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Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.

         Talent Management Unbundled

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The following material

                   on the subject of Talent Management

                  is entirely original and is our own work.

It is based on our own practical experience as practitioners and consultants.

                      Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.


The meanings of terms - a persistent problem in the context of Talent Management
   It is essential to clarify the specific meanings being given to a number of frequently used
   and important terms when they are being used in the context of Talent Management.

  This is because some of the key terms employed in the context of Talent Management
  also get used frequently within “common parlance”.

  e.g. “potential”, “high-potential”, “talent”, “capabilities”, “key people”, “key roles”.

   Furthermore, sometimes when being used in “common parlance”, some of these words
   can stimulate quite strong emotions, deriving from personal values and beliefs around human
   capability and equality, inclusion /exclusion, “elites” etc.

  In the context of Talent Management, however, such terms are given specific “technical”
  meanings that are different from their “common parlance” meanings.

  Unfortunately, there is no universal, common view on what these specific “technical” meanings are.

  Instead, each individual organisation or (thinker in the field) has to clarify (and reach agreement on)
  the meanings being given to the terms being used within their specific approach to Talent Management.

                             Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
What does the term “Talent Management” mean? (1)

It is widely believed that to maintain and strengthen organisational competitiveness/effectiveness

and to enable the delivery of any new activities/growth/change envisaged within strategic plans,

organisations have to try to employ capable, high-performing people in all areas.

Talent Management however, is usually more focused than this.

It is about trying to ensure the continual availability of a population of appropriately talented

and motivated people able to undertake and perform well in an organisation’s Key Roles.

This may include roles that do not presently exist, but which the organisation will need to create

in order to meet future challenges.

                           Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.

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Sonar6 Invisible Employee

The document discusses the importance of recognizing "Invisible Employees" - those who contribute significantly to an organization's success in less transparent ways. These can include past superstars who now mentor others, people who manage key relationships or projects, and advisors who help the organization run smoothly. Without a performance management system that identifies these employees, companies risk cutting them accidentally during downturns when focusing only on measurable metrics like sales. The document urges companies to develop ways to recognize Invisible Employees and make informed staffing decisions, as talent remains critical even in tough economic times.

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What makes entrepeneurs

1) The document explores the concept of "effectual reasoning" as an alternative to causal reasoning commonly taught in business schools. 2) Effectual reasoning begins with a given set of means and allows goals to emerge over time from interactions, rather than beginning with a predetermined goal. 3) The author conducted interviews with 30 entrepreneurs and found they relied more on effectual reasoning in the early stages of ventures, using their networks and expertise to imagine possible outcomes rather than plan predetermined goals.


This document provides an outline for a chapter about analyzing resources and capabilities for strategy formulation. It discusses how analyzing a firm's internal resources and capabilities, rather than just focusing on external factors, can provide a more stable basis for long-term strategy. Firms can develop competitive advantage by exploiting their unique portfolio of tangible and intangible resources. The chapter will cover identifying, appraising, and developing a firm's resources and capabilities in order to formulate strategies that create sustainable competitive advantage.

Underpinning essentials within any Talent Management Framework

           • Identifying and Understanding “Key Roles”

           • Identifying and Understanding Individuals’ “Talent”

           • Making judgments about Individuals’ “Potential”
             (in terms of Key Roles / Organisational Levels)

           • Creating & implementing Personal Development Plans for people
             in the “Key Talent” population

             (and/or “Retention Plans”).

                    Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
“Key Roles”
 A central aspect of Talent Management is that, given finite resources, the organisation has to decide
 which people in particular it should focus its efforts (and investment) on - in terms of attracting,
 developing and retaining them.

To enable it to make such decisions, the organisation needs to identify the set of “Key Roles” which
are critical to its ability to maintain & strengthen competitiveness and to deliver its strategic goals.

It needs then to understand the demands of these roles and the skills and other characteristics needed
by effective incumbents.

The driving logic is that the organisation should focus its efforts (and investment) on attracting,
developing and retaining people who can perform these “Key Roles” effectively now, or who can
reasonably be expected to be able to perform them in the near, mid, or long-term future.

