SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Streamline your SAAS
website for conversions
How small design changes
helped us
Improve conversions
Distilling SaaS selling to its basics

• Conversion, conversion, conversion
• Increase time spent on the website
(more time spent = more opportunity for conversion)

• Iterate the website design and content
• Validate your iteration with analytics
First some numbers
Avg visit duration


Social customer


Referral traffic


Bounce rate

Search Traffic

16% in 1


1 signup in March to ≈ 2 signups a
day in September

zero CPC spend
And how big is our
5 Pages
Without the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Contact us pages
(which don’t matter)

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The Art of Growth - Lloyed Lobo
The Art of Growth - Lloyed LoboThe Art of Growth - Lloyed Lobo
The Art of Growth - Lloyed Lobo

1) The document discusses tips for achieving growth for a startup, including focusing intensely on understanding customers' needs, validating ideas by charging for the product or service, nailing down one or two key distribution channels, providing an immediate "Aha moment" for new users, and making the product sticky to retain users. 2) It emphasizes the importance of reasoning from first principles rather than analogy when developing growth strategies. 3) The overall message is to focus on building a great product people want to use and pay for rather than pursuing funding, as the funding will follow successful growth.

Kate Moore - Acquisition the Agile Way: Scaling Marketing from $5M to $25M
Kate Moore - Acquisition the Agile Way: Scaling Marketing from $5M to $25MKate Moore - Acquisition the Agile Way: Scaling Marketing from $5M to $25M
Kate Moore - Acquisition the Agile Way: Scaling Marketing from $5M to $25M

This document discusses using Agile methods for acquisition strategies. It begins with an overview of Agile concepts like Kanban, visualizing work, and limiting work in process. It then discusses the benefits of continuous improvement culture and testing approaches like starting small, testing frequently, and analyzing results. Finally, it provides details on the success of applying these concepts through over 31,000 downloads of their guide and running 37 marketing trials per month.

business developmentmarketmarket share
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web AppsGrow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps

This is the first part of the Grow Hack Athens presentation by GrowthRocks, entitled GrowHackAthens: Growth Hacking For Web Apps.

growth hackinggrowth hackermobile apps
Let’s see what we did to
get here
Our 5 rules for SAAS
websites optimization
If you are not
converting visitors to
customers, then your
website isn’t working

On an average a
customer spends 15
seconds on your

15 seconds

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Microconf Europe 2013 -- Patrick McKenzie
Microconf Europe 2013 -- Patrick McKenzieMicroconf Europe 2013 -- Patrick McKenzie
Microconf Europe 2013 -- Patrick McKenzie

Patrick McKenzie on quitting day job/consulting, building things to optimize the things you build, etc.

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Startup Growth: Up and to the Right
Startup Growth: Up and to the RightStartup Growth: Up and to the Right
Startup Growth: Up and to the Right

The document outlines six principles for sustainable growth: 1) Growth is a methodical process that requires testing different growth levers, not "silver bullets." 2) Growth involves optimizing the entire customer funnel, from acquisition to activation to retention and revenue. Companies need an advantage in other parts of the funnel besides just acquisition. 3) Sustainable growth comes from optimizing the long-term retention and lifetime value of customers, not just short-term gains. 4) All users have a cost, whether direct acquisition costs or indirect costs of employees' time, so companies must understand costs and benefits. 5) Companies need to know if they are in the traction stage, focusing on product-

business growthstartupsbusiness development
The Top 5 Ecommerce Tests You Should Run Right Now
The Top 5 Ecommerce Tests You Should Run Right NowThe Top 5 Ecommerce Tests You Should Run Right Now
The Top 5 Ecommerce Tests You Should Run Right Now

In this webinar, WiderFunnel CEO and conversion rate optimization expert, Chris Goward, and Optimizely's testing specialist, Ryan Lillis talk about the tests you should be running on your e-commerce site today to maximize revenue NOW and when online shopping peaks – Christmas time.

ecommerceconversion rateweb design and development
Aim to communicate
your value proposition
in 10 seconds

Value proposition
Longer your customer
stays greater the
probability of

> visit duration
I am not making
this up!

The Weibull Hazard Function
“Researchers discovered that 99% of Web pages have a negative aging effect. Users spend their
initial time on a page in ruthless triage to abandon the dross ASAP.

