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Plone deployment 
made easy 
Pawel Lewicki 
Kim Chee Leong 
Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe 
{ lewicki, leong }
● From manual to automatic deployment 
● How Puppet and Fabric are used for 
● Deployment demo in screencast 
● Puppet server orchestration 
● Fabric in detail
From manual to 
automatic deployment 
our path to automatic deployment
Typical Plone release 
● Mark eggs/modules using git tag 
● Update mr developer sources with tag 
● SSH to server 
● Clone new buildout in releases directory 
● Bootstrap buildout and execute 
● Switch previous release to new release 
● If on a cluster set-up, rinse and repeat

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Instruction: dev environment
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Instruction: dev environment

This document provides instructions for installing various development tools on Mac OSX, including Xcode, command line tools, Homebrew, Ruby, Python, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Chef, and Ansible. It describes downloading and installing each tool, and in some cases providing additional configuration steps or notes on cleaning up existing installations. The overall purpose is to set up a standard development environment with common utilities.

Trust, but verify | Testing with Docker Containers
Trust, but verify | Testing with Docker ContainersTrust, but verify | Testing with Docker Containers
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This presentation will dive into testing with Docker Containers * Building Docker containers and testing with Serverspec * Testing Docker Compose with Serverspec * Taking advantage of Docker sibling containers to run serverspec in a container * Running large test matrix with Serverspec * Demonstrate using pry/pry-rescue to debug large test The lab is available at:

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How NOT to write in Node.js
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This document discusses Node.js architecture and how software lives in hardware. It notes that Node.js uses a single-threaded, event loop model to avoid context switching and blocking I/O. This allows high throughput for operations like HTTP requests but is not optimal for long-running computations in a single thread. The document also addresses issues like callback hell and scaling event emitters, providing solutions like using promises and external queue systems. It concludes by stating Node.js is best for I/O operations, not all problems, and event loop models have existed in other frameworks before Node.js.

Plone release @GWW 
using Fabric 
● All previous steps in one Fabric script 
● Allows ‘dummy-proof’ releases 
fab make_tag 
fab deploy 
fab switch 
And Bob is your uncle!
xkcd - automation
Why automatic 
�� Avoid repetitive tasks 
● Error-proof 
● Immune to typo’s 
● Consistent environments 
● Time efficient
Why automatic 
● Avoid repetitive tasks 
● Error-proof 
● Immune to typo’s 
● Consistent environments 
● Time efficient 
nothing* should be done manually 
on the server

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A quickfire rundown of concise tips designed to make your daily life with Docker better! There will be something for Docker users of all experience levels.

Test Driven Development with Puppet - PuppetConf 2014
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The document discusses test driven development (TDD) approaches for Puppet modules. It recommends writing tests before code using tools like RSpec and guard. The document provides examples of unit testing Puppet code and definitions using rspec-puppet. It also discusses acceptance testing Puppet code and modules using Beaker against real systems. Overall, the document promotes writing tests for Puppet code to ensure quality and prevent regressions across different operating systems and versions.

puppetconf 2014

Vagrant allows developers to easily create and manage virtual machine environments for development. It provides a simple configuration file format and CLI to automate the setup of VMs using various providers like VirtualBox, VMware, AWS, and more. Vagrant can provision VMs using tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible and Shell scripts. It aims to allow exact clones of production environments for testing and to simplify tasks like testing infrastructure changes.

How Puppet and Fabric 
are used for deployment
Initial server setup with 
● Puppet is used for server orchestration 
● Puppet prepares the servers 
● When Puppet is done, Fabric is used to 
deploy buildouts
Puppet diagram
Buildout deployment with 
● Uses tst, acc and prd layers 
● Knows configuration for buildout 
● Deploys and runs buildouts 
● Does several other tasks

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Everything as a code
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Everything as a code

Процесс разработки не начинается и не заканчивается на написании кода программного продукта. Мы пишем документацию, придумываем, как это всё оттестировать, и заботимся о том, чтобы доступность приложения была на высоком уровне. Мы все делаем привычные вещи привычным для нас способом. Порой выполняя много ручной и неэффективной работы. Но что, если есть другой, радикальный подход. Можно ли формализовать свою деятельность и переложить её в код? Какие практики и инструменты для этого использовать? В докладе будет представлен личный опыт автора по автоматизации различных элементов разработки ПО.