                              “Key Roles” are:

                              • senior leadership roles

                              • other “very high-impact” technical/specialist roles.

                                  Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
Coming to a view on an individual’s “Talent” and “Potential”

Overleaf is an overview diagram showing the various elements involved in:

   a)     reaching a sensible and ethical view about the capabilities and characteristics a person has
        (referred to as their “talent”)

                                    …. and based on this:

   b) reaching a sensible and ethical judgment about the probability of that person becoming
      capable of successfully undertaking “Key Roles” within the organisation at some given
      point in the future (referred to as their “potential”).

                           Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
Coming to a view on an individual’s “Talent” and “Potential”
                                              (i.e. their potential future contribution to the organisation)

                         Person’s                       Person’s goals                            Person’s
                         “Talent”                       & preferences                            “Potential”

                                                                                                                                      Expressed in the form
                                                                                                Judgment made
                                                                                                                                      of a hypothesis
        “Inherent”               Present                                                        about individual’s
       characteristics                                                                          capacity for
            and           +    technical /
                               professional   +     Preferences   +    Aspirations
                                                                                                developing specific
        capabilities           capabilities                                                     other capabilities
                                                                                                and of performing                       “if……………
                                                                                                well in future senior                      then…………”
                                                                                                leadership or other
                                                                                                very “high-impact”
- “Temperament”                                                                                 roles – given certain
  (Achievement Drive,                                                                           development opportunities
   Resilience)                                                                                  & activities.                       This hypothesis may or
- “Intellect”                                                                                                                       may not include statements
   (Problem Analysis,                                                                                                               about possible future roles.
    Creative Thinking,
                                                                                                                                    May be summarised
- “Emotional Intelligence”                                                                                                          in a “Potential Rating”
   (Adaptive Influence,
    Personal Insight)
- “Learning Drive”                                                                                             Note:

                                                                                                               Judgment on likelihood of suitable “Key Roles”
                                                                                                               or “Development Roles” becoming available
                                                                                                               takes place within Succession Planning process

                                                  Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.

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HR Delivery; Ensuring focused, committed and competent workforce. The document discusses three key elements of HR delivery: 1) building a diverse workforce through recruitment drives and talent pipeline programs, 2) nurturing and developing top talent through leadership development programs and performance feedback, and 3) improving bottom performance through performance improvement plans. The goal is to ensure a focused, committed and competent workforce.

Live Your Professional Career
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Live Your Professional Career

This presentation explores some common denominators that bond professionals, such as economic environment and career planning, and variations that distinguish each one, like individual’s whole person and career path. On top of the list for planning one’s own career is to understand one’s self as a whole person. What is important to you? Do you have a balanced outlook of life? Are there risk factors that might tip you off balance? What constitutes a rewarding career? Do you take charge of your own career? The new career reality reflects that professionals face less opportunity to obtain advancement in the midst of downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring, restructuring and delayering. A new trend in employment also emphasizes the selection of candidates for the best ‘fit’ (not best ‘qualified’) with a position, boss, team, and company culture. Do you keep an open mind to learn, adapt, take action, and choose the future? The career coach introduces a framework for planning professional career and personal actions. Despite uncertainties, take inventory of your behavioral repertoires and knowledge portfolio in terms of strengths and weaknesses. These competencies are assessable and improvable for desired career results and outcomes.

What does the term “Talent Management” mean? (2)

  The terms

              • “Talent Management”

              • “Talent Management Framework”

              • “Talent Management System”

  are also given to the set of “policy and practices clusters” that companies develop and utilise
  in order to identify, attract, retain and develop capable, high-performing people for their Key Roles.

It is now regarded as “good practice” for organisations to develop a Talent Management Framework.

The policy and practices clusters which can constitute a Talent Management Framework are discussed
further below.

