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PaperCut MF
Education Overview
PaperCut Introduction
• PaperCut Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia
• North American Support Office in Portland, Oregon
• Engineering driven software company
• First print version released in 1998, multifunction version PaperCut MF in 2007
• Vendor neutral (Windows, Mac, Linux, Novell and major copier brands all equally supported)
• PaperCut is used in over 30,000 organizations (60% Edu – 40% Corp / Govt)
• Sites range from 5 to 350,000 users (including largest Edu site USA)
• Available in 20 languages and is in use in more than 100 countries
• An Australian (global) success story
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 2
About PaperCut
Name Drop!
– Miami Dade College
• 350,000 users
• Hundreds of devices over multiple campuses
– Harvard University
• 60,000 users on clustered server array
• online payments via CyberSource
– Oslo, Norway
• Centrally hosted solution located in data center in Oslo supporting hundreds of schools
– Halcrow
• Large engineering firm with deployment across worldwide LAN
• Cost allocations to tens of thousands of projects (shared accounts)
– Cambridge University, UCLA, Iowa State, Texas State, Caltec, UC Berkley, Cal. State, Oxford
University, State University of NY, tens of thouands of K-12, etc.
– Strange places: Herron Island Resource Station and Lebanon University
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 3
About PaperCut
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 4
Why PaperCut MF?
• Track Print, Copy, Scan and Fax
• Report on usage (e.g. charge back to departments or cost centers)
• Secure print release and find-me printing
• Authorize device access (e.g. only use device after card swipe)
• Implement Print Policies to save:
• Ask users to confirm single-sided printing.
• Should you be printing this email?
• Did you mean to print this web page in color?
• Route large jobs to dedicated high volume printers.
• Monitor devices:
• Email/SMS administrators on printer errors
• Are your printers being utilized correctly?

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Investor presentation conference call fye 2013 final
Investor presentation conference call fye 2013 finalInvestor presentation conference call fye 2013 final
Investor presentation conference call fye 2013 final

MBAC Fertilizer Corp. reported its Q4 2013 and year-end results. The company successfully advanced its three focal points of production, sales, and liquidity. It produced 21,146 tonnes in 2013 and expects to produce 335-365,000 tonnes in 2014. The company has firm sales of 110,000 tonnes through mid-March 2014. Financially, MBAC reported an adjusted net loss of $17 million for FY2013. However, subsequent events have supported the company's near-term needs, including a potential $40 million working capital facility from IFC and an announced $18 million equity raise. MBAC is also in negotiations to extend its long-term debt repayment by

General workshop agenda
General workshop agendaGeneral workshop agenda
General workshop agenda

This document outlines an agenda for a workshop to help companies develop new managed or cloud services. The workshop covers understanding the company's strategy, discovering appropriate services, and building a go-to-market plan. It is divided into 6 modules that address strategic direction, market opportunities, developing the service, building the value proposition, marketing strategy, and service delivery. The goal is to provide guidance to companies on how to successfully take new cloud or managed services to market.

Ns tutorial
Ns tutorialNs tutorial
Ns tutorial

This document provides an overview of the NS-2 network simulator. It discusses how NS-2 allows testing of complex network scenarios in a controlled and cost-effective manner compared to physical experiments. It describes key NS-2 features like support for various protocols, traffic models, and error models. It also outlines the object-oriented structure of NS-2 with its C++ backend and OTcl frontend and provides examples of configuring simulations involving nodes, links, traffic generation and capturing network events.

