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On Page SEO by Nick Adkins
• On Page SEO vs. Off Page SEO
• Social Media Optimization
• Proper Titles and Meta Tags
• Page Content / Blog
• Page Structure/ Coding Basics
• Search Friendly Links/ 301 Redirects
• Miva Sitemap and Google Sitemap
• Tools/Resources
• Questions
Optimizing your pages structure, links, keywords and content
to help you rank better for your specific keywords.
• Start with keyword selection. research &testing • Content
• I'v1eta Tags • Keyword density
• AtTtags • Site maps. both XML and user facing
• H1 tags • Usability and accessibility
• URl structure •
• Internal linking strategy
• lAJpicatecontent • Hidden text
• URl variants of the same pages • Hidden links
• DJpicate title tags • Keyword repetition

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How to choose and implement these eight social media tools: social bookmarking, ratings and reviews, Scribd, RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Podcasts, and YouTube. Presented at the 2009 Social Media for Government conference in Edmonton, Alberta.

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SEO major assignment.pptx
SEO major assignment.pptxSEO major assignment.pptx
SEO major assignment.pptx

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website or online content to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. It is an essential tool for digital marketers and website owners to attract organic traffic and improve their online presence.

Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.
Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.
Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.

1. How to get traffic and increase sales for your Shopify store. 2. Keywords 3. Keyword research: Define your target audience and brainstorm for the keywords Copy and paste your ideas into Google Keyword Planner, add ideas using Google ”Searches related to”, Ubersuggest tool and check their search volume + check and consider your successful competitors keywords (SemRush) Cleanse the list – remove too broad, too competitive (use SEO Quake or MOZ plugin) queries 4. Site structure: • Easy to navigate, intuitive for users • Logical hierarchy for the search bots • Smart link juice flow 5. indexation & duplicate content: 6. Navigation - breadcrumbs 7. A video for products Better conversions Traffic from video channels Its free. Easy. 8. Analytics & Social

Link Building, Link Anchor Text, Page Authority.
• Use Keywords in link anchor text • Deep linking (multi~e pages to muJti~e pages)
• Obtain links from high ranking publisher sites • linkfrom siteswith a variety of UnkRanks
• One-way inbound links • Use relevant keywords near your inbound link
• Discontinuecampaigns if ranking doesnot improve
• D.J~icate keywords in link aYderts • Unk farms (siteswith 1{)()+ outbound linksp:!r page)
• Using thesame anchor texttoo often • Using irrelevant keywords in your link-ads
• FOQJsing on quantity over quality • Garbage links
• Hidden inbound links
• Accessiblility
• Content
• Basic on page elements -titles, URLs
• User Experience
• Marketing
• Advanced on-page optimization
Weighting of Thematic: Chasten 01 ltanking Facton In Coogle
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There are two types ofsocial media optimization methods:
1. Social media features added to the content itself:
Social news and sharing buttons, reviews,and incorporating third-party community
functionalities like images and videos
2. Promotional activities in social media aside from the content being promoted:
Blogging,commenting on other blogs, participating in discussion groups,and
posting status updates on social networking profiles

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Meta tag creation
Meta tag creationMeta tag creation
Meta tag creation

The Advanced Internet Marketing Training Programme Digital Marketing Course provided by DIDM comes along with a guarantee 100% job security and placement as well as lifetime job assistance is also provided.

digital marketingseoppc
Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.
Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.
Increase your ecommerce sales for your existing Shopify websites.

- Keyword research is important to define the target audience and find relevant keywords with good search volumes using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google "Searches related to", Ubersuggest, and SEMRush. The keyword list should be cleaned by removing overly broad or competitive keywords. - The site structure should allow for smart link juice flow and an intuitive, easy to navigate hierarchy for users and search bots. Sitemaps, XML tags, and redirect codes help with indexation and avoiding duplicate content issues. - Videos can be added to product pages to improve conversions and engagement. Using YouTube is free and easy. Analytics and profiles on platforms like Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram help track traffic and

SEO by WSCube
SEO by WSCubeSEO by WSCube
SEO by WSCube

SEO involves optimizing keywords, content, links, and technical elements. Proper keyword research is the first step and involves tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush. On-page optimization focuses on keywords in titles, headings, content, and images. Off-page factors like relevant backlinks, speed, and submitting to search engines are also important for SEO success. Regular audits and tool use ensures the site meets Google's technical guidelines.