software developmentdevops
Infrastructure = code - 1 year later
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This document discusses using infrastructure as code to automate server setup and deployment using Ansible. It outlines benefits like reducing human error, allowing developers and operations teams to work seamlessly through continuous integration and testing. Specifics of the infrastructure as code stack used are covered, including Ansible for configuration management, Docker for containers, and Vagrant for local virtual machine provisioning. Challenges and lessons learned around testing, debugging, and migrating existing systems are also presented. The overall message is that infrastructure as code takes time to implement but results in major improvements to deployment speed, reliability, and ability to rapidly iterate.

continuous integrationinfrastructuredevops
Fabric workshop(1) - (MOSG)
Fabric workshop(1) - (MOSG)Fabric workshop(1) - (MOSG)
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This fabric workshop aims to create a deploy tool using Fabric that can deploy code to servers defined in roles, show existing tags, change to a different tagged version, and remove tags. The agenda includes demonstrating local tasks, remote tasks using an Ansible inventory file, and functions for mkdir, cd, and uploading files. Fabric provides a simple way to automate operations across multiple servers.

Fabric diagram
Deployment screencast 
using Puppet and Fabric
Puppet server 
paving the way for Fabric
Example Puppet config 
node 'ploneconf.puppet' { 
package { 'apache2': ensure => installed } 
appie::app { "ploneconfapp": 
envs => { 
prd => { uid => 3011 }, 
acc => { uid => 3012 }, 
tst => { uid => 3013 }, 
webserver => 'apache2', 
accountinfo => $gw20e::user_accounts, 
class { 'ssh': 
server_options => { 
'PasswordAuthentication' => 'no', 
'PermitRootLogin' => 'no', 
1 / n

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Zero Downtime Deployment with Ansible
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Zero Downtime Deployment with Ansible - learn how to provision Linux servers with a web-proxy, a database and automate zero downtime deployment of a Java application to a load balanced environment. These are the slides from a tutorial held at the Velocity Conference in Barcelona November 19th, 2014. Git repo:

Magento 2 Seminar - Miguel Balparda - M2 with PHP 7 and Varnish
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This document summarizes the results of performance tests conducted on a Magento 2 store using different PHP versions and configurations. The tests measured the transaction rate, number of transactions, and response time of Magento 2 using PHP 5.6 alone, PHP 5.6 with Varnish, PHP 7 alone, and PHP 7 with Varnish. The main findings were that PHP 7 significantly outperformed PHP 5.6, and that adding Varnish provided major improvements when combined with both PHP 5.6 and PHP 7, especially in terms reducing response times.

How to Write Node.js Module
How to Write Node.js ModuleHow to Write Node.js Module
How to Write Node.js Module

This document provides an overview of how to write Node.js modules. It discusses writing modules in JavaScript and C/C++, loading modules, publishing modules to the NPM registry, and some advanced topics like handling arguments and creating classes. The key points covered are: - Modules can be written in JavaScript or C/C++ and exported via module.exports. - Modules are loaded using require() and can be either core or third-party modules. - Publishing a module to NPM involves initializing a package, uploading the files to the registry, and adding a main entry point. - Advanced topics include getting arguments in C/C++ modules, understanding JavaScript types, and creating classes with

node.js module javascript c/c++
Puppet tasks 
● User accounts for TAP environments: 
o app-mysite-prd in /opt/APPS/mysite/prd 
o app-mysite-acc in /opt/APPS/mysite/acc 
o app-mysite-tst in /opt/APPS/mysite/tst 
● Webserver config is mapped to each 
application user 
$ cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/zzz-app-mysite-prd 
Include /opt/APPS/mysite/prd/sites-enabled/ 
● SSH Keys of developers are synced 
● Buildout cache is enabled
Fabric in detail 
using gww.buildout and gww.buildout-fabric
Plone Fabric features 
● Automatic deployment 
● Push buildout config using jinja templates 
● Extended TAP-layers 
● Switching between releases 
● But also; supports git branches, virtual host 
for webserver, copying zodb to local 
Release switch using 
1. Update current symlink 
rm -f ~/current 
ln -s ~/releases/20141028 ~/current 
1. Start supervisor daemon in new buildout 
1. For each service in supervisor: 
a. Stop service in old buildout 
b. Start service in new buildout 
2. Shutdown supervisor in old buildout 
~/releases/20130101/bin/supervisorctl shutdown