                           Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
                                         INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS”
         Clusters’                                                                                Clusters’
           goals                                                                                    goals

      To attract & select                                               Leadership
 key talent people to maintain                                                                 To have a highly skilled
& strengthen competitiveness                                           Development               (world class?) and
and delivery of strategic goals                                          policies &             collaborative senior
                                                                          practices               leadership cadre

                                                                                                To maximise the likelihood
                                         Internal                        Internal               that staff in the key talent
To have identified those people
     within the organisation               Talent                          Talent            population will learn and develop
    who are to be included             Identification                  Development                as needed in order to
  in the key talent population           policies &                      policies &              continue to perform well
                                                                                                     and to fulfill their
                                          practices                       practices              (hypothesised) potential

                                                                                                 To have continual cover
                                                                                                for senior leadership roles

      To attract & retain                                                                        To have continual cover
 key talent people to maintain        Compensation                       Succession
                                                                                                  for “very high-impact”
& strengthen competitiveness             & Benefits                        Planning              technical/specialist roles
and delivery of strategic goals      policies & practices             policies & practices

    To have cost effective                                                                      To manage the availability
        employment                                                                             of appropriate roles for key
          contracts                                                                            talent people as part of their
                                                                                                development and as an aid
                                                                                                    to their retention.
Clusters’                                                                   Clusters’
  goals                                                                       goals

                 External                                Senior
                   Talent                             Leadership
                Resourcing                           Development
                 policies &                            policies &
                  practices                             practices

                 Internal                              Internal
                   Talent                                Talent
               Identification                        Development
                 policies &                            policies &
                  practices                             practices


              Compensation                             Succession
                 & Benefits                              Planning
             policies & practices                   policies & practices
                                    Key Roles
                                     policies &   often involves
                                     practices    Competencies frameworks
                                    INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS”
       Clusters’                                                                           Clusters’
         goals                                                                               goals

                                  External                               Senior
                                    Talent                            Leadership
                                 Resourcing                          Development
                                  policies &                           policies &
                                   practices                            practices

                                  Internal                             Internal
                                    Talent                               Talent
                                Identification                       Development
                                  policies &                           policies &
                                   practices                            practices

                               Compensation                            Succession
                                  & Benefits                             Planning
                              policies & practices                  policies & practices
To provide information on                            Key Roles
the demands and challenges                            Analysis
and on the relative sizes                             policies &
of the organisation’s                                 practices
key roles.

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Chapter 01

The document discusses the strategic role of human resource management. It notes that HRM now plays a critical role in bridging gaps between employee expectations and organizational requirements by adopting appropriate strategies and practices. The objectives of HRM are to achieve organizational goals, meet employee expectations, and develop employee skills and abilities while managing human resources ethically. HRM is evolving from an administrative role to a more strategic role.

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This document outlines a competency mapping framework for human resource development executives. It details five levels of competencies from knowledge to proficiency across two domains: 1) Functional/technical competencies which include training/learning assessment, design, instructional design, and delivery and 2) Behavioral competencies including threshold and differentiating competencies. Each competency is defined at each level with increasing independence, analysis, and application of skills. The framework provides guidance on competencies required for HRD executives at different stages of their career.

Clusters’                                                                 Clusters’
  goals                                                                     goals

                 External                               Senior
                   Talent                            Leadership
                Resourcing                          Development
                 policies &                           policies &
                  practices                            practices

                 Internal                             Internal
                   Talent                               Talent
               Identification                       Development
                 policies &                           policies &
                  practices                            practices

                                      policies &

              Compensation                            Succession
                 & Benefits                             Planning
             policies & practices                  policies & practices
                                       INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS”
         Clusters’                                                                            Clusters’
           goals                                                                                goals

                                     External                               Senior
                                       Talent                            Leadership
                                    Resourcing                          Development
                                     policies &                           policies &
                                      practices                            practices

                                     Internal                             Internal
                                       Talent                               Talent
                                   Identification                       Development
                                     policies &                           policies &
                                      practices                            practices

To provide information on the                           Performance
contribution being made by
staff and on their
developmental progress,                                   policies &
and to signify fairness and                               practices
objectivity in assessing
contribution & performance
                                  Compensation                            Succession
                                     & Benefits                             Planning
                                 policies & practices                  policies & practices
Clusters’                                                                 Clusters’
  goals                                                                     goals

                 External                               Senior
                   Talent                            Leadership
                Resourcing                          Development
                 policies &                           policies &
                  practices                            practices

                                     policies &
                 Internal                             Internal
                   Talent                               Talent
               Identification                       Development
                 policies &                           policies &
                  practices                            practices

