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Киев 2017
Первый в Украине фестиваль тестирования
Developing multi-platform
mobile SDK, what can go wrong
with quality?
Diana Pinchuk,
QA Engineer, GetSocial
Киев 2017
About speaker
• ~ 4 years in testing
• Various projects and platforms
• Passionate about technologies
• GDG Lviv and GDG DevFest Ukraine organizer
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
• What is mobile SDK?
• Testing SDK is trickier than it could appear
• Problems you may face
• What is “Integration testing” when you
develop SDK + Demo
• Helpful tools
• Q&A
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
What is SDK?
Software development kit
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
- a set of software development tools that allows
the creation of applications for a certain
software package, software framework,
hardware platform, operating system, or similar
development platform.

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The document discusses continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous delivery (CI/CD). It notes that CI/CD aims to continuously release quality code to production with confidence. It also discusses that tools, processes, and people are critical parts of the CI/CD model. The document then outlines Intuit's journey to implement CI/CD across its organization over multiple years to improve software delivery.

continuous integration continuous testing cd
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A talk I gave at the Montgomery County Java User's Group on Continuous Delivery Tools and Techniques.

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"DevOps > CI+CD "
"DevOps > CI+CD ""DevOps > CI+CD "
"DevOps > CI+CD "

This document discusses DevOps and continuous delivery. It begins by introducing the speaker and defining DevOps as applying kanban principles and focusing on reducing lead time from idea to production. It then discusses how continuous integration, continuous delivery, test automation, and breaking work into small batches can help reduce lead time. The document emphasizes that DevOps is not just about tools but also culture and processes.

devopscontinuous delivery
Киев 2017
Why am I talking about testing
mobile SDK?
• I didn’t find anything similar in internet
• You can’t know what you’ll test on your next
• Your testing paradigma can be turned upside
• But, best testing practices can be used
anywhere, “I guarantee it”
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
What is our product?
A complete solution to drive organic user
acquisition and social engagement.
It consists of:
• Developers Dashboard
• Microservices backend
Check for details
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
What problems do we solve?
• Increase user retention
• Build in-app communities
• Expand viral channels
• Increase organic growth
• Maximize user acquisition value
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
What did we start from?
• No QA processes
• Lots of bugs discovered by clients
• Testing only SDK is not enough, but you won’t
test the whole customer’s app games because
it’s time-consuming
• Tricky third-party issues
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>

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The presentation about the fundamentals of DevOps workflow and CI/CD practices I presented at Centroida ( as a back-end development intern.

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The document provides an overview of DevOps fundamentals and key events in the history and evolution of DevOps. It discusses the Agile Manifesto created in 2001 to promote lightweight software development processes. It then outlines the three main transformations required for DevOps - process, technology, and culture. Process transformation involves development and operations teams working together throughout the service lifecycle. Technology transformation relies on automation and infrastructure as code. Culture transformation requires high trust, collaboration, and collective ownership. The document also discusses continuous integration, validation, delivery, deployment, and improvement as DevOps principles.

Continuous delivery applied
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Continuous delivery applied

This document discusses continuous delivery, which aims to build, test, and release software faster through frequent integration and deployment. The goals are quality, speed, and reducing the time it takes to deploy changes from development to production through practices like test-driven development, continuous integration, automated testing, and deployment pipelines. It provides an overview of tools to support continuous delivery processes.

conticontinuous delivery
Киев 2017
Actually, it wasn’t so bad
• Devs did 5 releases and still alive (have clients
and gain money)
• Devs are concerned about quality a lot, that’s
• Fast and dedicated support
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
Common problems for mobile
apps and SDK
• Fragmentation hell
• Network-related problems
• Mobile architecture issues
• OS version diversity
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
Specific problems you may face
testing mobile SDK
• Your testing is far from the “end”
• Unexpected bugs in prod (long to fix)
• Third-party issues
• Your sense of beauty is not important
• Some types of testing are really not needed
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
Problems you may face - you are
not done yet!
• Your SDK will be integrated into completely
another product
• It doesn’t mean it will be integrated correctly
• Key focus - interaction of your SDK with the
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>

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The document discusses reversing the "tests pyramid" approach to address technical debt in legacy code. It notes that unit testing is difficult for code without separation of concerns, but refactoring without tests is risky. It proposes starting with high-level tests to gain confidence for refactoring into units and writing unit tests incrementally. However, end-to-end tests are long to maintain, and if needed, the architecture may be flawed. Reversing the tests pyramid and refactoring code in this way takes time but pays back technical debt and allows for sustainable changes. Beware of refactoring just for its own sake - focus on removing duplication and improving changeability.

