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Overview and job searching – Jo Chytka, Director, CACS Resume Preparation – Ann Jones, Assistant Director, CACS What Employers are Looking For – Leslie Goldschmidt, Recruiter, Wolseley North American How to Present Yourself – Steve Farkas, Executive Director College of Business Johnson Career Center Fine-tuning Your Interview Skills – Leslie Goldschmidt and Steve Farkas Post Career Fair Follow Up – Ryan Kobbe, Student Services Coordinator, College of Engineering and Applied Science
NACE Survey of Employers Popular Press Industries that are still hiring Starting Salary Information
CACS Services On-line products eRecruiting Going Global USA Career Guides FACEBOOK Personal Appointments Resume Checks Mock Interviews Job Search Strategy Salary Negotiations
Events: Career Fairs Job Search Workshops THE POWER OF PEOPLE NETWORK, NETWORK,NETWORK Develop a contact list Work your contacts Be Professional Use your student status
Represents you as a professional Goal is to get through the initial screening process for an interview Not up to employers to figure out what you can do for them; you need to lead them to an understanding Know your audience as best as possible so that words on the resume reflect their interest
Single piece of paper; second page may not be looked at Read from top/down; left/right Document has to be easy to read Important details in prime locations Structure - plain document vs. template Format and layout; visual appearance Organized outline Not too many bullets or bolds
Categories you all should include  Name, address, phone, presentable email address Objective:  begin with what you are using the resume for (Employment, Summer Job, Internship, Admission to Grad School, etc.) Education
Categories that may differ depending upon who your audience is and what you are “selling to them”….put in order of importance; top/down Related Experience, Engineering Experience, Internship, Student Teaching, Practicum, Shadowing, etc. Military  Computer Skills Leadership Languages International Experience Study Abroad Volunteer Honors Publications Presentations Other Work etc., etc.,
Within each category, provide MOST CURRENT information first Can close with – References Available (if there is room but don’t leave off something important) Interests are often not important, depends upon the reader; can leave off if no room ANYTHING ON A RESUME IS FAIR GAME TO BE SCREENDED ON; do not include things that have little to no relevance  for the initial screening.
Don’t need company address and zip code on the resume itself; only on reference sheet if including one Don’t need age, SSN, DOB, etc.
Don’t just list duties performed;  provide info on skills gained or what you learned while getting the job/task completed. Example:  Student Research Assistant:   Assist professor with research on plants and ecology issues.
Example (continued) Internship/Student Research Assistant:  Studied ecological questions using microscopy, microbalance, and lipid extraction; also read and analyzed primary literature in ecology. Gained experience identifying stream macro-invertebrates to the genus level.  Worked 10 hours a week while going to college full time; earned three academic internship hours for this experience.
No Mistakes:  Objective: Here are my qualifications for you to overlook  Interests:  I play the guitar and like to play with other people Education:  College, August 1880-May 1984 Work Experience:  Dealing with customers' conflicts that arouse Work Experience:  Develop and recommend an annual operating expense fudget Skills: I'm a rabid typist Work Experience:  Instrumental in ruining entire operation for a Midwest chain operation Skills: I was proud to win the Gregg Typting Award
What can you do? Network Now! -Attend the Career Fairs -Join Industry-related group on campus -Be an active member, not just resume material  -Visit your Career Center -Mock interviews, resume critiques, workshops, etc. -Talk to recruiters/companies who present -Follow up if you are interested -Ask Questions
Recruiter’s Role on Campus - To educate and inform you on the company - To be honest about our expectations of you and understand your expectations of the company - To work together with you to determine if it is a GOOD FIT - Big jigsaw puzzle
What qualities do companies look for in a potential candidate? Confidence Energy/enthusiasm Strong work ethic Well-rounded  Intangible qualities (leadership, initiative, ambition) Diverse communication skills Record of accomplishments
Think like an employer Think like a sales person
Determine Objectives Research “ Piece of Paper” vs. “Advertisement” Create an Impression Develop “Commercial” Broaden Focus Engage
If you have no idea what you want, or what your objective is, it will be very difficult for a prospective employer to tell you. The more focused and better prepared you are, the quicker you and the employer can have a meaningful discussion.
