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Building Large Multi-Site Drupal
A Case Study on
Robert Bates
Senior Developer
What is a Drupal
Platform technology is a term for technology that enables the creation
of products and processes that support present or future
It can be defined as a structural or technological form from which various
products can emerge without the expense of a new
process/technology introduction.

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Linked data enhanced publishing for special collections (with Drupal)
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This document discusses using Drupal 7 as a content management system for publishing special collections as linked open data. It provides an overview of how Drupal allows customizing content types and fields for mapping to RDF properties. While Drupal 7 provides basic RDFa support out of the box, there are some limitations around nested RDF structures and multiple entities per page that may require custom code. The document outlines some additional linked data modules for Drupal 7 and highlights improved RDF support anticipated in Drupal 8.

Aruman Cassandra database
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One of our presentation which was given on Cassandra Database. Aruman implement big-data projects for its multiple client. RDBMS to Cassandra conversion is task which is taken by ARUMAN.

big datahadoophdfs
Benefits of starting with a platform
•Removes typical overhead
• Finding/installing modules
• Permissions
• Roles
•Provides bundled functionality
• Features!
• CommonViews
• Default Contexts
•Common CMS workflows
Things to keep in mind
•One size doesn’t fit all
•Usually have to customize some behaviors
•Not all bundled features might apply
•Custom UX

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Discover content tokens, variant rules, data source advanced syntax and scaffolding. This deck was presented during SUGPL meeting at Cognifide office in Poznań on October 6th, 2017.

What is Drupal multi-
Multi-site allows you to share a single Drupal installation (including
core code, contributed modules, and themes) among several sites.
This is particularly useful for managing the code since each upgrade
only needs to be done once. Each site will have its own database and
its own configuration settings, so each site will have its own content,
settings, enabled modules, and enabled theme.
Benefits of Drupal multi-site
•One codebase
• Easy to update contrib and platform code
• Easy to roll out security patches quickly
• Common code == common behavior
• “Single” cloud deployment, easier to scale
• Common set of features/functionality
• Consistent admin experience
• Simplifies training for content managers

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Publishing Linked Open Data in a user-appealing way is still a challenge: Generic solutions to convert arbitrary RDF structures to HTML out-of-the-box are available, but leave users perplexed. Custom-built web applications to enrich web pages with semantic tags "under the hood" require high efforts in programming. Given this dilemma, content management systems (CMS) could be a natural enhancement point for data on the web. In the case of Drupal, one of the most popular CMS nowadays, Semantic Web enrichment is provided as part of the CMS core. In a simple declarative approach, classes and properties from arbitrary vocabularies can be added to Drupal content types and fields, and are turned into Linked Data on the web pages automagically. The embedded RDFa marked-up data can be easily extracted by other applications. This makes the pages part of the emerging Web of Data, and in the same course helps discoverability with the major search engines. In the workshop, you will learn how to make use of the built-in Drupal 7 features to produce RDFa enriched pages. You will build new content types, add custom fields and enhance them with RDF markup from mixed vocabularies. The gory details of providing LOD-compatible "cool" URIs will not be skipped, and current limitations of RDF support in Drupal will be explained. Exposing the data in a REST-ful application programming interface or as a SPARQL endpoint are additional options provided by Drupal modules. The workshop will also introduce modules such as Web Taxonomy, which allows linking to thesauri or authority files on the web via simple JSON-based autocomplete lookup. Finally, we will touch the upcoming Drupal 8 version. (Workshop announcement)

loddrupalpublish data
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Databases require capacity planning (and to those coming from traditional RDBMS solutions, this can be thought of as a sizing guide). Capacity planning prevents resource exhaustion. Capacity planning can be hard. This talk has a heavier leaning on MySQL, but the concepts and addendum will help with any other data store.

rootconfcapacity planningdatabase

This document provides an overview and summary of key concepts related to advanced databases. It discusses relational databases including MySQL, SQL, transactions, and ODBC. It also covers database topics like triggers, indexes, and NoSQL databases. Alternative database systems like graph databases, triplestores, and linked data are introduced. Web services, XML, and data journalism are also briefly summarized. The document provides definitions and examples of these technical database terms and concepts.

Things to keep in mind
•One codebase
• More difficult to add new modules/themes per site
• Greater care required in QA for new code
• Dev vs production environment differences
• Virtual host management
• Changes affect all sites
• Managing site owners’ expectations
Putting it all together
Multisite configuration
sites/sites.php Mapping dev, staging hostnames to sites folders, other
custom domain-folder mapping
sites/all Common modules, libraries for all sites
sites/default Custom PHP-based routing alternative to Apache
htaccess + mod_rewrite
sites/ Individual site configurations (settings.php)

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Is the database a solved problem?
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A decade ago, the database was assumed to be a solved problem. Relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite to name a few) were dominating the database market and hierarchical databases (LDAP, DNS) where regarded as niche solutions. The NoSQL revolution surely changed the concept of what a database can be. At the same time, the popularity of mobile devices exploded. This talk will dive into how data structures are persisted and queried on mobile devices today, and try to revive the old question: is the database really a solved problem?