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Using cgroups in docker container
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Using cgroups in docker container

This document discusses experimenting with cgroups in Docker containers to isolate processes. It describes installing Docker, launching an Ubuntu container with capabilities enabled, and installing cgroup tools. It then mounts the cpuset and cpu cgroup hierarchies and creates low and high cgroups. Different CPU shares are assigned to each cgroup and processes are run in each to demonstrate the CPU isolation between cgroups.

Npm: beyond 'npm i'
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NPM scripts allow developers to run predefined scripts at different stages of installing, publishing, and interacting with packages. These scripts are defined in the package.json file under the "scripts" key. Common script names include preinstall, install, postinstall, prepublish, publish, and postpublish. NPM versioning follows semantic versioning principles where versions are denoted as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Dependencies can specify version ranges like tilde (~), caret (^), and hyphen (-) to control updates. Private NPM repositories and shrinkwrapping help ensure reproducible builds across environments. Scoped packages allow publishing packages under a unique namespace.

npm node.js javascript package-manager
How to make a large C++-code base manageable
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My talk will cover how to work with a large C++ code base professionally. How to write code for debuggability, how to work effectively even due the long C++ compilation times, how and why to utilize the STL algorithms, how and why to keep interfaces clean. In addition, general convenience methods like making wrappers to make the code less error prone (for example ranged integers, listeners, concurrent values). Also a little bit about common architecture patterns to avoid (virtual classes), and patterns to encourage (pure functions), and how std::function/lambda functions can be used to make virtual classes copyable.

c++ corehard spring 2017с++
● Fabric is controlled from the local buildout: 
./bin/fab -l 
Available commands: 
deploy Create new buildout in release dir 
switch Switch supervisor to latest buildout 
test Test if the connection is working 
● Deploying to test environment: 
./bin/fab deploy:layer=tst,branch=new-feature
Example deployment config (1/2) 
prdfrontend = dict( 
varnish={'port': 48083}, 
haproxy={'port': 48082, 'instances': prd['instances'], }, 
prdbackend = dict( 
zeo=dict(base='/data1/APPS/ploneconfapp/prd', **prd['zeo']), 
Example Deployment config (2/2) 
prd = dict( 
'ip': ‘ploneconf.puppet’, 'port': 48081, 
'ports': {'instance0': 8080, 'instance1': 8081}, 
'ipaddresses': _servers, 
credentials={'username': 'admin', 'password': 'secret', }, 
remote_configs={'clockusers': 'clockuser.cfg'}, 
'dsn': '', 
'level': 'ERROR', 
Example jinja template / buildout 
programs += 
{% if varnish %} 
60 varnish ${buildout:directory}/bin/varnish true 
{% endif %} 
{% if varnish %} 
port = {{ varnish.port }} 
{% endif %}

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Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe - Responsive Webdesign Workshop

Workshop about responsive web design (RWD), given on 13 Februari 2013. This is a presentation about how to create a responsive website. Different tools and libraries which are used for RWD are covered Examples used in the workshop can be found here:

PyGrunn - Buildout presentation
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Buildout is a build tool for Python projects. It's a self-contained environment which manages depencies for a project, install/configure software components and create repeatable DTAP enviroments.

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Essential Plone development tools - Plone conf 2012
Essential Plone development tools - Plone conf 2012Essential Plone development tools - Plone conf 2012
Essential Plone development tools - Plone conf 2012

Slides for the talk given at Plone Conference 2012. In the following collective package further explaination can be found about the tools discussed:

