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                               Whole Company Meeting

                          - Fabien Pinckaers, CEO -

                                       June 16th, 2011

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       •       Product Strategy
       •       Company Culture

 Business Overview:
       •       Current Situation
       •       Past Achievements
       •       Challenges

 Focus on 3 processes:
               Lead Management
               R&D Continuous Improvement
               Implementation Assistance Offers

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                                Product Strategy

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Blue Ocean Strategy: OpenERP

         The OpenERP “Blue Ocean Strategy”

         5 main values/differencitation axis of ERPs:
          •    Branding: brochures, marketing, “I will never be fired to buy
               SAP”, press successes, etc.
          •    Verticals: a solution that fit a sector “food distribution”:
               brochure, experts, adapted product. SAP: 26 verticals.
          •    Features Coverage: Do you have the features I need ?
          •    Customizable: Can I adapt it to my business ?
          •    Attractive Pricing: Will I have a good ROI ?

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Current Competitors: Strategy Canvas

• All current ERPs have a similar curve

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OpenERP: Strategy Canvas

                                                         Viral & Social

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OpenERP: Strategy Canvas: v6.1


                                                         Viral & Social

• Increase differenciation
• New value since 3 years: easy / productive / social / viral

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OpenERP Strategy

• Outperform in:
             – Pricing: business model
             – Useability: R&D roadmap

• Underperform in:
             – Branding: brochures, Press releases, etc
             – Verticals: no investment in brochures, expertises

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                     Company Culture: Values

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OpenERP Values

            – Open business model, internal transparency,
            – Open customers, partners & community relationship
            – Rule breaker vs Rule maker
            – We do things differently: marketing, r&d, services,
            – Company growth, hr evolution, product releases,
            – Sales cycles, channel development, new offers, etc.
Startup / Small company:
            – Flexible, short decision cycles, continuous change,
            – Relying on people; strong responsibilities

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                     Company Culture: Examples

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Growth by successive revolutions (1/2)

      Successive Revolutions                                     Continuous Evolution

•      Changing & Evolving                                   •   Mature & Stable
•      Target: big step forward                              •   Target: perfection
•      Revolution then stabilization                         •   Continuous improvement
•      Everyone contribute                                   •   Manager define, employee do
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Growth by successive revolutions (2/2)

• Exemples:
             – Launch of new offers, rewrite web client from
                 scratch, launch U.S. offices, young managers,
                 drastic change in our processes, disruptive
                 marketing, unusual business model, etc.

• → Promote evolution but accept troubles
             – Big changes generate troubles & mistakes. We
                 prefer to make things evolves than to not make

• → Rely on people to stabilize quickly
             – Every one is important to stabilize the company and
                 to help handling difficulties
             – We need to be flexible and be ready to evolve

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Fast: Better do less than more

• We want to do faster while keeping a good
   quality → we have to do less.

• Examples: website (no eCommerce), marketing
    (good social, no paper marketing), sales (mostly
    inbound), R&D (few new features)
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Successes and failures are related

• What makes us grow is our big successes !
• We are fast and flexible → we can handle failures

Don't be afraid of troubles, feel free to take responsibilities
  and move forward. (example with sales)

Example: we recruit people for what they can bring to the company,
  not because they are perfect.

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A learning company

• At OpenERP, we learn very quickly !
             – Transformation from a service company to a strong
                 publisher in only one year
             – We build the world's best ERP in only 5 years
             – We are a small company but with strong processes

• Because we are open
             – Critics from partners/community allows us to
                 improve ourself quickly
             – Our processes (communication, bugfixes, feedback,
                 development, marketing) must be open to
                 externals to benefit from feedback and

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Employees are our strength !

The success of OpenERP is directly related to
  everyone's contribution to the growth.

We are a small company:
             – Each individual makes the difference
             – We can benefit from each one's forces
             – Everyone has a role to play

Compared to competitors:
             – We are flexible, they are mature
             – We play as a team, they have strong processes
             – We can evolve they can only improve

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                   Company Culture: Challenges

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The OpenERP challenge is exciting !

We are small, smart and we have to possibility
      to definetly change the market...

