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Security in OpenERP
                                  Harshad Modi & Raphael Collet

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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    - sales tool for partners who can propose to their customers. 2-4 slides/big feature.

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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Authentication Process

    - sales tool for partners who can propose to their customers. 2-4 slides/big feature.

   •    OpenERP Authentication Handler
           Plain password (default)

           Encrypted password (base_crypt)
   •    Third Party Authentication Handler (LDAP,

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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Connect with OpenId

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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OpenERP Technical Memento V0.7.3
OpenERP Technical Memento V0.7.3OpenERP Technical Memento V0.7.3
OpenERP Technical Memento V0.7.3

This document provides an overview of the OpenERP/Odoo rapid application development (RAD) framework. It discusses how OpenERP uses a modular, Python-based architecture with integrated object-relational mapping (ORM) to allow developers to quickly build business applications. The document also provides examples of defining business objects with the ORM and constructing an OpenERP module to contain application features.

openerp technical memento
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Api's and ember js

The document discusses API best practices and using EmberJS for web applications. It covers API versioning, HTTP status codes, caching techniques like counter caches and Solr, serializers for formatting API responses, and using EmberJS to address challenges of modern web applications like data binding, real-time updates, performance, and scalability. Examples of API endpoints and responses are provided to illustrate RESTful design, caching, and serialization.

magmaconfruby on railsemberjs
Build your LDAP Web Interface with LinID Directory Manager
Build your LDAP Web Interface with LinID Directory ManagerBuild your LDAP Web Interface with LinID Directory Manager
Build your LDAP Web Interface with LinID Directory Manager

LinID Directory Manager is a web-based LDAP directory management interface built using free and open source software. It allows modelling LDAP directories through an extended schema and provides authorization management through profiles and LDAP Query Language rules. The software is highly customizable and samples are provided to demonstrate its features for managing user and organizational data stored in LDAP.

Connect with LDAP

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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Data Level Security

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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Data Level Security

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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Example: Customer Group
!record {model: res.groups, id: base.group_sale_customer}:
  name: Customer
  category_id: base.module_category_sales_management
Example: Saleman Group
!record {model: res.groups, id: base.group_sale_salesman}:
  name: Sales Person
  category_id: base.module_category_sales_management
       - base.group_sale_customer

Example: User
!record {model: res.users, id: user_john}:
  name: Mr.John
  groups_id: base.group_sale_saleman
  OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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Recommended for you - Advanced php security - Advanced php - Advanced php security - Advanced php security

This document outlines techniques for developing advanced PHP applications, covering topics like security, reusability, efficiency, directory organization, using pre-written libraries, PHP configuration, templating languages, and sanitizing input. It discusses concepts like separation of logic from presentation and centralized form processing. Tools mentioned include PEAR, Smarty, and various PHP functions. Examples are provided of contact form handling, adding database interaction, and sanitizing input.

LA Drupal Camp 2012- Maintaining a Drupal Site
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LA Drupal Camp 2012- Maintaining a Drupal Site

This document discusses best practices for maintaining a Drupal site over the long term, including training users and web teams, documentation, auditing, monitoring, security reviews, version and module updates, and community involvement. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing education, communication, documentation, prevention through auditing and monitoring, and keeping the site, modules, and themes up to date.

Wp Presentation
Wp PresentationWp Presentation
Wp Presentation

PHP PEAR is a standard for PHP code style and a library of reusable PHP code packages. It contains modules for common functions like validation, authentication, mailing, and database interaction. PEAR packages can be easily included and provide benefits like time savings, standardized code quality, and access to contributions from an open source community. Some example PEAR modules are for validation, authentication, mailing, and generating SQL statements from database table data.

