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Right SourcingVia Cloud ServicesSIOS CASPian Private CloudOctober 21, 2010
© 2010 SIOS Technology Corp2SIOS Was Founded in 1997Publicly traded on Tokyo ExchangeGlobal Presence with HQ in JapanProvides Data Center TechnologyServicing Fortune 1000 IT Needs
© 2010 SIOS Technology Corp3A long history of “open”…Open Cloud ConsortiumDMTFIETFOpenStackOW2 CloudInitiativeOpenGroup
Key TrendsData Center ConsolidationMassive OutsourcingTechnology Innovation Through AutomationShift from Infrastructure to Application

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彭—Elastic architecture in cloud foundry and deploy with openstack
彭—Elastic architecture in cloud foundry and deploy with openstack彭—Elastic architecture in cloud foundry and deploy with openstack
彭—Elastic architecture in cloud foundry and deploy with openstack

This document discusses elastic architecture in CloudFoundry and deploying PaaS with OpenStack. It provides an overview of CloudFoundry's architecture pattern with loosely coupled components that can scale out independently and communicate via messages. These include routers to route requests, nodes to run applications and services, and components like the cloud controller, health manager, and droplet execution agent. It emphasizes principles of self-governance, loose coupling, and the ability to run on different infrastructures like OpenStack.

The client defined cloud final clementi
The client defined cloud final clementiThe client defined cloud final clementi
The client defined cloud final clementi

The document discusses how IBM's cloud services provide clients with unprecedented choice and control when deploying applications in cloud environments. It describes IBM's cloud reference architecture which includes infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and business process as a service. The architecture is customized to meet clients' needs around management, security, availability, technology platforms, and pricing. Whether clients are designing new applications or automating existing ones like ERP, IBM can provide the right cloud solution.

CompTIA Cloud Essentials Objectives
CompTIA Cloud Essentials ObjectivesCompTIA Cloud Essentials Objectives
CompTIA Cloud Essentials Objectives

The document outlines the exam objectives for the CompTIA Cloud Essentials certification. It covers 6 domains: 1) characteristics of cloud services from a business perspective, 2) cloud computing and business value, 3) technical perspectives and cloud types, 4) steps to successful adoption of cloud computing, 5) impact and changes of cloud computing on IT service management, and 6) risks and consequences of cloud computing. The exam will test candidates on cloud computing concepts, models, benefits, deployment considerations, organizational impacts, and risks to help ensure they understand cloud computing from both business and technical standpoints.

© 2010 SIOS Technology Corp5Deployment Models"Cloud services are IT products, services, and solutions delivered and consumed in real time over the Internet" [Note: Gray areas exist between these  categories] Public:Open to a largely unrestricted universe of potential users; designed for a market, not a single enterprise; externally hosted;Virtual Private:Designed for, and access restricted to, a single enterprise; an external resource, but dedicated to the enterprise; Private:Designed for, and access restricted to, a single enterprise; an internal shared resource, not a commercial offering; IT Org is the "vendor” of the shared service to its internal usersWhat is “Cloud”?Attributes:Shared, standard service
“Turnkey" offering that integrates required resources
Self-service (may require some "onboarding" support)
Dynamic and elastic scaling

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Quick start guide_virtualization_uk_a4_online_2021-uk
Quick start guide_virtualization_uk_a4_online_2021-ukQuick start guide_virtualization_uk_a4_online_2021-uk
Quick start guide_virtualization_uk_a4_online_2021-uk

This document provides an overview of virtualization technology. It discusses how virtualization works through the use of a hypervisor and management software to allocate resources across virtual machines. The benefits of virtualization include server consolidation and increased efficiency. Issues that need to be addressed include performance considerations when consolidating workloads, security risks introduced by added software layers, and ensuring compliance across virtual machines. The document provides guidance on getting started with virtualization, including understanding workloads, building a business case, training staff, and examining policies.

Introduction to IBM Cloud Private - April 2018
Introduction to IBM Cloud Private - April 2018Introduction to IBM Cloud Private - April 2018
Introduction to IBM Cloud Private - April 2018

The following deck provides a general introduction to the business value, technical architecture, and available content for IBM Cloud Private. IBM Cloud Private offers a fully-supported distribution of Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry along with a rich catalog of content including Images, Helm Charts, Open Service Brokers, and Terraform templates.

ibmibm cloud privatedevops
Robert LeBlanc - Cloud Forum Presentation
Robert LeBlanc - Cloud Forum Presentation Robert LeBlanc - Cloud Forum Presentation
Robert LeBlanc - Cloud Forum Presentation

The document discusses cloud computing and IBM's role in innovating cloud technologies over several decades. It outlines IBM's comprehensive cloud offerings, including infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and business process as a service. The key capabilities of IBM's cloud services are around application and data integration, workload deployment patterns, image management, and security controls.

