
(2) Downloaded Trial of QuerySurgeTM, including self-learning
tutorial with sample data or your data for 15 days
(3) Proof of Concept of QuerySurgeTM includes our team of experts
assisting you for 30 days
for more information on (1), (2) and (3),
Go to
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Free TrialsQuerySurge™
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For more on the Query Wizards, go to

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Query Wizards - data testing made easy - no programming

  • 1. built by Introducing the new We just made data testing REALLY EASY! No programming needed Automate your Data Warehouse & Big Data Testing and Reap the Benefits *available for download on August 3, 2015
  • 2. built by QuerySurge™ About FACTS Founded: 1996 Locations: New York (HQ), Atlanta, Philadelphia, Phoenix Strategic Partners: IBM, Microsoft, HP, Oracle, Teradata, HortonWorks, Cloudera, Amazon Software: QuerySurge RTTS is the leading provider of software & data quality for critical business systems
  • 3. “70% of enterprises have either deployed or are planning to deploy big data projects and programs this year” – analyst firm IDG “46% of companies cite data quality as a barrier for adopting Business Intelligence products.” - InformationWeek “Poor data quality is a primary reason for 40% of all business initiatives failing to achieve their targeted benefits.” - analyst firm Gartner Data Quality Issues built by QuerySurge™
  • 4. 2 Prevalent DataTesting Strategies built by QuerySurge™ 1) Stare & Compare 2) Minus Queries
  • 5. DataTesting Strategy #1: Stare & Compare built by QuerySurge™ • Review Mapping Document (business rules, data flow mapping, data movement requirements) • Write Tests in SQL editor • Execute 2 Tests: 1 at Source & 1 at Target • Dump results to 2 Excel files • Compare results by eye (Stare & Compare) Difficulty with Stare & Compare: Impossible to visually compare millions/billions of data sets visually. Example: Current QuerySurge customer has: • a single test with 100 million rows • 200 columns • = 20 billion data sets • the client has > 7,000 total tests Data Tester’s Current Process
  • 6. built by QuerySurge™ MINUS QUERIES subtract one result set from another result set to show difference Comment: MINUS QUERIES need to be executed 2x (Source MINUS Target; Target MINUS Source) Result sets may not be accurate when dealing with duplicate rows of data No historical data from past testing – audit and regulatory issues Processing of minus queries puts pressure on the servers Double execution means 2x testing time and resource utilization Potential for false positives (bad data could exist on both sides of an ETL leg) DataTesting Strategy #2: Minus Queries Minus Query #1: Table_1 MINUS Table_2 Minus Query #2: Table_2 MINUS Table_1 Result Set #1 Result Set #2 ISSUES with MINUS QUERIES Write 2 MINUS queries in SQL editor Execute MINUS queries 2x
  • 7. DataTesting Strategies built by QuerySurge™ a fundamental issue with the 2 Strategies: Assumption that all team members understand and can write SQL code
  • 8. What is QuerySurge™? the collaborative Data Testing solution that finds bad data & provides a holistic view of your data’s health built by
  • 9. • Reduce your costs & risks • Improve your data quality • Accelerate your testing cycles • Share information with your team with QuerySurge™ you can: built by QuerySurge™ • Provides huge ROI (i.e. 1,300%)* *based on client’s calculation of Return on Investment
  • 10. the QuerySurge advantage built by QuerySurge™ Automate the entire testing cycle  Automate kickoff, tests, comparison, auto-emailed results Create Tests easily with no SQL programming  ensures minimal time & effort to create tests / obtain results Test across different platforms  data warehouse, Hadoop, NoSQL, database, flat file, XML Collaborate with team  Data Health dashboard, shared tests & auto-emailed reports Verify more data & do it quickly  verifies up to 100% of all data up to 1,000 x faster Integrate for Continuous Delivery  Integrates with most Build, ETL & QA management software
  • 11. Finding Bad Data SQL HQL SQL HQL SQL SQL  QS pulls data from data sources  QS pulls data from target data store  QS compares data quickly  QS generates reports, audit trails How? Reports, Data Health Dashboard built by QuerySurge™ Source Data Target Data
  • 12. QuerySurge™ Architecture Web-based… Installs on... Linux Connects to… …or any other JDBC compliant data source built by QuerySurge™ QuerySurge Controller QuerySurge Server QuerySurge Agents Flat Files
  • 13. Collaboration Testers - functional testing - regression testing - result analysis Developers / DBAs - unit testing - result analysis Data Analysts - review, analyze data - verify mapping failures Operations teams - monitoring - result analysis Managers - oversight - result analysis Share information on the built by QuerySurge™
  • 15. built by From a recent poll1 of: • Big Data Experts • Data Warehouse Architects • Solution Architects • ETL Architects Recent Survey: Data Experts Consensus Answer: 80% of data columns have no transformation at all Our Question: What % of columns in your Data Warehouse have no transformations at all? 1Poll conducted by RTTS on targeted LinkedIn groups Why is this important?
  • 16. Fast and Easy. No programming needed. built by QuerySurge™ QuerySurge™ Modules Compare by Table, Column & Row • Perform 80% of all data tests •Automatically generates SQL code • Opens up testing to novice & non- technical team members • Speeds up testing for skilled SQL coders • provides a huge Return-On-Investment
  • 17. built by QuerySurge™ QuerySurge™ Modules 3 Types of Data Comparison Wizards: The also provide you with automated features for: o filtering (‘Where’ clause) and o sorting (‘Order By’ clause) Column-Level Comparison: This is great for Big Data stores and Data Warehouses where tables will have some columns containing transformations and some columns with no transformations. Many tables and columns can be compared simultaneously and quickly. Table-Level Comparison: This comparator is great for Data Migrations and Database Upgrades with no transformations at all. Many tables can be compared simultaneously and quickly. Row Count Comparison: Great for all - Big Data stores, Data Warehouses, Data Migrations and Database Upgrades. Many tables and rows can be compared simultaneously and quickly.
  • 18. Uses: Tests the columns that have no transformations, which means it tests approximately 80% of your data store without you writing any SQL code Tests: Big data, data warehouses Value added: novice or non-technical: no coding needed, productive immediately experienced user: saves time built by QuerySurge™
  • 20. Uses: Verifies data loads when no transformation occurs Tests: data migrations, upgrades Value added: novice or non-technical: no coding needed experienced user: saves time built by QuerySurge™
  • 21. Use: Verify that the amount of rows from the source match the amount from the target Tests: Big data, data warehouse, data migration, database upgrades, data interfaces Value added: novice: no coding needed experienced user: saves time built by QuerySurge™ _________ Total
  • 22. built by QuerySurge™ all QuerySurge™ Modules Design Library SchedulingDeep-Dive Reporting Run Dashboard Query Wizards Data Health Dashboard
  • 23. Design Library • Create custom Query Pairs (source & target SQLs) • Great for team members skilled with SQL QuerySurge™ Modules Scheduling  Build groups of Query Pairs  Schedule Test Runs for: • immediately • at a specific date/time • automatically after build or ETL process built by QuerySurge™
  • 24. Deep-Dive Reporting  Examine and automatically email test results Run Dashboard  View real-time execution  Analyze real-time results QuerySurge™ Modules built by QuerySurge™
  • 25. QuerySurge Test Management Connectors built by QuerySurge™  Drive QuerySurge execution from your Test Management Solution  Outcome results (Pass/Fail/etc.) are returned from QuerySurge to your Test Management Solution  Results are linked in your Test Management Solution so that you can click directly into detailed QuerySurge results • HP ALM (Quality Center) • Microsoft Team Foundation Server • IBM Rational Quality Manager Integration with leading Test Management Solutions
  • 26. Licensing License Types:  Full User  Participant User (i.e. read-only) built by QuerySurge™ License Model for: Perpetual  own QuerySurgeTM, pay annual maintenance Subscription  use QuerySurgeTM for set period (12 months) QuerySurge™
  • 27. 8/18/2015 27 built by QuerySurge™ Training Courses Data Warehouse Testing • Data Warehouse & ETL Testing Fundamentals (1 day) • Fundamentals of QuerySurge (1 day) • Introduction to SQL for QuerySurge (1 day) • Advanced SQL techniques for QuerySurge (1 day) Big Data Testing • Big Data And ETL Testing Fundamentals • Introduction To Big Data Testing Using Hive And HQL Consulting RTTS, the software quality experts (and developer of QuerySurge), provides consulting solutions to the challenges of Big Data & Data Warehouse / ETL Testing • Jumpstart 2-week program – combines training courses, mentoring, consulting • Staff Augmentation – add additional RTTS resources to your team • Outsourcing - RTTS can perform all testing, including planning, design, execution
  • 28. built by QuerySurge™ Support • Live Chat through QuerySurge or web site • Email support through Zendesk • Yammer Network • Webex sessions • Phone support
  • 29. (1) Trial in the Cloud of QuerySurgeTM, including self-learning tutorial that works with sample data for 3 days (2) Downloaded Trial of QuerySurgeTM, including self-learning tutorial with sample data or your data for 15 days (3) Proof of Concept of QuerySurgeTM includes our team of experts assisting you for 30 days for more information on (1), (2) and (3), Go to TRIAL IN THE CLOUD built by QuerySurge™ Free TrialsQuerySurge™ Proof of Concept
  • 30. built by QuerySurge™ QuerySurge For more on the Query Wizards, go to