Questions: What companies do I want to work for?  Do I know what employers in this industry are really looking for? How much do I know about the kind of work I want to do? How does my experience align with identified opportunities? Research companies that will be in attendan ce: Determine a company’s position within their industry What types of jobs may be available? Internships and regular employment offerings? Review current job postings to gain insight into “ideal candidates”  Look for current news about the company, i.e. M&A activity, business expansion, new products, etc. At the Career Fair: Pay attention to banners and other marketing materials Pick up literature Listen to employer conversations…questions asked, information provided, etc. Talk to your peers
Most important rule:  Know your target audience!  In order to meet a buyer's (EMPLOYER) need for a product or service you must understand what they consider to be important. List what positive end results the customer  (EMPLOYER) will get from using the product/service (YOU). Develop a list of selling points. From the customer's (EMPLOYER) point-of-view, answer the questions, "What's in it for me," "So what," and "Why should I buy from you?"  Turn all the features of the product/service into benefits.  Keep your target audience in mind during the entire creation process, provide a benefits-oriented objective and list your past successes!
Career fairs  are  interviews and you should treat them as such. We all make quick judgments about people based on the way they dress, present themselves, their eye contact and body language. First impressions either help or hurt our chances for success. Maximizing your chances of creating a positive, first impression: Professional Dress Personal Hygiene Personal Behavior Make eye contact ­ it is important for establishing rapport. Firm handshake – demonstrates confidence Watch your posture ­ poor posture conveys a lack of confidence. Control your hands ­ don't grip your portfolio, fiddle with your tie or jewelry, or keep your hands in your pockets. SMILE! You will look better when you have a smile on your face and it will make you appear more natural and confident.
You may only have a few minutes to market yourself…make the most of your time. What sets you apart from the crowd?  Why should the employer hire you over the hundreds of other candidates?  What are your strengths? Start with your  “Commercial”  to introduce yourself and connect your background to the company’s needs. Be articulate and show confidence!
“ Hello, I'm Steve. I'm a senior here at the University of Wyoming and I'm majoring in Marketing. I'm very interested in a marketing career. As you can see on my resume, I've just completed an internship in the Marketing Division of Proctor & Gamble and have taken courses in marketing strategy and analysis. I recently read about your company’s new marketing initiatives and am very interested to learn of marketing opportunities with your organization.”
You may miss out on possible opportunities if you pass up an employer because of preconceived ideas.  Many technical firms offer non-technical positions, and vice-versa.  Relate to what the employer is looking for.   If there are specific skills you don't have enough experience in, then explain why the skills you do have are even more important.
You need to engage the recruiter - not simply hold a one sided conversation. At a career fair, a conversation is your best friend, because the longer you spend talking with the recruiter, the more likely they are to remember you. Use your conversation to convince the company they can use the skills, attitudes and experiences you bring to the table… relate   them  to what the  employer is looking for. Demonstrate that you have done your research and have practical knowledge about their company or industry. Ask good questions that are specific to what you know about the company and will help you understand opportunities that may be available. The unspoken bottom line: “Convince me as to why we should hire you?“ As you leave each employer, learn next steps in their process and what you can do to advance your candidacy. Be sure to take notes. Get business cards or names. Plan to write follow-up notes to your contacts.
The Interview
The Interview Do’s Look sharp, professional  Do your homework Be confident Turn up the energy/enthusiasm Don’t lack examples;  be able to prove your points Sell yourself: Know your audience and the position you are applying for! Ask for the opportunity  if you want it! Ask good questions
The Interview Don'ts Think the interviewer holds all the cards Two way street-Interview the Interviewer  Lack Examples – Prove your points! Talk only of money Be late Lack Enthusiasm – It’s important! Forget to send a thank you note! It’s a nice touch… Not knowing about the company What else???
Wyoming Correspondence in Your  Job Search Letters to employers are valuable & necessary additions to your marketing tools!
Basics of Job Search Correspondence Individualize Make your purpose clear Edit Be yourself Record-keeping
Types of Job Search Correspondence Informative interview letters Research career fields & inquire about openings Cover letters Accompany & introduce your resume Thank you notes Confirm your interest  Offer acceptance/decline letters Professional way to respond to an offer
Excellent way to research career fields & inquire about potential job leads Purpose to get information and advice,  not to get a job Do not include a resume Research employer first Error free – no exceptions
When writing, do the following: Introduce yourself  and your purpose for writing Briefly  describe your background  and interest in the company Let the contact know  how they can help Set a time  when you intend to follow up Be brief  and professional
Cover Letters Should accompany every resume you send Concise & to the point No longer than one page Highlight relevant aspects of your experience & skills Research employer and position first Error free – no exceptions Don’t forget to sign
Should answer four questions: Why are you writing? Why are you interested in the company &/or job? Why would the employer be interested in you? What is the next step?