Use-based pricing (supported by service metering)
Accessible via the Internet
Standard UI technologies (browsers, RIA clients, underlying technologies)
Published service interface/API (web services, other common Internet APIs)Cloud Architectures

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Client Deployment of IBM Cloud Private (IBM #Think2019 #5964)
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Client Deployment of IBM Cloud Private (IBM #Think2019 #5964)

As you plan for the adoption of Kubernetes in your datacenter, you’ll face several common questions. How much capacity will your clusters need? How should you manage the network security of the cluster? How do you expose services on the cluster to your existing network fabric? What are the tradeoffs to consider between different storage providers? What should you do for backup and disaster recovery scenarios? In this session, we’ll review several examples of client deployment architectures that will help you get started on your journey to a hybrid, multicloud architecture for your apps!

kubernetesibm cloud privateibm
Cloud Innovation Day - Commonwealth of PA v11.3
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Cloud Innovation Day - Commonwealth of PA v11.3

Enhance and accelerate your path to digital innovation and transformation with IBM Cloud. Develop a roadmap to get started with cloud and incorporate best practices from other organizations just like yours.

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Data Center Transformation Cisco's Virtualization & Cloud Journey
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Data Center Transformation Cisco's Virtualization & Cloud Journey

This presentation will discuss the global data center strategy, new world-class data center, cloud strategy and services, and the Cisco CIAC portfolio

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The Three aaS’s in CloudCloudApplications(Apps-as-a-service)App DeployApp Dev/TestCloud(Application)Platforms(Platform-as-a-Service)CloudInfrastructure(Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
IT Admin / DevelopersBusiness UserDevelopersTarget UsersInfrastructurePlatformApplicationScalable, “on demand” servicesSaaSPaaSIaaSService EnabledDesignprinciplesHighly AutomatedHighly VirtualizedTarget Users
© 2010 SIOS Technology Corp9Total Cloud Service Market Forecast(Private, VPC, Public)$120$100$55$80Private CloudVirtual Private CloudAnnual Worldwide Spend ($B)$60Public Cloud$30$40$7$9$20$25$16$020092014IDC, SIOS, July 2010
© 2010 SIOS Technology Corp106,000Other5,000Scientific/engineeringWeb infrastructure4,000Decision supportRevenue ($M)3,000CollaborationApplication development2,000IT infrastructure1,000Business processing020102011201220132014Private Cloud Revenue(Server Revenue by Application)IDC, Aug 2010

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IBM Cloud Private platform White Paper - Découvrez les bénéfices d'un Cloud privé à l'intérieur de vos Firewalls. Contactez moi pour aller plus dans les détails concernant le Cloud privé pour les PME/PMI et ETI.

Overview of Sponsor Sessions in Berlin
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Overview of Sponsor Sessions in Berlin

This document provides information about sponsor sessions at a NetApp conference in Berlin, including sessions hosted by Cisco, VMware, Brocade, and other sponsors. It summarizes the topics to be covered in each sponsor session, such as FlexPod solutions with Cisco UCS and ACI networking, deploying virtual desktops with Citrix and NetApp storage, and best practices for performance analysis and storage optimization.

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Achieving Cloud Enterprise Agility
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Achieving Cloud Enterprise Agility

This document discusses how enterprises can achieve agility in the cloud through integrated solutions from VMware, F5, and BlueLock. It provides an overview of how each company's technologies - VMware's virtualization platform, F5's application delivery networking solutions, and BlueLock's managed cloud services - can work together to provide enterprises with platform agility, network agility, and flexible cloud services. It then provides an example scenario of how these integrated solutions could help a company dynamically scale its applications between its private cloud and BlueLock's public cloud during periods of high traffic.