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But the more we will grow and succeed,
the more complex our difficulties will be.

We should be ready to face this...

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Keep acting like a small company

• With the growth, everyone's challenge will be more and
   more distinct. We must understand each others and
   act for the benefit of all, not for one

• Keep a strong team spirit; we all rely on someone:
           –   Sales ↔ Prof. Services
           –   Belgium Team ↔ U.S. Team
           –   Prof. Service ↔ R&D
           –   R&D ↔ Indians

• When growing, our forces must remain:
           – our flexibility
           – the ability to benefit from everyone
           – our capacity to create revolutions and handle difficulties.

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Business Overview

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Business Overview
                                    Current Situation

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We did something great in
A very short period of time...

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What we did (1/4)

 The #1 Open Source Suite of Business Applications.
            – Easy, Modular, Affordable –

The world's leader
1000 installations/day

A fast growing product
1000+ modules in 5 years

A world-wide brand
Partners in 67 countries

Fully Open Source
A strong & active community

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1000+ Open Source Apps

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Used by top companies

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With a strong momentum

                                                           Twice the visibility of the
                                                           #2 open source, 6x less
                                                           fund raising, profitable :)

500 leads per day !
Strong Momentum,
Fast Growth.

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But it's only the beginning...

           ...the biggest challenge remains.

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World domination; what a challenge !

Steps in the OpenERP development: 71% (5/7)

1)Create a growing company
2)Develop a disruptive product
3)Set the open source publisher business model
4)Become the leader in open souce ERPs
5)Be the world's most installed management soft
6)Be the world's most used management soft
7)Be the worldwide leader in management soft.

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Business Overview
                                  Past Achievements

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Our Departments

                                            Services     R&D

      Management & Administration

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Sales & Marketing

                                                         Jan → May 2011 (1079k€)
                                                         •   242% of 2010 (445k€)
                                                         •   70% of budget

                                                         •   55% recurring
                                                         •   45% non-recurring
                                                         •   One year ago: 20%/80%

                                                         •   Growth CTP Network: 11
                                                         •   AMs working methods
                                                         •   Recruited 67 countries !
                                                         •   Start of SaaS sales

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Professional Services

                                                         •   205 tickets/month
                                                         •   New process reviewed

                                                         •   New service since Jan.
                                                         •   Strong Success, 109

                                                         Prof. Services
                                                         •   Methodologies being
                                                         •   Better invoice rate

                                                         •   Good satisfaction rate

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         V6.1 Roadmap                                    Better processes:
                                                         •   Scrum Sprints
                                                         •   Indians Teams Rev.
• Bugfixes & Merges
                                                         •   Bug Processing LP
• Useability: (60%)
                                                         •   Code Review
           – New web client
                                                         •   Cleaning
           – Ease of configuration
           – Ease of use
• Framework: (20%)                                       New Release:
           – Cleaning                                    • When it's ready →
           – Speed & Memory                                  quality matters
               improvements                                  more than timing.
• New features: (20%)                                    • Rely on v6.1 web
           – POS                                             client redeveloped
           – Viral Stuff: import, EDI,                       from scratch.

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General & Administration

• The company is growing, our process must
    adapt too

• Human Ressources:
             –    Salary grid defined (recruitment, evaluations)
             –    Career plan defined
             –    Improved periodic evaluation process
             –    Recruitment processes improved

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Business Overview
               Main challenge: increase revenues

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Sales & Marketing: Challenge

• Critical for the next 3 months !
             – Cash, cash, cash

• We need to:
             – Become more mature
             – Reach break-event: 400k€ / month

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Professional Services: Challenge

• Keep improving quality of services
             – Measure performance and satisfaction
             – Organize around processes & methodologies
• Process & methodologies to improve
             – Invoicing, satisfaction survey
• Support the launch of v6.1
             –   Prepare migrations, rewrite docs
             –   Adapt training material,
             –   New accounting book,
             –   Train support team,
             –   Test before release, etc.

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R&D: Challenge

• Release v6.1 !
             – Clean & bug free
             – Not too late :)

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General & Administration

• Train and improve everyone
• Improve our HR policies
• Customers payment recovery

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Business Overview
            Main Events – Monthly Achievements

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Main Events: February

• v6.0 released !