Maria DBMS
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Maria DBMS

This document provides an overview of MariaDB, including: - MariaDB is an open-source database that is a fork of MySQL with additional features and enhancements. - It was first released in 2009 and is overseen by the MariaDB Foundation. SkySQL, formed by former MySQL executives, merged with MariaDB founder Michael "Monty" Widenius' company in 2013. - MariaDB offers various storage engines, new features like dynamic columns and NoSQL access, and generally better performance than MySQL through optimizations and user statistics. It is widely adopted with major investors and supporters.

mariadb; mysql; storage engine; dbms; open source

SortaSQL is a proposal to add seamless horizontal scalability to SQL databases by using the filesystem to store and retrieve data. The SQL database would store metadata and handle queries, while an embedded key-value store manages record storage on files in the local or distributed filesystem. This allows queries to scale across many servers by letting the filesystem handle replication, performance and locking of distributed data files. The architecture involves an application communicating with PostgreSQL over SQL, which uses a SortaSQL plugin to retrieve rows from Kyoto Cabinet key-value files on the POSIX filesystem. Case studies at CloudFlare show how a 400GB per day dataset can be efficiently stored and queried at scale using this approach.

kyoto cabinetnosqlbigtable
•Built on latest Drupal 7 release
•48 contributed modules
•8 custom modules
•24 Features
•6 themes (mixture of contrib, base, and derived)
Georgia Agency Platform
•Inherits from OpenPublic
• Modules
• Features
• Settings
•60 contributed modules
•17 custom modules
•37 Features
•10 themes (1 base, 9 derived)
•Inherits from Georgia Agency Platform
• Modules
• Features
• Settings
•9 custom modules
•12 Features
•2 themes (1 base, 1 derived)

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Q & A
Robert Bates

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Phase2 - Large Drupal Multisites (GTA Case Study)

  • 2. Building Large Multi-Site Drupal Platforms A Case Study on Robert Bates Senior Developer
  • 3. What is a Drupal platform?
  • 4. WHAT IS A DRUPAL PLATFORM? Platform technology is a term for technology that enables the creation of products and processes that support present or future development. It can be defined as a structural or technological form from which various products can emerge without the expense of a new process/technology introduction.
  • 7. WHAT IS A DRUPAL PLATFORM? Benefits of starting with a platform •Removes typical overhead • Finding/installing modules • Permissions • Roles •Provides bundled functionality • Features! • CommonViews • Default Contexts •Common CMS workflows
  • 8. WHAT IS A DRUPAL PLATFORM? Things to keep in mind •One size doesn’t fit all •Usually have to customize some behaviors •Not all bundled features might apply •Custom UX
  • 9. What is Drupal multi- site?
  • 10. WHAT IS DRUPAL MULTI-SITE? Multi-site allows you to share a single Drupal installation (including core code, contributed modules, and themes) among several sites. This is particularly useful for managing the code since each upgrade only needs to be done once. Each site will have its own database and its own configuration settings, so each site will have its own content, settings, enabled modules, and enabled theme.
  • 12. WHAT IS DRUPAL MULTI-SITE? Benefits of Drupal multi-site •One codebase • Easy to update contrib and platform code • Easy to roll out security patches quickly • Common code == common behavior • “Single” cloud deployment, easier to scale •Support • Common set of features/functionality • Consistent admin experience • Simplifies training for content managers
  • 13. WHAT IS DRUPAL MULTI-SITE? Things to keep in mind •One codebase • More difficult to add new modules/themes per site • Greater care required in QA for new code • Dev vs production environment differences • Virtual host management •Support • Changes affect all sites • Managing site owners’ expectations
  • 14. Putting it all together on!
  • 15. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER! Multisite configuration sites/sites.php Mapping dev, staging hostnames to sites folders, other custom domain-folder mapping sites/all Common modules, libraries for all sites sites/default Custom PHP-based routing alternative to Apache htaccess + mod_rewrite sites/ Individual site configurations (settings.php)
  • 17. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER! •Built on latest Drupal 7 release •48 contributed modules •8 custom modules •24 Features •6 themes (mixture of contrib, base, and derived)
  • 18. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER! Georgia Agency Platform •Inherits from OpenPublic • Modules • Features • Settings •60 contributed modules •17 custom modules •37 Features •10 themes (1 base, 9 derived)
  • 19. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER! Platform •Inherits from Georgia Agency Platform • Modules • Features • Settings •9 custom modules •12 Features •2 themes (1 base, 1 derived)
  • 22. Q & A Robert Bates @arpieb