11Near-Term Cloud ReadinessGartner, 2010
Long-Term Cloud ReadinessGartner, 2010
Need to support bothNon-Virtualized AND VirtualizedEnvironments! IDC, 2010
x86 Dominates MarketIDC, March, 2010

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Convergence of Integration and Application Development
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Convergence of Integration and Application Development

The document discusses the convergence of integration and application development. It notes that in the past, integrations and applications were developed separately by different teams. However, nowadays application developers regularly perform integration tasks like defining and exposing APIs when building applications. Integration capabilities have become part of the standard toolkit for application developers. The document argues this trend is resulting in a new generation of powerful applications that are integration-enabled.

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It optimisation & virtualisation
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It optimisation & virtualisation

The document discusses how virtualization can help organizations achieve maximum value through improved power efficiency, reliability, and more integrated systems. It notes that digital data is growing exponentially and many companies will need to modify their data centers to handle this growth. Virtualization can help organizations reduce costs, improve service delivery, and better manage risk by consolidating servers, storage, and networking infrastructure. When combined with integrated service management tools, virtualization provides improved visibility, control, and automation of IT resources.

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Keynote presentation from Cloud Connect Chicago 2012 summarizing results from a joint Everest Group - Cloud Connect survey on enterprise cloud adoption

Windows, Linux, AIX, SolarisIDC, March, 2010
Big Cost Gears in ITIncreaseWhat Drives Costs?# of employees# of Data centers, Sites, Geographies# of Systems# of Applications and their complexityService Level Agreements (SLA) and desired response timeRate of Change (how fast the business is changing/growing)IncreaseCostsAppsSLA
The True Enterprise CostsIT CostsIT ViewBusiness View

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AKTCO Catalog 2015
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AKTCO Catalog 2015

AKTCO is an AV integration company founded in 1982 that provides solutions such as interactive whiteboards, video conferencing, audio systems, and control systems. It has a team of experienced professionals and installs solutions for customers in various sectors including education, government, and commercial. AKTCO's showroom is located in Amman, Jordan and it represents several international AV brands.

Ocls 4th annual breakfast 2016
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Ocls 4th annual breakfast 2016

The document summarizes the agenda for an OCLS Power Breakfast meeting held on January 29, 2016. The following projects were highlighted in 3-5 minute lightning talks: 1. A Skills Audit Research Project led by Seneca College to identify staff expertise and professional development interests across OCLS member libraries. 2. A Colleges eBook Consortium Project to develop a metadata workflow that allows ebooks to be discoverable across all college catalogs. 3. An RDA Cataloguing Workflow Project creating a FRBR-based workflow document for RDA cataloging consistent with OCLS policies and practices. 4. An eResources Accessibility Research Project (LEAP) to identify standards and develop tools for

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Definizione, visione, modelli e storia della Biblioteca Digitale. Corso AI

biblioteche digitali
Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)AppDoneDesign(8wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)App Dev Cycle InefficienciesManual IT Infrastructure ServicesEnterprise Application
App Dev Cycle InefficienciesDevelopment(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Banking Application Banking Application Banking Application Banking Application AppDoneAppDoneAppDoneAppDoneDesign(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Manual IT Infrastructure ServicesIT Staff Can Not Meet Business Needs Efficiently
Development(14wks)Test(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Development(14wks)Test(8wks)AppDoneDesign(8wks)Development(14wks)Test(8wks)App Dev Cycle Efficiencies Application Developers Access Resources via automated cloud I/F
Reduces SLAs

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Este documento discute el modelo de negocio de medios digitales y ofrece consejos para desarrollar un plan de contenidos exitoso. Sugiere comenzar con una plataforma como Twitter o un boletín y explorar fuentes de ingresos como crowdfunding, micropagos, patrocinios o suscripciones. Recomienda enfocarse en el tráfico o la lealtad de la audiencia y producir diferentes tipos de contenido como texto, videos e infografías. Además, aborda cómo conceptualizar y diseñar la lógica digital

emprendimientomedianegocio del contenido
Col Gps si sorvegliano anche gli oceani
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articolo sole 24 ore 27 marzo 2016 /Nova

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Intervento al Convegno MICHAEL CULTURE WORKSHOP Cultural institutions towards Europeana: opportunities, licenses and IPR issues Le istituzioni culturali verso Europeana: benefici, licenze e IPR. "diritto di riuso nelle digitalizzazioni. I mille volti della proprietà intellettuale

licenze aperteopen datacreative commns
Shortens application schedules
Frees IT up for strategic initiativesAutomatedPrivate CloudIT ResourcesBanking Application Application Development Delivers in 28% less time
Industry ResponsePrivate CloudPublic CloudSalesCloudServiceCloudEnterpriseCloudForce.comEnterpriseCloud AEnterpriseCloud BEnterpriseCloud CInfrastructurePrivate PaaSGmailCalendarEnterpriseCloudPrivate IaaSGoogle App EngineInfrastructure
Fortune 1000 Private Cloud Requirements:Virtualization & Hardware AgnosticHybrid Cloud CapableCan be integrated with existing systemsModular, Portable, InteroperableScalableApplication-CentricOpen platform