• 45/65 new developers in India, join 1st of Feb (trainees)

• Migration services operationnal (v5 -> v6)
• Launch of support level 1 offer and services

• Acceleration of SaaS sales (SLC)
• Acceleration of OPW sales (new version)
• Good sales growth in november 2010

• New sales & marketing offices in Bruxelles
• Offices moved in India from Ahmedabad -> Gandinagar

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Main Events: march
 Launched a new department for partners: Channel
Complete review of management processes in India
Website released in Spanish

Success in our migration services
Reviewed all our processes: R&D, Prof. Services, Sales

Strong Acceleration of SaaS sales
Bad sales for new partnership & prof. Services (Jan & Feb)

Complete review of our lead management / automation
Beta tested a new offer: implementation assistance
Certified Training Partners Launched
Success in our participation to Cebit
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Main Events: april

Successful community & partners meeting
Launch of Apps Library:
Small Business Offer: done beta in french, firsts in english

Increased sales in march (record)
First increase of U.S. Sales (45k$, 9 new partners)
Significant increase of OPW sales
Improved recruitment for sales

Firsts Certified Training Partners delivered
Published a new Book: CRM with OpenERP
Strong technical improvements prototype web client v6.1

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Main Events: May

         Growth of CTP network: 11 partners
         Success of first CTP courses

         Synergies: Online Webinars for SaaS, New
          Partners training, Implementation Assistance
         Launch of the new partner portal (this week)

         Launched Google Apps Marketplace (SaaS)
         Publication of books in progress

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                                    U.S. Feedback

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Andre Zelditch (aze)
Channel Recruiter NAM

Sheryl Bielenberg (sbi)
Account Manager NAM

Carlos Dominguez (cdo)
Channel Recruiter and KAM

Mark Hornor (mho)
Channel Recruiter LATAM

Igor Cardoso (ica)
Account Manager LATAM

Dhara Shah (dsh)
Technical Analyst and Trainer
Key Achievements
•   The company structure is in place
•   The initial team is complete and strong
•   We are financially sustainable
•   We now know the US market specificities
•   Training sessions in the US, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama,
      Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil
•   Participation in tradeshows
•   OPW is globally accepted by all Americas partners
      because we educate them from the beginning and
      because of the US culture
•   Cloud offers are much more present and accepted for
      businesses (opportunity)
•   Latin America drives the second biggest traffic to the
•   New office in Redwood City on July 1st, 10 minutes from
• We are below the annual commercial objective for now
• Open source is not perceived the same way in the US and
    in LATAM (market education, alternate sales pitch)
• Generating leads has to be done differently than in Europe
    (different sales arguments, different competitors)
• Some blocking points in regards with the US Localization
    and LATAM localizations in general
• No delivery of service possible in LATAM for now
• Support and tools to partners is a real issue.
• Product awareness is far behind that in Europe
Better Collaboration
OpenERP US needs the help of OpenERP BE to be
• Update on processes at the group level (ml)
• CTP organization (nma)
• SaaS to on-premise customers (mgl, jsc)
• Events organization and promotion (hmi)
• Administration (che)
• Lead management (eev)
• …
                          Focus on one process

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Lead Management (1/5)

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Lead Management (2/5)

• Rôle:
           – Initial answer (within 2 days)
           – Routing & assignation
           – Qualification & forward to partners

• It's complex:
           – 500 emails per day !
           – 17 sales team !
           – Different languages

• It's critical:
           – A customer lost is a loss of money !
           – Forward to partners depends on forward and qualification
           – Sales performance depends on initial contacts

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Lead Management (3/5)

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Example of campaigns: partners

• A prospect partner is sent to campaign for qualification
• If he replies, it's assigned to a sale. Example:
      Europe/Spanish → rre
• Performance of campaigns is critical
• Currently:
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• Sales Assignation:
              – Depends on country / language
              – Depends on qualification
• Lead forward to partner
              – Depends on size (10+)
              – Depend on geo-localisation, grade of partner
• Qualification:
              – Performance is critical, as most of the leads are not
                  qualified (download the book)
              – Lead Qualification is the firsts steps of the sales
                  cycle. If not efficiently made, partnership sales
                  can waste 1 month in their negociations.

