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Introduction to Open
& Networked Learning
Dr. Alec Couros
University of Regina

EC&I 831
“given enough eyeballs,
  all bugs are shallow”
    (Linusʼ Law, Raymond 1997)
“Open source software
communities are one of the most
     successful -- and least
 understood -- examples of high
 performance collaboration and
   community building on the
        Internet today.”
            (Kim, 2003)

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Imagining and Enabling the Collaborative Commons
Imagining and Enabling the Collaborative CommonsImagining and Enabling the Collaborative Commons
Imagining and Enabling the Collaborative Commons

Presentation delivered at the Internet Research 16 (#IR16) Conference, Phoenix Arizona, Oct. 21-24 2015 ( I discuss open practices in education and design, including collaboration, cooperation, crowdsourcing and dissemination. An audio recording of this presentation can be found on Soundcloud ( A post that integrates the slides and audio can be found on my blog (

Web 2.0 and what it means for Wollongong Schools
Web 2.0 and what it means for Wollongong SchoolsWeb 2.0 and what it means for Wollongong Schools
Web 2.0 and what it means for Wollongong Schools

An introduction to web2.0 for the leaders engaged in the "TEACHnology towards 1:1 for Leaders" course.

Open Scholarship & Connected Learning
Open Scholarship & Connected LearningOpen Scholarship & Connected Learning
Open Scholarship & Connected Learning

This document summarizes a presentation about open scholarship and connected learning. It discusses how knowledge is acquired and shared, from human thought to various coding languages. It also examines shifts towards more open and collaborative models of learning, including the rise of open content online and network literacies. Key barriers like power and control are addressed. The importance of collaboration, critical thinking, and questioning established ideas are emphasized in developing 21st century learning networks.

“A key to transformation is for the
 teaching profession to establish
innovation networks that capture
the spirit and culture of hackers -
     the passion, the can-do,
        collective sharing.”
            (Hargreaves, 2003)
• philosophical stance
                   • power & control
                   • access
open(ness)         • design attributes
 (short version)

                      - privacy/publics
                      - audience
                      - transparency
                      - accountability
              (short version)
 open education
                                free software
    open source software

                open educational resources

open content
                      open access publication

open access courses
                              open teaching
               open accreditation
David Wiley

                     “openness is the only
                   means of doing education”

                     “if there is no sharing,
                     there is no education”



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Rethinking Learning in the Age of Digital Fluency
Rethinking Learning in the Age of Digital FluencyRethinking Learning in the Age of Digital Fluency
Rethinking Learning in the Age of Digital Fluency

Digital connectivity is a transformative phenomenon of the 21st century. While many have debated its impact on society, educators have been quick to mandate technology in school development - often without analysing the digital fluency of those involved, and the actual impact on learning. Is being digitally tethered creating a new learning nexus for those involved?

digital literacyinformation fluencydigital fluency
Becoming Networked Educators: Two Perspectives
Becoming Networked Educators: Two PerspectivesBecoming Networked Educators: Two Perspectives
Becoming Networked Educators: Two Perspectives

Keynote presentation for #ATLE10 by Alec Couros and George Couros in Red Deer, AB, November 24, 2010.

atle10 socialnetworks teaching learning socialmedi
Learning at the Speed of Mobile
Learning at the Speed of MobileLearning at the Speed of Mobile
Learning at the Speed of Mobile

Presentation to be given at Mobilize This Event in Darwin (30/10/09)

mobile learning mobilizethis darwin
Dean Shareski

                  “the moment we focus
                  on protecting our work
                 we are in someways the
                 antithesis of a teacher”


• pedagogical & pragmatic

connected           • knowledge exchange,
                     curating, wayfinding,
  (ness)             crowdsourcing,
  (short version)    collaboration, problem
                    • personal learning
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

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Open & Collaborative Learning: How Social Networks Can Transform Learning
Open & Collaborative Learning: How Social Networks Can Transform LearningOpen & Collaborative Learning: How Social Networks Can Transform Learning
Open & Collaborative Learning: How Social Networks Can Transform Learning

Open & Collaborative Learning discusses how social networks can transform education. It argues that when educators build serious academic lives online by presenting themselves and connecting to peers and students, it can positively affect and even transform research, teaching, and other responsibilities. The document outlines many free and open tools like blogs, social networking, photo and video sharing that can facilitate open teaching practices and connect educators globally. Participants in open online courses described profound experiences where their views of education were drastically changed by gaining important social connections that could continue learning indefinitely.