Record Rules

   •   Rule Definition
              Condition for restrict access to subset of
              On Access Rights (Create, Read, Write,
   •   Global or Group Specific

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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   !record {model: ir.rule, id:sale_order_personal_rule}:
      name: Personal Orders
      model_id: model_sale_order
      domain_force: ['|',('user_id','=',,
          - base.group_sale_saleman

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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UI Level Security
  Restrict Menu to groups of users
!record {model:, id:menu_sale_order}:
   name: Configuration
   parent: base.menu_sales
   sequence: 4
      - base.base.group_sale_manager

Restrict Workflow Transition to groups of users
!record {model:workflow.transition, id:trans_draft_router}:
   act_from: act_draft
   act_to: act_router
   signal: order_confirm
      - base.group_sale_customer
       - base.group_sale_saleman
       - base.base.group_sale_manager

Restrict/Hide Fields in Forms to groups of users
<field name="product_uom" string="UoM" groups="product.group_uom"/>

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
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Portal and Share

   •   Portal
             Define Portal group

            Configured Record Rules and Access
   •   Share Record Access
                     Create on-the-fly user from email
                     Create on-the-fly group with specific
                      record rules

OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter
   Nom du fichier – à

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Rubyspec y el largo camino hacia Ruby 1.9Rubyspec y el largo camino hacia Ruby 1.9
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Rubyspec aims to provide an executable specification for the Ruby programming language to precisely define the language and allow implementations to test compatibility. It describes the development of Ruby 1.9 as requiring changes to the language, class hierarchy, encoding support, and object coercion. Implementations like JRuby, Rubinius, IronRuby, and MacRuby have progressed based on tests in Rubyspec. Future development of Ruby 2.0 may again require changes captured in the evolving specification.

rubyspec ruby
GTU MCA PHP Interview Questions And Answers for freshers
GTU MCA PHP  Interview Questions And Answers for freshersGTU MCA PHP  Interview Questions And Answers for freshers
GTU MCA PHP Interview Questions And Answers for freshers

MCA GTU Student can refer PHP Interview Questions and Answers, This Php Q & A will helpful for Live GTU Projects as well as for Interview.. Visit us at TOPS Technologies

gtu live projectgtu campus interviewmca campus interview q & a
Implementation Assistance
Implementation AssistanceImplementation Assistance
Implementation Assistance

This document proposes OpenERP implementation assistance services to help a client configure and implement the OpenERP ERP system themselves. The proposal outlines a 6-phase implementation plan including needs analysis, online training, configuration, optional customization and data import, and a 1-year maintenance contract. The client is responsible for designating a project manager, allocating their time, and exporting any required data from existing systems.

by Odoo

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OpenERP - Security in OpenERP

  • 1. Security in OpenERP Harshad Modi & Raphael Collet OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 2. Overview - sales tool for partners who can propose to their customers. 2-4 slides/big feature. OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 3. Authentication Process - sales tool for partners who can propose to their customers. 2-4 slides/big feature. • OpenERP Authentication Handler Plain password (default) o o Encrypted password (base_crypt) • Third Party Authentication Handler (LDAP, OpenID) OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 4. Connect with OpenId OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 5. Connect with LDAP OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 6. Data Level Security OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 7. Data Level Security OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 8. Example: Customer Group !record {model: res.groups, id: base.group_sale_customer}: name: Customer category_id: base.module_category_sales_management Example: Saleman Group !record {model: res.groups, id: base.group_sale_salesman}: name: Sales Person category_id: base.module_category_sales_management implied_ids: - base.group_sale_customer Example: User !record {model: res.users, id: user_john}: name: Mr.John groups_id: base.group_sale_saleman OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 9. Record Rules • Rule Definition o Condition for restrict access to subset of records o On Access Rights (Create, Read, Write, Delete) • Global or Group Specific OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 10. Example: !record {model: ir.rule, id:sale_order_personal_rule}: name: Personal Orders model_id: model_sale_order domain_force: ['|',('user_id','=',, ('user_id','=',False)] groups: - base.group_sale_saleman OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 11. UI Level Security Restrict Menu to groups of users !record {model:, id:menu_sale_order}: name: Configuration parent: base.menu_sales sequence: 4 groups: - base.base.group_sale_manager Restrict Workflow Transition to groups of users !record {model:workflow.transition, id:trans_draft_router}: act_from: act_draft act_to: act_router signal: order_confirm group: - base.group_sale_customer - base.group_sale_saleman - base.base.group_sale_manager Restrict/Hide Fields in Forms to groups of users <field name="product_uom" string="UoM" groups="product.group_uom"/> OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à
  • 12. Portal and Share • Portal Define Portal group   Configured Record Rules and Access Rights • Share Record Access  Create on-the-fly user from email address  Create on-the-fly group with specific record rules OpenERP 6.1. Offer compléter Nom du fichier – à