The probability of leaving is very high during these first few seconds because users are extremely
skeptical, having suffered countless poorly designed Web pages in the past” [1]
More the number of
clicks to get somewhere,
lesser the number of
people getting there

Reduce clicks

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Growth Hacking to 1,000 Users & Beyond
Growth Hacking to 1,000 Users & BeyondGrowth Hacking to 1,000 Users & Beyond
Growth Hacking to 1,000 Users & Beyond

This deck outlines the fundamental strategies for growth hacking your startup to 1,000 users and beyond. (Presentation was created in 2013) Watch the video of the presentation here:

lean startupcloud computingproduct
The X factor: The Secret to Better Content Marketing
The X factor: The Secret to Better Content Marketing The X factor: The Secret to Better Content Marketing
The X factor: The Secret to Better Content Marketing

Content Marketing is something we all must do, but we do not all do it well. The X Factor which separates the two is Agile Marketing. In this presentation I'll teach you what Agile Content Marketing is, the data to prove why Agile is better, and how to execute agile content marketing with agile lead nurturing, agile social advertising, and agile content creation.

social mediamarketing strategydigital marketing
3 Techniques to Increase Conversions for Your SaaS Business
3 Techniques to Increase Conversions for Your SaaS Business3 Techniques to Increase Conversions for Your SaaS Business
3 Techniques to Increase Conversions for Your SaaS Business

• 1. Techniques to Increase ConversionsFor Your SaaS BusinessHiten ShahKISSmetrics Webinar • February 22nd, 2011 • 2. Twitter Hash Tag #measure • 3. SaaS: Software as a Service • 4. SaaS Sales Models• Customer Self Service (sign up and pay online) • Examples: 37signals, Zoho, Dropbox• Transactional Sales (inside sales) • 5. SaaS Pricing Models• Paid Sign Up (no free trial or free plan) • Examples: CrazyEgg, Mozy• Free Trials (timed trials) • Examples: 37signals, Backupify• Freemium (free forever → upgrades) • Examples: YouSendIt, LogMeIn, Evernote • 6. CrazyEgg Pricing BeforeFreemium (free forever → upgrades) Visited Site Free Sign Up Upgraded • 7. CrazyEgg Pricing AfterPaid Sign Up (no free trial or free plan) Visited Site Sign Up Pay • 8. CrazyEgg Results• Sign ups decrease by 10x• Doubled revenue in the first month• 2 years later, 25% of the revenue is from free customers• There is a free plan in CrazyEgg’s future =) • 9. Funnel Testing & Optimization • 10. Macro Conversions“ It’s important not to get distracted by intermediate metrics like the click-through rate of the button itself...we only care about the customer behaviors that lead to something useful” Eric Ries, The Lean Startup • 11. Activation• Web analytics application • Install javascript code and start tracking data• Project management application • Create first project and invite a person• Customer relationship management application • Add their first contact and follow up with them• Customer support application • Receive and respond to a customer support request • 12. SaaS Macro Conversion Funnels • 13. 5 Step Process for Funnel Optimization • 14. Baseline your macro conversions • 15. Identify optimization opportunities• Which step has the highest drop off? • 16. Gather qualitative data• Identify conversion barriers• Surveying •, KISSinsights, Wufoo, SurveyMonkey, etc...• Usability Testing • In-person,, FiveSecondTest, etc...• Example • Task completion survey • SaaS plans page survey • 17. Create and implement A/B tests• Many ways to improve funnels• Modify your steps • Combine, remove or change the order of steps. • Add UI elements to guide users• Test your designs • Headlines, images, buttons, microcopy, etc... • Try radical variations • 18. Measure against your baseline, rinse & repeat • 19. Segmenting Your Customers • 20. Account type segmentation • 21. Company size segmentation • 22. Custom segmentation • 23. Custom segmentation data • 24. Testing Your Call to Actions • 25. Funnel A/B Testing Rules! • 26. Survey, segment, analyze & then create tests 27. Segment and analyze • 28. Don’t copy “best practices” blindly • 29. Learn what works best for your customers • 30. 3 Techniques for Increasing SaaS Conversions

- Prototype stage
- We were selling a concept
- Looking for seed funding
- Released in Q2 of 2011

Things to note
• Design was not original
• Built by developers
• Old logo for muHive

I wouldn’t buy me if
I was buying
Product features page
• Probably the only thing
that matters to a SaaS
product website.
• Looked like it was built
in the 90s
• Had lengthy paragraphs
of text

Clearly, it sucked!

(beginners mistake)

1. Developers shouldn’t pretend to be designers
2. Positioning was weak

Basically, we didn’t follow the 5 rules

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If you don't have a few "wait! we're doing it all wrong!" moments in your career, you're, well... you're doing it all wrong. In this talk, Meghan Keaney Anderson, VP of Marketing at HubSpot will talk through a series of realizations the HubSpot team has had that went against common marketing practices, and the impact that inverting their approach made on the company's growth trajectory. Our discoveries can be your shortcuts.

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How to Validate Your Digital Product
How to Validate Your Digital ProductHow to Validate Your Digital Product
How to Validate Your Digital Product

How great is your product idea? Every idea is great, but not every product idea can monetize itself. The product development process is crucial in deciding whether or not your product can be pushed to production. This guide will teach you how to validate your product ideas so that you can launch your next product successfully.