• A Simple method to manage copy, print, scan and fax, usage and access
• Easy to install and administer, e.g. “click next” and follow prompts
• Import user information via popular user directories (AD, LDAP, etc.)
• Automatically detects and tracks all existing print queues (MFPs and Printers)
• Minimal Administration (e.g. define creation rules for new users)
• Cross-Platform and Vendor Neutral – Windows, Linux, Mac and Novell
• Optimized for self download, install, setup and administration
• Leverage your in-house staff and skills
• No expensive training
• No expensive setup or configuration consulting
• How did you get your backup software? Why is print software any different?
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 5
Why PaperCut MF?
Use and Market Position
Corporate 2009
Education has traditionally been PaperCut’s largest and quickest
growing market, however due to onboard functions and “Find Me”
secure print, Corporate is becoming a growth market.
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 6
Market Position - #1 Education
PaperCut MF Onboard MFP Solutions:
• 100% PaperCut
• Leverages the MFP’s power
• A lower cost than hardware solutions
• Easy to install and support
• Part of our core PaperCut software
• Enables single supplier arrangement
• Certified and trusted
• Platform independent
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 7
MF On-Board
MF Onboard / Embedded:
• Quick and simple to install
• MFP and selected Printers supported
• A fully featured solution
• Copy, print, scan and fax control
• Secure “Find Me” print support
• Access via login or USB Reader
• Certified and trusted
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 8
MF On-Board

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The document discusses divorce rates and reasons for divorce in the United States. It notes that 40-50% of first marriages and 60% of second marriages end in divorce. Factors that increase the risk of divorce include marrying at a young age, lower education and income, premarital cohabitation, premarital pregnancy, no religious affiliation, and having divorced parents. The most common reasons people give for divorce are lack of commitment, arguing, infidelity, unrealistic expectations, lack of equality, lack of preparation, and abuse. Commitment, having a long-term view of the marriage, is a key factor in determining whether couples divorce or stay together. While divorce may be necessary in some situations like abuse, couples have

Presentation omnicomm service (possibilities omnicomm online)
Presentation omnicomm service (possibilities omnicomm online)Presentation omnicomm service (possibilities omnicomm online)
Presentation omnicomm service (possibilities omnicomm online)

Presentation omnicomm service (возможости omnicomm online). Possibilities of Software OmnicommOnline #omnicommonline #omnicommservice #omnicomm #telematicssoftware #bestprogramm #омникомм #омникоммсервис #омникоммонлайн #отзывыомникоммсервис

#omnicommonline #omnicommservice #omnicomm #telema
4 bit manchester_adder
4 bit manchester_adder4 bit manchester_adder
4 bit manchester_adder

This document presents the design of a 4-bit Manchester adder. It includes: 1) Circuit designs for the components of the adder including a C-chain, XNOR gate, and 1-bit adder. Simulations show the designs function correctly. 2) Configuration of the 4-bit adder using four 1-bit adders. Testing and layout simulations verify the 4-bit adder's logic. 3) Worst case testing to measure propagation delay, where all inputs are set to maximize delay. Simulations show the delay meets specifications.

Login or Card Swipe
Select Account Options
Release Print Jobs
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 9
MF On-Board
User Balance Windows
User Balance Mac
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 10
MF Cross Platform
1. Send print job to virtual print queue
2. Go to any PaperCut enabled device
3. For MFPs with onboard embedded:
1. Login via device touch screen or card
2. Find specified job / view / release
4. For Printers (without embedded):
1. Login via card (network card reader)
2. All held jobs are released
5. Optional full screen release station
software (popular in college print rooms)
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 11
“Find Me” Release Anywhere Printing
• Write your own scripts as required
• Chose a pre-written script (recipe)
• Define action by job attribute
• Define action by user / group
• Define action by period of day
• Define action by device feature / type
• All actions are notified to the user
• Typical Uses:
– Send large jobs to appropriate device
– Send colour jobs to specific device
– Suggest lower cost printers
– Send jobs with X attribute to Print Room
– Allow free printing between A – B hours
– Prompt to select duplex or grayscale
1. Printers defined and mapped
2. User select printer
3. Web Print renders map / printers
4. Define options to charge / bill
5. Upload file (PDF, XPF, DOC, XLS, PPT)
Customize Print Policy and Workflow
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 12
100% Driverless and Client Free
Scripting Web Print

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This document provides information about Jamaica, including its location, population, history, cultural celebrations, beaches, and famous celebrities. Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean Sea near Cuba and Hispaniola, covering an area of 11,000km2. It has a population of around 2.9 million people who primarily speak English. The history section outlines Jamaica's colonization first by Spain in 1509 and then England in 1654, and it gained independence in 1962. Cultural celebrations include Carnival parties on the beach and honoring Bob Marley's birthday. Famous Jamaicans mentioned are musician Bob Marley and Olympic sprinter Usain Bolt.

