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Michael Weiss
“Jazz, like any language, has its own
grammar and vocabulary.
There’s no right or wrong,
just some choices that are
better than others.”
- Wynton Marsalis
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Presentation Elevation Spring 2015
Presentation Elevation Spring 2015Presentation Elevation Spring 2015
Presentation Elevation Spring 2015

The document provides tips and strategies for effective public speaking. It discusses identifying your speaking style, using body language and gestures effectively, telling stories and using metaphors, managing fear and nerves, tailoring your presentation to your audience, and rehearsing with an ensemble. The overall message is that an engaging presentation connects with the audience on an emotional level through authenticity, vulnerability, and inspiration rather than just conveying information through slides and bullet points.

performancepresentationpresentation skills
Presentation Elevation Lite - 2015
Presentation Elevation Lite - 2015Presentation Elevation Lite - 2015
Presentation Elevation Lite - 2015

This document appears to be a presentation about public speaking and communication. It provides tips and rules for presenters, including focusing on the audience, using persuasion, identifying your personal speaking style, using hand gestures and body language effectively, incorporating pauses and repetition, telling stories, being authentic and vulnerable, having confidence in your message, and controlling external distractions. Specific presentation techniques are highlighted, such as using cadence, hands, facial expressions and body positioning. Famous quotes on topics like listening, curiosity, confidence and passion are also included.

public speakingpresentation skillspresentation
Presentation Elevation - How To Become A Better Presenter (updated)
Presentation Elevation - How To Become A Better Presenter (updated)Presentation Elevation - How To Become A Better Presenter (updated)
Presentation Elevation - How To Become A Better Presenter (updated)

This is my latest deck from my Presentation Elevation class I teach for ThinkLA. Like most decks, it may not mean much without me presenting, but there are some good nuggets, tools and tips. Lots of good pointers on how to build Powerpoint Presentation Decks, How to use your body, hands and voice. I talk about Bill Clinton, Steve Jobs and as always there's a slide with Eddie Van Halen.

presentationpresentation skillspublic speaking
Take calls
Kibbitz & Nosh
"I've learned that people will forget what you
said, people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how you
made them feel.”
- Maya Angelou

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Don Draper Is Dead - Redux - LERN Conference 2013
Don Draper Is Dead - Redux - LERN Conference 2013Don Draper Is Dead - Redux - LERN Conference 2013
Don Draper Is Dead - Redux - LERN Conference 2013

The Don Drapers of the world create ads that interrupt and hit the masses. They throw it up and hope it sticks. Content Marketing allows people to choose what content they want, how they want it and when they want it. It’s not about interruption marketing anymore - it’s about choice marketing.

marketing and advertisingcontent marketingdon draper
Start With Who - LERN Conference 2013
Start With Who - LERN Conference 2013Start With Who - LERN Conference 2013
Start With Who - LERN Conference 2013

The document appears to be a slide deck presentation on content marketing. It discusses establishing personas to understand target audiences, developing a content production schedule across different channels, and focusing content based on the buyer's journey phases of awareness, consideration and purchase. The presentation emphasizes starting by understanding who the target audience is (their needs and interests) before moving to how and where to create and distribute content.

markecontent marketing
Updated - Don Draper Is Dead
Updated - Don Draper Is DeadUpdated - Don Draper Is Dead
Updated - Don Draper Is Dead

This document discusses the death of Don Draper and the changing media landscape. It suggests that Draper was confined by traditional advertising and the interruptive pitch model. The rise of technologies like DVRs allowing viewers to skip ads, and the ability of consumers to block unwanted messages, has led to consumers taking more control. This has challenged marketers to rely less on paid media and research, and more on developing content strategies and expertise in owned and earned social media to engage customers.

ucladon draper
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Presentation Elevation

This document provides tips and strategies for effective presentations. It emphasizes that a presentation is a performance, not just a meeting, and should inspire and engage the audience emotionally. It encourages identifying your personal presentation style and using techniques like storytelling, metaphors, and creating tension to hold audience attention. Bullet points are discouraged in favor of a single powerful idea per slide. Rehearsing and ensemble presenting with other speakers is also recommended to feel confident and connected to the audience. The overall message is that an effective presentation transfers emotion to inspire the audience.

presentationpublic speaking
Story Is In Our DNA
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Story Is In Our DNA

I am teaching at the Global Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship this summer. This is the deck from my first class. Used some new fonts and colors!

Business Bullet Points
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Business Bullet Points

This document provides 12 business bullet points with advice such as hiring people who are smarter than yourself, getting more work than you can handle by delegating tasks, adapting and improving your processes, charging your worth, answering emails within 24 hours, taking 30 minutes for personal time, attending a webinar, delegating good tasks, and pivoting your work when it stops being fun.

