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Progressive Web Apps
PWA 是什么?
– Shelwon
“利用现代 Web 新技术以尝试在移动设备上提供
接近 Native App 体验的 Web Apps”

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Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...

This document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.

Progressive web apps with Angular 2
Progressive web apps with Angular 2Progressive web apps with Angular 2
Progressive web apps with Angular 2

This document discusses building progressive web apps with Angular 2. It covers using service workers to enable offline functionality through caching, implementing an app shell architecture for immediate loading, and other features like background syncing and push notifications. The last section describes the Angular Mobile Toolkit for generating starter code and manifest files to help develop progressive web apps.

progressive web appsangular 2service worker
Progressive web apps
Progressive web apps Progressive web apps
Progressive web apps

El documento proporciona información sobre Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Explica que una PWA es una aplicación desarrollada únicamente con tecnología web que funciona de forma nativa, incluso sin conexión. Detalla las características clave de una PWA como iconos en la pantalla de inicio, modo inmersivo, pantalla de carga y notificaciones push nativas. Además, resalta las ventajas de las PWA sobre las aplicaciones nativas en términos de tiempo de instalación, actualizaciones y uso de recursos.

by Biko
progressive web appappweb
PWA 101
PWA 101

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Building a Progressive Web App

The document discusses building progressive web apps (PWAs). PWAs are web applications that are fast, reliable and engaging like native mobile apps. The key aspects of PWAs discussed are: 1) They use technologies like service workers, web app manifests and push notifications to provide app-like capabilities and improve user experience and engagement on the web. 2) An example of Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce site, is provided which saw 3x time spent and 40% returning visitors with their PWA implementation. 3) Core features discussed that make PWAs engaging include fast loading, adding to homescreen for app-like launching, handling flaky networks well, instant reloading and

web developmentmobile webprogressive web apps
From AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWAFrom AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWA

Let's focus on the Mobile Web and talk about the keys to a building a great mobile experience. From AMP (=Accelerated Mobile Pages) as a starting point up to PWA (=Progressive Web Apps). I will cover the steps through some of the key features we see as core to the modern web experience. As a bonus, we will close with new APIs that expending the web even farther.

web developmentamppwa
PWA 與 Service Worker
PWA 與 Service WorkerPWA 與 Service Worker
PWA 與 Service Worker

2017/01/23【F2E&RGBA Meetup】所分享的內容 簡介: PWA (Progressive Web App) 是 Google 在 2015 年所提出的概念,2016 年我們開始看到許多 PWA 應用像是 The Washington Post、Flipkart、Gmail、AliExpress、Wikipedia、Flipboard、Booking 等實務案例,本次分享將介紹 PWA 與 HTML5 Offline API 搭配 Service Worker,讓我們的網站在離線的時候還能夠進行瀏覽,打造出更好的用戶體驗。 活動網址:

pwaprogressive web appservice worker
PWA 的特性
• 体验流畅 - 接近 Native App 的交互和体验
• 安全 - 强制使用 HTTPS 来通信
• 利于 SEO - manifest 可以让搜索引擎更好地发现应
• 便于分享 - 通过 Url 就可以轻松分享
• 可安装 - 添加图标到主屏幕
• 离线运行 - 没有网���和网速差的条件仍然可以提供访
• 推送消息 - 像 Native App 那样收到消息推送
• 持续更新- 可以悄悄地在后台更新应用数据
如何升级到 PWA

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Building a Progressive Web App
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Building a Progressive Web App

What makes something a Progressive Web App? A discussion about the qualities and real world use-cases for developing a PWA. This was presented at DevFestDC 2016.

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早在 Chrome 31 的时候
PWA 101
PWA 101

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What are Progressive Web Apps and should you build one? This presentation looks at the problems PWA is aiming to solve and shows you how to get started.

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Progressive Web Apps - Lightning Talk
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Progressive Web Apps - Lightning Talk

Progressive Web Apps (or PWA) are secure web apps, that by using modern web standards and progressive enhancement, can behave like native apps. These slides are from the Lightning Talks I gave around the Netherlands in Januari 2017. The demo code is also available on Github at

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Progressive Web Apps - NPD Meet
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Progressive Web Apps - NPD Meet

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (PWA) as presented in Divum's New Product Developers Meet. PWA provides highly reliable, fast & engaged mobile like user experience on the web.