seomarketingdigital marketing
The title tag is one of the important
on-page keyword elements. Using
the keyword term/phrase in the
very first sentence of the page title
results in adirect correlation with
higher page and site rankings.
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Storefront Page Title Tag
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Category Page Title Tag
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Product/ Category Page Meta Tag
EditStore-> Head Tag/CSS
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chocolate donuts
Chocolate Donuts from Mary's
Learn the 3 secrets to
Mary's award-winning chocolate donuts,
get times & locations for availability,and
learn how to make your own donuts at
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Social Media Optimization (SMO) Checklist and Activities - What You Need to d...
Social Media Optimization (SMO) Checklist and Activities - What You Need to d...Social Media Optimization (SMO) Checklist and Activities - What You Need to d...
Social Media Optimization (SMO) Checklist and Activities - What You Need to d...

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is not all about meta tags these days. SMO is also about making your site social media friendly. Some of the activities are: Meta Tag Optimizations: - Open Graph Optimization (OGO) - Facebook Optimization (FBO) - Facebook Insights Optimization Google Analytics & Other Web Analytics Optimization Onpage Optimization: - Install Social Sharing Instruments - Buttons, Widgets - URL Optimization and Shorteners - Display Social Interactions on Site - Social Interaction Plugins Content Optimization on site for Social Media Visibility - Rich Contents (Images/Video) Optimization - Social Signals Optimization for SEO - Readability Optimization - Engagement & Virality Optimization - Content Audit Blog post:

social mediasearch engine optimizationsmm
Basic Search Engine Optimization Strategies
Basic Search Engine Optimization Strategies  Basic Search Engine Optimization Strategies
Basic Search Engine Optimization Strategies

This document provides an overview of basic search engine optimization strategies. It discusses on-site SEO techniques like optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and keyword meta tags. It also covers off-site SEO like link building. Other topics include keyword research tools, measuring tools, competitive analysis, and a proposed 6-month SEO campaign plan involving content creation, link building, social media, and local listings.

seoseo servicesgoogle
Successfully implementing open graph by steve mortiboy
Successfully implementing open graph by steve mortiboySuccessfully implementing open graph by steve mortiboy
Successfully implementing open graph by steve mortiboy

The document discusses implementing Open Graph metadata and Twitter Cards to optimize content sharing on social networks. It explains that over 30% of web traffic now comes from social media, with Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter being the top sources. It provides best practices for Open Graph tags and Twitter Cards including recommended image sizes. Common issues like duplicate tags and caching are covered along with tools for debugging social metadata.

social mediawordpresswordcamp
• Accessibility- Make sure the search engines can crawl your site.
• Text based navigation
• Move JavaScript and CSS into External Files
• ProperUseofHl,H2Tags
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Examples of bad navigation include:
• JavaScript that has the ac!uallink in an external file
• Images for nav elements
• Flash
--Add content to both the header and _.' "
footer of your category pages. Use
detailed product descriptions
containing your keywords.
Make sure your category title and
product name are in Hi tags!
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This document provides an overview and agenda for a research methods workshop. The workshop will cover setting research goals and objectives, identifying problems, an overview of techniques like interviews, focus groups, card sorts and personas. It will also cover content strategy topics like audits, inventories, modeling, and gap analysis. The goal is for attendees to feel confident in selecting appropriate research methods to gain actionable insights. Breaks are included and participants will have exercises to set goals and identify issues to research.

Search Engine Optimization and Analytics for CSEPP Advanced Training Course
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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) including definitions, key concepts, and best practices. It defines SEO as improving website visibility in organic search results. Major points covered include: - The top factors search engines like Google consider in rankings are speed, mobile friendliness, high quality content, and links from other relevant sites. - On-page techniques like optimizing titles, meta descriptions and images can boost rankings. - Engagement with social media and multimedia content creates backlinks and awareness. - Analytics tools like Google Analytics and search console help measure SEO performance and identify issues.

cseppcsepp advanced trainingsearch engine optimization
Search Engine Optimization by Mehul Thakur
Search Engine Optimization by Mehul ThakurSearch Engine Optimization by Mehul Thakur
Search Engine Optimization by Mehul Thakur

Mehul Thakur developed his own content and step by step manual to work on SEO tool and explained to his follow mates.