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Rick Nucci (Founder/CEO, Guru) - AI, Hype, And The Future Of Humanity
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Rick Nucci (Founder/CEO, Guru) - AI, Hype, And The Future Of Humanity

1) AI is currently experiencing a "big AI Spring" due to improvements in data availability, processing power, and interfaces that have increased data for training models. 2) However, there is also significant hype around AI capabilities that often misrepresent the current state of the technology. AI systems require specific, high-quality data and focused problems to solve in order to deliver real value. 3) The speaker advocates focusing on using AI to empower employees and improve customer experiences, rather than replacing humans, in order to realize transformational benefits while managing expectations.

business of software conferencebusiness of softwareai
BUT, our prototype could
talk the talk …
Result: We got our seed funding!
- Immediate focus: create a brand identity
- Seed investor brought design skills
- Released towards end of Q3 of 2012

New brand identity
Home page
• Landing page for BETA
• New brand message
focusing on what the
product is all about

Notice the login/sign up link on top? It didn’t exactly do what is says ……
It would take you to a request for account form and then make you wait for
us to create the account on your behalf. (a.k.a. Wizard of Oz prototyping)

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This document discusses growth hacking and how companies can take their business to the next level. It describes how competition for attention is increasing while channels are rapidly evolving. Some startups have found huge success with little traditional marketing by using growth hacking, which involves experimenting with all growth levers through a process of idea generation, prioritization, testing, analysis, and optimization. The document provides examples of growth hacks from companies like Dropbox, Hubspot, Yammer, and LinkedIn and outlines a process for companies to find their own growth hacks through exploration of areas, inspiration from success data, and relentless experimentation.

inbound14inbound 2014
Launch Academy Introduction to Lean UX Workshop - February 2014
Launch Academy Introduction to Lean UX Workshop - February 2014Launch Academy Introduction to Lean UX Workshop - February 2014
Launch Academy Introduction to Lean UX Workshop - February 2014

This document outlines the agenda for a workshop on Lean User Experience Design. The morning session will include an introduction to Lean UX principles and processes. The afternoon session will have participants work on exercises to develop user stories, wireframes, and prototypes for a project. Presentations and feedback will conclude the workshop. Lean UX focuses on iteratively learning through designing and making to create the most value for customers with the least effort and resources. It incorporates user centered design, agile methodologies, and data driven design.


This document outlines how to build a successful experimentation program. It discusses setting clear business metrics and prioritizing user problems through qualitative research. Key steps include forming hypotheses tied to user problems, prioritizing hypotheses using frameworks like ICE (Impact, Confidence, Ease), designing and testing experiments, and analyzing results to determine if the experiment solved problems and moved metrics. The success of an experimentation program depends on strong hypotheses, prioritization frameworks, and the speed of experimentation.

Products page
• Listed features instead
of showing them
(product was incomplete
at this point)
• Needed 9 clicks
(remember Rule 5?)

Needed to be
A new iteration of the
Products page
• Inherited the single
biggest problem of its
predecessor: feature list,
no demo/video.
Pricing page
• Outlined our pricing
plans in multiple
currencies, with $ as the
default (hold this
The dollar default … good or bad?
Problem: a company registered in India is
required by the law to show pricing in INR
Dilemma: as a SaaS business, we need to appeal

Pricing in INR

Get IP address of
the prospect

Pricing in Pounds
IP to Geo database

Pricing in US Dollars

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EIA2017Italy - P.J. Leimgruber - Tools & Software to Get Your First Customers
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EIA2017Italy - P.J. Leimgruber - Tools & Software to Get Your First Customers

This document provides an overview of tools and software that can help get a business's first customers. It discusses thinking like a marketer by setting goals and key performance indicators. It then covers using Google Analytics to track website data and set up goals. Next, it discusses tools for researching competitors and industries, such as Semrush and Majestic, to understand traffic sources and opportunities. It also recommends setting up Google Alerts to track brand mentions. Finally, it discusses tools for influencer marketing outreach, including creating a media kit and using Streak to test email outreach messages. The overall goal is to understand customers, competitors, and implement strategies to drive traffic.

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[GrowthHacker Conference '16] Willix Halim, SVP Growth at Cre...
[GrowthHacker Conference '16] Willix Halim, SVP Growth at Cre...[GrowthHacker Conference '16] Willix Halim, SVP Growth at Cre...
[GrowthHacker Conference '16] Willix Halim, SVP Growth at Cre...