DevOps Days Columbus - Derek Weeks - 2019
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This document summarizes Derek Weeks' presentation on analyzing open source software supply chains using metrics like time to remediate vulnerabilities, time to update dependencies, and prevalence of stale dependencies. It finds that projects which release frequently, update dependencies quickly, and have larger development teams tend to be more secure, popular, and well-maintained. Projects are clustered into exemplars, laggards, features-first, and cautious groups based on these metrics. Exemplar projects with small, efficient teams are recommended as the best open source suppliers to use. The document advocates for automating security and supply chain management to achieve faster DevOps feedback loops.

Киев 2017
Problems you may face - long
shipping process
We are shipping binary packages and customers
can take weeks to update to the recent version
...and then upload their app to the App
Store/Google Play
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
Problems you may face - third-
party issues
• E.g. Facebook bug
• or recent Twitter update
• We have 7 more invite channels :-O
• And a lot more features...
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
Problems you may face - some
testing types are not needed
• Your sense of beauty is “neglected” as
customers will (hopefully) develop their own
• Some testing types are not needed (e.g.
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
Integration… is not that you
were thinking about
• Game devs usually integrate their game with
12-16 SDKs
• Integration bugs on each particular game can
be different
• Bugs differ according to platform (not only
iOS/Android, but also Unity, Cordova)
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>

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QA Strategies for Testing Legacy Web Apps

Paul Miles, Software Development Manager at NPR, discusses QA strategies and tools his team uses to address the challenge of maintaining legacy products at NPR. In this presentation, he covers: - How to effectively strategize what types of tests to add to legacy software - What cost-effective tools and testing strategies you can adopt in your organization - Approaches about how to incorporate testing into your organization’s build pipelines - How to foster testing centric culture in your organization

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This document summarizes a presentation about continuous integration and its benefits. It discusses how CI can find bugs faster, enable safe testing, and allow teams to test earlier. It also explains that CI is more than just pre-release testing and can improve communication, oversight, learning, and onboarding. The presentation demonstrates CI tools from Sauce Labs and Jenkins and discusses how Jenkins can help teams achieve continuous delivery. It outlines the testing spectrum and argues CI and Jenkins are critical steps towards continuous delivery of software.

DevOps Training | DevOps Training Video | DevOps Tools | DevOps Tutorial For ...
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This presentation about DevOps will help you learn what is DevOps, the lifecycle of DevOps, different tools used in DevOps life cycle, version control system, continuous integration, and deployment. You will also understand how DevOps performs configuration management, containerization and continuous monitoring of applications. DevOps is a culture that allows the Development and Operations team to work together. In this video, you will see how an organization can use DevOps tools and techniques to build a website. Finally, you will implement Git, Jenkins, and Puppet and gain hands-on experience in it. Now, let us get started with DevOps training. Below topics are explained in this DevOps training Video: 1. What is DevOps? 2. DevOps Lifecycle 3. DevOps Tools 4. Version Control System 5. CI/CD 6. Configuration Management 7. Containerization 8. Monitoring Why learn DevOps? Simplilearn’s DevOps training course is designed to help you become a DevOps practitioner and apply the latest in DevOps methodology to automate your software development lifecycle right out of the class. You will master configuration management; continuous integration deployment, delivery, and monitoring using DevOps tools such as Git, Docker, Jenkins, Puppet, and Nagios in a practical, hands-on and interactive approach. The DevOps training course focuses heavily on the use of Docker containers, a technology that is revolutionizing the way apps are deployed in the cloud today and is a critical skillset to master in the cloud age. After completing the DevOps training course you will achieve hands-on expertise in various aspects of the DevOps delivery model. The practical learning outcomes of this Devops training course are: An understanding of DevOps and the modern DevOps toolsets The ability to automate all aspects of a modern code delivery and deployment pipeline using: 1. Source code management tools 2. Build tools 3. Test automation tools 4. Containerization through Docker 5. Configuration management tools 6. Monitoring tools Who should take this course? DevOps career opportunities are thriving worldwide. DevOps was featured as one of the 11 best jobs in America for 2017, according to CBS News, and data from shows that DevOps Managers earn as much as $122,234 per year, with DevOps engineers making as much as $151,461. DevOps jobs are the third-highest tech role ranked by employer demand on but have the second-highest talent deficit. 1. This DevOps training course will be of benefit the following professional roles: 2. Software Developers 3. Technical Project Managers 4. Architects 5. Operations Support 6. Deployment engineers 7. IT managers 8. Development managers Learn more at