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Boletim 22.12.2013

Este boletim informativo da Igreja Presbiteriana Unida de Acari contém: 1) Informações sobre as atividades semanais da igreja e a equipe pastoral e administrativa. 2) Um artigo do pastor Luciano Fuly sobre a importância do novo nascimento em Cristo. 3) Notícias sobre casamentos, aniversariantes e pedidos de oração.

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Relationship designators are used to specify the relationship between a resource and a person, family, or corporate body associated with that resource. This presentation shows how they were added to the catalog of the library of the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, in new and -mostly automatic- in legacy records. The Name Cloud, a way to navigate the catalog through related authors, is also shown.

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O documento resume o livro infantil "Letras & Letrias", uma colaboração entre o escritor José Jorge Letria e seu filho, o ilustrador André Letria. O livro brinca com palavras e imagens de forma semelhante aos surrealistas. Pai e filho escolheram frases para ilustrar e cada ilustração tem um tipo de letra correspondente. É descrito como um projeto prazeroso e uma parceria criativa entre os dois autores.

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SIOS Private Cloud SolutionsAdvanced Private PaaSAutomated IaaS/PaaSBusiness ValueAutomated Private IaaSVirtualized/Cloud Based HA/DROn-Premise HA/DRApplication Automation & Protection
SIOS Caspian Unified Computing
CASPianUser iddavid.smoley@flextronics.comPassword**********RememberLoginCloud Services Console - Executive Dashboard View

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O documento discute características importantes para empreendedores, incluindo a necessidade de conhecer o público-alvo e o mercado, identificar oportunidades de negócios baseadas em necessidades insatisfeitas, e avaliar o potencial de uma oportunidade usando métodos como fazer perguntas do SEBRAE e o método 3M's.

Larry  Bridges |  (12) |     (8)| Logout | Quick links | Help CASPianCIO DashboardKPI – Cost reductionApproval & action itemsCost distribution Server utilizationMessages / approval requestsCut-off45%Last 30 days  Business unitsUtilization %Top 5 BUs87.3144.696.284.948.8%96.7444.896.8Response time (distribution time in sec)Compliance check (SLA)SLA Compliance check App. Performance Vs suggestions?Application age
App. efficiencyProject milestonesProjects & need forecast25Network traffic (kilobytes)Hardware capacityInfrastructure statisticsTop 3 applicationsNews updates (RSS feeds)personal space / RSS readerCPU3Storage67Quick stats (ticker..)Tool set for CIO! <    >  
CASPianUser idken.tolland@uk.flextronics.comPassword**********RememberLoginCloud Services Console – Administrator View

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Varactor diode
Varactor diodeVaractor diode
Varactor diode

A varactor diode is a diode that has a variable capacitance based on the reverse bias voltage applied. It consists of a P-N junction with conductive P and N regions acting as capacitor plates, separated by a depletion region that acts as the dielectric. The capacitance varies inversely with the square root of the applied reverse voltage, decreasing as voltage increases. Varactor diodes are commonly used in communication systems to allow tuning of circuits by changing the capacitance.

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Geronimo Stilton
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O documento resume o livro "O Castelo do Lorde Avarento" da série Geronimo Stilton. Nele, Geronimo Stilton e sua irmã Tea são convidados pelo tio avarento Zanzibar para o casamento de seu filho no castelo de Rocha Sovina. No entanto, a estadia no castelo é desagradável devido à avareza de Zanzibar, que faz com que todos passem fome e frio. No final, a noiva desiste do casamento e deixa o noivo e o pai avarento no castelo.