In this presentation, Willix Halim, SVP Growth at, talks about how to create A Full Company Growth Culture. Watch the full video at:

agile marketingculturegrowth decks
Definition of A/B testing and Case Studies by Optimizely
Definition of A/B testing and Case Studies by OptimizelyDefinition of A/B testing and Case Studies by Optimizely
Definition of A/B testing and Case Studies by Optimizely

This document discusses A/B testing and provides examples of how companies have used it to improve conversion rates. A/B testing involves showing different versions of a webpage to visitors to measure what drives more conversions. The document outlines a five-step process for determining what to initially test, including defining success metrics, identifying bottlenecks, forming hypotheses, prioritizing tests, and implementing tests. It also provides a case study of how Disney tested changes to its ABC Family homepage that increased engagement over 600%.

digital marketingconversion ratectr
Contact Us page

Was the point of entry to
the application

This was a big mistake
• Not the way SaaS
applications do sign ups
• People needed to click
on the pricing page to
get here. 3 clicks
• Account provisioning
would take anywhere
from 6 to 12 hours

(good enough for Beta)

1. Most received BETA feedback: I don’t

understand what the product does …

2. Customers were hunting down the about us
page and the company genesis page.
3. Analytics showed that people hovered around
unimportant parts of the pricing page
4. Where do I sign up? (actual question by a prospect)
- Focus: Public launch of muHive
- Fixed usability issues from BETA
- Released towards end of Q1 of 2013

What changed
Home page


A more tangible
value proposition
Added a “Free trial

We used the “5 rules”

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Jon Warden and Shruti Ahuja share their story how they established a Testing Culture at Haymarket during the Optimizely Experience London 2014.

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The Power of SEO: WeddingWire World - John Lincoln
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The Power of SEO: WeddingWire World - John Lincoln

In this presentation, John Lincoln covers the power of search engine optimization. This is a beginner SEO course that looks at how people are searching on the internet today.

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Create Content that Will Actually Convert
Create Content that Will Actually ConvertCreate Content that Will Actually Convert
Create Content that Will Actually Convert

Use this content marketing tutorial to learn the basics of how to create content that actually converts. and take you through how to create content that builds your brand, authority and credibility to both your potential clients and Google. By Jennifer Riggins & Daniel Duckworth

inbound marketingbusiness proposalaustralian business directory
Wanted to appeal to multiple audiences
… so we used carousels on the home page

… those turned out to be a big mistake. Why?
• Lost in transition! Too many messages dilute the
product positioning
• Few customers will sit through a slow changing
• Customers don’t like carousels.
Pricing page
• A little less colorful
• Sign-up buttons

However, we saw sign-ups
only for the Free Trial plan.

Why? What had we
The flaw? Inconsistent language.

• Two words, TRY and Sign up were used for the same behavior: a free
sign up!
• TRY gave customers the impression that Sign up meant pay and use.
• Actual feedback from user: she chose the “Free trial” option because
she didn’t want to give out her credit card details.

(still not working as we expected it)

1. Needed sign ups on all plans
2. People are extremely edgy about giving out
their credit card details (especially in India)
3. Needed to reduce bounce rate of the homepage
4. USP of our product wasn’t visible
5. Why can’t I see a video demo? (actual question by a

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Top Ten Tips for Effective Search Engine Marketing in 2014
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Top Ten Tips for Effective Search Engine Marketing in 2014

Here is Jez's presentation from The Business Show, in association with Nominet, about the ten key elements of the modern search engine marketing process, with an explanation of why each element is important and what effect it can have on a business’s bottom line. The presentation covers the fundamentals of SEM and advanced topics, including website structure, keyword research and targeting, content, links, pay per click (PPC), using analytics to measure effectiveness and an overview of the marketing implications of the new .uk domain extensions. Read our full interactive blog post here:

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How To Kick Ass Online Webinar - Part 3 Digital Leadership Website Sales Funn...
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How to connect and re-align your website across your entire online platform. What you actually need for a working, qualifying, sales and leads funnel. Creating influence beyond your immediate reach through focussed advertising and analytics. The ultimate goal is that you will gain incredible clarity of what you need to be doing online to maximise your ATM, and how to put all of your digital ecosystem pieces together, to work FOR you. Want to build and maintain a compelling competitive online presence using your ATM? Based upon Doyle Buehler's award winning digital strategy framework, this KPI series will show you how to construct a comprehensive, integrated digital ecosystem that has all your online assets working together (strategy, social media, website, sales funnel, branding, content, advertising, SEO etc) Specifically designed to complement the 5P framework, you will get a step-by-step understanding over 3 webinars that kicks your platform into high gear, with the tools and knowledge to really make things happen online for your business...

online businessdigital marketingdigital leadership
OmniChannel Marketing - When content meets commerce
OmniChannel Marketing - When content meets commerceOmniChannel Marketing - When content meets commerce
OmniChannel Marketing - When content meets commerce

This document discusses how content and commerce have traditionally been separated, but are now converging to provide a better customer experience. It outlines some challenges, such as content being developed in silos and new systems not changing old processes. The document advocates for a "create once, publish everywhere" approach using a digital content library. This would allow amazing marketing teams to develop assets once and share them across all touchpoints. It provides examples of how to leverage online video, curated content from other sites, and brand journalism to engage customers and build the brand. The conclusion calls for leaders to implement organizational changes and systems to facilitate this new content-commerce model.

commerce enabled contentomnichannel marketingreorganizing ecommerce structure
- Focus: Delivering the USP
- Value proposition in a one line message
- Released around early Q3 of 2013

What we needed to work on

• Little idea of what a user did within a page (lack

of in-page analytics)
Videos, videos, videos
Users want to know value. Product page spoke
only features.