Inventory types
Inventory typesInventory types
Inventory types

The document discusses different types of inventory including raw materials, work-in-progress, finished goods, transit inventory, buffer inventory, decoupling inventory, and MRO goods inventory. It explains the purpose of each type of inventory, such as maintaining production flow, protecting against uncertainties, and anticipating future demand. The document also covers reasons for holding inventory like facilitating uninterrupted production and independent sales activities for manufacturers, and de-linking procurement from sales for trading firms.

• Over 50 standard reports
• Snapshot report preview feature
• View in PDF, Excel, HTML formats
• Auto Schedule & email reports
Desktop Widget
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 13
Sync directly with: AD, e-Dir, LDAP, Open Dir, NIS, PAM, Samba, more…
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 14
User/Group Synch
Define / Import users with initial settings e.g. quotas or credit limits
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 15
Set Group Policies
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 16
Apply Template Printer
Configure [Template Printer] and auto-apply settings across all printers within minutes

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PaperCut-MF Business Features
PaperCut-MF Business FeaturesPaperCut-MF Business Features
PaperCut-MF Business Features

PaperCut is a print management software company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with offices in Portland, Oregon. The software tracks, reports on, and controls print, copy, scan, and fax usage across various device brands and platforms. It provides features like secure release printing, print policies, usage reporting, and user management. PaperCut is used in over 30,000 organizations worldwide ranging in size from 5 to 350,000 users.

papercutmpsmanaged print services
EveryonePrint - Mobile Printing from AIT Ltd
EveryonePrint - Mobile Printing from AIT LtdEveryonePrint - Mobile Printing from AIT Ltd
EveryonePrint - Mobile Printing from AIT Ltd

This presentation explains to you how easy it is to print from mobile devices such as iPads, laptops, smartphones etc.

mobile printing solutionseveryoneprint

This document provides an overview of computer software trends, types of application and system software, and popular programming languages and tools. It discusses important software categories like operating systems, programming languages, integrated development environments, and web technologies. Case studies are presented on how companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and eBay utilize different types of software.

Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 17
Live Point-in-time Backups
Pre-Configure backups, scheduled run time, back up history automatically
Administering sites can
be shared based on staff
function and
responsibility with the
required administration
access rights set and
defined within PaperCut.
Access can be granted
from any location via the
Web Admin interface.
Assign admin authority
by staff job function
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 18
Web Admin Rights
Client software is optional and not required for simple tracking.
The client software provides popup such as real-time account
balance, account selection, end-user messages, etc.
The details link on the Balance Window provides one click access
to the user web tools (next slide).
Job confirmationAccount selection
End User Balance Window
Select Details… to launch user
web tools
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 19
The End User Client
Use client software popups to communicate with your users
• Did you mean to do this?
• Do you understand the impact?
• Customize rules and visual design via script
Customizable Popups!
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 20
Implement Print Policy

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Internal Communication Solution
Internal Communication SolutionInternal Communication Solution
Internal Communication Solution

DeskAlerts is an employee communications solution that helps organizations communicate more effectively with their workforce. Our solution is used by Internal Communications, IT, HR, Security, Compliance, and other business functions. We enable organizations to cut through information/email overload bypassing email completely to deliver high impact messages directly to the desktop, tablet, smartphone or smart TV. We create Pop-Up Alerts, Tickers, Surveys and Quizzes, ScreenSavers, Wallpaper, all presented directly to the end user guaranteeing they will see your message. All provided with a robust reporting component offering real-time metrics on communication efficiency.

Internal Communication Solution
Internal Communication SolutionInternal Communication Solution
Internal Communication Solution

DeskAlerts is an employee communications solution that helps organizations communicate more effectively with their workforce. Our solution is used by Internal Communications, IT, HR, Security, Compliance, and other business functions. We enable organizations to cut through information/email overload bypassing email completely to deliver high impact messages directly to the desktop, tablet, smartphone or smart TV.

