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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 528
Optimized Intrusion Detection System using
Deep Learning Algorithm
Prof P. Damodharan1, K. Veena2,Dr N. Suguna3
1Associate Professor, 2PG Scholar,3Professor
Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kinathukadavu, Coimbatotre, Tamil Nadu, India
A method and a system for the detection of an intrusion in a computer network compare the network traffic of the computer
network at multiple different points in the network. In an uncompromised network thenetworktrafficmonitored atthesetwo
different points in the network should be identical. A network intrusion detection systemis mostlyplaceatstrategicpoints in a
network, so that it can monitor the traffic traveling to or from different devices on that network.The existingSoftwareDefined
Network (SDN) proposes the separation of forward and controlplanes byintroducinga new independentplanecallednetwork
controller. Machine learning is an artificialintelligence approach thatfocuses onacquiring knowledgefrom rawdataand, based
at least in part on the identified flow, selectively causing the packet, or a packet descriptor associated with the packet. The
performance is evaluated using the network analysis metrics suchas keygenerationdelay, keysharingdelay andthehashcode
generation time for both SDN and the proposed machine learning SDN.
A series of devices or computing nodes interconnected by
communication link that allow to share and exchange the
data among all devices is defined by the term ‘Network’. A
device can be anything which is capable of sending or
receiving the data that is generated by the device and that is
exchanged over the medium or channel. In other words,
more than one autonomous computeris groupedtogether to
exchange the information using the communication channel
is called as ‘Network’. In computer networks, the following
characteristics or factors are mainly used to classify the
various types of networks.
An Intrusion detection system (IDS) is an active process or
device that analyzes system and network activity for
unauthorized entry or malicious activity.Theultimateaimof
any IDS is to catch perpetrators in the act before they do real
damage to resources. An IDS protects a system from attack,
misuse, and compromise. It can also monitor network
activity, audit network and system configurations for
vulnerabilities, analyze data integrity, and more. Intrusion
detection system (IDS) is software that automates the
intrusion detection process. The primary responsibility of
IDS is to detect unwanted and malicious activities.
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)is softwarethat has allthe
capabilities of an intrusion detection system and can also
attempt to stop possible incidents. An intrusion detection
system (IDS) is a type of security software designed to
automatically alert administrators when someone or
something is trying to compromise information system
through malicious activities or through security policy
A Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) is a
combination of hardware and software that monitors a
computer network for attempts to violate a security policy.
Network intrusion detection system identifies and
eliminates misbehaving malicious in thenetwork.A NIDS isa
system that analyzes the traffic crossing the network,
classifies packets according to header, content, or pattern
matching, and further inspects payload information with
respect to content/regular-expression matching rules for
detecting the occurrence of anomalies or attacks. FPGA
combined FA basedNIDSefficientlyhandles theanomalyand
intruded packet in the network.
Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are an
important tool to protect network systems from external
attack. NIDS are used to identify and analyze packets that
may signify an impending threat to organization’s network.
Traditional software-basedNIDS architecturesarebecoming
strained as network data rates increaseandattacks intensify
in volume and complexity. In recent years, researchers have
proposed using FPGAs to perform the computationally-
intensive components of a NIDS.
It states that certain scenarios are inferred by certain other
observable activities. If these activities are monitored, it is
possible to find intrusion attempts by looking at activities
that infer a certain intrusion scenario. The model-based
scheme consists of three important modules.Theanticipator
uses the active models and the scenario models to try to
predict the next step in the scenario that is expected to
occur. A scenario model is a knowledge base with
specifications of intrusion scenarios. The planner then
translates this hypothesis into a format that shows the
behavior, as it would occur in the audit trail. It uses the
predicted information to plan what to search for next. A
NIDS aims at detecting possible intrusions such as a
malicious activity, computer attack or computer misuse,
spread of a virus, etc, and alerting the proper individuals
upon detection.
As more wireless and sensor networks are deployed, they
will increasingly become tempting targets for malicious
attacks. Due to the shared nature of the wireless medium,
attackers can gather useful identity information during
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 529
passive monitoring and further utilize the identity
information to launch identity-based attacks, in particular,
the two most harmful but easy to launch attacks:1) spoofing
attacks and 2) Sybil attacks. In identity-based spoofing
attacks, an attacker can forge its identity to masquerade as
another device or even create multipleillegitimateidentities
in the networks.
For instance, in an IEEE 802.11 network, it is easy for an
attacker to modify its Media Access Control address of
Network interface card to another device through vendor-
supplied NIC drivers or open-sourceNIC drivers.Inaddition,
by masquerading as an authorized wireless Access point or
an authorized client, an attackercan launchDenial-of-service
attacks, bypass access control mechanisms, or falsely
advertise services to wireless clients. On the other hand, in
Sybil attacks, a Sybil node can forge different identities to
trick the network with multiple fake nodes. The Sybil attack
can significantly reduce the network performance by
defeating group-based voting techniques and fault-tolerant
Therefore, identity-based attacks will have a serious impact
to the normal operation of wireless and sensor networks. It
is thus desirable to detect the presence of identity-based
attacks and eliminate them from the network. The
traditional approach to address identity-based attacks is to
applycryptographicauthentication. However, authentication
requires additional infrastructural overhead and
computational power associated with distributing and
maintaining cryptographic keys. Due to the limited power
and resources available to the wireless devices and sensor
nodes, it is not always possible to deploy authentication.
Detecting the presence of identity-based attacks in the
network provides first order information toward defending
against attackers. Furthermore, learning the physical
location of the attackers allows the network administrators
to further exploit a wide range of defense strategies. This
explore and how can find the positions of the adversaries by
integrating our attack detector into a real-time indoor
localization system. Our cluster-analysis-based attack
detector is not specific to any RSS-based localization
algorithms and is thus general. For two kinds of algorithms,
area- and point-based algorithms, show that using the
centroids of the clusters that are returned by the attack
detector in signal space as the input to the localization
system, the positions of the attackers can be localized with
the same relative estimation errors as under normal
Kerberos Authentication System
The Kerberos authentication system was introducedbyMIT
to meet the needs of Project Athena. It has since been
adopted by a number of other organizations for their own
purposes, and is being discussed as a possible standard.
These problems fall into several categories. Some stemfrom
the Project Athena environment. Kerberos was designed for
that environment; if the basic assumptions differ, the
authentication system mayneedtobe changedas well. Other
problems are simply deficiencies in the protocol design.
Some of these are corrected in the proposed version 5 of
Kerberos, but not all.