Example jinja template / apache 
{% if varnish %} 
{% set port = varnish.port %} 
{% elif haproxy %} 
{% set port = haproxy.port %} 
{% else %} 
{% set port = instances.ports.instance0 %} 
{% endif %} 
<VirtualHost *:80> 
ServerName {{ sitename }} 
RewriteEngine on 
ProxyPass / http://localhost:{{ port }}/VirtualHostBase/http/{{ sitename }}:80/ 
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:{{ port }}/../http/{{ sitename }}:80/ 
Github repositories 
● Puppet module: 
o (shortened url) 
● Fabric module: 
o (shortened url) 
● GWW Plone buildout 
o (shortened url) 
Thank you! 
Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe 
{ lewicki, leong }

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Plone deployment made easy

  • 1. Plone deployment made easy Pawel Lewicki Kim Chee Leong Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe { lewicki, leong }
  • 2. Outline ● From manual to automatic deployment ● How Puppet and Fabric are used for deployment ● Deployment demo in screencast ● Puppet server orchestration ● Fabric in detail
  • 3. From manual to automatic deployment our path to automatic deployment
  • 4. Typical Plone release @GWW ● Mark eggs/modules using git tag ● Update mr developer sources with tag ● SSH to server ● Clone new buildout in releases directory ● Bootstrap buildout and execute ● Switch previous release to new release ● If on a cluster set-up, rinse and repeat
  • 5. Plone release @GWW using Fabric ● All previous steps in one Fabric script ● Allows ‘dummy-proof’ releases Run: fab make_tag fab deploy fab switch And Bob is your uncle!
  • 6. xkcd - automation
  • 7. Why automatic deployment? ● Avoid repetitive tasks ● Error-proof ● Immune to typo’s ● Consistent environments ● Time efficient
  • 8. Why automatic deployment? ● Avoid repetitive tasks ● Error-proof ● Immune to typo’s ● Consistent environments ● Time efficient nothing* should be done manually on the server
  • 9. How Puppet and Fabric are used for deployment
  • 10. Initial server setup with Puppet ● Puppet is used for server orchestration ● Puppet prepares the servers ● When Puppet is done, Fabric is used to deploy buildouts
  • 12. Buildout deployment with Fabric ● Uses tst, acc and prd layers ● Knows configuration for buildout ● Deploys and runs buildouts ● Does several other tasks
  • 14. Deployment screencast using Puppet and Fabric
  • 15. Puppet server orchestration paving the way for Fabric
  • 16. Example Puppet config node 'ploneconf.puppet' { package { 'apache2': ensure => installed } appie::app { "ploneconfapp": envs => { prd => { uid => 3011 }, acc => { uid => 3012 }, tst => { uid => 3013 }, }, webserver => 'apache2', accountinfo => $gw20e::user_accounts, } class { 'ssh': server_options => { 'PasswordAuthentication' => 'no', 'PermitRootLogin' => 'no', }, } } 1 / n
  • 17. Puppet tasks ● User accounts for TAP environments: o app-mysite-prd in /opt/APPS/mysite/prd o app-mysite-acc in /opt/APPS/mysite/acc o app-mysite-tst in /opt/APPS/mysite/tst ● Webserver config is mapped to each application user $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/zzz-app-mysite-prd Include /opt/APPS/mysite/prd/sites-enabled/ ● SSH Keys of developers are synced ● Buildout cache is enabled
  • 18. Fabric in detail using gww.buildout and gww.buildout-fabric
  • 19. Plone Fabric features ● Automatic deployment ● Push buildout config using jinja templates ● Extended TAP-layers ● Switching between releases ● But also; supports git branches, virtual host for webserver, copying zodb to local buildout.
  • 20. Release switch using Fabric 1. Update current symlink rm -f ~/current ln -s ~/releases/20141028 ~/current 1. Start supervisor daemon in new buildout ~/releases/20141028/bin/supervisord 1. For each service in supervisor: a. Stop service in old buildout b. Start service in new buildout 2. Shutdown supervisor in old buildout ~/releases/20130101/bin/supervisorctl shutdown
  • 21. ● Fabric is controlled from the local buildout: ./bin/fab -l Available commands: deploy Create new buildout in release dir switch Switch supervisor to latest buildout test Test if the connection is working ● Deploying to test environment: ./bin/fab deploy:layer=tst,branch=new-feature
  • 22. Example deployment config (1/2) prdfrontend = dict( hosts=prd['hosts'], buildout='releases/frontend', varnish={'port': 48083}, haproxy={'port': 48082, 'instances': prd['instances'], }, webserver='apache2', sitename='ploneconfapp-prd.puppet', site_id=prd['site_id'], ) prdbackend = dict( hosts=prd['hosts'], buildout='releases/backend', zeo=dict(base='/data1/APPS/ploneconfapp/prd', **prd['zeo']), )
  • 23. Example Deployment config (2/2) prd = dict( hosts=['app-ploneconfapp-prd@ploneconf.puppet',], buildout=_datestamped('releases/%Y-%m-%d'), current_link='current', auto_switch=False, modules=_modules, third_party_modules=_third_party_modules, zeo={ 'ip': ‘ploneconf.puppet’, 'port': 48081, }, instances={ 'ports': {'instance0': 8080, 'instance1': 8081}, 'ipaddresses': _servers, }, site_id=_site_id, credentials={'username': 'admin', 'password': 'secret', }, remote_configs={'clockusers': 'clockuser.cfg'}, sentry={ 'dsn': '', 'level': 'ERROR', }, )
  • 24. Example jinja template / buildout [supervisor] programs += ... {% if varnish %} 60 varnish ${buildout:directory}/bin/varnish true {% endif %} {% if varnish %} [varnish] port = {{ varnish.port }} {% endif %}
  • 25. Example jinja template / apache {% if varnish %} {% set port = varnish.port %} {% elif haproxy %} {% set port = haproxy.port %} {% else %} {% set port = instances.ports.instance0 %} {% endif %} <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName {{ sitename }} RewriteEngine on ProxyPass / http://localhost:{{ port }}/VirtualHostBase/http/{{ sitename }}:80/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:{{ port }}/../http/{{ sitename }}:80/ </VirtualHost>
  • 26. Github repositories ● ● Puppet module: o (shortened url) o ● Fabric module: o (shortened url) o Wunderliebe/gww.buildout-fabric ● GWW Plone buildout o (shortened url) o Wunderliebe/gww.buildout
  • 27. Thank you! Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe { lewicki, leong }