              Compensation                            Succession
                 & Benefits                             Planning
             policies & practices                  policies & practices
                                       INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS”
        Clusters’                                                                             Clusters’
          gals                                                                                  goals

                                     External                               Senior
                                       Talent                            Leadership
                                    Resourcing                          Development
                                     policies &                           policies &
                                      practices                            practices

To provide objective data                               Assessment
on the capabilities,                                     policies &
characteristics, aspirations,
preferences and potential                                 practices
(organisational) of                  Internal                             Internal
                                       Talent                               Talent
                                   Identification                       Development
                                     policies &                           policies &
                                      practices                            practices

                                  Compensation                            Succession
                                     & Benefits                             Planning
                                 policies & practices                  policies & practices

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                              INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS”

    External                                           Senior
      Talent                                        Leadership
   Resourcing                                      Development
    policies &                                       policies &
     practices                                        practices

                                policies &
    Internal                                         Internal
      Talent                                           Talent
  Identification                                   Development
    policies &                                       policies &
     practices                                        practices          the continual availability of a

                                                                         population of appropriately skilled and
                                                                         motivated people to be able to fill
                                 policies &                              and perform well in “very high-impact”
                                                                         (or “business critical”) roles.
 Compensation                                        Succession
    & Benefits                                         Planning
policies & practices                              policies & practices

            Underpins           Key Roles      Underpins
               all                                all
                                 policies &
e.g. Company X sees it’s own Talent Management Framework as consisting
of 3 key elements. And, it chooses not to see Compensation & Benefits
as an integrated part of its Talent Management Framework.

                                                                       policies &
                                                                        practices          Element 2.
                              Talent                                                       “Optimisation
                           Resourcing                                                      of Leadership
                            policies &                                                     Performance”
Element 1.                                                             Internal
“Identification                                                          Talent
of Leadership                                                        Development
                                                                       policies &
Talent”                                                                 practices
                            policies &

                                                                       Succession          Element 3.
                                                                         Planning          “Succession
                                                                    policies & practices   Management”
But, while Company X’s Talent Management Framework may have
“only” have 3 elements, these also require the “underpinning” clusters
shown in the centre in this graphic.
                                                                              policies &
                                                                                                  Element 2.
                                                       Assessment                                 “Optimisation
                                                        policies &
                                                                                                  of Leadership
                              policies &                                      policies &
Element 1.                                                                     practices
of Leadership                                          Performance
Talent”                                                  policies &
                              Internal                   practices
                                Talent                                        Succession          Element 3.
                            Identification                                      Planning          “Succession
                              policies &                                   policies & practices   Management”

                                           Underpins     Key Roles       Underpins
                                              all                           all
                                                          policies &
Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.

Founding Partners:
                       John Gemmill, MBA, MA (Hons)
                       Managing Director
                       Mobile: 07983 526378

                      Richard Palmer, MA
                      Mobile: 07714 188233


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Insight Driven - Talent Management Unbundled