devops trainingdevops training videosdevops training for beginners
Киев 2017
Demo time
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
Useful tools
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Hiptest HockeyappAppium
Киев 2017
What can be helpful except
• RTFM (i.e. mobile testing books, blogs, chats
• Heuristics
• Mnemonics (e.g. TAP IT UP)
• Testing tours (example)
• Mind maps (example)
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>

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DevOps is a spectacular mish-mash of development and operations processes and practices that has been growing increasingly popular in recent years. With the upward trending rate in adoption comes the need for organizations to fully understand the key practices as well as thoroughly integrating team members, especially testers, throughout the delivery pipeline. Getting started with DevOps practices can be a little tricky when choosing the right tools, people, and processes. In this webinar, we’ll focus on helping you make the switch without diminishing the team’s delivered product quality, so that the transition meets the enterprise objectives of speed and reliability. Tune in to learn: The biggest concern when moving to DevOps - and how to handle it Why you need ‘Coding Testers’ The best tools for the job The process of failing fast, and its significance to testers Measuring the transition - recommended metrics The value of DevOps long-term - efficiency, repeatability & reliability Don’t worry about failing - it’s a part of the process!

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Киев 2017
What do we have now
• Autotests (hell, yeah), they really work!
• Close collaboration between devs and QAs
• Management understood the value of QA
• QAs help with customer support
• Stable major release 🎉
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
• You will test completely different products
during your career.
• Best test practices can be applicable to any of
• Devs are your best friends.
• Just do it!
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
1. J.Kohl “Tap into mobile testing”
2. Heuristic Test Strategy Model by J.Bach
3. Adventures in QA blog
4. Very nice QA Fest talk from Anna Karpenko
5. A bunch of useful testing mind maps
6. “Android development for beginners” course
7. “You are not done yet” checklist
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Киев 2017
<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
Thank you!

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In this whitepaper, we will deep dive into the concept of continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment and explain how businesses can benefit from this. We will also elucidate on how to build an effective CI/CD pipeline and some of the best practices for your enterprise DevOps journey.

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DevOps: a TOC perspective. 談到 DevOps,許多人都會從 CALMS 角度來談:文化、自動化、精實、量測、分享,或從《鳳凰項目》的「三步工作法」著手。但光從這些角度,會不會推導出一些不符組織現況的優先順序及行動建議? 這次演講,我從高德拉特的「限制理論」(Theory of Constraints) 角度,帶領大家縱覽整個 DevOps 環節,可因應組織的特殊性,推導出較適合的 DevOps 方針。不只給你魚,更給你「思維方法」的釣竿。 PS. 在另一個場合的同名演講,加長版錄影:

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To find out more about training on AWS, visit: AWS Pop-up Loft | London, April 28, 2016

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QA Fest 2017. Диана Пинчук. Разработка мульти- платформенного мобильного SDK: что может пойти не так в плане качества?