Realized our website was screwed when a blogger covered us
(true story)
Advanced analytics
Three must use features of Google Analytics: Events, Experiments,


Events: to track how users use website elements. For e.g.: we add
the code
onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', ‘Scroll Depth', ’100%']);"

tells us, how many people scrolled to the bottom of a page.
Advanced analytics


Experiments: to A/B test different UI elements (alternate homepage

Goals: use then to track navigational flows. We use it to see who
signs up, spends time on the website, jumps to our blog etc.

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Fast Prototyping Customer Development Mock Ups 2014
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Fast Prototyping Customer Development Mock Ups 2014

The document discusses various techniques for developing business ideas and prototypes, including: - Creating mockups and paper prototypes to test concepts with customers before building fully functional software. - Building minimum viable products (MVPs) and landing pages to validate assumptions and pivot or change aspects of the business idea based on customer feedback. - Using prototypes to explain ideas more effectively than specifications and to get early feedback before large investments are made. The document emphasizes the importance of testing ideas with customers, pivoting based on learning, and adopting processes like customer development and agile development.

Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head
Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's HeadOptimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head
Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head

Part of finding product/market fit is turning early wins into repeatable, scalable, and profitable sales. In this talk given as part of the Heavybit speaker series, I discuss how to shorten the time to customer conversion from trials, freemium and open source products.

Brand Kindle
Brand KindleBrand Kindle
Brand Kindle

This document provides tips for optimizing the ecommerce site navigation and landing pages. It discusses testing pages across browsers and devices, using clear calls to action, and ensuring the navigation is consistent, limited in options, and visually indicates the active page. Reducing page load times and increasing trust signals are also covered. The guide emphasizes testing pages thoroughly to improve conversion rates.

ecommercesite navigationonline retail
Importance of videos

• Most effective for getting


customer attention
Video <= 3 mins (attention
decreases with length of
Cheerful background music
Narration by a woman holds
attention longer than by a
See our videos at
muHive concept video

• Shot in a single day with a
Over 20% of New users click on
the video on the home page.


shoestring budget
Highlight our value
proposition in a simple
Voiceover was done by a
professional from
Two voiceover versions:
American accent and Indian
What changed on the home page?
• No carousels
• Single line product
• Concept video
• Large call to action for free
• Complete performance

Click here to know more
Showcasing muHive automation
A sample automation
designer sits on top
of the product page!

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How to Optimize Your Business Website for the Holiday Season
How to Optimize Your Business Website for the Holiday SeasonHow to Optimize Your Business Website for the Holiday Season
How to Optimize Your Business Website for the Holiday Season

During the holidays, consumer spending is at an all-time high, and you want your business to be prepared as your customers start swiping their credit cards. Your business website is often the first calling card that potential customers look to when deciding to spend. Even if you don’t have an eCommerce website with a shopping cart, potential customers are online researching where to shop, who has the products they’re looking for, and what discounts are available. Whether you sell online or at a brick and mortar business, you need to optimize your business website for the holidays (and beyond). This webinar will help you with the tools to do just that. Our guest speakers, Josh Steimle, CEO of MWI and Hassan Bawab, CEO & Founder of Magic Logix, will cover: -What every small business website must include -How to use use past holiday website data & capture new data to spot trends -Tips on holiday digital marketing: SEO, PPC, social media & content -How to optimize your website for increased holiday traffic -Must-dos to prepare your business website for the mobile revolution -Website design tips – home page design, shopping carts

holiday season tipsecommercesmall business
No unsupervised thinking
No unsupervised thinkingNo unsupervised thinking
No unsupervised thinking

No unsupervised thinking. How to increase conversions by guiding your audience thought sequences effectlvely

increase conversionconversion optimizationinnovation
Not Just a Pretty Face: Combining Form and Function for Maximum Conversions
Not Just a Pretty Face: Combining Form and Function for Maximum ConversionsNot Just a Pretty Face: Combining Form and Function for Maximum Conversions
Not Just a Pretty Face: Combining Form and Function for Maximum Conversions

The design, UX and ecommerce experts at agency Digital River, who will walk you through steps you can take to optimize the flow within your website and maximize conversions, showing examples and common mistakes made. To view the on-demand webinar, register now at:

web designuxuser experience
Bounce rate of the
homepage reduced but
people weren’t spending
time on the product page
we needed to explain our product using
videos or screenshots.
Version 4.1 – Products page
• No more descriptive text
• Product screenshots for each feature
with one line explaining its use

#WIN: More than 25% of visitors scroll till the
bottom of the products page which is 6300 pixels
V4 of the pricing page

Single call to action: Start Trial.
Even lesser colors than before
Renamed ‘Free trial’ to ‘Personal’
Emphasized that you don’t need a
credit card for a trial.