social learning edtech technology pedagogy opennes
Stand and Unfold Yourself: MOOCs, Networked Learning, and the Digital Humanities
Stand and Unfold Yourself: MOOCs, Networked Learning, and the Digital HumanitiesStand and Unfold Yourself: MOOCs, Networked Learning, and the Digital Humanities
Stand and Unfold Yourself: MOOCs, Networked Learning, and the Digital Humanities

I have Shakespeare tattooed on my forearms. On my right arm is the first line from Hamlet in binary code. On my left arm is the latter half of the second line of Hamlet in hexadecimal code. The first line of the play, “Who’s there?,” does several things: quite literally, the speaker asks the listener on stage to identify herself; when performed, the line is also spoken to the off-stage or off-screen audience, calling attention to their simultaneous presence both within and outside the world of Shakespeare’s play; finally, it is a deeper question from Shakespeare about the nature of being. The question takes on a new and different set of potential meanings when it is read on the screen of a computer, iPad, Kindle, or smart phone, forcing contemporary readers of Shakespeare to question the nature of their own humanity in the face of rapid technological changes. Just as who we are as humans could be contained and expressed in the language of a theatrical play, now we must also consider who we become when our selves are reduced to the flurry of 1s and 0s that constitute us in our Facebook profiles, Tweets, and text messages. No matter which medium or device we use to encounter a play like Hamlet, no matter what self we bring to the encounter, Shakespeare continues to ask these questions of us, continues to ask who we are, what we see, and how we know.

public humanitieseducationmoocs
PEI Presentation
PEI PresentationPEI Presentation
PEI Presentation

This document discusses how learning is shifting from isolated to connected experiences due to new digital technologies and social media. It notes that today's students see participatory and networked learning as normal. It explores how the internet and mobile technologies have made information more abundant, accessible, and collaborative. It highlights new opportunities for open educational resources, online communities, and personalized learning experiences that are no longer constrained by geography. The future of learning is projected to involve greater personalization, real-time collaboration, and opportunities for everyone to teach and learn from each other through open sharing of ideas.

pei upei networkedlearning openteaching openlearni
Personal Learning Environments

... systems that help learners take control of
and manage their own learning. This includes
providing support for learners to

 • set their own learning goals
 • manage their learning; managing both
   content and process

 • communicate with others in the process of

“An institution-controlled tool presents the user with a
fixed interface of controls (instruments) that the user
must learn to use effectively if they are to access the
service provided. It is a feature of the current Web
environment that the use of a large number of these
interfaces creates an obstructive user experience,
made worse by the lack of flexibility the user has for
integrating the different services they access. To
operate within this environment, the user must manage
a number of different dispositions and skills required for
different interfaces.
                                                          (Johnson et al, 2006)

Challenges (continued)

“... the change from content that was developed by
expert and/or teachers towards possibilities and
challenges to make use of the bazaar of learning
opportunities and content leads to the necessity of
advanced self-organizing and searching in the Web - in
other words: media competent learners.

                                       (Schaffert & Hilzensauer, 2008)

What are your thoughts, considerations or
      challenges on PLE/PLNs so far?

Are they important/necessary for present or future

Do they potentially challenge or augment what we
      do in formal learning environments?

 Is this all hype - some sort of corporate-driven,
                ʻtechno utopianismʼ?

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Pondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked World
Pondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked WorldPondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked World
Pondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked World

Keynote presentation given at the Regina Teacher's Convention in Regina, Saskatchewan on March 8, 2013

Rewriting the syllabus: Examining New Hybrid and Online Pedagogies
Rewriting the syllabus: Examining New Hybrid and Online PedagogiesRewriting the syllabus: Examining New Hybrid and Online Pedagogies
Rewriting the syllabus: Examining New Hybrid and Online Pedagogies

We have to carefully build our classroom and educational space online before we start populating it, lest text, hierarchical menus, and pop-up windows be confused with interactivity and community. Teachers stand to learn more from students about online learning than we could ever teach. Many students come to an online or hybrid class knowing very well how to learn online. It’s often our failure to know as well how to learn online that leads to many of the design mistakes in this generation of online courses.

digital pedagogyonline learningeducation
#Etmooc connected learning
#Etmooc connected learning#Etmooc connected learning
#Etmooc connected learning

Slides used to facilitated the Introduction to Connected Learning session in #etmooc ( Supporting resources found at:

“Tell me ... what it is I am
educating and what sort of world
we live in, and I will tell you what I
           am aiming at.”
              (Garforth, 1962)
David Weinberger

                 The Web is “a world of
                 pure connection, free
                     of the arbitrary
                  constraints of matter,
                   distance and time.”

connected reality


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Personal learning networks and personal learning environments
Personal learning networks and personal learning environmentsPersonal learning networks and personal learning environments
Personal learning networks and personal learning environments

This document discusses personal learning environments (PLEs) and connectivism as a learning theory for the digital age. It explains that PLEs allow learners to take control of and manage their own learning through goals, content, communication, and achieving learning outcomes. PLEs involve self-organized learning across different contexts through personal web tools, networks, and experiences beyond formal education. The transition from PLEs to personal learning networks (PLNs) further supports lifelong, self-organized learning.