Kerberos is a security system. The functionality and
efficiency, our primary emphasis is on the security of
Kerberos in a general environment. This means that
security-critical assumptions must be few in number and
stated clearly. For the widest utility, the network must be
considered as completely open. Specifically, the protocols
should be secure even if the network is under the complete
control of an adversary. This means that defeating the
protocol should require the adversary to invert the
encryption algorithm or to subvert a principal specifically
assumed to be trustworthy. Only such a strong design goal
can justify the expense of encryption.
Authorization Model And Access Control
In this section, discuss about the secure information sharing
using the hierarchical path. Our focus is on maintaining the
hierarchy rather than maintaining a shortest path. U sage
policy: If user is authorized to access data of a particular
level in the network, then it performs the operation as many
times he wants. Essentially there is no predefined usage
control. In this model, the authorization starts with the level
selection of the network. At the time of choosing the levels,
the nodes can have their keys for the secure communication.
A node can have different paths to reach to other nodes; it
can choose any particular path based on the preference.
Attribute-Based Access Control: This kind of access control
uses attribute-based encryption techniques in which a
sender encrypts a data packet with an access policy and a
receiver decrypts the packet and reads its content only if its
attributes satisfy the access policy. An example of the
schemes which use such techniques is called Secure
symptom based handshake (SSH).
Confidentiality is the term used to prevent the disclosure of
information to unauthorized individuals orsystems.In other
words, it means that no one can gain, read, or manipulate
information other than for whom it is intended. Basically,
confidentiality is achieved in two steps: encryption and
decryption. Using encryption, the sender converts plaintext
to ciphertext with the aim of rendering it unintelligible to
parties except the intended recipient. Using decryption,
ciphertext is rendered intelligible to the intended recipient
by converting it back to the plaintext.
Cross Layer Design
Cross layer design, where the boundary among the protocol
layers is a violated by sharing internal information, helping
layers to become aware of the changes in the others and
provide higher quality of services to the user. To allow
communication between layers by permitting one layer to
access the data of the layer to exchange information and
enable integration. Cross-layer designs involve cross-layer
signaling which is not defined in the protocol architecture.
These signaling methods should consume as scarce
resources as possible reducing the overhead.
Packet headers: Information can beencodedin layerheaders
which can later be used by some other layer to glean the
desired information. This can be compared to have pipe like
flow of signals among the layers.
ICMP messages: In IP based networks, Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) messages canbeusedforsignaling.
However, as ICMP messages are always encapsulated by IP
packets, the messages have to traverse through the network
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 530
layer, even if the interacting layer pairs are data link and
physical or transport and application.
The estimation of link available bandwidth from mac layer
information that take into account the activities of thenode’s
neighbours and adapt to change of channel condition
dynamicallyis used in the network layer to provide efficient
routing. And radio selection and channel assignment from
physical layer is used, Best-effort trafficand Real-timetraffic
from application layer is used to provide QoS guarantee for
real-time multimedia applications.
Network layer:
It is main layer which executes the DAWN process. The
following procedures are implemented in network layer
1. Traffic classification
2. Executing physical routing
3. Logical routing from bandwidth information
Mac layer:
Like all 802.11 network, nodes broadcasts RTS, CTS, Data
acknowledge handshake process and complete the
transmission for all packet. And each time of transmission
node maintains the used bandwidth value and calculates
remaining raw bandwidth value. Then idle duration is
calculated for each node. And available bandwidth value is
calculated from raw and idle values.
Physical layer:
Channel assignment and interface switching process is
executed in this layer. By selecting the maximum CSI value
interface to be selected for transmission is identified.
Security Management
SSL Certificates have a key pair: a public and a private key.
Device connects to a web server (website) secured with SSL
(https). Device requests that the server identifyitself.Server
sends a copy of its SSL Certificate, includingtheserverpublic
key. Device checks the certificate root againstalist of trusted
CAs and that the certificateis unexpired,unrevoked, and that
its common name is valid for thewebsitethatit isconnecting
to. If the Device trusts the certificate,it creates, encrypts,and
sends back a symmetric session key using the servers public
key. Server decrypts the symmetric session key using its
private key and sends back an acknowledgement encrypted
with the session key to start the encrypted session.
The cryptographic parameters of the session state are
produced by the SSL handshake protocol, which operates on
top of the SSL record layer the client sends a client hello
message to which the server must respond with a server
hello message, or else a fatal error will occur and the
connection will fail. The client hello and server hello
establish the following attributes: Protocol Version, Session
ID, Cipher Suite, and Compression Method.
Following the hello messages, the server will send its
certificate, if it is to be authenticated. Additionally, a server
key exchange message may be sent, if it is required .If the
server is authenticated, it may request a certificate from the
client, if that is appropriate to the cipher suite selected. Now
the server will send the server hello done message,
indicating that the hello-message phase of the handshake is
complete. The server will then wait for a client response. If
the server has sent a certificate request message, the client
must send either the certificate message or a no certificate
alert. The client key exchange message is now sent, and the
content of that message will depend on the public key
algorithm selected between the client hello and the server
hello. If the client has sent a certificate with signing ability, a
digitally-signed certificate verifymessageis senttoexplicitly
verify the certificate.
At this point, a change cipher spec message is sent by the
client, and the client copies the pending CipherSpec into the
current CipherSpec. The client then immediately sends the
finished message under the new algorithms, keys, and
secrets. In response, the server will send its own change
cipher spec message, transfer the pending to the current
CipherSpec, and send its finished message under the new
CipherSpec. At this point, the handshake is completeandthe
client and server may begin to exchange application layer
Client Server
Client Hello -------->
Server Hello
Server Key Exchange*
Certificate Request*
<-------- ServerHelloDone
Client Key Exchange
Certificate Verify*
[Change Cipher Spec]
Finished -------->
<-------- Finished
Application Data <-------> Application Data
*Indicates optional or situation-dependent messages that
are notalways sent.
Implementing and using SSL to secure HTTP traffic
Security of the data stored on a file server is very important
these days. Compromised data can cost thousands of dollars
to company. In the last section, compiled LDAP
authentication module into the Apache build to provide a
Authentication mechanism. However, HTTP traffic is very
insecure, and all data is transferred in clear text - meaning,
the LDAP authentication (userid/passwd) will be
transmitted as clear text as well. This creates a problem.
Anyone can sniff these userid/passwd and gain access to
DAV store. To prevent this encrypt the HTTP traffic is
essentially as HTTP + SSL or HTTPS. Anything transferred
over HTTPS is encrypted,so theLDAP userid/passwdcan not
be easily deciphered. HTTPS runs on port 443.