DeskAlerts - Internal Communication Solution
DeskAlerts - Internal Communication SolutionDeskAlerts - Internal Communication Solution
DeskAlerts - Internal Communication Solution

DeskAlerts is an employee communications solution that helps organizations communicate more effectively with their workforce. Our solution is used by Internal Communications, IT, HR, Security, Compliance, and other business functions. We enable organizations to cut through information/email overload bypassing email completely to deliver high impact messages directly to the desktop, tablet, smartphone or smart TV. We create Pop-Up Alerts, Tickers, Surveys and Quizzes, ScreenSavers, Wallpaper, all presented directly to the end user guaranteeing they will see your message. All provided with a robust reporting component offering real-time metrics on communication efficiency.

emergency alertsdesktop notifications
Web browser for staff/students
Review balance and activity
View recent print jobs
Review site charge rates
Pre-Paid voucher system
Environment Impact Info
Payment gateway for adding credit
Full report history for user
Refund management system (New!)
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 21
End-User Web Tools
From This......
To This.......
The Balance Notifier
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 22
Customize the Interface
The User Web Interface
Standard Client Billing Advanced Client Billing
Charge to Shared Account:
- Department / Faculty
- Client / Job Code
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 23
Tracking Department/Project
Payment Gateways
Payment Options
• Manual payment (data entered via web)
• Topup Cards (a voucher system you can run yourself – no extra costs)
• Online payment gateways:
• PayPal, Cybersource, and many others
• Cash payment hardware
• Dedicated pay boxes
• Fancy Kiosks
• Coin/Note boxes at release stations
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 24

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DeskAlerts - Internal Communication Solution
DeskAlerts - Internal Communication SolutionDeskAlerts - Internal Communication Solution
DeskAlerts - Internal Communication Solution

This document summarizes DeskAlerts, a web-based desktop notification system that allows sending messages to employees worldwide. Key points: - DeskAlerts uses a client-server model, with a web-based console to send notifications and desktop agents that receive them. Notifications cannot be missed as they appear as pop-ups on employees' computers. - It supports delivering messages to all devices, including SMS and mobile. Multiple languages and integrations with systems like Active Directory are supported. - Features include encryption, customization, reporting, scheduling campaigns, and sending via various channels. It aims to provide a single solution to reliably communicate critical information globally.

internal communicationdesktop notificationsemergency alerts
Deskalerts Internal Communication Solution
Deskalerts Internal Communication SolutionDeskalerts Internal Communication Solution
Deskalerts Internal Communication Solution

DeskAlerts is an employee communications solution that helps organizations communicate more effectively with their workforce. Our solution is used by Internal Communications, IT, HR, Security, Compliance, and other business functions. We enable organizations to cut through information/email overload bypassing email completely to deliver high impact messages directly to the desktop, tablet, smartphone or smart TV. We create Pop-Up Alerts, Tickers, Surveys and Quizzes, ScreenSavers, Wallpaper, all presented directly to the end user guaranteeing they will see your message. All provided with a robust reporting component offering real-time metrics on communication efficiency.

Phambano - TechSoup Orientation Webinar for New Members July 2023.pptx
Phambano - TechSoup Orientation Webinar for New Members July 2023.pptxPhambano - TechSoup Orientation Webinar for New Members July 2023.pptx
Phambano - TechSoup Orientation Webinar for New Members July 2023.pptx

Discover the benefits of being a TechSoup member. Watch our webinar for new members to quickly learn how the TechSoup catalogue works - and how your nonprofit can begin taking advantage of offers from Microsoft, Adobe, Norton, Asana and so much more. Learn about TechSoup's service offerings for nonprofits wanting to apply for Microsoft 365 for Nonprofits. We'll give you a tour of the tools available to help your nonprofit with productivity, collaboration, security, and more.