Editor's Notes

  1. In this talk we’ll explain how we automated the deployment of Plone sites and which tools are used. Gradually we made the moved from manual deployment to automatic. Shared experience with Django deployments Ask who deploys Plone buildouts for a customer, company or organisation?
  2. First explain how our typical Plone setup looks like. Collection of building blocks, based on best practices. We have ours, you probably have yours. Cluster, buildout-template with varnish and TAP
  3. What is a release? Modules with specific functionality, such as content/theme Mr developer specific from prd env In the past we used eggs Explain how we used the release checklist/procedure at our customer
  4. This is much easier :] Ofcourse first release on test and acc, too weed out possible problems
  5. Accurate depiction Start automating tasks you’re familiar with Releases are not happening often! Possibly mention release calendar
  6. Repetitive tasks: it easy to mess up when doing a rep. task Error-proof: you should have encountered possible errors on tst and acc Typo’s and consistent env: with automatic deployment. naming git tags and dirs is done for you. manual.. Time efficient: in the long run you’ll save time next slide contains “nothing* should be done manually on the server”
  7. nothing should be done using SSH shell except for debugging purposes Fabric is the base of our automatic deployment, but there is more… (ba dum tss)
  8. Puppet is one way todo server orchestration, Chef and Ansible are popular tools. Also used to setup server monitoring and do system upgrades Written in Ruby, reasonable easy to write modules. Many modules available. No SSH login, uses separate agen
  9. Agents update periodalcialy Why are we using seperate user accounts? Webserver config is managable Buildout cache is enabled per user
  10. Explain why Puppet should not be used to deploy buildouts. It should be explicit. Use SSH forward agent to git clone repositories on remote server
  11. Why are we using seperate user accounts? Webserver config is managable Buildout cache is enabled per user
  12. What is missing here?
  13. Why are we using seperate user accounts? Webserver config is managable Buildout cache is enabled per user
  14. Also explain why Puppet should not be used to deploy buildouts
  15. Also explain why Puppet should not be used to deploy buildouts Supervisor is socket based
  16. Explain production setup; three tier architecure fe with apache, varnish and haproxy be with ZODB
  17. What is missing here?
  18. What is missing here?