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Don Draper Is Dead - AMA-LA
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Don Draper Is Dead - AMA-LA

My presentation for the Los Angeles chapter of the American MArketing Association event on April 11, 2013. It was a packed house - loads of fun!

marketing and advertisingdon drapercontent marketing
So You Wanna Build A Website! - LMU mSchool
So You Wanna Build A Website! - LMU mSchoolSo You Wanna Build A Website! - LMU mSchool
So You Wanna Build A Website! - LMU mSchool

The document discusses the key roles and phases involved in building a website. It identifies the core team roles as project manager, information architect, lead designer, lead tech, programming team, and QA. It outlines the typical phases of development as discovery, specifications, design, development, alpha, beta, and delivery/launch. For each phase, it provides details on the objectives, key activities, and expected deliverables. The roles and phases presented provide a framework for effectively planning and executing the development of a new website.

mschoolweb design and developmentlmu
Don Draper Is Dead
Don Draper Is DeadDon Draper Is Dead
Don Draper Is Dead

This document discusses the death of the fictional advertising character Don Draper and the changing media landscape. It suggests Don Draper was confined by traditional advertising and the pitch model and was unable to adapt to emerging trends like big data, consumer control of media, and the merging of personal and professional lives online. The growing influence of owned and earned media over paid media has made strategy and developing expertise in these new areas key for marketers.

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How Connected Have We Become
How Connected Have We BecomeHow Connected Have We Become
How Connected Have We Become

This is a deck I used for the first class of the semester. The class is called All Things Digital at the mSchool at Loyola Marymount University. The purpose was to spark conversation with the students - and believe me - it did!

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Presentation elevation 1212
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Presentation elevation 1212

The first set of slides are for a Lessig Style presentation and will mean nothing without me talking....but the images are nice. Enjoy!

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Pitch Elevation - Fearless Women Rising
Pitch Elevation - Fearless Women RisingPitch Elevation - Fearless Women Rising
Pitch Elevation - Fearless Women Rising

The document provides tips for improving pitch presentations, noting that pitches should be emotional and inspirational rather than just factual. It discusses defining a clear agenda and focus, using visuals to support the presentation rather than as the focus, and using storytelling techniques to engage the audience emotionally rather than just presenting bullet points or facts. The document emphasizes practicing the performance aspect of a pitch and focusing on how the presentation makes the audience feel rather than just what is said.

presentationpublic speaking
Put Your
Presentation On
Go To The
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Lorman why rfp_final
Lorman why rfp_finalLorman why rfp_final
Lorman why rfp_final

This document provides guidance on how to write an effective request for proposal (RFP). It recommends including key elements like objectives, stakeholders, budget, timeline and needs versus optional features. Vendors should be asked to describe their process, experience, pricing and approach to the project. Maintaining a shortlist of 3-5 vendors allows for comparing detailed proposals while limiting workload. Conducting initial meetings helps set expectations on both sides before significant effort is spent on responses. The overall goal is to use the RFP process to define requirements and select the most qualified partner to meet your unique needs.

rfprequest for proposal
Family/Indoor Entertainment Centers Market: Regulation and Compliance Updates
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The global family/indoor entertainment centers market is valued at US$ 41 Bn in 2022 and is projected to exhibit growth at a CAGR of 12.2% and reach US$ 130 Bn by the end of 2032.