#WIN: All plans get sign-ups!
Automation series




A series of videos + blogs around the automation
Showcasing different uses right on the home page

#WIN: a customer from Italy independently created
an automation by learning from the videos

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"How to measure your website effectiveness and get on the right track with we...
"How to measure your website effectiveness and get on the right track with we..."How to measure your website effectiveness and get on the right track with we...
"How to measure your website effectiveness and get on the right track with we...

This document discusses how to measure and optimize the success of a website using web analytics. It begins with an introduction to web analytics tools like Google Analytics and their benefits for understanding website traffic, user behavior, and performance. It then covers setting up standard and extended tracking in Google Analytics, with a focus on defining goals or key performance indicators. The document provides tips on getting started with analysis, including focusing on metrics like bounce rates and conversion rates. It also discusses optimizing elements like landing pages, shopping funnels, and online marketing campaigns. Common mistakes in web analytics are outlined as well.

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Ecommerce quick wins you can implement today to boost SEO performance
Ecommerce quick wins you can implement today to boost SEO performanceEcommerce quick wins you can implement today to boost SEO performance
Ecommerce quick wins you can implement today to boost SEO performance

This document provides tips for quick wins to optimize ecommerce websites. It suggests adding product reviews to improve unique content at scale; enriching product page templates with related content, videos, and FAQs; and avoiding tabbed content which search engines may not consider as important. Other tips include showing related products, marking up products with schema, and analyzing high-performing pages to see how their content and targeting can be improved. The document also recommends optimizing category pages through better internal linking and features to aid conversion.

12 reasons your site sucks - InvestNI
12 reasons your site sucks - InvestNI12 reasons your site sucks - InvestNI
12 reasons your site sucks - InvestNI

The document lists 12 reasons why a website may be underperforming, including not having enough user testing, poor mobile optimization, lack of A/B testing, and failing to track phone conversions from online leads. It provides recommendations in each area to improve the user experience and optimize conversions, such as implementing usability testing, developing a mobile-friendly site, setting up A/B tests, and using call tracking tools. The overall message is that testing, optimization, and understanding the user experience are key to improving website performance.

conversion rate optimisationdriving online salesinvest ni
The same question again
Who are your customers?
Showcasing customers



We added a “Customers” section on the homepage
and also added an arrow to view more.

#WIN: In 4 days since we put the section, 67 people
clicked on the arrow to see more customers.
Our most surprising discovery yet!

So, let’s add another rule ..…
Customers like to see
other customers who
have bought/used your

Showcase people
This is our homepage now!

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The Truth About Growth Hacking in B2B
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The Truth About Growth Hacking in B2B

Come on a journey through 2+ years of knowledge I've collected on the topic of growth. This is the untold story of Backupify's growth, and I cover tangible tactics you can put in place immediately to gain lift in your digital marketing activities.

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The Truth about Growth Hacking in B2B - Vishal Sunak (ProductCamp Boston 2015)
The Truth about Growth Hacking in B2B - Vishal Sunak (ProductCamp Boston 2015)The Truth about Growth Hacking in B2B - Vishal Sunak (ProductCamp Boston 2015)
The Truth about Growth Hacking in B2B - Vishal Sunak (ProductCamp Boston 2015)

Based on my 2+ years of running marketing, sales and tech ops for Backupify.... we've tried so many different tactics to get more visitors, conversions, subscribers, and leads and this session would cover some of the things we've tried... had success on... and also what practical stuff you can do to start implementing these tactics/tools, including A/B Testing, CRO, Hacks for websites to get more conversions, how to analyze your results, etc

productcamp boston#pcampbostongrowth hacking
Online marketing &amp; selling online for small businesses long ashton
Online marketing &amp; selling online for small businesses   long ashtonOnline marketing &amp; selling online for small businesses   long ashton
Online marketing &amp; selling online for small businesses long ashton

The document provides information on online marketing and selling online, including tips on choosing payment mechanisms, boosting website visibility with SEO, increasing sales with email newsletters, finding new customers through social media, and creating engaging website content. It discusses the history of e-commerce and the importance of growing email lists to support email marketing campaigns. It provides guidance on content for email newsletters, including keeping it focused on one topic, balancing promotional and educational elements, and using visual elements like images.

1. Remember the 6 rules for SaaS websites
2. Use images and videos in place of text
3. De-clutter your pages and have a clear call to
4. If you are a product company, showcase your
product and your USP on the website.
5. Use analytics to drive your decisions
6. Convert! Convert! Convert!
Keep watching this space!
Problem : Customers want to know if the product
caters to his/her industry and job role. How do we
position our product for different audiences?

We solved this problem by using targeted landing
pages for different industry verticals. More on that
in another presentation
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If you think you learnt something from this deck, Click
on the “Share” icon below to share this with your
friends and colleagues.