Some Tech Info
Interesting Facts for Techies and Geeks
• Full clustering support (Microsoft Cluster, MS Failover Cluster, Veritas, Linux HA)
• Page-level color detection for PCL5, PCL6, HPGL and Postscript
• Supported External databases:
• Internal database (for up to 5000 users): Apache Derby
• External Databases: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql
• SSL encryption used for client-server communication
• Developed in a Service Oriented Architecture in a number of languages:
• Java Application Server
• Native C/C++ for OS Integration layer
• Misc. Shell and Perl used in Linux version
• External Dependencies
• Zero dependencies on Mac and Windows. No need for ISS or .Net Framework on Windows!
• Perl required on Linux version
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 25
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 26
What you can’t see
What’s Under The Hood?
• Open source code access available to customers
• Open and fully documented Web Services API
• A transparent development process
• Features, ranked and voted for by the user base
• A transparent development team
• Developers maintain a blog
• Very friendly and approachable
• New releases every 6 to 8 weeks
• Technical experts in all platforms
• PaperCut is an Engineering-driven organization
• Focus on delivery of service
• Ease of access to all information
PaperCut Website – general print management:
PaperCut MF Website – copier control features:
Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 27
More Information

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PaperCut-MF Education Features

  • 2. • PaperCut Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia • North American Support Office in Portland, Oregon • Engineering driven software company • First print version released in 1998, multifunction version PaperCut MF in 2007 • Vendor neutral (Windows, Mac, Linux, Novell and major copier brands all equally supported) • PaperCut is used in over 30,000 organizations (60% Edu – 40% Corp / Govt) • Sites range from 5 to 350,000 users (including largest Edu site USA) • Available in 20 languages and is in use in more than 100 countries • An Australian (global) success story Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 2 About PaperCut
  • 3. Name Drop! – Miami Dade College • 350,000 users • Hundreds of devices over multiple campuses – Harvard University • 60,000 users on clustered server array • online payments via CyberSource – Oslo, Norway • Centrally hosted solution located in data center in Oslo supporting hundreds of schools – Halcrow • Large engineering firm with deployment across worldwide LAN • Cost allocations to tens of thousands of projects (shared accounts) – Cambridge University, UCLA, Iowa State, Texas State, Caltec, UC Berkley, Cal. State, Oxford University, State University of NY, tens of thouands of K-12, etc. – Strange places: Herron Island Resource Station and Lebanon University Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 3 About PaperCut
  • 4. Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 4 Why PaperCut MF? • Track Print, Copy, Scan and Fax • Report on usage (e.g. charge back to departments or cost centers) • Secure print release and find-me printing • Authorize device access (e.g. only use device after card swipe) • Implement Print Policies to save: • Ask users to confirm single-sided printing. • Should you be printing this email? • Did you mean to print this web page in color? • Route large jobs to dedicated high volume printers. • Monitor devices: • Email/SMS administrators on printer errors • Are your printers being utilized correctly?
  • 5. • A Simple method to manage copy, print, scan and fax, usage and access • Easy to install and administer, e.g. “click next” and follow prompts • Import user information via popular user directories (AD, LDAP, etc.) • Automatically detects and tracks all existing print queues (MFPs and Printers) • Minimal Administration (e.g. define creation rules for new users) • Cross-Platform and Vendor Neutral – Windows, Linux, Mac and Novell • Optimized for self download, install, setup and administration • Leverage your in-house staff and skills • No expensive training • No expensive setup or configuration consulting • How did you get your backup software? Why is print software any different? Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 5 Why PaperCut MF?
  • 6. Use and Market Position Corporate 2009 Education has traditionally been PaperCut’s largest and quickest growing market, however due to onboard functions and “Find Me” secure print, Corporate is becoming a growth market. Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 6 Market Position - #1 Education
  • 7. PaperCut MF Onboard MFP Solutions: • 100% PaperCut • Leverages the MFP’s power • A lower cost than hardware solutions • Easy to install and support • Part of our core PaperCut software • Enables single supplier arrangement • Certified and trusted • Platform independent Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 7 MF On-Board
  • 8. MF Onboard / Embedded: • Quick and simple to install • MFP and selected Printers supported • A fully featured solution • Copy, print, scan and fax control • Secure “Find Me” print support • Access via login or USB Reader • Certified and trusted Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 8 MF On-Board
  • 9. Login or Card Swipe Select Account Options Release Print Jobs Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 9 MF On-Board
  • 10. User Balance Windows User Balance Mac Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 10 MF Cross Platform