Editor's Notes

  1. I typically read the quotes
  2. Talk through the process
  3. QuerySurge provides insight into the health of your data throughout your organization through BI dashboards and reporting at your fingertips. It is a collaborative tool that allows for distributed use of the tool throughout your organization and provides for a sharable, holistic view of your data’s health and your organization’s level of maturity of your data management.
  4. QuerySurge helps your team coordinate your data quality initiatives while speeding up your development and testing cycles and finding your bad data. Why risk having your team identify trends and develop strategic initiatives when the underlying data is incorrect? QuerySurge reduces this risk.
  5. QuerySurge finds bad data by natively connecting to: any data source, whether it is any type of database, flat file or xml and can connect to any data target, whether it is a db, file, xml, data warehouse or hadoop implementation. QuerySurge pulls data from the source and the target and compares them very quickly (typically in a few minutes) and then produces reports that show every data difference, even if there are millions of rows and hundreds of columns in the test. These reports can be automatically emailed to your team. You can pick from a multitude of reports or export the results so that you can build your own reports.
  6. Your distributed team from around the world can use any of these web browsers: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Installs on operating systems: Windows & Linux. QS connects to any JDBC-compliant data source. Even if it is not listed here.
  7. QuerySurge can utilized by active practitioners such as testers & developers to create and launch tests, or by managers, analysts and operations to view data test results and the overall health of the data. QuerySurge facilitates this by providing 2 types of licenses: (1) full user & (2) participant user. (1) Full User – This type of user has unlimited access to create QueryPairs, Suites, and Scenarios. This user can also schedule and run tests, see results, run and export reports, and export data. Perfect for anyone creating and/or running data tests while performing analysis of results. (2) Participant User – This user cannot create or run tests, but has access to all other information - including viewing all query pairs, results, and reports, receiving email notifications, and exporting test results and reports. Perfect for managers, analysts, architects, DBAs, developers, and operations users who need to know the health of their data.