Sagar Vibhute

Ritesh M Nayak

Co-founder at muHive

Co-founder at muHive

Technology interests:

Technology interests:

databases, information architecture
and evolving role of social tech
Twitter: @biggfoot

social software, information retrieval,
distributed systems and ICT4D
Twitter: @itsmeritesh

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Craig Sullivan,Group Customer Experience Manager, Belron Craig is Group Customer Experience Manager at Belron (Autoglass) looking after 35 international websites using optimisation, web analytics and customer insight techniques to drive engagement and conversion. Craig has over 14 years of experience in the Industry and in the past has worked on projects for high street names such as LOVEFiLM,International, John Lewis Partnership and Waitrose.

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In this deck we showcase simple methods to drive your value proposition and gain an audience for your brand online. We talk about blogging, syndication, social media sharing, online communities and engagement among other topics.

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SaaS Adoption Zen - muHive
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SaaS Adoption Zen - muHive

In this deck we showcase some tips and tricks on how we increased adoption on our SaaS application muHive. We share everything from how we built instant gratification to how we leveraged email as a channel to bring users back to our application. Feel free to share this deck with anyone you think will benefit from it.




thank you



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Website optimization for SaaS conversions - muHive

  • 1. Streamline your SAAS website for conversions How small design changes helped us Improve conversions
  • 2. Distilling SaaS selling to its basics • Conversion, conversion, conversion • Increase time spent on the website (more time spent = more opportunity for conversion) • Iterate the website design and content • Validate your iteration with analytics
  • 3. First some numbers Avg visit duration 65% Social customer acquisition 666% Referral traffic 503% Bounce rate Search Traffic 16% in 1 month 666% 1 signup in March to ≈ 2 signups a day in September zero CPC spend
  • 4. And how big is our website? 5 Pages Without the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Contact us pages (which don’t matter)
  • 5. Let’s see what we did to get here
  • 6. Our 5 rules for SAAS websites optimization
  • 7. If you are not converting visitors to customers, then your website isn’t working Conversion
  • 8. On an average a customer spends 15 seconds on your website 15 seconds
  • 9. Aim to communicate your value proposition in 10 seconds Value proposition
  • 10. Longer your customer stays greater the probability of conversion > visit duration
  • 11. I am not making this up! The Weibull Hazard Function “Researchers discovered that 99% of Web pages have a negative aging effect. Users spend their initial time on a page in ruthless triage to abandon the dross ASAP. The probability of leaving is very high during these first few seconds because users are extremely skeptical, having suffered countless poorly designed Web pages in the past” [1]
  • 12. More the number of clicks to get somewhere, lesser the number of people getting there Reduce clicks
  • 13. - Prototype stage - We were selling a concept - Looking for seed funding - Released in Q2 of 2011 VERSION 1
  • 14. Things to note • Design was not original • Built by developers • Old logo for muHive I wouldn’t buy me if I was buying
  • 15. Product features page • Probably the only thing that matters to a SaaS product website. • Looked like it was built in the 90s • Had lengthy paragraphs of text Clearly, it sucked!
  • 16. Retrospective (beginners mistake) 1. Developers shouldn’t pretend to be designers 2. Positioning was weak Basically, we didn’t follow the 5 rules
  • 17. BUT, our prototype could talk the talk … Result: We got our seed funding!
  • 18. - Immediate focus: create a brand identity - Seed investor brought design skills - Released towards end of Q3 of 2012 VERSION 2
  • 20. Home page • Landing page for BETA customers • New brand message focusing on what the product is all about Notice the login/sign up link on top? It didn’t exactly do what is says …… It would take you to a request for account form and then make you wait for us to create the account on your behalf. (a.k.a. Wizard of Oz prototyping)
  • 21. Products page • Listed features instead of showing them (product was incomplete at this point) • Needed 9 clicks (remember Rule 5?) Needed to be redesigned
  • 22. A new iteration of the Products page • Inherited the single biggest problem of its predecessor: feature list, no demo/video.
  • 23. Pricing page • Outlined our pricing plans in multiple currencies, with $ as the default (hold this thought)
  • 24. The dollar default … good or bad? Problem: a company registered in India is required by the law to show pricing in INR Dilemma: as a SaaS business, we need to appeal globally. Solution! Pricing in INR Get IP address of the prospect Pricing in Pounds IP to Geo database Pricing in US Dollars
  • 25. Contact Us page Was the point of entry to the application This was a big mistake Why? • Not the way SaaS applications do sign ups • People needed to click on the pricing page to get here. 3 clicks minimum • Account provisioning would take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours
  • 26. Retrospective (good enough for Beta) 1. Most received BETA feedback: I don’t understand what the product does … 2. Customers were hunting down the about us page and the company genesis page. 3. Analytics showed that people hovered around unimportant parts of the pricing page 4. Where do I sign up? (actual question by a prospect)