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Madan Sharma |  (12) |     (8)| Logout | Quick links | Help CASPianCASPianSearchCloud Admin view  | New Deployment | Users| Resources  | AccountsDeploy  new applicationStep 1 of 3: Select / create application imageContextual tools / filtersBU /  created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6XYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3Emulti m/cXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EOSBU /  created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cJoomlaShow allTypeShow allXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU /  created by details16 Aug 2010Ver 1.6single m/cXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3ECreated byBU /  created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6multi m/canyXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU /  created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cDateShow allSugar CRMXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU /  created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cAdditional tools & controlsXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU /  created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6multi m/cXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU /  created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cApp keywordDrupalXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU /  created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cContextual help for this page…Curabitur bibendum, justo nec faucibus feugiat, lectus erat sodales mauris,.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vitae egestas sapien. Proin aliquet velit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vitae egestassapienBU /  created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6XYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3Emulti m/cXYZ name  | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3Emulti m/cBU /  created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6Media wikiBackNextCreate application imageCancel… pagination information  …
CASPianUser idevan.zhang@flextronics.comPassword**********RememberLoginCloud Services Console – Business User View

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Schottky diode is also known as barrier diode. Learn more about Schottky diode working, construction, V-I characteristics, features and applications

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Private Cloud Platform as a Service