Introduction to SSL
SSL is a protocol layer that exists between the Network
Layer and Application layer. As the name suggest SSL
provides a mechanism for encrypting all kinds of traffic -
LDAP, POP, IMAP and most importantly HTTP.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 531
Encryption algorithms used in SSL
There are three kinds of cryptographic techniques used in
SSL: Public-Private Key, Symmetric Key, and Digital
Public-Private Key Crytography - Initiating SSL connection:
In this algorithm, encryption and decryption is performed
using a pair of private and publickeys.TheWeb-serverholds
the private Key, and sends the Public key to the client in the
The following is a over-simplified structure of the layers
involved in SSL.
| SSL |
| Network Layer |
1. The client request content from the Web Server using
2. The web server responds with aDigitalCertificatewhich
includes the server's public key.
3. The client checks to see if the certificate has expired.
4. Then the client checks if the Certificate Authority that
signed the certificate, is a trusted authority listed in the
Device. The client then checks to see if the Fully
Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the web server
matches the Comman Name (CN) on the certificate?
Anything encrypted with Private Key can only be decrypted
by using the Public Key. Similarly anything encrypted using
the Public Key can only be decrypted using the Private Key.
There is a common mis-conception that only the Public Key
is used for encryption and PrivateKeyis usedfordecryption.
This is not case. Any key can be used for
encryption/decryption. However if one key is used for
encryption then the other key must be used for decryption.
e.g. A message cannot encrypted and then decrypted using
only the Public Key.
Using Private Key to encrypt and a Public Key to decrypt
ensures the integrity of the sender (owner of the Private
Key) to the recipients. Using Public Key to encrypt and a
Private Key to decrypt ensures that only the inteded
recipient (owner of the Private Key) will have access to the
data.(i.e. only the person who holds the Private Key will be
able to decipher the message).
Symmetric Cryptography - Actualtransmission ofdata: After
the SSL connection has been established, Symmetric
cryptography is used for encrypting data as it uses less CPU
cycles. In symmetric cryptographythedatacan beencrypted
and decrypted using the same key. The Key for symmetric
cryptography is exchanged during the initiation process,
using Public Key Cryptography.
Message Digest The server uses message digest algoritm
such as HMAC, SHA-1, MD5 to verify the integrity of the
transferred data.
Ensuring Authenticity and Integrity
Step1: In this step the Original "Clear Text" message is
encrypted using the Sender's Private Key, which
results in Cipher Text 1. This ensures the
Authenticity of the sender.
Step2: In this step the "CipherText 1" is encrypted using
Receiver's Public Key resulting in "CipherText 2".
This will ensure the Authenticity of the Receiver i.e.
only the Receiver can decipher the Messsage using
his Private Key.
Step3: Here the SHA1 Message Digest of the "Clear Text" is
Step4: SHA1 Message Digest is then encrypted using
Sender's Private Key resulting in the Digital
Signature of the "ClearText". This Digital Signature
can be used by the receiver to ensure the Integrity
of the message and authenticity of the Sender.
Step5: The "Digital Signature" and the "CipherText 2" are
then send to the Receiver.
SSL Certificates have a key pair: a public and a private key.
1. Device connects to a web server (website) secured with
SSL (https). Device requests that the server identify
2. Server sends a copy of its SSL Certificate, including the
server’s public key.
3. Device checks the certificate root against alistof trusted
CAs and that the certificate is unexpired, unrevoked,and
that its common name is valid for the website that it is
connecting to. If the Device trusts the certificate, it
creates, encrypts, and sends back a symmetric session
key using the server’s public key.
4. Server decrypts the symmetric session key using its
private key and sends back an acknowledgement
encrypted with the session key to start the encrypted
5. Server and Device now encrypt alltransmitted datawith
the session key.
The cryptographic parameters of the session state are
produced by the SSL handshake protocol, which operates on
top of the SSL record layer. When an SSL client and server
first start communicating, they agree on a protocol version,
select cryptographicalgorithms, optionallyauthenticate each
other, and use public key encryption techniques to generate
shared secrets. These processes are performed in the
handshake protocol, which can be summarized as follows:
the client sends a client hello message to which the server
must respond with a server hello message, or else a fatal
error will occur and the connection will fail.
A cryptography system design which are related to
generation, exchange,storage,safeguarding,use, vetting,and
replacement of keys in key management. It includes
cryptographic protocol design which includes key servers,
user procedures, and other relevant protocols. Key
management concerns keys at the user level, eitherbetween
users or systems. This is in contrast to key scheduling; key
scheduling typically refers to the internal handling of key
material within the operation of a cipher. Successful key
management is critical to the security of a cryptosystem.
The ability of a system, network, or process, to handle
growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to
be enlarged to accommodate that growth. Scalability, as a
property of systems, is generallydifficulttodefineandin any
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 532
particular case it is necessary to define the specific
requirements for scalability on those dimensions that are
deemed important. It is a highly significant issue in
electronics systems, databases, routers, and networking. A
system whoseperformanceimproves afteraddinghardware,
proportionally to the capacity added, is said to be a scalable
system. An algorithm, design,networkingprotocol,program,
or other system is said to scale,(e.g. a largeinputdatasetora
large number of participating nodes in the case of a
distributed system). If the design fails when the quantity
increases, it does not scale.
focuses on well-understood security attributes and features
such as integrity, authentication, authorization, key
management, and intrusion detection. A classification of IDS
risks and vulnerabilities has recently been published by
NIST. Working mechanism is as follows:Initially network is
deployed with server, router, commander and DDOS
1. Communication tree is formed between all wireless
devices using the router nodes as interface
2. Commander node initiates the DDOS attack by sending
the command message with victim id to all DDOS
attackers present in the network.
3. Command message is rebroadcasted to all DDOS
attackers and it launches the attack to reduce the
availability of resource of the victim node.
4. Flow monitoring is performed by all routernodes which
validate the each incoming flows.
5. It computes the data generation rate of each monitoring
flow and performs the IP trace back
IDS algorithm
1. Once the network deployment gets completed, data
transmission is originated between source and
2. A network device may fail to forward a packet due to
various reasons.