  • 27. - Focus: Public launch of muHive - Fixed usability issues from BETA - Released towards end of Q1 of 2013 VERSION 3
  • 28. What changed Home page • • A more tangible value proposition Added a “Free trial button” We used the “5 rules” approach.
  • 29. Wanted to appeal to multiple audiences … so we used carousels on the home page … those turned out to be a big mistake. Why? • Lost in transition! Too many messages dilute the product positioning • Few customers will sit through a slow changing carousel • Customers don’t like carousels. Read more at
  • 30. Pricing page • A little less colorful • Sign-up buttons everywhere! However, we saw sign-ups only for the Free Trial plan. Why? What had we overlooked?
  • 31. The flaw? Inconsistent language. • Two words, TRY and Sign up were used for the same behavior: a free sign up! • TRY gave customers the impression that Sign up meant pay and use. • Actual feedback from user: she chose the “Free trial” option because she didn’t want to give out her credit card details.
  • 32. Retrospective (still not working as we expected it) 1. Needed sign ups on all plans 2. People are extremely edgy about giving out their credit card details (especially in India) 3. Needed to reduce bounce rate of the homepage 4. USP of our product wasn’t visible 5. Why can’t I see a video demo? (actual question by a prospect)
  • 33. - Focus: Delivering the USP - Value proposition in a one line message - Released around early Q3 of 2013 VERSION 4
  • 34. What we needed to work on • Little idea of what a user did within a page (lack • • of in-page analytics) Videos, videos, videos Users want to know value. Product page spoke only features. Realized our website was screwed when a blogger covered us (true story)
  • 35. Advanced analytics Three must use features of Google Analytics: Events, Experiments, Goals • Events: to track how users use website elements. For e.g.: we add the code onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', ‘Scroll Depth', ’100%']);" tells us, how many people scrolled to the bottom of a page.
  • 36. Advanced analytics • • Experiments: to A/B test different UI elements (alternate homepage test) Goals: use then to track navigational flows. We use it to see who signs up, spends time on the website, jumps to our blog etc.
  • 37. Importance of videos • Most effective for getting • • • customer attention Video <= 3 mins (attention decreases with length of video) Cheerful background music please! Narration by a woman holds attention longer than by a man See our videos at
  • 38. muHive concept video • Shot in a single day with a • Over 20% of New users click on the video on the home page. • • shoestring budget Highlight our value proposition in a simple manner Voiceover was done by a professional from Two voiceover versions: American accent and Indian accent
  • 39. What changed on the home page? • No carousels • Single line product message • Concept video • Large call to action for free trial • Complete performance overhaul Click here to know more
  • 40. Showcasing muHive automation A sample automation designer sits on top of the product page!
  • 41. Bounce rate of the homepage reduced but people weren’t spending time on the product page we needed to explain our product using videos or screenshots.
  • 42. Version 4.1 – Products page • No more descriptive text • Product screenshots for each feature with one line explaining its use #WIN: More than 25% of visitors scroll till the bottom of the products page which is 6300 pixels long!
  • 43. V4 of the pricing page • • • • Single call to action: Start Trial. Even lesser colors than before Renamed ‘Free trial’ to ‘Personal’ Emphasized that you don’t need a credit card for a trial. #WIN: All plans get sign-ups!
  • 44. Automation series • • • A series of videos + blogs around the automation feature Showcasing different uses right on the home page #WIN: a customer from Italy independently created an automation by learning from the videos
  • 45. The same question again Who are your customers?
  • 46. Showcasing customers • • We added a “Customers” section on the homepage and also added an arrow to view more. #WIN: In 4 days since we put the section, 67 people clicked on the arrow to see more customers. Our most surprising discovery yet! So, let’s add another rule ..…
  • 47. Customers like to see other customers who have bought/used your product/service Showcase people
  • 48. This is our homepage now!
  • 49. Retrospective 1. Remember the 6 rules for SaaS websites 2. Use images and videos in place of text 3. De-clutter your pages and have a clear call to action 4. If you are a product company, showcase your product and your USP on the website. 5. Use analytics to drive your decisions 6. Convert! Convert! Convert!
  • 50. Keep watching this space! Problem : Customers want to know if the product caters to his/her industry and job role. How do we position our product for different audiences? We solved this problem by using targeted landing pages for different industry verticals. More on that in another presentation
  • 51. Share this deck with friends If you think you learnt something from this deck, Click on the “Share” icon below to share this with your friends and colleagues.
  • 52. Team Sagar Vibhute Ritesh M Nayak Co-founder at muHive Co-founder at muHive Technology interests: Technology interests: databases, information architecture and evolving role of social tech Twitter: @biggfoot social software, information retrieval, distributed systems and ICT4D Twitter: @itsmeritesh
  • 54. References 1. 2. 3. Screenshots from website: 4. Wayback archive images 5. Google Analytics image: 6. Events API: uide