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The Web App Manifest
PWA 101
• short_name:PWA 图标被添加到主屏幕时候显示的名字(类似主屏幕上
Native App 的名字)
• name: PWA 启动时的标题。
• icons:PWA 图标
• start_url:定义了 PWA 的入口页面。比如开发者把这个属性设为 Flipkart
Lite 的商品列表页,那么从主屏打开就是 Flipkart Lite 的商品列表页。
• theme_color/background_color:主题色与背景色,用于配置一些可定制的
操作系统 UI 以提高用户体验,比如 Android 的状态栏、任务栏等。
• display:设置你的 PWA 启动时是全屏还是像在浏览器那样有顶部导航栏。
• orientation:设置 PWA 启动时候是横屏还是竖屏。

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Introducción a las Progressive web apps

Progressive Web Apps es el término que se ha acuñado para describir a las webapps que utilizan service-workers para cachear su contenido y que puedan ser utilizadas aún cuando no hay conexión a internet. Además veremos cómo podemos definir un archivo manifest con la descripción de nuestra webapp y un pequeño ejemplo de cómo recibir notificaciones push en nuestra pwa.

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Progressive Web Apps - Porque nativo no es significa mejor

Presentación para el Google Developer Group DevFest 2016 de Granada sobre "Progressive Web Apps" y todo lo relacionado con ellas

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Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)
Building Progressive Web Apps (Kyle Buchanan)

With the recent advancements in modern browsers, more native app-like features are coming to the browser. Things like push notifications, background sync, offline capabilities and home screen app icons have been added to browsers allowing developers to continue building web apps, but now include features that users expect from native apps. In this session we'll take an existing web app and transform it into a progressive web app. We’ll learn how to make the web app installable, how to make it work offline and finally we’ll learn how to add push notifications to re-engage our users.

Service Worker
“充当位于 Web 应用程序之间,以及浏览器和网
PWA 101

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Progressive Web Apps - Get your site out of the tab! A talk slide shared to Naver in Jan 2016 and to KIG in April 2016.

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Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)
Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)
Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)

Slides of my talk about Progressive Web Apps - The Web strikes again (La Web contraataca) delivered in Cochabamba Bolivia, for DevFest 2016 in November 2016.

pwaprogressive web appmobile
PWA 101
PWA 101
• 假如这个 SW 已经注册过,上面代码会被忽略
• sw.js 根据需要放在不同层级的目录(./sw.js 和
./demo/sw.js 作用域不一样)
• chrome://inspect/#service-workers 检查是否生效
Web Push &
Notification API

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Presented at 8th COSA member meeting. Video Clip:

PWA 101
Web Storage
• Cache API - PWA 页面所需的静态文件比如
JavaScript、CSS 和 HTML
• IndexedDB - 存储页面数据,比如电商 PWA 的列表
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Webify 为 Web 应用提供一站式托管服务,支持包括静态网站、动态 Web 服务各种类型的 Web 应用,提供默认域名、自定义域名、HTTPS、CDN 加速,提升 Web 应用的性能和安全性,此外还提供基于 Git 的工作流、DevOps 流程、加速开发部署流程,提供极佳的体验。

• Payment Request API
• Geolocation API
• Device Orientation & Motion API
• getUserMedia
展望 PWA 的未来
• iOS (safari) 不支持 PWA
• 国内 Android 设备支持程度堪忧
• 国产移动浏览器厂商支持欲望不足
• Chrome 浏览器只认自家的 GCM
• 国内 webview 环境复杂,比如微信

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千万级并发在线推送系统架构解析 | 个信互动 叶新江

再谈Android推送实现:《千万级并发在线推送系统架构解析》| 个信互动 叶新江 | Android DevCamp 主题简介: 移动短消息是大家所熟知的一种信息推送方式, 基于信令通道的推送在简单信息的体验方面已经被大家所接受。 在目前移动互联网方面,简单的文字推送已经不够满足需要。这也是移动互联网背景下推送系统的发展的机遇。 本主题就千万级并发在线推送系统如何在低成本下,保证推送的时效性、有效性、内容形式的多样性、以及省电省流量等方面进行一个解析和分享。 讲师信息:叶新江,个信互动(北京)网络科技有限公司 高级副总裁,负责公司研发及工程实施,资深高并发分布式系统架构师。曾任 Microsoft MS中国首席架构师,爱立信广州研发中心(Ericsson CGC)高级系统架构师,卓望数码移动梦网研发主管。并有多年银行金融的技术管理经历。

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陈子舜-Html5 based web app




google app engine
• Webkit 内核:API 开发在「五年计划」中
• EdgeHTML 内核:关键技术都在「正在开发中」
• Blink 内核和 Gecko 内核:全部实现
• PWA 官网:
• 一系列 PWA 应用集合展示:
• 介绍 PWA 的精品文章:

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Appium手机自动化测试 testerhome_bqcon版本 出品 在infoq上分享的版本




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