  • 1. Right SourcingVia Cloud ServicesSIOS CASPian Private CloudOctober 21, 2010
  • 2. © 2010 SIOS Technology Corp2SIOS Was Founded in 1997Publicly traded on Tokyo ExchangeGlobal Presence with HQ in JapanProvides Data Center TechnologyServicing Fortune 1000 IT Needs
  • 3. © 2010 SIOS Technology Corp3A long history of “open”…Open Cloud ConsortiumDMTFIETFOpenStackOW2 CloudInitiativeOpenGroup
  • 4. Key TrendsData Center ConsolidationMassive OutsourcingTechnology Innovation Through AutomationShift from Infrastructure to Application
  • 5. © 2010 SIOS Technology Corp5Deployment Models"Cloud services are IT products, services, and solutions delivered and consumed in real time over the Internet" [Note: Gray areas exist between these categories] Public:Open to a largely unrestricted universe of potential users; designed for a market, not a single enterprise; externally hosted;Virtual Private:Designed for, and access restricted to, a single enterprise; an external resource, but dedicated to the enterprise; Private:Designed for, and access restricted to, a single enterprise; an internal shared resource, not a commercial offering; IT Org is the "vendor” of the shared service to its internal usersWhat is “Cloud”?Attributes:Shared, standard service
  • 6. “Turnkey" offering that integrates required resources
  • 7. Self-service (may require some "onboarding" support)
  • 9. Use-based pricing (supported by service metering)
  • 11. Standard UI technologies (browsers, RIA clients, underlying technologies)
  • 12. Published service interface/API (web services, other common Internet APIs)Cloud Architectures
  • 13. The Three aaS’s in CloudCloudApplications(Apps-as-a-service)App DeployApp Dev/TestCloud(Application)Platforms(Platform-as-a-Service)CloudInfrastructure(Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
  • 14. IT Admin / DevelopersBusiness UserDevelopersTarget UsersInfrastructurePlatformApplicationScalable, “on demand” servicesSaaSPaaSIaaSService EnabledDesignprinciplesHighly AutomatedHighly VirtualizedTarget Users
  • 15. © 2010 SIOS Technology Corp9Total Cloud Service Market Forecast(Private, VPC, Public)$120$100$55$80Private CloudVirtual Private CloudAnnual Worldwide Spend ($B)$60Public Cloud$30$40$7$9$20$25$16$020092014IDC, SIOS, July 2010
  • 16. © 2010 SIOS Technology Corp106,000Other5,000Scientific/engineeringWeb infrastructure4,000Decision supportRevenue ($M)3,000CollaborationApplication development2,000IT infrastructure1,000Business processing020102011201220132014Private Cloud Revenue(Server Revenue by Application)IDC, Aug 2010
  • 19. Need to support bothNon-Virtualized AND VirtualizedEnvironments! IDC, 2010
  • 21. Windows, Linux, AIX, SolarisIDC, March, 2010
  • 22. Big Cost Gears in ITIncreaseWhat Drives Costs?# of employees# of Data centers, Sites, Geographies# of Systems# of Applications and their complexityService Level Agreements (SLA) and desired response timeRate of Change (how fast the business is changing/growing)IncreaseCostsAppsSLA
  • 24. The True Enterprise CostsIT CostsIT ViewBusiness View
  • 26. App Dev Cycle InefficienciesDevelopment(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Banking Application Banking Application Banking Application Banking Application AppDoneAppDoneAppDoneAppDoneDesign(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Design(8wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Development(21wks)Test(13wks)Manual IT Infrastructure ServicesIT Staff Can Not Meet Business Needs Efficiently
  • 30. Frees IT up for strategic initiativesAutomatedPrivate CloudIT ResourcesBanking Application Application Development Delivers in 28% less time
  • 31. Industry ResponsePrivate CloudPublic CloudSalesCloudServiceCloudEnterpriseCloudForce.comEnterpriseCloud AEnterpriseCloud BEnterpriseCloud CInfrastructurePrivate PaaSGmailCalendarEnterpriseCloudPrivate IaaSGoogle App EngineInfrastructure
  • 32. Fortune 1000 Private Cloud Requirements:Virtualization & Hardware AgnosticHybrid Cloud CapableCan be integrated with existing systemsModular, Portable, InteroperableScalableApplication-CentricOpen platform
  • 33. SIOS Cloud InitiativesSIOS Japan & GoogleSIOS JapanSaaSSIOS & Google / SalesforceSIOS USAPaaSSIOS USA& WIPROSIOS USA & WIPROIaaSPublicCloudPrivateCloud
  • 34. SIOS Private Cloud SolutionsAdvanced Private PaaSAutomated IaaS/PaaSBusiness ValueAutomated Private IaaSVirtualized/Cloud Based HA/DROn-Premise HA/DRApplication Automation & Protection
  • 37. Larry Bridges |  (12) | (8)| Logout | Quick links | Help CASPianCIO DashboardKPI – Cost reductionApproval & action itemsCost distribution Server utilizationMessages / approval requestsCut-off45%Last 30 days Business unitsUtilization %Top 5 BUs87.3144.696.284.948.8%96.7444.896.8Response time (distribution time in sec)Compliance check (SLA)SLA Compliance check App. Performance Vs suggestions?Application age
  • 38. Load
  • 39. App. efficiencyProject milestonesProjects & need forecast25Network traffic (kilobytes)Hardware capacityInfrastructure statisticsTop 3 applicationsNews updates (RSS feeds)personal space / RSS readerCPU3Storage67Quick stats (ticker..)Tool set for CIO! <  > 
  • 41. Madan Sharma |  (12) | (8)| Logout | Quick links | Help CASPianCASPianSearchCloud Admin view  | New Deployment | Users| Resources  | AccountsDeploy new applicationStep 1 of 3: Select / create application imageContextual tools / filtersBU / created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6XYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3Emulti m/cXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EOSBU / created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cJoomlaShow allTypeShow allXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU / created by details16 Aug 2010Ver 1.6single m/cXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3ECreated byBU / created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6multi m/canyXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU / created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cDateShow allSugar CRMXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU / created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cAdditional tools & controlsXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU / created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6multi m/cXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU / created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cApp keywordDrupalXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3EBU / created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6multi m/cContextual help for this page…Curabitur bibendum, justo nec faucibus feugiat, lectus erat sodales mauris,.