3. During the situation, the devices generates the ICMP
error message (path backscatter message)
4. But the packet contains the IP spoofed id as source id,
then the packet will sent to the source IP address
indicated in the original packet ie., the node who owns
the actual ip address
5. The ICMP message is generated during the high class
congestion occurred in the data transmission
The proposed system is designed by using the principle
component analysis. The proposed approach working
mechanism is as follows:
1. Network is deployed with set of mobile nodes including
major and minor player
2. Data transmission is initiated between mobilenodes by
forming the multihop route
3. DOS attacker nodes launches attacks against victimnode
(src and dst nodes)
4. Packet is captured and either dropped or content is
changed by the DOS attacker
5. Major and minor player game is invoked between
mobile nodes to perform the detection process
6. IDS nodes performs the data validation and attack
detection process by applying the Machine Learning.
The proposed system is designed byusingthereinforcement
learning in the machine learning model which significantly
improves accuracy of the intrusion and anomaly detection
system by employing the learning process using the
Boltzmann learning parameters. During the data
transmission, packet drop process and packet delaying can
be occurred due to the congestion and the collision along
with the unavailability of the channelbeau caseofthehidden
terminal and exposed terminal problem. This willleadtothe
false detection of the normal behaviour as malicious
behaviour in the network environment. In order to handle
this network dynamics, the learning system is employed
based on the reinforcement learning system.
1. The behavioural prediction and decision makingsystem
is operated from the input collected during the learning
2. From the collected input, the collaborated view of the
hidden layer is formed by using the dynamic Bayesian
network with Boltzmann input.
3. The Dynamic Bayesian Network is constructed with the
3 input models,
A. Inference model
B. Parameter learning
C. Structured learning
4. The inference system collects the variation between the
Actual state and the expected state after performing the
initial IDS
5. For each inferences identified in the system, the
collected parameters are differentiated with respect to
the identified behaviour of the node and channel in
terms of state information in the parameter learning
A deep Boltzmann machine (DBM) is a recently introduced
Markov random field model that has multiple layers of
hidden units. It has been shown empirically that it is difficult
to train a DBM with approximate maximum-likelihood
learning using the stochastic gradient unlike its simpler
special case, restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM)Deep
Boltzmann machine (DBM) is a recently introduced variant
of Boltzmann machines which extends widely used
restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) to a model that has
multiple hidden layers. It differs from the popular deep
belief network (DBN) which is built by stacking multiple
layers of RBMs. DBMs facilitate propagating uncertainties
across multiple layers of hidden variables. Although it is
straightforward to derive a learning algorithm.
Deep Boltzmann machines are interesting for several
reasons. First, like deep belief networks, DBM’s have the
potential of learning internal representations that become
increasingly complex, which is considered to be a promising
way of solving object and speech recognition problems.
Second, high-level representations can be built from a large
supply of unlabeled sensory inputs and very limited labeled
data can then be used to only slightly fine-tune themodelfor
a specific task at hand. Finally, unlike deep belief networks,
the approximate inference procedure, in addition to an
initial bottom up pass, can incorporate top-down feedback,
allowing deep Boltzmann machines to better propagate
uncertainty about, and hence deal more robustly with,
ambiguous input.
The real world testing processis donein C#.netenvironment
by running the working design using the validation metrics.
This analysis is used to test the performance of the existing
protocols as well as newly derived protocols.The
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 533
performance evaluation is conducted to validate the
execution of the proposed technique in terms of packet
related metrics such as key generation and key sharing
delay, hash code generation delay. The table shows that the
parameters used to perform the network performance
Key Sharing Delay: Sharing Delay refers the Time taken to
complete the key sharing process from user device to server
in the network using equation (2).
Hash Generation Delay: Hashing delay refers the time
required to complete the hash code generation and it is
estimated using equation (3).
Figure 1, 2 and 3 shows the comparisons between Software
Defined Network (SDN) and Machine Learning Software
Defined Network (MLSDN) in terms of KeyGenerationDelay,
Key Sharing Delayand Hash Generation Delayrespectively.It
outcomes in key generation process andkeysharingprocess.
In case of Key Generation Delay, MLSDN achieves higher
performance by obtaining the lower delay. Similarly for Key
SharingDelay MLSDN in lower latency compare to SDN. In
case of Hash Generation Delay, MLSDN achieves lowerdelay
while generating the hash code.
Figure7.1. Key Generation Delay
Figure7.2. Key Sharing Delay
Figure7.3.Hash Generation Delay
Figure 4, 5 and 6 shows the average performance
comparisons between SDN and MLSDN in terms of Key
Generation Delay, Key Sharing Delayand Hash Generation
Delay respectively.
Figure7.4.Average Key Generation Delay
Figure7.5. Average Key Sharing Delay
The SDN model is the novel networkingmodel whichutilizes
the separation of forward and control planes by introducing
a new independent plane called network controller. The
architecture enhances the network resilient, decompose
management complexity,andsupport morestraightforward
network policies enforcement. Proposed IDS system
analyzes the network activity for unauthorized entry or
malicious activity using the machine learning algorithm
instead of software defined network. Proposed system that
analyzes the traffic crossing the network, classifies packets
according to header, content, or pattern matching, and
further inspects payload information with respect to
content/regular-expression matchingrules fordetecting the
occurrence of anomalies or attacks
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 534
It can enhance by deep learning optimization scheme for
secure channel processing. Compliance with real-time
constraints: In real-time applications, data is delay con-
strained and has a certain bandwidth requirement. For
instance, scheduling messages with deadlines is an
important issue in order to take appropriate actions in real
time. However, due to the interferenceand contention onthe
wireless medium, this is a challenging task. Multi-channel
communication can help to reduce the delay by increasing
the number of parallel transmissions and help the network
to achieve real-time guarantees. Assignment of overlapping
channels during run-time: Use of overlapping channels at
run time during medium access is an interesting and
challenging future research direction.