Cover Letters Three main sections : Introduction Who you are and why you’re writing Body  One or two concise paragraphs Match your background to the needs and interests of the employer (research is important here) Summarize qualifications w/ specific examples Closing Brief summary, refer to enclosed resume, & next step
Thank You Notes Simple yet crucial ritual Send immediately after contact with employer Shows you have social skills & one last chance to market yourself Personalize each letter Highlight information you found interesting Error free – no exceptions
Offer Acceptance/Decline Letters At some point it will be necessary to accept or decline a job offer First respond by phone, then follow up with a letter Prevents confusion and misunderstandings
Offer Acceptance/Decline Letters When accepting an offer, include: - Details of the position (salary, job title, start date & location, relocation package, etc.) -Briefly state your enthusiasm for the position and appreciation for the opportunity When declining an offer, include: - Statement of appreciation  -Brief reason for declining -Statement that leaves possibility for future contact  (if appropriate)
Frequently Asked Questions What about  e-mail  correspondence? -- Acceptable in  most  cases -- Can be effective or disastrous Research first Do not send randomly  Your alias, subject line, & content have to be clear Business-like writing style Include a signature block Name attachments logically
Frequently Asked Questions What about paper copies? --Paper 8½ x 11, good quality, clean photocopies --Print Laser quality Clean font (proportionally spaced & easy to read) --Folding vs. large envelopes Folding is OK for limited number of pages Flat envelopes can be a nice touch
Frequently Asked Questions Where can I get help? Center for Advising and Career Services Student service providers in your college The Writing Center Family and friends
Monday, September 21, Pharmacy Job Fair, Hilton Gardens 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 22, Engineering Science and Technology Job Fair, 10a.m.-3p.m. Wyoming Union Ballroom Tuesday, September 22, Meet the Firms, 7:00 p.m.  Wyoming Union Family Room Wednesday, September 23, Business, Non-profit, Government Fair, 10a.m.-3p.m. Wyoming Union Ballroom Friday, November  6  Nursing Job Fair, TIME, Wyoming Union Ballroom 10a.m.-2:00 p.m.

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Preparation Cr U1 9 15 09

  • 1.  
  • 2. Overview and job searching – Jo Chytka, Director, CACS Resume Preparation – Ann Jones, Assistant Director, CACS What Employers are Looking For – Leslie Goldschmidt, Recruiter, Wolseley North American How to Present Yourself – Steve Farkas, Executive Director College of Business Johnson Career Center Fine-tuning Your Interview Skills – Leslie Goldschmidt and Steve Farkas Post Career Fair Follow Up – Ryan Kobbe, Student Services Coordinator, College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • 3. NACE Survey of Employers Popular Press Industries that are still hiring Starting Salary Information
  • 4. CACS Services On-line products eRecruiting Going Global USA Career Guides FACEBOOK Personal Appointments Resume Checks Mock Interviews Job Search Strategy Salary Negotiations
  • 5. Events: Career Fairs Job Search Workshops THE POWER OF PEOPLE NETWORK, NETWORK,NETWORK Develop a contact list Work your contacts Be Professional Use your student status
  • 6.  
  • 7.  
  • 8. Represents you as a professional Goal is to get through the initial screening process for an interview Not up to employers to figure out what you can do for them; you need to lead them to an understanding Know your audience as best as possible so that words on the resume reflect their interest
  • 9. Single piece of paper; second page may not be looked at Read from top/down; left/right Document has to be easy to read Important details in prime locations Structure - plain document vs. template Format and layout; visual appearance Organized outline Not too many bullets or bolds
  • 10. Categories you all should include Name, address, phone, presentable email address Objective: begin with what you are using the resume for (Employment, Summer Job, Internship, Admission to Grad School, etc.) Education
  • 11. Categories that may differ depending upon who your audience is and what you are “selling to them”….put in order of importance; top/down Related Experience, Engineering Experience, Internship, Student Teaching, Practicum, Shadowing, etc. Military Computer Skills Leadership Languages International Experience Study Abroad Volunteer Honors Publications Presentations Other Work etc., etc.,
  • 12. Within each category, provide MOST CURRENT information first Can close with – References Available (if there is room but don’t leave off something important) Interests are often not important, depends upon the reader; can leave off if no room ANYTHING ON A RESUME IS FAIR GAME TO BE SCREENDED ON; do not include things that have little to no relevance for the initial screening.
  • 13. Don’t need company address and zip code on the resume itself; only on reference sheet if including one Don’t need age, SSN, DOB, etc.
  • 14. Don’t just list duties performed; provide info on skills gained or what you learned while getting the job/task completed. Example: Student Research Assistant: Assist professor with research on plants and ecology issues.