  • 1. Киев 2017 Первый в Украине фестиваль тестирования Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality? Diana Pinchuk, QA Engineer, GetSocial
  • 2. Киев 2017 About speaker • ~ 4 years in testing • Various projects and platforms • Passionate about technologies • GDG Lviv and GDG DevFest Ukraine organizer <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 3. Киев 2017 Agenda • What is mobile SDK? • Testing SDK is trickier than it could appear • Problems you may face • What is “Integration testing” when you develop SDK + Demo • Helpful tools • Q&A <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 4. Киев 2017 What is SDK? Software development kit <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?> - a set of software development tools that allows the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, operating system, or similar development platform.
  • 5. Киев 2017 Why am I talking about testing mobile SDK? • I didn’t find anything similar in internet • You can’t know what you’ll test on your next job • Your testing paradigma can be turned upside down • But, best testing practices can be used anywhere, “I guarantee it” <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 6. Киев 2017 What is our product? A complete solution to drive organic user acquisition and social engagement. It consists of: • SDK • Developers Dashboard • Microservices backend Check for details <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 7. Киев 2017 What problems do we solve? • Increase user retention • Build in-app communities • Expand viral channels • Increase organic growth • Maximize user acquisition value <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 8. Киев 2017 What did we start from? • No QA processes • Lots of bugs discovered by clients • Testing only SDK is not enough, but you won’t test the whole customer’s app games because it’s time-consuming • Tricky third-party issues <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 9. Киев 2017 Actually, it wasn’t so bad • Devs did 5 releases and still alive (have clients and gain money) • Devs are concerned about quality a lot, that’s good • Fast and dedicated support • TDD <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 10. Киев 2017 Common problems for mobile apps and SDK • Fragmentation hell • Network-related problems • Mobile architecture issues • OS version diversity <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 11. Киев 2017 Specific problems you may face testing mobile SDK • Your testing is far from the “end” • Unexpected bugs in prod (long to fix) • Third-party issues • Your sense of beauty is not important • Some types of testing are really not needed <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 12. Киев 2017 Problems you may face - you are not done yet! • Your SDK will be integrated into completely another product • It doesn’t mean it will be integrated correctly • Key focus - interaction of your SDK with the app <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 13. Киев 2017 Problems you may face - long shipping process We are shipping binary packages and customers can take weeks to update to the recent version ...and then upload their app to the App Store/Google Play <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 14. Киев 2017 Problems you may face - third- party issues • E.g. Facebook bug • or recent Twitter update • We have 7 more invite channels :-O • And a lot more features... <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 15. Киев 2017 Problems you may face - some testing types are not needed • Your sense of beauty is “neglected” as customers will (hopefully) develop their own UI • Some testing types are not needed (e.g. accessibility) <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 16. Киев 2017 Integration… is not that you were thinking about • Game devs usually integrate their game with 12-16 SDKs • Integration bugs on each particular game can be different • Bugs differ according to platform (not only iOS/Android, but also Unity, Cordova) <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 17. Киев 2017 Demo time <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 18. Киев 2017<Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 19. Киев 2017 Useful tools <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?> Hiptest HockeyappAppium RunscopePostman Vysor StethoCharles
  • 20. Киев 2017 What can be helpful except tools? • RTFM (i.e. mobile testing books, blogs, chats etc.) • Heuristics • Mnemonics (e.g. TAP IT UP) • Testing tours (example) • Mind maps (example) <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 21. Киев 2017 What do we have now • Autotests (hell, yeah), they really work! • Close collaboration between devs and QAs • Management understood the value of QA • QAs help with customer support • Stable major release 🎉 <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 22. Киев 2017 Conclusions • You will test completely different products during your career. • Best test practices can be applicable to any of them. • Devs are your best friends. • Just do it! <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 23. Киев 2017 References: 1. J.Kohl “Tap into mobile testing” 2. Heuristic Test Strategy Model by J.Bach 3. Adventures in QA blog 4. Very nice QA Fest talk from Anna Karpenko 5. A bunch of useful testing mind maps 6. “Android development for beginners” course for-beginners--ud837/ 7. “You are not done yet” checklist DoneYet.pdf <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?>
  • 24. Киев 2017 @diana_pinchuk <Developing multi-platform mobile SDK, what can go wrong with quality?> Thank you! Questions?