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Optimized Intrusion Detection System using Deep Learning Algorithm

  • 1. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 528 Optimized Intrusion Detection System using Deep Learning Algorithm Prof P. Damodharan1, K. Veena2,Dr N. Suguna3 1Associate Professor, 2PG Scholar,3Professor Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kinathukadavu, Coimbatotre, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT A method and a system for the detection of an intrusion in a computer network compare the network traffic of the computer network at multiple different points in the network. In an uncompromised network thenetworktrafficmonitored atthesetwo different points in the network should be identical. A network intrusion detection systemis mostlyplaceatstrategicpoints in a network, so that it can monitor the traffic traveling to or from different devices on that network.The existingSoftwareDefined Network (SDN) proposes the separation of forward and controlplanes byintroducinga new independentplanecallednetwork controller. Machine learning is an artificialintelligence approach thatfocuses onacquiring knowledgefrom rawdataand, based at least in part on the identified flow, selectively causing the packet, or a packet descriptor associated with the packet. The performance is evaluated using the network analysis metrics suchas keygenerationdelay, keysharingdelay andthehashcode generation time for both SDN and the proposed machine learning SDN. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. NETWORK SECURITY A series of devices or computing nodes interconnected by communication link that allow to share and exchange the data among all devices is defined by the term ‘Network’. A device can be anything which is capable of sending or receiving the data that is generated by the device and that is exchanged over the medium or channel. In other words, more than one autonomous computeris groupedtogether to exchange the information using the communication channel is called as ‘Network’. In computer networks, the following characteristics or factors are mainly used to classify the various types of networks. 1.2. INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM An Intrusion detection system (IDS) is an active process or device that analyzes system and network activity for unauthorized entry or malicious activity.Theultimateaimof any IDS is to catch perpetrators in the act before they do real damage to resources. An IDS protects a system from attack, misuse, and compromise. It can also monitor network activity, audit network and system configurations for vulnerabilities, analyze data integrity, and more. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is software that automates the intrusion detection process. The primary responsibility of IDS is to detect unwanted and malicious activities. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)is softwarethat has allthe capabilities of an intrusion detection system and can also attempt to stop possible incidents. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a type of security software designed to automatically alert administrators when someone or something is trying to compromise information system through malicious activities or through security policy violations. 1.3. NETWORK INTRUSION DETECTION A Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) is a combination of hardware and software that monitors a computer network for attempts to violate a security policy. Network intrusion detection system identifies and eliminates misbehaving malicious in thenetwork.A NIDS isa system that analyzes the traffic crossing the network, classifies packets according to header, content, or pattern matching, and further inspects payload information with respect to content/regular-expression matching rules for detecting the occurrence of anomalies or attacks. FPGA combined FA basedNIDSefficientlyhandles theanomalyand intruded packet in the network. Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are an important tool to protect network systems from external attack. NIDS are used to identify and analyze packets that may signify an impending threat to organization’s network. Traditional software-basedNIDS architecturesarebecoming strained as network data rates increaseandattacks intensify in volume and complexity. In recent years, researchers have proposed using FPGAs to perform the computationally- intensive components of a NIDS. MODEL BASED INTRUSION DETECTION It states that certain scenarios are inferred by certain other observable activities. If these activities are monitored, it is possible to find intrusion attempts by looking at activities that infer a certain intrusion scenario. The model-based scheme consists of three important modules.Theanticipator uses the active models and the scenario models to try to predict the next step in the scenario that is expected to occur. A scenario model is a knowledge base with specifications of intrusion scenarios. The planner then translates this hypothesis into a format that shows the behavior, as it would occur in the audit trail. It uses the predicted information to plan what to search for next. A NIDS aims at detecting possible intrusions such as a malicious activity, computer attack or computer misuse, spread of a virus, etc, and alerting the proper individuals upon detection. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY As more wireless and sensor networks are deployed, they will increasingly become tempting targets for malicious attacks. Due to the shared nature of the wireless medium, attackers can gather useful identity information during
  • 2. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 529 passive monitoring and further utilize the identity information to launch identity-based attacks, in particular, the two most harmful but easy to launch attacks:1) spoofing attacks and 2) Sybil attacks. In identity-based spoofing attacks, an attacker can forge its identity to masquerade as another device or even create multipleillegitimateidentities in the networks. For instance, in an IEEE 802.11 network, it is easy for an attacker to modify its Media Access Control address of Network interface card to another device through vendor- supplied NIC drivers or open-sourceNIC drivers.Inaddition, by masquerading as an authorized wireless Access point or an authorized client, an attackercan launchDenial-of-service attacks, bypass access control mechanisms, or falsely advertise services to wireless clients. On the other hand, in Sybil attacks, a Sybil node can forge different identities to trick the network with multiple fake nodes. The Sybil attack can significantly reduce the network performance by defeating group-based voting techniques and fault-tolerant schemes. Therefore, identity-based attacks will have a serious impact to the normal operation of wireless and sensor networks. It is thus desirable to detect the presence of identity-based attacks and eliminate them from the network. The traditional approach to address identity-based attacks is to applycryptographicauthentication. However, authentication requires additional infrastructural overhead and computational power associated with distributing and maintaining cryptographic keys. Due to the limited power and resources available to the wireless devices and sensor nodes, it is not always possible to deploy authentication. Detecting the presence of identity-based attacks in the network provides first order information toward defending against attackers. Furthermore, learning the physical location of the attackers allows the network administrators to further exploit a wide range of defense strategies. This explore and how can find the positions of the adversaries by integrating our attack detector into a real-time indoor localization system. Our cluster-analysis-based attack detector is not specific to any RSS-based localization algorithms and is thus general. For two kinds of algorithms, area- and point-based algorithms, show that using the centroids of the clusters that are returned by the attack detector in signal space as the input to the localization system, the positions of the attackers can be localized with the same relative estimation errors as under normal conditions. Kerberos Authentication System The Kerberos authentication system was introducedbyMIT to meet the needs of Project Athena. It has since been adopted by a number of other organizations for their own purposes, and is being discussed as a possible standard. These problems fall into several categories. Some stemfrom the Project Athena environment. Kerberos was designed for that environment; if the basic assumptions differ, the authentication system mayneedtobe changedas well. Other problems are simply deficiencies in the protocol