  • 15. Example (continued) Internship/Student Research Assistant: Studied ecological questions using microscopy, microbalance, and lipid extraction; also read and analyzed primary literature in ecology. Gained experience identifying stream macro-invertebrates to the genus level. Worked 10 hours a week while going to college full time; earned three academic internship hours for this experience.
  • 16. No Mistakes: Objective: Here are my qualifications for you to overlook Interests: I play the guitar and like to play with other people Education: College, August 1880-May 1984 Work Experience: Dealing with customers' conflicts that arouse Work Experience: Develop and recommend an annual operating expense fudget Skills: I'm a rabid typist Work Experience: Instrumental in ruining entire operation for a Midwest chain operation Skills: I was proud to win the Gregg Typting Award
  • 17.  
  • 18. What can you do? Network Now! -Attend the Career Fairs -Join Industry-related group on campus -Be an active member, not just resume material -Visit your Career Center -Mock interviews, resume critiques, workshops, etc. -Talk to recruiters/companies who present -Follow up if you are interested -Ask Questions
  • 19. Recruiter’s Role on Campus - To educate and inform you on the company - To be honest about our expectations of you and understand your expectations of the company - To work together with you to determine if it is a GOOD FIT - Big jigsaw puzzle
  • 20. What qualities do companies look for in a potential candidate? Confidence Energy/enthusiasm Strong work ethic Well-rounded Intangible qualities (leadership, initiative, ambition) Diverse communication skills Record of accomplishments
  • 21.  
  • 22. Think like an employer Think like a sales person
  • 23. Determine Objectives Research “ Piece of Paper” vs. “Advertisement” Create an Impression Develop “Commercial” Broaden Focus Engage
  • 24. If you have no idea what you want, or what your objective is, it will be very difficult for a prospective employer to tell you. The more focused and better prepared you are, the quicker you and the employer can have a meaningful discussion.
  • 25. Questions: What companies do I want to work for? Do I know what employers in this industry are really looking for? How much do I know about the kind of work I want to do? How does my experience align with identified opportunities? Research companies that will be in attendan ce: Determine a company’s position within their industry What types of jobs may be available? Internships and regular employment offerings? Review current job postings to gain insight into “ideal candidates” Look for current news about the company, i.e. M&A activity, business expansion, new products, etc. At the Career Fair: Pay attention to banners and other marketing materials Pick up literature Listen to employer conversations…questions asked, information provided, etc. Talk to your peers
  • 26. Most important rule: Know your target audience! In order to meet a buyer's (EMPLOYER) need for a product or service you must understand what they consider to be important. List what positive end results the customer (EMPLOYER) will get from using the product/service (YOU). Develop a list of selling points. From the customer's (EMPLOYER) point-of-view, answer the questions, "What's in it for me," "So what," and "Why should I buy from you?" Turn all the features of the product/service into benefits. Keep your target audience in mind during the entire creation process, provide a benefits-oriented objective and list your past successes!
  • 27. Career fairs are interviews and you should treat them as such. We all make quick judgments about people based on the way they dress, present themselves, their eye contact and body language. First impressions either help or hurt our chances for success. Maximizing your chances of creating a positive, first impression: Professional Dress Personal Hygiene Personal Behavior Make eye contact ­ it is important for establishing rapport. Firm handshake – demonstrates confidence Watch your posture ­ poor posture conveys a lack of confidence. Control your hands ­ don't grip your portfolio, fiddle with your tie or jewelry, or keep your hands in your pockets. SMILE! You will look better when you have a smile on your face and it will make you appear more natural and confident.
  • 28.  
  • 29.  
  • 30. You may only have a few minutes to market yourself…make the most of your time. What sets you apart from the crowd?  Why should the employer hire you over the hundreds of other candidates?  What are your strengths? Start with your “Commercial” to introduce yourself and connect your background to the company’s needs. Be articulate and show confidence!
  • 31. “ Hello, I'm Steve. I'm a senior here at the University of Wyoming and I'm majoring in Marketing. I'm very interested in a marketing career. As you can see on my resume, I've just completed an internship in the Marketing Division of Proctor & Gamble and have taken courses in marketing strategy and analysis. I recently read about your company’s new marketing initiatives and am very interested to learn of marketing opportunities with your organization.”
  • 32. You may miss out on possible opportunities if you pass up an employer because of preconceived ideas. Many technical firms offer non-technical positions, and vice-versa. Relate to what the employer is looking for.  If there are specific skills you don't have enough experience in, then explain why the skills you do have are even more important.