Use a blog to constantly add new fresh content to your
website. Publish how to guides,buyerguides, specials,
product reviews, company news, embed videos and more.
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IMPORTANT! - Always be sure to do 301 redirects ifyou change category codes,
product eodes, or have existing URLs that you change to search friendly links.
No Category code in product URLs to avoid duplicate uris.
Global Settings -> Domain Settings -> SEQ Settings
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RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRINGj 'Screen=PROD&Store_Code=Naturals&Product_Code=(.')$
RewriteRule 'I.')$ http1Iwww.naturals·[R=30l.Lj
This will force your old-style Miva Merchant link to convert tea new, search-friendly link. You would
need a ruleforthe category page link and product page linkand any variations on these. nfographic

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seo - on page - part iii - snippet &amp; amp

The document discusses various structured data and rich snippets that can be added to web pages to provide additional information to search engines. It covers topics like markup, JSON-LD, microdata, Google's structured data testing tool, and different types of rich snippets for articles, books, courses, events, jobs, recipes, reviews, videos and more. It also discusses reasons why rich snippets may not be showing up and tools for testing structured data implementation.

Blog creationguide forestview
Blog creationguide forestviewBlog creationguide forestview
Blog creationguide forestview

The document provides guidelines for creating and optimizing a blog to improve search engine optimization (SEO). It recommends following the COLT approach: focusing on content, optimization, linking, and time. Key guidelines include optimizing titles and content for search engines and users, using keywords appropriately, linking content internally and externally, and allowing time for search engine indexing and ranking. Images, navigation, and citations are also discussed. The overall goal is to provide useful, well-structured content that search engines can understand and users want to engage with over a period of months for SEO benefits.

blog guideblogging
SEO for the Modern College Newsroom
SEO for the Modern College NewsroomSEO for the Modern College Newsroom
SEO for the Modern College Newsroom

Search Engine Optimization is commonly shortened to SEO. SEO is a complete industry with expected spending in 2014 to reach $5 billion dollars. The thing is SEO is not rocket scientist no matter what those spammy SEO marketers who promise #1 ranking tell you. It's also not snake oil or pixie dust. SEO is all about usability and accessibility and in this presentation we will discuss actionable items that you can take back and apply to your newsroom.

college newsroomnewsroomseo
The canonical meta tag is used to explicitly tell the search engines the correct URLofthe
current page. This is very useful when you have pagination or other parameters that
change the URL even though it is the same page.
Enable Miva Merchant sitemap under SEQ settings and link in the Global Footer
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Google Sitemap should be uploaded to Google Webmaster tools. Use the Template
Data Feed, Ultimate Feed Generator, or Moogle to create Google sitemap
, , . ,
, " • 1
• Fird out how Google seesyour site
• Analyze search data
• See crawl errors
• See who is linking to yourwebsite
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This document discusses various topics related to content marketing and social media marketing. It provides links to resources on developing customer profiles, conducting competitor analysis, community management, influencer marketing, content pitching, search engine optimization, social media crisis response, viral marketing on Facebook, and the evolution of social networks and customer relationship management. Key themes discussed include developing relationships with customers, driving demand generation, and improving brand visibility.

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Ecommerce is a quickly evolving universe. Learn which new features in the ecommerce marketplace actually work, convert sales, and will help your business grow. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 2.

by Miva
• Analyze links and track key performance metrics inan efficientall-in-one
• Identify critical SE~ issues and get actionable recommendations.
• Automatically monitor changes to your rankings and take control of your organic
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Some ofthe content in this presentation was referenced from these articles:

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Web Development Trends 2016
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On Page SEO & Miva Merchant 2016
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On Page SEO by Nick Adkins