design. Some of these are corrected in the proposed version 5 of Kerberos, but not all. Kerberos is a security system. The functionality and efficiency, our primary emphasis is on the security of Kerberos in a general environment. This means that security-critical assumptions must be few in number and stated clearly. For the widest utility, the network must be considered as completely open. Specifically, the protocols should be secure even if the network is under the complete control of an adversary. This means that defeating the protocol should require the adversary to invert the encryption algorithm or to subvert a principal specifically assumed to be trustworthy. Only such a strong design goal can justify the expense of encryption. Authorization Model And Access Control In this section, discuss about the secure information sharing using the hierarchical path. Our focus is on maintaining the hierarchy rather than maintaining a shortest path. U sage policy: If user is authorized to access data of a particular level in the network, then it performs the operation as many times he wants. Essentially there is no predefined usage control. In this model, the authorization starts with the level selection of the network. At the time of choosing the levels, the nodes can have their keys for the secure communication. A node can have different paths to reach to other nodes; it can choose any particular path based on the preference. Attribute-Based Access Control: This kind of access control uses attribute-based encryption techniques in which a sender encrypts a data packet with an access policy and a receiver decrypts the packet and reads its content only if its attributes satisfy the access policy. An example of the schemes which use such techniques is called Secure symptom based handshake (SSH). Confidentiality is the term used to prevent the disclosure of information to unauthorized individuals orsystems.In other words, it means that no one can gain, read, or manipulate information other than for whom it is intended. Basically, confidentiality is achieved in two steps: encryption and decryption. Using encryption, the sender converts plaintext to ciphertext with the aim of rendering it unintelligible to parties except the intended recipient. Using decryption, ciphertext is rendered intelligible to the intended recipient by converting it back to the plaintext. 3. EXISTING SYSTEM Cross Layer Design Cross layer design, where the boundary among the protocol layers is a violated by sharing internal information, helping layers to become aware of the changes in the others and provide higher quality of services to the user. To allow communication between layers by permitting one layer to access the data of the layer to exchange information and enable integration. Cross-layer designs involve cross-layer signaling which is not defined in the protocol architecture. These signaling methods should consume as scarce resources as possible reducing the overhead. Packet headers: Information can beencodedin layerheaders which can later be used by some other layer to glean the desired information. This can be compared to have pipe like flow of signals among the layers. ICMP messages: In IP based networks, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages canbeusedforsignaling. However, as ICMP messages are always encapsulated by IP packets, the messages have to traverse through the network
  • 3. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 530 layer, even if the interacting layer pairs are data link and physical or transport and application. The estimation of link available bandwidth from mac layer information that take into account the activities of thenode’s neighbours and adapt to change of channel condition dynamicallyis used in the network layer to provide efficient routing. And radio selection and channel assignment from physical layer is used, Best-effort trafficand Real-timetraffic from application layer is used to provide QoS guarantee for real-time multimedia applications. Network layer: It is main layer which executes the DAWN process. The following procedures are implemented in network layer itself. 1. Traffic classification 2. Executing physical routing 3. Logical routing from bandwidth information Mac layer: Like all 802.11 network, nodes broadcasts RTS, CTS, Data acknowledge handshake process and complete the transmission for all packet. And each time of transmission node maintains the used bandwidth value and calculates remaining raw bandwidth value. Then idle duration is calculated for each node. And available bandwidth value is calculated from raw and idle values. Physical layer: Channel assignment and interface switching process is executed in this layer. By selecting the maximum CSI value interface to be selected for transmission is identified. Security Management SSL Certificates have a key pair: a public and a private key. Device connects to a web server (website) secured with SSL (https). Device requests that the server identifyitself.Server sends a copy of its SSL Certificate, includingtheserverpublic key. Device checks the certificate root againstalist of trusted CAs and that the certificateis unexpired,unrevoked, and that its common name is valid for thewebsitethatit isconnecting to. If the Device trusts the certificate,it creates, encrypts,and sends back a symmetric session key using the servers public key. Server decrypts the symmetric session key using its private key and sends back an acknowledgement encrypted with the session key to start the encrypted session. The cryptographic parameters of the session state are produced by the SSL handshake protocol, which operates on top of the SSL record layer the client sends a client hello message to which the server must respond with a server hello message, or else a fatal error will occur and the connection will fail. The client hello and server hello establish the following attributes: Protocol Version, Session ID, Cipher Suite, and Compression Method. Following the hello messages, the server will send its certificate, if it is to be authenticated. Additionally, a server key exchange message may be sent, if it is required .If the server is authenticated, it may request a certificate from the client, if that is appropriate to the cipher suite selected. Now the server will send the server hello done message, indicating that the hello-message phase of the handshake is complete. The server will then wait for a client response. If the server has sent a certificate request message, the client must send either the certificate message or a no certificate alert. The client key exchange message is now sent, and the content of that message will depend on the public key algorithm selected between the client hello and the server hello. If the client has sent a certificate with signing ability, a digitally-signed certificate verifymessageis senttoexplicitly verify the certificate. At this point, a change cipher spec message is sent by the client, and the client copies the pending CipherSpec into the current CipherSpec. The client then immediately sends the finished message under the new algorithms, keys, and secrets. In response, the server will send its own change cipher spec message, transfer the pending to the current CipherSpec, and send its finished message under the new CipherSpec. At this point, the handshake is completeandthe client and server may begin to exchange application layer data. Client Server Client Hello --------> Server Hello Certificate* Server Key Exchange* Certificate Request* <-------- ServerHelloDone Certificate* Client Key Exchange Certificate Verify* [Change Cipher Spec] Finished --------> [ChangeCipherSpec] <-------- Finished Application Data <-------> Application Data *Indicates optional or situation-dependent messages that are notalways sent. 4. IMPLEMENTATION Implementing and using SSL to secure HTTP traffic Security of the data stored on a file server is very important these days. Compromised data can cost thousands of dollars to company. In the last section, compiled LDAP authentication module into the Apache build to provide a Authentication mechanism. However, HTTP traffic is very insecure, and all data is transferred in clear text - meaning, the LDAP authentication (userid/passwd) will be transmitted as clear text as well. This creates a problem. Anyone can sniff these userid/passwd and gain access to DAV store. To prevent this encrypt the HTTP traffic is essentially as HTTP + SSL or HTTPS. Anything transferred over HTTPS is encrypted,so theLDAP userid/passwdcan not be easily deciphered. HTTPS runs on port 443. Introduction to SSL SSL is a protocol layer that exists between the Network Layer and Application layer. As the name suggest SSL provides a mechanism for encrypting all kinds of traffic - LDAP, POP, IMAP and most importantly HTTP.