  • 1. Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition. Talent Management Unbundled These Slides are best viewed in PowerPoint slideshow mode. If you are viewing this in Slideshow mode, please use the “up” and “down” arrows on your keyboard, or left-clicks using your mouse, to proceed through this material. Press “Esc” at any time to exit. 1
  • 2. The following material on the subject of Talent Management is entirely original and is our own work. It is based on our own practical experience as practitioners and consultants. Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition. 2
  • 3. CAVEAT The meanings of terms - a persistent problem in the context of Talent Management It is essential to clarify the specific meanings being given to a number of frequently used and important terms when they are being used in the context of Talent Management. This is because some of the key terms employed in the context of Talent Management also get used frequently within “common parlance”. e.g. “potential”, “high-potential”, “talent”, “capabilities”, “key people”, “key roles”. Furthermore, sometimes when being used in “common parlance”, some of these words can stimulate quite strong emotions, deriving from personal values and beliefs around human capability and equality, inclusion /exclusion, “elites” etc. In the context of Talent Management, however, such terms are given specific “technical” meanings that are different from their “common parlance” meanings. Unfortunately, there is no universal, common view on what these specific “technical” meanings are. Instead, each individual organisation or (thinker in the field) has to clarify (and reach agreement on) the meanings being given to the terms being used within their specific approach to Talent Management. Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
  • 4. What does the term “Talent Management” mean? (1) It is widely believed that to maintain and strengthen organisational competitiveness/effectiveness and to enable the delivery of any new activities/growth/change envisaged within strategic plans, organisations have to try to employ capable, high-performing people in all areas. Talent Management however, is usually more focused than this. It is about trying to ensure the continual availability of a population of appropriately talented and motivated people able to undertake and perform well in an organisation’s Key Roles. This may include roles that do not presently exist, but which the organisation will need to create in order to meet future challenges. Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
  • 5. Underpinning essentials within any Talent Management Framework • Identifying and Understanding “Key Roles” • Identifying and Understanding Individuals’ “Talent” • Making judgments about Individuals’ “Potential” (in terms of Key Roles / Organisational Levels) • Creating & implementing Personal Development Plans for people in the “Key Talent” population (and/or “Retention Plans”). Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
  • 6. “Key Roles” A central aspect of Talent Management is that, given finite resources, the organisation has to decide which people in particular it should focus its efforts (and investment) on - in terms of attracting, developing and retaining them. To enable it to make such decisions, the organisation needs to identify the set of “Key Roles” which are critical to its ability to maintain & strengthen competitiveness and to deliver its strategic goals. It needs then to understand the demands of these roles and the skills and other characteristics needed by effective incumbents. The driving logic is that the organisation should focus its efforts (and investment) on attracting, developing and retaining people who can perform these “Key Roles” effectively now, or who can reasonably be expected to be able to perform them in the near, mid, or long-term future. “Key Roles” are: • senior leadership roles • other “very high-impact” technical/specialist roles. Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
  • 7. Coming to a view on an individual’s “Talent” and “Potential” Overleaf is an overview diagram showing the various elements involved in: a) reaching a sensible and ethical view about the capabilities and characteristics a person has (referred to as their “talent”) …. and based on this: b) reaching a sensible and ethical judgment about the probability of that person becoming capable of successfully undertaking “Key Roles” within the organisation at some given point in the future (referred to as their “potential”). Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
  • 8. Coming to a view on an individual’s “Talent” and “Potential” (i.e. their potential future contribution to the organisation) Person’s Person’s goals Person’s “Talent” & preferences “Potential” Expressed in the form Judgment made of a hypothesis “Inherent” Present about individual’s characteristics capacity for and + technical / professional + Preferences + Aspirations developing specific capabilities capabilities other capabilities and of performing “if…………… well in future senior then…………” leadership or other very “high-impact” - “Temperament” roles – given certain (Achievement Drive, development opportunities Resilience) & activities. This hypothesis may or - “Intellect” may not include statements (Problem Analysis, about possible future roles. Creative Thinking, May be summarised Judgement) - “Emotional Intelligence” in a “Potential Rating” (Adaptive Influence, Empathy Personal Insight) - “Learning Drive” Note: Judgment on likelihood of suitable “Key Roles” or “Development Roles” becoming available takes place within Succession Planning process Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
  • 9. What does the term “Talent Management” mean? (2) The terms • “Talent Management” • “Talent Management Framework” • “Talent Management System” are also given to the set of “policy and practices clusters” that companies develop and utilise in order to identify, attract, retain and develop capable, high-performing people for their Key Roles. It is now regarded as “good practice” for organisations to develop a Talent Management Framework. The policy and practices clusters which can constitute a Talent Management Framework are discussed further below. Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition.