  • 11. 1. Send print job to virtual print queue 2. Go to any PaperCut enabled device 3. For MFPs with onboard embedded: 1. Login via device touch screen or card 2. Find specified job / view / release 4. For Printers (without embedded): 1. Login via card (network card reader) 2. All held jobs are released 5. Optional full screen release station software (popular in college print rooms) Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 11 “Find Me” Release Anywhere Printing
  • 12. • Write your own scripts as required • Chose a pre-written script (recipe) • Define action by job attribute • Define action by user / group • Define action by period of day • Define action by device feature / type • All actions are notified to the user • Typical Uses: – Send large jobs to appropriate device – Send colour jobs to specific device – Suggest lower cost printers – Send jobs with X attribute to Print Room – Allow free printing between A – B hours – Prompt to select duplex or grayscale 1. Printers defined and mapped 2. User select printer 3. Web Print renders map / printers 4. Define options to charge / bill 5. Upload file (PDF, XPF, DOC, XLS, PPT) Customize Print Policy and Workflow Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 12 100% Driverless and Client Free Scripting Web Print
  • 13. • Over 50 standard reports • Snapshot report preview feature • View in PDF, Excel, HTML formats • Auto Schedule & email reports Desktop Widget Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 13 Reporting
  • 14. Sync directly with: AD, e-Dir, LDAP, Open Dir, NIS, PAM, Samba, more… Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 14 User/Group Synch
  • 15. Define / Import users with initial settings e.g. quotas or credit limits Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 15 Set Group Policies
  • 16. Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 16 Apply Template Printer Configure [Template Printer] and auto-apply settings across all printers within minutes
  • 17. Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 17 Live Point-in-time Backups Pre-Configure backups, scheduled run time, back up history automatically
  • 18. Administering sites can be shared based on staff function and responsibility with the required administration access rights set and defined within PaperCut. Access can be granted from any location via the Web Admin interface. Assign admin authority by staff job function Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 18 Web Admin Rights
  • 19. Client software is optional and not required for simple tracking. The client software provides popup such as real-time account balance, account selection, end-user messages, etc. The details link on the Balance Window provides one click access to the user web tools (next slide). Job confirmationAccount selection End User Balance Window Select Details… to launch user web tools Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 19 The End User Client
  • 20. Use client software popups to communicate with your users • Did you mean to do this? • Do you understand the impact? • Customize rules and visual design via script Customizable Popups! Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 20 Implement Print Policy
  • 21. Web browser for staff/students Review balance and activity View recent print jobs Review site charge rates Pre-Paid voucher system Environment Impact Info Payment gateway for adding credit Full report history for user Refund management system (New!) Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 21 End-User Web Tools
  • 22. From This...... To This....... The Balance Notifier Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 22 Customize the Interface The User Web Interface
  • 23. Standard Client Billing Advanced Client Billing Charge to Shared Account: - Department / Faculty - Client / Job Code Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 23 Tracking Department/Project
  • 24. Payment Gateways Payment Options • Manual payment (data entered via web) • Topup Cards (a voucher system you can run yourself – no extra costs) • Online payment gateways: • PayPal, Cybersource, and many others • Cash payment hardware • Dedicated pay boxes • Fancy Kiosks • Coin/Note boxes at release stations Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 24
  • 25. Some Tech Info Interesting Facts for Techies and Geeks • Full clustering support (Microsoft Cluster, MS Failover Cluster, Veritas, Linux HA) • Page-level color detection for PCL5, PCL6, HPGL and Postscript • Supported External databases: • Internal database (for up to 5000 users): Apache Derby • External Databases: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql • SSL encryption used for client-server communication • Developed in a Service Oriented Architecture in a number of languages: • Java Application Server • Native C/C++ for OS Integration layer • Misc. Shell and Perl used in Linux version • External Dependencies • Zero dependencies on Mac and Windows. No need for ISS or .Net Framework on Windows! • Perl required on Linux version Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 25
  • 26. Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 26 What you can’t see What’s Under The Hood? • Open source code access available to customers • Open and fully documented Web Services API • A transparent development process • Features, ranked and voted for by the user base • A transparent development team • Developers maintain a blog • Very friendly and approachable • New releases every 6 to 8 weeks • Technical experts in all platforms • PaperCut is an Engineering-driven organization • Focus on delivery of service • Ease of access to all information
  • 27. PaperCut Website – general print management: PaperCut MF Website – copier control features: Sales: Copyright © 2010 - PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd 27 More Information