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•   4 campaigns: SaaS, SB, Lead Forward, Partnership
•   Processing: 5% manual, 95% automated
•   4 languages: fr, en, es, ru
•   2000 emails sent per day !
•   200 clicks / day

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Thank you !

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OpenERP Internal Meeting - June 2011

  • 1. OpenERP Whole Company Meeting - Fabien Pinckaers, CEO - June 16th, 2011 Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 2. Agenda OpenERP • Product Strategy • Company Culture Business Overview: • Current Situation • Past Achievements • Challenges Focus on 3 processes: ● Lead Management ● R&D Continuous Improvement ● Implementation Assistance Offers Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 3. OpenERP Product Strategy Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 4. Blue Ocean Strategy: OpenERP  The OpenERP “Blue Ocean Strategy”  5 main values/differencitation axis of ERPs: • Branding: brochures, marketing, “I will never be fired to buy SAP”, press successes, etc. • Verticals: a solution that fit a sector “food distribution”: brochure, experts, adapted product. SAP: 26 verticals. • Features Coverage: Do you have the features I need ? • Customizable: Can I adapt it to my business ? • Attractive Pricing: Will I have a good ROI ? &A Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 5. Current Competitors: Strategy Canvas • All current ERPs have a similar curve Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 6. OpenERP: Strategy Canvas Viral & Social Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 7. OpenERP: Strategy Canvas: v6.1 v6.1 Viral & Social • Increase differenciation • New value since 3 years: easy / productive / social / viral Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 8. OpenERP Strategy • Outperform in: – Pricing: business model – Useability: R&D roadmap • Underperform in: – Branding: brochures, Press releases, etc – Verticals: no investment in brochures, expertises etc Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 9. OpenERP Company Culture: Values Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 10. OpenERP Values Open: – Open business model, internal transparency, – Open customers, partners & community relationship Disruptive: – Rule breaker vs Rule maker – We do things differently: marketing, r&d, services, management Fast: – Company growth, hr evolution, product releases, – Sales cycles, channel development, new offers, etc. Startup / Small company: – Flexible, short decision cycles, continuous change, – Relying on people; strong responsibilities Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 11. OpenERP Company Culture: Examples Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 12. Growth by successive revolutions (1/2) Successive Revolutions Continuous Evolution • Changing & Evolving • Mature & Stable • Target: big step forward • Target: perfection • Revolution then stabilization • Continuous improvement • Everyone contribute • Manager define, employee do Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 13. Growth by successive revolutions (2/2) • Exemples: – Launch of new offers, rewrite web client from scratch, launch U.S. offices, young managers, drastic change in our processes, disruptive marketing, unusual business model, etc. • → Promote evolution but accept troubles – Big changes generate troubles & mistakes. We prefer to make things evolves than to not make mistakes. • → Rely on people to stabilize quickly – Every one is important to stabilize the company and to help handling difficulties – We need to be flexible and be ready to evolve Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 14. Fast: Better do less than more • We want to do faster while keeping a good quality → we have to do less. • Examples: website (no eCommerce), marketing (good social, no paper marketing), sales (mostly inbound), R&D (few new features) Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 15. Successes and failures are related • What makes us grow is our big successes ! • We are fast and flexible → we can handle failures Don't be afraid of troubles, feel free to take responsibilities and move forward. (example with sales) Example: we recruit people for what they can bring to the company, not because they are perfect. Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 16. A learning company • At OpenERP, we learn very quickly ! – Transformation from a service company to a strong publisher in only one year – We build the world's best ERP in only 5 years – We are a small company but with strong processes • Because we are open – Critics from partners/community allows us to improve ourself quickly – Our processes (communication, bugfixes, feedback, development, marketing) must be open to externals to benefit from feedback and contributions Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 17. Employees are our strength ! The success of OpenERP is directly related to everyone's contribution to the growth. We are a small company: – Each individual makes the difference – We can benefit from each one's forces – Everyone has a role to play Compared to competitors: – We are flexible, they are mature – We play as a team, they have strong processes – We can evolve they can only improve Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 18. OpenERP Company Culture: Challenges Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 19. The OpenERP challenge is exciting ! We are small, smart and we have to possibility to definetly change the market... Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 20. But the more we will grow and succeed, the more complex our difficulties will be. We should be ready to face this... Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 21. Keep acting like a small company • With the growth, everyone's challenge will be more and more distinct. We must understand each others and act for the benefit of all, not for one • Keep a strong team spirit; we all rely on someone: – Sales ↔ Prof. Services – Belgium Team ↔ U.S. Team – Prof. Service ↔ R&D – R&D ↔ Indians • When growing, our forces must remain: – our flexibility – the ability to benefit from everyone – our capacity to create revolutions and handle difficulties. Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 22. Business Overview Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 23. Business Overview Current Situation Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 24. We did something great in A very short period of time... Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 25. What we did (1/4) The #1 Open Source Suite of Business Applications. – Easy, Modular, Affordable – The world's leader 1000 installations/day A fast growing product 1000+ modules in 5 years A world-wide brand Partners in 67 countries Fully Open Source A strong & active community Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 26. 1000+ Open Source Apps Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 27. Used by top companies Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 28. With a strong momentum Twice the visibility of the #2 open source, 6x less fund raising, profitable :) 500 leads per day ! Strong Momentum, Fast Growth. Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 29. But it's only the beginning... ...the biggest challenge remains. Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 30. World domination; what a challenge ! Steps in the OpenERP development: 71% (5/7) 1)Create a growing company 2)Develop a disruptive product 3)Set the open source publisher business model 4)Become the leader in open souce ERPs 5)Be the world's most installed management soft 6)Be the world's most used management soft 7)Be the worldwide leader in management soft. Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 31. Business Overview Past Achievements Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 32. Our Departments Sales Services R&D Marketing Management & Administration Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 33. Sales & Marketing Jan → May 2011 (1079k€) • 242% of 2010 (445k€) • 70% of budget Revenues: • 55% recurring • 45% non-recurring • One year ago: 20%/80% Achievements: • Growth CTP Network: 11 • AMs working methods • Recruited 67 countries ! • Start of SaaS sales Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 34. Professional Services Support: • 205 tickets/month • New process reviewed Migrations • New service since Jan. • Strong Success, 109 demands Prof. Services • Methodologies being reviewed • Better invoice rate Trainings: • Good satisfaction rate Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 35. R&D V6.1 Roadmap Better processes: • Scrum Sprints • Indians Teams Rev. • Bugfixes & Merges • Bug Processing LP • Useability: (60%) • Code Review – New web client • Cleaning – Ease of configuration – Ease of use • Framework: (20%) New Release: – Cleaning • When it's ready → – Speed & Memory quality matters improvements more than timing. • New features: (20%) • Rely on v6.1 web – POS client redeveloped – Viral Stuff: import, EDI, from scratch. Share Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 36. General & Administration • The company is growing, our process must adapt too • Human Ressources: – Salary grid defined (recruitment, evaluations) – Career plan defined – Improved periodic evaluation process – Recruitment processes improved Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 37. Business Overview Main challenge: increase revenues Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 38. Sales & Marketing: Challenge • Critical for the next 3 months ! – Cash, cash, cash • We need to: – Become more mature – Reach break-event: 400k€ / month Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 39. Professional Services: Challenge • Keep improving quality of services – Measure performance and satisfaction – Organize around processes & methodologies • Process & methodologies to improve – Invoicing, satisfaction survey • Support the launch of v6.1 – Prepare migrations, rewrite docs – Adapt training material, – New accounting book, – Train support team, – Test before release, etc. Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 40. R&D: Challenge • Release v6.1 ! – Clean & bug free – Not too late :) Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 41. General & Administration • Train and improve everyone • Improve our HR policies • Customers payment recovery Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 42. Business Overview Main Events – Monthly Achievements Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 43. Main Events: February • v6.0 released ! • 45/65 new developers in India, join 1st of Feb (trainees) • Migration services operationnal (v5 -> v6) • Launch of support level 1 offer and services • Acceleration of SaaS sales (SLC) • Acceleration of OPW sales (new version) • Good sales growth in november 2010 • New sales & marketing offices in Bruxelles • Offices moved in India from Ahmedabad -> Gandinagar Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 44. Main Events: march  Launched a new department for partners: Channel Marketing Complete review of management processes in India Website released in Spanish Success in our migration services Reviewed all our processes: R&D, Prof. Services, Sales Strong Acceleration of SaaS sales Bad sales for new partnership & prof. Services (Jan & Feb) Complete review of our lead management / automation Beta tested a new offer: implementation assistance Certified Training Partners Launched Success in our participation to Cebit Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 45. Main Events: april Successful community & partners meeting Launch of Apps Library: Small Business Offer: done beta in french, firsts in english Increased sales in march (record) First increase of U.S. Sales (45k$, 9 new partners) Significant increase of OPW sales Improved recruitment for sales Firsts Certified Training Partners delivered Published a new Book: CRM with OpenERP Strong technical improvements prototype web client v6.1 Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 46. Main Events: May  Growth of CTP network: 11 partners  Success of first CTP courses  Synergies: Online Webinars for SaaS, New Partners training, Implementation Assistance  Launch of the new partner portal (this week)  Launched Google Apps Marketplace (SaaS)  Publication of books in progress &A Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 47. OpenERP U.S. Feedback Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 48. Team Andre Zelditch (aze) Channel Recruiter NAM Sheryl Bielenberg (sbi) Account Manager NAM Carlos Dominguez (cdo) Channel Recruiter and KAM LATAM Mark Hornor (mho) Channel Recruiter LATAM Igor Cardoso (ica) Account Manager LATAM Dhara Shah (dsh) Technical Analyst and Trainer
  • 49. Key Achievements • The company structure is in place • The initial team is complete and strong • We are financially sustainable • We now know the US market specificities • Training sessions in the US, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil • Participation in tradeshows • OPW is globally accepted by all Americas partners because we educate them from the beginning and because of the US culture • Cloud offers are much more present and accepted for businesses (opportunity) • Latin America drives the second biggest traffic to the website. • New office in Redwood City on July 1st, 10 minutes from Oracle.
  • 50. Challenges • We are below the annual commercial objective for now • Open source is not perceived the same way in the US and in LATAM (market education, alternate sales pitch) • Generating leads has to be done differently than in Europe (different sales arguments, different competitors) • Some blocking points in regards with the US Localization and LATAM localizations in general • No delivery of service possible in LATAM for now (language) • Support and tools to partners is a real issue. • Product awareness is far behind that in Europe
  • 51. Better Collaboration OpenERP US needs the help of OpenERP BE to be successful: • Update on processes at the group level (ml) • CTP organization (nma) • SaaS to on-premise customers (mgl, jsc) • Events organization and promotion (hmi) • Administration (che) • Lead management (eev) • …
  • 52. OpenERP Focus on one process Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 53. Lead Management (1/5) Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 54. Lead Management (2/5) • Rôle: – Initial answer (within 2 days) – Routing & assignation – Qualification & forward to partners • It's complex: – 500 emails per day ! – 17 sales team ! – Different languages • It's critical: – A customer lost is a loss of money ! – Forward to partners depends on forward and qualification – Sales performance depends on initial contacts Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 55. Lead Management (3/5) Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 56. Example of campaigns: partners • A prospect partner is sent to campaign for qualification • If he replies, it's assigned to a sale. Example: Europe/Spanish → rre • Performance of campaigns is critical • Currently: Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 57. Actions • Sales Assignation: – Depends on country / language – Depends on qualification • Lead forward to partner – Depends on size (10+) – Depend on geo-localisation, grade of partner • Qualification: – Performance is critical, as most of the leads are not qualified (download the book) – Lead Qualification is the firsts steps of the sales cycle. If not efficiently made, partnership sales can waste 1 month in their negociations. Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 58. Statistiques • 4 campaigns: SaaS, SB, Lead Forward, Partnership • Processing: 5% manual, 95% automated • 4 languages: fr, en, es, ru • 2000 emails sent per day ! • 200 clicks / day Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation
  • 59. Thank you ! Nom du fichier – à compléter Management Presentation