  • 4. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 531 Encryption algorithms used in SSL There are three kinds of cryptographic techniques used in SSL: Public-Private Key, Symmetric Key, and Digital Signature. Public-Private Key Crytography - Initiating SSL connection: In this algorithm, encryption and decryption is performed using a pair of private and publickeys.TheWeb-serverholds the private Key, and sends the Public key to the client in the Certificate. The following is a over-simplified structure of the layers involved in SSL. +-------------------------------------------+ | LDAP | HTTP | POP | IMAP | +-------------------------------------------+ | SSL | +-------------------------------------------+ | Network Layer | +-------------------------------------------+ 1. The client request content from the Web Server using HTTPS. 2. The web server responds with aDigitalCertificatewhich includes the server's public key. 3. The client checks to see if the certificate has expired. 4. Then the client checks if the Certificate Authority that signed the certificate, is a trusted authority listed in the Device. The client then checks to see if the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the web server matches the Comman Name (CN) on the certificate? Anything encrypted with Private Key can only be decrypted by using the Public Key. Similarly anything encrypted using the Public Key can only be decrypted using the Private Key. There is a common mis-conception that only the Public Key is used for encryption and PrivateKeyis usedfordecryption. This is not case. Any key can be used for encryption/decryption. However if one key is used for encryption then the other key must be used for decryption. e.g. A message cannot encrypted and then decrypted using only the Public Key. Using Private Key to encrypt and a Public Key to decrypt ensures the integrity of the sender (owner of the Private Key) to the recipients. Using Public Key to encrypt and a Private Key to decrypt ensures that only the inteded recipient (owner of the Private Key) will have access to the data.(i.e. only the person who holds the Private Key will be able to decipher the message). Symmetric Cryptography - Actualtransmission ofdata: After the SSL connection has been established, Symmetric cryptography is used for encrypting data as it uses less CPU cycles. In symmetric cryptographythedatacan beencrypted and decrypted using the same key. The Key for symmetric cryptography is exchanged during the initiation process, using Public Key Cryptography. Message Digest The server uses message digest algoritm such as HMAC, SHA-1, MD5 to verify the integrity of the transferred data. Ensuring Authenticity and Integrity Encryption Step1: In this step the Original "Clear Text" message is encrypted using the Sender's Private Key, which results in Cipher Text 1. This ensures the Authenticity of the sender. Step2: In this step the "CipherText 1" is encrypted using Receiver's Public Key resulting in "CipherText 2". This will ensure the Authenticity of the Receiver i.e. only the Receiver can decipher the Messsage using his Private Key. Step3: Here the SHA1 Message Digest of the "Clear Text" is created. Step4: SHA1 Message Digest is then encrypted using Sender's Private Key resulting in the Digital Signature of the "ClearText". This Digital Signature can be used by the receiver to ensure the Integrity of the message and authenticity of the Sender. Step5: The "Digital Signature" and the "CipherText 2" are then send to the Receiver. SSL Certificates have a key pair: a public and a private key. 1. Device connects to a web server (website) secured with SSL (https). Device requests that the server identify itself. 2. Server sends a copy of its SSL Certificate, including the server’s public key. 3. Device checks the certificate root against alistof trusted CAs and that the certificate is unexpired, unrevoked,and that its common name is valid for the website that it is connecting to. If the Device trusts the certificate, it creates, encrypts, and sends back a symmetric session key using the server’s public key. 4. Server decrypts the symmetric session key using its private key and sends back an acknowledgement encrypted with the session key to start the encrypted session. 5. Server and Device now encrypt alltransmitted datawith the session key. The cryptographic parameters of the session state are produced by the SSL handshake protocol, which operates on top of the SSL record layer. When an SSL client and server first start communicating, they agree on a protocol version, select cryptographicalgorithms, optionallyauthenticate each other, and use public key encryption techniques to generate shared secrets. These processes are performed in the handshake protocol, which can be summarized as follows: the client sends a client hello message to which the server must respond with a server hello message, or else a fatal error will occur and the connection will fail. A cryptography system design which are related to generation, exchange,storage,safeguarding,use, vetting,and replacement of keys in key management. It includes cryptographic protocol design which includes key servers, user procedures, and other relevant protocols. Key management concerns keys at the user level, eitherbetween users or systems. This is in contrast to key scheduling; key scheduling typically refers to the internal handling of key material within the operation of a cipher. Successful key management is critical to the security of a cryptosystem. SCALABILITY The ability of a system, network, or process, to handle growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth. Scalability, as a property of systems, is generallydifficulttodefineandin any
  • 5. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 532 particular case it is necessary to define the specific requirements for scalability on those dimensions that are deemed important. It is a highly significant issue in electronics systems, databases, routers, and networking. A system whoseperformanceimproves afteraddinghardware, proportionally to the capacity added, is said to be a scalable system. An algorithm, design,networkingprotocol,program, or other system is said to scale,(e.g. a largeinputdatasetora large number of participating nodes in the case of a distributed system). If the design fails when the quantity increases, it does not scale. focuses on well-understood security attributes and features such as integrity, authentication, authorization, key management, and intrusion detection. A classification of IDS risks and vulnerabilities has recently been published by NIST. Working mechanism is as follows:Initially network is deployed with server, router, commander and DDOS attackers 1. Communication tree is formed between all wireless devices using the router nodes as interface 2. Commander node initiates the DDOS attack by sending the command message with victim id to all DDOS attackers present in the network. 3. Command message is rebroadcasted to all DDOS attackers and it launches the attack to reduce the availability of resource of the victim node. 4. Flow monitoring is performed by all routernodes which validate the each incoming flows. 5. It computes the data generation rate of each monitoring flow and performs the IP trace back IDS algorithm 1. Once the network deployment gets completed, data transmission is originated between source and destination. 2. A network device may fail to forward a packet due to various reasons. 3. During the situation, the devices generates the ICMP error message (path backscatter message) 4. But the packet contains the IP spoofed id as source id, then the packet will sent to the source IP address indicated in the original packet ie., the node who owns the actual ip address 5. The ICMP message is generated during the high class congestion occurred in the data transmission The proposed system is designed by using the principle component analysis. The proposed approach working mechanism is as follows: 1. Network is deployed with set of mobile nodes including major and minor player 2. Data transmission is initiated between mobilenodes by forming the multihop route 3. DOS attacker nodes launches attacks against victimnode (src and dst nodes) 4. Packet is captured and either dropped or content is changed by the DOS attacker 5. Major and minor player game is invoked between mobile nodes to perform the detection process 6. IDS nodes performs the data validation and attack detection process by applying the Machine Learning. The proposed system is designed byusingthereinforcement learning in the machine learning model which significantly improves accuracy of the intrusion and anomaly detection system by employing the learning process using the Boltzmann learning parameters. During the data transmission, packet drop process and packet delaying can be occurred due to the congestion and the collision along with the unavailability of the channelbeau caseofthehidden terminal and exposed terminal problem. This willleadtothe false detection of the normal behaviour as malicious behaviour in the network environment. In order to handle this network dynamics, the learning system is employed based on the reinforcement learning system. 