  • 42. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vitae egestas sapien. Proin aliquet velit
  • 43. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vitae egestassapienBU / created by details05 Dec 2009Ver 1.6XYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3Emulti m/cXYZ name | additional details or notesEE-6497cf3Emulti m/cBU / created by details03 Mar 2010Ver 1.6Media wikiBackNextCreate application imageCancel… pagination information …
  • 45. Susan Doran| Logout | Quick links | Help CASPianCASPianCloud Admin view New Application requestApplication galleryMy applicationsFavorite applicationsSearchNews and feedsLorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta massa at neque lacinia et condimentum hendrerit erat dignissimvestibulum accumsan…JoomlaMedia WikiSugarCRMApp BPotionsit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta massa at neque lacinia et condimentum hendrerit erat dignissimvestibulum accumsan…App spinDrupalApp BApp alphaApp JApp PiApp Msit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta massa at neque lacinia et condimentum hendrerit erat dignissimvestibulum accumsan…sit ametDNALorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta massa at neque lacinia et condimentum hendrerit erat dignissimvestibulum accumsan…App XApp BApp SApp frsit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta massa at neque lacinia et condimentum hendrerit erat dignissimvestibulum accumsan…Hand brakesit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta massa at neque lacinia et condimentum hendrerit erat dignissimvestibulum accumsan…sit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta massa at neque lacinia et condimentum hendrerit erat dignissimvestibulum accumsan…sit ametsit amet | PellentesquePage 01Page 02Page 03
  • 46. SIOS CASPian Unified ComputingKey Differentiators:Infrastructure to MetastructureMachines to ContainersFriction to InnovationTears to TiersComplexity to SimplexityCosts to Revenue Streams
  • 47. Private Cloud ApplicationsProductionIn CloudProduction BurstInto CloudCloud HA/DRCloud Demo, Training,POCBusiness ValueCloudTest/DevCloud Bkup& ArchiveVirtualizationApplication Automation & Protection
  • 48. CASPIAN Product EditionsSolution AnalyzerApp Containers, Discovery, Compliance/Audit, Enterprise Mgmt I/FApplicationDevelopmentServicesAdv Application ServicesImage, Metering, Monitor, WorkflowAdv Application ServicesImage, Metering, Monitor, Workflow, HA, DRApplicationInfrastructureServicesAutomatedPrivate CloudApp Services,VSphere, XenAutomatedPrivate CloudApp ServicesVSphere, Xen, HyperV, OVMAutomatedPrivate CloudApp Srvcs, VSphere, Xen, H-V, OVM, Bare, LPAR/ZonesPrivate CloudInfrastructureServicesPublic CloudAmazon, Rackspace,GoGrid, SlicehostPublic CloudAmazon, Rackspace,GoGrid, SlicehostPublic CloudAmazon, Rackspace,GoGrid, Slicehost, Terramark, SavvisPublic CloudInfrastructureServicesStandardAdvancedEnterpriseEditions
  • 49. Industry PositioningVirt / OS/ HW AgnosticIBMSIOSHPCABMCNovellHeterogeneousQuestOracleVirtualization PlayersRedHatVMwarePaaSAutomation
  • 50. Private Cloud Proof Of Concept Metrics© 2010 SIOS Technology Corp37
  • 51. The Half-True Enterprise OpportunityFinancial Industry Application3-year project1,200 servers650 app developersAnalyzing only IT costsInfrastructure Focus Not Complete Picture
  • 52. The Complete OpportunityFinancial Industry Application3-year project1,200 servers650 app developersAnalyzing IT and App Dev Costs$20M / yr Savings with an Application Development Focus
  • 53. Automate Your Data Center!!SIOS PrivatePaaS CloudMultiple data centers with high-availability failover architecture
  • 54. Leverage Virtual Server Technology (ESX, Xen,HyperV) to minimize footprint
  • 55. Leverage Private Cloud to optimize internal utilizationDC 1Provide computer capacity to business faster at reduce costs
  • 56. Build new Applications for business quicker at reduce cost
  • 57. Improve Disaster Recovery at reduced expense
  • 58. Application Cap-Ex to Op-Ex, more functionality, better DRComputeOn-DemandEmailDoc MgmtCollabData StoreSWDevelopmentDC XDWERPCRMData StoreStorageSIOSPrivateCloudSaaSApplicationsVirtual Data CenterPhysical Data Center
  • 59. Thank You!Take The Right Road to CloudWith SIOS, GM41
  • 60. Enterprise SaaSPlatformAvailable TodayEnterprise PaaSLimited SolutionsHybrid PaaSIn developmentPrivate PaaSConceptualVirt Private PaaSEnterprise IaaSHybrid Private IaaSEnterprise Value / Cloud ROIHeterogeneous Private IaaSVirtualized Private IaaSEnterprise VirtualizationVM ManagementVirtualizationCloud Adoption Enterprise Use-Cases

Editor's Notes

  1. Hello, my name is Jim Kaskade and I’m the General Manager of a US subsidiary of SIOS Technology.With me is Surendra Reddy, our CTO and Yuji Fujita, who heads up marketing in Japan.Today we are going to present the SIOS CASPian offering – a private cloud application serving platform for Fortune 1,000 Enterprise companies.But first, I want to draw your attention to the handouts we’ve provided you.If what we present is interesting to you, and you would like SIOS to visit your facilities to dive more deeply in what we’re doing with your peers, please fill out the front sheet, tear it out of your package and leave it with one of us.We also have an educational CIO virtual panel on private cloud on February 2nd, 2011 which I guarantee you will be worth an hour of your time…hearing live use-cases from other CIOs.
  2. The key message I want to make here… that we need to Even though the efforts of Vmware are paying off for many companies, CIOs are still far away from fully virtualizing the data center… this chart shows in terms of new servers shipped and the mix between non-virtualized and virtualized.
  3. Edit control for the user to drag &amp; rearrange icons.Save the arrangement or make it defaultWays to reset?Other controls for global buttons!