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ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024
ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024
ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Front Slide ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024 Next Slide What is Email Marketing? Email marketing involves promoting products or services via email to potential customers. Tools like ConvertKit enhance the effectiveness of email marketing by helping you reach your target audience and elevate your business. Next Slide What is ConvertKit? ConvertKit is a top email marketing tool, favored by content creators and small businesses. It offers features like automation, landing pages, sequencing, and broadcasting, making it ideal for generating and converting leads efficiently. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 1. Landing Pages: Easily create customizable landing pages. 2. Forms: Embed forms on your website to generate leads. 3. Automation: Automate email responses with pre-built templates. 4. Broadcasting: Send personalized emails to thousands of subscribers. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 5. Sequencing: Automate email series to convert leads into customers. 6. Integration: Integrate with platforms like affiliate sites and e-commerce. 7. Commerce: Start an e-commerce business without a website. 8. Creator Pro: Advanced features for selling high-cost products. Next Slide How ConvertKit Can Help Your Business Grow 1. Convert Casual Visitors: Turn social media followers into subscribers. 2. Build Relationships: Customize emails to build strong audience relationships. 3. Source of Earnings: Use trust to convert subscribers into sales. Next Slide Join ConvertKit Affiliate Program ConvertKit's affiliate program offers free training, premium tools, and a 30% commission for referrals. Next Slide ConvertKit Pricing Plans ConvertKit has Monthly and Yearly plans with Free, Creator, and Creator Pro tiers. Start with the free plan and upgrade as needed. Next Slide ConvertKit Alternatives 1. Mailchimp: All-in-one marketing platform. 2. GetResponse: Focus on landing pages and email lists. 3. ActiveCampaign: Advanced follow-up sequences. 4. AWeber: Building mailing lists and designing newsletters. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. Mailchimp - Automation: ConvertKit offers advanced options. - Landing Pages: ConvertKit has more templates. - Customer Support: ConvertKit offers 24/7 support in all plans. - Email Sending Limit: ConvertKit allows unlimited emails. - Migration: ConvertKit offers free migration services. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. GetResponse - Simplicity: ConvertKit is user-friendly for small businesses. - Sequencing: Easier to use in ConvertKit. - WordPress Plugin: Available in ConvertKit. - Charges: No charges for duplicate signups in ConvertKit. Next Slide Conclusion Email marketing is an excellent method to showcase your business and sell high-value products. ConvertKit is a robust tool to help you reach your target audience and start earning.

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Finding a balance between work, family, and personal well-being can be a daunting challenge. For Micah Johnny, a fitness instructor and father of four, this balance became even more precarious when he lost a significant contract that threatened his family's financial stability. However, through resilience and innovation, Johnny discovered a flexible, AI-powered side hustle that not only stabilized his income but also allowed him to maintain his hectic schedule. This article explores how this side hustle works, its benefits, and how others can leverage similar opportunities.

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2024欧洲杯盘口 Sports 与其他博彩公司相比,其独特之处在于2024欧洲杯盘口 Sports 基于低利润和高营业额的独一无二的体育博彩模式,该模式可以为玩家开出最高的赔率。2024欧洲杯盘口的优势在于中文界面友好,接受人民币投注。他们的开户奖金和实时体育投注界面是大陆玩家的首选。 [足球外围平台] [365体育] [彩票平台] [线上博彩网址] [线上赌博app] [欧洲杯盘口] [美洲杯押注] [欧洲杯投注] [美洲杯买球去哪买] [欧洲杯买球]

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Analytical Driver
Amiable Expressive
Indifferent Handshake
Quiet In Voice & Posture
Asks Questions
Does Not Make Statements
Tends to Lean Back
Analytical Driver
Amiable Expressive
Indifferent Handshake
Quiet In Voice & Posture
Asks Questions
Does Not Make Statements
Tends to Lean Back
Firm Handshake
Tone Changes In Voice
Quick / Clear
Makes Statements
Tends to Lean Forward
Analytical Driver
Amiable Expressive
Indifferent Handshake
Quiet In Voice & Posture
Asks Questions
Does Not Make Statements
Tends to Lean Back
Firm Handshake
Tone Changes In Voice
Quick / Clear
Makes Statements
Tends to Lean Forward
Infrequent Eye Contact
Poker Faced
Acts With Caution
Wants Facts / Details
Limited Hand Use
No Small Talk
Analytical Driver
Amiable Expressive
Indifferent Handshake
Quiet In Voice & Posture
Asks Questions
Does Not Make Statements
Tends to Lean Back
Great Eye Contact
Animated / Facial Expressions
Smiles / Nods / Frowns
Little Effort For Facts
Hands Free / Palms Open Up
Shares Personal Feelings
Firm Handshake
Tone Changes In Voice
Quick / Clear
Makes Statements
Tends to Lean Forward
Infrequent Eye Contact
Poker Faced
Acts With Caution
Wants Facts / Details
Limited Hand Use
No Small Talk

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TPH Global Solutions makes it easy to get your products to market, through the maze of retailer requirements and complex supply chain challenges that include missed deliveries, packaging errors, and shipping damage. From pitch to profits, TPH delivers successful retail merchandising campaigns with custom point of purchase (POP) displays and custom packaging that meet the toughest demands of retailer buyers and customers at Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Meijer, Petco, and more. If you’re an established brand needing to take the pain out of your supply chain, TPH ensures global, on-time and on-budget delivery so you can focus on making great products instead of dealing with headaches. If you’re an emerging brand needing to convert new retail opportunities, TPH will help you land and pass the test order – we know all major retailer requirements and provides you with total cost visibility, so you will negotiate with confidence and fly through the toughest approval process. With deep expertise in retailer requirements and global supply chain management, we deliver confidence for brand managers – since 1965.

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