1. The behavioural prediction and decision makingsystem is operated from the input collected during the learning process. 2. From the collected input, the collaborated view of the hidden layer is formed by using the dynamic Bayesian network with Boltzmann input. 3. The Dynamic Bayesian Network is constructed with the 3 input models, A. Inference model B. Parameter learning C. Structured learning 4. The inference system collects the variation between the Actual state and the expected state after performing the initial IDS 5. For each inferences identified in the system, the collected parameters are differentiated with respect to the identified behaviour of the node and channel in terms of state information in the parameter learning process. A deep Boltzmann machine (DBM) is a recently introduced Markov random field model that has multiple layers of hidden units. It has been shown empirically that it is difficult to train a DBM with approximate maximum-likelihood learning using the stochastic gradient unlike its simpler special case, restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM)Deep Boltzmann machine (DBM) is a recently introduced variant of Boltzmann machines which extends widely used restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) to a model that has multiple hidden layers. It differs from the popular deep belief network (DBN) which is built by stacking multiple layers of RBMs. DBMs facilitate propagating uncertainties across multiple layers of hidden variables. Although it is straightforward to derive a learning algorithm. Deep Boltzmann machines are interesting for several reasons. First, like deep belief networks, DBM’s have the potential of learning internal representations that become increasingly complex, which is considered to be a promising way of solving object and speech recognition problems. Second, high-level representations can be built from a large supply of unlabeled sensory inputs and very limited labeled data can then be used to only slightly fine-tune themodelfor a specific task at hand. Finally, unlike deep belief networks, the approximate inference procedure, in addition to an initial bottom up pass, can incorporate top-down feedback, allowing deep Boltzmann machines to better propagate uncertainty about, and hence deal more robustly with, ambiguous input. RESULT AND DISCUSSION OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The real world testing processis donein C#.netenvironment by running the working design using the validation metrics. This analysis is used to test the performance of the existing protocols as well as newly derived protocols.The
  • 6. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 533 performance evaluation is conducted to validate the execution of the proposed technique in terms of packet related metrics such as key generation and key sharing delay, hash code generation delay. The table shows that the parameters used to perform the network performance validation. Key Sharing Delay: Sharing Delay refers the Time taken to complete the key sharing process from user device to server in the network using equation (2). (2) Hash Generation Delay: Hashing delay refers the time required to complete the hash code generation and it is estimated using equation (3). (3) 5. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Figure 1, 2 and 3 shows the comparisons between Software Defined Network (SDN) and Machine Learning Software Defined Network (MLSDN) in terms of KeyGenerationDelay, Key Sharing Delayand Hash Generation Delayrespectively.It outcomes in key generation process andkeysharingprocess. In case of Key Generation Delay, MLSDN achieves higher performance by obtaining the lower delay. Similarly for Key SharingDelay MLSDN in lower latency compare to SDN. In case of Hash Generation Delay, MLSDN achieves lowerdelay while generating the hash code. Figure7.1. Key Generation Delay Figure7.2. Key Sharing Delay Figure7.3.Hash Generation Delay Figure 4, 5 and 6 shows the average performance comparisons between SDN and MLSDN in terms of Key Generation Delay, Key Sharing Delayand Hash Generation Delay respectively. Figure7.4.Average Key Generation Delay Figure7.5. Average Key Sharing Delay CONCLUSION The SDN model is the novel networkingmodel whichutilizes the separation of forward and control planes by introducing a new independent plane called network controller. The architecture enhances the network resilient, decompose management complexity,andsupport morestraightforward network policies enforcement. Proposed IDS system analyzes the network activity for unauthorized entry or malicious activity using the machine learning algorithm instead of software defined network. Proposed system that analyzes the traffic crossing the network, classifies packets according to header, content, or pattern matching, and further inspects payload information with respect to content/regular-expression matchingrules fordetecting the occurrence of anomalies or attacks
  • 7. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Reference Paper ID – IJTSRD21447 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2019 Page: 534 FUTURE WORK It can enhance by deep learning optimization scheme for secure channel processing. Compliance with real-time constraints: In real-time applications, data is delay con- strained and has a certain bandwidth requirement. For instance, scheduling messages with deadlines is an important issue in order to take appropriate actions in real time. However, due to the interferenceand contention onthe wireless medium, this is a challenging task. Multi-channel communication can help to reduce the delay by increasing the number of parallel transmissions and help the network to achieve real-time guarantees. Assignment of overlapping channels during run-time: Use of overlapping channels at run time during medium access is an interesting and challenging future research direction. REFERENCES [1] Khoshkbarforoushha, R. Ranjan, R.Gaire, E. Abbasnejad, L. Wang, and A. Y. Zomaya. Distribution based workload modelling of continuous queries in clouds. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,5(1):120–133, 2017 [2] Benaloh.J, “Key Compression and Its Application to Digital Fingerprinting” technical report, Microsoft Research, 2009. [3] D. D´ıaz-Pernil, A. Berciano,F.Pe˜na-Cantillana, andM. A. Guti´errez- Naranjo. Bio-inspired parallel computing of representative geometricalobjects of holesof binary2d- images. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 9(2):77–92, 2017. [4] Chen, F., Ji, R., Su, J., Cao, D. and Gao, Y., 2018. Predicting Microblog Sentiments via Weakly Supervised Multimodal Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(4), pp.997-1007. [5] Jiang, F., Fu, Y., Gupta, B.B., Lou, F., Rho, S., Meng, F. and Tian, Z., 2018. Deep Learning based Multi-channel intelligent attack detection for Data Security. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. [6] G.-G. Wang, X. Cai, Z. Cui, G. Min, and J. Chen. High performance computing for cyber physical social systems by using evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm. IEEE Transactionson Emerging Topics in Computing, 2017. [26] L. Wang, H. Geng, P.Liu, K. Lu, J. Kolodziej, R. Ranjan, [7] Lei, L., You, L., Dai, G., Vu, T.X., Yuan, D. and Chatzinotas, S., 2017, August. A deep learning approach for optimizing content delivering in cache-enabled HetNet. In Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2017 International Symposium on (pp. 449-453). IEEE. [8] Loukas, G., Vuong, T., Heartfield, R., Sakellari, G., Yoon,Y. and Gan, D., 2018. Cloud-based cyber-physicalintrusion detection for vehicles using Deep Learning.IEEEAccess, 6, pp.3491-3508. [9] Y. Ye, T. Li, D. Adjeroh, and S. S. Iyengar. A survey on malware detection using data mining techniques. ACM Computing Surveys(CSUR), 50(3):41, 2017 [10] Z. Cui, B. Sun, G. Wang, Y. Xue, and J. Chen. A novel oriented cuckoo search algorithm to improve dv-hop performance for cyber–physical systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 103:42–52, 2017.