  • 2. V'S OVERVIEW • On Page SEO vs. Off Page SEO • Social Media Optimization • Proper Titles and Meta Tags • Page Content / Blog • Page Structure/ Coding Basics • Search Friendly Links/ 301 Redirects • Miva Sitemap and Google Sitemap • Tools/Resources • Questions
  • 4. ON PAGE SED Optimizing your pages structure, links, keywords and content to help you rank better for your specific keywords. ON·PAGE SEO CHECKLIST: • Start with keyword selection. research &testing • Content • I'v1eta Tags • Keyword density • AtTtags • Site maps. both XML and user facing • H1 tags • Usability and accessibility • URl structure • • Internal linking strategy AVOID COMMON ON·PAGE SEO MISTAKES SUCH AS AVOID SPAMMY SEO TACTICS SUCH AS • lAJpicatecontent • Hidden text • URl variants of the same pages • Hidden links • DJpicate title tags • Keyword repetition
  • 5. OFF PAGE SED Link Building, Link Anchor Text, Page Authority. OFF·PAGE SED CHECKLIST: • Use Keywords in link anchor text • Deep linking (multi~e pages to muJti~e pages) • Obtain links from high ranking publisher sites • linkfrom siteswith a variety of UnkRanks • One-way inbound links • Use relevant keywords near your inbound link • Discontinuecampaigns if ranking doesnot improve AVOID COMMON OFF·PAGE SED MISTAKES SUCH AS AVOID SPAMMY SEO TACTICS SUCH AS • D.J~icate keywords in link aYderts • Unk farms (siteswith 1{)()+ outbound linksp:!r page) • Using thesame anchor texttoo often • Using irrelevant keywords in your link-ads • FOQJsing on quantity over quality • Garbage links • Hidden inbound links
  • 6. BEST PRACTICES FOR RANKING #1 (ACCORD TO ORC) • Accessiblility • Content • Basic on page elements -titles, URLs • User Experience • Marketing • Advanced on-page optimization
  • 7. GOOGLE'S RAN ALG IT Weighting of Thematic: Chasten 01 ltanking Facton In Coogle _..- , ....-. 100- _ _ "., .... 'h ..... - .• • • ' .._... ,. >L
  • 8. SOCIAL EDIA IZA N There are two types ofsocial media optimization methods: 1. Social media features added to the content itself: Social news and sharing buttons, reviews,and incorporating third-party community functionalities like images and videos 2. Promotional activities in social media aside from the content being promoted: Blogging,commenting on other blogs, participating in discussion groups,and posting status updates on social networking profiles
  • 9. PROPER TITLES The title tag is one of the important on-page keyword elements. Using the keyword term/phrase in the very first sentence of the page title results in adirect correlation with higher page and site rankings. ! . u .u ..•• •• -••, , ''''-'''- -_......_...................., , .. , . , .. ,._rr' __.1
  • 10. Storefront Page Title Tag t..d.. S"HT _,'" SlOIelfOIII ,..,,' ' <A!i'H" MP P=~!lY!.LProf1h· I > <~- Category Page Title Tag Cod.. CfGY _,"" C_1ogOIy OiIpI..,. u".._ <f!Uac_ -"Mel prolUe" /> <he.cD <thud> pa;·,.·~li~· /> <:!I!!1,n_ ~-"eo<l' PM.W·"".d_~.....• />
  • 11. K.,,, orjs; OClC~""' : PROPER META TAGS Product/ Category Page Meta Tag , EditStore-> Head Tag/CSS OIUDT.. ~' _ •• _ _.~ ...... .... _<OflC.- S""",,,,,. CO r< ~". ... _,• ...--·• •••••".m· _ U""-"S'"" _'.'M_ •• •
  • 12. PAGE CONTENT THE 'PERFECTLY' PAGE Bakery chocolate donuts Chocolate Donuts from Mary's Learn the 3 secrets to Mary's award-winning chocolate donuts, get times & locations for availability,and learn how to make your own donuts at home. donuts ,-_._-.- ------ -,--------,-_._-- ----- ._. --- ======,- , ~ ---- -
  • 13. PAGE STRU EIC BASICS • Accessibility- Make sure the search engines can crawl your site. • Text based navigation • Move JavaScript and CSS into External Files • ProperUseofHl,H2Tags
  • 14. r-%." M IV" M ER C II ANT ~~ ..... «XIOttOCl iC _0 n... '.' ,•.......... ,.··..,..11·...," I.··....·..·....... ,. ··....·n ·••• • Ol I. · · . ...•..·H • •u ....·...._n·... • 01 u ··.......·••• ::::::.u ...•·...._n ·••• _/. 1' •• _ ..... ft•• -" oNAVIGATION . _ " 7 • • «__•••__ . ~-.'-- ...."-800,608.MtVA(&462) -