Pedagogy and School Libraries
Pedagogy and School LibrariesPedagogy and School Libraries
Pedagogy and School Libraries

School libraries are at the heart of a new digital learning nexus. Our world changed in April 1993 when the Mosaic 1.0 browser was released to the general public. The challenges we face are equally creative as they are complex. What is your focus for tomorrow?

educationdigital fluencyinformation
Web 2.0
Web 2.0Web 2.0
Web 2.0

The document discusses the shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and the implications for education. Web 2.0 enables greater collaboration, user-generated content, and participation online. This contrasts with the traditional school model where learning is controlled and happens in the classroom. The rise of Web 2.0 challenges the relevance of this model and how schools can add value through facilitating collaborative learning and empowering students to make their own connections.

affordances ...
Social Tools

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Break Down the Walls
Break Down the WallsBreak Down the Walls
Break Down the Walls

This document discusses how social networks and openness are transforming teaching and learning. It highlights how tools like social media allow academics to more openly share their work and connect with peers and students. It also discusses the rise of open access to information, open journal publishing models, and how knowledge is becoming more freely shared. The document advocates for more open and connected models of teaching that take advantage of global online learning networks and communities.

New-form Scholarship and the Public digital humanities
New-form Scholarship and the Public digital humanitiesNew-form Scholarship and the Public digital humanities
New-form Scholarship and the Public digital humanities

New-form scholarship reconsiders citation and peer-review, while re-imagining the containers and audiences for academic work. Digital platforms, like Twitter, open-access journals, and blogs offer both limitations and possibilities. The public digital humanities is built around networked learning communities, not repositories for content, and its scholarly product is a conversation, one that engages a broad public while blurring the distinction between research, teaching, service, and outreach. In short, the public digital humanities starts with humans, not technologies or tools.

humanitiesdigital humanitiespublic digital humanities
How Informal Learning Networks Can Transform Education
How Informal Learning Networks Can Transform EducationHow Informal Learning Networks Can Transform Education
How Informal Learning Networks Can Transform Education

Keynote presentation for ASI 2010, York University, Toronto, Ontario - August 2010. Mashup of several presentations. More info available at

asi2010 networks networked learning teaching socia
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

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Teaching & Learning in a Networked Age
Teaching & Learning in a Networked AgeTeaching & Learning in a Networked Age
Teaching & Learning in a Networked Age

Slides for my keynote presentation at YRDSB Quest in Richmond Hill, Ontario, November 17, 2010. Full video of the recording is found here:


The document discusses trends in education as it shifts to meet the needs of students in the digital age. Some key trends mentioned include learning becoming more mobile, open, connected, and personalized as students create and share knowledge. It also notes that the definition of literacy is expanding to include skills like collaboration, problem solving across cultures, managing multiple streams of information, and ethical use of technology.

NLC 2012
NLC 2012NLC 2012
NLC 2012

Slides of my presentation in Networked Learning Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands, 2 April 2012.

networked learningnlc2012ple
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Age of

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Networked Learning Conference 2012
Networked Learning Conference 2012 Networked Learning Conference 2012
Networked Learning Conference 2012

The document discusses learners' perceptions of learning in open and networked environments. It finds that such learning is connected, as learners are connected through various tools and networks to people, resources, and each other. It is also disruptive, as the unstructured nature of open learning can be challenging to manage. Learners must self-organize, determining how to learn, what tools to use, and how to develop connections. The learning is emergent and unpredictable as interactions and activities grow rhizomatically. Learners are expected to create, share, and expand their knowledge in this complex, distributed, and chaotic environment.

conferencesnetworked learninglearning ecology
Teaching teachers to Moodle
Teaching teachers to MoodleTeaching teachers to Moodle
Teaching teachers to Moodle

This course aims to help participants demonstrate understanding of how to effectively use the web for teaching and learning. It covers topics like government education initiatives, pedagogical approaches for e-learning, supporting safe internet use, and developing online course materials. The course structure includes exploring the web as a resource, designing for the web, e-learning tools, interactive technologies like blogs and wikis, digital safety, and assessing online learning.