  • 33. You need to engage the recruiter - not simply hold a one sided conversation. At a career fair, a conversation is your best friend, because the longer you spend talking with the recruiter, the more likely they are to remember you. Use your conversation to convince the company they can use the skills, attitudes and experiences you bring to the table… relate them to what the employer is looking for. Demonstrate that you have done your research and have practical knowledge about their company or industry. Ask good questions that are specific to what you know about the company and will help you understand opportunities that may be available. The unspoken bottom line: “Convince me as to why we should hire you?“ As you leave each employer, learn next steps in their process and what you can do to advance your candidacy. Be sure to take notes. Get business cards or names. Plan to write follow-up notes to your contacts.
  • 34.  
  • 36. The Interview Do’s Look sharp, professional Do your homework Be confident Turn up the energy/enthusiasm Don’t lack examples; be able to prove your points Sell yourself: Know your audience and the position you are applying for! Ask for the opportunity if you want it! Ask good questions
  • 37. The Interview Don'ts Think the interviewer holds all the cards Two way street-Interview the Interviewer Lack Examples – Prove your points! Talk only of money Be late Lack Enthusiasm – It’s important! Forget to send a thank you note! It’s a nice touch… Not knowing about the company What else???
  • 38.  
  • 39. Wyoming Correspondence in Your Job Search Letters to employers are valuable & necessary additions to your marketing tools!
  • 40. Basics of Job Search Correspondence Individualize Make your purpose clear Edit Be yourself Record-keeping
  • 41. Types of Job Search Correspondence Informative interview letters Research career fields & inquire about openings Cover letters Accompany & introduce your resume Thank you notes Confirm your interest Offer acceptance/decline letters Professional way to respond to an offer
  • 42. Excellent way to research career fields & inquire about potential job leads Purpose to get information and advice, not to get a job Do not include a resume Research employer first Error free – no exceptions
  • 43. When writing, do the following: Introduce yourself and your purpose for writing Briefly describe your background and interest in the company Let the contact know how they can help Set a time when you intend to follow up Be brief and professional
  • 44. Cover Letters Should accompany every resume you send Concise & to the point No longer than one page Highlight relevant aspects of your experience & skills Research employer and position first Error free – no exceptions Don’t forget to sign
  • 45. Should answer four questions: Why are you writing? Why are you interested in the company &/or job? Why would the employer be interested in you? What is the next step?
  • 46. Cover Letters Three main sections : Introduction Who you are and why you’re writing Body One or two concise paragraphs Match your background to the needs and interests of the employer (research is important here) Summarize qualifications w/ specific examples Closing Brief summary, refer to enclosed resume, & next step
  • 47. Thank You Notes Simple yet crucial ritual Send immediately after contact with employer Shows you have social skills & one last chance to market yourself Personalize each letter Highlight information you found interesting Error free – no exceptions
  • 48. Offer Acceptance/Decline Letters At some point it will be necessary to accept or decline a job offer First respond by phone, then follow up with a letter Prevents confusion and misunderstandings
  • 49. Offer Acceptance/Decline Letters When accepting an offer, include: - Details of the position (salary, job title, start date & location, relocation package, etc.) -Briefly state your enthusiasm for the position and appreciation for the opportunity When declining an offer, include: - Statement of appreciation -Brief reason for declining -Statement that leaves possibility for future contact (if appropriate)
  • 50. Frequently Asked Questions What about e-mail correspondence? -- Acceptable in most cases -- Can be effective or disastrous Research first Do not send randomly Your alias, subject line, & content have to be clear Business-like writing style Include a signature block Name attachments logically
  • 51. Frequently Asked Questions What about paper copies? --Paper 8½ x 11, good quality, clean photocopies --Print Laser quality Clean font (proportionally spaced & easy to read) --Folding vs. large envelopes Folding is OK for limited number of pages Flat envelopes can be a nice touch
  • 52. Frequently Asked Questions Where can I get help? Center for Advising and Career Services Student service providers in your college The Writing Center Family and friends
  • 53.  
  • 54. Monday, September 21, Pharmacy Job Fair, Hilton Gardens 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 22, Engineering Science and Technology Job Fair, 10a.m.-3p.m. Wyoming Union Ballroom Tuesday, September 22, Meet the Firms, 7:00 p.m. Wyoming Union Family Room Wednesday, September 23, Business, Non-profit, Government Fair, 10a.m.-3p.m. Wyoming Union Ballroom Friday, November 6 Nursing Job Fair, TIME, Wyoming Union Ballroom 10a.m.-2:00 p.m.
  • 55.