  • 10. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” Clusters’ Clusters’ goals goals Senior To attract & select Leadership key talent people to maintain To have a highly skilled & strengthen competitiveness Development (world class?) and and delivery of strategic goals policies & collaborative senior practices leadership cadre To maximise the likelihood Internal Internal that staff in the key talent To have identified those people within the organisation Talent Talent population will learn and develop who are to be included Identification Development as needed in order to in the key talent population policies & policies & continue to perform well and to fulfill their practices practices (hypothesised) potential To have continual cover for senior leadership roles To attract & retain To have continual cover key talent people to maintain Compensation Succession for “very high-impact” & strengthen competitiveness & Benefits Planning technical/specialist roles and delivery of strategic goals policies & practices policies & practices To have cost effective To manage the availability employment of appropriate roles for key contracts talent people as part of their development and as an aid to their retention.
  • 11. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” Clusters’ Clusters’ goals goals External Senior Talent Leadership Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices practices Internal Internal Talent Talent Identification Development policies & policies & practices practices Underpins all Compensation Succession & Benefits Planning policies & practices policies & practices Key Roles Analysis policies & often involves practices Competencies frameworks
  • 12. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” Clusters’ Clusters’ goals goals External Senior Talent Leadership Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices practices Internal Internal Talent Talent Identification Development policies & policies & practices practices Compensation Succession & Benefits Planning policies & practices policies & practices To provide information on Key Roles the demands and challenges Analysis and on the relative sizes policies & of the organisation’s practices key roles.
  • 13. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” Clusters’ Clusters’ goals goals External Senior Talent Leadership Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices practices Internal Internal Talent Talent Identification Development policies & policies & practices practices Performance Management policies & practices Compensation Succession & Benefits Planning policies & practices policies & practices
  • 14. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” Clusters’ Clusters’ goals goals External Senior Talent Leadership Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices practices Internal Internal Talent Talent Identification Development policies & policies & practices practices To provide information on the Performance contribution being made by staff and on their Management developmental progress, policies & and to signify fairness and practices objectivity in assessing contribution & performance Compensation Succession & Benefits Planning policies & practices policies & practices
  • 15. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” Clusters’ Clusters’ goals goals External Senior Talent Leadership Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices practices Assessment policies & practices Internal Internal Talent Talent Identification Development policies & policies & practices practices Compensation Succession & Benefits Planning policies & practices policies & practices
  • 16. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” Clusters’ Clusters’ gals goals External Senior Talent Leadership Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices practices To provide objective data Assessment on the capabilities, policies & characteristics, aspirations, preferences and potential practices (organisational) of Internal Internal individuals. Talent Talent Identification Development policies & policies & practices practices Compensation Succession & Benefits Planning policies & practices policies & practices
  • 17. A “TALENT MANAGEMENT” FRAMEWORK CONSISTS OF A SET OF INTER-RELATED “POLICY & PRACTICES CLUSTERS” External Senior Talent Leadership Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices practices Assessment policies & practices Internal Internal Talent Talent Identification Development policies & policies & practices practices the continual availability of a population of appropriately skilled and Performance motivated people to be able to fill Management policies & and perform well in “very high-impact” practices (or “business critical”) roles. Compensation Succession & Benefits Planning policies & practices policies & practices Underpins Key Roles Underpins all all Analysis policies & practices
  • 18. SOME COMPANIES CHOOSE TO VIEW ONLY SOME OF THESE CLUSTERS AS FALLING WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR OWN PARTICULAR TALENT MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK. e.g. Company X sees it’s own Talent Management Framework as consisting of 3 key elements. And, it chooses not to see Compensation & Benefits as an integrated part of its Talent Management Framework. Senior Leadership Development policies & practices Element 2. External Talent “Optimisation Resourcing of Leadership policies & Performance” practices Element 1. Internal “Identification Talent of Leadership Development policies & Talent” practices Internal Talent Identification policies & practices Succession Element 3. Planning “Succession policies & practices Management”
  • 19. But, while Company X’s Talent Management Framework may have “only” have 3 elements, these also require the “underpinning” clusters shown in the centre in this graphic. Senior Leadership Development policies & practices Element 2. Assessment “Optimisation policies & of Leadership practices Performance” External Internal Talent Talent Resourcing Development policies & policies & practices Element 1. practices “Identification of Leadership Performance Management Talent” policies & Internal practices Talent Succession Element 3. Identification Planning “Succession policies & policies & practices Management” practices Underpins Key Roles Underpins all all Analysis policies & practices
  • 20. Strategic People Management & Talent Acquisition. Founding Partners: John Gemmill, MBA, MA (Hons) Managing Director Mobile: 07983 526378 Richard Palmer, MA Director Mobile: 07714 188233