moodle itt cpd elearning

The document discusses the history and evolution of technology from the 1950s to present day. It covers early technologies like key punch operators and Marshall McLuhan's concept of a "global village". It then outlines several key trends in universities including rising costs, changing student demographics, and demand for distance education. Finally, it discusses new forms of media and learning like user-created content, social networking, mobile phones, virtual worlds, and wikis that have transformed education.

quick stats (2009)

•   90 trillion emails sent annually from 1.4 billion email

•   234 million websites

•   1.73 billion Internet users

•   126 millions blogs

•   350 million Facebook users

•   4 billion images on Flickr

•   1 billion Youtube videos served daily.

                                  Stats as of Jan 22/10 via Royal Pingdom
Stats as of March 17/10 via Mashable
Michael Wesch

          Youtube & other social media
          mitigate “connection without
          constraint”. Often, this leads to the
          development of “tremendously
          deep communities”.

Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

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Trends in Tech & Society
Trends in Tech & SocietyTrends in Tech & Society
Trends in Tech & Society

This document discusses trends in technology and society and their implications for academics. It notes the rise of social tools and networks and how they can transform research, teaching and service if academics build serious online presences. While tools exist to reflect and reimagine academic work, scholars must choose to connect and invest in peers and students online. Understanding networks will be an important literacy in the 21st century. The document advocates open access, student-controlled learning spaces, tagging and other info literacies, and focusing pedagogy on connections over content. It quotes positive experiences from integrating social networks and argues education should shift to something we create ourselves.

socialmedia technology edtech trends networks open

This document discusses the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) and digital media on education. It describes how the internet has led to more participatory and open forms of media where users have more control over content creation and sharing. This has implications for how learning is designed and delivered. Traditional education institutions will need to adapt to how the new generation of learners interacts and shares information online both inside and outside of formal education settings. The document also outlines different elearning models and tools that can be used to support blended and online learning.

Leveraging the Power of Social Software
Leveraging the Power of Social SoftwareLeveraging the Power of Social Software
Leveraging the Power of Social Software

Dr Steven Warburton presented on design challenges for future learning environments that leverage social software. He discussed transforming bibliographic references and course content into social objects that can be commented on, tagged, and discovered through tools like Bibsonomy. Warburton also examined scaling learning through a distributed toolset that integrates personal tools and content across emerging technologies. Key challenges addressed leveraging models of virtual learning environments versus personal learning environments and understanding changing learner and educator roles and blurring formal and informal learning spaces with tools like educational blogging.

Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
The Web as Random Acts of Kindness

               •   Technical infrastructure of
                   the web.

               •   Wikipediaʼs content & form

               •   ʻHitchhikingʼ exists through
                   Internet-facilitated kindness,
                   collaboration, & sharing.


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What does the future of design for online learning look like? Emerging techno...
What does the future of design for online learning look like? Emerging techno...What does the future of design for online learning look like? Emerging techno...
What does the future of design for online learning look like? Emerging techno...

These are the slides of an invited talk I gave at ICEM 2012. The session was described as follows: What will we observe if we take a long pause and examine the practice of online education today? What do emerging technologies, openness, Massive Open Online Courses, and digital scholarship tell us about the future that we are creating for learners, faculty members, and learning institutions? And what does entrepreneurial activity worldwide surrounding online education mean for the future of education and design? In this talk, I will discuss a number of emerging practices relating to online learning and online participation in a rapidly changing world and explain their implications for design practice. Emerging practices (e.g., open courses, researchers who blog, students who use social media to self-organize) can shape our teaching/learning practice and teaching/learning practice can shape these innovations. By examining, critiquing, and understanding these practices we will be able to understand potential futures for online learning and be better informed on how we can design effective and engaging online learning experiences. This talk will draw from my experiences and research on online learning, openness, and digital scholarship, and will present recent evidence detailing how researchers, learners, educators are creating, sharing, and negotiating knowledge and education online.

networked participatory scholarshipopennessadventure learning
Where Is The M In Interactivity, Collaboration, and Feedback?
Where Is The M In Interactivity, Collaboration, and Feedback?Where Is The M In Interactivity, Collaboration, and Feedback?
Where Is The M In Interactivity, Collaboration, and Feedback?