  • 15. BAD NAVIGATI ABOUT I TRAININGS I SHOP I EVENTS I COMMUNITY SERVICE I PARTNER PROGRAM I MEDIA • . shtml " OnMOUS8out: "MM_swaplmgRestore() " , " ' images homepage/about on.jpg ' ,l) "><im - - • name="Imagel " wldth~ " 8S" he19ht-"37 " OnMouseOver="MM_showMenu{window.mm_menu_12121S3153_0,O, 37,nuII, ' Imagel ' )" onHouseout= "MM startTimeout(); "></a >< / td> Examples of bad navigation include: • JavaScript that has the ac!uallink in an external file • Images for nav elements • Flash
  • 16. CATEG YAND PRO CT PAGE CONTENT --Add content to both the header and _.' " footer of your category pages. Use detailed product descriptions containing your keywords. Make sure your category title and product name are in Hi tags! __._ _.oc:_ _._ _... _.___- ". , ....._- --'- -.._.......: .,_.._........_------_ _ .0 _ _ _ _• _ _ . , •_ _..... :0, • _ _ _ --- . ... --- ---' ; ---- ._-_.•._.._------------...-_.._------_._....._---_.._-------_._:::;- -- ,--.....__....._----.-
  • 17. BLDG CONTENT Use a blog to constantly add new fresh content to your website. Publish how to guides,buyerguides, specials, product reviews, company news, embed videos and more. -~....---... , --- ~ ..._- W-Gi -"........._.- - - • ,. 1II1".II.t::: IJFllfIIFT=- flU CATIlOCi •, •• ---.- - -~ --- ---- - ~.~- --_._- ==-=-------------------- -- . -- ---
  • 18. SEARCH FRIENDLY LINKS cmG PRODUCT LI STRUCTURE CHANGE YOUR ES TO USE K http://www.coffeewarehouse.eom/category/eoffee-cups.html IMPORTANT! - Always be sure to do 301 redirects ifyou change category codes, product eodes, or have existing URLs that you change to search friendly links. No Category code in product URLs to avoid duplicate uris.
  • 19. SED SHINGS Global Settings -> Domain Settings -> SEQ Settings -- --".'.'._-... , -.---~~.- ...--... -..... i.' . ;1' ..._ :,,' , • ---- ---1_··...-- • -_........ --- . - C:;'.:,,;C.;.;~,:'.'•••'~-. ,...., --- ...... - ... _ ........ 1_.....' S"mple URW b.~ Oil ....ttlnS. '....,. "....'" ...._..._-_........._......_..__..-......,..._,....._"'..-,........,.......,___0<._ ....--....._11........_ . ..._1_1"" t , ,, "''--,""' T<SfU' ... _ ... . --
  • 20. 301 REDIRECTS RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRINGj 'Screen=PROD&Store_Code=Naturals&Product_Code=(.')$ RewriteRule 'I.')$ http1Iwww.naturals·[R=30l.Lj This will force your old-style Miva Merchant link to convert tea new, search-friendly link. You would need a ruleforthe category page link and product page linkand any variations on these. nfographic
  • 21. CAN ICAl META TAG The canonical meta tag is used to explicitly tell the search engines the correct URLofthe current page. This is very useful when you have pagination or other parameters that change the URL even though it is the same page.
  • 22. MIVA CHANT SITEMAP Enable Miva Merchant sitemap under SEQ settings and link in the Global Footer _.........,, " .....-.-F . . . _ , ---,---------~- ---c • -- ".......-_. --._----------,-,..""- --""'" <' •••_ "c_ -""""~_ _c_ _c L_
  • 23. G LE Google Sitemap should be uploaded to Google Webmaster tools. Use the Template Data Feed, Ultimate Feed Generator, or Moogle to create Google sitemap '........,..... " , , . , , " • 1
  • 24. GO LE WEBMASTER • • Fird out how Google seesyour site • Analyze search data • See crawl errors • See who is linking to yourwebsite LS _.._... ------ --- =-- - '.-----.".- -_.._._. - '-- ..-.;=- -:;- .. --~ ..- - --'. . - -, --,
  • 25. • • Analyze links and track key performance metrics inan efficientall-in-one dashboard • Identify critical SE~ issues and get actionable recommendations. • Automatically monitor changes to your rankings and take control of your organic traffic. _._.... _':-'-..._- =~=--o;;.;;...;.;.; - ...._---... --'---'--_.._-,. .... ---
  • 26. Q s Some ofthe content in this presentation was referenced from these articles: