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Emerging Web App Architectures
Using Java and Node.js
STSM, IBM Runtime Development
The Aviator
Million Dollar
3-Tier Web Applications

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IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - GCMV 2.8
IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - GCMV 2.8IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - GCMV 2.8
IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - GCMV 2.8

Overview of IBM Monitoring and Diagnostics Tools - Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer 2.8, which provides offline memory and Garbage Collection monitoring for Java and Node.js applications

garbage collectiongcnodejs
Spring5 New Features - Nov, 2017
Spring5 New Features - Nov, 2017Spring5 New Features - Nov, 2017
Spring5 New Features - Nov, 2017

스프링 프레임워크 5의 신 기능들에 대한 소개와, 관련된 정보에 대해 얻을 수 있는 방법들에 대해 정리했습니다. 슬라이드는 Jay Lee (이창재), 님께서 만들어 주셨습니다.

Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and Boston
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and BostonAdopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and Boston
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and Boston

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless Community. Java is known for its high cold start times and high memory footprint. For both you have to pay to the cloud providers of your choice. That's why most developers tried to avoid using Java for such use cases. But the times change: Community and cloud providers improve things steadily for Java developers. In this talk we look at the features and possibilities AWS cloud provider offers for the Java developers and look the most popular Java frameworks, like Micronaut, Quarkus and Spring (Boot) and look how (AOT compiler and GraalVM native images play a huge role) they address Serverless challenges and enable Java for broad usage in the Serverless world.

awscloudcloud computing
3-Tier Web Applications
3-Tier Web Applications
3-Tier Web Applications
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
3-Tier Web Applications

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What’s New in Spring Batch?
What’s New in Spring Batch?What’s New in Spring Batch?
What’s New in Spring Batch?

SpringOne 2020 What’s New in Spring Batch? Mahmoud Ben Hassine, Principal Software Engineer at VMware

modernization/refactoringdata/ databasesspringone 2020
Staying Ahead of the Curve with Spring and Cassandra 4 (SpringOne 2020)
Staying Ahead of the Curve with Spring and Cassandra 4 (SpringOne 2020)Staying Ahead of the Curve with Spring and Cassandra 4 (SpringOne 2020)
Staying Ahead of the Curve with Spring and Cassandra 4 (SpringOne 2020)

Spring and Cassandra are two of the leading technologies for building cloud native applications. In this talk by the project leads for Spring Data and the Cassandra Java Driver, we’ll cover the recent improvements in the latest and greatest versions of Spring Boot, Spring Data Cassandra, Cassandra 4.0 and the Cassandra Java driver. Whether you’re a novice, intermediate, or expert developer, this content will help you get started or migrate your existing application to the latest innovations. We’ll illustrate these new concepts with code samples and snippets that you can find on GitHub to help you get things done faster with these tools.

Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group Nairobi
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group NairobiWriting less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group Nairobi
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group Nairobi

The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors of your choice. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt even if you meet the perfect decision. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services relying mostly on configuration, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!

awscloudcloud computing
Java and JEE based Web Applications
From Web Sites to Web Apps
 JavaScript is ubiquitous in the browser
- Supported in every browser
- Integration with HTML and CSS
 JavaScript is not affected by negative publicity....
Unless it is absolutely necessary to run Java in web browsers, disable it as
described below, even after updating to 7u11. This will help mitigate other Java
vulnerabilities that may be discovered in the future.
This and previous Java vulnerabilities have been widely targeted by attackers, and
new Java vulnerabilities are likely to be discovered. To defend against this and future
Java vulnerabilities, consider disabling Java in web browsers…
Programming in the Browser
Node.js and Java

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Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021

The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors of your choice. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt even if you meet the perfect decision. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services relying mostly on configuration, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!

awscloudcloud computing
Introduction to Development for the Internet
Introduction to Development for the InternetIntroduction to Development for the Internet
Introduction to Development for the Internet

Brief introduction into developing for the internet. A short history of how pages communicate with a server and a look a different web stacks that can be used in web development

html5web stackcss
Spring Mvc,Java, Spring
Spring Mvc,Java, SpringSpring Mvc,Java, Spring
Spring Mvc,Java, Spring

Spring MVC is a model-view-controller framework that aims to simplify web application development for Java developers. It provides abstraction from more complex Java EE APIs and services through dependency injection and aspect-oriented programming. Spring MVC integrates well with other Spring modules and supports various view technologies like JSP, Tiles, and FreeMarker. It also supports RESTful services and integration with JavaScript frameworks.

API Package Support
 Node.js:
 300K+ packages
 430 packages/day
 Java growth:
 150K packages
 100 packages/day
 Average 45% less code required for Node.js implementation
Code required to implement benchmarks
 One thread (or process) per connection
- Each thread waits on a response
- Scalability determined by the number of
 Each thread:
- consumes memory
- is relatively idle
 Concurrency determined by number of depot
Typical Java Approach to Scalable I/O

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Introduction to Spring Cloud
Introduction to Spring Cloud           Introduction to Spring Cloud
Introduction to Spring Cloud

SpringOne 2020 Introduction to Spring Cloud Olga Maciaszek-Sharma, Member of Technical Staff 3, VMware Spencer Gibb, Spring Cloud Core Lead, VMware

core frameworkmodern webspringone 2020
Infrastructure as Data with Ansible for easier Continuous Delivery
Infrastructure as Data with Ansible for easier Continuous DeliveryInfrastructure as Data with Ansible for easier Continuous Delivery
Infrastructure as Data with Ansible for easier Continuous Delivery

This document discusses using Ansible to implement continuous delivery of infrastructure configuration. It introduces Ansible as an infrastructure management tool that allows infrastructure to be defined as code in playbooks and executed across servers. Using Ansible, infrastructure can be provisioned and configured in an automated, repeatable way to support continuous delivery practices and reduce risk. The document provides examples of using Ansible to set up a sample pizza ordering application infrastructure.

ansiblecontinuous deliveryinfrastructure
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...

When we talk about prices, we often only talk about Lambda costs. In our applications, however, we rarely use only Lambda. Usually we have other building blocks like API Gateway, data sources like SNS, SQS or Kinesis. We also store our data either in S3 or in serverless databases like DynamoDB or recently in Aurora Serverless. All of these AWS services have their own pricing models to look out for. In this talk, we will draw a complete picture of the total cost of ownership in serverless applications and present a decision-making list for determining if and whether to rely on serverless paradigm in your project. In doing so, we look at the cost aspects as well as other aspects such as understanding application lifecycle, software architecture, platform limitations, organizational knowledge and plattform and tooling maturity. We will also discuss current challenges adopting serverless such as lack of high latency ephemeral storage, unsufficient network performance and missing security features.

awscloudcloud computing
 One thread multiplexes for multiple requests
- No waiting for a response
- Handles return from I/O when notified
 Scalability determined by:
- CPU usage
- “Back end” responsiveness
 Concurrency determined by how fast the food
server can work
Node.js approach to Scalable I/O
Isomorphic Development and Server Side Rendering
 Pre-Initialisation of the client UI on the
 Improves time for the first
elements appearing in the UI
 Has additional benefits:
 Search Engine Indexing
 Easier code maintenance
Algorithmic Performance

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Revolutionize DevOps with ML capabilities. Introduction to Amazon CodeGuru an...
Revolutionize DevOps with ML capabilities. Introduction to Amazon CodeGuru an...Revolutionize DevOps with ML capabilities. Introduction to Amazon CodeGuru an...
Revolutionize DevOps with ML capabilities. Introduction to Amazon CodeGuru an...

This document provides an overview and examples of Amazon Web Services' (AWS) DevOps Guru and CodeGuru services. DevOps Guru uses machine learning to detect operational issues from metrics before they impact customers. CodeGuru provides code quality recommendations and identifies inefficient code. The document demonstrates how both tools integrate with services like DynamoDB, API Gateway, Lambda, and PagerDuty. It also compares CodeGuru to SonarQube.

awsdevopsmachine learning
Developers Are Users, Too
Developers Are Users, TooDevelopers Are Users, Too
Developers Are Users, Too

This document discusses conducting user research for an API management product. It outlines the research process of empathizing with users through interviews and personas, defining problems by synthesizing findings, ideating solutions through design studios, and prototyping and testing solutions. The research uncovered that API consumers want easy discovery and secure access to APIs without involving operations. It also found that API managers want observability into API usage. Outcomes of the research included API discovery and documentation pages and secure access pages. The value of user research is building empathy, validating assumptions, and providing structured feedback.

springone 2020ci/cd/ agiledevops
Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway and API Hub for VMware Tanzu
Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway and API Hub for VMware TanzuIntroducing Spring Cloud Gateway and API Hub for VMware Tanzu
Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway and API Hub for VMware Tanzu

SpringOne 2020 Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway and API Hub for VMware Tanzu Alexey Nesterov, Software Engineer at VMware Gareth Clay, Senior Member Technical Staff at VMware

modern webmodernization/refactoringserverless/microservices
Algorithmic Performance
Web App Performance
Web App Performance
Web App Performance

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Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at OOP 2022
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at OOP 2022Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at OOP 2022
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at OOP 2022

The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors of your choice. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt even if you meet the perfect decision. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services relying mostly on configuration, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!

Spring Cloud Function: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going
Spring Cloud Function: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We’re GoingSpring Cloud Function: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going
Spring Cloud Function: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going

This document summarizes a presentation on Spring Cloud Function. It discusses functions and Spring Cloud Function, AWS Lambda integration, routing functions, streaming with Cloud Function and Solace, and demos of Cloud Function on AWS Lambda and with streaming. It also provides information about the presenters and resources for further information.

core frameworkkotlinserverless/microservices
Creating Effective Mobile Applications with IBM Bluemix
Creating Effective Mobile Applications with IBM BluemixCreating Effective Mobile Applications with IBM Bluemix
Creating Effective Mobile Applications with IBM Bluemix

The document provides an overview of creating effective mobile applications with IBM Bluemix. It discusses IBM Mobile Foundation and mobile services available on Bluemix like Mobile Analytics, Push Notifications, and App ID. It recommends starting with the Bluemix Developer Console which supports building projects using UI, data, and services. The document also suggests focusing on microservices, authentication, and connecting to existing on-premise data when building mobile backends on Bluemix.

ibm bluemix mobile
Web App Performance
“Do one thing, and do it well”
 Services are small and targeted to their task
 Services are organized around capabilities
 Services are self contained, storing their own data
Microservices Paradigm
Choosing the Right Language for the Service

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Isomorphic JavaScript with Nashorn
Isomorphic JavaScript with NashornIsomorphic JavaScript with Nashorn
Isomorphic JavaScript with Nashorn

Isomorphic JavaScript applications can share the same code and run on both the front end and back end. It is also a spectrum containing applications that share minimal bits of validation logic with ones that share a bulk of the application code. Nashorn is a new JavaScript engine for Java that was released with Java 8. The Nashorn JavaScript engine makes isomorphic web apps on the JVM possible by allowing the exact same browser code to run on the server. This enables us to achieve the don’t-repeat-yourself (DRY) principle, by reducing repetition in a multitier architecture. This presentation covers the key concepts, rationale, and categories of Isomorphic JavaScript and how it makes your large applications maintainable.

javascriptisomorphic javascriptnashorn
D Y N A C A C H E Wxs
D Y N A C A C H E WxsD Y N A C A C H E Wxs
D Y N A C A C H E Wxs

The document discusses using Dynacache with WebSphere Extreme Scale (WXS) to improve the performance and scalability of caching for WebSphere Application Server (WAS) applications. WXS provides a "drop-in" cache that can be used instead of the default WAS caching without code changes. This allows the entire WXS grid to act as the cache, providing better scalability. Key benefits include better performance through caching of expensive operations, leveraging the power of a distributed cache architecture, and increased flexibility and capacity for large applications.

2012 04-09-v2-tdp-1167-cdi-bestpractices-final
2012 04-09-v2-tdp-1167-cdi-bestpractices-final2012 04-09-v2-tdp-1167-cdi-bestpractices-final
2012 04-09-v2-tdp-1167-cdi-bestpractices-final

This document discusses patterns and best practices for dependency injection using the Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) specification. It provides an overview of CDI concepts like scopes, qualifiers, producers, events, decorators, and alternatives. It also discusses how CDI is implemented in WebSphere Application Server, including bean failover support.

Choosing the Right Language for the Service
- 4x
+ 1/3x
CPU Bound I/O Bound
* based on TechEmpower benchmark results
Application Performance
(higher is better)
Choosing the Right Language for the Service
- 4x
+ 1/3x
CPU Bound I/O Bound
* based on TechEmpower benchmark results
Application Performance
(higher is better)
Choosing the Right Language for the Service
Error: incompatible types
 Higher performance for I/O
 Easier async programming
 Fullstack/isomorphic development
Choosing the Right Language for the Service

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D Y N A C A C H E Wxs
D Y N A C A C H E WxsD Y N A C A C H E Wxs
D Y N A C A C H E Wxs

The document discusses using Dynacache with WebSphere Extreme Scale (WXS) to improve the performance and scalability of caching for WebSphere Application Server (WAS) applications. WXS provides a "drop-in" cache that can be used instead of the default WAS caching layer without code changes. This allows the entire WXS grid to act as the cache, providing better scalability. It also provides a more efficient single network cache. The WXS Dynacache plugin leverages the power of WXS's distributed and scalable caching architecture to provide a robust caching solution for WAS applications with improved performance, flexibility, and high availability.

Caching technology comparison
Caching technology comparisonCaching technology comparison
Caching technology comparison

Dynacache and Memcached are caching technologies for Java applications. Dynacache is built into WebSphere Application Server and caches content in JVM memory, allowing cache operations through POJO calls. Memcached is an open-source, high-performance distributed memory caching system where keys and values are transmitted over TCP/IP and cached content is not stored in JVM memory. Each technology has advantages such as Dynacache supporting memory and disk storage with size restrictions and faster operations through POJO calls without serialization, while Memcached does not consume memory in the Java heap.

Web Sphere Problem Determination Ext
Web Sphere Problem Determination ExtWeb Sphere Problem Determination Ext
Web Sphere Problem Determination Ext

This document provides an overview and agenda for the "Busy Java Developer's Guide to WebSphere Debugging & Troubleshooting" presentation. The presentation covers various WebSphere Application Server components, troubleshooting tools like IBM Support Assistant, JVM troubleshooting tools, problem determination tools, common problem scenarios, how customers run into trouble, and includes a demo and Q&A section. It provides an in-depth look at debugging and resolving issues with WebSphere Application Server.

Choosing the Right Language for the Service
 Higher processing performance
 Type safety for calculations
 Transaction processing frameworks
 Highly performant, scalable rich web applications
 Highly performant, reliable transaction processing
 Self-contained micro-service components
Choosing the Right Language for the Service
3-Tier Web Applications

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Scalable, Available and Reliable Cloud Applications with PaaS and Microservices
Scalable, Available and Reliable Cloud Applications with PaaS and MicroservicesScalable, Available and Reliable Cloud Applications with PaaS and Microservices
Scalable, Available and Reliable Cloud Applications with PaaS and Microservices

Presentation given at on 27 May 2015 covering an introduction to microservices and how Platform-as-a-Service helps with many of the challenges deploying microservices. Example supporting technologies include Bluemix / Cloud Foundry, Docker and Netflix OSS.

cloudfoundry bluemix microservices netflixoss dock
1812 icap-v1.3 0430
1812 icap-v1.3 04301812 icap-v1.3 0430
1812 icap-v1.3 0430

The ICAP Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a number of standard development tools to ease the design of modern applications. Mobile (Worklight) Includes IBM's industry leading mobile development platform Java (WebSphere Liberty Profile) Rapidly build next-generation, engaging applications for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile. JavaScript (Node.js) Easily build applications with the most popular JavaScript runtime for event-driven server side development . Cloud Explorer Quickly discover shared services to enhance applications. Develop custom services to share with others.

Web sphere application server performance tuning workshop
Web sphere application server performance tuning workshopWeb sphere application server performance tuning workshop
Web sphere application server performance tuning workshop

The document describes a workshop on using the WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit (PTT) to analyze performance issues in the Daytrader application. It includes instructions on setting up the environment, installing Daytrader, and walking through 5 scenarios that simulate different types of performance problems: synchronization blocking, deadlock, high CPU usage, connection leak, and memory leak. For each scenario, it describes how to trigger the problem, monitor it using the PTT, and analyze the issue using thread dumps and the ISA V5 tool. The goal is to help users understand common performance issues and how to diagnose them.

Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
3-Tier Web Applications
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
Rich Web Applications
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
Rich Web Applications
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
Rich Web Applications

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Taking the Application Server to Web Scale with Netflix Open Source Software
Taking the Application Server to Web Scale with Netflix Open Source SoftwareTaking the Application Server to Web Scale with Netflix Open Source Software
Taking the Application Server to Web Scale with Netflix Open Source Software

Presentation from JavaOne providing an introduction to microservices, the Netflix OSS projects Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix and Archaius, and the open source work that has been done to make them more consumable in WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile

microservices netflixoss websphere liberty javaone
Caching technology comparison
Caching technology comparisonCaching technology comparison
Caching technology comparison

The document discusses and compares caching technologies for Java applications, specifically Memcached and DistributedMap. It provides an overview of general object cache characteristics and how cache instances work. Memcached is described as an open-source, high-performance distributed memory caching system where each cluster of servers is a single cache instance. DistributedMap is a built-in component of WebSphere Application Server that allows for multiple cache instances within a single JVM. The document outlines some advantages of each system and poses some open questions for further performance comparisons.

Concierge: Bringing OSGi (Back) to Embedded Devices
Concierge: Bringing OSGi (Back) to Embedded DevicesConcierge: Bringing OSGi (Back) to Embedded Devices
Concierge: Bringing OSGi (Back) to Embedded Devices

JavaOne 2013 Talk on bringing OSGi back to embedded devices through Concierge, a new version of the optimized OSGi core framework implementation.

javaoneembedded systemosgi
Forrester 4-Tier Applications
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy

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A Deep Dive into the Liberty Buildpack on IBM BlueMix
A Deep Dive into the Liberty Buildpack on IBM BlueMix A Deep Dive into the Liberty Buildpack on IBM BlueMix
A Deep Dive into the Liberty Buildpack on IBM BlueMix

This talk goes into the details and mechanics of how the Liberty buildpack deploys an application into the IBM BlueMix Cloud Foundry. It also explores how the Cloud Foundry runtime drives the Liberty buildpack code and what the Liberty buildpack code in Cloud Foundry does to run an application in the cloud environment. This talk touches on the restrictions that Cloud Foundry and the Liberty runtime imposes on applications running in Cloud Foundry. Developers attending this talk get deep insight into the why, what, how, and when of the Liberty buildpack ruby code, enabling them to write applications faster and optimized for the Liberty runtime in IBM BlueMix.

cloud foundry
Windows Debugging Tools - JavaOne 2013
Windows Debugging Tools - JavaOne 2013Windows Debugging Tools - JavaOne 2013
Windows Debugging Tools - JavaOne 2013

This presentation provides an introduction to the (subjectively) most useful tools for debugging on Windows.

windows tools debug java ibm
Debugging Native heap OOM - JavaOne 2013
Debugging Native heap OOM - JavaOne 2013Debugging Native heap OOM - JavaOne 2013
Debugging Native heap OOM - JavaOne 2013

Native out-of-memory errors happen when a Java application runs out of memory, not in the Java object heap but outside it. The cause may be memory use for native libraries, class loading, multithreading, working data for the Java VM, backing storage for Java objects, or other reasons. No single tool can give you all the answers, and we need to cross-reference information from multiple sources to isolate a problem. Operating system tools, Java dumps, logs, and debuggers all provide useful perspectives, and your challenge is to line them up to see the whole picture. This session works through the tools and data available on the main server platforms to give you a repeatable framework for native out-of-memory error debug.

ibm java oom outofmemory native heap
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy

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Using APIs to Create an Omni-Channel Retail Experience
Using APIs to Create an Omni-Channel Retail ExperienceUsing APIs to Create an Omni-Channel Retail Experience
Using APIs to Create an Omni-Channel Retail Experience

Today, tech-savvy consumers are always connected, using their mobile devices to compare prices, read user-generated reviews and pay for products - and many leading e-tailers already connect their customers to this information. The any time, any place connectivity enabled by mobile devices empowers all retailers to offer the kinds of enhanced shopping experiences modern consumers are becoming accustomed to. To truly satisfy the needs of these well-informed, mobile consumers, retail organizations will need ways to create unified shopping experiences across all channels – from brick-and-mortar stores to the Web to mobile. Increasingly, offering a compelling mobile experience will become the cornerstone upon which these omni-channel shopping experiences are built. In this webinar, you will learn how APIs can: • Help deliver a consistent retail experience across multiple channels • Connect retailers with social data • Extend legacy systems to mobile apps • Enable organizations to make real-time use of contextual data and buying patterns

api managementapi securityomni-channel commerce
Cloud Native Patterns with Bluemix Developer Console
Cloud Native Patterns with Bluemix Developer ConsoleCloud Native Patterns with Bluemix Developer Console
Cloud Native Patterns with Bluemix Developer Console

This presentation talks about Cloud Native Application patterns Mobile, Web, BFF (Backend for Frontend) and Microservices. It will walk through the patterns and show how they can be used to deliver public cloud solutions with IBM Cloud, using Bluemix Developer Console

Liberty Buildpack: Designed for Extension - Integrating your services in Blue...
Liberty Buildpack: Designed for Extension - Integrating your services in Blue...Liberty Buildpack: Designed for Extension - Integrating your services in Blue...
Liberty Buildpack: Designed for Extension - Integrating your services in Blue...

The Liberty Buildpack aims to remove the hassle of running Java applications on Cloud Foundry whether it is the simplified setup, auto-configuration of Liberty and Java EE references to cloud resources, reduced droplet size through selective provisioning of the runtime, or the zero-touch configuration and usage of services. There are times, however, when an application needs a feature that the buildpack does not yet provide. This talk will start by showing how to use and configure the Java buildpack and finish by showing how to extend the buildpack to ensure that IBM BlueMix Cloud Foundry is the best place to run your application. To build services and integrate them with BlueMix, you must implement the Service Broker API of Cloud Foundry for your services. This talk will explain how to write plugins to the Liberty Buildpack that will auto wire services your organization developed and integrated into CF making it easier for your apps to use the services in Cloud Foundry.

Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy

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Migrate Heroku & OpenShift Applications to IBM BlueMix
Migrate Heroku & OpenShift Applications to IBM BlueMixMigrate Heroku & OpenShift Applications to IBM BlueMix
Migrate Heroku & OpenShift Applications to IBM BlueMix

This slide deck describes some of the architectural principles behind the Heroku, OpenShift, Cloud Foundry and BlueMix enterprise PaaS. The commonalities and differences in designing and porting apps across these platforms to Cloud Foundy/BlueMix are explored.

Startups without Servers
Startups without ServersStartups without Servers
Startups without Servers

The document discusses how startups can build scalable applications without servers by leveraging serverless architectures on AWS. It describes how Dean Bryen challenged himself to build an image processing microservice within 45 minutes using only AWS services like Lambda, API Gateway, S3, and DynamoDB without any servers or monolithic code. The microservice included a static site in S3, an API built with API Gateway that triggers a Lambda function for image processing, and stores results in DynamoDB. This demonstrated how platforms services can provide high availability and scalability without the need to manage infrastructure. The document also discusses how Gousto evolved from a monolithic PHP application to a microservices architecture using Lambda and other AWS services.

Web Application Development using PHP and MySQL
Web Application Development using PHP and MySQLWeb Application Development using PHP and MySQL
Web Application Development using PHP and MySQL

1. The document discusses the development of a Python script generator web application using PHP and MySQL. It covers the concepts, requirements, architecture, features and benefits of the application. 2. The application aims to help validation engineers generate Python scripts for test automation without needing expertise in Python. It allows auto-population and updating of scripts based on test cases, libraries and functions selected. 3. In conclusion, the Python script generator reduced validation cycle times by eliminating syntax errors and the need for Python training, while providing a centralized repository for standardized test scripts.

Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
Operations and Management
Admin Analytics
MicroServices and API Economy
 Highly performant, scalable rich web applications
 Highly performant, reliable transaction processing
 Self-contained micro-service components
Node.js and Java

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Node Summit 2016: Web App Architectures

Editor's Notes

  1. Leonardo DiCaprio - The Aviator, Golden Globes, Million Dollar Baby - Oscar Numbers started on TV Ellen MacArthur sailed round the world Condoleeza Rice: First African-American Secretary of State Lance Armstrong TDF Huffington Post Started YouTube Started
  2. But this is a presentation about: Node.js and java
  3. Data holds true for bigger apps like Acme-Air fashion retailer measureable increase in sales for items on landing page within 1hr or being in media of it appearing in public. Each product placement is different: - need a fast, agile, approach that does not jeopardize their on-line stores availability and quality.
  4. Ok, so why still use Java?
  5. Computation blocks the event loop, which you don’t want to do for Node.js
  6. And Transaction Processing Open XA, 2 phase commit based distributed transactions Java Transactions API, with or without (EJBs) from Java EE