Presentation for the Wireless Ready Event on March 29th, 2008. Audio accompanying approximately the first half of these slides at

Diigo – Your Outboard Brain
Diigo – Your Outboard BrainDiigo – Your Outboard Brain
Diigo – Your Outboard Brain

Technologies such as Diigo make it possible to amass a personal library of any size. Having access to the information you need amplifies your memory giving you an outboard brain. The social aspects of Diigo makes it possible to share content amongst like-minded collectors of information.

ple distributed cognition outboard brain
possibilities ...
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

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Open & Collaborative Learning
Open & Collaborative LearningOpen & Collaborative Learning
Open & Collaborative Learning

"Open & Collaborative Learning: How Social Networks are Transforming Education" - a presentation for Saskatoon Catholic Cyberschool.

Engaging Digital Natives Through Blogging
Engaging Digital Natives Through BloggingEngaging Digital Natives Through Blogging
Engaging Digital Natives Through Blogging

The document discusses how digital technologies and online participation are transforming education and literacy. It explores concepts like digital natives, Web 2.0, participatory culture, and new literacies skills needed for students. Blogging is presented as a tool that can engage students in creating, sharing, and collaborating while developing these 21st century skills when implemented properly in educational settings.

Rethinking Teaching & Learning in a Networked Reality
Rethinking Teaching & Learning in a Networked RealityRethinking Teaching & Learning in a Networked Reality
Rethinking Teaching & Learning in a Networked Reality

This document discusses rethinking teaching and learning in a networked reality. It covers topics like informal learning, access to information through search and mobile computing, participatory media, digital video skills, social networking, and network literacies being important in the 21st century. Challenges of participatory culture are mentioned, along with examples of how education could embrace a networked approach through things like transparent classroom walls, publishing in the open, and connecting students to experts from around the world. The document advocates shifting education to be more open, public, and student-driven where learners create their own education.

socialnetworks socialmedia teaching learning netwo
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

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What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks? What Do Thei...
What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks? What Do Thei...What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks? What Do Thei...
What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks? What Do Thei...

A presentation to the Canadian Institute of Distance Education Research. In this talk I draw on empirical studies conducted by a number of researchers (including work by myself and Royce Kimmons) to examine academics’ and educators’ participation in networked spaces. These studies point to three significant findings: (a) increasingly open practices that question the traditions of academia, (b) personal-professional tensions in academic work, and (c) a framework of identity that contrasts sharply with our existing understanding of online identity. - See more at:

networked participatory scholarshipsocial mediaonline social networks
Bennett2012 pelc
Bennett2012 pelcBennett2012 pelc
Bennett2012 pelc

This document summarizes Liz Bennett's research on the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on pedagogy. She conducted semi-structured interviews with 16 early adopter lecturers who were experimenting with Web 2.0 tools like wikis, blogs, and social media in their teaching. While some saw potential for radical changes by challenging authority and valuing student expertise, others felt reined in by student and institutional expectations. Overall, Bennett finds that lecturers cautiously applied the technologies with an emphasis on duty of care and the important role of the educator, rather than being constrained by their own conservatism.

pedagogyelearningweb 2.0
Distance Learning: the 4th Generation
Distance Learning: the 4th GenerationDistance Learning: the 4th Generation
Distance Learning: the 4th Generation

Keynote slides from Segundo Coloquio Nacional de Educación Media Superior a Distancia, in Mexico, 2011, discussing the dance and coevolution of technologies (including pedagogies) that has led to the emerging connectivist model of distance learning. The presentation looks beyond this to a holist model of distance learning that embodies collective and set entities as well as networks and groups.

controllearning designconnectivism
Owing a domain name is
about claiming your piece
of the internet. You’re no
longer renting, you’re a
home owner.
Visitors vs. Residents
Shifting Roles
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

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Towards Digital Fluency
Towards Digital FluencyTowards Digital Fluency
Towards Digital Fluency

This document discusses shifts towards digital fluency and embracing change in education. It notes that children are immersed in digital technologies from a young age, but the idea of "digital natives" is inaccurate as access and opportunities vary. It defines digital fluency as using technologies readily and strategically for learning, work and play. Communicating, connecting and collaborating online requires network literacies and understanding how networks function. Examples show using relevant modes, the power of global audiences, utilizing networks, and teaching/learning online. Embracing change involves planning for technology renewal, evaluating emerging technologies, responsible use policies, embracing free and open resources, understanding privacy and citizenship issues online.

Identity in a Digital World
Identity in a Digital WorldIdentity in a Digital World
Identity in a Digital World

1. Digital media have complicated controlling our digital footprint and separating digital and real lives, directly impacting identity. The speed and spread of social media make information easily shared publicly by default. 2. Many children have a significant digital presence and footprint from a very young age. This challenges the notion of having separate online and offline identities. 3. The complex issues around digital identity pose challenges for youth well-being but education around these topics is lacking. Cyberbullying is associated with increased risks of suicide. While students are immersed in technology, they need guidance to use it responsibly and for learning.

Understanding Digital Citizenship & Identity - Updated March 14
Understanding Digital Citizenship & Identity - Updated March 14Understanding Digital Citizenship & Identity - Updated March 14
Understanding Digital Citizenship & Identity - Updated March 14

This document discusses the concept of digital citizenship and identity. It covers several topics: - The evolution of digital citizenship from early focus on "cyber-safety" to a broader concept of preparing students for technology in society. - Issues around control, fear, vulnerability and predictability in digital spaces, as well as concerns around access to offensive content online. - The development of digital identity, from controlled offline identities to publicly visible and easily shared online identities. - The importance of teaching netiquette, activism, information literacy, and respecting rights of creators and consumers in digital spaces. - The role of schools and teachers in developing students' understanding of digital citizenship and positive digital identities.

Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Private   Public

Closed    Open

standard based to interest based
 place/time to anytime/anywhere
  individual to networked group
           private to public
           paper to digital
        linear to distributed
  synchronous to asynchronous

Have we seen a significant change
 in the media landscape? Is there
any truth to the often stated effects
  of the ʻdigital ageʼ (e.g., are kids

  If these shifts are real, how do
educators adapt to these changes?

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Identity, Networks, and Connected Learning
Identity, Networks, and Connected LearningIdentity, Networks, and Connected Learning
Identity, Networks, and Connected Learning

Slides from my keynote presentation at the DesireToLearn Fusion conference in Boston, MA, on July 17, 2013. You can download the .key (Keynote) file at ... feel free to reuse/remix under the CC-NC/ATT/SA license. A video of this presentation is available at:

Designing for Open/Networked Learning
Designing for Open/Networked LearningDesigning for Open/Networked Learning
Designing for Open/Networked Learning

1) The document discusses designing learning experiences for open and networked environments using new technologies and tools. 2) It highlights how tools like mobile devices, social media, and online networks have significantly shifted how information is accessed, shared, and learned. Knowledge is now abundant and learning is increasingly social and informal. 3) The key aspects of open and networked learning discussed include using hashtags to connect learners globally, creating open online courses and spaces for shared learning events, and developing long-term learning connections through openness and collaboration.

Online Learning in a Networked Age
Online Learning in a Networked AgeOnline Learning in a Networked Age
Online Learning in a Networked Age

Online learning is being transformed by new technologies and social connections. [1] Tools like YouTube and social media allow learning to occur anywhere and be shared widely. [2] Networks provide opportunities for inspiration, collaboration, and crowdsourcing knowledge. [3] Visible, open learning helps develop strong connections and communities for sharing ideas.

“Understanding how networks
work is one of the most important
 literacies of the 21st century.”
            (Rheingold, 2010)
Ze Frank

                 “any individual entity
                    that pretends to
                understand the rules
               that guide this space is
                   under an illusion”

Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

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#etmooc orientation week
#etmooc orientation week#etmooc orientation week
#etmooc orientation week

Orientation Week for the #etmooc MOOC from January 13-19, 2013 introduces the course topics and environment. The 5 topic areas over 6 weeks are connected learning, digital storytelling, digital literacy, the open movement, and digital citizenship. The connectivist MOOC model emphasizes collaboration and allows participants to set their own learning goals using a variety of online tools including a learning management system, blog hub, Google+, email, hashtag, bookmarks, and RSS. Participants are challenged to make their learning visible and contribute to others' learning.

Developing Digital Citizens
Developing Digital CitizensDeveloping Digital Citizens
Developing Digital Citizens

This document discusses the concept of digital citizenship and how it has evolved from early notions of cyber safety. It notes how society and technology have changed, driven by increased mobility, social media, and video/media sharing platforms. This has implications for how people develop their digital identities and presence online in openly accessible ways. The document urges schools to play a role in educating students and parents on digital literacy, responsible social media use, and information management to help prevent online harms and bullying. It suggests schools address digital citizenship challenges through innovative curricula and partnerships.

Open & Connected Learning
Open & Connected LearningOpen & Connected Learning
Open & Connected Learning

This document discusses how networks and new technologies are changing learning. It notes that knowledge is now abundant and free online, learning is increasingly social and visible, and networks enable new forms of collaboration. Weak ties and open sharing of ideas can spark innovation. The document provides examples of how YouTube, social media, and memes spread information and new literacies like network literacy are important. It emphasizes making the learning process visible and contributing to others' learning through open sharing.

Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831
a few


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Taking on the Challenge of 21st Century Teaching & Learning
Taking on the Challenge of 21st Century Teaching & LearningTaking on the Challenge of 21st Century Teaching & Learning
Taking on the Challenge of 21st Century Teaching & Learning

Keynote presentation for the North East School Division (Saskatchewan) Annual Convention held August 28, 2012. Resources for this presentation available at:

Why Networks Matter in Teaching & Learning
Why Networks Matter in Teaching & LearningWhy Networks Matter in Teaching & Learning
Why Networks Matter in Teaching & Learning

1. Networks allow for collective intelligence, social support, and an expanding community of learners. As technology evolves, networks provide new opportunities for connecting with others and developing relationships that support teaching and learning. 2. Personal learning networks (PLNs) and the connections formed within them can replace isolation with collaboration, reinventing professional development and allowing voices to be heard beyond traditional boundaries. 3. The future of learning involves moving from fixed and closed systems to open, diffuse social networks where people and knowledge can flow freely. Learners now have more control over accessing information from around the world through platforms like YouTube.

Power of Networks
Power of NetworksPower of Networks
Power of Networks

The document discusses how networks and connectivity are reshaping education. It notes that more video is uploaded to YouTube every month than the major US television networks created in 60 years. Knowledge is now freely available online like air or water. While age is not a determining factor, access and opportunities create a digital divide. Network literacy including understanding how networks work is an important 21st century skill. Learning is becoming more open and social through networks, with learners gaining knowledge from many online sources rather than just educators. The paradigm is shifting from isolated learning to learning through diverse social networks.

Example #1 - Connecting to Experts

Example #2: Publishing in the Open

Example #3: Use of Public Content

Example #4: Portfolios

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Slides from the keynote presentation given at the Shaw Centre in Edmonton Alberta for the Central East Alberta Teacher's Convention.

Why Social Networks Matter
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Why Social Networks Matter

1) The document discusses how social networks and Web 2.0 tools can positively transform research, teaching, and service for academics if they build serious academic lives online. 2) It explores concepts like knowledge, the human thought process, coding languages, and how media and society have shifted with increased access to digital tools and networks. 3) Examples are provided of how networks can increase the power of audiences, support learning, and enable teaching/learning online through meaningful collaboration and sharing of information.

EC&I 831 Final Thoughts
EC&I 831 Final ThoughtsEC&I 831 Final Thoughts
EC&I 831 Final Thoughts

The document discusses key concepts in open and connected learning including openness, transparency, sharing, freedom, small tools loosely joined, networks for creating, sharing and learning, immersion for understanding, discovery, literacies as a lifelong process, and assessment through purposeful feedback. It also references how new generations are empowered and impatient with traditional institutions, making this an incredible time for the young and talented.

edtech networks learning technology teaching eci83
Example #5: Social Reading
Example #6: Global Mentoring
Example #7: Real-time Feedback
Example #8: PD Anytime/Anywhere

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Exploring Digital Citizenship, Digital Identity & Connected Learning

Keynote presentation for Halton Catholic District School Board given on November 18, 2011 in Oakville, Ontario.

hcdsb socialnetwork edtech connectedlearning netwo
Power of the Network
Power of the NetworkPower of the Network
Power of the Network

Short presentation given by Alec and George Couros at Learning 2.011 in Shanghai. Most slides created by the good people of the Internetz.

gcouros courosa networks sharing openness remix ma
Deep learning in the Age of Distraction
Deep learning in the Age of DistractionDeep learning in the Age of Distraction
Deep learning in the Age of Distraction

This document discusses deep learning in the age of digital distraction. It notes that today's social and mobile reality features vast amounts of online content and connectivity. However, some argue that constant connectivity may be leading to shallow thinking. The document discusses debates around the idea of "digital natives" and examines how youth use social media to socialize and express identity. It provides examples of how multimedia tools can enable deep learning when used to collaborate, give voice, make connections, and engage in lifelong learning networks. The document suggests key ideas around deep learning include sharing, audience, identity, and relationships in a digital world.

learning socialmedia networks edtech technology te
What can we learn from non-edu. culture (e.g., sub culture)?

 Can you offer examples of exemplary networked practice?

   Are there implications for teacher education or ProD?
Obsolescence never meant the end of anything,
           itʼs just the beginning.
                ~ Marshall McLuhan
  twitter: courosa
  google: couros

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NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Resource Book
NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Resource BookNAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Resource Book
NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Resource Book

Open & Networked Learning for #ECI831

  • 1. Introduction to Open & Networked Learning Dr. Alec Couros University of Regina EC&I 831
  • 3. “given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow” (Linusʼ Law, Raymond 1997)
  • 4. “Open source software communities are one of the most successful -- and least understood -- examples of high performance collaboration and community building on the Internet today.” (Kim, 2003)
  • 5. “A key to transformation is for the teaching profession to establish innovation networks that capture the spirit and culture of hackers - the passion, the can-do, collective sharing.” (Hargreaves, 2003)
  • 6. • philosophical stance • power & control • access open(ness) • design attributes (short version) - privacy/publics - audience - transparency - accountability
  • 7. open(ness) (short version) open education free software open source software open educational resources open content open access publication open access courses open teaching open accreditation
  • 8. David Wiley “openness is the only means of doing education” “if there is no sharing, there is no education” @opencontent
  • 9. Dean Shareski “the moment we focus on protecting our work we are in someways the antithesis of a teacher” @shareski
  • 10. • pedagogical & pragmatic stance connected �� knowledge exchange, curating, wayfinding, (ness) crowdsourcing, (short version) collaboration, problem solving • personal learning network/environment (PLN/PLE)
  • 13. Personal Learning Environments ... systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to • set their own learning goals • manage their learning; managing both content and process • communicate with others in the process of learning
  • 14. Challenges “An institution-controlled tool presents the user with a fixed interface of controls (instruments) that the user must learn to use effectively if they are to access the service provided. It is a feature of the current Web environment that the use of a large number of these interfaces creates an obstructive user experience, made worse by the lack of flexibility the user has for integrating the different services they access. To operate within this environment, the user must manage a number of different dispositions and skills required for different interfaces. (Johnson et al, 2006)
  • 15. Challenges (continued) “... the change from content that was developed by expert and/or teachers towards possibilities and challenges to make use of the bazaar of learning opportunities and content leads to the necessity of advanced self-organizing and searching in the Web - in other words: media competent learners. (Schaffert & Hilzensauer, 2008)
  • 16. What are your thoughts, considerations or challenges on PLE/PLNs so far? Are they important/necessary for present or future learning? Do they potentially challenge or augment what we do in formal learning environments? Is this all hype - some sort of corporate-driven, ʻtechno utopianismʼ?
  • 18. “Tell me ... what it is I am educating and what sort of world we live in, and I will tell you what I am aiming at.” (Garforth, 1962)
  • 19. David Weinberger The Web is “a world of pure connection, free of the arbitrary constraints of matter, distance and time.” @dweinberger
  • 20. connected reality
  • 30. Age of Networks
  • 33. quick stats (2009) • 90 trillion emails sent annually from 1.4 billion email users • 234 million websites • 1.73 billion Internet users • 126 millions blogs • 350 million Facebook users • 4 billion images on Flickr • 1 billion Youtube videos served daily. Stats as of Jan 22/10 via Royal Pingdom
  • 34. Stats as of March 17/10 via Mashable
  • 35. Michael Wesch Youtube & other social media mitigate “connection without constraint”. Often, this leads to the development of “tremendously deep communities”. @mwesch
  • 40. The Web as Random Acts of Kindness • Technical infrastructure of the web. • Wikipediaʼs content & form • ʻHitchhikingʼ exists through Internet-facilitated kindness, collaboration, & sharing. @zittrain
  • 49. Owing a domain name is about claiming your piece of the internet. You’re no longer renting, you’re a home owner.
  • 54. Private Public Closed Open
  • 55. Shifts standard based to interest based place/time to anytime/anywhere individual to networked group private to public paper to digital linear to distributed synchronous to asynchronous @willrich4
  • 56. Have we seen a significant change in the media landscape? Is there any truth to the often stated effects of the ʻdigital ageʼ (e.g., are kids different?) If these shifts are real, how do educators adapt to these changes?
  • 57. “Understanding how networks work is one of the most important literacies of the 21st century.” (Rheingold, 2010)
  • 58. Ze Frank “any individual entity that pretends to understand the rules that guide this space is under an illusion” @zefrank
  • 65. Example #1 - Connecting to Experts @kathycassidy
  • 66. Example #2: Publishing in the Open
  • 67. Example #3: Use of Public Content @christianlong
  • 70. Example #6: Global Mentoring
  • 72. Example #8: PD Anytime/Anywhere
  • 73. What can we learn from non-edu. culture (e.g., sub culture)? Can you offer examples of exemplary networked practice? Are there implications for teacher education or ProD?
  • 74. Obsolescence never meant the end of anything, itʼs just the beginning. ~ Marshall McLuhan
  • 75. web: twitter: courosa google: couros